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object:1.17 - The Divine Birth and Divine Works
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The Divine Birth and Divine Works


HE WORK for which the Avatar descends has like his birth a double sense and a double form. It has an outward side of the divine force acting upon the external world in order to maintain there and to reshape the divine law by which the Godward effort of humanity is kept from decisive retrogression and instead decisively carried forward in spite of the rule of action and reaction, the rhythm of advance and relapse by which Nature proceeds. It has an inward side of the divine force of the Godward consciousness acting upon the soul of the individual and the soul of the race, so that it may receive new forms of revelation of the Divine in man and may be sustained, renewed and enriched in its power of upward self-unfolding. The
Avatar does not descend merely for a great outward action, as the pragmatic sense in humanity is too often tempted to suppose.

Action and event have no value in themselves, but only take their value from the force which they represent and the idea which they symbolise and which the force is there to serve.

The crisis in which the Avatar appears, though apparent to the outward eye only as a crisis of events and great material changes, is always in its source and real meaning a crisis in the consciousness of humanity when it has to undergo some grand modification and effect some new development. For this action of change a divine force is needed; but the force varies always according to the power of consciousness which it embodies; hence the necessity of a divine consciousness manifesting in the mind and soul of humanity. Where, indeed, the change is mainly intellectual and practical, the intervention of the Avatar is not needed; there is a great uplifting of consciousness, a great manifestation of power in which men are for the time being exalted above their normal selves, and this surge of consciousness and power finds its wave-crests in certain exceptional individuals,

The Divine Birth and Divine Works

vibhutis, whose action leading the general action is sufficient for the change intended. The Reformation in Europe and the
French Revolution were crises of this character; they were not great spiritual events, but intellectual and practical changes, one in religious, the other in social and political ideas, forms and motives, and the modification of the general consciousness brought about was a mental and dynamic, but not a spiritual modification. But when the crisis has a spiritual seed or intention, then a complete or a partial manifestation of the God-consciousness in a human mind and soul comes as its originator or leader. That is the Avatar.

The outward action of the Avatar is described in the Gita as the restoration of the Dharma; when from age to age the
Dharma fades, languishes, loses force and its opposite arises, strong and oppressive, then the Avatar comes and raises it again to power; and as these things in idea are always represented by things in action and by human beings who obey their impulsion, his mission is, in its most human and outward terms, to relieve the seekers of the Dharma who are oppressed by the reign of the reactionary darkness and to destroy the wrong-doers who seek to maintain the denial of the Dharma. But the language used can easily be given a poor and insufficient connotation which would deprive Avatarhood of all its spiritual depth of meaning.

Dharma is a word which has an ethical and practical, a natural and philosophical and a religious and spiritual significance, and it may be used in any of these senses exclusive of the others, in a purely ethical, a purely philosophical or a purely religious sense. Ethically it means the law of righteousness, the moral rule of conduct, or in a still more outward and practical significance social and political justice, or even simply the observation of the social law. If used in this sense we shall have to understand that when unrighteousness, injustice and oppression prevail, the
Avatar descends to deliver the good and destroy the wicked, to break down injustice and oppression and restore the ethical balance of mankind.

Thus the popular and mythical account of the Krishna avatar is that the unrighteousness of the Kurus as incarnated


Essays on the Gita
in Duryodhana and his brothers became so great a burden to the earth that she had to call upon God to descend and lighten her load; accordingly Vishnu incarnated as Krishna, delivered the oppressed Pandavas and destroyed the unjust Kauravas. A similar account is given of the descent of the previous Vishnu avatars, of Rama to destroy the unrighteous oppression of Ravana, of Parashurama to destroy the unrighteous license of the military and princely caste, the Kshatriyas, of the dwarf Vamana to destroy the rule of the Titan Bali. But obviously the purely practical, ethical or social and political mission of the Avatar which is thus thrown into popular and mythical form, does not give a right account of the phenomenon of Avatarhood. It does not cover its spiritual sense, and if this outward utility were all, we should have to exclude Buddha and Christ whose mission was not at all to destroy evil-doers and deliver the good, but to bring to all men a new spiritual message and a new law of divine growth and spiritual realisation. On the other hand, if we give to the word dharma only its religious sense, in which it means a law of religious and spiritual life, we shall indeed get to the kernel of the matter, but we shall be in danger of excluding a most important part of the work done by the Avatar. Always we see in the history of the divine incarnations the double work, and inevitably, because the Avatar takes up the workings of God in human life, the way of the divine Will and Wisdom in the world, and that always fulfils itself externally as well as internally, by inner progress in the soul and by an outer change in the life.

The Avatar may descend as a great spiritual teacher and saviour, the Christ, the Buddha, but always his work leads, after he has finished his earthly manifestation, to a profound and powerful change not only in the ethical, but in the social and outward life and ideals of the race. He may, on the other hand, descend as an incarnation of the divine life, the divine personality and power in its characteristic action, for a mission ostensibly social, ethical and political, as is represented in the story of Rama or Krishna; but always then this descent becomes in the soul of the race a permanent power for the inner living and the spiritual rebirth. It is indeed curious to note that the

The Divine Birth and Divine Works

permanent, vital, universal effect of Buddhism and Christianity has been the force of their ethical, social and practical ideals and their influence even on the men and the ages which have rejected their religious and spiritual beliefs, forms and disciplines; later
Hinduism which rejected Buddha, his sangha and his dharma, bears the ineffaceable imprint of the social and ethical influence of Buddhism and its effect on the ideas and the life of the race, while in modern Europe, Christian only in name, humanitarianism is the translation into the ethical and social sphere and the aspiration to liberty, equality and fraternity the translation into the social and political sphere of the spiritual truths of
Christianity, the latter especially being effected by men who aggressively rejected the Christian religion and spiritual discipline and by an age which in its intellectual effort of emancipation tried to get rid of Christianity as a creed. On the other hand the life of Rama and Krishna belongs to the prehistoric past which has come down only in poetry and legend and may even be regarded as myths; but it is quite immaterial whether we regard them as myths or historical facts, because their permanent truth and value lie in their persistence as a spiritual form, presence, influence in the inner consciousness of the race and the life of the human soul. Avatarhood is a fact of divine life and consciousness which may realise itself in an outward action, but must persist, when that action is over and has done its work, in a spiritual influence; or may realise itself in a spiritual influence and teaching, but must then have its permanent effect, even when the new religion or discipline is exhausted, in the thought, temperament and outward life of mankind.

We must then, in order to understand the Gita's description of the work of the Avatar, take the idea of the Dharma in its fullest, deepest and largest conception, as the inner and the outer law by which the divine Will and Wisdom work out the spiritual evolution of mankind and its circumstances and results in the life of the race. Dharma in the Indian conception is not merely the good, the right, morality and justice, ethics; it is the whole government of all the relations of man with other beings, with
Nature, with God, considered from the point of view of a divine


Essays on the Gita
principle working itself out in forms and laws of action, forms of the inner and the outer life, orderings of relations of every kind in the world. Dharma1 is both that which we hold to and that which holds together our inner and outer activities. In its primary sense it means a fundamental law of our nature which secretly conditions all our activities, and in this sense each being, type, species, individual, group has its own dharma. Secondly, there is the divine nature which has to develop and manifest in us, and in this sense dharma is the law of the inner workings by which that grows in our being. Thirdly, there is the law by which we govern our outgoing thought and action and our relations with each other so as to help best both our own growth and that of the human race towards the divine ideal.

Dharma is generally spoken of as something eternal and unchanging, and so it is in the fundamental principle, in the ideal, but in its forms it is continually changing and evolving, because man does not already possess the ideal or live in it, but aspires more or less perfectly towards it, is growing towards its knowledge and practice. And in this growth dharma is all that helps us to grow into the divine purity, largeness, light, freedom, power, strength, joy, love, good, unity, beauty, and against it stands its shadow and denial, all that resists its growth and has not undergone its law, all that has not yielded up and does not will to yield up its secret of divine values, but presents a front of perversion and contradiction, of impurity, narrowness, bondage, darkness, weakness, vileness, discord and suffering and division, and the hideous and the crude, all that man has to leave behind in his progress. This is the adharma, notdharma, which strives with and seeks to overcome the dharma, to draw backward and downward, the reactionary force which makes for evil, ignorance and darkness. Between the two there is perpetual battle and struggle, oscillation of victory and defeat in which sometimes the upward and sometimes the downward forces prevail. This has been typified in the Vedic image of the struggle between the divine and the Titanic powers, the sons

The word means "holding" from the root dhr., to hold.

The Divine Birth and Divine Works

of the Light and the undivided Infinity and the children of the
Darkness and Division, in Zoroastrianism by Ahuramazda and
Ahriman, and in later religions in the contest between God and his angels and Satan or Iblis and his demons for the possession of human life and the human soul.

It is these things that condition and determine the work of the Avatar. In the Buddhistic formula the disciple takes refuge from all that opposes his liberation in three powers, the dharma, the sangha, the Buddha. So in Christianity we have the law of Christian living, the Church and the Christ.

These three are always the necessary elements of the work of the Avatar. He gives a dharma, a law of self-discipline by which to grow out of the lower into the higher life and which necessarily includes a rule of action and of relations with our fellowmen and other beings, endeavour in the eightfold path or the law of faith, love and purity or any other such revelation of the nature of the divine in life. Then because every tendency in man has its collective as well as its individual aspect, because those who follow one way are naturally drawn together into spiritual companionship and unity, he establishes the sangha, the fellowship and union of those whom his personality and his teaching unite. In Vaishnavism there is the same trio, bhagavata, bhakta, bhagavan, - the bhagavata, which is the law of the Vaishnava dispensation of adoration and love, the bhakta representing the fellowship of those in whom that law is manifest, bhagavan, the divine Lover and
Beloved in whose being and nature the divine law of love is founded and fulfils itself. The Avatar represents this third element, the divine personality, nature and being who is the soul of the dharma and the sangha, informs them with himself, keeps them living and draws men towards the felicity and the liberation.

In the teaching of the Gita, which is more catholic and complex than other specialised teachings and disciplines, these things assume a larger meaning. For the unity here is the allembracing Vedantic unity by which the soul sees all in itself and itself in all and makes itself one with all beings. The dharma


Essays on the Gita
is therefore the taking up of all human relations into a higher divine meaning; starting from the established ethical, social and religious rule which binds together the whole community in which the God-seeker lives, it lifts it up by informing it with the Brahmic consciousness; the law it gives is the law of oneness, of equality, of liberated, desireless, God-governed action, of
God-knowledge and self-knowledge enlightening and drawing to itself all the nature and all the action, drawing it towards divine being and divine consciousness, and of God-love as the supreme power and crown of the knowledge and the action.

The idea of companionship and mutual aid in God-love and
God-seeking which is at the basis of the idea of the sangha or divine fellowship, is brought in when the Gita speaks of the seeking of God through love and adoration, but the real sangha of this teaching is all humanity. The whole world is moving towards this dharma, each man according to his capacity, - "it is my path that men follow in every way," - and the God-seeker, making himself one with all, making their joy and sorrow and all their life his own, the liberated made already one self with all beings, lives in the life of humanity, lives for the one Self in humanity, for God in all beings, acts for lokasangraha, for the maintaining of all in their dharma and the Dharma, for the maintenance of their growth in all its stages and in all its paths towards the Divine. For the Avatar here, though he is manifest in the name and form of Krishna, lays no exclusive stress on this one form of his human birth, but on that which it represents, the Divine, the Purushottama, of whom all Avatars are the human births, of whom all forms and names of the
Godhead worshipped by men are the figures. The way declared by Krishna here is indeed announced as the way by which man can reach the real knowledge and the real liberation, but it is one that is inclusive of all paths and not exclusive. For the Divine takes up into his universality all Avatars and all teachings and all dharmas.

The Gita lays stress upon the struggle of which the world is the theatre, in its two aspects, the inner struggle and the outer battle. In the inner struggle the enemies are within, in

The Divine Birth and Divine Works

the individual, and the slaying of desire, ignorance, egoism is the victory. But there is an outer struggle between the powers of the Dharma and the Adharma in the human collectivity. The former is supported by the divine, the godlike nature in man, and by those who represent it or strive to realise it in human life, the latter by the Titanic or demoniac, the Asuric and Rakshasic nature whose head is a violent egoism, and by those who represent and strive to satisfy it. This is the war of the Gods and Titans, the symbol of which the old Indian literature is full, the struggle of the Mahabharata of which Krishna is the central figure being often represented in that image; the Pandavas who fight for the establishment of the kingdom of the
Dharma, are the sons of the Gods, their powers in human form, their adversaries are incarnations of the Titanic powers, they are
Asuras. This outer struggle too the Avatar comes to aid, directly or indirectly, to destroy the reign of the Asuras, the evil-doers, and in them depress the power they represent and to restore the oppressed ideals of the Dharma. He comes to bring nearer the kingdom of heaven on earth in the collectivity as well as to build the kingdom of heaven within in the individual human soul.

The inner fruit of the Avatar's coming is gained by those who learn from it the true nature of the divine birth and the divine works and who, growing full of him in their consciousness and taking refuge in him with their whole being, manmaya mam upasritah., purified by the realising force of their knowledge and delivered from the lower nature, attain to the divine being and divine nature, madbhavam. The Avatar comes to reveal the divine nature in man above this lower nature and to show what are the divine works, free, unegoistic, disinterested, impersonal, universal, full of the divine light, the divine power and the divine love. He comes as the divine personality which shall fill the consciousness of the human being and replace the limited egoistic personality, so that it shall be liberated out of ego into infinity and universality, out of birth into immortality. He comes as the divine power and love which calls men to itself, so that they may take refuge in that and no longer in the insufficiency


Essays on the Gita
of their human wills and the strife of their human fear, wrath and passion, and liberated from all this unquiet and suffering may live in the calm and bliss of the Divine.2 Nor does it matter essentially in what form and name or putting forward what aspect of the Divine he comes; for in all ways, varying with their nature, men are following the path set to them by the Divine which will in the end lead them to him and the aspect of him which suits their nature is that which they can best follow when he comes to lead them; in whatever way men accept, love and take joy in God, in that way God accepts, loves and takes joy in man. Ye yatha mam prapadyante tams tathaiva bhajamyaham.

2 janma karma ca me divyam evam yo vetti tattvatah,

tyaktva deham punarjanma naiti mam eti so'rjuna. vtaragabhayakrodha manmaya mam upasritah., bahavo jnanatapasa puta madbhavam agatah..

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Wikipedia - Alexandros Avranas -- Greek film director
Wikipedia - Alex Chapple -- Canadian director and writer
Wikipedia - Alex De Rakoff -- British writer, producer, and director
Wikipedia - Alexei Popogrebski -- Russian film director
Wikipedia - Alex Garland -- English novelist, screenwriter, film producer and director
Wikipedia - Alex Gibney -- American film director and producer
Wikipedia - Alex Goyette -- American director, writer, producer, and actor (born 1988)
Wikipedia - Alex Hardcastle -- British television director and producer
Wikipedia - Alex Hutchinson (video game director) -- Australian video game director and designer
Wikipedia - Alexis Gambis -- French Venezuelan film director
Wikipedia - Alexis Michalik -- Franco-British actor, scriptwriter, and director
Wikipedia - Alexis Minotis -- Greek actor and director
Wikipedia - Alex Law -- Hong Kong film director, screenwriter and producer
Wikipedia - Alex Lutz -- French actor, comedian and director
Wikipedia - Alex O'Loughlin -- Australian actor, writer, director, and producer
Wikipedia - Alex Proyas -- Australian film director
Wikipedia - Alex Ross Perry -- American film director, screenwriter and actor
Wikipedia - Alex Weil -- American music video director
Wikipedia - Alex Zamm -- American film director
Wikipedia - Aleya Sen -- Indian director
Wikipedia - Alf Brustellin -- Austrian film director
Wikipedia - Alfonso Corona Blake -- Mexican film director
Wikipedia - Alfonso Cuaron -- Mexican film director, screenwriter, producer and film editor
Wikipedia - Alfonso Ungria -- Spanish film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Alfred Clark (director) -- pioneer of cinema and gramophone, business executive and collector of ceramics
Wikipedia - Alfred Deesy -- Hungarian film director
Wikipedia - Alfred Duskes -- German film producer and director
Wikipedia - Alfred E. Green -- American film director
Wikipedia - Alfred Herman -- Art director
Wikipedia - Alfred J. Goulding -- American film director
Wikipedia - Alfred Kirchner -- German actor, theatre director and theatre manager
Wikipedia - Alfredo Arciero -- Italian film director
Wikipedia - Alfredo B. Crevenna -- Mexican film director
Wikipedia - Alfredo De Villa -- Mexican director
Wikipedia - Alfred Radok -- Czech film director
Wikipedia - Alfred Sole -- American film director
Wikipedia - Alfred Vohrer -- German film director
Wikipedia - Alfred Weidenmann -- German film director
Wikipedia - Alf Sjoberg -- Swedish film director
Wikipedia - Ali Abbasi (director) -- Iranian-Danish filmmaker
Wikipedia - Ali Abbas Zafar -- Indian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Ali Akbar (director) -- Film director
Wikipedia - Ali Badrakhan -- Egyptian film director
Wikipedia - Ali Badshah -- Canadian actor, writer, producer, director, and comedian
Wikipedia - Alice Bell -- Australian screenwriter and director
Wikipedia - Alice Guy-Blache -- French film director
Wikipedia - Alice Rohrwacher -- Italian film director
Wikipedia - Alice Wu -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Ali ErbaM-EM-^_ -- President of Directorate of Religious Affairs in Turkey
Wikipedia - Ali Hamroyev -- Uzbek film director, screenwriter, and documentarian
Wikipedia - Ali Hatami -- Iranian film director
Wikipedia - Ali Kazimi -- Indian-born Canadian film director
Wikipedia - Ali Nuhu -- Nigerian actor and director (born 1974)
Wikipedia - Aliocha -- French film director
Wikipedia - Alireza Ghasemi -- Iranian screenwriter and director
Wikipedia - Alison de Vere -- British animator, director
Wikipedia - Alison Eastwood -- American actress, director, producer, model, and fashion designer
Wikipedia - Alison Maclean -- Canadian film director
Wikipedia - Alison Macrina -- Librarian and Director of the Library Freedom Project.
Wikipedia - Alison Quigan -- New Zealand actor, director and playwright
Wikipedia - Ali Sufiyan Afaqi -- Pakistani film producer-director, writer
Wikipedia - Alix Delaporte -- French film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Aljona Surzhikova -- Estonian documentary director
Wikipedia - Allan Arkush -- American film and television director
Wikipedia - Allan Dwan -- American film director, film producer, screenwriter
Wikipedia - Allan E. Maher -- Canadian politician and funeral director
Wikipedia - Allan Kroeker -- Canadian film and television director
Wikipedia - Allan Ungar -- Canadian film director, producer, and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Alliance of Women Film Journalists Award for Best Director -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - Allison Anders -- American independent film director
Wikipedia - Allison Burnett -- Screenwriter, director, producer, novelist
Wikipedia - Allison Jones (casting director) -- American casting director
Wikipedia - Allison Otto -- American documentary director
Wikipedia - Alok Chatterjee -- Indian theatre actor and director
Wikipedia - Alok Nembang -- Nepalese film director
Wikipedia - Alok Shrivastava -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Alper Mestci -- Turkish author and film director
Wikipedia - Alphonse Beni -- Cameroonian actor and movie director
Wikipedia - Al Reinert -- American film director (1947-2018)
Wikipedia - Al Roelofs -- Art director
Wikipedia - Al Tantay -- Filipino director
Wikipedia - Althea Warren -- Director of the Los Angeles Public Library, president of the American Library Association
Wikipedia - A. L. Vijay -- Tamil film director
Wikipedia - Alvina Krause -- American theatre director
Wikipedia - Alwin NeuM-CM-^_ -- German actor and film director
Wikipedia - Amal Bedjaoui -- Algerian director, producer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Amanda Brotchie -- Australian director
Wikipedia - Amanda Kernell -- Swedish-Sami film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Amar Mullick -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Amar Oli -- Nepalese film director
Wikipedia - Amber Benson -- American actress, writer, director
Wikipedia - Amberdeep Singh -- Indian actor and director
Wikipedia - Ambiguous name resolution -- Feature of Active Directory
Wikipedia - Ambili (director) -- Indian artist and director
Wikipedia - AM-CM-/cha Thiam -- Senegalese film director
Wikipedia - Amelle Chahbi -- French comedian, writer and director
Wikipedia - Amer Alwan -- Iraqi French film director
Wikipedia - Amikeca Reto -- Directory of Esperanto-speakers
Wikipedia - Amir Amirani -- Iranian-born film director and producer
Wikipedia - Amir Kassaei -- Austrian art director
Wikipedia - Amit Goyal -- American physicist and Director of the multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary RENEW
Wikipedia - Amit Sharma (director) -- Indian director and producer
Wikipedia - Amit Trivedi -- Indian film score composer, music director, singer and lyricist
Wikipedia - Amjad Ibrahim -- Maldivian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Amleto Palermi -- Italian film director
Wikipedia - Amma Asante -- British actor and film director
Wikipedia - Amole Gupte -- Indian screenwriter, actor, and director
Wikipedia - Amos Gitai -- Israeli film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - A. M. R. Ramesh -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Amy Burkhard Evans -- American actress and musical director
Wikipedia - Amy Heckerling -- American film director
Wikipedia - Amy Leach (theatre director) -- British theatre director
Wikipedia - Amy Poehler -- American actress, comedian, writer, producer, and director
Wikipedia - Amy Sadao -- Art institution director, writer, juror, and lecturer.
Wikipedia - Amy Schatz -- American director and producer
Wikipedia - Amy Sherman-Palladino -- American television writer, director, and producer
Wikipedia - Amy York Rubin -- American writer and director
Wikipedia - Ana Carolina (director) -- Brazilian film director
Wikipedia - Ana Diez -- Spanish director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Anahi Berneri -- Argentinian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Ana Maria Garcia -- American film director
Wikipedia - Ana Mariscal -- Spanish actress, director, screenwriter, and producer (1923-1995)
Wikipedia - Anand Gandhi -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Anand Patwardhan -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Anand Tiwari -- Indian film actor, stage actor and director
Wikipedia - Ana Rezende -- Brazilian film director
Wikipedia - Anatol Codru -- Moldovan writer and film director
Wikipedia - Anatole Litvak -- Soviet film director
Wikipedia - Anatoly Petrov (animator) -- russian animator and director (1937-2010)
Wikipedia - Anders Banke -- Swedish director
Wikipedia - Andras Kovacs (film director) -- Hungarian film director
Wikipedia - Andrea Arnold -- English film director and actor
Wikipedia - Andrea Crisanti -- Italian production designer and art director (1936-2012)
Wikipedia - Andrea Di Stefano -- Italian actor and film director
Wikipedia - Andrea James -- American writer, film producer, director, and activist
Wikipedia - Andrea Nix Fine -- American documentary film director
Wikipedia - Andreas Dresen -- German film director
Wikipedia - Andrea SedlaM-DM-^Mkova -- Czech film director
Wikipedia - Andreas Nilsson (film director) -- Swedish film director
Wikipedia - Andreas Samland -- German film director
Wikipedia - Andre Bucker -- German theatre director
Wikipedia - Andre Calmettes -- French actor and film director
Wikipedia - Andre Cauvin -- Belgian film director
Wikipedia - Andre Delvaux -- Belgian film director
Wikipedia - Andre Erkau -- German film director
Wikipedia - Andre Ernotte -- Belgian film director
Wikipedia - Andre Gordon -- American actor, producer, writer, director
Wikipedia - Andre Heuze -- French screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Andrei Konchalovsky -- Russian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Andrei Ujica -- Romanian film director
Wikipedia - Andre Marques (filmmaker) -- Portuguese film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Andre M-CM-^Xvredal -- Norwegian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Andre Michel -- French film director
Wikipedia - Andre R. Guttfreund -- Salvadoran film director
Wikipedia - Andres Veiel -- German film director
Wikipedia - Andre van Duren -- Dutch film director
Wikipedia - Andrew Adams (filmmaker) -- American screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Andrew Bergman -- American film director and screenwriter (born 1945)
Wikipedia - Andrew Bowser -- American film director
Wikipedia - Andrew Bujalski -- American film director
Wikipedia - Andrew Cividino -- Canadian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Andrew C. Love -- NBC Radio executive, director, producer, in Hollywood, from the 1930s through the 1970s.
Wikipedia - Andrew Currie (director) -- Canadian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Andrew Dominik -- Australian film director
Wikipedia - Andrew Fleming -- Film director, screenwriter
Wikipedia - Andrew Hubatsek -- American theatre director
Wikipedia - Andrew Hull -- Canadian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Andrew Keenan-Bolger -- American actor, writer and director
Wikipedia - Andrew Lawrence (actor) -- American actor, singer, director and producer
Wikipedia - Andrew Marton -- Hungarian-American film director
Wikipedia - Andrew Mazzei -- British art director (1887-1975)
Wikipedia - Andrew Miller (actor) -- Canadian actor, writer, and director
Wikipedia - Andrew Niccol -- New Zealand screenwriter, producer and film director
Wikipedia - Andrew Pearson (director) -- British filmmaker, actor and producer born 1971
Wikipedia - Andrew P. Poppas -- Joint Staff director of operations
Wikipedia - Andrew Ritchie (art historian) -- Museum director and Monuments Man
Wikipedia - Andrew Stevens -- American actor, film producer and director
Wikipedia - Andrew Thorndike -- German film director
Wikipedia - Andrew Upton -- Australian playwright, screenwriter, and director
Wikipedia - Andrew Wagner -- American film director
Wikipedia - Andrew Wilson (actor) -- American film actor and director
Wikipedia - Andrey Goncharov -- Soviet theatre director
Wikipedia - Andro Enukidze -- Georgian theater director
Wikipedia - Andrucha Waddington -- Brazilian film director
Wikipedia - Andrzej Baranski -- Polish film director
Wikipedia - Andrzej Kotkowski -- Polish film director
Wikipedia - Andrzej Krasicki -- Polish film/theatre actor and theatre director
Wikipedia - Andrzej M-EM-;ulawski -- Polish film director
Wikipedia - Andrzej Seweryn -- Polish actor and director
Wikipedia - Andrzej Wajda -- Polish film director
Wikipedia - Andy Ackerman -- American television director
Wikipedia - Andy Chukwu -- Nigerian movie director
Wikipedia - Andy De Emmony -- British television and film director
Wikipedia - Andy Garcia -- American actor and director
Wikipedia - Andy Knight -- Canadian film director
Wikipedia - Andy Morahan -- British film director
Wikipedia - Andy Muschietti -- Argentine film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Andy Sandberg -- American comedian, director, and actor
Wikipedia - Andy Serkis -- English actor and film director
Wikipedia - Andy Tennant -- Director, screenwriter, dancer
Wikipedia - Anees Bazmee -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Angela Alvarado -- American actress and director
Wikipedia - Angela Dwamena-Aboagye -- Ghanaian lawyer, gender activist, and an Executive Director of The Ark Foundation Ghana.
Wikipedia - Angela Robinson (filmmaker) -- American director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Angela White -- Australian pornographic film actress and director
Wikipedia - Angel Gracia -- American film director and producer
Wikipedia - Angeliki Antoniou -- Greek film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Angeline Murimirwa -- Zimbabwean feminist and executive director
Wikipedia - Angelo Cannavacciuolo -- Italian writer and director
Wikipedia - Angelo Neumann -- German author, opera singer and director
Wikipedia - Angelo P. Graham -- Art director
Wikipedia - Angie Chen (director) -- Chinese director based in Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Angie's List -- American home services directory website
Wikipedia - Ang Lee -- Taiwanese director, screenwriter and film producer
Wikipedia - Anik Dutta -- Bengali film director
Wikipedia - Anil Devgan -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Anil Ravipudi -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Aniruddha Roy Chowdhury -- Bengali and Hindi film director
Wikipedia - Anita Notaro -- TV producer, director, journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Anita Udeep -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Anja Breien -- Norwegian film director
Wikipedia - Anjali Menon -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Anjali Monteiro -- Indian Documentory film director
Wikipedia - Anna Asp -- Production designer and art director
Wikipedia - Anna Barsukova (filmmaker) -- Russian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Annabel Chong -- American pornographic actress and director
Wikipedia - Anna Biller -- Film director
Wikipedia - Anna Ginsburg -- British film director
Wikipedia - Anna Gutto -- Norwegian director and writer
Wikipedia - Anna Kochanowska -- Polish radio journalist, literary director and politician
Wikipedia - Anna Maria TatM-CM-2 -- Italian film director
Wikipedia - Anna Wintour -- Current editor of American Vogue magazine, Conde Nast artistic director
Wikipedia - Anne Aaron -- Filipino engineer and the director of video algorithms at Netflix
Wikipedia - Anne Bancroft -- American actress, director, writer, and singer
Wikipedia - Anne Bogart -- American theatre and opera director
Wikipedia - Anne Goursaud -- American film editor and director
Wikipedia - Anne Gullestad -- Norwegian actress and theatre director
Wikipedia - Anne Levy-Morelle -- Belgian film director and writer
Wikipedia - Annelise Hovmand -- Danish film director
Wikipedia - Annelise Reenberg -- Danish film director
Wikipedia - Anne Sundberg -- American film director, screenwriter and producer
Wikipedia - Anne Zohra Berrached -- German film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Annie Griffin -- American writer and director
Wikipedia - Ann McMullan -- director of the Electrical Association for Women
Wikipedia - Ann Turner (director) -- Australian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Ann Tutwiler -- Former Director-General of Bioversity International
Wikipedia - Ann Z. Caracristi -- Cryptanalyst, former Deputy Director of the National Security Agency
Wikipedia - Anselmo Duarte -- Brazilian actor, film director, and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Anshai Lal -- Indian Hindi-language film director
Wikipedia - Antar Laniyan -- Nigerian film actor, producer, and director
Wikipedia - Ante Babaja -- Croatian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Anthea M. Hartig -- American museum director
Wikipedia - Anthony Asquith -- English film director
Wikipedia - Anthony Bowling -- American voice actor and director
Wikipedia - Anthony Chen -- Singaporean film director
Wikipedia - Anthony Drazan -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Anthony Edwards (actor) -- American actor and director
Wikipedia - Anthony Fauci -- American immunologist and NIAID director
Wikipedia - Anthony Ingrassia -- American director, producer, and playwright
Wikipedia - Anthony Mandler -- American director
Wikipedia - Anthony Mann -- American film director
Wikipedia - Anthony Michael Hall -- American actor, producer and director
Wikipedia - Anthony Minghella -- British film director, playwright and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Anthony Quinn -- Mexican-American actor, painter, writer and film director (1915-2001)
Wikipedia - Anthony Robbins (NIOSH director) -- Occupational health and safety expert
Wikipedia - Anti-Corruption General Directorate -- Romanian law enforcement agency
Wikipedia - Antoinette Beumer -- Dutch film director
Wikipedia - Anton Corbijn -- Dutch film director, video director and photographer
Wikipedia - Anton Grot -- Polish art director
Wikipedia - Antonia Bird -- Film director
Wikipedia - Antonia San Juan -- Spanish actress, director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Antoni Cimolino -- Canadian actor and director
Wikipedia - Antonin Artaud -- French dramatist, actor and theatre director
Wikipedia - Antonin MaM-EM-!a -- Czechoslovak film director
Wikipedia - Antonio Adamo -- Italian pornographic film director
Wikipedia - Antonio Andrisani -- Italian filmmaker and director
Wikipedia - Antonio Bido -- Italian film director
Wikipedia - Antonio Campos (director) -- American film producer, screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Antonio Capuano (director) -- Italian film director
Wikipedia - Antonio de Obregon -- Spanish writer and film director
Wikipedia - Antonio Eceiza -- Spanish film director
Wikipedia - Antonio Serrano (director) -- Mexican film director, actor, playwright and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Antoni Ribas -- Spanish film director
Wikipedia - Anton Peters -- Belgian actor and director
Wikipedia - Antony Jay -- English writer, broadcaster, and director
Wikipedia - Antun Vrdoljak -- Croatian actor and film director
Wikipedia - Antwone Fisher -- American director, screenwriter, author and film producer
Wikipedia - Anubhav Sinha -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Anucharan Murugaiyan -- Indian director, writer and editor
Wikipedia - Anu Malik -- Indian music director and singer
Wikipedia - Anu Menon -- Indian director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Anupama Raag -- Bollywood music director and singer
Wikipedia - Anupam Dutta -- Indian music director and composer
Wikipedia - Anupam Sharma -- Film director, producer and actor
Wikipedia - Anup Singh (filmmaker) -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Anuradha Kapur -- Indian theatre director and professor of drama
Wikipedia - Aoife McArdle -- Irish film director
Wikipedia - Apache Directory
Wikipedia - Appleseed Ex Machina -- 2007 Japanese animated CG film and is the sequel to the 2004 Appleseed film, similarly directed by Shinji Aramaki, and was produced by Hong Kong director and producer John Woo
Wikipedia - Application directory
Wikipedia - Apurba Kishore Bir -- Indian film cinematographer, director
Wikipedia - Aravindan Puraskaram -- Film award for best debutant director in India
Wikipedia - Aravind Enrique Adyanthaya -- Puerto Rican theater director and playwright
Wikipedia - Arbaaz Khan -- Indian actor, film producer and director
Wikipedia - Archer MacMackin -- American film director
Wikipedia - Archibald Cary Coolidge -- American historian and library director
Wikipedia - Archie Gamboa -- Director General of the Philippine National Police
Wikipedia - Archie Mayo -- American actor and film director
Wikipedia - Ariana Jollee -- American pornographic actress and director (born 1982)
Wikipedia - Ariane Mnouchkine -- French stage director
Wikipedia - Ariane Riecker -- German writer and film director
Wikipedia - Ariel Vromen -- Israeli director
Wikipedia - Arindom Chatterjee -- Indian music director
Wikipedia - Ario Pardee -- American engineer, coal baron and railway director
Wikipedia - Arjunn Dutta -- Indian director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Arjun Sarja -- Indian actor, producer and director
Wikipedia - Arliss Howard -- American actor, writer and film director
Wikipedia - Arman (actor) -- Iranian actor and film director
Wikipedia - Armand Denis -- Belgian film director
Wikipedia - Armand Guerra -- Spanish director and anarchist
Wikipedia - Armando Bo -- Argentine actor, director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Armando Crispino -- Italian film director
Wikipedia - Armen Elbakyan -- Armenian actor, director and producer
Wikipedia - Armen V. Kevorkian -- Visual effects supervisor and TV director
Wikipedia - AR Murugadoss -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Arnaldo Catinari -- Italian cinematographer and film director
Wikipedia - Arnaud Desjardins -- French film director
Wikipedia - Arnaud des Pallieres -- French film director
Wikipedia - Arnaud Desplechin -- French film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Arne Birkenstock -- German film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Arne Toonen -- Dutch film director
Wikipedia - Arne Weel -- Danish actor and film director
Wikipedia - Arnljot Berg -- Norwegian film director
Wikipedia - Arnold Antonin -- Haitian film director
Wikipedia - A. Roland Fields -- Art director
Wikipedia - Aron Gaudet -- American film director
Wikipedia - Arsen Anton Ostojic -- Croatian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Art Directors Guild Hall of Fame -- List for Art Directors Guild Hall of Fame
Wikipedia - Art Directors Guild Lifetime Achievement Award -- ADG Lifetime Achievement Awardees
Wikipedia - Art Directors Guild -- Labor Union
Wikipedia - Art director -- Responsible for leading teams in the artistic design and production of various kinds of visual art works
Wikipedia - Artegg-yumi -- Japanese singer-songwriter, film director and producer
Wikipedia - Artemis Joukowsky III -- Film director and disabilities activist
Wikipedia - Art Hindle -- Canadian actor and director
Wikipedia - Arthur Berthelet -- Film director
Wikipedia - Arthur B. Woods -- English film director
Wikipedia - Arthur Cheetham -- British film director
Wikipedia - Arthur Deetz -- German stage actor and theatre director
Wikipedia - Arthur Everett Austin Jr. -- American museum director
Wikipedia - Arthur Greville Collins -- American film director
Wikipedia - Arthur Hotaling -- American film director
Wikipedia - Arthur Laurents -- American playwright, theatre director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Arthur Lonergan -- Art director
Wikipedia - Arthur Lubin -- American film director
Wikipedia - Arthur Manukyan -- Armenian director and producer
Wikipedia - Arthur Maria Rabenalt -- Austrian film director
Wikipedia - Arthur Marks -- American film director
Wikipedia - Arthur Maude -- English actor, screenwriter and director
Wikipedia - Arthur Robison -- German film director
Wikipedia - Arthur Rosson -- English film director
Wikipedia - Arthur Si-Bita -- Cameroonian film director
Wikipedia - Arthur Wellin -- German film director
Wikipedia - Arthur Willey -- Director of Colombo Museum, Ceylon
Wikipedia - Art Martynuska -- American athletic director
Wikipedia - Artur Aristakisyan -- Armenian-Russian film director
Wikipedia - Artur Gunther -- German art director
Wikipedia - Arturo Acevedo Vallarino -- Colombian film director
Wikipedia - Arturo Ambrosio -- Italian film director and film producer
Wikipedia - Arturo Carrari -- Brazilian film director
Wikipedia - Arturo Ripstein -- Mexican film director
Wikipedia - Arturo Roman -- Character in M-BM-+ Money Heist M-BM-;, a hostage and the Director of the Royal Mint of Spain.
Wikipedia - Arturo Ruiz Castillo -- Spanish screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Art Washington -- American writer-producer-director
Wikipedia - Art Wolff -- American television director
Wikipedia - Arun Karthick -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Arvid E. Gillstrom -- Swedish film director
Wikipedia - Arvin Brown -- American theatre and television director
Wikipedia - Aryo Danusiri -- Indonesian film director
Wikipedia - Arzhang Amirfazli -- Iranian actor, comedian and director
Wikipedia - Arzu Aliyeva -- Azerbaijani film producer, director and public figure
Wikipedia - Asaad Kelada -- Egyptian-born American television director
Wikipedia - ASAP Rocky -- American rapper, singer, record producer, and music video director from New York
Wikipedia - A. S. A. Sami -- Indian director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Asghar Farhadi -- Iranian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Ash Brannon -- American animator, writer and director
Wikipedia - Ash Christian -- American actor, film director and producer
Wikipedia - Ashesh Malla -- Nepalese writer and theatre director
Wikipedia - Ashish Kakkad -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Ashish R Mohan -- Indian film director and actor
Wikipedia - Ashley Bloomfield -- New Zealand director-general of public health
Wikipedia - Ashok Banthia -- Indian actor and director
Wikipedia - Ashok Kheny -- Indian film actor, politician, film director, film producer, businessman
Wikipedia - Ashok Sharma (actor) -- Nepali actor and director
Wikipedia - Ashraf Shishir -- Bangladeshi independent film director, screenwriter and human rights activists
Wikipedia - Ashraf Ssemwogerere -- Ugandan director
Wikipedia - Ashwni Dhir -- Indian film director and script writer
Wikipedia - Asia Argento -- Italian actress and director
Wikipedia - Asif Kapadia -- British film director
Wikipedia - Asit Sen (director) -- Film director
Wikipedia - Aske Bang -- Danish actor and director
Wikipedia - Asoka Peiris -- Sri Lankan actor, director and composer
Wikipedia - Assane Kouyate -- Malian film director
Wikipedia - Associate Director of National Intelligence and Chief Information Officer
Wikipedia - Astrid Lepa -- Estonian actress, producer, and director
Wikipedia - Astromaterials Research and Exploration Science Directorate -- Physical science research facility at NASA's Johnson Space Center
Wikipedia - Atak Ngor -- South Sudanese film director, writer and producer
Wikipedia - Atef El-Tayeb -- Egyptian film director
Wikipedia - Atef Salem -- Egyptian film director
Wikipedia - Atom Egoyan -- Canadian-Armenian film director, screenwriter, film producer and actor
Wikipedia - Aubrey Mellor -- Australian theatre director
Wikipedia - Aubrey Powell (designer) -- English album cover designer and film director
Wikipedia - Aubrey Scotto -- American film director
Wikipedia - Audrey Dana -- French actress and film director
Wikipedia - Augustine Frizzell -- American actress, film director, and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Augusto Cabrita -- Portuguese film director and photographer (1923-1993)
Wikipedia - Augusto Caminito -- Italian film director
Wikipedia - Augusto Rodriguez (musician) -- Puerto Rican composer and chorus director
Wikipedia - August Westermark -- Finnish-Swedish actor and director
Wikipedia - Au Ka-wang -- Director of Immigration, Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Aure Atika -- French actress, writer and director
Wikipedia - Aurelie Dupont -- French ballet dancer and director
Wikipedia - Aurelio Grimaldi -- Italian film director
Wikipedia - Aureliu Manea -- Romanian theater director
Wikipedia - Aurora James -- Canadian creative director, activist, poet and fashion designer
Wikipedia - Aurora Stewart de PeM-CM-1a -- Canadian playwright and director
Wikipedia - Austen Hurgon -- Actor, singer, and theatre director
Wikipedia - -- Directory website of the Australian Government
Wikipedia - Australian Signals Directorate
Wikipedia - Ava DuVernay -- American film director
Wikipedia - A. V. Bramble -- Film actor and director
Wikipedia - A. Venkatesh (director) -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Avery Brooks -- American actor, director, musician, singer, and professor
Wikipedia - Avie Luthra -- Indian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Avigail Sperber -- Israeli cinematographer, film director, and LGBTQI activist
Wikipedia - Avinash Arun -- Indian cinematographer and director
Wikipedia - Avi Nesher -- Israeli film producer & director
Wikipedia - Aviva Slesin -- Lithuanian director
Wikipedia - Avo Paistik -- Estonian cartoonist, author, film director, painter and pastor
Wikipedia - A. W. Sandberg -- Danish film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Ayten Amin -- Egyptian film director
Wikipedia - Azhagam Perumal -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Azita Moguie -- Iranian director
Wikipedia - Aziz M. Osman -- Malaysian actor, director and producer
Wikipedia - Azizur Rahman (film director) -- Film director
Wikipedia - Aznil Nawawi -- Malaysian actor, host, director, singer, writer and radio presenter
Wikipedia - Azuma Morisaki -- Japanese film director
Wikipedia - Baba Bhaskar -- Indian choreographer and director
Wikipedia - Babak Payami -- Iranian film director
Wikipedia - Baburam Dhakal -- Nepalese film director
Wikipedia - Baby (director) -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Badol Khondokar -- Bangladeshi film director and politician
Wikipedia - Badri (director) -- Indian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Bahar Pars -- Iranian-Swedish actress and director
Wikipedia - Baharul Islam (actor) -- Indian theatre/film actor & director
Wikipedia - Bahram Tavakoli (film director) -- Iranian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Bai Dezhang -- Chinese film actor and director
Wikipedia - B. Ajithkumar -- Indian film editor and director
Wikipedia - Balaji Sakthivel -- Indian film director (born 1964)
Wikipedia - Baldassarre Negroni -- Italian film director
Wikipedia - Baldo Marro -- Filipino actor, screenwriter film director and producer
Wikipedia - Baldvin Zophoniasson -- Icelandic film director, writer, and producer
Wikipedia - BaM-EM-^Futa Rubess -- Canadian theatre director, playwright and professor
Wikipedia - Bandula Vithanage -- Sri Lankan actor, director
Wikipedia - Bandu Samarasinghe -- Sri Lankan actor, director, singer and comedian
Wikipedia - Bangladesh National Film Award for Best Director -- Wikimedia list
Wikipedia - Bansi Chandragupta -- art director
Wikipedia - Bansi Kaul -- Indian writer and theatre director
Wikipedia - Barak Heymann -- Israeli film director
Wikipedia - Barbara Bergin -- Irish actress, writer and director
Wikipedia - Barbara Gaines (director) -- American theatre director, impresario, and actress
Wikipedia - Barbara Harrisson -- German archeologist and museum director
Wikipedia - Barbara Kopple -- American film director
Wikipedia - Barkhad Abdi -- Somali actor and director
Wikipedia - Barmak Akram -- French film director
Wikipedia - Barnaby Clay -- British film and music video director
Wikipedia - Baron Haden-Guest -- A title in the Peerage of the United Kingdom currently held by U.S. film director Christopher Guest
Wikipedia - Barrie Kosky -- Australian theatre and opera director
Wikipedia - Barrie Rutter -- Theatre director and actor
Wikipedia - Barry Albin-Dyer -- British funeral director
Wikipedia - Barry Alexander Brown -- American film director and film editor
Wikipedia - Barry Brown (director) -- American film director
Wikipedia - Barry Cook -- American film director
Wikipedia - Barry Crane -- American producer, director, and bridge player
Wikipedia - Barry Edelstein -- American theatre director and author
Wikipedia - Barry Levinson -- American screenwriter, film director, actor, and producer
Wikipedia - Barry L. Houser -- Director of the University of Illinois Marching Illini
Wikipedia - Barry O'Neil -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Barry Primus -- American film director and actor
Wikipedia - Barry Ptolemy -- American film director, producer and writer
Wikipedia - Barry Shear -- American film director and producer
Wikipedia - Barry Sonnenfeld -- American film director and cinematographer
Wikipedia - Bartosz Staszewski -- Polish LGBT activist and film director
Wikipedia - Bart Simpson (filmmaker) -- Canadian film director
Wikipedia - Basil Joseph -- Indian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Bassem Breish -- Lebanese film director and writer
Wikipedia - Basu Chatterjee -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Bat Pussy -- 1970s American pornographic film by an anonymous director, released in 1996
Wikipedia - Bauddhayan Mukherji -- Indian film director (born 1973)
Wikipedia - B. A. W. Jayamanne -- Sri Lankan actor, director and producer
Wikipedia - Bayero Salih-Farah -- Ccurrent director general of Nigerian Institute of Transport Technology, Zaria
Wikipedia - B. Babusivan -- Indian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - B B Phuyal -- Nepalese film director
Wikipedia - B. C. Patil -- Indian politician and film actor/director
Wikipedia - Beate Eriksen -- Norwegian director and actress
Wikipedia - Beatrice Chia -- Singaporean actress and theatre director
Wikipedia - Beatrix Mugishagwe -- Tanzanian film director
Wikipedia - Beau Bridges -- Actor and director from the United States
Wikipedia - Becky Duval Reese -- American curator and art museum director
Wikipedia - Becky Umeh -- Nigerian artistic director, choreographer, singer, actress, and dancer
Wikipedia - Behrouz Afkhami -- Iranian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Bejoy Nambiar -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Bela Gaal -- Hungarian actor, film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Belle Benchley -- American zoo director
Wikipedia - Ben Bowman -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Ben Briand -- Australian film director
Wikipedia - Ben Browder -- American actor, writer and film director
Wikipedia - Ben Burtt -- American sound designer, film editor, director, screenwriter, and voice actor
Wikipedia - Ben Charles Edwards -- British film director, producer and writer
Wikipedia - Ben Diogaye Beye -- Senegalese film director
Wikipedia - Benedek Fliegauf -- Hungarian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Benedetta Argentieri -- Italian journalist and film director
Wikipedia - Ben Elton -- British comedian, author, playwright, actor and director
Wikipedia - Ben Foster (director) -- American film director and producer
Wikipedia - Bengt Blomgren -- Swedish actor, film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Ben Hecht -- American screenwriter, director, producer, playwright, journalist and novelist
Wikipedia - Ben Holmes -- American film director
Wikipedia - Ben Hopkins -- British film director
Wikipedia - Benito Alazraki -- Mexican film director
Wikipedia - Benjamin B. Hampton -- American film director and producer
Wikipedia - Benjamin Filipovic -- Bosnian film director
Wikipedia - Benjamin Gluck -- American director, screenwriter and head of story
Wikipedia - Benjamin Heisenberg -- German film director
Wikipedia - Benjamin Stoloff -- American film director
Wikipedia - Ben Miller -- English comedian, actor, director, and author
Wikipedia - Benny Chan (film director) -- Hong Kong film director
Wikipedia - Ben Rekhi -- American director
Wikipedia - Ben Shapiro (director) -- American film director
Wikipedia - Ben Sharpsteen -- American film director
Wikipedia - Ben Sombogaart -- Dutch film director
Wikipedia - Ben Stiller -- American actor, comedian, film producer, director, and writer
Wikipedia - Ben Verbong -- Dutch film director
Wikipedia - Ben Wheatley -- English film and TV director
Wikipedia - Berardo Carboni -- Italian director
Wikipedia - Bernard Beckerman -- 20th-century theatre director and Shakespeare scholar
Wikipedia - Bernard Bellefroid -- Belgian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Bernard Blistene -- Director of the french National Museum of Modern Art
Wikipedia - Bernard Bloch (actor) -- French actor and theatre director
Wikipedia - Bernard Campan -- French actor, film director and writer
Wikipedia - Bernard Fein -- American actor and director
Wikipedia - Bernard Hepton -- British actor and theatre director (1925-2018)
Wikipedia - Bernard Herzbrun -- Art director
Wikipedia - Bernard McEveety -- American film director
Wikipedia - Bernard Natan -- Franco-Romanian film director and actor (1886-1942)
Wikipedia - Bernardo Bernardo -- Filipino actor, comedian, and film director
Wikipedia - Bernardo Bertolucci -- Italian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Bernard Toublanc-Michel -- French film director
Wikipedia - Bernard Vorhaus -- American film director, screenwriter and film producer
Wikipedia - Bernhard Rammerstorfer -- Austrian author and film director
Wikipedia - Bernhard Sinkel -- German film director
Wikipedia - Bernhard Stengele -- German director, actor, and politician
Wikipedia - Bernhard Stephan -- German film director
Wikipedia - Bernhard Wicki -- Austrian actor and film director
Wikipedia - Bertha Bay-Sa Pan -- Taiwanese American director, writer and producer
Wikipedia - Bertolt Brecht -- German poet, playwright, and theatre director
Wikipedia - Bertrand Blier -- French film director and writer
Wikipedia - Bertrand Mandico -- French film director
Wikipedia - Bertrand Van Effenterre -- French film directors
Wikipedia - Besnik Bisha -- Albanian film director
Wikipedia - Best Director Award (Cannes Film Festival)
Wikipedia - Beth McCarthy-Miller -- Television director
Wikipedia - Beto Brant -- Brazilian film director
Wikipedia - Betty Davies (radio) -- British radio drama producer and director
Wikipedia - Betty J. Sapp -- Director of the National Reconnaissance Office
Wikipedia - Betty Mitchell (theatre director) -- Canadian theatre director
Wikipedia - Betty Thomas -- American actress, director
Wikipedia - Beverly Vergel -- Filipino actress, star mentor, director and producer
Wikipedia - Bhabendra Nath Saikia -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Bhadran (director) -- Indian filmmaker and writer
Wikipedia - Bhanu Chander -- Indian film actor, director and producer
Wikipedia - Bharathiraja -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Bhaurao Karhade -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Bhimaneni Srinivasa Rao -- Film director and producer
Wikipedia - Bhushan Kumar -- Chairman and managing director of T-Series
Wikipedia - Bibo Bergeron -- French animator and film director
Wikipedia - Bigas Luna -- Spanish film director
Wikipedia - Bijan Tehrani -- Iranian writer and director
Wikipedia - Bill Bennett (director) -- Australian film director
Wikipedia - Bill Bixby -- American actor and film director
Wikipedia - Bill Condon -- American screenwriter and director
Wikipedia - Bill D'Elia -- American screenwriter, producer, director and actor
Wikipedia - Bill Duke -- American actor and director
Wikipedia - Bille August -- Danish film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Bill Fishman -- American film director
Wikipedia - Bill Jones Afwani -- Kenyan film director and producer
Wikipedia - Bill Lawrence (TV producer) -- American screenwriter, producer, and director
Wikipedia - Bill L. Norton -- American film director
Wikipedia - Bill Paxton -- American actor, director and film producer
Wikipedia - Bill Pohlad -- American film producer and director
Wikipedia - Bill Rebane -- American politician and film director
Wikipedia - Bill Siegel -- documentary film producer and director
Wikipedia - Bill Timoney -- American actor, voice actor, director, script writer and producer
Wikipedia - Bill Ward (cartoonist) -- American art director
Wikipedia - Billy Crystal -- American actor, comedian, singer, writer, producer, director and television host
Wikipedia - Billy Lau -- Hong Kong actor, director and writer
Wikipedia - Billy Tang -- Hong Kong film director
Wikipedia - Billy Wilder -- Austrian-American film director
Wikipedia - Bimal N. Patel -- Indian legal scholar and university director
Wikipedia - Bimal Roy -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Binka Zhelyazkova -- Bulgarian film director
Wikipedia - Binod Poudel -- Nepali film director and writer
Wikipedia - Binu Sadanandan -- Indian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Biographical Directory of Federal Judges -- Provides basic biographical information on all past and present United States federal court Article III judges
Wikipedia - Biographical Directory of the United States Congress -- American dictionary
Wikipedia - Birendra Krishna Bhadra -- Indian broadcaster, playwright, actor, reciter and theatre director
Wikipedia - Birsa Dasgupta -- Indian film director based in Tollywood
Wikipedia - Biswajit Chatterjee -- Indian film actor, producer, director and politician
Wikipedia - Bjarne Henning-Jensen -- Danish film director
Wikipedia - B. Jeevan Reddy -- Indian director and writer
Wikipedia - Blake Edwards -- American film director, screenwriter and producer
Wikipedia - Blake Masters -- American screenwriter, director, and producer
Wikipedia - Blake Ritson -- British actor and director
Wikipedia - Blue Dragon Film Award for Best Director -- Film award
Wikipedia - Blue Leach -- Music video director
Wikipedia - B. Nagi Reddy -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Board of Directors
Wikipedia - Board of directors -- Type of governing body for an organisation
Wikipedia - Board of education -- Board of directors, board of trustees of a school, local school district or equivalent
Wikipedia - Bo Arne Vibenius -- Swedish film director
Wikipedia - Boaz Yakin -- American screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Bob Balaban -- American actor, author, producer, and director
Wikipedia - Bob Boetticher -- American funeral director
Wikipedia - Bobby Connolly -- American film director and choreographer
Wikipedia - Bobby Grubic -- American film director and producer
Wikipedia - Bobby Razak -- English film director and producer
Wikipedia - Bob Christie (film director) -- Canadian documentary film director
Wikipedia - Bob Clark -- American actor and film director (1939-2007)
Wikipedia - Bob Degus -- American film director
Wikipedia - Bob Delegall -- American actor, director and producer (1945-2006)
Wikipedia - Bobet Vidanes -- Filipino television director
Wikipedia - Bob Forward -- American writer, director and producer
Wikipedia - Bob Jaques -- Canadian-American animation director
Wikipedia - Bob Kellett -- English film director
Wikipedia - Bob Odenkirk -- American actor, writer and director
Wikipedia - Bob Ramsing -- Danish film director
Wikipedia - Bob Saget -- American stand-up comedian, actor, television host and director
Wikipedia - Bob Smith Junior -- Ghanaian actor and director
Wikipedia - Bob Swaim -- American film director
Wikipedia - Bob Sweeney (actor and director) -- American television director and actor
Wikipedia - Bo Burnham -- American comedian, actor, and director
Wikipedia - Bodil Ipsen -- Danish actress and film director
Wikipedia - Bogdan ZiM-EM->ic -- Croatian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Bo Hermansson -- Swedish film director
Wikipedia - Bohumil Herlischka -- Czech opera director
Wikipedia - Bolat Atabaev -- Kazakh theater director
Wikipedia - Bolotbek Shamshiyev -- Soviet film director
Wikipedia - Bong Joon-ho -- South Korean film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Bonita Pietila -- Casting director and producer
Wikipedia - Bonnie Hunt -- American actress, comedian, director, producer, writer and television host
Wikipedia - Bonnie Wright -- English actress, model, screenwriter, director and producer
Wikipedia - Borhane Alaouie -- Lebanese film director
Wikipedia - Boris Benjamin Bertram -- Danish film director (born 1971)
Wikipedia - Boris Buneev -- Soviet film director
Wikipedia - Boris Frumin -- Latvian film director
Wikipedia - Boris Livanov -- Soviet actor and theatre director
Wikipedia - Boris Malagurski -- Serbian-Canadian film director
Wikipedia - Borja Cobeaga -- Spanish film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Boyd Estus -- American film director
Wikipedia - Brad Armstrong (director) -- Canadian pornographic actor and director (born 1965)
Wikipedia - Brad Bird -- American film director, screenwriter, animator, producer and occasional voice actor
Wikipedia - Braddon Mendelson -- American producer, director, and writer
Wikipedia - Braden Barty -- American director and producer
Wikipedia - Bradford J. Shwedo -- Joint Staff Director for Command, Control, Communications, and Computers/Cyber
Wikipedia - Brad Furman -- American film director
Wikipedia - Bradley Battersby -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Bradley Buecker -- Film director,
Wikipedia - Bradley Charlton -- British film director
Wikipedia - Bradley Raymond -- America film director
Wikipedia - Brad Silberling -- American film director
Wikipedia - Brad Turner (director) -- Canadian film director, television director and photographer
Wikipedia - Brandon Dickerson -- American writer, director, and producer
Wikipedia - Branko Bauer -- Croatian film director
Wikipedia - Branko Schmidt -- Croatian film director
Wikipedia - B. R. Chopra -- Indian film director (1914-2008)
Wikipedia - Breck Eisner -- American television and film director
Wikipedia - Bree Mills -- American director, screenwriter and producer of pornographic films
Wikipedia - B. Reeves Eason -- American film director, actor
Wikipedia - Brenda Kamino -- Canadian actress, writer, director, teacher and painter
Wikipedia - Brendan Gleeson -- Irish actor and director
Wikipedia - Brent Maddock -- American film director, producer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Brent Ryan Green -- American film director
Wikipedia - Bret Easton Ellis -- American author, screenwriter, and director
Wikipedia - Brett Eichenberger -- American film director and producer
Wikipedia - Brett Ratner -- American director and producer
Wikipedia - Brian Astbury -- South African theatre director
Wikipedia - Brian Baumgartner -- American actor and director
Wikipedia - Brian Cox (director) -- American writer and director
Wikipedia - Brian Croucher -- English actor and director
Wikipedia - Brian Dannelly -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Brian De Palma -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Brian Desmond Hurst -- Belfast-born film director
Wikipedia - Brian Fee -- American storyboard artist, animator, prop designer, writer, producer, film director and occasional voice actor
Wikipedia - Brian G. Hutton -- American actor, film director
Wikipedia - Brian Gibson (director) -- English film director
Wikipedia - Brian Grant (director) -- British television director and producer
Wikipedia - Brian Helgeland -- American film director
Wikipedia - Brian Herzlinger -- American film director
Wikipedia - Brian Hill (author) -- Canadian actor, director, and writer
Wikipedia - Brian Johns (businessman) -- Australian company director and journalist
Wikipedia - Brian Jun -- American film director, writer and editor
Wikipedia - Brian Klugman -- American actor, screenwriter, and director
Wikipedia - Brian McBride (director)
Wikipedia - Brian Metcalf -- American film director
Wikipedia - Brianne Davis -- American actress, producer and director
Wikipedia - Brian Pumper -- American pornographic film director and actor (born 1981)
Wikipedia - Brian Robbins -- Actor, producer, director
Wikipedia - Brian Skeet -- English director, writer, producer, and cinematographer
Wikipedia - Brian S. Robinson -- U.S. Transportation Command director of operations
Wikipedia - Brian Trenchard-Smith -- English-Australian film director
Wikipedia - Brian Williams (director) -- Irish graphic designer and advert director
Wikipedia - Brice Stratford -- English director and actor-manager
Wikipedia - Bridget McDonough -- American theatre director
Wikipedia - Brigitte Rouan -- French actress, film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Brillante Mendoza -- Filipino film director
Wikipedia - Bronislawa Dluska -- Polish physician, first director of the Radium-Institut in Warsaw
Wikipedia - Bront Palarae -- Malaysian actor, director, screenwriter and producer
Wikipedia - Bronwen Hughes -- Canadian film director
Wikipedia - Bruce A. Evans -- American film director
Wikipedia - Bruce Baillie -- American film director
Wikipedia - Bruce Beresford -- Australian film director
Wikipedia - Bruce Best -- Australian director and producer
Wikipedia - Bruce Bilson -- American film and television director
Wikipedia - Bruce M. Mitchell -- American film director
Wikipedia - Bruce Paltrow -- American director and producer of film and television
Wikipedia - Bruce Robinson -- British screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Bruce Sweeney -- Canadian film director
Wikipedia - Bruce W. Pepich -- American art museum director
Wikipedia - Bruno Barreto -- Brazilian film director
Wikipedia - Bruno Decc -- Brazilian film director and writer
Wikipedia - Bruno Dumont -- French film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Bruno Lanvin -- Executive director of INSEAD
Wikipedia - Bryan Barber -- American music video director
Wikipedia - Bryan Bertino -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Bryan Cranston -- American actor and director
Wikipedia - Bryan Forbes -- English film director, screenwriter and actor
Wikipedia - Bryan Kocis -- American pornographic film director
Wikipedia - Bryan Spicer -- American film and television director
Wikipedia - Bryce Dallas Howard -- American actress and director
Wikipedia - B. S. Perera -- Sri Lankan actor, director, singer and comedian
Wikipedia - B. Suresha -- Indian film director, screenwriter
Wikipedia - B S v The Director of Public Prosecutions -- Irish Supreme Court case
Wikipedia - Budd Boetticher -- American film director
Wikipedia - Buddhadeb Dasgupta -- Indian director
Wikipedia - Buddy Van Horn -- American stunt coordinator and film director
Wikipedia - Bud Greenspan -- American film director, writer, and producer
Wikipedia - Bud Yorkin -- American producer, director, screenwriter
Wikipedia - B. Unnikrishnan -- Indian film director, screenwriter, and producer
Wikipedia - Burak Aksak -- Turkish screenwriter, director and actor
Wikipedia - Burhan Qurbani -- German-Afghan film director
Wikipedia - Burr Steers -- American actor, writer, film director
Wikipedia - Burt Kennedy -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Burton L. King -- American actor and director
Wikipedia - Burt Reynolds -- American actor, director and producer
Wikipedia - Busby Berkeley -- American film director and musical choreographer (1895-1976)
Wikipedia - Business directory -- Printed or web-based listing of businesses by category
Wikipedia - Buzz Kulik -- American film director and producer
Wikipedia - B. Venkateshwarlu -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Byron Howard -- American film director and animator
Wikipedia - Cai Shangjun -- Chinese film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Cal Brunker -- Canadian animator, film writer and director
Wikipedia - Calixto Bieito -- Spanish theater director
Wikipedia - Calvin Thomas (director) -- Canadian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Cameron Crowe -- American writer and film director
Wikipedia - Cameron Duddy -- American musician amd music video director
Wikipedia - Cameron Welsh -- Australian actor, writer, producer and director
Wikipedia - Camilla Belle -- American actress, director, writer and producer
Wikipedia - Camille Delamarre -- French film editor and director
Wikipedia - Camille de Morlhon -- French film director
Wikipedia - Camillo Mastrocinque -- Italian film director
Wikipedia - Camilo Cascolan -- Director General of the Philippine National Police
Wikipedia - Camilo de Sousa -- Mozambican film director
Wikipedia - Candida Royalle -- American producer, director, sex educator, feminist, and actress
Wikipedia - Cannes Film Festival Award for Best Director -- film award category
Wikipedia - Cao Baoping -- Chinese film director
Wikipedia - Carina Dahl (writer) -- Swedish writer and film director
Wikipedia - Carl Bessai -- Canadian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Carl Boese -- German film director
Wikipedia - Carl Carl -- Polish actor and theatre director
Wikipedia - Carl Franklin -- American actor, screenwriter, film and television director
Wikipedia - Carl Jules Weyl -- German art director
Wikipedia - Carl MalM-CM-^_ -- German writer and theatre director
Wikipedia - Carl Morten Amundsen -- Norwegian dramaturg and theatre director
Wikipedia - Carlo Alberto Chiesa -- Italian film editor, screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Carlo Ausino -- Italian film director
Wikipedia - Carlo Carlei -- Italian film director
Wikipedia - Carlo Padial -- Comics artist, writer, screenwriter, and film director
Wikipedia - Carlos Aguilera (theater director) -- Uruguayan theater director
Wikipedia - Carlos Ameglio -- Uruguayan film director
Wikipedia - Carlos Bernard -- American actor and director
Wikipedia - Carlos Carrera -- Mexican film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Carlos Diaz (theater director) -- Cuban theatre director
Wikipedia - Carlos Diegues -- Brazilian film director (born 1940)
Wikipedia - Carlos Enrique Taboada -- Mexican film director
Wikipedia - Carlos Gallardo (actor) -- Mexican actor and director
Wikipedia - Carlos Manga -- Brazilian film director
Wikipedia - Carlos Saura -- Spanish film director and photographer
Wikipedia - Carlos Velo -- Spanish film director
Wikipedia - Carl Schenkel -- Swiss film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Carl Theodor Dreyer -- Danish film director
Wikipedia - Carl Weber (theatre director) -- German theatre director
Wikipedia - Carl Weinmuller -- Operatic bass, theatre director
Wikipedia - Carl Wilhelm -- German film director
Wikipedia - Carlyle Blackwell -- American silent film actor and a minor director and producer
Wikipedia - Carlyle Brown -- American playwright, performer and the artistic director
Wikipedia - Carmen Guerrero -- Director of the Caribbean division of the Environment Protection Agency
Wikipedia - CarmiM-CM-1a LondoM-CM-1o -- Director of the National Science Foundation
Wikipedia - Carmine Rojas -- American bass guitarist, musical director and composer
Wikipedia - Carol Dysinger -- Film director and professor
Wikipedia - Caroline Chomienne -- French film director
Wikipedia - Caroline Conlon -- Australian actress and director
Wikipedia - Caroline Huppert -- French film director
Wikipedia - Caroline Link -- German film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Caroline Sascha Cogez -- Danish-French director/writer
Wikipedia - Caroline Suh -- Korean-American documentary director and producer
Wikipedia - Carol Morley -- English film director
Wikipedia - Carol Reed -- English film director
Wikipedia - Carolyn Gage -- American actor, writer and director
Wikipedia - Carolyn Scott -- American art director
Wikipedia - Carrie Anne Philbin -- Director of Educator Support at the Raspberry Pi Foundation
Wikipedia - Carrie Cracknell -- British theatre director
Wikipedia - Carrie Hessler-Radelet -- 18th Director of the Peace Corps
Wikipedia - Carrie Preston -- American actress, director, and producer
Wikipedia - Carrie Westlake Whitney -- First director of the Kansas City Public Library
Wikipedia - Carroll Ballard -- American film director
Wikipedia - Carroll Clark -- Art director
Wikipedia - Cary Odell -- American art director
Wikipedia - Casey Alexander (cartoonist) -- American writer and director
Wikipedia - Cassie Jaye -- American film director
Wikipedia - Castellano & Pipolo -- Italian film directors, screenwriters
Wikipedia - Cate Blanchett -- Australian actress, producer and theatre director
Wikipedia - Category:2015 directorial debut films
Wikipedia - Category:American corporate directors
Wikipedia - Category:American video game directors
Wikipedia - Category:Chilean film directors
Wikipedia - Category:DARPA directors
Wikipedia - Category:Directors of Apple Inc.
Wikipedia - Category:Directors of Berkshire Hathaway
Wikipedia - Category:Directors of Google
Wikipedia - Category:Directors of Microsoft
Wikipedia - Category:Directors of SRI International
Wikipedia - Category:Directors of Yahoo!
Wikipedia - Category:French film directors
Wikipedia - Category:French-language film directors
Wikipedia - Category:Horror film directors
Wikipedia - Category:Institute directors
Wikipedia - Category:Members of the Creative Commons board of directors
Wikipedia - Category:Members of the Free Software Foundation board of directors
Wikipedia - Category:Members of the Open Source Initiative board of directors
Wikipedia - Category:South African corporate directors
Wikipedia - Category:Tibetan film directors
Wikipedia - Category:Wikipedia directories
Wikipedia - Cate Shortland -- Australian film and television writer and director
Wikipedia - Catherine Bainbridge -- Canadian director, writer, and producer
Wikipedia - Catherine Castel -- French actress and director
Wikipedia - Catherine Hardwicke -- American film director
Wikipedia - Catherine Vidal (actress) -- Quebec theater actress and director
Wikipedia - Cathy Yan -- American film director
Wikipedia - Catlin Adams -- American actress and film director
Wikipedia - Cecile Aubry -- French actress, television director, writer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Cecilia Barriga -- Chilean-Spanish film director
Wikipedia - Cecilia Peck -- American actress and director
Wikipedia - Cecilio Madanes -- Argentinian theater director
Wikipedia - Cecil Kern -- American stage and film actress and theater director
Wikipedia - Celine Baril -- Canadian artist and film director
Wikipedia - Celine Sciamma -- French director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Cellista -- American cellist and artistic director
Wikipedia - CenM-DM-^[k ZahradniM-DM-^Mek -- Czech experimental film director, cinematographer, editor
Wikipedia - Central Directorate of the Judicial Police -- French national judicial police
Wikipedia - Cesar Diaz (film director) -- Belgian-Guatemalan film director
Wikipedia - Cesar Fernandez Ardavin -- Spanish film director
Wikipedia - Cesar Montano -- Filipino actor, film producer and film director
Wikipedia - Chamara Janaraj Peiris -- Sri Lankan director
Wikipedia - Chandrakant Kulkarni -- Indian film director, script writer and actor
Wikipedia - Chandra Pant -- Nepalese film director and stunt performer
Wikipedia - Chandraprakash Dwivedi -- Indian film director and script writer
Wikipedia - Chandra Wilson -- American actress and director
Wikipedia - Chandu (film director) -- Indian film director, producer, screenwriter
Wikipedia - Chang Yi (director) -- Taiwanese director
Wikipedia - Channa Perera -- Sri Lankan actor and director
Wikipedia - Chantal Akerman -- Belgian film director
Wikipedia - Charles A. Baird -- American athletic director
Wikipedia - Charles A. Berry -- Director at National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Wikipedia - Charles Baker (actor) -- American actor, writer, and director
Wikipedia - Charles Band -- American film director
Wikipedia - Charles Barton (director) -- Film director, actor
Wikipedia - Charles B. DeWitt -- Former NIJ Director
Wikipedia - Charles Beeson (director) -- Television director
Wikipedia - Charles Berling -- French actor, director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Charles Brabin -- American film director
Wikipedia - Charles Burguet -- French director
Wikipedia - Charles Burnett (director) -- American film director
Wikipedia - Charles Calvert (director) -- British director of silent films
Wikipedia - Charles C. Coleman (director) -- American film director
Wikipedia - Charles Dekeukeleire -- Belgian film director
Wikipedia - Charles Dorian -- Film director, actor
Wikipedia - Charles Elachi -- Lebanese electrical engineer, JPL director
Wikipedia - Charles Faroux -- Motorsport official, race director and french carom world champion, born 1872, died 1957
Wikipedia - Charles Giblyn -- American film director
Wikipedia - Charles Grosvenor -- American film director
Wikipedia - Charles Herbert Locke -- Australian company director
Wikipedia - Charles Hines (director) -- American director
Wikipedia - Charles Jarrott -- British film and television director
Wikipedia - Charles J. Hunt -- American film editor and director
Wikipedia - Charles Laughton -- English-born American stage and film actor and director
Wikipedia - Charles Lederer -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Charles Ludlam -- American actor, writer, and director
Wikipedia - Charles Michael Davis -- American actor, model, producer, and director
Wikipedia - Charles Miller (director) -- American actor and director
Wikipedia - Charles M. Robinson (video director) -- American music video director
Wikipedia - Charles M. Seay -- American film director
Wikipedia - Charles Pinsky -- American television director and producer
Wikipedia - Charles Pratt Jr. -- American television writer, producer and director
Wikipedia - Charles Ray (actor) -- American actor, director, producer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Charles Reisner -- American film director and actor
Wikipedia - Charles Robert Carner -- American TV and film director and writer
Wikipedia - Charles Stone III -- American film director
Wikipedia - Charles Swickard -- German-born American actor and film director
Wikipedia - Charles Williams (film director) -- Australian filmmaker
Wikipedia - Charles Winkler -- American television and film director and producer
Wikipedia - Charley Chase -- Actor, comedian, director, writer
Wikipedia - Charlie Ahearn -- American film director and creative cultural artist
Wikipedia - Charlie Bean (filmmaker) -- American animator, director, writer, storyboard artist and voice actor
Wikipedia - Charlie Buhler -- American film director (born 1987)
Wikipedia - Charlie Day -- American actor, director, musician, producer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Charlie Kaufman -- American screenwriter, producer, director and novelist
Wikipedia - Charlie Tyrell -- Canadian film director
Wikipedia - Charlie Whiting -- Formula One race director
Wikipedia - Charlotte Zwerin -- American documentary film director and editor
Wikipedia - Chase Coleman -- American actor, director, and musician
Wikipedia - Chawki Mejri -- Tunisian film director
Wikipedia - -- British online trade directory
Wikipedia - Cheng Ding An -- Singaporean director
Wikipedia - Chen Kaige -- Chinese film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Chen Kuo-fu -- Taiwanese film director
Wikipedia - Chen Sicheng -- Chinese actor, director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Cheran (director) -- Indian film director and actor
Wikipedia - Cheryl Dunye -- Liberian-American actress and director
Wikipedia - Cheryl Hines -- American actress, director
Wikipedia - Cheryl Kennedy -- British actor and director
Wikipedia - Chester Bennett -- American film director
Wikipedia - Chetan Anand (director) -- Hindi film producer, screenwriter and director
Wikipedia - Chhetan Gurung -- Nepalese film director
Wikipedia - Chianca de Garcia -- Portuguese film director
Wikipedia - Chief Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine
Wikipedia - Chief Directorate of the Northern Sea Route
Wikipedia - Chihiro Amano -- Japanese film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Chimbu Deven -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Chinonye Chukwu -- Nigerian American film director
Wikipedia - Chips Hardy -- English screenwriter, novelist, playwright and creative director
Wikipedia - Chithra Lakshmanan -- Indian actor and film director
Wikipedia - Chito S. RoM-CM-1o -- Filipino writer, producer, and director
Wikipedia - Chitrapu Narayana Rao -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Chittaranjan Tripathy -- Director, composer
Wikipedia - Chiu Keng Guan -- Malaysian film director
Wikipedia - Choi Ha-won -- South Korean film director
Wikipedia - Cho Jung-rae -- South Korean film director
Wikipedia - Chris Addison -- English comedian, writer, actor, and director
Wikipedia - Chris Bailey (animator) -- American animator and film director
Wikipedia - Chris Bell (director) -- American director, producer and writer
Wikipedia - Chris Bernard -- English film director
Wikipedia - Chris Bouchard -- British film producer and director
Wikipedia - Chris Buck -- American film director
Wikipedia - Chris Cuddington -- Australian animation director
Wikipedia - Chris Dowling (director) -- American screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Chris D. -- American singer, actor, director and writer
Wikipedia - Chris Eigeman -- American actor and a film director
Wikipedia - Chris Fisher -- American director, writer, and producer
Wikipedia - Chris Foggin -- English film director
Wikipedia - Chris LaMartina -- American film director, writer, and producer
Wikipedia - Chris Long (director) -- Television director and producer
Wikipedia - Chris McCaleb -- American film director, producer and screenwriter (born 1978)
Wikipedia - Chris Menges -- English cinematographer and film director
Wikipedia - Chris Miller (animator) -- American voice actor, animator, director, screenwriter and storyboard artist
Wikipedia - Chris Nahon -- French film director
Wikipedia - Chris Pattikawa -- Indonesian film director
Wikipedia - Chris Reccardi -- American cartoon director
Wikipedia - Chris Renaud -- American illustrator, film director, storyboard artist, graphic designer, and voice actor
Wikipedia - Chris Roberts (video game developer) -- Computer game designer, game programmer, film producer and film director
Wikipedia - Chris Sanders -- American film director, screenwriter, producer, animator, illustrator and voice actor
Wikipedia - Chris Stokes (director) -- American record executive, talent manager, and film producer from California
Wikipedia - Christa Eka -- Cameroonian film actress and director
Wikipedia - Chris Tashima -- Japanese American actor and director
Wikipedia - Chris Terrio -- American film director/screenwriter
Wikipedia - Christian Bisceglia -- Italian film director
Wikipedia - Christian de Chalonge -- French film director
Wikipedia - Christian Duguay (director) -- Canadian film director
Wikipedia - Christian Faure (director) -- French screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Christian Henking -- Swiss composer and choir director
Wikipedia - Christian Labeau -- Belgian actor and director
Wikipedia - Christian Lapointe -- Canadian theatre director
Wikipedia - Christian Meier -- Peruvian actor, director and singer
Wikipedia - Christian Petzold (director) -- German film director
Wikipedia - Christian Prudhomme -- French journalist and Tour de France general director
Wikipedia - Christian Wagner (director) -- German film director
Wikipedia - Christine Brubaker -- Canadian actor and director
Wikipedia - Christine Citti -- French actress, director and writer
Wikipedia - Christine Douglas -- Australian opera singer and director
Wikipedia - Christine Fischer-Defoy -- German woman writer, film director and cultural historian
Wikipedia - Christine Lahti -- American actress and director
Wikipedia - Christine Lipinska -- French film director
Wikipedia - Christine Oestreicher -- British film producer and director
Wikipedia - Christine Shin -- South Korean-born writer-director
Wikipedia - Christo Christov -- Bulgarian film director
Wikipedia - Christoffer Boe -- Danish film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Christof Nel -- German director and theatre director
Wikipedia - Christoph Eichhorn -- German television actor and director
Wikipedia - Christopher Alden (director) -- American theater and opera director
Wikipedia - Christopher Ashley -- American stage director
Wikipedia - Christopher A. Wray -- 8th Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation
Wikipedia - Christopher Cantwell (filmmaker) -- American writer, producer, and director
Wikipedia - Christopher Denham -- American actor, film director, writer, and producer
Wikipedia - Christopher Erskin -- Music video director
Wikipedia - Christopher Guest -- British-American screenwriter, comedian, musician, director, and actor
Wikipedia - Christopher Hale -- British television director
Wikipedia - Christopher Horton (businessman) -- New Zealand company director and sharebroker
Wikipedia - Christopher Landon (filmmaker) -- American screenwriter and director
Wikipedia - Christopher McQuarrie -- American screenwriter, producer and director
Wikipedia - Christopher Monger -- Welsh film director
Wikipedia - Christopher Morahan -- English stage and television director
Wikipedia - Christopher Reeve -- American actor, director, and activist
Wikipedia - Christopher Scott Cherot -- American film director
Wikipedia - Christophe Ruggia -- French film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Christoph HochhM-CM-$usler -- German film director
Wikipedia - Christoph Schaub -- Swiss film director
Wikipedia - Christy Cabanne -- American film director, screenwriter and actor
Wikipedia - Chris Ward (director) -- American pornographic film director
Wikipedia - Chris Weitz -- American film director
Wikipedia - Chris Young (actor) -- American actor, director, producer
Wikipedia - Chuck Jones -- American animator, cartoon artist, screenwriter, producer, and director of animated films
Wikipedia - Chuck Lorre -- American director, producer, and creator of television sitcoms
Wikipedia - Chuck Russell -- American film director
Wikipedia - Chuck Vincent (director) -- American pornographic film and B movie producer, screenwriter, editor and director
Wikipedia - CIA Directorate of Science > Technology
Wikipedia - Ciaran Donnelly (director) -- Irish film and television director
Wikipedia - Ciaran Foy -- Irish film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Ciro Guerra -- Colombian film director
Wikipedia - Cis Corman -- American casting director
Wikipedia - Civil Defense Directorate -- Civil defense agency of the Government of Jordan
Wikipedia - CJ Wallis -- Canadian director
Wikipedia - Claes Fellbom -- Swedish film director
Wikipedia - Claire Clouzot -- French journalist and film director
Wikipedia - Claire Delannoy -- French writer and literary director
Wikipedia - Claire Denis -- French film director
Wikipedia - Claire Devers -- French film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Claire Loftus -- Irish Director of Public Prosecutions since 2011
Wikipedia - Clarence Brown -- American film director
Wikipedia - Clare Stevenson -- Women's Auxiliary Australian Air Force director
Wikipedia - Clarke Peters -- American actor, singer, writer and director
Wikipedia - Clark Gregg -- American actor, director, and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Claude Barras -- Swiss director
Wikipedia - Claude Bouxin -- French art director
Wikipedia - Claude d'Anna -- French film director
Wikipedia - Claude de Givray -- French film director
Wikipedia - Claude Faraldo -- French actor, director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Claude Johnson -- British businessman and Managing Director of Rolls-Royce Ltd.
Wikipedia - Claude Mourieras -- French film director
Wikipedia - Claude Santelli -- French film director
Wikipedia - Claudia Weill -- American film director
Wikipedia - Claudio Caligari -- Italian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Claudio Cipelletti -- Italian film director
Wikipedia - Claudio Cupellini -- Italian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Claudio Noce -- Italian film director
Wikipedia - Claudio Risi -- Italian film director
Wikipedia - Clea DuVall -- American actress, writer, producer, and director
Wikipedia - Clifford Brown (Eurovision) -- Scottish television director
Wikipedia - Clint Eastwood -- American actor, composer, director and producer
Wikipedia - Clint Hocking -- Canadian video game director and designer
Wikipedia - Clio Barnard -- British film director
Wikipedia - Clive Arnold -- British television director
Wikipedia - Clive Barker -- English author, film director, and visual artist
Wikipedia - Clyde Geronimi -- American animator and film director
Wikipedia - Coco Martin -- Filipino actor, director and film producer
Wikipedia - Cody Blue Snider -- American director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Cody Fern -- Australian actor and director
Wikipedia - Coky Giedroyc -- British film director
Wikipedia - Colin Blumenau -- British writer and theatre director
Wikipedia - Colin Brady -- American animator and film director
Wikipedia - Colin Brunton -- Canadian producer and director
Wikipedia - Colin Bucksey -- American director
Wikipedia - Colin Campbell (director) -- American film director
Wikipedia - Colin Cant -- British television director and producer
Wikipedia - Colin Ferguson -- Canadian-American actor, director and producer
Wikipedia - Colin Robbins (software engineer) -- Chartered Director and Software Engineer credited for research work in distributed directory systems
Wikipedia - Colin Tilley -- American music video director and filmmaker
Wikipedia - Colin Trevorrow -- American film director
Wikipedia - Company Matsuo -- Japanese pornographic film director
Wikipedia - Comptroller General of the United States -- Director of the Government Accountability Office
Wikipedia - Conchi Leon -- playwright, actress, director
Wikipedia - Conference of European Directors of Roads -- Organisation of European national road administrations
Wikipedia - Conrado Conde -- Filipino actor and film director
Wikipedia - Conrad Palmisano -- American director
Wikipedia - Conrad Vernon -- American film and television director, storyboard artist, writer and voice actor
Wikipedia - Coralie Trinh Thi -- French actress, director & author (born 1976)
Wikipedia - Corbin Bernsen -- American actor and director
Wikipedia - Corinna von Rad -- German-American theatre director
Wikipedia - Cornelia Ewigleben -- German museum director
Wikipedia - Cornel Wilde -- American actor and film director
Wikipedia - Corrado Fortuna -- Italian actor and director
Wikipedia - Corrado Veneziano -- Italian artist and theater director
Wikipedia - Cory Doran -- Canadian voice actor and director
Wikipedia - Cosima Wagner -- Daughter of Marie d'Agoult and Franz Liszt, wife of Richard Wagner, director of Bayreuth Festival
Wikipedia - Costa-Gavras -- Greek-French film director
Wikipedia - Courteney Cox -- American actress, producer, and director
Wikipedia - Courtney Solomon -- Film producer, director
Wikipedia - Craig Bernard -- Canadian film Director
Wikipedia - Craig Bolotin -- American screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Craig Gillespie -- Australian film director
Wikipedia - Craig Hutchinson -- American film director
Wikipedia - Crispian Mills -- English rock musician and film director
Wikipedia - Crispian Sallis -- British art director
Wikipedia - Cristiane Murray -- Vice Director of the Holy See Press Office
Wikipedia - Cristina Gallego -- Colombian producer, writer and director
Wikipedia - Cristina Pezzoli -- Italian theatre director
Wikipedia - Cristi Puiu -- Romanian film director
Wikipedia - Crockford's Clerical Directory -- Directory of the Anglican Communion in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Crystal Simorgh for Best Director -- Category of film award
Wikipedia - C. S. Jayaraman -- Indian Tamil singer, actor, and director
Wikipedia - C. Thomas Howell -- American actor and film director
Wikipedia - Cullen Tate -- American film director
Wikipedia - Current directory
Wikipedia - Current working directory
Wikipedia - C. V. Kumar -- Indian film producer, director, and distributor
Wikipedia - C. V. Rajendran -- Indian film director and producer
Wikipedia - C. V. Sridhar -- Indian screenwriter and film director (1933-2008)
Wikipedia - Cynthia Grant (director) -- Canadian theatre director
Wikipedia - Cynthia Scott -- Canadian film director, producer, screenwriter and editor (b. 1939)
Wikipedia - Cyril Livingstone -- Leeds based theatre actor, director, critic and couturier
Wikipedia - Cyrus Nowrasteh -- American screenwriter and director
Wikipedia - Czeslaw Petelski -- Polish film director
Wikipedia - Dadasaheb Phalke -- 20th-century Indian producer-director-screenwriter
Wikipedia - Dagmar Droysen-Reber -- German musicologist and museum director
Wikipedia - Dagmawit Girmay Berhane -- Ethiopian sports director
Wikipedia - Dagobert Neuffer -- German actor and theatre director
Wikipedia - Daheli Hall -- American actress, stand-up comedian, writer and director
Wikipedia - Daigo Matsui -- Japanese screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Daisuke Miyazaki (filmmaker) -- Japanese film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Daisuke Yamanouchi -- Japanese film director
Wikipedia - Dalibor Matanic -- Croatian screenwriter and director
Wikipedia - Dalila Ennadre -- Moroccan film director
Wikipedia - Damiano Damiani -- Italian screenwriter, film director, actor and writer
Wikipedia - Damiano Michieletto -- Italian director
Wikipedia - Damien Chazelle -- French-American director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Damilola Mike-Bamiloye -- Nigerian film actor, Evangelist(drama), producer, and director
Wikipedia - Dana Goldberg -- Israeli film director, poet
Wikipedia - Dana Vavrova -- Czech-German actress, director
Wikipedia - Dana Vespoli -- American pornographic actress and director
Wikipedia - Dan Bush -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Dan Clark -- British actor, comedian and director
Wikipedia - Dan Coats -- Former United States Senator from Indiana; 5th Director of National Intelligence
Wikipedia - Dan Cogan -- American film producer and director
Wikipedia - Dan Eckman -- American director, writer, and producer
Wikipedia - Dan Fishbach -- American theater director and producer
Wikipedia - Dan Gilroy -- American screenwriter, musician, and film director
Wikipedia - Dan Green (voice actor) -- American voice actor and director
Wikipedia - Daniel Abineri -- English songwriter, actor, narrator, director and playwright
Wikipedia - Daniel Adams (director) -- Anglo-American film director
Wikipedia - Daniel Alfredson -- Swedish film director
Wikipedia - Daniel Algrant -- American film director
Wikipedia - Daniel Armstrong -- Australian film director
Wikipedia - Daniel Auteuil -- French actor and director
Wikipedia - Daniel Barber (director) -- British director
Wikipedia - Daniel Barnz -- American screenwriter and director
Wikipedia - Daniel Barone -- Argentine film and television director
Wikipedia - Daniel B. Cathcart -- Art director
Wikipedia - Daniel Bergman -- Swedish film director
Wikipedia - Daniel Burman -- Argentine film director and producer
Wikipedia - Daniel Danis (film director) -- South Sudanese film director
Wikipedia - Daniel Daperis -- Australian actor and director
Wikipedia - Daniel Dencik -- Danish writer and film director
Wikipedia - Daniel Diaz Torres -- Cuban film director
Wikipedia - Daniele Thompson -- French screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Daniel Farrands -- American director
Wikipedia - Daniel Kleinman -- English director
Wikipedia - Daniel Krige -- Australian film director (born 1970)
Wikipedia - Danielle Harris -- American actress, voice actress, and film director
Wikipedia - Danielle Lessovitz -- American film director, producer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Daniel Mangrane -- Spanish film director
Wikipedia - Daniel Monzon -- Spanish film writer and director
Wikipedia - Daniel Peacock -- English actor, writer and director
Wikipedia - Daniel Petrie Jr. -- American film director
Wikipedia - Daniel Petrie -- Canadian film, television, and stage director
Wikipedia - Daniel Roebuck -- American actor, director, writer and producer
Wikipedia - Daniels (directors) -- Filmmaking duo
Wikipedia - Daniel Stern (actor) -- American actor, artist, director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Danila Kozlovsky -- Russian film and theater actor and director
Wikipedia - Danilo M-EM- erbedM-EM->ija -- Croatian film director
Wikipedia - Danishka Esterhazy -- Canadian screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Dankan -- Japanese actor and film director
Wikipedia - Dan Levy (Canadian actor) -- Canadian actor, writer, director, and producer
Wikipedia - Dann Florek -- American actor and director
Wikipedia - Danny Cannon -- English film director
Wikipedia - Danny DeVito -- American actor, comedian, director and producer
Wikipedia - Danny Gavidia -- Peruvian film and television director and cinematographer
Wikipedia - Danny Glover -- American actor, film director and political activist
Wikipedia - Danny Huston -- American actor, director
Wikipedia - Danny Ledonne -- American film director
Wikipedia - Danny Leiner -- American film and television director
Wikipedia - Danny White (athletic director) -- American athletic director
Wikipedia - Dan Povenmire -- American animator, director, writer, producer, storyboard artist, and voice actor
Wikipedia - Dan Rush -- American union founder and director
Wikipedia - Dan Taberski -- American writer, director, and producer
Wikipedia - Dante's Inferno: An Animated Epic -- 2010 film by several directors
Wikipedia - Daoud Abdel Sayed -- Egyptian director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Dardenne brothers -- Belgian film directors, screenwriters and film producers
Wikipedia - Darezhan Omirbaev -- Kazakh film director
Wikipedia - Dariusz Gajewski -- Polish film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Darko Bajic -- Serbian film director
Wikipedia - Darko Lungulov -- Serbian-American film director
Wikipedia - Dark Side of the Moon (2002 film) -- 2002 French mockumentary by director William Karel
Wikipedia - Darren Lynn Bousman -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Darren Stein -- American film director, screenwriter, and film producer
Wikipedia - Daryl Roth -- American producer and director
Wikipedia - Data cluster -- Unit of disk space allocation for files and directories
Wikipedia - Datta Naik -- Indian film music director
Wikipedia - Dave Coffey -- Irish writer, director and actor
Wikipedia - Dave Filoni -- American film director
Wikipedia - Dave Fleischer -- American film director and producer
Wikipedia - Dave Green (director) -- American film and music video director
Wikipedia - David Acomba -- Canadian film director and producer
Wikipedia - David Agiashvili -- Georgian film director, producer and screenwriter.
Wikipedia - David Alagna -- French stage director and composer
Wikipedia - David Allyn -- American director
Wikipedia - David Anspaugh -- American television and film director
Wikipedia - David Barrett (director) -- American television director and producer
Wikipedia - David Benedictus -- English-Jewish writer and theatre director
Wikipedia - David Berget -- Norwegian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - David Birney -- American actor/director
Wikipedia - David Black (photographer) -- American photographer and director
Wikipedia - David Bowers (director) -- English animator and film director
Wikipedia - David Branson -- Australian theatre director
Wikipedia - David Bruckner -- American film director
Wikipedia - David Butler (director) -- American actor
Wikipedia - David Caesar -- Australian film director
Wikipedia - David Caffrey -- Irish film director
Wikipedia - David Cahill -- Australian actor, writer producer and director
Wikipedia - David Carson (director) -- British film and television director
Wikipedia - David Chase -- American screenwriter, director and producer
Wikipedia - David Chotjewitz -- German writer and theatre director
Wikipedia - David Claessen -- Dutch cinematographer and director
Wikipedia - David Cobham -- British film/TV director and producer
Wikipedia - David Cole (journalist) -- American journalist and documentary film director
Wikipedia - David Crank -- Production designer and art director in film
Wikipedia - David Croft (TV producer) -- English writer, producer and director
Wikipedia - David Cross -- American stand-up comedian, actor, director, and writer
Wikipedia - David Davidson (film director) -- American film director
Wikipedia - David DeCoteau -- American-Canadian film director and producer
Wikipedia - David Del Rio -- American actor, director, and producer
Wikipedia - David di Donatello for Best Foreign Director -- Former annual Italian film award
Wikipedia - David Dobkin (director) -- American film director, producer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - David Drake (actor) -- American playwright, stage director, actor and author
Wikipedia - David Duchovny -- American actor, writer, producer, director, novelist, and singer-songwriter
Wikipedia - David Dusa -- Hungarian and Swedish film director
Wikipedia - David Esrig -- Romanian theater director
Wikipedia - David Field (actor) -- Australian actor and director
Wikipedia - David Fincher -- American film director
Wikipedia - David Flood (organist) -- British choir director and organist
Wikipedia - David Friedkin -- Writer and director (b. 1912, d. 1976)
Wikipedia - David Gleeson -- Irish film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - David Gordon Green -- American film director and writer
Wikipedia - David Green (Director of the SFO) -- British barrister
Wikipedia - David Hammond (director) -- American director and acting teacher
Wikipedia - David Hansen (playwright) -- American actor, director and playwright
Wikipedia - David Hemmings -- English actor, director, producer, and singer-songwriter
Wikipedia - David Howard (director) -- American film director
Wikipedia - David Hunt (actor) -- English actor, producer, and director
Wikipedia - David Hyde Pierce -- American actor and director
Wikipedia - David Jackson (director) -- American director
Wikipedia - David Jones (director) -- English stage, television, and film director
Wikipedia - David Joyner -- Orthopedic physician, and collegiate athletic director
Wikipedia - David Keith -- American actor and director
Wikipedia - David Kirkland -- American actor and director
Wikipedia - David K. Irving -- American film director
Wikipedia - David Koepp -- American screenwriter and director (born 1963)
Wikipedia - David Koff -- Film director/writer and social activist
Wikipedia - David Lean -- British film director
Wikipedia - David Lee (photographer) -- American photographer and film director
Wikipedia - David Lee (screenwriter) -- American screenwriter, director and television producer
Wikipedia - David Leitch -- American actor and director
Wikipedia - David Limond Murdoch -- New Zealand banker and company director
Wikipedia - David Lowell Rich -- American film director
Wikipedia - David Lowery (director) -- American filmmaker
Wikipedia - David Lozano (playwright) -- American director and playwright
Wikipedia - David Mackenzie (director) -- British film director
Wikipedia - David Madden (Jeopardy! contestant) -- American Jeopardy! champion and director of National History Bee and Bowl
Wikipedia - David Mamet -- American playwright, essayist, screenwriter, and film director
Wikipedia - David McKendrick -- British art director and graphic designer
Wikipedia - David Michod -- Australian film director
Wikipedia - David Mickey Evans -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - David Miller (director) -- American film director
Wikipedia - David Mirkin -- American film and television writer, director and producer
Wikipedia - David Mitton -- British television producer, director and special effects technician
Wikipedia - David Nelson (actor) -- American actor, director, producer (1936-2011)
Wikipedia - David Neves -- Brazilian film director
Wikipedia - David Nutter -- American film director
Wikipedia - David Paymer -- Actor, director
Wikipedia - David Platt (director) -- American film and television director
Wikipedia - David P. Levin -- American television producer, director and writer
Wikipedia - David Proudfoot -- Engineering contractor, company director
Wikipedia - David Rappaport -- Actor, musician, writer, director, teacher
Wikipedia - David R. White -- American dance artistic director and producer
Wikipedia - David Sakurai -- Japanese-Danish actor, director, scriptwriter, and martial artist
Wikipedia - David S. Cass Sr. -- American film director
Wikipedia - David Schwimmer -- American actor, producer and director
Wikipedia - David Semel -- American director
Wikipedia - David Shields -- American author and film director
Wikipedia - David Silverman (animator) -- American animator and director
Wikipedia - David Smith (director) -- English film director
Wikipedia - David Solomon (TV producer) -- American television director and producer
Wikipedia - David Spenser -- British actor, director, producer and writer
Wikipedia - David Staller -- American theatre director and actor
Wikipedia - David Straiton -- American television director
Wikipedia - David S. Ward -- American film director
Wikipedia - David Timm -- German pianist and choir director
Wikipedia - David Trueba -- Spanish novelist and film director
Wikipedia - David Twohy -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - David Vela -- Former acting director of the United States National Park Service
Wikipedia - David Von Ancken -- American director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - David Wain -- American writer, director, actor, and comedian
Wikipedia - David Wheatley (director)
Wikipedia - David Zeiger -- American film director, writer and producer
Wikipedia - David Zellner -- American film director, screenwriter, and actor
Wikipedia - David Zennie -- American director and producer
Wikipedia - Daya Alwis -- Sri Lankan actor and director
Wikipedia - Dayaram Dahal -- Nepalese film director
Wikipedia - Daya Wimalaweera -- Sri Lankan director
Wikipedia - D. Djajakusuma -- Indonesian film director and promoter of traditional art forms
Wikipedia - Dea Kulumbegashvili -- Georgian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Dean Israelite -- South African film director
Wikipedia - DeAnna M. Burt -- U.S. Space Force Director of Operations and Communications
Wikipedia - Deanne Foley -- Canadian director, writer and producer
Wikipedia - Dean Parisot -- American film and television director
Wikipedia - Dear Son Maruthu -- 1995 film directed by M. Solai Rajendran. He had been working as an assistant to Director K. Bhagyaraj
Wikipedia - Debaloy Bhattacharya -- Bengali film director, actor, writer and editor
Wikipedia - Debbie Isitt -- British comic writer, film director and performer
Wikipedia - Deborah Day -- Canadian film director and writer
Wikipedia - Debra Granik -- American film director, screenwriter and cinematographer
Wikipedia - Debra Laefer -- American Geotechnical Engineer and director of citizen science
Wikipedia - Declan Cassidy -- Irish television and film director
Wikipedia - Declan Lowney -- Irish film and television director
Wikipedia - Deepak Raj Giri -- Nepalese comedian, actor and director
Wikipedia - Deepak Rauniyar -- Nepalese film director
Wikipedia - Deepak Rayamajhi -- Nepalese film director
Wikipedia - Deepak Shivdasani -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Deepak Tijori -- Indian film director and actor
Wikipedia - Deepa Shree Niraula -- Nepalese actress and director
Wikipedia - Deeyah Khan -- Norwegian documentary film director
Wikipedia - Del Andrews -- Hollywood writer and director
Wikipedia - Del Ankers -- American cinematographer and director
Wikipedia - Delbert Mann -- American television and film director
Wikipedia - Delinquent Director -- Legal reason to depose a director of a company
Wikipedia - Del Lord -- Film director
Wikipedia - Denis Chouinard -- Canadian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Denis Dercourt -- French film director
Wikipedia - Denise Di Novi -- American film producer and director
Wikipedia - Denise Filiatrault -- Canadian actress and director
Wikipedia - Denis Lawson -- Scottish actor and director
Wikipedia - Denis Marleau -- Canadian director
Wikipedia - Denison Clift -- American film director, writer
Wikipedia - Denis Sanders -- American film director
Wikipedia - Denis Villeneuve -- Canadian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Deniz Gamze Erguven -- Turkish-French film director
Wikipedia - Dennis Berry (director) -- American film director
Wikipedia - Dennis C. Blair -- US Navy admiral and 3rd Director of National Intelligence
Wikipedia - Dennis Gansel -- German film director, writer and actor
Wikipedia - Dennis Hopper -- American actor and film director
Wikipedia - Dennis Iliadis -- Greek film director
Wikipedia - Dennis Latos -- American film director
Wikipedia - Denys Arcand -- Canadian Film director
Wikipedia - Denys Granier-Deferre -- French film director
Wikipedia - Denzel Washington -- American actor, director, and producer
Wikipedia - Deputy Director of the National Security Agency
Wikipedia - Derek Bond (theatre director) -- British theatre director
Wikipedia - Derek Cianfrance -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Derek Hay -- British pornographic film actor & director (born 1964)
Wikipedia - Derek Jacobi -- English actor and film director
Wikipedia - Derek Jarman -- British film director and artist
Wikipedia - Derek Twist -- British screenwriter, film editor and director
Wikipedia - Dermot Boyd -- Northern Irish-born television director
Wikipedia - Derrick Pierce -- American pornographic actor and director (born 1974)
Wikipedia - Derwin Abrahams -- American film director
Wikipedia - Des Hamilton (casting director) -- Entertainment industry professional
Wikipedia - Design director
Wikipedia - Desmond Davis -- British film and television director
Wikipedia - Desmond Elliot -- Nigerian actor, director, and politician
Wikipedia - Destin Daniel Cretton -- Film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Destiny Ekaragha -- British film director
Wikipedia - Detlev Buck -- German film director, actor, screenwriter and film producer
Wikipedia - Detlev F. Neufert -- German film director
Wikipedia - Dev Anand -- Indian actor, producer, director
Wikipedia - Devaraj-Mohan -- Director duo of Indian film industry
Wikipedia - Deven Bhojani -- Indian actor and director
Wikipedia - DeVeren Bookwalter -- American actor and film director
Wikipedia - Dexter Fletcher -- English actor and director
Wikipedia - DezsM-EM-^Q Kertesz -- Hungarian actor, director
Wikipedia - DezsM-EM-^Q M-CM-^Akos Hamza -- Hungarian film director
Wikipedia - Dharani (director) -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Dharmapriya Dias -- Sri Lankan actor and director
Wikipedia - Dharmasena Pathiraja -- Sri Lankan film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Dharmasiri Bandaranayake -- Sri Lankan film director and playwright
Wikipedia - Dhill -- 2001 film by Dharani Director
Wikipedia - DhimitM-CM-+r Anagnosti -- Albanian film director and politician
Wikipedia - Dhwani Gautam -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Diana Groo -- Hungarian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Diane Bertrand -- French film director
Wikipedia - Dianna Agron -- American actress, singer, dancer and director
Wikipedia - Dibakar Banerjee -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Dick Carson -- American television director
Wikipedia - Dick Clement -- British film director and writer
Wikipedia - Dick Crockett -- American actor and director
Wikipedia - Dick Lowry -- American director and film producer
Wikipedia - Dick Powell -- American singer, actor, film producer, film director and studio head
Wikipedia - Dick Randall (producer) -- American film producer, screenwriter, actor, and assistant director
Wikipedia - Dick Richards -- American film director
Wikipedia - Dick Scanlan -- American writer, director, and actor
Wikipedia - Diederik van Rooijen -- Dutch film director
Wikipedia - Dieter Kaegi -- Swiss opera director
Wikipedia - Dietrich Bruggemann -- German film director
Wikipedia - Digby Rumsey -- British film director and producer
Wikipedia - Dileesh Pothan -- Malayalam film director
Wikipedia - Dimiter Gotscheff -- Bulgarian-German theater director
Wikipedia - Dimitri Buchowetzki -- Russian film director
Wikipedia - Dimitri Kirsanoff -- French film director
Wikipedia - Dinah Manoff -- Actress, director
Wikipedia - Dinara Asanova -- Soviet film director
Wikipedia - Dinesh Sudarshan Soi -- Indian actor and director
Wikipedia - Dingdong Dantes -- Filipino actor and film director
Wikipedia - Ding Sheng (director) -- Chinese film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Dino Risi -- Italian film director
Wikipedia - Dionisio Azevedo -- Brazilian actor and director
Wikipedia - Dipendra K. Khanal -- Nepalese film director
Wikipedia - Directorate for Investigating Organized Crime and Terrorism -- Romanian anti-crime and anti-terrorism agency
Wikipedia - Directorate-General for External Security
Wikipedia - Directorate General of Civil Aviation (India) -- National civil aviation authority of the Government of India
Wikipedia - Directorate General of Customs and Excise (Indonesia) -- Indonesian government customs agency
Wikipedia - Directorate General of Family Planning -- Government agencies of Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Directorate General of Forces Intelligence
Wikipedia - Directorate General of Health Services -- Government organization in Dhaka, Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Directorate General of Jute (Bangladesh) -- state industrial regulatory authority
Wikipedia - Directorate of Air Intelligence
Wikipedia - Directorate of Defence Intelligence and Security
Wikipedia - Directorate of Lighthouses, Portugal -- Organization managing Portugal's lighthouses
Wikipedia - Directorate of Military Intelligence (India)
Wikipedia - Directorate of Military Intelligence (Ireland)
Wikipedia - Directorate of Military Intelligence (Sri Lanka)
Wikipedia - Directorate of Military Intelligence (United Kingdom)
Wikipedia - Directorate of Music -- Personnel department in the Hellenic Army that presides over military bands and musical functions
Wikipedia - Directorate of Naval Tactical and Weapons Policy -- British Royal Navy, naval staff
Wikipedia - Directorate of Operations (CIA)
Wikipedia - Directorate of Religious Affairs -- Turkish Directorate of Religious Affairs
Wikipedia - Directorate of Ukraine
Wikipedia - Director (business)
Wikipedia - Director general of police -- Head of the state police force in India
Wikipedia - Director General of the Federal Investigation Agency -- Head of a government agency of Pakistan
Wikipedia - Director-General of the Provincial Government of the Western Cape -- Senior non-political official
Wikipedia - Director-General of the World Trade Organization
Wikipedia - Directorial system
Wikipedia - Directorium Inquisitorum
Wikipedia - Director of audiography -- Sound director, Head of a sound department
Wikipedia - Director of Corporate Enforcement v Barry Seymour -- Irish Supreme Court case
Wikipedia - Director of National Intelligence
Wikipedia - Director of network programming -- Position in television
Wikipedia - Director of Public Prosecutions v Pat Hegarty -- Irish Supreme Court case
Wikipedia - Director of Public Transport -- Head of an Australian government agency
Wikipedia - Director of the Central Intelligence Agency
Wikipedia - Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation -- Head of the Federal Bureau of Investigation
Wikipedia - Director of the Joint Staff -- US military three-star officer who assists the Joint Chiefs of Staff,
Wikipedia - Director of the National Security Agency
Wikipedia - Director of the Royal Greenwich Observatory
Wikipedia - Director of the United States Census Bureau -- Chief administrator of the United States Census Bureau
Wikipedia - Director, Public Transport Safety -- Australian government agency
Wikipedia - Directors' Fortnight
Wikipedia - Directors Guild of Canada Award for Best Direction - Family -- Award
Wikipedia - Director's Kut Productions -- Indian company which produces soap operas
Wikipedia - Directors Label -- Series of DVDs devoted to notable music video directors
Wikipedia - Director's statement -- A statement by a film's director providing creative context
Wikipedia - Director string
Wikipedia - Directors UK -- British professional organization for audiovisual directors
Wikipedia - Director X -- Canadian film and music video director and producer
Wikipedia - Directory-based coherence protocols
Wikipedia - Directory (computing)
Wikipedia - Directory (file systems)
Wikipedia - Directory for Public Worship
Wikipedia - Directory Harvest Attack
Wikipedia - Directory of American Philosophers
Wikipedia - Directory of International Associations of the Faithful
Wikipedia - Directory of Open Access Journals -- Curated list of peer-reviewed Open-Access journals
Wikipedia - Directory services
Wikipedia - Directory service -- Service that maps the names of network resources to their respective network addresses
Wikipedia - Directory structure
Wikipedia - Directory Utility
Wikipedia - Dirk Kummer -- German actor, director
Wikipedia - Dito Tsintsadze -- Georgian film director
Wikipedia - Divya Khosla Kumar -- Indian actress and film director
Wikipedia - D. J. Caruso -- American film xxx and television director
Wikipedia - Dmitrii Frolov -- Soviet film director
Wikipedia - Dmitry Astrakhan -- Russian film director and actor
Wikipedia - Dmitry Davydov (filmmaker) -- Russian film director
Wikipedia - DMOZ -- Open content directory of Web links established in 1998
Wikipedia - Doan Hoang -- Film director, producer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Doe Ching -- Chinese film director
Wikipedia - Dom DeLuise -- American actor, chef, director, producer, author
Wikipedia - Dome Karukoski -- Finnish film director
Wikipedia - Domenica Cameron-Scorsese -- American actress, producer and director
Wikipedia - Dominic Allen -- Australian director and producer
Wikipedia - Dominic Brunt -- British actor and director
Wikipedia - Dominic Dromgoole -- British theatre director and writer
Wikipedia - Dominic Zapata -- Filipino television and film director
Wikipedia - Dominik Graf -- German film director
Wikipedia - Dominique Cabrera -- French film director
Wikipedia - Dominique Deruddere -- Belgian film director
Wikipedia - Domonique Simone -- American pornographic actress and director (born 1971)
Wikipedia - Don Adams -- American actor, comedian and director
Wikipedia - Donald A. B. Lindberg -- Director of the US National Library of Medicine
Wikipedia - Donald Byrd (choreographer) -- American modern dance choreographer and director
Wikipedia - Donald F. Glut -- Writer, director, musician, actor
Wikipedia - Donald M. Ashton -- English art director
Wikipedia - Donald P. Borchers -- American film director, producer
Wikipedia - Donald Petrie -- American actor and film director
Wikipedia - Don Birrell -- American graphic designer and museum director (b. 1922, d. 2006)
Wikipedia - Don Brockett -- American actor, comedian, producer and director
Wikipedia - Don Hahn -- American film producer and director
Wikipedia - Don Letts -- British film director
Wikipedia - Don Lusk -- American animator and director
Wikipedia - Don McKellar -- Canadian actor, screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Don Michael Perez -- Filipino screenwriter and director
Wikipedia - Donna Deitch -- American film director
Wikipedia - Donnie Chun-Yu Lai -- Taiwanese film director
Wikipedia - Donnie Darko: The Director's Cut -- 2004 film by Richard Kelly
Wikipedia - Donnie Yen -- Hong Kong actor, martial artist, film director, producer, and action choreographer
Wikipedia - Don Novello -- American actor, comedian and director
Wikipedia - Don Roos -- American screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Don Siegel -- Film director and producer
Wikipedia - Don Taylor (American filmmaker) -- American actor and director
Wikipedia - Don Weis -- American film and television director
Wikipedia - Doris Fitton -- Actress and stage director
Wikipedia - Dorothy Arzner -- American film director and film editor
Wikipedia - Dorothy Daniels -- Ballet teacher and director (1916 - 1981)
Wikipedia - Dorothy Fadiman -- American film director and producer
Wikipedia - Doug Aarniokoski -- Assistant director and director
Wikipedia - Doug Cockle -- American actor and director
Wikipedia - Douglas Arrowsmith -- Canadian film director and writer
Wikipedia - Douglas Buck -- American film director
Wikipedia - Douglas Hodge -- English actor, director, and musician
Wikipedia - Douglas Shearer -- Canadian sound designer and recording director
Wikipedia - Douglas Sirk -- Film director from Germany
Wikipedia - Douglas Trumbull -- American film director, special effects designer
Wikipedia - Douglas Wood (writer) -- American film director
Wikipedia - Doug Liman -- American film director and producer
Wikipedia - Dover Kosashvili -- Israeli film director
Wikipedia - Draft:Ahmad Reza Darvish -- Iranian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Draft:Anca Damian -- Romanian film director
Wikipedia - Draft:Anthony Bawn -- American writer, director, and film producer
Wikipedia - Draft:Babitha Mathew -- Indian Film Director
Wikipedia - Draft:Diandra Lazor -- American actress, stunt performer, writer, and director
Wikipedia - Draft:Gowtam Tinnanuri -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Draft:Hameer Ram -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Draft:Harish Sharma (author) -- Indian film director and author (born 1963)
Wikipedia - Draft:Idrish Haider -- Bangladeshi Television and Film director
Wikipedia - Draft:Indrajit Banerjee -- Author & Director, Knowledge Societies Division UNESCO
Wikipedia - Draft:Jack Spring (Film Director) -- English film director, screenwriter and producer
Wikipedia - Draft:J.A. Moreno -- Music video director
Wikipedia - Draft:Jenna Kanell -- American actress, stunt performer, writer, and director
Wikipedia - Draft:J.J. Villard -- American film director and animator
Wikipedia - Draft:Joseph Manu James -- American-Indian film director
Wikipedia - Draft:Khashayar Rahimi -- Iranian director
Wikipedia - Draft:Koray Sevindi -- Turkish film director, screenwriter, film producer and academician
Wikipedia - Draft:Leeya Rose Jackson -- American art director
Wikipedia - Draft:Mahmoodreza Esmailizand -- Iranian film director
Wikipedia - Draft:Mark De-Lisser -- Choral Director, arranger, voice coach, presenter and author.
Wikipedia - Draft:Michael A. Hall -- Managing Director of Engineering at Hall Labs
Wikipedia - Draft:Michael Covino -- American actor and director
Wikipedia - Draft:Munehisa Sakai -- Japanese anime director born in 1971
Wikipedia - Draft:Navjit Buttar -- Indian Punjabi video director
Wikipedia - Draft:Neba Lawrence (1) -- Cameroonian filmmaker and director
Wikipedia - Draft:Neba Lawrence -- Cameroonian filmmaker and director
Wikipedia - Draft:Oscar Costo -- Cuban-American film and television writer, director and producer.
Wikipedia - Draft:Oscar Viale -- Malaysian actor, filem director, singer, songwriter, television presenter and comedian
Wikipedia - Draft:Owais Khan -- Pakistani film/television director
Wikipedia - Draft:Paolo Bosisio -- Italian film director, screenwriter and academician
Wikipedia - Draft:Patrick Ingram -- English-Irish managing director
Wikipedia - Draft:Preston hazard -- American film director and animator
Wikipedia - Draft:Professor Bhaskar N. Thorat -- [Director and Professor of Chemical Engineering in ICT Mumbai-IOC Odisha Campus, Bhubaneswar]
Wikipedia - Draft:Raj Jaykumar Modak -- Indian film actor, Model, Director and playback singer
Wikipedia - Draft:Raka (choreographer) {{DISPLAYTITLE:Raka - Choreographer & Film Director -- Draft:Raka (choreographer) {{DISPLAYTITLE:Raka - Choreographer & Film Director
Wikipedia - Draft:Rashid Khan (music director) -- Indian Music Director-Songwriter
Wikipedia - Draft:Ravi Shankar (music director) -- Indian singer and music producer
Wikipedia - Draft:Reis M-CM-^Gelik -- Turkish film director, Journalist, Actor
Wikipedia - Draft:Ruth Rachel Yvonne Anderson-Avraham -- American film director, film producer, writer, and actor
Wikipedia - Draft:Sanjay Chouhan -- Indian actor casting director
Wikipedia - Draft:Saurav Chaudhary -- Nepalese film director and actor
Wikipedia - Draft:Shuvro Roy -- Director, screenwriter and editor
Wikipedia - Draft:Siddhesh Vijay Dixit -- Writer, Poet, Music Director, Composer, Singer, Indian tabla player.
Wikipedia - Draft:S U Arun Kumar -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Draft:S. U. Arun Kumar -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Draft:Syam babu -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Draft:Tim Oliehoek -- Dutch film director
Wikipedia - Draft:Tony Wharmby -- English television director and producer
Wikipedia - Draft:Vaibhav Saxena -- Indian composer, music director, rapper, singer and music producer
Wikipedia - Draft:Vijay Chandar (director) -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Draft:Vikas Vashisht -- Indian director
Wikipedia - Draft:Wregas Bhanuteja -- Indonesian director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Draft:Yoichi Ushihara -- Japanese film director
Wikipedia - Draga AhaM-DM-^MiM-DM-^M -- Slovene actress, film director, translator and publicist.
Wikipedia - Dragoslav Bokan -- Serbian film director and writer
Wikipedia - Drake Sather -- American stand-up comedian, television writer, producer, actor, and director
Wikipedia - Dramarama (film) -- 2001 anthology film by 5 different directors
Wikipedia - Drew Barrymore -- American actress, director and producer
Wikipedia - Drew Esocoff -- American television sports director
Wikipedia - Drew Goddard -- American writer and director
Wikipedia - Drew Pearce -- British writer and director (born 1975)
Wikipedia - Driss Roukhe -- Moroccan actor and director
Wikipedia - Dror Zahavi -- Israeli film director
Wikipedia - D. Ross Lederman -- American film and television director
Wikipedia - Duane H. King -- Museum director and academic (b. 1947, d. 2017)
Wikipedia - Dudley Murphy -- American film director
Wikipedia - Duilio Coletti -- Italian film director
Wikipedia - Duke Worne -- American film director
Wikipedia - DuM-EM-!an David PaM-EM-^Yizek -- Czech theatre director
Wikipedia - DuM-EM-!an Jovanovic (theatre director) -- Slovene theatre director
Wikipedia - DuM-EM-!an RapoM-EM-! -- Slovak film director, screenwriter, composer
Wikipedia - DuM-EM-!an TranM-DM-^Mik -- Slovak film director
Wikipedia - Duncan Jones -- British film director
Wikipedia - Dunne v Director of Public Prosecutions -- Irish Supreme Court case
Wikipedia - Durai (director) -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - D'Urville Martin -- American actor and director
Wikipedia - Dustin Diamond -- American actor, musician, director, and stand-up comedian
Wikipedia - Dustin Hoffman -- American actor and director
Wikipedia - Dustin Lance Black -- American screenwriter, director and producer
Wikipedia - Dutch Marich -- American film director, screenwriter, and producer
Wikipedia - D. W. Griffith -- American film director and producer
Wikipedia - Dyan Cannon -- American actress, director, screenwriter, editor, and producer
Wikipedia - Dyanna Lauren -- American pornographic actress and director (born 1965)
Wikipedia - Dylan Fergus -- American actor, producer and director
Wikipedia - Dylan Holmes Williams -- British film director and writer
Wikipedia - Dziga Vertov -- Soviet director
Wikipedia - E. A. Dupont -- German film director
Wikipedia - Eagle Egilsson -- Television director, cinematographer
Wikipedia - Eamon Flack -- Australian theatre director
Wikipedia - East Coast Vijayan -- Film Producer, Director&lyricist
Wikipedia - Ebrahim Alkazi -- Indian theatre director
Wikipedia - Ebrahim Hatamikia -- Iranian screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Ed Bianchi -- American television director
Wikipedia - Eddie Imazu -- Art director
Wikipedia - Eddie Rodriguez -- Filipino film actor and director (1932-2001)
Wikipedia - Eddy Terstall -- Dutch film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Ed Edwards -- British corporate executive and film director
Wikipedia - Edgar G. Ulmer -- American film director, set designer
Wikipedia - Edgar Mortiz -- Filipino actor and director
Wikipedia - Edgar Selwyn -- American actor and director
Wikipedia - Edgar Wright -- English film director, screenwriter and producer
Wikipedia - Ed Hansen -- American film director
Wikipedia - Ed Harris -- American actor and director
Wikipedia - Edith Bruck -- Hungarian-born writer and director
Wikipedia - Edith Mary Douglas -- British engineer, shipyard director
Wikipedia - Edith Stauber -- Austrian film director and illustrator
Wikipedia - Edmund C. Moy -- Former director of US Mint, businessman
Wikipedia - Edmund Goulding -- British film director
Wikipedia - Edmund von Borck -- German composer and director
Wikipedia - Edmund Wiercinski -- Polish actor, stage director, and educator
Wikipedia - Edoardo De Angelis -- Italian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Edo Bertoglio -- Swiss photographer and film director
Wikipedia - Edouard Luntz -- French film director
Wikipedia - Edouard Molinaro -- French film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Edouard Niermans (director) -- French film director
Wikipedia - Edouard Sailly -- Chadian film director
Wikipedia - Eduard Grell -- German composer, conductor, choir director and music educator
Wikipedia - Eduard Ichon -- German theatre director
Wikipedia - Eduardo Chapero-Jackson -- Spanish film director
Wikipedia - Eduardo Darino -- American animator and film director
Wikipedia - Eduardo Sanchez (director) -- Cuban-born American film director
Wikipedia - Eduard Zahariev -- Bulgarian film director
Wikipedia - Edward A. Kull -- American film director
Wikipedia - Edward Berger -- German director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Edward Dick -- British theatre director
Wikipedia - Edward Dillon (actor) -- American actor and director
Wikipedia - Edward Einhorn -- American playwright and director
Wikipedia - Edward F. Cline -- American actor and director
Wikipedia - Edward Francis Fitzwilliam -- English composer and music director
Wikipedia - Edward Hall (director) -- English theatre director
Wikipedia - Edward H. Griffith -- American film director, screenwriter, and producer
Wikipedia - Edward James Olmos -- American actor and director
Wikipedia - Edward Jose -- Belgian film director
Wikipedia - Edward Kemp (playwright) -- English playwright and theatre director
Wikipedia - Edward Killy -- American film director
Wikipedia - Edward Laemmle -- Film director
Wikipedia - Edward Ludwig -- American film director
Wikipedia - Edward Montagne -- American film director
Wikipedia - Edward Morrissey (director) -- American director
Wikipedia - Edward Sedgwick -- Film director, screenwriter
Wikipedia - Edward Skorzewski -- Polish film director
Wikipedia - Edward Sloman -- British actor and film director
Wikipedia - Edward Watts (director) -- English filmmaker
Wikipedia - Edward Yang -- Taiwanese film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Edward Yates -- television director
Wikipedia - Ed Waterstreet -- American artistic director
Wikipedia - Edwin Greenwood -- British film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Edwin H. Knopf -- American film director, producer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Edwin L. Marin -- American film director
Wikipedia - Edwin Zbonek -- Austrian film director
Wikipedia - Ed Wood -- American screenwriter, director, producer, actor, author, and film editor
Wikipedia - E. E. Clive -- Welsh stage actor and director
Wikipedia - Efren Reyes Sr. -- Filipino actor and director
Wikipedia - E.G. de Meyst -- Belgian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Egor Baranov -- Russian film director
Wikipedia - E. H. Calvert -- American actor and director
Wikipedia - Ei Aoki -- Japanese storyboard artist and director
Wikipedia - Eiichi Kudo -- Japanese film director
Wikipedia - Eiichi Yamamoto -- Japanese film director
Wikipedia - Eiji Tsuburaya -- Japanese film director
Wikipedia - Eilidh McCreadie -- Radio drama director & producer
Wikipedia - Eimuntas NekroM-EM-!ius -- Lithuanian theatre director
Wikipedia - E. J. Babille -- American film director (1883-1970)
Wikipedia - Ejike Asiegbu -- Nigerian film actor and film director
Wikipedia - Ekow Blankson -- Managing Director and Actor
Wikipedia - Ekta Kapoor -- Indian television producer, film producer and director
Wikipedia - Elaine Didier -- American director of the Gerald R. Ford Library and Museum
Wikipedia - Elaine May -- American screenwriter, film director, actress, and comedian
Wikipedia - Elaine Proctor -- South African film director
Wikipedia - Eldar Shengelaia -- Soviet film director
Wikipedia - Eleonora Vinogradova -- Ukrainian music educator and choir director
Wikipedia - Elia Kazan -- Greek-American film and theatre director, producer, screenwriter, novelist
Wikipedia - Elia Suleiman -- Palestinian film director
Wikipedia - Eli Craig -- American screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Eli Cross (director) -- American pornographic film director (born 196)
Wikipedia - Elie Fahed -- Lebanese filmmaker and director
Wikipedia - Eliezer Levi Montefiore -- Businessmen, art enthusiast and gallery director
Wikipedia - Eli Roth -- American film director, producer, editor, writer, and actor
Wikipedia - Elisabeta Bostan -- Romanian film director
Wikipedia - Elisabeth Rappeneau -- French film director
Wikipedia - Elisabetta Rocchetti -- Italian actress and film director
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Alexander (actress) -- Australian actress, director and teacher
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Henstridge -- English actress and director
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Wood (housing director) -- American executive
Wikipedia - Eliza Hittman -- American film director
Wikipedia - Eliza McNitt -- American writer and director
Wikipedia - Elkhanah Pulitzer -- American stage director and librettist
Wikipedia - Ellen Cuffe, Countess of Desart -- Irish politician and company director
Wikipedia - Ellen Duncan -- Irish art gallery director and critic
Wikipedia - Ellen Geer -- American actress and director
Wikipedia - Ellen Ochoa -- Former astronaut and current Deputy Director of the Johnson Space Center
Wikipedia - Ellen Wheeler -- American actress, director and producer
Wikipedia - Elliot Scott -- English art director
Wikipedia - Elliott Nugent -- American actor, playwright, writer, and film director
Wikipedia - Ellis R. Dungan -- American director of Indian films
Wikipedia - Elmer Clifton -- American film director
Wikipedia - Elmir Jukic -- Bosnian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Elsie Jane Wilson -- Australian film director
Wikipedia - Elvira Lind -- Danish film director and writer
Wikipedia - Emamode Edosio -- Nigerian film maker and film director
Wikipedia - Emanuele Crialese -- Italian screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Emanuel Gregers -- Danish actor and director 1881 - 1957
Wikipedia - E. Mason Hopper -- American film director
Wikipedia - Emerald Fennell -- English actress, author, screenwriter, and director
Wikipedia - Emeric Pressburger -- Hungarian-British screenwriter, film director, and producer (1902-1988)
Wikipedia - Emidio Greco -- Italian film director
Wikipedia - Emile Ardolino -- American film director, choreographer, and producer
Wikipedia - Emilie Deleuze -- French film director
Wikipedia - Emilio Estevez -- American actor, director, and writer
Wikipedia - Emilio Fernandez -- Mexican film director and actor
Wikipedia - Emilio Ghione -- Italian actor, film director, and author
Wikipedia - Emil Nava -- British music video director
Wikipedia - Emil Platen -- German choir director and musicologist
Wikipedia - Emily Kai Bock -- Canadian writer and film director
Wikipedia - Emir Baigazin -- Kazakh actor and film director
Wikipedia - Emir Kusturica -- Serbian film director, actor and musician of Bosnian origin
Wikipedia - Emmerich Hanus -- Austrian actor and film director
Wikipedia - Emory Johnson -- American actor, director, producer, and writer
Wikipedia - Ena Sendijarevic -- Bosnian film director
Wikipedia - Ennio de Concini -- Italian film director
Wikipedia - Enrico Casarosa -- Italian storyboard artist and director
Wikipedia - Enrico Gras -- Italian film director
Wikipedia - Enrico Lando -- Italian film director
Wikipedia - Enrique Alarcon -- Spanish art director
Wikipedia - Enrique Carreras -- Film director
Wikipedia - Enrique Fernandez (director) -- Uruguayan film director
Wikipedia - Enrique Juan Vallejo -- Mexican cinematographer, film director
Wikipedia - Enrique Telemaco Susini -- Argentine film director and media pioneer
Wikipedia - Enzo Fortuny -- Mexican voice artist and ADR director
Wikipedia - Enzo G. Castellari -- Italian director, screenwriter and actor
Wikipedia - Eoin Macken -- Irish actor, model, author and director
Wikipedia - E. Preston Ames -- Hollywood art director
Wikipedia - Erden Kiral -- Turkish film director
Wikipedia - Eric Aghimien -- Nigerian director
Wikipedia - Eric Brevig -- American film director
Wikipedia - Eric Bross -- American film director
Wikipedia - Eric Eason -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Erich Engel -- German director
Wikipedia - Erich Grave -- German art director
Wikipedia - Erich Schumacher -- German theatre director
Wikipedia - Erich von Stroheim -- Austrian actor and director
Wikipedia - Erich Ziegel -- German theatre director and actor
Wikipedia - Erick Gordon -- Director of the Student Press Initiative
Wikipedia - Eric Le Hung -- Vietnamese-French film director
Wikipedia - Eric Malcolm Fraser -- ICI executive and UK director-general of aircraft production in World War II
Wikipedia - Eric Mendelsohn -- American film director
Wikipedia - Eric Mitchell (filmmaker) -- French-born American actor, writer, and director
Wikipedia - Eric Quizon -- Filipino actor, director, producer, writer, and comedian
Wikipedia - Eric Red -- American screenwriter and director
Wikipedia - Eric Rochat -- French producer, screenwriter and director
Wikipedia - Eric Stoltz -- American actor, director and film producer
Wikipedia - Eric Stuart -- American voice actor, voice director, singer, songwriter, and guitarist
Wikipedia - Eric Weinstein -- American venture capital director
Wikipedia - Eric Westbrook -- British-born Australian artist, curator and gallery director
Wikipedia - Erik Aaes -- Danish set designer and art director
Wikipedia - Erika Eschebach -- German woman historian and museum director
Wikipedia - Erika Lust -- Swedish pornographic film director
Wikipedia - Erik Balling -- Danish film director
Wikipedia - Erik de Bruyn -- Dutch film director and actor
Wikipedia - Erik Ehn -- American playwright and director
Wikipedia - Erik-Jan de Boer -- Dutch animation director
Wikipedia - Erik Moller -- German freelance journalist, software developer, author and former Deputy Director of the Wikimedia Foundation
Wikipedia - Erik Ode -- German actor and director
Wikipedia - Erik Poysti (director) -- Finnish director
Wikipedia - Erik Rhodes (pornographic actor) -- American pornographic actor and director
Wikipedia - Erik SkjoldbjM-CM-&rg -- Norwegian film director
Wikipedia - Erik Van Looy -- Belgian film director
Wikipedia - Erik van Zuylen -- Dutch film director
Wikipedia - Erkan Kolcak Kostendil -- Turkish actor and director
Wikipedia - Erkko Kivikoski -- Finnish film director
Wikipedia - Erle C. Kenton -- American film director
Wikipedia - Ermanno Olmi -- Italian film director
Wikipedia - Ernest Archer -- Art director
Wikipedia - Ernest B. Schoedsack -- American film director
Wikipedia - Ernest Day -- British cinematographer and director
Wikipedia - Ernesto Contreras (director) -- Mexican film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Ernesto Daranas -- Cuban director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Ernesto Ottone -- Assistant Director-General for Culture of UNESCO
Wikipedia - Ernie Barbarash -- Film director and producer
Wikipedia - Ernie Fosselius -- American film director
Wikipedia - Ernst Fegte -- German art director
Wikipedia - Ernst Laemmle -- German screenwriter and director
Wikipedia - Ernst Lubitsch -- German American actor, screenwriter, producer and film director
Wikipedia - Ernst Moerman -- Belgian writer and film director
Wikipedia - Ernst von Possart -- 19th/20th-century German actor and director
Wikipedia - Erode Soundar -- Indian film writer and director
Wikipedia - Erricos Andreou -- Greek film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Errol Taggart -- Canadian film director and film editor
Wikipedia - Esmayeel Shroff -- Indian film director and writer (born 1960)
Wikipedia - Esme Church -- British actress and theatre director
Wikipedia - Estelle Savasta -- French playwright and theatre director
Wikipedia - Ester Martin Bergsmark -- Swedish film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Esther Rots -- Dutch film director
Wikipedia - Esti Almo Wexler -- Israeli film director
Wikipedia - Etan Cohen -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Ethan Stiefel -- American ballet dancer, choreographer and director
Wikipedia - Ethirum Pudhirum -- 1999 film by Dharani Director
Wikipedia - Etienne Chatiliez -- French film director
Wikipedia - Eugene Twombly -- American film special effects director
Wikipedia - Eugenio Canfari -- Italian sporting director
Wikipedia - Eugenio Testa -- Italian actor and film director
Wikipedia - Eugen York -- German film director
Wikipedia - European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines & HealthCare -- International organisation
Wikipedia - Euros Lyn -- Welsh television director
Wikipedia - Eva Dahr -- Norwegian film director, playwright, and producer (1958-2019)
Wikipedia - Evald Schorm -- Czech theatre director
Wikipedia - Evaluna Montaner -- Venezuelan singer music director and actress
Wikipedia - Evan Bernard -- American music video director
Wikipedia - Evan Daugherty -- Screenwriter, director, Editor
Wikipedia - Evans Chan -- Hong Kong film director
Wikipedia - Evelyn Lambart -- Canadian animator and technical director
Wikipedia - Even Benestad -- Norwegian documentary film director
Wikipedia - Evidenzbureau -- Directorate of military intelligence of the Austro-Hungarian Empire
Wikipedia - E. W. Emo -- Austrian film director
Wikipedia - Executive Director
Wikipedia - Executive director -- Chief executive officer (CEO) or managing director of an organization, company, or corporation
Wikipedia - Eytan Fox -- Israeli film director
Wikipedia - E. Yvonne Jones -- Director of the Cancer Research UK Receptor Structure Research Group
Wikipedia - Ezhil -- Indian director
Wikipedia - Ezio Greggio -- Italian comedian, actor, writer and film director
Wikipedia - Ezra Edelman -- American documentary producer and director
Wikipedia - Fabio Barreto -- Brazilian film director
Wikipedia - Fabio Cordella -- Italian sports director
Wikipedia - Fabiola Gianotti -- Italian particle physicist and CERN Director-General
Wikipedia - Fabrice Du Welz -- Belgian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Fadhel Jaziri -- Tunisian actor and film director
Wikipedia - Fadika Kramo-Lancine -- Ivorian film director
Wikipedia - Falalu A Dorayi -- Nigerian film director, producer
Wikipedia - Famke Janssen -- Dutch actress, director, screenwriter, and former fashion model
Wikipedia - Faouzi BensaM-CM-/di -- Moroccan film director
Wikipedia - Farah Khan -- Indian film director, producer and choreographer
Wikipedia - Farah X -- American director, film editor
Wikipedia - Faramarz Gharibian -- Iranian actor and film director
Wikipedia - Farhad Najafi -- Iranian film director
Wikipedia - Farhad Samji -- Indian writer and director
Wikipedia - Farhan Akhtar -- Indian director and actor
Wikipedia - Farid Kamil -- Malaysian actor, director and screenplay writer
Wikipedia - Farrelly brothers -- Sibling screenwriters and directors
Wikipedia - Faruk Aksoy -- Turkish film director
Wikipedia - Faruk Kabir -- Indian actor and director
Wikipedia - Fateh Lohani -- Bangladeshi actor, film director, writer and journalist.
Wikipedia - Fatin Abdel Wahab -- Egyptian film director
Wikipedia - Fatou Kande Senghor -- Senegalese film director
Wikipedia - FBI Weapons of Mass Destruction Directorate -- US FBI special division
Wikipedia - Federico Garcia Lorca -- Spanish poet, dramatist and theatre director
Wikipedia - Fei Xing -- Chinese film director and screen editor
Wikipedia - Felice Farina -- Italian director
Wikipedia - Feliks Falk -- Polish film and theater director
Wikipedia - Felix Herngren -- Swedish film director
Wikipedia - Felix van Groeningen -- Belgian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Female Eye Film Festival -- Film festival screening works by women directors in Toronto
Wikipedia - Ferdinando Cito Filomarino -- Italian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Ferdinando Maria Poggioli -- Italian film director, film editor and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Ferdinando Scarfiotti -- Italian art director
Wikipedia - Ferenc Andras -- Hungarian film director
Wikipedia - Ferenc Kardos -- Hungarian film director
Wikipedia - Ferenc Kosa -- Hungarian film director
Wikipedia - Ferid Boughedir -- Tunisian film director
Wikipedia - Fernand Dansereau -- Canadian film director and film producer
Wikipedia - Fernand Melgar -- Swiss actor, producer, director, and film editor
Wikipedia - Fernando Cerchio -- Italian film director
Wikipedia - Fernando Eimbcke -- Mexican film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Fernando Fernan Gomez -- Spanish actor and film director
Wikipedia - Fernando Leon de Aranoa -- Spanish film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Fernando Poe Jr. -- Filipino actor, director and politician
Wikipedia - Fernando Simon -- Spanish epidemiologist and Director of the Center for Coordination of Health Alerts and Emergencies
Wikipedia - Fernando Solanas -- Argentine film director
Wikipedia - Fernando Soler -- Mexican actor, director, screenwriter and producer
Wikipedia - Feroz Abbas Khan -- Indian theatre and film director, playwright, and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Feroz Khan (actor) -- An Indian actor, film editor, producer and director in the Hindi film industry.
Wikipedia - F. Harmon Weight -- American film director
Wikipedia - Fielder Cook -- American film and television director
Wikipedia - Fien Troch -- Film director, producer, writer
Wikipedia - Filippos Tsitos -- Greek film and television director
Wikipedia - Film director
Wikipedia - Filmfare Award for Best Director - Telugu -- Telegu language film award
Wikipedia - Finghin Collins -- Irish pianist and artistic director
Wikipedia - Finn Henriksen -- Danish film director
Wikipedia - Fiona Samuel -- New Zealand writer, actor and director
Wikipedia - Fiona Stewart (event director) -- Festival director (b. 1960)
Wikipedia - Fiorella Infascelli -- Italian film director
Wikipedia - Fisher Stevens -- American actor, director, producer and writer
Wikipedia - Flavio Calzavara -- Italian film director
Wikipedia - Flemming Quist Moller -- Danish director, cartoonist, author, actor
Wikipedia - Flight director (aeronautics) -- Flight instrument
Wikipedia - Flight director (aviation)
Wikipedia - Florence Culwick -- Irish musical director
Wikipedia - Florent Marcie -- French film director
Wikipedia - Florian Habicht -- New Zealand film director
Wikipedia - Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck -- German film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Florian Hoffmeister -- German cinematographer and director (b. 1970)
Wikipedia - Floris Visser -- Dutch opera director & arts administrator
Wikipedia - Folco Quilici -- Italian film director
Wikipedia - Ford Beebe -- Screenwriter, Film director
Wikipedia - Fotos Politis -- Greek theatre director
Wikipedia - Fowzia Fathima -- Indian film cinematographer and director
Wikipedia - Francesca Archibugi -- Italian film director and scriptwriter
Wikipedia - Francesca Comencini -- Italian film director
Wikipedia - Francesca Gregorini -- 20th and 21st-century Italian-American musician, director, and writer
Wikipedia - Francesco Bruni (screenwriter) -- Italian screenwriter and director
Wikipedia - Francesco Carofiglio -- Italian architect, writer and director
Wikipedia - Francesco Falaschi -- Italian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Francesco Giroldini -- Italian director
Wikipedia - Francesco Rosi -- Italian film director
Wikipedia - Frances H. Flaherty -- American screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Frances Marion -- American screenwriter, journalist, author, and film director
Wikipedia - Frances Roth -- American lawyer and founding director of the Culinary Institute of America
Wikipedia - Francis Cleetus -- Indian American cartoonist, creative director and mural painter
Wikipedia - Francisco del Villar -- Mexican film director
Wikipedia - Francisco Denis -- Venezuelan actor and director
Wikipedia - Francis Collins -- American geneticist and director of the National Institutes of Health
Wikipedia - Francisco Nicholson -- Portuguese stage actor, director and playwright
Wikipedia - Francisco Norden -- Colombian film director
Wikipedia - Francisco Rabal -- Spanish actor, director, and screenwriter (1926-2001)
Wikipedia - Francisco Regueiro -- Spanish film director
Wikipedia - Francis Girod -- French film director
Wikipedia - Francis Glebas -- American speaker, writer and film director
Wikipedia - Franci Slak -- Slovenian film director
Wikipedia - Francis Megahy -- British film director
Wikipedia - Francis Powers -- American actor and director
Wikipedia - Francis Reusser -- Swiss film director
Wikipedia - Francis X. Bushman -- American actor, director, writer
Wikipedia - Franciszek Dobrowolski -- Polish theatre director and editor
Wikipedia - Franco Bernini -- Italian director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Franco Castellano -- Italian film director
Wikipedia - Franco Dragone -- Belgian theatre director
Wikipedia - Franco Gentilesca -- American theatre director
Wikipedia - Franco Giraldi -- Italian film director
Wikipedia - Franco Indovina -- Italian film director
Wikipedia - Francois Goetghebeur -- French film director
Wikipedia - Francois Leterrier -- French film director and actor
Wikipedia - Francois Ozon -- French film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Francois Seguin -- Canadian art director
Wikipedia - Francois Truffaut -- French film director (1932-1984)
Wikipedia - Francois Weyergans -- Belgian writer and director
Wikipedia - Franco Piavoli -- Italian film director
Wikipedia - Franco Zeffirelli -- Italian film and television director and producer
Wikipedia - Franc Reyes (film director) -- American filmmaker
Wikipedia - Frank Agrama -- American director, producer and writer
Wikipedia - Frank Bonner -- American actor and director
Wikipedia - Frank Borzage -- American film director and actor
Wikipedia - Frank Capra -- Italian-born American film director
Wikipedia - Frank Coraci -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Frank Darabont -- American film director, screenwriter and producer
Wikipedia - Frank Dexter -- German-American director
Wikipedia - Frank Dunlop (director) -- British theatre director
Wikipedia - Frank D. Whitworth -- Joint Staff Director for Intelligence
Wikipedia - Frank Fernand -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Frank Griffin (director) -- American film director
Wikipedia - Frank Henenlotter -- American film director
Wikipedia - Frank Klepacki -- American musician, video game music composer and sound director
Wikipedia - Franklin J. Schaffner -- American film director
Wikipedia - Franklin Martin -- American documentary film director, producer, screenwriter, former actor
Wikipedia - Frank Lloyd -- British film director
Wikipedia - Frank Miller (comics) -- American writer, artist, film director; known for comics books and graphic novels
Wikipedia - Frank Oz -- American actor and director
Wikipedia - Frank Philipp SchloM-CM-^_mann -- German theatre director and theatre manager
Wikipedia - Frank Pierson -- American screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Frank Powell -- Canadian actor and director
Wikipedia - Frank Rajah Arase -- Nigerian film director
Wikipedia - Frank Ripploh -- German actor, director and author
Wikipedia - Frank R. Strayer -- Actor, film writer, director and producer
Wikipedia - Frank Thring -- Australian character actor in radio, stage, television and film and theatre director (1926-1994)
Wikipedia - Frank Urson -- American film director
Wikipedia - Frank Wisbar -- German film director
Wikipedia - Franny Armstrong -- Documentary film director
Wikipedia - Frans Weisz -- Dutch film director
Wikipedia - FrantiM-EM-!ek Cap -- Czech film director
Wikipedia - FrantiM-EM-!ek Salzer -- Czech actor and director
Wikipedia - Franz Bachelin -- German art director
Wikipedia - Franz Eckstein -- German film director
Wikipedia - Franz Ernst -- Danish film director
Wikipedia - Franz Fleckenstein -- German musician, priest and choir director
Wikipedia - Franz Hobling -- Austrian actor and film director
Wikipedia - Franz Hofer (director) -- German film director
Wikipedia - Franz Ignaz von Holbein -- Austrian playwright and theatre director
Wikipedia - Franziska Buch -- German film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Franz Josef Gottlieb -- Austrian film director
Wikipedia - Franz Novotny -- Austrian film director
Wikipedia - Franz Schnyder -- Swiss film director
Wikipedia - Franz Seitz Sr. -- German film director
Wikipedia - Franz von Jauner -- Austrian theatre director and opera intendant
Wikipedia - Frauke Finsterwalder -- German film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Fred Amata -- Nigerian actor, producer and director
Wikipedia - Fred C. Brannon -- American film director
Wikipedia - Fred Dekker -- American film director and writer
Wikipedia - Frederic Andrei -- French actor and film director
Wikipedia - Frederic Diefenthal -- French actor and director
Wikipedia - Frederic Fonteyne -- Belgian film director
Wikipedia - Frederick Baker -- Austrian-British director
Wikipedia - Frederick Dello Russo -- American politician and funeral director
Wikipedia - Frederick Hewitt -- Australian company director and politician
Wikipedia - Frederick Ogilvie -- Director-General of the BBC
Wikipedia - Frederick Stephani -- Film director
Wikipedia - Frederic Richard Sullivan -- American film director and actor
Wikipedia - Frederic William Burton -- Artist, Director of National Gallery (1816-1900)
Wikipedia - Frederik Du Chau -- Belgian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Fred Fishback -- Film director
Wikipedia - Fred Guiol -- Film director; screenwriter
Wikipedia - Fred Halsted -- American film director
Wikipedia - Fred Hole -- Art director
Wikipedia - Fred Hornby -- US silent film actor and director
Wikipedia - Fred Kelemen -- German-Hungarian film director and cinematographer
Wikipedia - Fred LeRoy Granville -- cinematographer and director
Wikipedia - Fred Niblo -- American film director
Wikipedia - Fred Savage -- American actor/director
Wikipedia - Fred Schepisi -- Australian director, producer, and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Fred Walton (director)
Wikipedia - Fred Windemere -- American actor and director
Wikipedia - Fred Wolf (writer) -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Fred Zinnemann -- Austrian-American film director
Wikipedia - Free Software Directory
Wikipedia - French Directory -- Executive power of the French Constitution of 1795-1799
Wikipedia - F. Richard Jones -- American film director and producer
Wikipedia - Frida Rohl -- Swedish actress and director
Wikipedia - Friedhelm Flamme -- German organist, [choral director, musicologist, music educator
Wikipedia - Friedrich Meyer-Oertel -- German opera director
Wikipedia - Frie Leysen -- Belgian festival director
Wikipedia - Fritz Berend -- German English Conductor, Music Director
Wikipedia - Fritz Kirchhoff -- German director
Wikipedia - Fritz Magnussen -- Danish film director
Wikipedia - Fritz Wendhausen -- German actor, screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Friz Freleng -- American animator, cartoonist, director, and producer
Wikipedia - Funeral director
Wikipedia - F. W. Murnau -- German film director
Wikipedia - F.X. v The Clinical Director of Central Mental Hospital and Another -- Irish Supreme Court case
Wikipedia - Fyodor Khitruk -- Russian animator and film director
Wikipedia - Gabriel Aghion -- French film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Gabriel Barre -- American director and actor
Wikipedia - Gabriel Byrne -- Irish actor, film director, film producer, writer, cultural ambassador and audiobook narrator
Wikipedia - Gabriele Mainetti -- Italian film director
Wikipedia - Gabriele Salvatores -- Italian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Gabrielle Beaumont -- British film and television director
Wikipedia - Gabriel Mascaro -- Brazilian film director
Wikipedia - Gabriel Retes -- Mexican film director
Wikipedia - Gaelan Connell -- American actor and director
Wikipedia - Gael Garcia Bernal -- Mexican film actor and director
Wikipedia - Gail Archer (organist) -- American organist, music director
Wikipedia - Gail Mancuso -- American film and television director
Wikipedia - Gale Edwards -- Australian theatre director
Wikipedia - Gamar Salamzade -- Azerbaijani film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Gangai Amaran -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Gareth Carrivick -- Director (b. 1957, d. 2010)
Wikipedia - Gareth Davies (director) -- British television director and actor
Wikipedia - Gareth Evans (director) -- Welsh filmmaker
Wikipedia - Garrett Batty -- Director and filmmaker
Wikipedia - Garrett Bradley (filmmaker) -- American director and filmmaker
Wikipedia - Garry Marshall -- American director, producer, writer, and actor
Wikipedia - Garry Shandling -- American stand-up comedian, actor, director, writer, and producer
Wikipedia - Garson Kanin -- American film and theatre director, playwright, screenwriter
Wikipedia - Garth Maxwell -- New Zealand film director
Wikipedia - Gary Anthony Williams -- American actor, voice actor, comedian, director, producer, and writer
Wikipedia - Gary Barta -- Athletic director
Wikipedia - Gary Brockette -- American actor and film director
Wikipedia - Gary Burns (director) -- Canadian film writer and director
Wikipedia - Gary Dahl (entrepreneur) -- American copywriter, creative director, advertising agency owner, and entrepreneur
Wikipedia - Gary Dauberman -- American screenwriter and director
Wikipedia - Gary Donatelli -- American television soap opera director
Wikipedia - Gary Goldman -- American film director and producer
Wikipedia - Gary Henderson (playwright) -- New Zealand playwright, director and teacher
Wikipedia - Gary Lagesse -- American athletic director, head softball coach, team advisor and current sporting goods sales representative
Wikipedia - Gary Ross -- American film director
Wikipedia - Gary Sinise -- American actor, director, musician, producer and philanthropist
Wikipedia - Gary Talpas -- American art director and photographer
Wikipedia - Gary Trousdale -- American film director
Wikipedia - Gary Weis -- American film and television director
Wikipedia - Gashmeer Mahajani -- Indian film actor, choreographer, and play director
Wikipedia - G. Ashok -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Gaspar Noe -- Argentine director, screenwriter, cinematographer and film producer
Wikipedia - Gaston Melies -- French film director
Wikipedia - Gaston Ravel -- French filmmaker and film director
Wikipedia - Gaurav Narayanan -- Indian director
Wikipedia - Gavin O'Connor (filmmaker) -- American actor and director
Wikipedia - Gavin Richards -- British actor and director
Wikipedia - Gaynor Macfarlane -- Radio drama producer & director
Wikipedia - Gemma Cruz-Araneta -- Filipino politician, writer, director, and beauty queen
Wikipedia - Gender representation on corporate boards of directors
Wikipedia - Gene Allen (art director) -- American art director
Wikipedia - Gene Deitch -- American illustrator, animator and film director
Wikipedia - Gene Frankel -- American actor, theater director, and acting teacher
Wikipedia - Gene Kelly -- American dancer, actor, singer, director, producer and choreographer
Wikipedia - Gene Kranz -- NASA Flight Director and manager
Wikipedia - Gene Levitt -- American television writer, producer and director
Wikipedia - Gene Nelson -- US actor, dancer, screenwriter, director
Wikipedia - General Directorate of General Security -- Lebanese intelligence agency
Wikipedia - General Directorate of Highways (Turkey) -- Turkish state agency in charge of public roads
Wikipedia - General Intelligence Directorate (Egypt) -- Egyptian intelligence agency
Wikipedia - General Intelligence Directorate (Jordan)
Wikipedia - General Security Directorate (Iraq)
Wikipedia - General Security Directorate (Syria)
Wikipedia - Gene Reynolds -- Actor, producer, writer, director
Wikipedia - Genevieve Dulude-De Celles -- Canadian film director
Wikipedia - Genevieve Nnaji -- Nigerian actress, producer, and director
Wikipedia - Gennady Vasilyev -- Russian film director
Wikipedia - Gennaro Righelli -- Italian film director
Wikipedia - Genndy Tartakovsky -- Russian-American cinema and television animator, director producer, screenwriter, storyboard artist, comic book writer, and artist
Wikipedia - Geoffrey Adams (cricketer) -- English cricketer and newspaper director
Wikipedia - Georg af Klercker -- Swedish film director
Wikipedia - George Abbott -- American writer and director
Wikipedia - George B. Seitz -- American film director
Wikipedia - George C. Scott -- American actor, film director and producer
Wikipedia - George Cukor -- American film director and producer
Wikipedia - George D. Baker -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - George Dudley (art director) -- American art director
Wikipedia - George Eugeniou -- Cypriot actor, director and writer
Wikipedia - George Ferencz -- American theater director and producer (born 1947)
Wikipedia - George Fitzmaurice -- French born American film director
Wikipedia - George F. MacDonald -- Canadian anthropologist and museum director
Wikipedia - George Hill (director) -- American film director and cinematographer
Wikipedia - George Kaczender -- Canadian film director
Wikipedia - George King (film director) -- English film director
Wikipedia - George Koonce -- American athlete and athletic director
Wikipedia - George Lucas -- American film director, producer, screenwriter, and entrepreneur
Wikipedia - George Marshall (director) -- American actor, screenwriter, producer and film and television director
Wikipedia - George Melford -- Actor, director, screenwriter, producer
Wikipedia - George Morrison (acting teacher) -- American actor and director
Wikipedia - George Muhoho -- Former director general of the Kenya Airports Authority
Wikipedia - George Nichols (actor and director) -- American actor
Wikipedia - George Nolfi -- American screenwriter, producer and director
Wikipedia - George Ogilvie -- Australian theatre director and actor
Wikipedia - George O'Hanlon -- American actor, comedian, writer, and director
Wikipedia - George Pearson (filmmaker) -- English film director, producer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - George Provis -- British art director
Wikipedia - George Randol -- American film actor, producer and director
Wikipedia - George Rodwell -- English composer, musical director, and author
Wikipedia - George Roy Hill -- American film director
Wikipedia - Georges Berr -- French actor, film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Georges Delnon -- Swiss theatre director
Wikipedia - George Sherman -- Film director
Wikipedia - George Sidney -- Film director and producer
Wikipedia - George Skalenakis -- Film director
Wikipedia - George S. Kaufman -- American playwright, theatre director and producer
Wikipedia - George Stevens Jr. -- American film director
Wikipedia - George Stevens -- American film director, producer, screenwriter and cinematographer
Wikipedia - Georges Wilson -- French actor and director
Wikipedia - George Tenet -- Director of the CIA
Wikipedia - George Terwilliger -- American film director
Wikipedia - George Whaley (actor) -- Australian actor, director, writer, and teacher
Wikipedia - Georgianne Walken -- American casting director
Wikipedia - Georgi Vasilyev -- Soviet film director
Wikipedia - Georgi Yungvald-Khilkevich -- Russian film director
Wikipedia - Georg Jacoby -- German film director
Wikipedia - Georg Quander -- German opera and film director, music journalist
Wikipedia - Georgy Tovstonogov -- Soviet theatre director
Wikipedia - Gerald Blake (director) -- British television director
Wikipedia - Gerald Freedman -- American theater director
Wikipedia - Geraldine Connor -- British ethnomusicologist, theatre director, composer and performer
Wikipedia - Gerald Thomas -- British film director, film editor and film producer
Wikipedia - Gerard Barrett (director) -- Irish filmmaker
Wikipedia - Gerard Corbiau -- Belgian film director
Wikipedia - Gerard Krawczyk -- French film director
Wikipedia - Gerard Marx -- French film director
Wikipedia - Gerardo de Leon -- Filipino movie director
Wikipedia - Gerardo Vera -- Spanish film director
Wikipedia - Gerd Heinz -- German actor and stage director
Wikipedia - Gerhard Lamprecht -- German film director
Wikipedia - Gerhard Schmidt-Gaden -- German conductor and choir director
Wikipedia - Gerry Cohen -- American television director
Wikipedia - Gertrud Maria Mell -- Swedish composer and choir director
Wikipedia - Gheorghe Naghi -- Romanian film director
Wikipedia - Gheorghe Vitanidis -- Romanian film director
Wikipedia - Giacomo Battiato -- Italian film director and writer
Wikipedia - Giacomo Campiotti -- Italian director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Giacun Caduff -- Swiss director and producer
Wikipedia - Giada Colagrande -- Italian film director and actress
Wikipedia - Giambattista Avellino -- Italian director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Giancarlo Abete -- Italian politician and sport director
Wikipedia - Giancarlo Giannini -- Italian actor, voice actor, director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Gian Luigi Polidoro -- Italian film director
Wikipedia - Gianni Amelio -- Italian film director
Wikipedia - Gianni Di Gregorio -- Italian director, screenwriter and actor
Wikipedia - Gianni Franciolini -- Italian film director
Wikipedia - Giannis Bezos -- Greek actor and director
Wikipedia - Giannis Dalianidis -- Greek film director
Wikipedia - Gianni Serra -- Italian film director
Wikipedia - Giddens Ko -- Taiwanese writer and director
Wikipedia - Gideon Raff -- Israeli film director
Wikipedia - Giichi Nishihara -- Japanese film director and actor
Wikipedia - Gilbert Archey -- New Zealand ethnologist, zoologist and museum director
Wikipedia - Gilbert Pratt -- American film director
Wikipedia - Giles Walker -- Canadian film director
Wikipedia - Gil Junger -- American director
Wikipedia - Gilles Coulier -- Belgian film director
Wikipedia - Gilles Grangier -- French film director
Wikipedia - Gilles Marchand -- French film director
Wikipedia - Gilles Paquet-Brenner -- French film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Gillian Lynne -- English dancer, choreographer, actress and director
Wikipedia - Gil Parrondo -- Spanish art director
Wikipedia - Gina Alajar -- Philippine film actress and television director
Wikipedia - Gina Lynn -- Puerto Rican pornographic actress and director
Wikipedia - Gina Prince-Bythewood -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Giorgio Capitani -- Italian film director
Wikipedia - Giorgio Moser -- Italian film director
Wikipedia - Giorgio Simonelli -- Italian film director and film editor
Wikipedia - Giorgio Stegani -- Italian film and television writer, film director and second unit director
Wikipedia - Giorgi Shengelaia -- Georgian film director
Wikipedia - Giovanni Coda -- Italian film director and photographer
Wikipedia - Giovanni Fago -- Italian director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Giovanni K. Tuck -- Joint Staff director for logistics
Wikipedia - Girish Karnad -- | Indian playwright, actor, director, writer, theatre personality
Wikipedia - Gisle Straume -- Norwegian actor and theatre director
Wikipedia - Giuliano Montaldo -- Italian film director
Wikipedia - Giulio Antamoro -- Italian film director
Wikipedia - Giulio Base -- Italian film director
Wikipedia - Giulio Bosetti -- Italian actor and director
Wikipedia - Giulio Chazalettes -- Italian opera director and former actor
Wikipedia - Giuseppe Bertolucci -- Italian film director
Wikipedia - Giuseppe Ferlito (born 1975) -- Italian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Giuseppe Ferlito -- Italian film director
Wikipedia - Giuseppe Ferrara -- Italian film director
Wikipedia - Giuseppe Orlandini -- Italian film director
Wikipedia - Giuseppe Piccioni -- Italian film director
Wikipedia - Giuseppe Tornatore -- Italian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Glauber Rocha -- Brazilian film director, actor and writer
Wikipedia - Glen Morgan -- American television producer, writer, and director
Wikipedia - Glenn Berggoetz -- American director, writer and actor
Wikipedia - Glenn Gordon Caron -- American television director, producer and writer
Wikipedia - Glen Winter -- Television director, cinematographer
Wikipedia - Gloria Bamiloye -- Nigerian dramatist, film actress, producer and director
Wikipedia - Glynn Nicholas -- Australian actor, comedy performer, director, writer and producer
Wikipedia - Glynn Turman -- American actor, writer, director, and producer
Wikipedia - G. Nageswara Reddy -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - G. N. R. Kumaravelan -- Tamil film director (born 1978)
Wikipedia - Golden Raspberry Award for Worst Director -- Award to the worst director of the previous year
Wikipedia - Goldie Behl -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Gonzalo Martinez Ortega -- Mexican film director
Wikipedia - Google Directory
Wikipedia - Google Fonts -- An interactive directory of free hosted application programming interfaces for web fonts
Wikipedia - Gopala Davies -- South African actor and director
Wikipedia - Goran Graffman -- Swedish actor and film director
Wikipedia - Goran Jevtic (actor) -- Serbian actor and director
Wikipedia - Goran Markovic -- Serbian film director
Wikipedia - Goran Paskaljevic -- Serbian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Goran RuM-EM-!inovic -- Croatian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Goran Trenchovski -- Macedonian film director
Wikipedia - Gordon Anderson (director) -- British television director
Wikipedia - Gordon Douglas (director) -- American film director
Wikipedia - Gordon Edelstein -- American theatre director
Wikipedia - Gordon Hessler -- British film director, producer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Gordon Wiles -- Art director
Wikipedia - Gordon Willis -- American cinematographer and film director
Wikipedia - Gorel Crona -- Swedish director
Wikipedia - Gore Verbinski -- American film director
Wikipedia - GorM-EM-^M Miyazaki -- Japanese anime director
Wikipedia - Gotham Independent Film Award for Breakthrough Director
Wikipedia - Gotthilf Fischer -- German choir and orchestra director
Wikipedia - Govinda Van Maele -- Luxembourg film director
Wikipedia - Gowtam Tinnanuri -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Graca Freitas -- Portuguese public health specialist and Director-General of Health
Wikipedia - Grady Cooper -- American director living in Los Angeles
Wikipedia - Grady Hall -- American director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Graeme Stephens -- Australian ecologist; Director of the center for climate sciences at the California Institute of Technology
Wikipedia - Graham Cantwell -- Irish film and television director
Wikipedia - Graham Cutts -- British film director
Wikipedia - Grahame Bond -- Australian actor, writer, director, musician and composer
Wikipedia - Graham Jones (director) -- Irish film director
Wikipedia - Graham Skipper -- American film actor, director, and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Greg Beeman -- American director and producer
Wikipedia - Greg Berlanti -- American television director, producer and writer
Wikipedia - Greg Centauro -- French pornographic film director and actor (1977-2011)
Wikipedia - Gregg Araki -- Film director
Wikipedia - Greg Garcia (producer) -- American television director, producer and writer
Wikipedia - Gregg Champion -- American film director
Wikipedia - Greg Lansky -- French entrepreneur, and adult film producer and director
Wikipedia - Greg McLean (film director)
Wikipedia - Gregorio Fernandez -- Filipino actor and director
Wikipedia - Gregorio Martinez Sierra -- Spanish writer and theatre director (1881-1947)
Wikipedia - Gregor Jordan -- Australian film director
Wikipedia - Gregory Blair -- American actor, director, and playwright
Wikipedia - Gregory Doran -- British theatre director
Wikipedia - Gregory Erdstein -- Australian film director and writer
Wikipedia - Gregory J. Vincent -- Executive Director
Wikipedia - Gregory Smith (actor) -- Canadian actor, writer, and director
Wikipedia - Gregory Widen -- American screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Greg Pritikin -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Greg Whiteley -- American film director
Wikipedia - Greg Yaitanes -- American director
Wikipedia - Greta Gerwig -- American film director, screenwriter and actress
Wikipedia - Gretchen Corbett -- American actress and theater director
Wikipedia - Griffin Dunne -- American actor and director
Wikipedia - Grigori Aronov -- Soviet film director, actor, and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Grigori Kozintsev -- Soviet film director
Wikipedia - Grigori Roshal -- Soviet film director
Wikipedia - Grigoris Grigoriou -- Greek screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Grigory Chukhray -- Soviet film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Grim Natwick -- American artist, animator and film director
Wikipedia - Grisha Ostrovski -- Bulgarian film director
Wikipedia - Grzegorz Krolikiewicz -- Polish film director
Wikipedia - Guddu Dhanoa -- Indian writer, producer and director
Wikipedia - Gufi Paintal -- Indian actor and director
Wikipedia - Guilherme Fontes -- Brazilian actor and director
Wikipedia - Guilherme Weber -- Brazilian actor, director and author
Wikipedia - Guillaume Gouix -- French actor, director, and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Gulsel M-CM-^Vzkan -- German film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - GuM-CM-0nM-CM-= Halldorsdottir -- Film director
Wikipedia - Gunter Graulich -- German director of church music, church musician, publisher and choir director
Wikipedia - Gunter KrM-CM-$mer -- German theatre director
Wikipedia - Gunter Schobel -- German archaeologist and director of the Pfahlbau Museum Unteruhldingen
Wikipedia - Gunther Scholz -- German film director
Wikipedia - Gunvor Nelson -- Swedish film director
Wikipedia - Gupteshwar Pandey -- Indian Police Service (IPS) officer & director
Wikipedia - Guru Dutt -- Indian film director, producer, choreographer and actor
Wikipedia - Gus Meins -- German film director
Wikipedia - Gustaf Molander -- Swedish film director
Wikipedia - Gustav Abel -- Austrian art director
Wikipedia - Gustav Deutsch -- Austrian film director
Wikipedia - Gustav Friedrich Wohlbruck -- German actor and theatre director
Wikipedia - Gustav MachatM-CM-= -- Czech film director
Wikipedia - Gustavo Chams -- Brazilian - Canadian art director, fashion photographer and graphic designer
Wikipedia - Gustavo Nieto Roa -- Colombian film director
Wikipedia - Gustav Skram -- Danish railroad director
Wikipedia - Gus Van Sant -- American film director, producer, photographer and musician
Wikipedia - Guy Distad -- American television director
Wikipedia - Guy Ferland -- American film and television director
Wikipedia - Guy Green (filmmaker) -- Director, cinematographer, camera operator, screenwriter, producer
Wikipedia - Guy Hamilton -- English film director
Wikipedia - Guy Nattiv -- Israeli film director, producer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - G. V. Prakash Kumar -- Indian actor, singer and music director
Wikipedia - Gwen Arner -- American television director and actress
Wikipedia - Gyanendra Deuja -- Nepali film director
Wikipedia - Gyorgy Feher -- Hungarian film director
Wikipedia - Gyorgy Kurthy -- Hungarian actor, scenographer, writer and director of the theater
Wikipedia - Habib Faisal -- Indian Hindi screenwriter and director
Wikipedia - Habib-ur-Rehman (actor) -- Pakistani actor, director and producer
Wikipedia - Habib Zargarpour -- Film art director
Wikipedia - Hachimiya Ahamada -- French film director of Comorian descent
Wikipedia - Haeman Chatemee -- Thai film director
Wikipedia - Hailee Steinfeld -- American actress, singer, songwriter, director, and producer
Wikipedia - Hajooj Kuka -- Sudanese film director
Wikipedia - Hala Al-Abdallah Yacoub -- Syrian cinematographer and director
Wikipedia - Haldane Duncan -- British television director (1940-2018)
Wikipedia - Hal DeWindt -- producer, director, actor and model
Wikipedia - Hal Gurnee -- American television director
Wikipedia - Hal Hartley -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Hal Holbrook -- American actor, director and entertainer
Wikipedia - Halil Uysal -- Film Director and Producer
Wikipedia - Halitha Shameem -- Indian director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Hal Needham -- American stunt performer and film director
Wikipedia - Hal Pereira -- American director
Wikipedia - Hamid Farrokhnezhad -- Iranian actor, writer and director
Wikipedia - Hamid Samandarian -- Iranian film director
Wikipedia - Hamilton Luske -- American film director
Wikipedia - Hampton Del Ruth -- Actor, director, screenwriter, producer
Wikipedia - Hampton Fancher -- American actor and director
Wikipedia - Hana JuM-EM-!ic -- Croatian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Haneef Adeni -- Indian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Hannah Cheesman -- Canadian actress, writer, director, producer
Wikipedia - Hannah Cowley (actress) -- British actress and director
Wikipedia - Hannah Espia -- Filipino director
Wikipedia - Hannah Fidell -- American film director
Wikipedia - Hannah Marks -- American actress, writer, and director
Wikipedia - Hanns-Friedrich Kunz -- German director of church music and choir director
Wikipedia - Hanns Schwarz -- Austrian film director
Wikipedia - Hannu Leminen -- Finnish director, set designer and broadcasting executive
Wikipedia - Hans Abramson -- Swedish film director
Wikipedia - Hansal Mehta -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Hans Berthel -- German art director
Wikipedia - Hans Bertram -- German aviator, screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Hans Dreier -- German art director
Wikipedia - Hans Hartleb (director) -- German opera director
Wikipedia - Hans Hinrich -- German actor and film director
Wikipedia - Hans H. Zerlett -- German film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Hans Isaac -- Malaysian actor, director, producer, and former model
Wikipedia - Hans Kristensen -- Danish film director
Wikipedia - Hans Neugebauer -- German opera director, designer, and singer
Wikipedia - Hans Noever -- German film director
Wikipedia - Hans Peters (art director) -- English art director
Wikipedia - Hans Scheepmaker -- Dutch film director
Wikipedia - Hans Schweikart -- German film director
Wikipedia - Hans Steinhoff -- German film director
Wikipedia - Hans-Tore Bjerkaas -- Norwegian broadcasting director
Wikipedia - Hans van Delft -- Dutch businessman and sports director
Wikipedia - Haobam Paban Kumar -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Harald Braun -- German film director
Wikipedia - Harald Paulsen -- German actor and film director
Wikipedia - Harald Zwart -- Dutch-Norwegian film director
Wikipedia - Haranath Chakraborty -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Harcourt Templeman -- British screenwriter, film producer & director
Wikipedia - Hari Anumolu -- Indian cinematographer and director
Wikipedia - Hari (director) -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Haris Dubica -- Bosnian-Swiss music video director
Wikipedia - Harisree Ashokan -- Indian film actor, director, and impressionist
Wikipedia - Harmony Korine -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Harold A. Fidler -- Associate Director of the Lawrence Radiation Laboratory
Wikipedia - Harold Becker -- American film director and producer
Wikipedia - Harold Hecht -- American film producer, actor, dance director and talent agent
Wikipedia - Harold M. Shaw -- American film director
Wikipedia - Harold Prince -- American theatre producer and director
Wikipedia - Harold Ramis -- American actor, director, and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Harold S. Bucquet -- English film director
Wikipedia - Harold Young (director) -- American film director and film editor
Wikipedia - Harrikrisna Anenden -- Mauritian film director
Wikipedia - Harrish Ingraham -- Film director during the silent film era
Wikipedia - Harris's List of Covent Garden Ladies -- Annual directory of London prostitutes (1757-1795)
Wikipedia - Harry A. Pollard -- Actor, Film director, Screenwriter
Wikipedia - Harry Baweja -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Harry Bradbeer -- British film and television director
Wikipedia - Harry Buckwitz -- German actor, theatre director and theatre manager
Wikipedia - Harry Edwards (director) -- Film director (1887-1952)
Wikipedia - Harry Elfont -- American screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Harry Fraser (director) -- American film director
Wikipedia - Harry Garson -- American film director
Wikipedia - Harry Harris (director) -- director
Wikipedia - Harry Hasso -- Swedish actor, cinematographer and film director
Wikipedia - Harry Horner -- American art director
Wikipedia - Harry Kupfer -- German opera director
Wikipedia - Harry O. Hoyt -- American screenwriter, film director
Wikipedia - Harry "Skip" Brandon -- Former Deputy Assistant Director of Counterterrorism for the FBI
Wikipedia - Harry Revier -- Film director
Wikipedia - Hasibul Islam Mizan -- Bangladeshi film director
Wikipedia - Hasraf Dulull -- British writer, director and producer
Wikipedia - Hassan al-Imam -- Egyptian film director
Wikipedia - Hassan Blasim -- Iraqi-born film director and writer
Wikipedia - Hassan Tariq -- Pakistani film director, film producer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Hassan Zee -- Pakistani-American film director
Wikipedia - Ha Wen -- Chinese television director
Wikipedia - Hawley Pratt -- American film director and animator
Wikipedia - Hayao Miyazaki -- Japanese animator, film director, and mangaka
Wikipedia - H. B. Parkinson -- British film director
Wikipedia - H. C. Potter -- American director
Wikipedia - Heather Connell -- American film director
Wikipedia - Heather Graham -- American actress, director, and writer
Wikipedia - Hector Babenco -- Argentinean and Brazilian film director
Wikipedia - Heidi Genee -- German film director
Wikipedia - Heikki Partanen -- Finnish film director
Wikipedia - Heiner Carow -- German film director
Wikipedia - Heiner Goebbels -- German composer and theatre director
Wikipedia - Heiner Muller -- German writer, poet, and theatre director (1929-1995)
Wikipedia - Hein Heckroth -- German art director
Wikipedia - Hein Mulders -- Dutch opera director
Wikipedia - Heinrich Breloer -- German author and film director
Wikipedia - Heiny Srour -- Lebanese film director
Wikipedia - Heinz Goldberg -- German director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Heinz Ruckert -- German opera director
Wikipedia - Heinz Thiel -- German film director
Wikipedia - Heisnam Kanhailal -- Indian theatre director
Wikipedia - Heitor Dhalia -- Brazilian film director
Wikipedia - Helena Norberg-Hodge -- Swedish activist and documentary director
Wikipedia - Helen Li -- |Chinese actress, screenwriter, and film director from Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Helen Ogilvie -- Australian woman artist and gallery director
Wikipedia - Helen Shaver -- Canadian actor and director
Wikipedia - Helga Landauer -- Russian director, writer and poet
Wikipedia - Helke Sander -- German film director and writer
Wikipedia - Hella Joof -- Danish actress and film director
Wikipedia - Hellmut Schnackenburg -- German conductor and music director
Wikipedia - Helma Sanders-Brahms -- German film director, screenwriter, producer and actress
Wikipedia - Helmut Herbst -- German film director
Wikipedia - Helmut KM-CM-$utner -- German film director
Wikipedia - Help:Directory
Wikipedia - Hemal Trivedi -- Indian documentary film director and editor
Wikipedia - Hemanth M. Rao -- Indian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Henk Barnard -- Dutch writer, journalist and television director
Wikipedia - Henk Paanen -- Dutch sports director
Wikipedia - Henri, 8th Duke d'Ursel -- Belgian film director and writer
Wikipedia - Henri Charr -- Iranian film director
Wikipedia - Henri Decoin -- French film director
Wikipedia - Henri Diamant-Berger -- Director, producer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Henriette Kaiser -- German film director and writer
Wikipedia - Henri-Georges Clouzot -- French film director, screenwriter and producer
Wikipedia - Henrik Ibsen -- Norwegian playwright and theatre director (1828-1906)
Wikipedia - Henrique Campos -- Portuguese film director
Wikipedia - Henrique Feist -- Portuguese singer, actor, and director
Wikipedia - Henri Xhonneux -- Belgian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Henry Akona -- American theater director and composer
Wikipedia - Henry Barakat -- Egyptian film director
Wikipedia - Henry Bean -- American film director, actor
Wikipedia - Henry Bumstead -- American art director
Wikipedia - Henry Cass -- British film director
Wikipedia - Henry Cohen (civil servant) -- Director of Fohrenwald
Wikipedia - Henry Cornelius -- South African film director
Wikipedia - Henry de La Falaise -- French-American film director
Wikipedia - Henry de Lesquen -- French official, politician and radio director
Wikipedia - Henry Edward Doyle -- Irish painter, draughtsman and gallery director
Wikipedia - Henry Hathaway -- American film director and producer
Wikipedia - Henry Kaiser (musician) -- American guitarist, film director, and scientific diver
Wikipedia - Henryk Baranowski -- Polish theatre director and actor
Wikipedia - Henryk Bielski -- Polish film director
Wikipedia - Henry King (director) -- American film director
Wikipedia - Henry Kolker -- Actor, Film director
Wikipedia - Henry Koster -- American film director
Wikipedia - Henry Lehrman -- American actor, screenwriter and director
Wikipedia - Henry Mwandumba -- African Professor of Medicine and Deputy Director of the Malawi-Liverpool-Wellcome research programme
Wikipedia - Henry Otto -- Actor, director, producer, and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Henry Saari -- Finnish pornographic actor, director, and male beauty pageant titleholder
Wikipedia - Henry Winkler -- American actor, comedian, director, and producer
Wikipedia - Herbert Biberman -- American screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Herbert Blache -- American film director
Wikipedia - Herbert Brenon -- Irish film director
Wikipedia - Herbert Edwin Bradley -- American big-game hunter and zoo director
Wikipedia - Herbert Holba -- Austrian film director
Wikipedia - Herbert Lionel Henry Vane-Tempest -- British company director
Wikipedia - Herbert Ross -- American film director
Wikipedia - Herbert Selpin -- German film director
Wikipedia - Herbert Vesely -- Austrian film director
Wikipedia - Herbert Wilcox -- Film producer and director from Britain
Wikipedia - Herman A. Blumenthal -- American art director and production designer
Wikipedia - Herman Rosse -- American art director
Wikipedia - Herrmann Zschoche -- German film director
Wikipedia - Herve Bromberger -- French film director
Wikipedia - Hiam Abbass -- Palestinian actress and film director
Wikipedia - Hidden file and hidden directory
Wikipedia - Hideaki Anno -- Japanese animator and film director
Wikipedia - Hidetaka Miyazaki -- Japanese video game director
Wikipedia - Hideto Aki -- Japanese adult video director
Wikipedia - High Courses for Scriptwriters and Film Directors -- Russian film school in Moscow
Wikipedia - Hillar Liitoja -- Canadian playwright and theatre director
Wikipedia - Hillie Molenaar -- Dutch documentary film director
Wikipedia - Hira Singh Khatri -- Nepalese film director
Wikipedia - Hirohisa Sasaki -- Japanese film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Hirokazu Kore-eda -- Japanese film director, producer, screenplay writer and film editor
Wikipedia - Hiroko Utsumi -- Japanese anime director & animator
Wikipedia - Hiroshi Ando -- Japanese writer and director
Wikipedia - Holger-Madsen -- Danish film director
Wikipedia - Holly Dale -- Canadian film and television director, producer, writer and editor
Wikipedia - Home directory
Wikipedia - Ho Meng Hua -- Chinese film director and screenwriter in Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Homi Adajania -- Indian film director and writer
Wikipedia - Hong Sang-soo -- South Korean film director
Wikipedia - Ho Ping -- Taiwanese film director
Wikipedia - Hopsin -- American rapper, record producer, and music video director from California
Wikipedia - Horst E. Brandt -- German film director
Wikipedia - Horst Seemann -- German film director
Wikipedia - Hossein Shahabi -- Iranian film director, screenwriter and film producer
Wikipedia - Hou Hsiao-hsien -- Taiwanese film director, screenwriter, actor and film producer
Wikipedia - Hou Yao -- Chinese film director, screenwriter, and film theorist
Wikipedia - Hovhannes Galstyan -- Armenian film director
Wikipedia - Howard Bretherton -- American film director
Wikipedia - Howard Brookner -- American film director
Wikipedia - Howard Deutch -- American film and television director
Wikipedia - Howard Feuer -- American casting director
Wikipedia - Howard Franklin -- American screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Howard Greenhalgh -- British music video director
Wikipedia - Howard Hawks -- American film director, producer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Howard Morris -- American actor, film director
Wikipedia - Howard Rubie -- Australian director
Wikipedia - Hrafn Gunnlaugsson -- Icelandic film director
Wikipedia - Hridi Haq -- Bangladeshi actress, playwright and director
Wikipedia - Huccha Venkat -- Indian actor and director
Wikipedia - Hugh Beaumont -- American actor, television director, and writer
Wikipedia - Hughes brothers -- American film directors, producers and screenwriters
Wikipedia - Hugh Ford (director) -- American film director
Wikipedia - Hugh Goldie -- English theatre director
Wikipedia - Hugh Johnson (cinematographer) -- Irish cinematographer and film director
Wikipedia - Hugh Laurie -- English actor, comedian, writer, musician and director
Wikipedia - Hugh O'Conor -- Irish actor, director, writer
Wikipedia - Hugh Wilson (director) -- American director, writer and actor
Wikipedia - Hugo Hansen -- Swedish theatre director
Wikipedia - Hugo Medrano -- Director, playwright, and actor
Wikipedia - Hugo Morales (radio) -- Executive Director and co-founder of Radio Bilingue Inc.
Wikipedia - Hugo Rudel -- German choral director and conductor.
Wikipedia - Hugo Thimig -- Austrian actor and theatre director
Wikipedia - Hugo van Lawick -- Dutch film director
Wikipedia - Hu Jinqing -- Chinese animator and director
Wikipedia - Humayun Ahmed -- Author, poet, dramatist and film director
Wikipedia - Humayun Kabir Sadhu -- Bangladeshi television director
Wikipedia - Humbert Camerlo -- French film director
Wikipedia - Huseyin KoroM-DM-^_lu -- Turkish Cypriot actor and film director
Wikipedia - Huy Yaleng -- Cambodian film director
Wikipedia - H. Vinoth -- Indian film director and writer
Wikipedia - H. Wesley Kenney -- American television producer and director
Wikipedia - Hyder Bilgrami -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Iain Dilthey -- British film director
Wikipedia - Ian Barry (director) -- Australian director of film and TV
Wikipedia - Ian Brennan (writer) -- American screenwriter, producer, director and actor
Wikipedia - Ian Brown (director) -- British theatre director (born 1951)
Wikipedia - Ian Cottage -- British film director and writer
Wikipedia - Ian Curtis (actor) -- British actor, writer and director
Wikipedia - Ian Dickerson -- British writer, director and producer
Wikipedia - Ian Emes -- British artist and film director
Wikipedia - Ian McDiarmid -- Scottish actor and stage director
Wikipedia - Ian Penman (producer) -- British television director
Wikipedia - Ian Pringle (director) -- Australian film director
Wikipedia - Ian Scott (actor) -- French pornographic actor and director (born 1973)
Wikipedia - Ian Somerhalder -- American actor, model and director
Wikipedia - Ibne Mizan -- Bangladeshi film director
Wikipedia - Ida Ehre -- Austrian-German actress, theatre director and manager.
Wikipedia - Idan Cohen (choreographer) -- Israeli choreographer and opera director
Wikipedia - Idrish Haider -- Bangladeshi television and film director (born 1964)
Wikipedia - Idris Shaaba Jimada -- Nigerian professor and director
Wikipedia - Ignazio Dolce -- Italian director and actor
Wikipedia - Ignazio Lupi -- Italian actor and film director
Wikipedia - Igor Angelkorte -- Brazilian actor, author and director
Wikipedia - Igor Ciel -- Slovak director, screenwriter, and actor (1931-2010)
Wikipedia - Igor Cobileanski -- Moldovan film director
Wikipedia - Igor Ilyinsky -- Soviet actor, director
Wikipedia - Igor Piddubny -- Ukrainian journalist, media manager, politician, and film director
Wikipedia - IIFA Award for Best Director -- International Indian Film Academy Award
Wikipedia - Ilian Djevelekov -- Bulgarian film director and producer
Wikipedia - Ilya Chaiken -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Ilya Khrzhanovsky -- Russian film director
Wikipedia - Imaan Sulaiman-Ibrahim -- NAPTIP Director-General
Wikipedia - Imogen Annesley -- Australian actress and director
Wikipedia - Im Sang-soo -- South Korean film director
Wikipedia - Inas El-Degheidy -- Egyptian film director
Wikipedia - Incroyables and merveilleuses -- Fashionable aristocratic subculture in Paris during the French Directory (1795-1799)
Wikipedia - Ingjerd Egeberg -- Norwegian actress and theatre director
Wikipedia - Ingvar Skogsberg -- Swedish film director
Wikipedia - Inode -- Data structure describing a file-system object (e.g. file, directory) that stores the attributes and disk block location(s) of the object data
Wikipedia - Inside director -- Type of corporate director
Wikipedia - Interlocking directorate
Wikipedia - International Directory of Philosophy and Philosophers
Wikipedia - International Directory of Philosophy
Wikipedia - Iosif Kheifits -- Soviet film director
Wikipedia - Ira Isaacs -- American film director
Wikipedia - Ira Judkovskaja -- Dutch theatre director
Wikipedia - Irene Angelico -- Canadian film director, producer and writer
Wikipedia - Irina Zhdanovich -- Belarusian actress and theatre director
Wikipedia - Iris Stevenson -- American educator and music director
Wikipedia - Irving Pichel -- Actor, film director
Wikipedia - Irvin Kershner -- American film director
Wikipedia - Irvin Willat -- American film director
Wikipedia - Irwin Winkler -- American film producer and director
Wikipedia - Isaac Ezban -- Mexican film director
Wikipedia - Isabel Coixet -- Spanish film director
Wikipedia - Isabel Lamberti -- Dutch film director
Wikipedia - Isabel Noronha -- Mozambican film director
Wikipedia - Ishaya Bako -- Nigerian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - IshirM-EM-^M Honda -- Japanese film director
Wikipedia - Ishmael Bernal -- Filipino director
Wikipedia - Ishwarlal -- Bollywood Hindi actor, director and pruducer
Wikipedia - Ismail Merchant -- Indian-born film producer and director
Wikipedia - Isona Passola -- Director and producer
Wikipedia - Issa Serge Coelo -- Chadian film director
Wikipedia - Istvan Gaal -- Hungarian film director
Wikipedia - Istvan Szabo -- Hungarian film director, screenwriter, and opera director
Wikipedia - Iulian Mihu -- Romanian film director
Wikipedia - Ivan Abramson -- Silent film director
Wikipedia - Ivan Dariel Ortiz -- Puerto Rican film director
Wikipedia - Ivan Dixon -- American actor, director, producer
Wikipedia - Ivan Dykhovichny -- Russian film director
Wikipedia - Ivan Grbovic -- Canadian cinematographer, film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Ivan Nitchev -- Bulgarian film director
Wikipedia - Ivan Passer -- Czech film director
Wikipedia - Ivan Reitman -- Canadian film director
Wikipedia - Ivan Tors -- Hungarian playwright, film director, screenwriter, and film and television producer
Wikipedia - Ivan ZachariaM-EM-! -- Czech film director
Wikipedia - Ivaylo Simidchiev -- Bulgarian film director
Wikipedia - Ivor Wood -- director, producer, animator and writer
Wikipedia - I. V. Sasi -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Izuru Narushima -- Japanese scriptwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Jaakko Pakkasvirta -- Finnish film director
Wikipedia - Jaakko Saariluoma -- Finnish actor, writer, director, and television presenter
Wikipedia - Jaap Speyer -- Dutch film director
Wikipedia - Jacek Bromski -- Polish film director
Wikipedia - Jack Arnold (director) -- American actor and director
Wikipedia - Jack Bond (director) -- British film producer and director
Wikipedia - Jack Cassidy -- American actor, director (1927-1976)
Wikipedia - Jack Conway (filmmaker) -- Film director, actor
Wikipedia - Jack Gage (director) -- Film director
Wikipedia - Jack Garfein -- American film director
Wikipedia - Jackie Cooper -- American actor, director
Wikipedia - Jackie Siegel -- American socialite, model, actress and beauty pageant director
Wikipedia - Jack Maxsted -- Art director
Wikipedia - Jack Mills (art director) -- American set decorator
Wikipedia - Jack Shepherd (actor) -- English actor, playwright, theatre director, musician
Wikipedia - Jackson Bostwick -- American actor, theatre director and film producer
Wikipedia - Jack Webb -- American actor, producer, director, author
Wikipedia - Jack White (film producer) -- film producer, director and writer
Wikipedia - Jack Witikka -- Finnish film director
Wikipedia - Jack Wood (director) -- American television director
Wikipedia - Jacob Aaron Estes -- American screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Jacob Berger -- Swiss film director and screenwriter (born 1963)
Wikipedia - Jacob Herzfeld -- German theatre director and actor
Wikipedia - Jacob Jacobs (theater) -- American theatre director
Wikipedia - Jacob Tierney -- Canadian actor and director
Wikipedia - Jacopo Comin -- Italian film producer, writer, and director
Wikipedia - Jacopo Fo -- Italian writer-actor and director
Wikipedia - Jacques Audiard -- French film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Jacques Baratier -- French film director
Wikipedia - Jacques Boigelot -- Belgian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Jacques Demy -- French film director
Wikipedia - Jacques Desagneaux -- French film director and film editor
Wikipedia - Jacques Doillon -- French film director
Wikipedia - Jacques Drouin -- Canadian animator and director
Wikipedia - Jacques Ertaud -- French film director
Wikipedia - Jacques Fansten -- French film director
Wikipedia - Jacques Feyder -- Film director
Wikipedia - Jacques Fieschi -- French film director
Wikipedia - Jacques Fornier -- French theatrical actor and director
Wikipedia - Jacques Maillot -- French film director
Wikipedia - Jacques Rivette -- French film director, screenwriter and film critic
Wikipedia - Jacques Rouffio -- French film director
Wikipedia - Jacques Severac -- French film director
Wikipedia - Jacques Tourneur -- French film director active in Hollywood 1934-1966
Wikipedia - Jadesola Osiberu -- Nigerian movie writer and director
Wikipedia - Jafar Jabbarly -- Azerbaijani playwright, poet, director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Jafta Mamabolo -- South African actor and director
Wikipedia - Jagadeesh Kanna -- Indian stage actor, playwright, film director, Tamil actor and lyricist
Wikipedia - Jagdeep Sidhu -- Indian film director and writer
Wikipedia - Jahmil X.T. Qubeka -- South African film director (born 1979)
Wikipedia - Jaideep Chopra -- Indian film director, producer and writer
Wikipedia - Jaime Camino -- Spanish film director
Wikipedia - Jaime Humberto Hermosillo -- Mexican film director
Wikipedia - Jaime Salvador -- Spanish-Mexican film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Jaimie D'Cruz -- British documentary film producer and director
Wikipedia - Jake Hoffman -- American actor and director
Wikipedia - Jakir Khan -- Bangladeshi film director
Wikipedia - Jamaluddin Hossain -- Bangladeshi actor, director and theater activist
Wikipedia - James Algar -- Film director
Wikipedia - James Allodi -- Canadian actor, writer and director
Wikipedia - James Bauer -- German film director
Wikipedia - James Bundy -- American theatre director and teacher
Wikipedia - James Burrows -- American television director
Wikipedia - James Cameron -- Canadian film director
Wikipedia - James Comey -- Former director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation
Wikipedia - James Cox (director) -- American film director
Wikipedia - James C. Strouse -- American Director
Wikipedia - James Dacre -- British theatre director
Wikipedia - James Dearden -- British film director
Wikipedia - James Deen -- American pornographic actor, director, producer and blogger
Wikipedia - James Dodson (producer) -- American film producer and film director
Wikipedia - James Duff (writer) -- American television director, producer and writer
Wikipedia - James Dugan (director) -- American actor and film director
Wikipedia - James Fargo -- American film director
Wikipedia - James Flood -- American director
Wikipedia - James Foley (director) -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - James Gray (director) -- American filmmaker
Wikipedia - James Hampton (actor) -- American actor, television director, and screenwriter
Wikipedia - James Hawes -- British television director
Wikipedia - James Hill (British director) -- British filmmaker
Wikipedia - James Ivory -- American film director (born 1928)
Wikipedia - James Joseph Rowley -- Director of the United States Secret Service (1908 - 1992)
Wikipedia - James J. Phillips -- Athletics Director
Wikipedia - James Kirkwood Sr. -- American actor and film director
Wikipedia - James Knight (explorer) -- English explorer and HBC director
Wikipedia - James Lapine -- American stage director and librettist
Wikipedia - James L. Conway -- American director
Wikipedia - James L. Powell -- James Powell is a geologist, author, former college president and museum director. (b.1936)
Wikipedia - James L. Schoppe -- Art director
Wikipedia - James Mangold -- American film director, screenwriter
Wikipedia - James Marquand -- British film director
Wikipedia - James Marshall (director) -- Canadian television producer and director
Wikipedia - James Mollison -- Australian art gallery director
Wikipedia - James Nguyen -- American-Vietnamese film director and producer
Wikipedia - James Parrott -- American actor and director
Wikipedia - James P. Hogan (director) -- Director
Wikipedia - James Toback -- American screenwriter and film director accused of sexual harassment and assault
Wikipedia - James Veitch (comedian) -- British theatrical director, writer, producer, comedian
Wikipedia - James Ward Byrkit -- American film director and writer
Wikipedia - James Whale -- English film director
Wikipedia - James Whitmore Jr. -- Actor, television director
Wikipedia - James W. Horne -- American actor, screenwriter, and film director
Wikipedia - James Widdoes -- American actor and director
Wikipedia - James Wong Howe -- Chinese-born American film director and cinematographer
Wikipedia - James W. Skotchdopole -- American film producer and assistant director
Wikipedia - James W. Sullivan -- Art director
Wikipedia - James Young (director) -- American film director
Wikipedia - Jamie Anderson (producer) -- English producer, director and writer
Wikipedia - Jamie Blanks -- Australian film director and composer
Wikipedia - Jamie Hewlett -- English comic book artist, designer, and director
Wikipedia - Jamie King -- American creative director, choreographer, and producer
Wikipedia - Jamie Lloyd (director) -- British theatre director
Wikipedia - Jamie Marchi -- American voice actress, ADR director and script writer
Wikipedia - Jamie Thraves -- British film writer and director
Wikipedia - J. A. Moreno -- Music video director (born 1993)
Wikipedia - Janardhan Chikkanna -- Film director
Wikipedia - Jana Sue Memel -- American film director and film producer
Wikipedia - Jan Beijert -- Dutch politician, director, and columnist
Wikipedia - Jan Bonny -- German film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Jan Bor -- Czech theatre director and publicist
Wikipedia - Jan de Bont -- Dutch film director
Wikipedia - Jandhyala -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Jane Arden (director) -- Welsh film director and actress
Wikipedia - Jane Campion -- New Zealand screenwriter, producer, and film director
Wikipedia - Janeen Uzzell -- Business director
Wikipedia - Jane Jenkins -- American casting director
Wikipedia - Jan Eliasberg -- American director, producer and writer
Wikipedia - Jane Singleton -- Australian broadcasting and print journalist, company director
Wikipedia - Janet Mock -- Writer, TV host, director, and activist
Wikipedia - Janez JanM-EM-!a (director) -- Croatian theater director
Wikipedia - Jang Jin -- South Korean film director
Wikipedia - Jan Halldoff -- Swedish film director
Wikipedia - Jan Harlan -- German-American film director and producer
Wikipedia - Jan HM-EM-^Yebejk -- Czech theater and film director
Wikipedia - Janicza Bravo -- American writer, director, and photographer
Wikipedia - Jan KaM-DM-^Mer -- Czech actor and film director
Wikipedia - Jan Komasa -- Polish film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Jan M-EM-^Aomnicki -- Polish film director
Wikipedia - Janos Hersko -- Hungarian film director
Wikipedia - Janos Rozsa -- Hungarian film director
Wikipedia - Janos Szasz -- Hungarian film director
Wikipedia - Jan Rybkowski -- Polish film director
Wikipedia - Jan Schmidt -- Czech director and scriptwriter
Wikipedia - Jan Schutte -- German film director
Wikipedia - Jan S. Kolar -- Czech film director
Wikipedia - Jan Svitak -- Czech actor and film director
Wikipedia - Janusz Kondratiuk -- Polish film director
Wikipedia - Janusz Majewski (director) -- Polish film director
Wikipedia - Jared Cohn -- American film director
Wikipedia - Jarmo Lampela -- Finnish film director
Wikipedia - Jaroslav Balik -- Czechoslovak film director
Wikipedia - Jasmine Dellal -- British-born film director and producer
Wikipedia - Jasmine Directory -- Human-edited web directory
Wikipedia - Jasmin Mozaffari -- Canadian film director
Wikipedia - Jason Alexander -- American actor, comedian, singer and director
Wikipedia - Jason Bloom (director) -- American film and television director
Wikipedia - Jason Buxton -- Canadian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Jason Figgis -- Irish film director
Wikipedia - Jason Goldwatch -- American director
Wikipedia - Jason Gould -- American actor, director, writer, producer
Wikipedia - Jason Nash -- American actor, writer, director, comedian, podcaster, and YouTube personality
Wikipedia - Jason Reitman -- Canadian-American director; writer; actor
Wikipedia - Jason Rubin -- American video game director
Wikipedia - Jason Trost -- American director, actor, producer, special effects artist, and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Jaume Balaguero -- Spanish film director
Wikipedia - Javad Molania -- Iranian actor and director
Wikipedia - Java Naming and Directory Interface
Wikipedia - Javier Aguirre (director) -- Spanish film director, writer and producer
Wikipedia - Javor Gardev -- Bulgarian film and stage director
Wikipedia - Jawad al-Assadi -- Iraqi theater director, playwright, theater researcher and poet
Wikipedia - Jayanta Das -- Actor and director
Wikipedia - Jayant Maru -- Kenyan film director (born 1990)
Wikipedia - Jayaram Kailas -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Jay Bonansinga -- American writer and director
Wikipedia - Jay Chandrasekhar -- American film director
Wikipedia - Jay Hunt (director) -- American film director
Wikipedia - Jay Leggett -- American actor, comedian and director
Wikipedia - Jay Lewis -- British film director, producer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Jay Marchant -- American film director
Wikipedia - Jayro Bustamante -- Guatemalan film director
Wikipedia - Jay Russell -- American film director
Wikipedia - Jay Wade Edwards -- American film director and editor
Wikipedia - J Blakeson -- English film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - J. Carter Brown -- American art director
Wikipedia - J. Charles Haydon -- American film director
Wikipedia - J. D. Sheffield -- Medical director, physician, and Texas state legislator
Wikipedia - J. D. Slater -- American pornographic film actor, director, and music composer
Wikipedia - Jean Aurel -- French film director and scriptwriter
Wikipedia - Jean-Baptiste Andrea -- French film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Jean Beaudin -- Canadian film director
Wikipedia - Jean-Christophe Jeauffre -- French film director
Wikipedia - Jean-Claude Brialy -- French actor and director
Wikipedia - Jean-Claude Guiguet -- French film director
Wikipedia - Jean-Claude Pasche -- Swiss theatre director
Wikipedia - Jean-Claude Van Damme -- Belgian actor, martial artist, director
Wikipedia - Jean Cussac -- French baritone and music director
Wikipedia - Jean-Daniel Cadinot -- French photographer, director and producer
Wikipedia - Jean-Daniel Simon -- French film director
Wikipedia - Jean Dreville -- French film director
Wikipedia - Jean Epstein -- French film director, essayist and novelist
Wikipedia - Jean-Francois Adam -- French actor and director
Wikipedia - Jean-Francois Amiguet -- Swiss film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Jean Girault -- French film director
Wikipedia - Jean-Henri Roger -- French film director
Wikipedia - Jeanine Meerapfel -- German-Argentine film director
Wikipedia - Jean-Louis Barrault -- French actor and theatre director (1910-1994)
Wikipedia - Jean-Louis Bertuccelli -- French film director
Wikipedia - Jean-Louis Roy (director) -- Swiss film director
Wikipedia - Jean-Luc Godard -- French-Swiss film director, screenwriter and film critic
Wikipedia - Jean Luc Herbulot -- Congolese film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Jean-Luc Martinez -- Director of Musee du Louvre, a museum in Paris, France
Wikipedia - Jean-Luc Servino -- Italian film director
Wikipedia - Jean Marais -- French actor, writer, director and sculptor (1913-1998)
Wikipedia - Jean-Marie Larrieu -- French film director
Wikipedia - Jean-Michel Boris -- French artistic director
Wikipedia - Jean-Michel Tchissoukou -- Congolese film director
Wikipedia - Jean Negulesco -- film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Jeanne Herry -- French actress and film director
Wikipedia - Jeanne Leblanc -- Canadian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Jeanne Moreau -- French actress, singer, screenwriter and director
Wikipedia - Jeannette Aster -- Austrian-born opera director
Wikipedia - Jeannot Szwarc -- French film director
Wikipedia - Jean-Paul Le Chanois -- French film director
Wikipedia - Jean Paul Slusser -- American painter, art critic, professor, and museum director
Wikipedia - Jean-Pierre Ameris -- French film director
Wikipedia - Jean-Pierre Blanc -- Film director
Wikipedia - Jean-Pierre Darroussin -- French actor and film director
Wikipedia - Jean-Pierre Denis -- French film director
Wikipedia - Jean-Pierre Kohut-Svelko -- Production designer, Art director
Wikipedia - Jean-Pierre Limosin -- French film director
Wikipedia - Jean-Pierre Mocky -- French film director
Wikipedia - Jean-Pierre St-Louis -- Canadian photography director
Wikipedia - Jean-Pierre Vincent -- French theatrical actor and director
Wikipedia - Jean Renoir -- French film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Jean Rollin -- French film director
Wikipedia - Jean-Stephane Bron -- Swiss actor and film director
Wikipedia - Jean van de Velde (director) -- Dutch film director
Wikipedia - Jean Vigo -- French film director
Wikipedia - J. Edgar Hoover -- 20th-century American law enforcement officer and first director of the FBI
Wikipedia - Jed Mercurio -- British television writer, producer and director
Wikipedia - Jeet Gannguli -- Indian score composer, music director and singer
Wikipedia - Jeeva (director) -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Jefery Levy -- American director
Wikipedia - Jeff Anderson -- American film actor, film director, and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Jeff Baena -- American screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Jeff Barber (athletic director) -- American college athletics administrator
Wikipedia - Jeff Bleckner -- American theatre and television director
Wikipedia - Jeff Broadstreet -- American film director
Wikipedia - Jeff Feuerzeig -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Jeff Greenstein -- American television writer, producer, and director
Wikipedia - Jeff Kaufman -- American film producer, director, writer and illustrator
Wikipedia - Jeff Krulik -- a director of independent films and a former Discovery Channel producer
Wikipedia - Jeff Liu -- American writer and director
Wikipedia - Jeff Pollack -- American film director and producer
Wikipedia - Jeff "Swampy" Marsh -- American television director, writer, producer, storyboard artist and actor
Wikipedia - Jeffrey A. Kruse -- U.S. Transportation Command director of operations
Wikipedia - Jeffrey Blitz -- American film director, film producer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Jeffrey Dell -- British film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Jeffrey D. Erb -- American actor and director
Wikipedia - Jeffrey Friedman (filmmaker) -- American film director and producer
Wikipedia - Jeffrey Hayden -- American director
Wikipedia - Jeffrey Jeturian -- Filipino director
Wikipedia - Jeffrey Reddick -- American screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Jeffrey Sachs -- | Jeffrey Sachs - Senior Adviser to the Secretary-General on the Millennium Development Goals (2004-2006), Director of the United Nations Millennium Project
Wikipedia - Jeff Richter -- American music video director and editor
Wikipedia - Jeff Ross -- American stand-up comedian, insult comic, actor, and director
Wikipedia - Jemaine Clement -- New Zealand - American actor, musician, comedian, singer, director and writer
Wikipedia - Jemima Kirke -- English-American artist, actress and director
Wikipedia - Jena Friedman -- American comedian, actress, writer and director
Wikipedia - Jen and Sylvia Soska -- Canadian film directors
Wikipedia - Jenji Kohan -- American television writer, producer, and director
Wikipedia - JenM-EM-^Q Janovics -- Hungarian film director
Wikipedia - Jennifer Abbott -- Canadian director and editor
Wikipedia - Jennifer Euston -- American casting director
Wikipedia - Jennifer Lee (filmmaker) -- American film director
Wikipedia - Jennifer Pahlka -- American businesswoman; founder and Executive Director of Code for America
Wikipedia - Jennifer Wasmuth -- Director of the Institute for Ecumenical Research
Wikipedia - Jenni Konner -- American director, writer and producer
Wikipedia - Jenny Bowen (filmmaker) -- American screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Jens Albinus -- Danish actor and director
Wikipedia - Jens Dilling -- Laboratory director in Canada
Wikipedia - Jeremy Boreing -- American film producer, director, screenwriter
Wikipedia - Jeremy Davidson (actor) -- American actor, writer and director
Wikipedia - Jeremy Farrar -- Epidemiologist and director of the Wellcome Trust
Wikipedia - Jeremy Foley (actor) -- American actor and director
Wikipedia - Jeremy Garelick -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Jeremy Marre -- British film director
Wikipedia - Jeremy Peter Allen -- Canadian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Jeremy Sims -- Australian film director
Wikipedia - Jeroen Krabbe -- Dutch actor and film director
Wikipedia - Jerome Salle -- French film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Jerome Storm -- American film director
Wikipedia - Jerry Belson -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Jerry Douglas (director) -- American pornographic film director
Wikipedia - Jerry Fairbanks -- American film director and producer
Wikipedia - Jerry Levine -- American actor, television and theatre director
Wikipedia - Jerzy Antczak -- Polish film director
Wikipedia - Jerzy Block -- Polish actor and director
Wikipedia - Jerzy Grotowski -- Polish theatre director
Wikipedia - Jerzy Zarzycki -- Polish film director
Wikipedia - Jesse Collins -- Canadian actor and director
Wikipedia - Jesse Dylan -- American film director
Wikipedia - Jesse Williams (actor) -- American actor, director, producer and activist
Wikipedia - Jessica Blank -- American actress, writer, and director
Wikipedia - Jessica Hausner -- Austrian film director
Wikipedia - Jessie Bonstelle -- American theater manager, director and actress
Wikipedia - Jessie Chisi -- Zambian director and filmmaker
Wikipedia - Jess Lapid Jr. -- Filipino director and actor
Wikipedia - Jess Robbins -- American film director
Wikipedia - Jesus Garay (director) -- Spanish film director
Wikipedia - Jesus Kherkatary -- Indian actor, director
Wikipedia - Jesus Manuel Montane -- Spanish film director
Wikipedia - Jette Sandahl -- Danish museum director
Wikipedia - Jevon O'Neill -- English film director
Wikipedia - Jeyhun Mirzayev -- actor and film director
Wikipedia - Jez Bond -- British theatre director
Wikipedia - J. Farrell MacDonald -- American actor and director
Wikipedia - J. Gordon Edwards -- Canadian born American film and stage director, producer, stage actor and writer
Wikipedia - Jhonen Vasquez -- American comic book writer, cartoonist, and music video director
Wikipedia - Jibon Rahman -- Bangladeshi film director
Wikipedia - Jiju Antony -- Director (b. 1977)
Wikipedia - Jiju Asokan -- Indian film director and scriptwriter
Wikipedia - Jill Ackles -- American television soap opera director
Wikipedia - Jill Culton -- American animator and director
Wikipedia - Jill Godmilow -- American film director
Wikipedia - Jim Abrahams -- American movie director and writer
Wikipedia - Jim Brown (director) -- American film director
Wikipedia - JiM-EM-^Yi KrejM-DM-^Mik -- Czech film director
Wikipedia - JiM-EM-^Yi Menzel -- Czech film director
Wikipedia - Jim Fall -- American film and television director and producer
Wikipedia - Jim Goddard -- English film director
Wikipedia - Jim Holliday -- American pornographic film director and historian
Wikipedia - Jim Jarmusch -- American film director, screenwriter and actor
Wikipedia - Jim Johnson (athletic director) -- Athletic director
Wikipedia - Jim Jones (rapper) -- |American rapper, record executive, and music video director from New York
Wikipedia - Jim Knipple -- American theatre director
Wikipedia - Jim Margolis (producer) -- American television producer and director
Wikipedia - Jim Miller (athletic director) -- American athletic director
Wikipedia - Jim Morrison -- American singer-songwriter, poet, actor and director
Wikipedia - Jimmy Hayward -- Canadian animator and film director
Wikipedia - Jimmy Logan -- Scottish performer, producer, impresario and director
Wikipedia - Jim Reardon -- American animator, director, and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Jim Threapleton -- British film director
Wikipedia - Jingle Ma -- Hong Kong writer and director
Wikipedia - Jins Shamsuddin -- Malaysian actor and director
Wikipedia - Jiro Sato (actor) -- Japanese actor, screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - J. Mills Goodloe -- American actor and director
Wikipedia - Joachim Kunert -- German film director
Wikipedia - Joachim Ronning -- Norwegian film director
Wikipedia - Joan Chemla -- French film director
Wikipedia - Joan Chen -- Chinese-American actress and director
Wikipedia - Joanna Kerns -- American actress and director
Wikipedia - Joanne Woollard -- British art director
Wikipedia - Joan Whalley -- Australian actress, teacher and artistic director (born 1927)
Wikipedia - Joao Batista de Andrade -- Brazilian film director
Wikipedia - Joao Botelho -- Portuguese film director
Wikipedia - Joao Brites -- Portuguese theatre director and artist
Wikipedia - Joao Canijo -- Portuguese film director
Wikipedia - Joao Cesar Monteiro -- Portuguese film director, actor, writer, and film critic
Wikipedia - Joao Costa Menezes -- Portuguese film director, producer, and actor
Wikipedia - Joao Couto -- Director of the National Museum of Ancient Art in Lisbon, Portugal (1938-62)
Wikipedia - Joao da Silveira Caldeira -- Brazilian scientist and museum director
Wikipedia - Joao Emanuel Carneiro -- Brazilian screenwriter, film director, and telenovela author
Wikipedia - Joao Garcia Miguel -- Portuguese theater director, playwright, visual artist and performer
Wikipedia - Joao Mario Grilo -- Portuguese film director, author, and professor
Wikipedia - Joao Mendes (director) -- Portuguese film director
Wikipedia - Joao Miguel (actor) -- Brazilian actor, screenwriter and director
Wikipedia - Joao Pedro Rodrigues -- Portuguese film director
Wikipedia - Joao Ponces de Carvalho -- Portuguese film director
Wikipedia - Joao Salaviza -- Portuguese film director
Wikipedia - Joaosinho Trinta -- Brazilian director of parades
Wikipedia - Joaquim Leitao -- Film director
Wikipedia - Joaquim Pinto -- Portuguese film director
Wikipedia - Jo Baier -- German film director and writer
Wikipedia - Jo Bonney -- American theater director
Wikipedia - Jocelyne Saab -- Lebanese film director and journalist
Wikipedia - Jocelyn Moorhouse -- Australian film director
Wikipedia - Jodie Foster -- American actor, film director
Wikipedia - Jody Hill -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Jody Olsen -- 20th and current Director of the Peace Corps
Wikipedia - Joe Ahearne -- Irish television writer and director
Wikipedia - Joe Comerford -- Irish film director
Wikipedia - Joe D'Amato -- Italian film director
Wikipedia - Joe Daniello -- American animation director
Wikipedia - Joe Douglas -- British theatre director, playwright, and performer
Wikipedia - Joe Estevez -- Actor, director, producer
Wikipedia - Joe Johnston -- American film director and effects artist
Wikipedia - Joel Ashton McCarthy -- Canadian film director
Wikipedia - Joel Conroy -- Irish film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Joel David Moore -- American character actor and director
Wikipedia - Joel Gallen -- American film director
Wikipedia - Joel Grey -- American actor, singer, dancer, director, and photographer
Wikipedia - Joel Hopkins -- British independent film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Joel Lamangan -- Filipino film and television director
Wikipedia - Joel M. Reed -- American film director, producer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Joel Okuyo Atiku -- Ugandan actor,Director and interdisciplinary artist
Wikipedia - Joel Schumacher -- American film director (1939-2020)
Wikipedia - Joe Mantegna -- American actor, producer, and director
Wikipedia - Joe Mantello -- American actor and director
Wikipedia - Joe May -- Austrian film director
Wikipedia - Joe Murray (animator) -- American animator, writer, illustrator, producer director, and voice actor
Wikipedia - Joe Pytka -- American film director
Wikipedia - Joe Roth -- American film executive, producer, and director
Wikipedia - Joe Swanberg -- American film director
Wikipedia - Johan BergenstrM-CM-%hle (director) -- Swedish film director
Wikipedia - Johann Adam von Ickstatt -- German educator and university director
Wikipedia - Johanna Ray -- American talent agent, casting director
Wikipedia - Johann Baptist Krebs -- German writer and director
Wikipedia - Johann Daniel Elster -- German composer and choir director
Wikipedia - Johannes Erath -- German opera director
Wikipedia - Johannes Korndorfer -- German choir director
Wikipedia - Johannes Schaaf -- German film and stage director (1933-2019)
Wikipedia - Johan Nijenhuis -- Dutch film director
Wikipedia - Johan Simons -- Dutch theatre director
Wikipedia - John A. Davis -- American film director, writer, animator, voice actor and composer
Wikipedia - John Alexander (director) -- British television director
Wikipedia - Johnathan Brownlee -- Canadian-American film producer, director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - John August -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - John Austin Clark -- Music director
Wikipedia - John Badham -- American film director
Wikipedia - John Berg (art director) -- American art director
Wikipedia - John B. Goodman (art director) -- American art director
Wikipedia - John Birt, Baron Birt -- Former Director-General of the BBC
Wikipedia - John Brennan (CIA officer) -- 5th Director of the Central Intelligence Agency
Wikipedia - John B. Root -- French director and producer of pornographic films
Wikipedia - John Bruno (special effects) -- American director and visual effects artist
Wikipedia - John Bush (filmmaker) -- Film director, cinematographer, and visual artist
Wikipedia - John Butler (director) -- Irish director, screenwriter and novelist
Wikipedia - John Byrum -- American film director and writer
Wikipedia - John Carl Buechler -- American film director
Wikipedia - John Carpenter -- American director, screenwriter, producer, and composer
Wikipedia - John Carroll Lynch -- American character actor and film director
Wikipedia - John Cassavetes -- Greek-American actor, film director, and screenwriter (1929-1989)
Wikipedia - John Cromwell (director) -- American film actor, director and producer
Wikipedia - John Crowley (director) -- Irish film and theatre director
Wikipedia - John Curran (director) -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - John David Coles -- American film and television director
Wikipedia - John de Rantau -- Indonesian film director
Wikipedia - John Derek -- American actor, director, and photographer
Wikipedia - John Dew (director) -- British opera director
Wikipedia - John D. F. Black -- American sciptwriter, director and producer
Wikipedia - John Diedrich -- Australian actor, director and producer
Wikipedia - John Dr. Teeth Tucker -- Director
Wikipedia - John DuCasse Schulze -- Art director
Wikipedia - John Duigan -- Australian film director
Wikipedia - John E. Burch -- American film assistant director
Wikipedia - John E. C. Appleton -- Australian director
Wikipedia - John English (director) -- 1903-1969; British-born American film editor and film director
Wikipedia - John E. Otto -- FBI director
Wikipedia - John F. Anderson (scientist) -- third director of the United States Hygienic Laboratory
Wikipedia - John Farrelly (director) -- Irish film producer
Wikipedia - John Farrow -- Australian-born American film director
Wikipedia - John F. Link Sr. -- American film director
Wikipedia - John Ford -- American film director
Wikipedia - John Fortenberry -- American film and television director
Wikipedia - John Francis Daley -- American actor, film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - John Francis Dillon (director) -- American film director
Wikipedia - John Frankenheimer -- American film and television director (1930-2002)
Wikipedia - John G. Adolfi -- American silent film director, actor, and screenwriter
Wikipedia - John G. Avildsen -- American film director
Wikipedia - John G. Blystone -- American film director
Wikipedia - John Gielgud -- English actor and theatre director
Wikipedia - John Gilbert (actor) -- American actor and film director
Wikipedia - John Gilling -- 1912-1984; English film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - John Glenister -- British television director
Wikipedia - John Goldschmidt -- British-Austrian film director and producer
Wikipedia - John Griffith Wray -- American film director
Wikipedia - John Hardwick (director) -- British artist
Wikipedia - John H. Auer -- Film director
Wikipedia - John H. Collins (director) -- American screenwriter and director
Wikipedia - John Herbert (playwright) -- Canadian playwright and theatre director
Wikipedia - John Herzfeld -- American film and television director, screenwriter, actor, and producer
Wikipedia - John Howard Davies -- English actor, and television producer and director
Wikipedia - John Hughes (art director) -- American art director
Wikipedia - John Huston -- Irish film director, screenwriter and actor (1906-1987)
Wikipedia - John Ireland (actor) -- Canadian actor and film director
Wikipedia - John Jesurun -- American theatre director
Wikipedia - John Korty -- Director
Wikipedia - John Lackey (cyclist) -- Irish road racing cyclist and director of the Tour of Ireland
Wikipedia - John Lafia -- American film director
Wikipedia - John Landis -- American film director, screenwriter, actor, and producer
Wikipedia - John Lasseter -- American animator, film director, screenwriter, producer, and voice actor
Wikipedia - John Lavis -- Physician and medical organization director
Wikipedia - John Legend -- American singer, songwriter, producer, actor, and theatre director from Ohio
Wikipedia - John Leighton (curator) -- Irish curator, art historian and museum director
Wikipedia - John MacDonagh -- Irish film director
Wikipedia - John Mahendran -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - John Malkovich -- American actor, film producer and film director
Wikipedia - John Meredyth Lucas -- American television writer, director and producer
Wikipedia - John Musker -- American animation director
Wikipedia - John Nkengasong -- Cameroonian virologist, director of Africa CDC
Wikipedia - John N. McMahon -- CIA deputy director
Wikipedia - John Noble -- Australian actor, voice actor, and director
Wikipedia - John N. Smith -- Canadian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Johnny Hines -- American actor and film director
Wikipedia - Johnny Manahan -- Filipino film and television director
Wikipedia - John Papsidera -- Casting director
Wikipedia - John Philip Sousa Baton -- traditional symbol of the authority of the directorate of the United States Marine Band "The President's Own"
Wikipedia - John P. McCarthy -- American director, screenwriter
Wikipedia - John Polson -- Born 1965; Australian actor and director
Wikipedia - John Prats -- Filipino actor, director, dancer and comedian
Wikipedia - John Rawlins (director) -- American film editor
Wikipedia - John Ridley -- American writer and director
Wikipedia - John Rubinstein -- American actor, composer and director
Wikipedia - John Sayles -- American film director
Wikipedia - John Schlesinger -- English film and stage director and actor
Wikipedia - John Schultz (director) -- American filmmaker
Wikipedia - John S. Detlie -- American art director and set designer
Wikipedia - John Shea -- American actor, film producer and stage director
Wikipedia - John Sheedy (director) -- Australian theater and film director
Wikipedia - John S. Robertson -- Canadian-born actor and film director (1878-1963)
Wikipedia - John Stagliano -- American pornographic actor and director
Wikipedia - John Stevenson (director) -- British film director, animator and puppeteer
Wikipedia - John Stockwell (actor) -- Born 1961; American model, actor, director, producer, writer
Wikipedia - John Stoll -- British art director
Wikipedia - John Sturges -- American film director
Wikipedia - John Tillinger -- Theatre director and actor
Wikipedia - John Tracy (director) -- American television director
Wikipedia - John Treloar (museum administrator) -- Australian archivist and museum director (1894-1952)
Wikipedia - John Turturro -- Italian American actor, writer and director
Wikipedia - John Victor Mackay -- American art director
Wikipedia - John Waters (director born 1893) -- American film director
Wikipedia - John W. Brown (set decorator) -- American art director
Wikipedia - John W. Corso -- Art director
Wikipedia - John Woodruff (director) -- American actor and director
Wikipedia - John Woo -- Hong Kong film director, screenwriter and film producer
Wikipedia - Johny Antony -- Indian film director and actor
Wikipedia - Johny Bakshi -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Joi Baba Felunath (film) -- 1979 Indian Bengali mystery film by director Satyajit Ray
Wikipedia - JoM-CM-+l Santoni -- French film director
Wikipedia - Jomon (director) -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Jon Amiel -- English film and television director
Wikipedia - Jonas Carpignano -- Italian-American film director
Wikipedia - Jonas Cuaron -- Mexican film director
Wikipedia - Jonathan Bird -- American photographer, cinematographer, director and television host.
Wikipedia - Jonathan C. Friedman -- History professor and director of Holocaust and Genocide Studies at West Chester University
Wikipedia - Jonathan Craven -- American writer and director
Wikipedia - Jonathan Daniel Brown -- American actor and director
Wikipedia - Jonathan Demme -- American director, producer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Jonathan Figgis -- Irish film director and producer
Wikipedia - Jonathan Frakes -- American actor and director
Wikipedia - Jonathan Glazer -- British film director
Wikipedia - Jonathan Irwin -- British and Irish equestrian businessman, and charity director
Wikipedia - Jonathan Kasdan -- American writer, director and actor
Wikipedia - Jonathan King (film director) -- New Zealand film director
Wikipedia - Jonathan Liebesman -- South African film director
Wikipedia - Jonathan Miller -- British theatre director
Wikipedia - Jonathan Nolan -- British-American screenwriter, television producer, director and author
Wikipedia - Jonathan Stafford -- American ballet dancer and artistic director
Wikipedia - Jonathan Tammuz -- Film director
Wikipedia - Jonathan Taylor Thomas -- American actor, voice actor, and director
Wikipedia - Jonathon Dutton -- Australian actor and director
Wikipedia - Jon Avnet -- American film and television director, writer and producer
Wikipedia - Jon Brittain -- British playwright and director
Wikipedia - Jon Carnoy -- American writer and director
Wikipedia - Jon Cryer -- Actor, writer, film director, film producer
Wikipedia - Jon Favreau -- American actor, director, and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Jon Gries -- American actor, writer, director
Wikipedia - Jon Harmon Feldman -- American screenwriter and director
Wikipedia - Jon Lucas -- American screenwriter and director
Wikipedia - Jonny Campbell -- British director
Wikipedia - Jon Sen -- British film director
Wikipedia - Jon Stone -- American writer, television producer and director
Wikipedia - Jon Turteltaub -- American film director and producer
Wikipedia - Jon Waters -- American marching band director
Wikipedia - Joone (director) -- American pornographic film director and producer
Wikipedia - Joram Lursen -- Dutch film and television director
Wikipedia - Jo Randerson -- New Zealand writer, director, and performer
Wikipedia - Jordan Brady -- American director
Wikipedia - Jordan Vogt-Roberts -- American film director
Wikipedia - Jorg A. Eggers -- German film director
Wikipedia - Jorge de Juan -- Spanish film and theater actor, producer, and director
Wikipedia - Jorge Dorado -- Spanish director
Wikipedia - Jorge Huerta -- Chicano scholar, author, and theatre director
Wikipedia - Jorg Graser -- German film director
Wikipedia - Jorma Taccone -- American comedy writer, actor, and film director
Wikipedia - Jose A. Martinez Suarez -- Argentine film director
Wikipedia - Jose Bohr -- Chilean film director
Wikipedia - Jose Buchs -- Spanish screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Jose Estrada (director) -- Mexican film director
Wikipedia - Josef Berne -- American film director
Wikipedia - Jose Ferrer -- Puerto Rican actor and theatre and film director (1912-1992)
Wikipedia - Josefina Molina -- Spanish film director
Wikipedia - Josefin M-CM-^Esberg -- Swedish art director and production designer
Wikipedia - Josef Rusnak -- German film director
Wikipedia - Josef von Sternberg -- Austrian-American film director (1894-1969)
Wikipedia - Jose Luis Cuerda -- Spanish film director (1947-2020)
Wikipedia - Jose Luis Garcia Sanchez -- Spanish film director
Wikipedia - Jose Maria Cabral (director) -- Dominican film director and producer
Wikipedia - Jose Maria Forque -- Spanish screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Jose Maria Oliveira -- Spanish film director
Wikipedia - Jose Maria Velasco Maidana -- Bolivian film director
Wikipedia - Jose Maria Zabalza -- Spanish screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Jose Padilha -- Brazilian film director
Wikipedia - Joseph Adler -- American film director
Wikipedia - Joseph Austin Holmes -- 1st U.S. Director of Mines
Wikipedia - Joseph Behar -- American television director
Wikipedia - Joseph Blatchford -- Director of the US Peace Corps (born 1934)
Wikipedia - Joseph Cedar -- Israeli film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Joseph Chamberlain (planetarium director) -- Chairman of Adler Planetarium (b. 1923, d. 2011)
Wikipedia - Joseph Culp -- American actor and director
Wikipedia - Joseph De Grasse -- Canadian film director
Wikipedia - Joseph Kahn -- Korean-American film and music video director
Wikipedia - Joseph Kane -- American film director
Wikipedia - Joseph Kaufman (director) -- American actor
Wikipedia - Joseph L. Mankiewicz -- American film director, screenwriter, and producer
Wikipedia - Joseph Losey -- American filmmaker and theatre director
Wikipedia - Joseph Maguire -- Former Acting Director of National Intelligence and U.S. Navy admiral
Wikipedia - Joseph Minion -- American film director
Wikipedia - Joseph M. Newman -- American film director
Wikipedia - Joseph Morgan (actor) -- British actor and director
Wikipedia - Joseph Seconda -- German theatre director
Wikipedia - Joseph Vasquez -- American film director
Wikipedia - Joseph Vilsmaier -- German film director
Wikipedia - Jose Rodriguez Granada -- Mexican art director
Wikipedia - Jose Tamayo -- Spanish theatre director and producer
Wikipedia - Josh Boone (director) -- American filmmaker
Wikipedia - Josh Forbes -- American music video director
Wikipedia - Joshiy -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Josh Radnor -- American actor, director, producer, and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Josh Trank -- Film director
Wikipedia - Joshua Bryant -- American actor, director, author, and speaker
Wikipedia - Joshua Fernandez -- Malaysian film director
Wikipedia - Josiane Balasko -- French actress, writer and director
Wikipedia - Josie d'Arby -- Welsh actress, Television Presenter, writer, director, painter
Wikipedia - Josip Zovko -- Croatian actor and director
Wikipedia - Jos Stelling -- Dutch film director
Wikipedia - Joss Whedon -- American director, writer, and producer
Wikipedia - Joyce Bernal -- Filipino film and television director
Wikipedia - Joyce Borenstein -- Canadian director and animator
Wikipedia - Joyce Evans (photographer) -- Australian photographer, artist, gallery director, curator, art collector and lecturer
Wikipedia - Joydip Mukherjee -- Indian film director, actor and writer
Wikipedia - Joy Mathew -- Indian actor and director
Wikipedia - Joy Mukherjee -- Indian film actor, director and producer
Wikipedia - Jozef Szajna -- Polish theatre director and sculptor (1922-2008)
Wikipedia - J. P. Kaushik -- Hindi cinema music director
Wikipedia - J. P. McGowan -- Australian film director
Wikipedia - J. Searle Dawley -- American director
Wikipedia - Juan Cabral (director) -- Argentine writer and director
Wikipedia - Juan Carlos Cremata Malberti -- Cuban film director
Wikipedia - Juan Carlos Macias -- Argentinian film director
Wikipedia - Juan Cruz (director) -- Spanish television/film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Juan Diego Solanas -- Argentine film director
Wikipedia - Juan Jose Videgain -- Spanish writer, actor, and director
Wikipedia - Juanma Bajo Ulloa -- Basque Spanish film director
Wikipedia - Juan M-CM-^Angel Arias -- Supremo Director of Honduras
Wikipedia - Juan Padron -- Cuban animation director
Wikipedia - Juan Paolo Aquino -- Filipino TV director and photographer
Wikipedia - Judd Lynn -- American television producer, writer and director (born 1961)
Wikipedia - Judit Elek -- Hungarian film director
Wikipedia - Judith Ehrlich -- American film director
Wikipedia - Judith Ivey -- American actress and theatre director
Wikipedia - Judy Blye Wilson -- American casting director
Wikipedia - Judy Farr (set decorator) -- British art director and set decorator
Wikipedia - Jules Dassin -- American film director
Wikipedia - Julia Ducournau -- French film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Julia Heron -- American art director
Wikipedia - Julia Kaganskiy -- Founding director of the New Museum's incubator for art and founder of ArtsTech
Wikipedia - Julia McKenzie -- English actress, presenter, director, writer
Wikipedia - Juliana Neuhuber -- Austrian director
Wikipedia - Julian Armour -- Canadian cellist and artistic director
Wikipedia - Julian De Zotti -- Caadian actor, writer, director, producer
Wikipedia - Juliane Votteler -- German theatre director
Wikipedia - Julian Robles (actor) -- Mexican director, actor and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Julian Woolford -- British theatre director
Wikipedia - Julia O. Flikke -- Director of the US Army Nurse Corps
Wikipedia - Julia Pascal -- British playwright and theatre director
Wikipedia - Julia Peyton-Jones -- British curator and gallery director
Wikipedia - Julia Wetzel -- Executive Director of the NSA
Wikipedia - Julie Cypher -- American film director
Wikipedia - Julie Duclos -- French actress and director
Wikipedia - Julie Harvey (artist) -- American contemporary art painter, multimedia producer, video director and choreographer
Wikipedia - Julien Duvivier -- French film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Julien Rambaldi -- French film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Julien Temple -- English film and music video director
Wikipedia - Julie Taymor -- American film and theatre director and writer
Wikipedia - Juliet May -- British television director
Wikipedia - Julio Alvarado Tricoche -- Puerto Rican flutist, composer, and band director
Wikipedia - Julio Bracho -- Mexican film director
Wikipedia - Julio Diamante -- Spanish film director
Wikipedia - Julio Garcia Espinosa -- Cuban film director
Wikipedia - Julius Avery -- Australian screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Julius Frankenburg -- Actor and director
Wikipedia - Julius Herska -- Austrian actor and director
Wikipedia - Julius Roden -- Filipino Movie Producer-Director
Wikipedia - Juliusz Machulski -- Polish film director, screenwriter and film producer
Wikipedia - Juliusz Petry -- Polish writer and radio director
Wikipedia - June Card -- American soprano and stage director
Wikipedia - June Flewett -- British actress and theatre director
Wikipedia - Jun Ichikawa -- Japanese film director
Wikipedia - Junji Sakamoto -- Japanese film director
Wikipedia - Jun Lana -- Filipino film director
Wikipedia - Jun Takeuchi -- Japanese video game director and producer
Wikipedia - Juraj Herz -- Czech film director (1934-2018)
Wikipedia - Juraj Nvota -- Slovak actor and director
Wikipedia - Justin Anderson (film director) -- British film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Justin Baldoni -- American actor and director
Wikipedia - Justin Chon -- American actor and director
Wikipedia - Justine Shapiro -- American actress and film director
Wikipedia - Justin Forsyth -- Justin Forsyth the Deputy Executive Director of UNICEF.
Wikipedia - Justin Kurzel -- Australian film director
Wikipedia - Justin Lin -- Taiwanese American film director
Wikipedia - Justin Theroux -- American actor, producer, director, and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Jutta Bruckner -- German film director
Wikipedia - Juwan Chung -- American director and writer
Wikipedia - Juzo Itami -- Japanese actor, screenwriter, and film director
Wikipedia - Jyoti Sarup -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Kaarin Fairfax -- Australian actress, director and singer
Wikipedia - Kabeer Kaushik -- Indian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Kabir Akhtar -- American television director and editor
Wikipedia - Kabir Khan (director) -- Indian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Kadiatou Konate -- Malian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Kadir Akbulut (writer) -- Turkish playwright and director
Wikipedia - Kai Ephron -- American and British film director
Wikipedia - Kaija Juurikkala -- Finnish film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Kaizad Gustad -- Indian film director and writer
Wikipedia - Kaizer Matsumunyane -- Mosotho film director
Wikipedia - Kaleena Kiff -- American actress, producer, and director
Wikipedia - Kaljo Kiisk -- Estonian film director
Wikipedia - Kalpesh Parekh -- Indian voice actor and dubbing directory
Wikipedia - Kamala Lopez -- American actress and director
Wikipedia - Kamaleshwar Mukherjee -- Indian Bengali film director and actor
Wikipedia - Kambuzia Partovi -- Iranian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Kamila Andini -- Indonesian film director
Wikipedia - Kamilah Forbes -- American curator, producer and director
Wikipedia - Kandeh Yumkella -- Director General of UNIDO
Wikipedia - Kannan Thamarakkulam -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Kanti Shah -- Indian film director and producer
Wikipedia - Kaouther Ben Hania -- Tunisian film director
Wikipedia - Karan Anshuman -- Indian director, writer, and producer (b. 1980)
Wikipedia - Karan Johar -- Indian film director, producer, screenwriter and television host
Wikipedia - Karan Malhotra -- India film director
Wikipedia - Karel CernM-CM-= (art director) -- Czech art director
Wikipedia - Karel Janak -- Czech director
Wikipedia - Karel KachyM-EM-^Ha -- Czech film director
Wikipedia - Karel LamaM-DM-^M -- Czech film director
Wikipedia - Karen Gaviola -- American television producer and director
Wikipedia - Karen Lam -- Canadian director, writer and producer
Wikipedia - Karen O'Hara -- Art director
Wikipedia - Karim Akbari Mobarakeh -- Iranian actor and film director
Wikipedia - Karim Dridi -- French film director
Wikipedia - Karina Duprez -- Mexican director and former actress
Wikipedia - Karin Beier -- German theatre director
Wikipedia - Karin Boyd -- German actress and Theatre director
Wikipedia - Karin Coonrod -- American theater director and writer
Wikipedia - Karin Van Der Laag -- South African actress and casting director
Wikipedia - Karla Jessen Williamson -- Executive director, Arctic Institute of North America
Wikipedia - Karl Anton -- German film director
Wikipedia - Karlen Varzhapetyan -- Film director (b. 1942, d. 1984)
Wikipedia - Karl Freund -- German film director and cinematographer
Wikipedia - Karl Haacker -- German art director
Wikipedia - Karl Katz -- Art historian, curator and museum director.
Wikipedia - Karl Lagerfeld -- German creative director, fashion designer, artist, photographer, and caricaturist
Wikipedia - Karl Machus -- German art director
Wikipedia - Karl Markovics -- Austrian actor and film director
Wikipedia - Karl Panzner -- German conductor and generalmusicdirector
Wikipedia - Karl Seldahl -- Swedish film director
Wikipedia - Karl Theophil Dobbelin -- German theatre director and actor
Wikipedia - Karol Chodura -- Polish cinematographer and assistant director
Wikipedia - Karolis Skinkys -- Sporting director of Kerala Blasters
Wikipedia - Karol Wight -- American museum director specializing in ancient glass
Wikipedia - Karoly Lajthay -- Hungarian film director
Wikipedia - Karthik Saragur -- Indian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Karthik Subbaraj -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Kasper Barfoed -- Danish film director
Wikipedia - Kasper Holten -- Danish stage director
Wikipedia - Kasthuri Raja -- Indian director
Wikipedia - Katariina Lahti -- Finnish film director
Wikipedia - Kat Coiro -- American director and writer
Wikipedia - Kate Cayley -- Canadian writer and theatre director
Wikipedia - Kate Cheeseman -- British film director
Wikipedia - Kate Davis (director) -- American director, producer and editor
Wikipedia - Kate Maberly -- British actress, director, writer, producer, and musician
Wikipedia - Kate Wetherhead -- American actor, writer, and director
Wikipedia - Katharina Thalbach -- German actress and stage director
Wikipedia - Katharine Lee Reid -- American art historian and former art museum director
Wikipedia - Katharine O'Brien -- American director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Katherine Brooks -- American film writer and director
Wikipedia - Katherine Hare -- British theatre director
Wikipedia - Katherine Hauptman -- Swedish archaeologist and museum director
Wikipedia - Katherine Maher -- Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director of the Wikimedia Foundation
Wikipedia - Kathleen Man Gyllenhaal -- American film director
Wikipedia - Kathryn Bigelow -- American film director, producer, and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Kathy Bates -- American film actress and director
Wikipedia - Katie Bender (filmmaker) -- Australian film producer, and director
Wikipedia - Katie Mitchell -- British theatre director
Wikipedia - Katja Czellnik -- German woman opera director
Wikipedia - Katrina Sedgwick -- Australian television producer and festival director
Wikipedia - Katrine Philp -- Danish film director (born 1978)
Wikipedia - Katsuhiro Otomo -- Japanese manga artist, screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Katsuhito Akiyama -- Japanese storyboard artist and director
Wikipedia - Katsura Hashino -- Japanese video game director and producer
Wikipedia - Katsuyoshi Yatabe -- Japanese screenwriter, anime director and sound designer
Wikipedia - Katt Shea -- American director and producer
Wikipedia - Katung Aduwak -- Nigerian film producer, director, screenwriter
Wikipedia - Kaushik Ganguly -- Indian film director and actor
Wikipedia - Kawleikgyin Ne Win -- Burmese actor and director
Wikipedia - Kay Cannon -- American screenwriter, producer, and director
Wikipedia - Kaywin Feldman -- American museum director
Wikipedia - Kazi Hayat -- Bangladeshi actor and director
Wikipedia - Kazimierz Braun -- Polish director, writer, and scholar
Wikipedia - Kazim M-CM-^Vz -- Kurdish film director, scriptwriter and producer
Wikipedia - Kazui Nihonmatsu -- Japanese film director
Wikipedia - Kazuki Akane -- Japanese director of Japanese animation
Wikipedia - Kazuki M-EM-^Lmori -- Japanese film director
Wikipedia - Kazuo Ikehiro -- Japanese writer and director
Wikipedia - Kazuya Tsurumaki -- Japanese anime director
Wikipedia - Kazuyuki Izutsu -- Japanese film director
Wikipedia - K. Balachander -- Indian director
Wikipedia - K. Bapayya -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - K. C. Bokadia -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Kean Cipriano -- Filipino singer, composer, actor, producer, music video director, musician and entrepreneur
Wikipedia - Kearen Pang -- |Chinese actress, director, and writer from Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Keiran Lee -- British pornographic actor, director and producer
Wikipedia - Keisuke Yoshida (director) -- Japanese film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Keith Barker (writer) -- Canadian playwright and theatre director
Wikipedia - Keith Bearden -- American screenwriter and director
Wikipedia - Keith Boak -- British film and television director
Wikipedia - Keith Cerny -- American opera director and businessman
Wikipedia - Keith Gordon -- American actor and director
Wikipedia - Keith Greenfield -- English cricketer and Director of Cricket
Wikipedia - Keith Schiller -- Director of Oval Office Operations for President Trump and bodyguard
Wikipedia - Kelemen Laszlo -- Hungarian stage dramatist and theater director
Wikipedia - Kelly Asbury -- American film director
Wikipedia - Kelsey Grammer -- American actor, comedian, singer, producer, director, writer and activist
Wikipedia - Kemebradikumo Pondei -- Acting managing director of NDDC
Wikipedia - Ken Anderson (animator) -- Art director, story artist and layout artist
Wikipedia - Ken Annakin -- English film director
Wikipedia - Ken Bentley -- British theatre director
Wikipedia - Kendra Lust -- American pornographic actress and director.
Wikipedia - Kenean Buel -- American film director
Wikipedia - Kenichi Suemitsu -- Japanese playwright, stage director, actor
Wikipedia - Kenji Kamiyama -- Japanese anime director
Wikipedia - Kenji Mizoguchi: The Life of a Film Director -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - Kenji Mizoguchi -- Japanese film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Kenji Nakamura -- Japanese animation director
Wikipedia - Kenji Suzuki (director) -- Japanese special effects director
Wikipedia - Ken Kwapis -- American film and television director and scriptwriter
Wikipedia - Ken Loach -- British film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Kenneth Biller -- American television director, producer and writer
Wikipedia - Kenneth Bowen (tenor) -- Welsh singer and musical director
Wikipedia - Kenneth Branagh -- Northern Irish actor, director, screenwriter, and producer
Wikipedia - Kenneth Clark -- English art historian, museum director, and broadcaster (1903-1983)
Wikipedia - Kenneth Ehrlich -- American television producer and director
Wikipedia - Kenneth Elvebakk -- Norwegian documentary film director
Wikipedia - Kenneth Hawks -- American film director and producer
Wikipedia - Kenneth Lonergan -- American film director, playwright, and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Kenneth Paul Rosenberg -- American psychiatrist, filmmaker, director, producer, writer, narrator
Wikipedia - Kenneth Webb -- American film director
Wikipedia - Ken Sueda -- Japanese video director
Wikipedia - Kent Alterman -- American film director and producer
Wikipedia - Kent Bateman -- American movie producer and director
Wikipedia - Kent Faulcon -- American actor, director, and writer
Wikipedia - Ken Webster (director) -- American actor and director
Wikipedia - Keppel Harcourt Barnard -- South African zoologist and museum director
Wikipedia - Kerry Conran -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Kevin Allen (director) -- Welsh actor, film director
Wikipedia - Kevin Arbouet -- American film director
Wikipedia - Kevin Corcoran -- American actor and film director
Wikipedia - Kevin Dowling (director) -- American director and producer
Wikipedia - Kevin James Dobson -- Australian director
Wikipedia - Kevin M. Connolly -- American voice actor, script writer and ADR director
Wikipedia - Kevin Rodney Sullivan -- American director
Wikipedia - Kevin S. Bright -- American television executive producer and director
Wikipedia - Kevin Spacey -- American actor, director and producer
Wikipedia - Kevin Williamson (screenwriter) -- American screenwriter, director, and producer
Wikipedia - Kevin Willmott -- American film director, screenwriter, and academic
Wikipedia - Khadim's case -- Kidnapping of a Managing Director of a MNC in Kolkata
Wikipedia - Khairy Beshara -- Egyptian film director
Wikipedia - Khalid Mohamed -- Indian journalist and film director
Wikipedia - Khalil Joreige -- Film director from Lebanon
Wikipedia - Khosrow Sinai -- Iranian film director
Wikipedia - Khryss Adalia -- Filipino film, television, and stage director, writer, and actor
Wikipedia - Khwaja Ahmad Abbas -- Indian Film director, screenwriter, novelist and journalist
Wikipedia - Kiarash Anvari -- Iranian film director
Wikipedia - Kidlat Tahimik -- Filipino film director and actor
Wikipedia - Kiefer Sutherland -- Canadian actor, director, producer, voice actor
Wikipedia - Kieran Galvin -- Australian director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Kiev Connolly -- Irish singer and musical director
Wikipedia - Kill the Director -- Single by The Wombats
Wikipedia - Kimberly Peirce -- American film director
Wikipedia - Kimberly Williams-Paisley -- American actress and film director
Wikipedia - Kim Bodnia -- Danish actor, writer, and director
Wikipedia - Kim Director -- American actress
Wikipedia - Kim Fields -- American actress and television director
Wikipedia - Kim Gehrig -- Director
Wikipedia - Kim Ki-duk -- South Korean film director
Wikipedia - Kim Ki-young -- South Korean film director
Wikipedia - Kim Min-kyo -- South Korean actor and director
Wikipedia - Kim Pearce -- English theatre director
Wikipedia - Kim Rossi Stuart -- Italian actor and film director
Wikipedia - Kim Sajet -- Museum director
Wikipedia - Kim Tae-ho (television director) -- South Korean television director
Wikipedia - Kim Ui-seok -- South Korean film director
Wikipedia - King Ampaw -- Ghanaian film director
Wikipedia - King Bach -- Canadian-born American actor, comedian, director, producer and writer
Wikipedia - King Donovan -- American actor and director
Wikipedia - Kingman Douglass -- Deputy director of the CIA
Wikipedia - King Vidor -- American film director, film producer, and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Kinka Usher -- French director of television director
Wikipedia - Kinuyo Tanaka -- Japanese actress and film director
Wikipedia - Kip Williams -- Australian theatre director
Wikipedia - Kira Muratova -- Ukrainian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Kiran Rao -- Indian film director, screenwriter and film producer
Wikipedia - Kire Paputts -- Canadian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Kirio Urayama -- Japanese film director
Wikipedia - Kirk Franklin -- American choir director and gospel musician
Wikipedia - Kirk Thornton -- American voice actor, voice director and script writer
Wikipedia - Kirsten Nelson -- American actress and director
Wikipedia - Kirthiga Reddy -- Indian businesswoman and Managing Director at Facebook India
Wikipedia - Kishore Dang -- Indian director
Wikipedia - Kishore Tirumala -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Kishu Izuchi -- Japanese screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Kit Hood -- Canadian television writer, director and producer
Wikipedia - Kitty Green -- Australian writer and director
Wikipedia - Kiyoshi Kurosawa -- Japanese film director
Wikipedia - Kiyoshi Sasabe -- Japanese film director
Wikipedia - K. Jayakumar -- Son of old Malayalam film director Krishnan Nair
Wikipedia - Kjell Grede -- Swedish film director
Wikipedia - K. Kalyan -- Indian Kannada lyricist, music director (born 1975)
Wikipedia - K. K. Rajeev -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Klaus Emmerich (director) -- German film director
Wikipedia - Klaus Harnisch -- German theatre director
Wikipedia - Klaus Maria Brandauer -- Austrian actor and director
Wikipedia - Klaus T. Steindl -- Austrian author, director, and film producer
Wikipedia - K. Madhu -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - KM-EM-^Mbun Shizuno -- Japanese television and film director
Wikipedia - KM-EM-^MzaburM-EM-^M Yoshimura -- Japanese film director
Wikipedia - K. N. T. Sastry -- Film critic and director
Wikipedia - Knud Leif Thomsen -- Danish film director
Wikipedia - Koffi Gahou -- Beninese artist, actor, and director
Wikipedia - Koichi Chigira -- Japanese animator and director
Wikipedia - Koichi Kawakita -- Japanese special effects director
Wikipedia - Koji Hashimoto (director) -- Japanese film director
Wikipedia - Koji Shima -- Japanese film director
Wikipedia - Kollo Daniel Sanou -- Burkinabe film director
Wikipedia - Kon Ichikawa -- Japanese film director
Wikipedia - Konrad Wolf -- East German film director (1925-1982)
Wikipedia - Konstantin Chlaidze -- Georgian film director
Wikipedia - Konstantin Stanislavski -- Russian and Soviet actor and theatre director
Wikipedia - Konstantin Yudin -- Soviet film director
Wikipedia - Koo Kyo-hwan -- South Korean film director and actor
Wikipedia - Koreyoshi Kurahara -- Japanese film director
Wikipedia - Kornel Mundruczo -- Hungarian film director
Wikipedia - Kostas Andritsos -- Greek film director
Wikipedia - Kostas Karagiannis -- Greek film director
Wikipedia - Kostas Manoussakis -- Greek film director
Wikipedia - Kotaro Uchikoshi -- Japanese video game director
Wikipedia - Kozo Saeki -- Japanese film director
Wikipedia - K.P. Jayasankar -- Indian documentary film director
Wikipedia - K. Raghavendra Rao -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Kranthi Madhav -- Indian writer and director
Wikipedia - Kreayshawn -- Music video director, rapper
Wikipedia - Krishnadev Yagnik -- Indian Film Director
Wikipedia - Krishna (Telugu actor) -- Indian film actor, director and producer
Wikipedia - Krishnendu Adhikari -- Indian actor, director and producer (b. 1982)
Wikipedia - Kristaq Dhamo -- Albanian actor and film director
Wikipedia - Kristen Bjorn -- British pornographic film director and actor (born 1957)
Wikipedia - Kristian Alexander -- Canadian conductor and music director
Wikipedia - Kristian Levring -- Danish film director
Wikipedia - K. R. Udhayashankar -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Krystyna Krupska-Wysocka -- Polish film director
Wikipedia - Krzysztof KieM-EM-^[lowski -- Polish film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - K. S. Adhiyaman -- Indian film director and producer
Wikipedia - K. S. Ashoka -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - K. S. Ravikumar -- Indian film director and actor
Wikipedia - Ksshitij Chaudhary -- Indian Punjabi film director
Wikipedia - K. Subash -- Indian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Kudzai Chimbaira -- Swedish-Zimbabwean actor and director
Wikipedia - -- Local directory service
Wikipedia - Kuei Chih-Hung -- Chinese film director (1937-1999))
Wikipedia - Kul Man Ghising -- Managing director of the National Electricity Authority, Nepal
Wikipedia - Kunal Deshmukh -- Indian film director and restaurateur
Wikipedia - Kunal Kohli -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Kunihiko Ikuhara -- Japanese film director
Wikipedia - Kurt Blachy -- German actor, director
Wikipedia - Kurt Durnhofer -- German art director
Wikipedia - Kurt Gloor -- Swiss film director
Wikipedia - Kurt Hoffmann -- German film director
Wikipedia - Kurt Jung-Alsen -- German film director
Wikipedia - Kurt Lockwood -- American pornographic actor and director (born 1970)
Wikipedia - Kurt Pscherer -- Austrian actor and theatre director
Wikipedia - Kuruvi -- 2008 film by Dharani Director
Wikipedia - Kushal Chakraborty -- Bengali actor and film director
Wikipedia - KutluM-DM-^_ Ataman -- Turkish film director and artist (born 1961)
Wikipedia - K. V. Anand -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - K. V. Vijayendra Prasad -- Indian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Kyle Balda -- American animator and film director
Wikipedia - Kyle Henry -- American film director
Wikipedia - Ladislav Helge -- Czech film director
Wikipedia - Laetitia Masson -- French film director
Wikipedia - Laila PakalniM-EM-^Fa -- Latvian film director
Wikipedia - Lake Bell -- American actress, director, and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Lakshmi Deepak -- Indian film, director and producer
Wikipedia - Lal (actor) -- Indian actor and director
Wikipedia - Lalit Behl -- Indian actor, director, producer (born 1949)
Wikipedia - Lal Jose -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Lal Vijay Shahdeo -- Indian film Director, Producer and Writer
Wikipedia - La Mar Taylor -- Creative director
Wikipedia - Lambert Hillyer -- American film director
Wikipedia - Lamberto Bava -- Italian film director
Wikipedia - Lance Mungia -- American film director
Wikipedia - Lan Cheng-lung -- Taiwanese film and television actor and director
Wikipedia - Lani Brockman -- American theater actress and director
Wikipedia - Lanyrd -- Conference directory website
Wikipedia - Larisa Shepitko -- Soviet film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Larry Charles -- American television writer, director and producer
Wikipedia - Larry Detwiler -- American television director
Wikipedia - Larry Ferguson (screenwriter) -- American screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Larry Gross -- Screenwriter, director
Wikipedia - Larry Leichliter -- American animator and director
Wikipedia - Larry Peerce -- American film and TV director
Wikipedia - Larry Semon -- American actor, director, producer, and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Larry Taunton -- Author of The Grace Effect and Executive Director of Fixed Point Foundation
Wikipedia - Larry Wade Carrell -- American actor, writer and director
Wikipedia - Lars Lennart Forsberg -- Swedish film director
Wikipedia - Lasse Hallstrom -- Swedish film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Lasse M-CM-^Eberg -- Swedish actor, musician, film director and artist
Wikipedia - Laszlo Benedek -- Hungarian-born film director
Wikipedia - Laszlo Lugossy -- Hungarian film director
Wikipedia - Laszlo Nemes -- Hungarian film director
Wikipedia - Laszlo Ranody -- Hungarian film director
Wikipedia - Latif Ahmadi -- Afghan film director
Wikipedia - Laura Bispuri -- Italian director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Laura Caballero -- Spanish TV director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Laura Citarella -- Argentine film director and producer
Wikipedia - Laura Dern -- American actress, director, and producer
Wikipedia - Laura Neri -- Belgian film director
Wikipedia - Laura Nezha -- Albanian singer, actress, and director.
Wikipedia - Laura Poitras -- American director and producer of documentary films
Wikipedia - Laura Schroeder -- Luxembourgish film director
Wikipedia - Laure de Clermont-Tonnerre -- French actress, director and producer
Wikipedia - Laurence Ferreira Barbosa -- French film director
Wikipedia - Laurence Luckinbill -- American actor, playwright, director, and film and television producer
Wikipedia - Laurence Olivier -- 20th-century English actor, director and producer
Wikipedia - Laurent Brandenbourger -- Belgian screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Laurent Firode -- French film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Laurent Gagliardi -- Canadian screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Laurice Guillen -- Filipino actor and director
Wikipedia - Laurie Collyer -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Laurie Lynd -- Canadian director
Wikipedia - Laurie Magnus -- Publisher, author and director of Routledge and Sons
Wikipedia - Lauri Lagle -- Estonian actor and film director
Wikipedia - Lauri Nurkse -- Finnish actor and film director
Wikipedia - Lauro Antonio -- Portuguese film director
Wikipedia - Lawrence Dane -- Canadian actor and director
Wikipedia - Lawrence D. Foldes -- American director and producer
Wikipedia - Lawrence Guterman -- Canadian film director
Wikipedia - Lawrence Kasdan -- American film director and film producer
Wikipedia - Lawrence Roeck -- Canadian film director, producer, screenwriter
Wikipedia - Laxman Utekar -- Indian cinematographer and movie director
Wikipedia - Layke Anderson -- British film director and former actor
Wikipedia - Lazare Meerson -- Russian-born art director
Wikipedia - LDAP Data Interchange Format -- Standard plain text data interchange format for representing LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) directory content and update requests
Wikipedia - Leah G. Lauderback -- U.S. Space Command Director of Intelligence
Wikipedia - Leah-Simone Bowen -- Canadian writer, producer, and director
Wikipedia - Leander de Cordova -- Jamaican actor and film director
Wikipedia - Leandro Estebecorena -- American special effects director
Wikipedia - Leanna Creel -- American actress, film producer, film director, screenwriter and photographer.
Wikipedia - Lea Thompson -- American actress, director, and television producer
Wikipedia - Lech Raczak -- Polish theatre director
Wikipedia - Lee Byung-hoon -- South Korean director
Wikipedia - Lee Chang-dong -- South Korean film director
Wikipedia - Lee Cronin (director) -- Irish film writer and director
Wikipedia - Lee David Zlotoff -- American film director
Wikipedia - Lee Grant -- American actress and director
Wikipedia - Lee Isaac Chung -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Leena Gangopadhyay -- Indian writer, producer, and director.
Wikipedia - Lee Robinson (director) -- Australian film director
Wikipedia - Lee Roy Myers -- Canadian pornographic film director
Wikipedia - Lee Unkrich -- American director, film editor, screenwriter, and animator
Wikipedia - Leigh Jason -- American film director
Wikipedia - Leigh Silverman -- American director
Wikipedia - Leigh Whannell -- Australian screenwriter, actor, producer, and director
Wikipedia - Leila Abashidze -- Georgian actress and film director
Wikipedia - Leila Hatami -- Iranian actress and director
Wikipedia - Lekan Balogun -- Nigerian dramatist and theatre director
Wikipedia - Leland Fuller -- Art director
Wikipedia - Lena Einhorn -- Swedish director, writer and physician
Wikipedia - Len Cella -- American film actor and director
Wikipedia - Lendita Zeqiraj -- Kosovan film director
Wikipedia - Lene Berg -- Norwegian film director and artist
Wikipedia - Lenin M. Sivam -- Canadian film director (born 1974)
Wikipedia - Leni Riefenstahl -- German film director, photographer, actress, dancer, and Nazi propagandist
Wikipedia - Lenka UdoviM-DM-^Mki -- Serbian theater director
Wikipedia - Lenny Abrahamson -- Irish film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Lenny J. Richoux -- Joint Staff Director for Manpower and Personnel
Wikipedia - Lenora Claire (casting director) -- American Casting director
Wikipedia - Leo Birinski -- Russian playwright, screenwriter and director
Wikipedia - Leo Fleider -- Argentine film director
Wikipedia - Leokadia Serafinowicz -- Children's theater director (b. 1915, d. 2007)
Wikipedia - Leo Longanesi -- Italian author, painter, film director, screenwriter (1905-1957)
Wikipedia - Leo McCarey -- American film director, screenwriter and producer
Wikipedia - Leo Menardi -- Italian screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Leonard Buczkowski -- Polish film director
Wikipedia - Leonard Katzman -- American producer, writer and director
Wikipedia - Leonard Lewis -- British television director and producer
Wikipedia - Leonard Nimoy -- American actor, film director, poet, musician and photographer
Wikipedia - Leonardo Bragaglia -- Italian actor, director, essayist
Wikipedia - Leonardo Daniel -- Mexican actor and director
Wikipedia - Leonardo Ferrari Carissimi -- Italian movie and stage director
Wikipedia - Leonardo Pieraccioni -- Italian actor and film director
Wikipedia - Leonard R. Garner Jr. -- American actor and television director
Wikipedia - Leon De La Mothe -- American film director
Wikipedia - Leonid Trauberg -- Ukrainian film director, screenwriter
Wikipedia - Leon Pownall -- actor and director
Wikipedia - Leo Penn -- American actor and director
Wikipedia - Leopoldo Laborde -- Mexican film director
Wikipedia - Leopoldo Savona -- Film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Leopold Stokowski -- English conductor and orchestra director
Wikipedia - Leopold Wharton -- American film director
Wikipedia - Lesley Chilcott -- American film producer and director
Wikipedia - Lesley Selander -- American film director
Wikipedia - Leslie Bloom -- American art director
Wikipedia - Leslie Calvo -- Spanish film producer and director
Wikipedia - Leslie Goodwins -- English film director
Wikipedia - Leslie Libman -- American television director
Wikipedia - Leslie Tomkins -- English art director
Wikipedia - Lesli Linka Glatter -- American film and television director
Wikipedia - Leslye Headland -- American playwright, screenwriter and director (born 1980)
Wikipedia - Leticia Caceres -- Australian stage and film director
Wikipedia - Leticia Tonos -- Dominican Republic film director
Wikipedia - Levan Akin -- Swedish film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - LeVar Burton -- American actor, director, and television host
Wikipedia - Lev Arnshtam -- Soviet film director
Wikipedia - Lev Kulidzhanov -- Soviet film director
Wikipedia - Lewis Arlt -- American director, actor, and writer
Wikipedia - Lewis Fitz-Gerald -- Australian actor, screenwriter and television director
Wikipedia - Lewis John Carlino -- American screenwriter and director
Wikipedia - Lewis Milestone -- Romanian-American film director
Wikipedia - Lewis R. Foster -- Screenwriter, director, producer, television composer
Wikipedia - Lewis Seiler -- American film director
Wikipedia - Leyla Bouzid -- Tunisian screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Liam Kyle Sullivan -- American comedian, actor, and director
Wikipedia - Liaquat Ali Khan (director) -- Indian director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Libby Appel -- 4th artistic director, Oregon Shakespeare Festival
Wikipedia - Libero De Rienzo -- Italian actor, director and screenwriter.
Wikipedia - Lidia Bobrova -- Russian film director
Wikipedia - Lighthouse Directory
Wikipedia - Lightweight Directory Access Protocol -- Computer network protocol
Wikipedia - Li Han-hsiang -- Chinese film director
Wikipedia - Lila Tretikov -- Russian-American engineer, manager and former executive director of the Wikimedia Foundation
Wikipedia - Lilia Abadjieva -- Bulgarian theatre director
Wikipedia - Liliana Cavani -- Italian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Liliane de Kermadec -- French film director
Wikipedia - Lilian Franck -- German film director and producer
Wikipedia - Lilibet Foster -- American director, producer and writer
Wikipedia - Lili Fini Zanuck -- American film director and film producer
Wikipedia - Lillian Garrett-Groag -- Argentine playwright, theatre director and actor
Wikipedia - Lima Barreto (director) -- Brazilian film director
Wikipedia - Lim Dae-hyung -- South Korean film director
Wikipedia - Lim Kah Wai -- Malaysian film director
Wikipedia - Lina Esco -- American actress, producer, director and activist
Wikipedia - Lina Fruzzetti -- American film director and anthropologist
Wikipedia - Li Nanxing -- Singaporean actor and director
Wikipedia - Linda Goode Bryant -- American film director
Wikipedia - Linda Shayne -- Screenwriter and director of film and TV
Wikipedia - Lindsay Anderson -- British feature-film, theatre and documentary director, and film critic
Wikipedia - Line Arlien-Soborg -- Danish actress and film director
Wikipedia - Lino Cayetano -- Filipino politician and television director
Wikipedia - Lionel Baier -- Swiss film director
Wikipedia - Lionel Barrymore -- American actor, director, screenwriter
Wikipedia - Lionel Chok -- Singaporean film-maker and director
Wikipedia - Lionel C. Martin -- British film director
Wikipedia - Lionel Jeffries -- English actor, screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Lisa Aschan -- Swedish film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Lisa Azuelos -- French director, writer, and producer
Wikipedia - Lisandro Alonso -- Argentinan film director
Wikipedia - Lisandro Duque Naranjo -- Colombian film director
Wikipedia - Lisa Niemi -- American actress and director
Wikipedia - Lisa Parasyn -- Canadian casting director and film producer
Wikipedia - Lissa Evans -- British television director
Wikipedia - List of Academy Award for Best Director winners by age -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Academy Awards for Walt Disney -- Award list for animator and director Walt Disney
Wikipedia - List of awards and nominations received by Quentin Tarantino -- Awards and nominations received by director Quentin Tarantino
Wikipedia - List of Brazilian film directors -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Canadian directors -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of corporate directors of Yahoo! -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of directorial debuts -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Directors and Commissioners-General of UNRWA -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of directors and producers of documentaries -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of directors associated with art film -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Directors General of the Civil Guard (Spain) -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of directors of Teylers Stichting -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of directors of the Bank of England -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of directors of the Intelligence Agency of the Republic of North Macedonia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of directors of the National Museum of Brazil -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Directors of the Puerto Rico Federal Affairs Administration -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Directors of the Puerto Rico Office of Management and Budget -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of directors of The Simpsons -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of directors of the ThM-CM-)M-CM-"tre de la Monnaie -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of directors who appear in their own films -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of directors
Wikipedia - List of East India Company directors -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of fellows of the Australian Institute of Company Directors -- Fellows of the Australian Institute of Company Directors
Wikipedia - List of female art museum directors -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of female film and television directors -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of film and television directors -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of film director and actor collaborations -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of film director and cinematographer collaborations -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of film director and composer collaborations -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of film director and editor collaborations -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of film directors from Italy
Wikipedia - List of films cut over the director's opposition -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of free software project directories -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of highest-grossing film directors -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Iranian film directors -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Jewish film directors
Wikipedia - List of Monmouth County Freeholder directors -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of music directors of the Ojai Music Festival -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of NCAA Division I athletic directors
Wikipedia - List of New Zealand film directors -- wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Nigerian film directors
Wikipedia - List of opera directors -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of pornographic film directors -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Romanian film and theatre directors -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Russian film directors -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Slovenian film directors
Wikipedia - List of South Korean film directors -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Swedish film directors
Wikipedia - List of Tamil music directors -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of theatre directors in the 20th and 21st centuries -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of theatre directors
Wikipedia - List of web directories -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Lists of geological features of the Solar System -- A directory of lists of geological features on asteroids, moons and planets other than Earth
Wikipedia - Lito Calzado -- Filipino actor, director, and choreographer (1946-2011)
Wikipedia - Liu Housheng -- Chinese theatre director and playwright (1921-2019)
Wikipedia - Liu Jian (director) -- Chinese animator and film director
Wikipedia - Livia Anne Richard -- Swiss theater director
Wikipedia - Livia Giampalmo -- Italian actress, voice actress, film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Liv Ullmann -- Norwegian actress and film director
Wikipedia - Li Yu (director) -- Chinese film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Liza Johnson -- American film editor and film director
Wikipedia - Liz Garbus -- American film director and producer
Wikipedia - Lizzie Borden (director) -- American filmmaker
Wikipedia - Lloyd Bacon -- Actor, director
Wikipedia - Lloyd B. Carleton -- Lloyd B. Carleton was an American actor, director, producer and writer
Wikipedia - Lloyd Ingraham -- American actor and director
Wikipedia - Lloyd Kaufman -- American film director
Wikipedia - Lluis Homar -- Spanish actor and theater director
Wikipedia - LM-CM-* Hoang -- Vietnamese film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - LM-CM-)o Joannon -- French film director
Wikipedia - Logan Marshall-Green -- American actor and director
Wikipedia - Lois Weber -- American actress, film director
Wikipedia - Lokesh Kanagaraj -- Indian director
Wikipedia - Lola Creel -- Mexican film director
Wikipedia - Lola Doillon -- French director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Lorena Gale -- Canadian actress, playwright and theatre director
Wikipedia - Loren Bouchard -- American director and musician
Wikipedia - Lorene Scafaria -- American actress, film director and writer
Wikipedia - Lorenza Mazzetti -- Italian film director
Wikipedia - Lorenzo Fonda -- Italian film director and artist
Wikipedia - Lorenzo Mariani -- Opera director
Wikipedia - Lori Petty -- American actress and director
Wikipedia - Lorne Blair -- English film director and producer
Wikipedia - Lothar Mendes -- German film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Lothar Wallerstein -- Austrian-American musician, conductor, and theatre director
Wikipedia - Lothar Warneke -- German film director
Wikipedia - Lotta Ramel -- Swedish actress and director
Wikipedia - Lotte Reiniger -- German silhouette animator and film director
Wikipedia - Lottie Lyell -- Australian actress and film director
Wikipedia - Lou Antonio -- American actor and TV director
Wikipedia - Lou Diamond Phillips -- Filipino American actor and film director
Wikipedia - Louis Caldera -- Former Director of the White House Military Office
Wikipedia - Louis Daquin -- French film director
Wikipedia - Louis Delluc -- French film director
Wikipedia - Louise Alston -- Australian film director
Wikipedia - Louise Archambault -- Canadian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Louis Feuillade -- French film director of the silent era
Wikipedia - Louis Garrel -- French film actor, director, and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Louis J. Gasnier -- Film director
Wikipedia - Louis King -- American actor and movie director
Wikipedia - Louis Leterrier -- French film director
Wikipedia - Louw Venter -- South African actor and director
Wikipedia - Lowell E. Jacoby -- Director of the Defence Intelligence Agency
Wikipedia - Lowell Sherman -- American actor and film director
Wikipedia - Luca Damiano -- Italian film director
Wikipedia - Lucas Belvaux -- Belgian actor and film director
Wikipedia - Lucas Elliot Eberl -- American actor and director
Wikipedia - Luc Besson -- French film director, writer, and producer
Wikipedia - Luciano Salce -- Italian film director
Wikipedia - Lucia Puenzo -- Argentine writer and film director
Wikipedia - Lucien Jean-Baptiste -- French actor and film director
Wikipedia - Lucien Savron -- Australian theatre and film director
Wikipedia - Lucille McVey -- American actress, film director, and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Lucy Bailey -- British theatre director
Wikipedia - Ludi Boeken -- Dutch film producer, director and actor
Wikipedia - Ludmil Staikov -- Bulgarian film director
Wikipedia - Ludovic Bernard -- French film director
Wikipedia - Ludvik RaM-EM->a -- Czechoslovak film director
Wikipedia - Ludwig Berger (director) -- German film director
Wikipedia - Ludwig Czerny -- German film director and film producer
Wikipedia - Ludwik Flaszen -- Polish writer and theatre director
Wikipedia - Luigi Capuano -- Italian film director
Wikipedia - Luigi Comencini -- Italian film director
Wikipedia - Luigi Cozzi -- Italian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Luigi Lanuza -- Guatemalan film actor, director, and producer
Wikipedia - Luis Alfaro -- American performance artist, writer, theater director, and social activist
Wikipedia - Luis Alfonso Mendoza -- Mexican actor and director
Wikipedia - Luis Argueta -- Guatemalan film director and producer
Wikipedia - Luis Fernandez de la Reguera -- American film director
Wikipedia - Luis Filipe Rocha -- Portuguese film director
Wikipedia - Luis Garcia Berlanga -- Spanish film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Luis Mandoki -- Mexican film director
Wikipedia - Luis Osvaldo Pino Valdivieso -- Director of the Ponce Municipal Band in Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Luis Valdez -- American film director, playwright, and actor
Wikipedia - Lukas Dhont -- Belgian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Lukas Hemleb -- German director
Wikipedia - Lukas Nola -- Croatian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Luke Anthony -- Australian born actor, writer, director and production designer
Wikipedia - Luke Eve -- Australian screen director and producer (born 1974)
Wikipedia - Luke Kenny -- Indian actor, film director, producer, and music director
Wikipedia - Luke Scott (director) -- English film director
Wikipedia - Luke Seomore -- British film director and musician
Wikipedia - Lushin Dubey -- Indian stage actor and director
Wikipedia - Luther Brown -- Canadian choreographer/artistic director
Wikipedia - L. V. Prasad -- Indian actor, director, producer
Wikipedia - L.W. Hodge -- American director (1987-2018)
Wikipedia - Lydia Steier -- American stage director based in Germany
Wikipedia - Lykourgos Kallergis -- Greek actor, director, and politician
Wikipedia - Lyle R. Wheeler -- American art director
Wikipedia - Lynnie Greene -- American actor, writer, director, producer
Wikipedia - Lynn Reynolds -- American film director
Wikipedia - Lynn Scarff -- Irish science communication specialist and museum director
Wikipedia - Lynn Shelton -- American director
Wikipedia - Lynn Shores -- American film director
Wikipedia - Maarten Treurniet -- Dutch film director
Wikipedia - Mabel Leilani Smyth -- Director of the Public Nursing Service for the Territory of Hawaii
Wikipedia - Mabel Normand -- American actress, screenwriter, director, and producer
Wikipedia - Maciej Dejczer -- Polish film director
Wikipedia - Macromedia Director
Wikipedia - Madan (film director) -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Madeeha Gauhar -- Pakistani actress, playwright, theater director and women's rights activist
Wikipedia - Madeleine Olnek -- Director and playwright
Wikipedia - Madhuurima -- Indian actress and assistant director
Wikipedia - Mafer Suarez -- Mexican director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Maggie Anwer -- Director, producer and writer
Wikipedia - Maggie Benedict -- South African actress, writer, director
Wikipedia - Maggie Carey -- American director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Magnus von Horn -- Swedish film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Maha Haj -- Palestinian screenwriter and cinema director
Wikipedia - Mahalia Belo -- English film and television director
Wikipedia - Mahboubeh Honarian -- Iranian-Canadian Film Director
Wikipedia - Mahdi Fleifel -- Danish-Palestinian film director
Wikipedia - Mahesh Bhatt -- Indian film director, producer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Mahesh Kaul -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Mahesh Manjrekar -- Indian actor and film director
Wikipedia - Mahinur Ergun -- Turkish screenwriter, film director
Wikipedia - Mahiro Maeda -- Japanese anime director
Wikipedia - Mahi V Raghav -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Mahmood Farooqui -- Indian writer, performer and director
Wikipedia - Mahmoud Zulfikar -- Egyptian film director
Wikipedia - Mainak Bhaumik -- Bengali film director and editor
Wikipedia - Main Directorate for Drugs Control -- Russian federal government agency
Wikipedia - Main Directorate for Migration Affairs (Russia) -- Russian law enforcement agency
Wikipedia - Main Intelligence Directorate (Russia)
Wikipedia - Main Intelligence Directorate
Wikipedia - Mairzee Almas -- Canadian television director
Wikipedia - Maite Alberdi -- Chilean film director
Wikipedia - Maja Classen -- German film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Majid Ghannad -- Iranian film producer, film director and television presenter
Wikipedia - Majid Majidi -- Iranian film director
Wikipedia - Makarand Mane -- Film director (b. 1984)
Wikipedia - Makoto Wada -- Japanese film director
Wikipedia - Maksim Pezhemsky -- Russian film director
Wikipedia - Malan Breton -- Taiwanese Fashion designer, actor, director, model, producer, singer - songwriter, and columnist
Wikipedia - Malcolm-Jamal Warner -- American actor, director and musician
Wikipedia - Malcolm St. Clair (filmmaker) -- Hollywood film director, writer, producer and actor
Wikipedia - Malgorzata Szumowska -- Polish film director
Wikipedia - Mali Finn -- American casting director
Wikipedia - Malik Bendjelloul -- Swedish film and documentary director
Wikipedia - Mamidi Harikrishna -- Director of culture department, Government of Telangana, India
Wikipedia - Mamoru Oshii -- Japanese filmmaker, television director, and writer
Wikipedia - Managing director
Wikipedia - Manana Anasashvili -- Georgian film director
Wikipedia - Manaswini Lata Ravindra -- A Marathi playwright, screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Manava Naik -- Indian actress and director
Wikipedia - Mandeep Benipal -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Mandie Fletcher -- British television director
Wikipedia - Manfred Noa -- German film director
Wikipedia - Manfred Roost -- German conductor and choir director
Wikipedia - Manfred Wekwerth -- German theatre and film director (1929-2014)
Wikipedia - Mania Akbari -- Iranian actress and film director
Wikipedia - Mani C. Kappan -- Malayalam politician and film director
Wikipedia - Mani Kaul -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Manimaran -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Mani Ratnam filmography -- Filmography of Indian film director Mani Ratnam
Wikipedia - Mani Ratnam -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Manish Acharya -- Indian film director and actor
Wikipedia - Manish Gupta (director) -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Manish R Goswami -- Indian television producer, film producer and director
Wikipedia - Manivannan -- Indian actor, director
Wikipedia - Manjari Makijany -- Indian film director, writer and producer
Wikipedia - Manjeet Maan -- Indian film producer and director
Wikipedia - Manmohan Mahapatra -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Manmohan Singh (film director) -- Indian film director and cinematographer
Wikipedia - Manny Coto -- American director, producer and writer
Wikipedia - Manobala -- Indian film director, producer and actor
Wikipedia - Manoel de Oliveira -- Portuguese film director
Wikipedia - Manoj Michigan -- Indian Film Director
Wikipedia - Manoj Narayanan -- Indian theatre artist, and director
Wikipedia - Manoj Tyagi -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Manolo Caro -- Mexican director
Wikipedia - Manon Briand -- Canadian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Mansaku Itami -- Japanese film director
Wikipedia - Mantra (actor) -- Indian actor, director and producer
Wikipedia - Manuel Barbachano Ponce -- Mexican film director
Wikipedia - Manuel Concha -- Swedish film director of Chilean descent
Wikipedia - Manuel Fontanals -- Spanish-born art director who settled and worked in Mexico
Wikipedia - Manuel Huerga -- Spanish film director
Wikipedia - Manuel Martin Cuenca -- Spanish film director
Wikipedia - Manuel PM-CM-)rez (director) -- Cuban film director
Wikipedia - Manuel Poirier -- French film director
Wikipedia - Manuel Summers -- Spanish film director, screenwriter and actor
Wikipedia - Manuel Tolsa -- Spanish architect and first director of the Academy of San Carlos in Mexico City
Wikipedia - Marc AllM-CM-)gret -- French screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Marc Benardout -- British film director and film producer
Wikipedia - Marc Cayce -- American film writer and director
Wikipedia - Marc Didden -- Belgian film director
Wikipedia - Marcela Said -- Chilean film director
Wikipedia - Marcel Blistene -- French film director
Wikipedia - Marcel Bluwal -- French film director
Wikipedia - Marcel CarnM-CM-) -- 1906-1996 French film director
Wikipedia - Marcel Dumont -- French film director
Wikipedia - Marcel L'Herbier -- Film director
Wikipedia - Marcello Andrei -- Italian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Marcello Fondato -- Italian film director
Wikipedia - Marcello Marchesi -- Italian film director
Wikipedia - Marcel M-EM-^Aozinski -- Polish film director
Wikipedia - Marcelo Bussiki -- Brazilian director and conductor
Wikipedia - Marcelo von Schwartz -- Argentine film director
Wikipedia - Marcel Samuel-Rousseau -- French composer, organist and opera director (1882-1955)
Wikipedia - Marcel Varnel -- French film director
Wikipedia - Marc Esposito -- French film director
Wikipedia - Marc Fitoussi -- French film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Marc-Henri Wajnberg -- Belgian film director
Wikipedia - Marcial Di Fonzo Bo -- Argentine actor and theatre director
Wikipedia - Marcin Wrona -- Polish film director
Wikipedia - Marcio-AndrM-CM-) -- Brazilian writer, film director, performer, and sound poet
Wikipedia - Marc James Francis -- British film director, producer (born 1975)
Wikipedia - Marc Lawrence (filmmaker) -- American director, screenwriter, and producer
Wikipedia - Marco Bellocchio -- Italian film director, screenwriter and actor
Wikipedia - Marco Ferreri -- Italian film director, screenwriter and actor (1928-1997)
Wikipedia - Marco Leto -- Italian film director
Wikipedia - Marco Pontecorvo -- Italian cinematographer and film director
Wikipedia - Marco Ponti -- Italian film director
Wikipedia - Marcos Zurinaga -- Puerto Rican film director
Wikipedia - Marc Raymond Wilkins -- Swiss film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Marc Recha -- Spanish film director
Wikipedia - Marc Smerling -- American film producer, screenwriter, cinematographer, and director
Wikipedia - Marcus Adams (director) -- British film director
Wikipedia - Marcus Dunstan -- American screenwriter and director
Wikipedia - Marcus Nispel -- German film director
Wikipedia - Marc Wiese -- German film director
Wikipedia - Marek Kondrat -- Polish actor and director
Wikipedia - Marek Sikora (actor) -- Polish film actor and theatre director
Wikipedia - Margaret Brown (film director) -- American film director
Wikipedia - Margaret Everson -- Acting director of the United States National Park Service
Wikipedia - Margaret Faull -- Australian archaeologist and museum director
Wikipedia - Margaret Feeny -- Founder and first director of London's Africa Centre charity
Wikipedia - Margarethe Jochimsen -- German curator, art critic and museum director
Wikipedia - Margarethe von Trotta -- German film director
Wikipedia - Marguerite Duras -- French writer and film director
Wikipedia - Maria Burton -- American director, producer, and actress
Wikipedia - Maria de Medeiros -- Portuguese actress, film director and singer
Wikipedia - Maria Maggenti -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Mariama Sylla -- Senegalese film director
Wikipedia - Mariana Chenillo -- Mexican film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Marianne Ahrne -- Swedish film director
Wikipedia - Marianne Farley -- Canadian actress and director
Wikipedia - Mariano Barroso -- Spanish film director
Wikipedia - Mariano Laurenti -- Italian film director
Wikipedia - Maria Plyta -- Greek film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Maria Sodahl -- Norwegian film director
Wikipedia - Marie-Anne Chazel -- French actress, screenwriter, and director
Wikipedia - Marie Bell -- French tragedian, comic actor and stage director
Wikipedia - Marie Dompnier -- French actress, singer and director
Wikipedia - Marie-France Sagot -- Director of Research at INRIA
Wikipedia - Marielle Heller -- American writer, director, and actor
Wikipedia - Marie-M-CM-^Hve Juste -- Canadian film director
Wikipedia - Marie PoledM-EM-^Hakova -- Czech film director, writer, and entrepreneur
Wikipedia - Marilyne Canto -- French actress and film director
Wikipedia - Marilyn Imrie -- Scottish radio director
Wikipedia - Marilyn Ness -- Film producer and director
Wikipedia - Marina de Van -- French film director
Wikipedia - Marina Rice Bader -- American writer, director, and film producer
Wikipedia - Marina Tetaric Prusec -- Croatian film director
Wikipedia - Mario Almirante -- Italian film director
Wikipedia - Mario Andreacchio -- Australian film producer/director
Wikipedia - Mario Bianchi -- Italian film director
Wikipedia - Mario Brenta -- Italian film director
Wikipedia - Mario David (director) -- Argentinian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Mario Gallo -- Italian-born Argentine film director
Wikipedia - Mario Martone -- Italian film director
Wikipedia - Mario Mattoli -- Italian film director
Wikipedia - Mario Monicelli -- Italian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Marion Fawcett -- British actress and theatre director
Wikipedia - Marion Gering -- American stage producer and director
Wikipedia - Marion HM-CM-$nsel -- Belgian film director
Wikipedia - Marion McClinton -- American theatre director
Wikipedia - Mario O'Hara -- Filipino television and film director; screenwriter
Wikipedia - Mario Peixoto -- Brazilian film director
Wikipedia - Mario Salieri -- Italian pornographic director
Wikipedia - Marios Joannou Elia -- Cypriot composer and artistic director
Wikipedia - Marisa Drummond -- South African actress and director
Wikipedia - Marisa Sistach Peret -- Mexican film director (b. 1952)
Wikipedia - Marissa Aroy -- Filipino-American director and producer
Wikipedia - Mariss Vetra -- Latvian opera singer, stage director, educator, and writer
Wikipedia - Marita Grabiak -- American television director
Wikipedia - Mariya Saakyan -- Russian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Marjane Satrapi -- Iranian-French graphic novelist, cartoonist, illustrator, film director, and children's book author
Wikipedia - Mark A. Reyes -- Filipino film director, TV director, music video director and film writer
Wikipedia - Mark A.Z. DippM-CM-) -- American film director
Wikipedia - Mark Bamford (film director) -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Mark Blane -- American actor and director
Wikipedia - Mark Brokaw -- American theatre director
Wikipedia - Mark Cendrowski -- American television director
Wikipedia - Mark Cousins (filmmaker) -- Irish film director
Wikipedia - Mark Deklin -- American actor and fight director
Wikipedia - Mark Duplass -- American actor and director
Wikipedia - Mark Fitzloff -- American advertising creative director
Wikipedia - Mark Gordon -- American television director and producer
Wikipedia - Mark Hamill -- American actor, producer, director, and writer
Wikipedia - Mark Horowitz (director) -- American television producer and director
Wikipedia - Markku Lehmuskallio -- Finnish film director
Wikipedia - Mark-Lee Kirk -- Art director
Wikipedia - Mark Levin (director) -- Film director, producer and screen/television writer
Wikipedia - Mark Levinson (film director)
Wikipedia - Marko Antila -- Finnish film producer and director
Wikipedia - Mark O'Brien (actor) -- Canadian actor and director
Wikipedia - Marko M-EM- kop -- Slovak film director
Wikipedia - Mark Osborne (filmmaker) -- American film director, writer, producer and animator
Wikipedia - Mark Rezyka -- Canadian director
Wikipedia - Mark Rolfing -- American television golf commentator and resort marketing director
Wikipedia - Mark Ryan (actor) -- English actor, author, action director and voice actor
Wikipedia - Mark Rylance -- English actor, theatre director, and playwright
Wikipedia - Mark Shandii Bacolod -- Filipino film director and producer
Wikipedia - Mark Tapio Kines -- American film director
Wikipedia - Mark Tonderai -- British entrepreneur, director, writer, actor and former disc jockey
Wikipedia - Mark Waters -- American film director
Wikipedia - Marlon Brando -- American actor and film director
Wikipedia - Marshall Brickman -- American screenwriter and director
Wikipedia - Marshall Herskovitz -- American film director
Wikipedia - Marta MM-CM-)szaros -- Hungarian screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Martha Atwell -- American radio director
Wikipedia - Martha Boesing -- American theater director and playwright
Wikipedia - Martha Clarke -- American theater director and choreographer
Wikipedia - Martha Mitchell (director) -- American television director
Wikipedia - Martin Bell (director) -- American film director
Wikipedia - Martin Bergman -- British producer, writer and director
Wikipedia - Martin Campbell -- New Zealand film and television director
Wikipedia - Martin Charnin -- American lyricist, writer, theatre director
Wikipedia - Martin Davidson -- Film director, film producer, screenwriter, television director
Wikipedia - Martin Dennis -- Canadian-born British television director
Wikipedia - Martin Donovan (screenwriter) -- Argentine screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Martine CondM-CM-) Ilboudo -- BurkinabM-CM-) film director
Wikipedia - Martin FriM-DM-^M -- Czech film director
Wikipedia - Martin Hellberg -- German actor, director, screenwriter
Wikipedia - Martin McDonagh -- British-Irish film director and playwright
Wikipedia - Martin Obzina -- American art director
Wikipedia - Martin Olson -- American director, producer and writer
Wikipedia - Martin Provost -- French film director, writer and actor
Wikipedia - Martin Ritt -- American film director
Wikipedia - Martin RoM-CM-^_ler -- German music director
Wikipedia - Martin Wuttke -- German actor and director
Wikipedia - Marton Keleti -- Hungarian film director
Wikipedia - Marty Callner -- American television director
Wikipedia - Marty Feldman -- British author, actor, comedian and director (1934-1982)
Wikipedia - Martyn Pick -- British animator and director
Wikipedia - Marvin Van Buren -- American film director
Wikipedia - Marvin Worth -- American film director
Wikipedia - Marya Cohn -- American screenwriter and director
Wikipedia - Mary Agnes Donoghue -- American screenwriter and director
Wikipedia - Maryam Keshavarz -- American film producer, film director and writer with Iranian ancestors
Wikipedia - Maryat Lee -- American playwright, theatre director
Wikipedia - Mary Elizabeth McGlynn -- American voice actress and director
Wikipedia - Maryhelen Mayfield -- American ballet dancer and arts director
Wikipedia - Mary Lou Belli -- American television director and author
Wikipedia - Mary Margaret O'Reilly -- Assistant Director of the United States Bureau of the Mint
Wikipedia - Mary Miller (artistic director) -- Scottish violinist and opera manager
Wikipedia - Maryo J. de los Reyes -- Filipino film director
Wikipedia - Mary Stuart Masterson -- American actress and director
Wikipedia - Mary Taylor (politician) -- American politician and businesswoman, incumbent Lieutenant Governor of Ohio, former Director of the Ohio Department of Insurance, former Auditor of Ohio
Wikipedia - Mary Voytek -- Director of NASA Astrobiology Program and USGS microbiologist
Wikipedia - Mary Zimmerman -- American theatre director and playwright
Wikipedia - Masahiro Makino -- Japanese film director and actor
Wikipedia - Masahiro Shinoda -- Japanese film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Masaki Kobayashi -- Japanese film director
Wikipedia - Masao Adachi -- Japanese screenwriter and director
Wikipedia - Masaru Konuma -- Japanese film director
Wikipedia - Masashi Yamamoto -- Japanese film director
Wikipedia - Masatoshi Akihara -- Japanese film director
Wikipedia - Masayoshi Nishida -- Japanese anime director
Wikipedia - Masayuki Akehi -- Japanese anime director
Wikipedia - Masoud Farkhondeh Tinat Fard -- Iranian producer and director
Wikipedia - Massimo Bonetti -- Italian actor and director
Wikipedia - Massimo Terzano -- Italian film director
Wikipedia - Massimo Venier -- Italian film director
Wikipedia - Mateo Frazier -- American Writer, Director, Producer
Wikipedia - Mathew Cullen -- American music video and film director
Wikipedia - Mathias Matthies -- German art director
Wikipedia - Mathieu Demy -- French actor, film director and producer
Wikipedia - Mathilde Bonnefoy -- French film editor and director
Wikipedia - Mati Diop -- French actress and film director
Wikipedia - Matilda Brown -- Australian actress, writer and director
Wikipedia - MatjaM-EM-> KlopM-DM-^MiM-DM-^M -- Slovenian film director
Wikipedia - Mats Arehn -- Swedish film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Matt Bettinelli-Olpin -- American film director
Wikipedia - Matt Bird -- Australian film director
Wikipedia - Matt Broadley -- Swedish director
Wikipedia - Matt Dillon -- American actor and film director
Wikipedia - Matt Dunnerstick -- American film director
Wikipedia - Matteo Garrone -- Italian film director and screen writer
Wikipedia - Matthew Battles -- Associate director of metaLAB
Wikipedia - Matthew Bright -- American film director
Wikipedia - Matthew Diamond -- American film and television director
Wikipedia - Matthew Earnest -- American theater director
Wikipedia - Matthew Faughnan -- Animation director
Wikipedia - Matthew George -- Australian film director
Wikipedia - Matthew G. Olsen -- Director of the National Counterterrorism Center
Wikipedia - Matthew Mishory -- film director (b. 1982)
Wikipedia - Matthew Penn -- American director and producer
Wikipedia - Matthew Ryan (writer) -- Australian playwright, theatre director, and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Matthew Walker (American actor) -- American film actor and director
Wikipedia - Matthew Warchus -- British director and dramatist
Wikipedia - Matthias Brenner -- German actor, director and writer
Wikipedia - Matthias GroM-CM-^_e -- German sports director
Wikipedia - Matthias Paul (actor) -- German actor, singer, and director
Wikipedia - Matthias Schweighofer -- German actor, director, and producer
Wikipedia - Matt Hullum -- American film director, writer, and producer
Wikipedia - Mattie Do -- Laotian American film director
Wikipedia - Matt Johnson (director) -- Canadian actor and filmmaker
Wikipedia - Matt Mahurin -- American director and photographer
Wikipedia - Mattmax -- Nigerian Video Director (b. 1983)
Wikipedia - Matt Milne -- English actor and director
Wikipedia - Matvey Dubrovin -- Russian theater director
Wikipedia - Matzov -- Israel Defence Force directorate
Wikipedia - Mauno Manninen -- Finnish poet, painter and theatre director (1915-1969)
Wikipedia - Maunu Kurkvaara -- Finnish film director
Wikipedia - Maura Fay -- Australian casting director
Wikipedia - Maurice Cam -- French film director
Wikipedia - Maurice Capovila -- Brazilian film director
Wikipedia - Maurice Delbez -- French film director
Wikipedia - Maurice Deloraine -- French engineer, executive and technical director
Wikipedia - Maurice Dugowson -- French film director
Wikipedia - Maurice Elvey -- Film director
Wikipedia - Maurice Joyce -- Irish director and animator
Wikipedia - Maurice Pelling -- British art director
Wikipedia - Maurice Rabinowicz -- Belgian film director and writer
Wikipedia - Maurice Tourneur -- French film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Mauricio Walerstein -- Mexican film director
Wikipedia - Maurits Binger -- Dutch film director
Wikipedia - Mauritz Stiller -- Director, screenwriter, actor
Wikipedia - Maurizio Ponzi -- Italian film director
Wikipedia - Max Baer Jr. -- American actor, producer and director
Wikipedia - Max Bing -- German actor and radio director
Wikipedia - Max Croci -- Italian film director (1968-2018)
Wikipedia - Max Fischer (screenwriter) -- Canadian screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Max Heilbronner -- German art director
Wikipedia - Maxine Conder -- Director of the US Navy Nurse Corps, 1975 to 1979
Wikipedia - Max Linder -- French actor and film director
Wikipedia - Max Martini -- American actor, theater, writer, and director
Wikipedia - Max Miller (director) -- American film and television director
Wikipedia - Max Myers -- British file director, screenwriter, novelist
Wikipedia - Max Neufeld -- Austrian film director
Wikipedia - Max Parker -- American art director
Wikipedia - Max Reinhardt -- Theatre director, actor
Wikipedia - Max RM-CM-)e -- Danish art director
Wikipedia - Max Siedentopf -- Namibian-German artist, designer, publisher and director
Wikipedia - Max Walsh -- Australian journalist and company director
Wikipedia - Max Winkler (director) -- American film director, screenwriter, television director
Wikipedia - Max W. Kimmich -- German film director
Wikipedia - May Hollinworth -- Australian theatrical producer and director
Wikipedia - May Watkis -- Canadian film agency director
Wikipedia - Mazhar Khan (actor, born 1955) -- Indian actor, producer and director
Wikipedia - M. Bhaskar -- Indian director
Wikipedia - McFarlane v. Director of Public Prosecutions -- Irish Supreme Court case
Wikipedia - McG -- Film director
Wikipedia - M-CM-^Akos Rathonyi -- Hungarian film director
Wikipedia - M-CM-^Alvaro Diaz Gonzalez -- Chilean journalist, producer and director
Wikipedia - M-CM-^Angel Sanchez Mendoza -- Ecuadorian news director
Wikipedia - M-CM-^Bngelo Torres -- Portuguese actor and director from Sao Tome
Wikipedia - M-CM-^Eke Falck -- Swedish film director
Wikipedia - M-CM-^Eke Lindman -- Finnish director and actor
Wikipedia - M-CM-^Msold Uggadottir -- Icelandic film director
Wikipedia - M-CM-^Rscar Camps -- Spanish lifeguard, entrepreneur and activist; founder and director of the NGO Proactiva Open Arms
Wikipedia - M-CM-^Sskar Jonasson -- Icelandic film director
Wikipedia - M-CM-^Vmer Kavur -- Turkish film director
Wikipedia - M-DM-^Poan Minh PhM-FM-0M-aM-;M-#ng -- Vietnamese film director
Wikipedia - M-DM-^PorM-DM-^Qe Kadijevic -- Serbian film director
Wikipedia - Meenu Gaur -- London-based British-Indian director and screenwriter.
Wikipedia - Mee Pwar -- Burmese film director
Wikipedia - Meet Bros -- Indian music director duo
Wikipedia - Meghnad Bhattacharya -- Bengali theatre director and actor
Wikipedia - Mehar Bano -- Pakistani director and actress
Wikipedia - Mehdi Charef -- French film director
Wikipedia - Mehdi Dehbi -- Belgian actor and theater director
Wikipedia - Mehdi El Glaoui -- French actor and film director
Wikipedia - Meher Afroz Shaon -- Bangladeshi actress, director and architect
Wikipedia - Mehran Broumand -- Iranian producer and director
Wikipedia - Mehran Ghafourian -- Iranian actor, film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Mehran Modiri -- Iranian actor and director
Wikipedia - Meiert Avis -- Irish film director
Wikipedia - Meindert Leerling -- Dutch politician, television director and journalist
Wikipedia - Meissa Hampton -- American actress, writer and director
Wikipedia - Melanie Mayron -- American actress and director
Wikipedia - Mel Brooks -- American director, writer, actor, comedian and producer
Wikipedia - Mel Ferrer -- American actor, film director and film producer
Wikipedia - Melina Matsoukas -- American music video, film, commercial and television director
Wikipedia - Melissa Fumero -- American actress and director
Wikipedia - Melissa Gilbert -- American actress and television director
Wikipedia - Melissa Hill -- American pornographic actress and director
Wikipedia - Melissa Jones -- NASA landing and recovery director
Wikipedia - Melly Still -- British director, designer and choreographer
Wikipedia - M-EM- arM-EM-+nas Bartas -- Lithuanian film director
Wikipedia - Menahem Golan -- Israeli film director and producer
Wikipedia - Menno Meyjes -- Dutch screenwriter, producer, director
Wikipedia - Mercy Aigbe -- Nigerian actress, director and businesswoman
Wikipedia - Merian C. Cooper -- American aviator, actor, director and producer
Wikipedia - Meritxell Colell Aparicio -- Spanish director
Wikipedia - Merrill Pye -- American art director
Wikipedia - Merryn Tawhai -- New Zealand professor, director of MedTech CoRE and Deputy Director of the Auckland Bioengineering Institute
Wikipedia - Mervyn LeRoy -- American film director, film producer and sometime actor
Wikipedia - Mervyn Thompson -- New Zealand playwright, academic, theatre director and coalminer
Wikipedia - Merzak Allouache -- Algerian film director
Wikipedia - Meta Akkus -- French film Director
Wikipedia - Metodi Andonov -- Bulgarian film director
Wikipedia - M. G. Ramachandran -- Film actor, director, producer, politician, and former chief minister of Tamil Nadu
Wikipedia - Mhd Moumen Almalla -- Syrian TV director
Wikipedia - Mia Hansen-Love -- French film director
Wikipedia - Michaela Coel -- English actress, screenwriter, director, producer, and singer
Wikipedia - Michael A. Goorjian -- American actor and director
Wikipedia - Michael Almereyda -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Michael Anderson (director) -- English film director
Wikipedia - Michael Apted -- English film director
Wikipedia - Michael Attenborough -- English theatre director
Wikipedia - Michael Bay -- American film director, film producer, camera operator and actor
Wikipedia - Michael Bell (actor) -- American actor, voice actor, voice director and animal-rights activist
Wikipedia - Michael Brandon (pornographic actor) -- American pornographic film director & actor
Wikipedia - Michael Brandt -- American writer and director
Wikipedia - Michael Cacoyannis -- Greek film and stage director
Wikipedia - Michael Carlin (art director) -- Australian art director
Wikipedia - Michael Carreras -- British film director and producer
Wikipedia - Michael Chaves -- American director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Michael Chekhov -- Russian actor and director
Wikipedia - Michael Cimino -- American film director, screenwriter, producer and author
Wikipedia - Michael Corder -- British choreographer and director
Wikipedia - Michael Corrente -- American film director and producer
Wikipedia - Michael Counts -- American theater director
Wikipedia - Michael Crichton -- American author, screenwriter, film director
Wikipedia - Michael Cristofer -- American actor and director
Wikipedia - Michael Cudlitz -- American actor and director
Wikipedia - Michael Cuesta -- American film and television director
Wikipedia - Michael Cumming -- British director and filmmaker
Wikipedia - Michael Curtiz -- Hungarian-American director
Wikipedia - Michael Davis (director) -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Michael D. Bernacchi Jr. -- U.S. Space Command Director for Plans and Policy
Wikipedia - Michael D. Brown -- Former director of the U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency and radio talk show host
Wikipedia - Michael DeLuise -- American actor and director
Wikipedia - Michael Dinner -- American television director, producer and writer
Wikipedia - Michael Dixon (museum director)
Wikipedia - Michael Doneger -- American film director
Wikipedia - Michael Donovan -- Canadian voice actor and director
Wikipedia - Michael Dougherty -- American director, screenwriter, and producer
Wikipedia - Michael Dowse -- Canadian director
Wikipedia - Michael Dreher (director) -- German film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Michael Dreyer -- German artist, author, and director
Wikipedia - Michael Eilbaum -- American television soap opera director
Wikipedia - Michael Elias -- American writer, film director and producer.
Wikipedia - Michael Fengler -- German film director
Wikipedia - Michael Fentiman -- British theatre director
Wikipedia - Michael Fields (director) -- American film and television director
Wikipedia - Michael Fimognari -- American cinematographer and director
Wikipedia - Michael Foulger -- Managing director of Banham Poultry
Wikipedia - Michael GlM-CM-$ser -- German singer and choir director
Wikipedia - Michael Goi -- American cinematographer and director
Wikipedia - Michael Gordon (film director) -- American theater and film director
Wikipedia - Michael Gow -- Australian playwright and director
Wikipedia - Michael Gracey -- Australian director
Wikipedia - Michael Grandage -- British theatre director (born 1962)
Wikipedia - Michael Grecco -- American photographer, film director, and author
Wikipedia - Michael Gunther -- Producer, director and writer
Wikipedia - Michael Haneke -- Austrian film director
Wikipedia - Michael Herz (producer) -- American film producer, director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Michael Hines -- Scottish director and producer
Wikipedia - Michael Hoffman (director) -- American film director
Wikipedia - Michael H - Profession: Director -- 2013 television film
Wikipedia - Michael Hurst -- New Zealand actor, director and writer (born 1957)
Wikipedia - Michael Ian Black -- American comedian, actor, writer, and director
Wikipedia - Michael Jones (film director) -- Canadian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Michael J. Ryan (doctor) -- Irish doctor and Chief Executive Director of the WHO Health Emergencies Programme
Wikipedia - Michael Katleman -- American film and television director and producer
Wikipedia - Michael Landon Jr. -- American actor, director, writer, and producer
Wikipedia - Michael Landon -- American actor, writer, director, and producer
Wikipedia - Michael Langham -- British actor and director
Wikipedia - Michael Lucas (director) -- American producer, actor and pornographic film director
Wikipedia - Michael Mann -- American film director, screenwriter, and producer
Wikipedia - Michael Mayer (director) -- American stage and film director
Wikipedia - Michael Mills (British producer) -- British producer and director (1919-1988)
Wikipedia - Michael Morell -- Deputy Director of the CIA
Wikipedia - Michael Morris (director) -- American television director and producer
Wikipedia - Michael Morrison (actor) -- American pornographic film actor and director
Wikipedia - Michael M. Robin -- American television director
Wikipedia - Michael O'Herlihy -- Television and film director, television producer
Wikipedia - Michael Patrick Jann -- American film and television actor, writer, and director
Wikipedia - Michael Pattinson -- Australian film director
Wikipedia - Michael Petroni -- Australian screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Michael Pfleghar -- German film director
Wikipedia - Michael Preece -- American director, script supervisor, producer, and actor
Wikipedia - Michael Pressman -- Film/television director and producer
Wikipedia - Michael Radford -- English film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Michael Raeburn -- Zimbabwean film director
Wikipedia - Michael R. Fenzel -- Joint Staff vice director for strategy, plans, and policy
Wikipedia - Michael Rohl -- Canadian Film and TV director of German descent
Wikipedia - Michael Rudman -- American theatre director
Wikipedia - Michael Salomon -- American music video/film director
Wikipedia - Michael Schultz -- American director
Wikipedia - Michael Seitzman -- Film director and producer
Wikipedia - Michael Showalter -- American comedian, actor, director, writer, and producer
Wikipedia - Michael Slive -- American college athletic director, college athletic conference commissioner, attorney
Wikipedia - Michael Smith (director) -- American television director and producer
Wikipedia - Michael Spiller -- American cinematographer and television director
Wikipedia - Michael Stefano -- American pornographic actor and director
Wikipedia - Michael Switzer -- American film and television director
Wikipedia - Michael Thalheimer -- German theatre director
Wikipedia - Michael Tiddes -- American film director and producer
Wikipedia - Michael T. Reynolds -- Former acting director of the United States National Park Service
Wikipedia - Michael Twomey (actor) -- Irish actor, comedian, director, producer and writer
Wikipedia - Michael Weatherly -- American actor and director
Wikipedia - Michael W. Halberstam -- American stage actor and director
Wikipedia - Michael Winner -- English film director, writer & producer
Wikipedia - Michael W. Watkins -- American cinematographer, television director and television producer
Wikipedia - Michal Aviad -- Israeli film director
Wikipedia - MichaM-CM-+l Dudok de Wit -- Dutch animator, director and illustrator
Wikipedia - MichaM-CM-+l R. Roskam -- Belgian film director
Wikipedia - Micha Wald -- Belgian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Michelangelo Antonioni -- Italian film director and screenwriter (1912-2007)
Wikipedia - Michel-Antoine CarrM-CM-) -- French film director
Wikipedia - Michel Blanc -- French actor, writer and director
Wikipedia - Michel Boujenah -- French-Tunisian actor and director
Wikipedia - Michel Deville -- French film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Michele Lupo -- Italian film director
Wikipedia - Michele Massimo Tarantini -- Italian film director
Wikipedia - Michele Placido -- Italian film director and actor
Wikipedia - Michel Franco -- Mexican film director
Wikipedia - Michel Gondry -- French film director, screenwriter and producer
Wikipedia - Michel Soutter -- Swiss film director
Wikipedia - Michou (cabaret artist) -- French cabaret director
Wikipedia - Mickey Moore -- Child actor and film director
Wikipedia - Mick Newell -- English cricketer and director
Wikipedia - Miguel Albaladejo -- Spanish screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Miguel Arteta -- Puerto Rican film director
Wikipedia - Miguel Bardem -- Spanish film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Miguel Hermoso -- Spanish film director
Wikipedia - Miguel M. Delgado -- Mexican film director
Wikipedia - Miguel Morayta -- Spanish film director
Wikipedia - Miguel Picazo -- Spanish film director
Wikipedia - Mihai Constantinescu -- Romanian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Mihai Iacob -- Romanian film director
Wikipedia - Mihaly Szemes -- Hungarian film director
Wikipedia - Mika Boorem -- American actress and director
Wikipedia - Mikael Colombu -- French music video and film director
Wikipedia - Mika KaurismM-CM-$ki -- Finnish film director
Wikipedia - Mike Adriano -- Pornographic film actor and director
Wikipedia - Mike Bamiloye -- Nigerian film actor, Evangelist(drama), producer, and director
Wikipedia - Mike Barker (director) -- British film director
Wikipedia - Mike Birbiglia -- American comedian, actor, director, producer, and writer
Wikipedia - Mike Cahill (director) -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Mike Christie (director) -- English TV director and filmmaker
Wikipedia - Mike De Leon -- Filipino film director
Wikipedia - Mike Denney -- American television soap opera director
Wikipedia - Mike Figgis -- 20th and 21st-century English composer, film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Mike Gunther -- American director
Wikipedia - Mike Henry (voice actor) -- American actor, voice actor, comedian, director, writer and producer
Wikipedia - Mike Hodges -- British film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Mike Horner (actor) -- American pornographic actor & director (born 1955)
Wikipedia - Mike Leigh -- British writer and director of film and theatre
Wikipedia - Mikel Rueda -- Spanish film director
Wikipedia - Mike Mills (director) -- American film director
Wikipedia - Mike Mitchell (director) -- American film director
Wikipedia - Mike Newell (director) -- British producer and director
Wikipedia - Mike Nichols -- German-American television director, writer, producer and comedian (1931-2014)
Wikipedia - Mike Pompeo -- 70th U.S. Secretary of State and former director of the C.I.A.
Wikipedia - Mike Sprayberry -- North Carolina emergency management director since 2013
Wikipedia - Mike Thomas (athletic director) -- American college athletics administrator
Wikipedia - Mike van Diem -- Dutch film director
Wikipedia - Mikhail Kalik -- Soviet-Israeli film director (1927-2017)
Wikipedia - Mikhail Kedrov (actor) -- Russian theatre director
Wikipedia - Mikhail Kokshenov -- Russian actor and film director
Wikipedia - Mikhail Tarkhanov (actor) -- Russian actor and theatre director
Wikipedia - Mikhil Musale -- Indian film director and producer
Wikipedia - Miki Polonski -- Israeli film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Mikko Niskanen -- Finnish film director
Wikipedia - Miklos Jancso -- Hungarian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Miklos Szinetar -- Hungarian film director
Wikipedia - Milan Chams -- Nepalese film director
Wikipedia - Milan Cheylov -- Canadian television director/producer
Wikipedia - Milan M-EM- teindler -- Czech film director
Wikipedia - Milan M-EM- trljic -- Croatian actor and theatre director
Wikipedia - Milena Andonova -- Bulgarian screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Miles Gregory -- American writer and director
Wikipedia - Miles Long -- American pornographic actor and director (born 1968)
Wikipedia - Military Intelligence Directorate (Israel)
Wikipedia - Military Intelligence Directorate (Syria)
Wikipedia - Millard Webb -- American film director
Wikipedia - MiloM-EM-! Forman -- Czech-American director, screenwriter, and professor
Wikipedia - Milroy Goes -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Milton Carruth -- American film editor, director
Wikipedia - Milton Khondokar -- Bangladeshi film lyricist, music director and film director
Wikipedia - Mimi Leder -- American film/television director and producer
Wikipedia - Mimmo Calopresti -- Italian film director
Wikipedia - Mina F. Miller -- American classical pianist, writer, and artistic director
Wikipedia - Min Bahadur Bham -- Nepalese film director
Wikipedia - Min Joon-ki -- South Korean film director
Wikipedia - Minoru Shibuya -- Japanese film director
Wikipedia - Mircea Dragan -- Romanian film director
Wikipedia - Mircea Muresan -- Romanian film director
Wikipedia - Mircea Veroiu -- Romanian film director
Wikipedia - Mireille Dansereau -- Canadian director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Miriam Dehne -- German film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Mirra Bank -- American film director
Wikipedia - Misbach Yusa Biran -- Indonesian film director
Wikipedia - Misko Iho -- Finnish film director
Wikipedia - MISSPSTAR -- American rapper, dancer, model, singer, actress, director, and disc jockey
Wikipedia - Misty Talley -- American film director and editor
Wikipedia - Mitch Anderson (director) -- American film director, producer, writer, researcher, editor
Wikipedia - M. J. Bassett -- British film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - M. Jeevan -- Indian film director and photographer
Wikipedia - M. Krishnan Nair (director) -- Film director
Wikipedia - M. K. Rocksamy -- Sri Lankan music director
Wikipedia - MM-CM-)lanie Laurent -- French actress, model, director, singer, and writer
Wikipedia - M. Night Shyamalan -- American screenwriter, film director, and producer
Wikipedia - Mo Ali -- Somali-British film director
Wikipedia - Moammar Rana -- Pakistani actor and film director
Wikipedia - Mohamed Amin (Egyptian film director) -- Egyptian film director
Wikipedia - Mohamed Ben Attia -- Tunisian film director
Wikipedia - Mohamed Diab -- Egyptian screenwriter and director
Wikipedia - Mohamed ElBaradei -- Egyptian law scholar and diplomat, former Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency, and Nobel Peace Prize recipient
Wikipedia - Mohamed Hilmi -- Algerian actor and director
Wikipedia - Mohamed Manik -- Maldivian actor and director
Wikipedia - Mohamed Sobhi (actor) -- Egyptian film, television/stage actor, and director
Wikipedia - Mohammad Ali Bashe Ahangar -- Iranian director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Mohammad Bakri -- Palestinian Arab Israeli actor and film director
Wikipedia - Mohammad Davoudi (screenwriter) -- Iranian writer and director
Wikipedia - Mohammad Mostafa Kamal Raz -- Bangladeshi television and film director
Wikipedia - Mohammed Ibrahim Al Shaibani -- Director General, Government of Dubai
Wikipedia - Mohammed Masoom Stanekzai -- Former head of National Directorate of Security
Wikipedia - Mohammed Zahur Khayyam -- Indian music director and composer
Wikipedia - Mohana Krishna Indraganti -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Mohan Sundar Deb Goswami -- Odissi classical musician, Guru of traditional Odisha Rasa theatre, Indian film director
Wikipedia - Mohit Suri -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Mojean Aria -- Australian actor, writer and director
Wikipedia - Momina Duraid -- Pakistani director and producer
Wikipedia - Momoko Ando -- Japanese film director
Wikipedia - Mona Zandi Haghighi -- Iranian film director
Wikipedia - Monia Chokri -- Canadian actress and film director
Wikipedia - Monta Bell -- American film producer, film director, and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Montazur Rahman Akbar -- Bangladeshi film director
Wikipedia - Montxo Armendariz -- Spanish film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Monty Banks -- Italian comedian and director
Wikipedia - Morgan Beggs -- Canadian television director
Wikipedia - Morgan Freeman -- American actor and director
Wikipedia - Morgan Higby Night -- American writer and director
Wikipedia - Morgan J. Freeman -- American film director
Wikipedia - Morgan Neville -- American film producer, director, and writer
Wikipedia - Morio Asaka -- Japanese storyboard artist and director
Wikipedia - Morten Arnfred -- Danish film director
Wikipedia - Morten Kirkskov -- Danish actor, theater director, and writer
Wikipedia - Morteza Atashzamzam -- Iranian film director and producer
Wikipedia - Mosha Michael -- Canadian film director
Wikipedia - Moshe Ivgy -- Israeli actor and director
Wikipedia - Mostafa Anwar (director) -- Bangladeshi film director
Wikipedia - Mostofa Sarwar Farooki -- Bangladeshi film director, screenwriter and film producer
Wikipedia - Moussa Hamadou Djingarey -- Nigerien film director
Wikipedia - -- User-contributed video directory for television programs and films
Wikipedia - Mr. Pete -- American pornographic film actor & director (born 1980)
Wikipedia - M. S. Rajashekar -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - M. S. Sathyu -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Mudassar Aziz -- Indian film director and writer
Wikipedia - Muhammad Saleem -- Medical Director and Professor of Paediatric Surgery
Wikipedia - Muharrem Fejzo -- Albanian film director
Wikipedia - Muhsin ErtuM-DM-^_rul -- Turkish actor and director
Wikipedia - Muhsin Parari -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Mukhtarbek Aynakulov -- Kyrgyz actor, director and politician
Wikipedia - Munin Barua -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Murali Nair -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Muriel Box -- British film director and writer
Wikipedia - Murray Fahey -- Australian actor, writer and director
Wikipedia - Music video director -- Person who directs the music artist, the actors and film crew in making music videos
Wikipedia - Mu Tunc -- Turkish director, writer, film producer, and actor
Wikipedia - Myroslav Slaboshpytskyi -- Ukrainian film director
Wikipedia - Myrsini Aristidou -- Cypriot director
Wikipedia - Mysskin -- Indian film director, screenwriter , actor and lyricist
Wikipedia - Naas Directors Plate Novice Chase -- Annual National Hunt race in Ireland
Wikipedia - Nabin Subba -- Nepalese film director
Wikipedia - NACDA Directors' Cup -- Athletics award for collegiate teams
Wikipedia - Nadav Lapid -- Israeli writer and film director
Wikipedia - Nadine Ibrahim -- Nigerian film director
Wikipedia - Nadine Lustre -- Filipino actress, singer, dancer, and music video director (born 1993)
Wikipedia - Nadirshah -- Indian actor, mimicry artist and film director
Wikipedia - Nae Caranfil -- Romanian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Nag Ashwin -- Indian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Nagisa M-EM-^Lshima -- Japanese film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Nagraj Manjule -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Nahid Persson Sarvestani -- Iranian film director
Wikipedia - Nahnatchka Khan -- Screenwriter, director, and film and television producer
Wikipedia - Nalan Kumarasamy -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Na Muthuswamy -- Indian art director
Wikipedia - Nanabhai Bhatt -- Indian director and producer
Wikipedia - Nan Achnas -- Indonesian film director
Wikipedia - Nana Ekvtimishvili -- Georgian writer and director
Wikipedia - Nancy A. Norton -- Joint Staff Director for Intelligence
Wikipedia - Nancy Birdsall -- Nancy Birdall was the founder and director of the Center for Global Development (CGD)
Wikipedia - Nancy Bishop -- American casting director
Wikipedia - Nancy Brunning -- New Zealand actor and director
Wikipedia - Nancy Malone -- American actress and director
Wikipedia - Nancy Meckler -- American theatre and film director
Wikipedia - Nandita Das -- Indian actor and director
Wikipedia - Nanette Burstein -- American film and television director
Wikipedia - Nanfu Wang -- Director and filmmaker
Wikipedia - Nani (actor) -- Indian actor, producer, assistant director, radio jockey
Wikipedia - Nanni Moretti -- Italian screenwriter, film director, and actor
Wikipedia - Naomi Levari -- Israeli film producer and director
Wikipedia - Naoto (dancer) -- Japanese dancer, actor, rapper and creative director.
Wikipedia - Narcis Bosch -- Spanish pornographic film director
Wikipedia - Narciso IbaM-CM-1ez Serrador -- director, actor and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Narsingh Rajput -- Indian film director and producer
Wikipedia - Nasir Hussain -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Nasr Mahrous -- Egyptian film director (born 1969)
Wikipedia - Nassar (actor) -- Indian film actor and director
Wikipedia - Natalia Polenova -- Russian museum director (b. 1975)
Wikipedia - Natalie Abrahami -- British theatre, film and opera director
Wikipedia - Natasha Halevi -- American actress and director
Wikipedia - Nate Cash -- American writer, artist and director
Wikipedia - Natella Krapivina -- Ukrainian producer and director
Wikipedia - Nate Parker -- American actor, director, producer, writer and musical performer
Wikipedia - Nate Watt -- American film director
Wikipedia - Nathan Collett -- Kenyan film director
Wikipedia - Nathan Greno -- American film director
Wikipedia - Nathan Wang -- American music composer and director
Wikipedia - National Anticorruption Directorate -- Romanian anti-corruption agency
Wikipedia - National Directorate of Security
Wikipedia - National Institutes of Health Director's Pioneer Award -- Medicine award
Wikipedia - National Intelligence Directorate (Colombia)
Wikipedia - Nat Ross -- American film director
Wikipedia - Nattawut Poonpiriya -- Thai director
Wikipedia - Navarasan -- Indian Kannada film director and actor
Wikipedia - Navin Awal -- Nepalese film director
Wikipedia - Navy Directory -- An official list of naval officers
Wikipedia - Nawi Ismail -- Indonesian film director and actor (1918-1990)
Wikipedia - Nayan Padrai -- American film director
Wikipedia - Nazli Tabatabai-Khatambakhsh -- English founder and Artistic director
Wikipedia - Nazmul Huda Mintu -- Bangladeshi director
Wikipedia - Neal Brennan -- American writer, comedian, director, and producer
Wikipedia - Neal Pozner -- American art director and writer
Wikipedia - Ned Chaillet -- Radio drama director, Radio drama producer, writer, journalist
Wikipedia - Nedeljko Dragic -- Croatian director, author of cartoons, caricatures, comics and numerous illustrations
Wikipedia - Neema Barnette -- African-American film director and producer
Wikipedia - Neeraj Ghaywan -- Indian director
Wikipedia - Neeraj Kabi -- Indian actor and theatre director
Wikipedia - Negin Farsad -- Comedian and director
Wikipedia - Neil Breen -- American film director
Wikipedia - Neill Blomkamp -- South African-Canadian film director, producer, screenwriter, and animator
Wikipedia - Neil Maskell -- English actor, writer, and director
Wikipedia - Nejat Saydam -- Turkish film director, screenwriter, and actor
Wikipedia - Nejib Belkadhi -- Tunisian actor, film director and film producer
Wikipedia - Nelly Kaplan -- French film director and producer
Wikipedia - Nelo Risi -- Italian poet and film director
Wikipedia - Nelson Cragg -- American Director and cinematographer
Wikipedia - Nelson Dilipkumar -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Nelson Lyon -- American actor, director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Newt Arnold -- American film director
Wikipedia - New York City Directories -- The 1876 The New-York Directory was the first extant directory for New York City and the third published in the United States.
Wikipedia - Ngaio Marsh -- NZ crime writer and theatre director
Wikipedia - Ngawang Choephel -- Tibetan film director
Wikipedia - Ngima Gelu Lama -- Nepalese film director
Wikipedia - Ngozi Onwurah -- Nigerian film director
Wikipedia - Ng Wui -- |Chinese film director, writer, and actor from Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Nia Vardalos -- Canadian-born American actress, screenwriter, director, and producer of Greek descent
Wikipedia - Nica Noelle -- American pornographic actress, film director and producer (born 1976)
Wikipedia - Nic Cramer -- Swedish pornographic film director
Wikipedia - Nicholas Carpenter -- American film director
Wikipedia - Nicholas Colasanto -- American actor and television director (1924-1985)
Wikipedia - Nicholas Colla -- Australian actor, writer and director
Wikipedia - Nicholas Hytner -- English film and theatre director
Wikipedia - Nicholas Kharkongor -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Nicholas Meyer -- American screenwriter, producer, author, and director
Wikipedia - Nicholas Ray -- American film director (1911-1979)
Wikipedia - Nick Ahrens -- American designer and art director
Wikipedia - Nick Bernardone -- American writer, comedian, director
Wikipedia - Nick Bougas -- American film director
Wikipedia - Nick Cassavetes -- American actor, director, and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Nick Castle -- American film director, actor and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Nickelodeon Director's Lab -- Movie-making interactive program
Wikipedia - Nick Everhart -- American film director and producer
Wikipedia - Nick Grinde -- American film director
Wikipedia - Nicki Hunter -- American pornographic actress and director
Wikipedia - Nick Jennings (artist) -- American animation director
Wikipedia - Nick Love -- Film director
Wikipedia - Nick Manning -- American pornographic film actor & director (born 1967)
Wikipedia - Nick Moran -- British actor, writer, producer and director
Wikipedia - Nick Nanton -- Film director
Wikipedia - Nick Vallelonga -- American actor, screenwriter, and film director
Wikipedia - Nick Willing -- British director
Wikipedia - Niclas Bendixen -- Danish director
Wikipedia - Nico Beyer -- German film director and producer
Wikipedia - Nicolae Margineanu -- Romanian film director
Wikipedia - Nicolas Bataille -- French comedian and director
Wikipedia - Nicolas Echevarria -- Mexican film director
Wikipedia - Nicolas Joel -- French opera director
Wikipedia - Nicolas Pesce -- American film director
Wikipedia - Nicolas Philibert -- French film director
Wikipedia - Nicolas Roeg -- English film director and cinematographer
Wikipedia - Nicolas van Beveren -- French actor and film director
Wikipedia - Nicole Conn -- American film director (born 1959)
Wikipedia - Nicole Dorsey -- Canadian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Nicole Garcia -- French actress, film director, and writer
Wikipedia - Nicole Kassell -- American film director
Wikipedia - Nicole Newnham -- Documentary film producer, writer, and director
Wikipedia - Nicoleta Esinencu -- Moldovan playwright and director
Wikipedia - Nicole Willis -- American singer-songwriter, producer, director and visual artist
Wikipedia - Nicolo Donato (film director) -- Danish film director
Wikipedia - Nicol Paone -- American comedian, director, writer, and actress
Wikipedia - Nidhi Bisht -- Indian casting director filmmaker
Wikipedia - Nidia Bustos -- Nicaraguan theater director, community organizer and cultural activist
Wikipedia - Nigel Coan -- British animator, director, and writer
Wikipedia - Nigel Patrick -- English actor and stage director
Wikipedia - Nihat OdabaM-EM-^_i -- Turkish fashion photographer and music video director
Wikipedia - NIH Director's Pioneer Award
Wikipedia - Niji Akanni -- Nigerian film director
Wikipedia - Nika Agiashvili -- Georgian-American writer and director
Wikipedia - Nike Wagner -- German opera director
Wikipedia - Nikhil Upreti -- Nepalese actor and film director
Wikipedia - Niki Caro -- Kiwi film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Nikita Kanani -- General Practitioner; first woman to be Director of Primary Care in the NHS.
Wikipedia - Niklaus Schilling -- Swiss film director
Wikipedia - Nikolai Alexandrov (actor) -- Russian actor and theatre director (1870-1930)
Wikipedia - Nikolai Chindyajkin -- Russian actor and theatre director
Wikipedia - Nikolai van der Heyde -- Dutch film director
Wikipedia - Nikola Korabov -- Bulgarian film director
Wikipedia - Nikola Tanhofer -- Croatian film director
Wikipedia - Nikolay Khomeriki -- Russian film director
Wikipedia - Nikolay Okhlopkov -- Soviet actor and theatre director
Wikipedia - Nikolay Yezhov -- NKVD director under Joseph Stalin
Wikipedia - Nikos Nikolaidis -- Greek film director
Wikipedia - Nils Johnson -- Norwegian actor and theatre director
Wikipedia - Nils Olaf Chrisander -- Swedish actor and film director
Wikipedia - Nils Reinhardt Christensen -- Norwegian film director
Wikipedia - Nils Tavernier -- French actor and film director
Wikipedia - Nilu Doma Sherpa -- Nepalese film director
Wikipedia - Nimisha Pandey -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Nina Grosse -- German film director
Wikipedia - Nina Moise -- American actress, director
Wikipedia - Nino Haratischwili -- Georgian novelist, playwright and theater director
Wikipedia - Nirmala Chennappa -- Indian film director, actress, producers, and technician
Wikipedia - Nischal Basnet -- Nepalese film director and actor
Wikipedia - Nisha Ganatra -- Canadian-American film director and actress
Wikipedia - Nishikant Kamat -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Nitz 'N' Sony -- Indian music director and composer
Wikipedia - Niuma Mohamed -- Maldivian actress, director, and producer
Wikipedia - Nivas K. Prasanna -- Indian music director and singer
Wikipedia - N. Lingusamy -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Nnegest LikkM-CM-) -- American film director
Wikipedia - Noah Buschel -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Noa Lindberg -- American actor, writer, producer, director
Wikipedia - Noam Murro -- Israeli film director
Wikipedia - Noam Pitlik -- American actor, director, screenwriter
Wikipedia - Nobuhiko Obayashi -- Japanese film director
Wikipedia - Nobuhiro Doi -- Japanese television and film director
Wikipedia - Nobuhiro Suwa -- Japanese film director
Wikipedia - Nobu McCarthy -- actress, fashion model, and stage director
Wikipedia - Noel Marshall -- agent, producer, director and actor
Wikipedia - Noel M. Smith -- American film director
Wikipedia - Noel QuiM-CM-1ones -- Puerto Rican screenwriter, film director, and philanthropist
Wikipedia - NoM-CM-+l Coward -- English playwright, composer, director, actor and singer
Wikipedia - NoM-CM-+l Poynter -- British librarian and director
Wikipedia - Nora Ephron -- American film director and writer
Wikipedia - Nora Fingscheidt -- German film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Nora Francisca Blackburne -- British casting director and civil servant
Wikipedia - Norberto Barba -- American television director
Wikipedia - Norma Aleandro -- Argentine actress, screenwriter and theatre director
Wikipedia - Norma Bailey -- Canadian film director
Wikipedia - Norman Cambridge -- British-born music company director
Wikipedia - Norman Dyhrenfurth -- American film director, cinematographer and mountaineer
Wikipedia - Norman Foster (director) -- American film director and actor
Wikipedia - Norman Jewison -- Canadian director, producer, and actor
Wikipedia - Norman Lloyd -- American actor, producer & director
Wikipedia - Norwegian General Post Directorate -- Norwegian government agency
Wikipedia - Nouri Bouzid -- Tunisian film director
Wikipedia - Numa Perrier -- Haitian American director
Wikipedia - Nuno Bernardo -- Portuguese writer, producer and director
Wikipedia - Nuno Sa Pessoa -- Portuguese film director, producer and cinematographer
Wikipedia - Nunzio Malasomma -- Italian film director
Wikipedia - Nuotama Bodomo -- Ghanaian filmmaker, writer and director
Wikipedia - Nupur Asthana -- Indian film director and writer
Wikipedia - Nuri Bilge Ceylan -- Turkish film director, screenwriter, film producer and photographer
Wikipedia - Nyrki Tapiovaara -- Finnish film director
Wikipedia - Obi Emelonye -- Nollywood movie director
Wikipedia - Octavio Cortazar -- Cuban film director
Wikipedia - Oddvar Einarson -- Norwegian movie director
Wikipedia - Official Congressional Directory -- Official directory of the United States Congress
Wikipedia - Ofir Raul Graizer -- Israeli film director
Wikipedia - Ohmkar -- Indian television presenter and film director
Wikipedia - Oil Industry Safety Directorate -- | technical advisory body in India
Wikipedia - Olaf Altmann -- German scenic designer and theatre director
Wikipedia - Olaf Fjord -- Austrian actor, film director and film producer
Wikipedia - Olav Aaraas -- Norwegian historian and museum director
Wikipedia - OldM-EM-^Yich LipskM-CM-= -- Czech film director
Wikipedia - Ole Bornedal -- Danish film director, actor and producer
Wikipedia - Ole Christian Madsen -- Danish film director and script writer
Wikipedia - Olga Rautenkranzova -- Czech director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Oliver Herbrich -- German director
Wikipedia - Oliver Hermanus -- South African director and writer
Wikipedia - Oliver H.P. Garrett -- American film director, writer, newspaperman, and rifleman
Wikipedia - Oliver Lis -- Colombian author and film director
Wikipedia - Oliver Parker -- British film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Oliver Schmitz -- South African film director
Wikipedia - Oliver Stone -- American film director, screenwriter, and producer
Wikipedia - Oliver Tobias -- Swiss-born British film, theater, and television actor and director
Wikipedia - Olivia Lamasan -- Filipina film director
Wikipedia - Olivier Assayas -- French film director, screenwriter and film critic
Wikipedia - Olivier Ciappa -- French photographer and film director
Wikipedia - Olivier Cotte -- French film director
Wikipedia - Olivier Dahan -- French film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Olivier Masset-Depasse -- Belgian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Olivier Meys -- Belgian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Olly Blackburn -- English movie director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Olly Murs -- English singer, songwriter, presenter, and director
Wikipedia - Olof Molander -- Swedish director
Wikipedia - Olof Thunberg -- Swedish actor and director
Wikipedia - Ol Parker -- English film director, screenwriter, and producer
Wikipedia - Omar Lulu -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Omar Madha -- Television director
Wikipedia - Omar Sangare -- Polish actor, director, and theatre professor
Wikipedia - OM-DM-^_uzhan UM-DM-^_ur -- Turkish director and singer
Wikipedia - Omid Ahangar -- Iranian actor and director
Wikipedia - Om Prakash Rao -- Indian film director, screenwriter, producer, and actor
Wikipedia - Om Raut -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - One Night Stand (1997 film) -- 1997 American drama film by British director Mike Figgis
Wikipedia - Operations Director -- Job title
Wikipedia - Oreste Cinquini -- Italian sporting director
Wikipedia - Orestis Laskos -- Greek film director
Wikipedia - Orlando Nadres -- Filipino film director
Wikipedia - Orson Welles -- American actor, director, writer and producer
Wikipedia - Orville O. Dull -- Director, Assistant Director, Producer and Production Manager
Wikipedia - Oscar Albayalde -- Former Director General of the Philippine National Police
Wikipedia - Oscar Asche -- 19th/20th-century Australian actor and director
Wikipedia - Oscar Barney Finn -- Argentine film director
Wikipedia - Oscar Micheaux -- writer and first major African-American film director
Wikipedia - Oscar Redding -- Australian film director.
Wikipedia - Oskaras KorM-EM-!unovas -- Lithuanian theatre director
Wikipedia - Oskar Pietsch -- German art director
Wikipedia - Oskar Roehler -- German film director
Wikipedia - Ossama Mohammed -- Syrian film director
Wikipedia - Osvalde Lewat -- Cameroonian film director (born 1977)
Wikipedia - Osvaldo Desideri -- Italian art director
Wikipedia - Otis Turner -- American film director
Wikipedia - Otmar Gutmann -- television producer, animator and director
Wikipedia - Otto Bathurst -- British director
Wikipedia - Otto Brower -- American film director
Wikipedia - Otto Erdmann (art director) -- German art director
Wikipedia - Ottokar Runze -- German film director
Wikipedia - Otto Lang (actor) -- German actor and director
Wikipedia - Otto Moldenhauer -- German art director
Wikipedia - Otto Preminger -- American director, producer, actor
Wikipedia - Ovidio G. Assonitis -- Show business executive, film producer, screenwriter, and film director
Wikipedia - Owen Renfroe -- American television director
Wikipedia - Oxford Almanack -- Annual illustrated directory for the University of Oxford
Wikipedia - Oz Perkins -- American actor and director
Wikipedia - Ozzie Nelson -- American actor, band leader, television producer and director
Wikipedia - Pablo Berger -- Spanish film director
Wikipedia - Paco Cabezas -- Spanish film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Paddy Breathnach -- Irish film director and producer
Wikipedia - Paddy Russell -- British television director
Wikipedia - Paidi Jairaj -- Indian actor, director and producer
Wikipedia - Pal Gabor -- Hungarian film director
Wikipedia - Palle KjM-CM-&rulff-Schmidt -- Danish film director
Wikipedia - Paloma Garcia Ovejero -- Vice Director of the Holy See Press Office
Wikipedia - Pal Sandor -- Hungarian film director
Wikipedia - Pal Zolnay -- Hungarian film director
Wikipedia - Pamela Berlin -- American theatre director
Wikipedia - Pamela B. Green -- American film director and producer
Wikipedia - Pamela Fryman -- American sitcom producer and director (born 1959)
Wikipedia - Pam MacKinnon -- Theatre director
Wikipedia - Pammi Baweja -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Pankaj Batra -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Pan Nalin -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Panos Cosmatos -- Greek Canadian film director
Wikipedia - Pantelis Voulgaris -- Greek film director
Wikipedia - Paolo Bianchini -- Italian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Paolo Costella -- Italian screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Paolo Heusch -- Italian film director
Wikipedia - Paolo Moffa -- Italian film director
Wikipedia - Paolo Nuzzi -- Italian film director
Wikipedia - Paolo Pietrangeli -- Italian film director
Wikipedia - Paolo Sorrentino -- Italian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Paolo VirzM-CM-, -- Italian film director, writer and producer
Wikipedia - Pappi Corsicato -- Italian film director
Wikipedia - Paquito Diaz -- Filipino actor and director
Wikipedia - Paraic Duffy -- Director General of the GAA (2008-2018)
Wikipedia - Pa. Ranjith -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Parisa Bakhtavar -- Iranian film and television director
Wikipedia - Paris Barclay -- American television director and producer
Wikipedia - Park Chan-wook -- South Korean film director, screenwriter and film producer
Wikipedia - Parker Jacobs -- Actor; musician; television art director
Wikipedia - Park Frame -- American actor and film director
Wikipedia - Park Jin-pyo -- South Korean film director
Wikipedia - Park Kwang-hyun (film director) -- South Korean commercial and film director
Wikipedia - Parmeet Sethi -- Indian film actor, director, producer and writer
Wikipedia - Parris Goebel -- New ZealandM-BM- choreographer, singer, director and actress
Wikipedia - -- Online directory of funeral homes in the US
Wikipedia - Pascal Bonitzer -- French film director
Wikipedia - Pascale Ferran -- French film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Pascal KanM-CM-) -- French film director
Wikipedia - Pasquale Esposito (actor) -- Italian actor and director
Wikipedia - Pastor Vega -- Cuban film director
Wikipedia - Patience Oghre Imobhio -- Nigerian film director
Wikipedia - Patrice Toye -- Belgian film director
Wikipedia - Patricia Benoit (director) -- Haitian-American filmmaker
Wikipedia - Patricia Cardoso -- Colombian-American film director
Wikipedia - Patricia Mazuy -- French film director
Wikipedia - Patricia McIlrath -- American theatre director
Wikipedia - Patricia Ortega -- Venezuelan film director
Wikipedia - Patricia Rozema -- Canadian film director, writer and producer
Wikipedia - Patrick Bristow -- American actor, comedian and director
Wikipedia - Patrick Carey (cinematographer) -- British film director, screenwriter, cinematographer and film producer
Wikipedia - Patrick Collins (director) -- American pornographic actor, producer and director
Wikipedia - Patrick Descamps -- Belgian actor and stage director
Wikipedia - Patrick GazM-CM-) -- Canadian film director and screenwriter from Quebec.
Wikipedia - Patrick Grandperret -- French film director
Wikipedia - Patrick J. Adams -- Canadian actor and director
Wikipedia - Patrick Ledoux -- Belgian film director
Wikipedia - Patrick Lussier -- French - Canadian-American film director, screenwriter and film editor
Wikipedia - Patrick Lyons (athletic director) -- American college athletics administrator
Wikipedia - Patrick Magee (actor) -- Northern Irish actor and director of stage and screen
Wikipedia - Patrick Marber -- English comedian, playwright, director, actor, and screenwriter.
Wikipedia - Patrick Osborne (animator) -- American animator and film director
Wikipedia - Patrick Timsit -- French film director and actor
Wikipedia - Patrik Hartl -- Czech author and theater director
Wikipedia - Patrizia Di Paolo -- Italian musician and stage director
Wikipedia - Patrizio Di Renzo -- Swiss photographer and director
Wikipedia - Patty Jenkins -- American film director
Wikipedia - Pat Williams (director) -- Canadian television director and producer
Wikipedia - Paula Hernandez -- Argentine film director
Wikipedia - Paul Almond -- Canadian television and motion picture screenwriter, director, producer, and novelist
Wikipedia - Paul Alter -- American television director
Wikipedia - Paul-Anders Simma -- Finnish film director
Wikipedia - Paul Auster -- American writer and film director
Wikipedia - Paula van der Oest -- Dutch film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Paul Baker (teacher) -- American actor, professor, director, author (1911 - 2009)
Wikipedia - Paul Barbeau -- Canadian director and film producer
Wikipedia - Paul Blackman -- British theatrical producer and director
Wikipedia - Paul Blake (theatre) -- American theatre producer, writer, and director
Wikipedia - Paul Bojack -- American film director and writer
Wikipedia - Paul Boujenah -- French-Tunisian film director
Wikipedia - Paul Brickman -- American screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Paul Calinescu -- Romanian film director
Wikipedia - Paul Cammermans -- Belgian film director
Wikipedia - Paul Chart -- English film director
Wikipedia - Paul Cosford -- Public health director
Wikipedia - Paul Cox (director)
Wikipedia - Paul Drane -- Australian television producer-director
Wikipedia - Paul Driessen (animator) -- Dutch film director, animator and writer
Wikipedia - Paule Baillargeon -- Quebec actress and film director
Wikipedia - Paulette McDonagh -- Australian film director
Wikipedia - Paul Fejos -- Film Director, anthropologist
Wikipedia - Paul Fitzgerald (actor) -- American actor, director and writer
Wikipedia - Paul Groesse -- Art director
Wikipedia - Paul Hager -- German theatre and opera director
Wikipedia - Paul Haggis -- Canadian screenwriter, producer, and director
Wikipedia - Paul Hendy -- Script-writer, novelist, director, producer and filmmaker
Wikipedia - Paul Henreid -- Austrian-American actor and film director
Wikipedia - Paul Hill (flight director) -- Former Director of Mission Operations at the NASA Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
Wikipedia - Paul Hoen -- American film/television director and producer
Wikipedia - Paul Hunter (director) -- American director
Wikipedia - Paul Igwe -- Nigerian film director
Wikipedia - Pauline Mvele -- Actress, director and screenwriter from Burkina Faso
Wikipedia - Paul Kiener -- American film director, producer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Paul Lamford -- Welsh gaming and gambling expert, author, publisher, and company director
Wikipedia - Paul Leduc (film director) -- Mexican film director (1942-2020
Wikipedia - Paul Leni -- German film director
Wikipedia - Paul L. Stein -- Austrian film director
Wikipedia - Paul Martin (director) -- Hungarian film director
Wikipedia - Paul Mayeda Berges -- American screenwriter and director
Wikipedia - Paul May -- German film director
Wikipedia - Paul McCrane -- American recording artist, actor and television director
Wikipedia - Paul McGuigan (filmmaker) -- Scottish film maker and director
Wikipedia - Paul Newman -- American actor and film director
Wikipedia - Paulo CM-CM-)sar Saraceni -- Brazilian film director
Wikipedia - Paul O'Loughlin -- Australian actor and director
Wikipedia - Paul Paviot -- French film director
Wikipedia - Paul Powell (director) -- American film director
Wikipedia - Paul Rachman -- American film director
Wikipedia - Paul Reid (HSE) -- Director-General of the Health Service Executive
Wikipedia - Paul Schrader -- American film director
Wikipedia - Paul Seban -- French film director
Wikipedia - Paul Sills -- American director and instructor
Wikipedia - Paul Sloane -- 1893-1963 American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Paul Taublieb -- American director, writer, and producer
Wikipedia - Paul Thomas Anderson -- American film director, screenwriter, and producer
Wikipedia - Paul Tibbitt -- American animator, television producer, writer,M-BM- storyboard artist, songwriter, voice actor, and director
Wikipedia - Paul Turner (director) -- Welsh film director
Wikipedia - Paul Verhoeven -- Dutch film director, screenwriter and film producer
Wikipedia - Paul Wegener -- German actor, writer, and film director
Wikipedia - Paul Wendkos -- American film director
Wikipedia - Paul Wing -- Assistant Director
Wikipedia - Paul W. S. Anderson -- British film director, producer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Pau Maso -- Spanish actor, film director, producer, writer and model
Wikipedia - Pavel Arsenov -- Russian actor and film director
Wikipedia - Pavel Chukhray -- Russian screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Pavel (film director) -- Bengali director
Wikipedia - Pavel LandovskM-CM-= -- Czech actor, playwright, and director (1936-2014)
Wikipedia - Pavel Lungin -- Russian film director
Wikipedia - Pavlos Kourtidis -- German-born Greek actor, choreographer, and theater director
Wikipedia - Pavol BarabaM-EM-! -- Slovak film director
Wikipedia - Pawel Komorowski -- Polish film director
Wikipedia - Paz Encina -- Paraguayan director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - P. Bhaskaran -- Indian film director (1924-2007)
Wikipedia - P. Daniel Smith -- Former acting director of the United States National Park Service
Wikipedia - Peaches (musician) -- Canadian musician, producer, director
Wikipedia - Pedro Costa -- Portuguese film director
Wikipedia - Pedro Lazaga -- Spanish film director
Wikipedia - Pekin Ibrahim -- Malaysian actor, director, screenwriter, producer and singer
Wikipedia - Pekka Lehtosaari -- Finnish director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Pekka Lehto -- Finnish film director
Wikipedia - Pekka Parikka -- Finnish film director
Wikipedia - Pelin Esmer -- Turkish screenwriter and director
Wikipedia - Pema Dhondup -- Nepalese film director, actor, and voice actor.
Wikipedia - Peng Xiaolian -- Chinese film director
Wikipedia - Penny Marshall -- American actress, director and producer
Wikipedia - Pen Tennyson -- English film director
Wikipedia - Perarasu -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Per Blom (director) -- Norwegian film director
Wikipedia - Per Hanefjord -- Swedish film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Perla Farias -- Venezuelan director (born 1962)
Wikipedia - Pernilla August -- Swedish actress and film director
Wikipedia - Perry Ferguson -- Art director
Wikipedia - Perry Lang -- Television director and actor
Wikipedia - Perry Miller Adato -- American documentary film producer, director and writer
Wikipedia - Perry N. Vekroff -- American film director
Wikipedia - Petar B. Vasilev -- Bulgarian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Petar Gligorovski -- Macedonian artist and film director
Wikipedia - Pete Chatmon -- American director
Wikipedia - Pete Docter -- American animator and film director
Wikipedia - Peter Atencio -- American television and film director
Wikipedia - Peter Beauvais -- German director
Wikipedia - Peter Berg -- American actor and director
Wikipedia - Peter Billingsley -- American actor and director
Wikipedia - Peter Bogdanovich -- American film director
Wikipedia - Peter Brook -- English theatre and film director and innovator
Wikipedia - Peter Chan -- Hong Kong film director
Wikipedia - Peter Chelsom -- British film director, writer, and actor
Wikipedia - Peter Collinson (film director) -- British film director
Wikipedia - Peter Corry -- Northern Irish singer, producer and director
Wikipedia - Peter Coyote -- American actor, voice actor, and director
Wikipedia - Peter Davis (director) -- Filmmaker, author, journalist
Wikipedia - Peter Del Monte -- Italian film director
Wikipedia - Peter Duncan (director) -- Australian film director
Wikipedia - Peter Farnan -- Australian composer, sound designer, musical director and guitarist
Wikipedia - Peter Farrelly -- American film director, producer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Peter Fernandez -- American actor, film director and writer
Wikipedia - Peter Fleischmann -- German film director
Wikipedia - Peter Flinth -- Danish film director
Wikipedia - Peter Foott -- Irish film director
Wikipedia - Peter Gerard -- American film director
Wikipedia - Peter Greenaway -- British film director
Wikipedia - Peter Hall (director) -- English theatre and film director
Wikipedia - Peter Hamel -- German film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Peter Hewitt (director) -- English film director
Wikipedia - Peter H. Hunt -- American theatre director
Wikipedia - Peter Hyams -- American film director, screenwriter and cinematographer
Wikipedia - Pete Riski -- Finnish film director
Wikipedia - Peter Jackson -- New Zealand film director, screenwriter, and film producer
Wikipedia - Peter Jonas (director) -- British arts administrator
Wikipedia - Peter Kassovitz -- French film director and scriptwriter
Wikipedia - Peter Keglevic -- Austrian film director
Wikipedia - Peter Kruger (film director) -- Film director, film producer, screenwriter
Wikipedia - Peter Lamont -- British art director
Wikipedia - Peter Lindbergh -- German photographer and director
Wikipedia - Peter Lund -- German theatre director and author
Wikipedia - Peter Maxwell -- British film director
Wikipedia - Peter M. Douglas -- Executive Director of Coastal Commission for 26 years, author of its founding legislation
Wikipedia - Peter Medak -- Hungarian director
Wikipedia - Peter Palitzsch -- German theatre director and theatre manager
Wikipedia - Peter Patzak -- Austrian film director
Wikipedia - Peter Pearson (director) -- Canadian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Peter Ramsey -- American film director, illustrator, and writer
Wikipedia - Peter Riegert -- American actor and director
Wikipedia - Peter Sasdy -- British film director
Wikipedia - Peter Schamoni -- German film director
Wikipedia - Peter Sommer (British director) -- British archaeologist and documentary filmmaker
Wikipedia - Peter Stein -- German theatre and opera director
Wikipedia - Peter T. Gallagher -- Irish astrophysicist and observatory director, specialised in solar physics
Wikipedia - Peter Tolan -- American television director
Wikipedia - Peter Van Den Begin -- Belgian actor and director
Wikipedia - Peter von Gunten -- Swiss film director
Wikipedia - Peter Webber -- British director
Wikipedia - Peter Weck -- Austrian film director and actor
Wikipedia - Peter Weir -- Australian film director
Wikipedia - Peter Wellington (director) -- Canadian film and television director
Wikipedia - Peter Wells (writer) -- New Zealand writer and film director
Wikipedia - Peter Wood (director) -- English theatre and film director
Wikipedia - Peter Zadek -- German theatre director (1926-2009)
Wikipedia - Peter Zalmayev -- Director of the Eurasia Democracy Initiative
Wikipedia - Peter Zavadil -- American music video director
Wikipedia - Pete Travis -- British film director
Wikipedia - Petr Jakl -- Czech actor, judo fighter, stuntman, olympionic and director
Wikipedia - Petru HadM-CM-"rca -- Moldovan actor and director
Wikipedia - P. G. Muthiah -- Indian director
Wikipedia - P. Gopikumar -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Phani Majumdar -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Phil Goldstone -- Polish-American film producer and director
Wikipedia - Philip Charles MacKenzie -- American actor and director
Wikipedia - Philip Dunne (writer) -- American writer, producer, director
Wikipedia - Philip Ford (film director) -- Film director, actor
Wikipedia - Philip Leacock -- Television and film director, producer
Wikipedia - Philip Martin (director) -- British television director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Philippe Arthuys -- Composer, film director
Wikipedia - Philippe Clair -- French film director
Wikipedia - Philippe Claudel -- French writer and film director
Wikipedia - Philippe Dajoux -- French actor and film director
Wikipedia - Philippe Katerine -- French singer-songwriter, actor, director, and writer
Wikipedia - Philippe Mory -- Gabonese actor and director
Wikipedia - Philippe Rousselot -- French cinematographer and film director
Wikipedia - Philippe Volter -- Belgian actor and director
Wikipedia - Philip S. Goodman -- American screenwriter, producer, and director
Wikipedia - Philip Stopford -- English choral composer and director (b1977)
Wikipedia - Phil Karlson -- American film director
Wikipedia - Phillip Christon -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Phillip Noyce -- Australian film director
Wikipedia - Phil Lord and Christopher Miller -- American film directors, screenwriters and producers
Wikipedia - Phil Rosen -- American film director
Wikipedia - Phil Tippett -- American film director
Wikipedia - Phylicia Rashad -- American actress, singer, and stage director
Wikipedia - Phyllis Huffman -- American casting director
Wikipedia - Pia Tikka -- Finnish film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Picha -- Belgian cartoonist, film director
Wikipedia - Pier Carpi -- Italian essayist, novelist, film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Pier Francesco Pingitore -- Italian film director and author
Wikipedia - Pier Paolo Pasolini -- Italian film director
Wikipedia - Pierre Andre -- Malaysian actor, director and writer
Wikipedia - Pierre Boutron -- French actor and director
Wikipedia - Pierre Coffin -- French film director
Wikipedia - Pierre Colombier -- French screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Pierre Gaspard-Huit -- French film director
Wikipedia - Pierre Granier-Deferre -- French film director
Wikipedia - Pierre Koralnik -- French film director
Wikipedia - Pierre-Paul Renders -- Belgian film director
Wikipedia - Pierre Perifel -- French film director
Wikipedia - Pierre Perrault -- Canadian film director
Wikipedia - Pierre Woodman -- French pornographic film director
Wikipedia - Pieter Dirkx -- Belgian film director and painter
Wikipedia - Pieter Verhoeff -- Dutch film director
Wikipedia - Pietro Germi -- Italian actor, screenwriter, and director
Wikipedia - Pijush Saha -- Bengali film director
Wikipedia - Pilar Revuelta -- Spanish film set director
Wikipedia - Pilar Savone -- American film producer and assistant director
Wikipedia - Pina Bausch -- German dancer, choreographer, dance teacher and ballet director
Wikipedia - Pinky Rajput -- Voice actress, Dubbing Director
Wikipedia - Pino Amenta -- Australian director
Wikipedia - Pino Quartullo -- Italian actor, screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Pio Kabahar -- Filipino Visayan writer, journalist and director of first Cebuano film
Wikipedia - Piotr Dumala -- Polish film director and animator
Wikipedia - Pippa Ailion -- British theater director
Wikipedia - Piyapan Choopetch -- Thai film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - P. J. Hogan -- Australian film director and writer
Wikipedia - P.J. Starks -- American film director
Wikipedia - P. Krishnamoorthy -- Indian film art director
Wikipedia - PM-CM-%l Bang-Hansen -- Norwegian actor, writer and director
Wikipedia - PM-CM-%l Lokkeberg -- Norwegian film director
Wikipedia - PM-CM-%l Sletaune -- Norwegian film director
Wikipedia - PM-CM-)ter Gothar -- Hungarian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - PM-CM-)ter Timar -- Hungarian film director
Wikipedia - PM v Director of Public Prosecutions -- Irish Supreme Court case
Wikipedia - P.M. v District Judge Miriam Malone and the Director of Public Prosecutions -- Irish Supreme Court case
Wikipedia - Pocas Pascoal -- Angolan film director
Wikipedia - Poj Arnon -- Thai film director
Wikipedia - Pol Cruchten -- Luxembourgish film director
Wikipedia - Polish Film School -- Group of Polish film directors and screenplay writers
Wikipedia - Porter Goss -- American politician and first Director of the Central Intelligence Agency
Wikipedia - Prabhu Deva -- Indian choreographer, actor, director
Wikipedia - Prabhu Solomon -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Pradip Bhattarai -- Nepalese Film Director
Wikipedia - Prafulla Govinda Baruah -- Managing director of The Assam Tribune
Wikipedia - Prahlad Kakkar -- Indian advertising film director
Wikipedia - Prakash Jha -- Indian film director and producer
Wikipedia - Prakash Mehra -- Indian film producer and director
Wikipedia - Prakash Sayami -- Nepalese film director
Wikipedia - Prasanth Mambully -- Screenwriter, actor, and director
Wikipedia - Prashanth Neel -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Prashant Nair -- French/Indian film director, screenwriter and producer
Wikipedia - Prashant Raj -- Indian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Prathap Joseph -- Indian Cinematographer and Film Director
Wikipedia - Pravin Tarde -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Predrag Golubovic -- Serbian film director
Wikipedia - Preeti Aneja -- Indian Movie director
Wikipedia - Preston Sturges -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Prince Bubacarr Aminata Sankanu -- Gambian film director
Wikipedia - Prince Yahshua -- American pornographic film actor and director (born 1970)
Wikipedia - Pritam -- Indian music director and composer
Wikipedia - Prithviraj Sukumaran -- Indian film actor, director and producer
Wikipedia - Priya Krishnaswamy -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Priyanandanan -- Indian film director (born 1966)
Wikipedia - Prodyut Kumar Deka -- Indian film director and author from Assam, India
Wikipedia - Prosit Roy -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Prudence Fitzgerald -- English television director and producer
Wikipedia - P. S. Mithran -- Indian film director and writer
Wikipedia - P. Subramaniam -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Public Security Directorate -- Police agency of Jordan
Wikipedia - Pugo (comedian) -- Filipino actor, comedian and director
Wikipedia - Puri Jagannadh -- Indian film director, screen writer and producer
Wikipedia - PuriM-EM-!a M-DM-^PorM-DM-^Qevic -- Serbian film director
Wikipedia - Pushkar-Gayathri -- Indian film director duo
Wikipedia - Puven Pather -- Australian film director
Wikipedia - P.V. Rao -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Pyotr Chardynin -- Russian film director
Wikipedia - Pyotr Kirillov -- Soviet actor, film director, and screenwriter
Wikipedia - QM-CM-+ndrim Rijani -- Albanian theatre director
Wikipedia - Quentin Lawrence -- English film and TV director
Wikipedia - Quentin Tarantino -- American film director, screenwriter, producer, and actor
Wikipedia - Raaghav Chanana -- Indian actor and stage director
Wikipedia - Raam Reddy -- Film director
Wikipedia - Rachel Chavkin -- American stage director
Wikipedia - Rachel Feldman -- American director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Rachel Lee Goldenberg -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Rachel Talalay -- American screen director and producer
Wikipedia - Rachel Weinberg -- French film director
Wikipedia - Rachid Bouchareb -- Algerian-French film director
Wikipedia - Rade M-EM- erbedM-EM->ija -- Croatian actor, director, and musician
Wikipedia - Radha Bharadwaj -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Radhika Rao -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Radio Television Digital News Association -- American association of news directors and executives
Wikipedia - Radu Gabrea -- Romanian film director
Wikipedia - Radu Jude -- Romanian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Rafael Alcazar -- Spanish screenwriter, film director and producer
Wikipedia - Rafael Kubelik -- Czech conductor, violinist, composer and director conductor of Czech philharmony
Wikipedia - Rafael Romero Marchent -- Spanish actor, director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Raffaele De Ritis -- Italian theatre director and historian
Wikipedia - Rahim Burhan -- Macedonian theatre director
Wikipedia - Rahim Razali -- Malaysian actor, film director, screenwriter and sports commentator
Wikipedia - Rahmatullah Tuhin -- Bangladeshi producer, screenwriter, and director (born 1970)
Wikipedia - Raihan Mujib -- Bangladeshi film director
Wikipedia - Rainer Sarnet -- Estonian film director (b. 1969)
Wikipedia - Rainer Simon -- German film director
Wikipedia - Raja Amari -- Tunisian film director and script writer
Wikipedia - Raja Chanda -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Raja Gosnell -- American film editor and film director
Wikipedia - Rajakumaran (director) -- Indian actor
Wikipedia - Raja Shankar -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Raj Bharat -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Raj Brar -- Indian singer, actor, lyricist and music director
Wikipedia - Raj B. Shetty -- Indian actor, director, and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Raj Chakraborty -- Indian film director, actor and producer
Wikipedia - Rajee Samarasinghe -- Director and filmmaker
Wikipedia - Rajendra Singh Babu -- Indian film producer and director
Wikipedia - Raj Kanwar -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Raj Kapoor -- Indian film actor, producer and director
Wikipedia - Rajkumar Santoshi -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Rajnish Mishra -- Indian film and music director
Wikipedia - Raju Kher -- Indian actor and film director (born 1957)
Wikipedia - Raju Mavani -- Indian film actor, director and producer (1957-2019)
Wikipedia - Raju Shah -- Nepalese film director
Wikipedia - Rakesh Sharma (filmmaker) -- Indian Documentory film director
Wikipedia - Rakhshan Banietemad -- Iranian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Ralf Kirsten -- German film director
Wikipedia - Ralph Berger -- Art director
Wikipedia - Ralph Ceder -- American film director
Wikipedia - Ralph Fiennes -- English actor, producer, and director
Wikipedia - Ralph Hemecker -- Film director, television director
Wikipedia - Ralph Ince -- American film director
Wikipedia - Ralph Senensky -- American television director and writer
Wikipedia - Ramana (director) -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Rama Narayanan -- Indian film director and producer
Wikipedia - Ramaprasad Banik -- Bengali actor, director and playwright
Wikipedia - R. Amarendran -- Indian theatre director and actor
Wikipedia - Ram Babu Gurung -- Nepalese film director
Wikipedia - Ramesh Khanna -- Indian actor/director
Wikipedia - Ramesh Selvan -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Ramesh Sippy -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Ramineni Foundation Awards -- Indian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Ram Loevy -- Israeli film director
Wikipedia - Ramon Estevez -- American actor and director
Wikipedia - Ramon Rodriguez Granada -- Mexican art director
Wikipedia - Ramon Salazar (director) -- Spanish film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Ramon Torrado -- Spanish film director
Wikipedia - Ramu Kariat -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Ranbir Pushp -- Indian screenwriter, film director and producer
Wikipedia - Randal Kleiser -- American film and television director, producer, and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Randa Mai -- Japanese pornographic film director
Wikipedia - Randolph L. Speight -- American jurist and director of the Pioneer Fund
Wikipedia - Randy Myers (animator) -- American animator and animation director
Wikipedia - Randy Vasquez -- American actor and director
Wikipedia - Raoul AndrM-CM-) -- French director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Raoul Walsh -- American film director and actor
Wikipedia - RaphaM-CM-+lle Boitel -- French circus performer, contortionist, acrobat, actress, theatre director, and choreographer
Wikipedia - Rashad Haughton -- American film director
Wikipedia - Ratna Asmara -- Indonesian actress and film director
Wikipedia - Ratna Pathak Shah -- Indian actress and director
Wikipedia - Rattana Pestonji -- Thai film director
Wikipedia - Raul Roulien -- Brazilian actor, film director, television presenter, screenwriter, film producer, journalist and songwriter
Wikipedia - Ravee Farooq -- Maldivian actor, director
Wikipedia - Ravi Basrur -- Indian film music composer and director
Wikipedia - Ravi Chopra -- Indian movie producer and director (1946-2014)
Wikipedia - Ravi Jadhav -- Marathi film director
Wikipedia - Ravindra Dave -- Indian film director, producer, editor and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Ravindra Gautam -- Indian film director, script writer and producer
Wikipedia - Ravindra Singh (film director) -- Indian film producer and director
Wikipedia - Ray Anderson (athletic director) -- Athletic director at Arizona State University
Wikipedia - Ray Enright -- American film director
Wikipedia - Ray McCarey -- American film director
Wikipedia - Ray Milland -- Welsh actor and film director
Wikipedia - Raymond Cannon (actor) -- American actor, film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Raymond St. Jacques -- American actor, director and producer
Wikipedia - Ray Nazarro -- American film and television director, producer, screenwriter
Wikipedia - Ray Sinatra -- Music director
Wikipedia - Ray Taylor (director) -- American film director
Wikipedia - Rd Ariffien -- Indonesian film director
Wikipedia - Rebecca Cremona -- Director
Wikipedia - Rebecca Daly -- Irish film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Rebecca Miller -- Actress and film director from the United States
Wikipedia - Rebecca Thomas -- American film director
Wikipedia - Rebecca Zlotowski -- French film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Rebekah Fortune -- British film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Reema Kagti -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Regina King -- American actress and director
Wikipedia - Reginald Barker -- American film director
Wikipedia - Reginald Harkema -- Canadian film editor and director
Wikipedia - Reginald Le Borg -- Austrian film director
Wikipedia - Regina Lombardo -- U.S. acting director of the ATF
Wikipedia - Regine Ulmann -- Austrian school director and feminist
Wikipedia - Reha Erdem -- Turkish film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Rehema Nanfuka -- Ugandan actress, director
Wikipedia - Reinhard Munster (director) -- German film director
Wikipedia - Reinhard Schau -- German opera director
Wikipedia - Reinhold Schunzel -- German actor and director (1888-1954)
Wikipedia - Remi Kabaka Jr. -- British music producer, art director, percussionist and voice actor
Wikipedia - Renae Maihi -- New Zealand film director
Wikipedia - Renate Aichinger -- Austrian playwright and theatre director
Wikipedia - Renato Berta -- Swiss cinematographer and film director
Wikipedia - Renato Castellani -- Italian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Renato De Maria -- Italian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Renaud Hoffman -- German-American film producer and director
Wikipedia - Rene Daalder -- Dutch writer and director
Wikipedia - Renee O'Connor -- American actress, producer, and director
Wikipedia - Renji Panicker -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - RenM-CM-) Plaissetty -- American film director
Wikipedia - Renny Bartlett -- Canadian film and television director
Wikipedia - Renny Harlin -- Finnish film director and film producer
Wikipedia - Renuka Jeyapalan -- Canadian film and television director
Wikipedia - Representative director (Japan) -- Most senior executive of a Japanese company
Wikipedia - Revaz Chkheidze -- Georgian film director
Wikipedia - Revaz Tabukashvili -- Soviet film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Rex Ingram (director) -- Irish film director
Wikipedia - Reza Attaran -- Iranian actor and director
Wikipedia - Reza Badiyi -- Iran-American director
Wikipedia - Reza Bagher -- Swedish film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Reza Razavi -- Professor of paediatric cardiovascular science, vice-president and vice-principal of research at the King's College London, the director of research at KingM-bM-^@M-^Ys Health Partners, and the director of the KingM-bM-^@M-^Ys Wellcome Trust EPSRC Centre For Medical Engineering
Wikipedia - Rez Cortez -- Filipino actor and director
Wikipedia - Rian Johnson -- American writer, director and producer
Wikipedia - Ribhu Dasgupta -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Ricardo Becher -- Argentine film director
Wikipedia - Ricardo Blume -- Peruvian actor and theater director
Wikipedia - Ricardo Larrain -- Chilean film director
Wikipedia - Ricardo MuM-CM-1oz Suay -- Spanish film director
Wikipedia - Ricardo Trogi -- Canadian filmmaker, director and actor
Wikipedia - Riccardo Magrini -- Italian cyclist and sporting director
Wikipedia - Riccardo Milani -- Italian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Richard Armstrong (museum director) -- American museum director
Wikipedia - Richard Bell (director) -- Canadian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Richard Benjamin -- American actor and film director
Wikipedia - Richard Benner -- American film director
Wikipedia - Richard Boden -- British television director and producer
Wikipedia - Richard Boleslawski -- Polish theatre and film director, actor
Wikipedia - Richard Brooks -- American screenwriter, film director and producer
Wikipedia - Richard Carlson (actor) -- American actor, director, and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Richard C. Kahn -- American film director
Wikipedia - Richard Clark (director) -- British television director
Wikipedia - Richard Cordray -- 1st Director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
Wikipedia - Richard Cottrell -- British theatre director
Wikipedia - Richard Crawford (director) -- British theatre director and actor
Wikipedia - Richard Crenna -- American actor, director, producer
Wikipedia - Richard C. Sarafian -- American film director and actor
Wikipedia - Richard Curson Smith -- British television director and producer
Wikipedia - Richard Day (art director) -- Canadian art director
Wikipedia - Richard De Medeiros -- Beninese film director
Wikipedia - Richard Dindo -- Swiss documentary film director
Wikipedia - Richard Donner -- American film director
Wikipedia - Richard Eichberg -- German film director
Wikipedia - Richard Elfman -- American film director
Wikipedia - Richard Fleischer -- American film director
Wikipedia - Richard Foster Baker -- American film director
Wikipedia - Richard Friedenberg -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Richard Glatzer -- American writer and director
Wikipedia - Richard Gray (director) -- Australian film director
Wikipedia - Richard Groschopp -- German film director, screenwriter, cinematographer and film editor
Wikipedia - Richard Harris -- Irish actor, singer, film director and writer
Wikipedia - Richard Helms -- Director of Central Intelligence (1966-1973)
Wikipedia - Richard Irvine -- American art director
Wikipedia - Richard Kaplan (film producer) -- American film director and producer
Wikipedia - Richard Kelly (director) -- American film director and writer
Wikipedia - Richard Kwietniowski -- English film director
Wikipedia - Richard Lawrence (art director) -- Art director
Wikipedia - Richard Levine (director) -- Writer, director, actor and producer
Wikipedia - Richard Linklater -- American director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Richard Loncraine -- British film and television director
Wikipedia - Richard Lowenbein -- Austrian director
Wikipedia - Richard Lowenstein -- Australian film director, producer, writer
Wikipedia - Richard Marquand -- British film director
Wikipedia - Richard Marriott (Lord Lieutenant) -- retired British banker, stockbroker, company director, and public administrator
Wikipedia - Richard Monette -- Canadian actor and director
Wikipedia - Richard Oswald -- Austrian film director
Wikipedia - Richard Pearce (director) -- American film director and cinematographer
Wikipedia - Richard Rich (filmmaker) -- American film director
Wikipedia - Richard Schiff -- American actor and director
Wikipedia - Richard S. Kline -- American television director
Wikipedia - Richard Stanley (film director)
Wikipedia - Richard T. Heffron -- American film and television director
Wikipedia - Richard Thorpe -- American actor and film director
Wikipedia - Richard Wallace (director) -- Film director
Wikipedia - Richard Wilson (Scottish actor) -- British actor, theatre director and broadcaster
Wikipedia - Rich Christiano -- American film director and producer
Wikipedia - Rick Calabash -- American television director
Wikipedia - Rick Famuyiwa -- American film director
Wikipedia - Rick Friedberg -- American producer and director
Wikipedia - Rick Rosenthal -- American director
Wikipedia - Rick Wallace -- American television director
Wikipedia - Ricky Davao -- Filipino actor and director
Wikipedia - Ricky Gervais -- English comedian, actor, director, and writer
Wikipedia - Ric Roman Waugh -- American film director, writer, producer (born 1968)
Wikipedia - Ridley Scott -- English film director and film producer
Wikipedia - Rik Cordero -- American film director and musician
Wikipedia - Rik DaniM-CM-+ls -- Belgian television director
Wikipedia - Rik Kuypers -- Belgian film director
Wikipedia - Rio, I Love You -- 2014 anthology film by 10 different directors
Wikipedia - Rishi Chanda -- Indian music director and singer
Wikipedia - Rishi Kapoor -- Indian actor, director and producer
Wikipedia - Rita Hayworth -- American actress, dancer and director (1918-1987)
Wikipedia - Rithy Panh -- Cambodian film director
Wikipedia - Riyad Vinci Wadia -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - R. Kannan -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - RM-CM-)gine Deforges -- French film director and writer
Wikipedia - Rob Ashford -- American stage director and choreographer
Wikipedia - Robbe De Hert -- Belgian film director
Wikipedia - Robbie Countryman -- American television director
Wikipedia - Rob Bowman (director) -- American film director and producer
Wikipedia - Rob Coleman -- Canadian animation director
Wikipedia - Rob Curry -- British film director
Wikipedia - Rob De Mezieres -- South African writer and director
Wikipedia - Rob Epstein -- American film director, producer, writer and editor
Wikipedia - Robert Abel (animator) -- American film director and animator
Wikipedia - Robert Adetuyi -- Canadian screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Robert Allan Ackerman -- American film and theatre director
Wikipedia - Robert Allan Black -- American writer and director
Wikipedia - Robert Altman -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Robert Alvarez -- American animator, television director, and writer
Wikipedia - Robert A. Stemmle -- German screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Roberta Torre -- Italian film director
Wikipedia - Robert Ben Garant -- American screenwriter, producer, director, actor, and comedian
Wikipedia - Robert Braiden -- Australian film director and writer
Wikipedia - Robert Bresson -- French film director
Wikipedia - Robert B. Sinclair -- American film director
Wikipedia - Robert Burke (director) -- American film director
Wikipedia - Robert Cartwright -- English art director
Wikipedia - Robert Chevara -- British director and writer
Wikipedia - Robert Clatworthy (art director) -- American art director
Wikipedia - Robert Cohen (writer) -- Canadian comedy writer and director
Wikipedia - Robert Conway (director) -- American independent filmmaker
Wikipedia - Robert Cuffley -- Canadian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Robert Davi -- American actor, singer, writer, and director
Wikipedia - Robert Day (director) -- British film director
Wikipedia - Robert De Lacey -- American film director in the silent era
Wikipedia - Robert De Niro -- American actor, director, and producer
Wikipedia - Robert Dinesen -- Danish film director
Wikipedia - Robert Dornhelm -- Austrian film and television director
Wikipedia - Robert Downey Sr. -- Actor and director from the United States
Wikipedia - Robert Duncan McNeill -- American actor and director
Wikipedia - Robert Duvall -- American actor and director
Wikipedia - Robert D. Webb -- American film director
Wikipedia - Robert Eggers -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Robert Ellis Miller -- American film director
Wikipedia - Robert Englund -- American actor, voice actor, and director
Wikipedia - Robert Enrico -- French film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Robert Favreau -- Canadian film director and film editor
Wikipedia - Robert F. Hill -- Canadian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Robert Florey -- French-born American director
Wikipedia - Robert Francis Scharff -- British zoologist, Irish museum director
Wikipedia - Robert Gaillard -- American actor, film director
Wikipedia - Robert Gates -- CIA Director, U.S. Secretary of Defense, and university president
Wikipedia - Robert Glaudini -- American actor, writer and director
Wikipedia - Robert Glinski -- Polish film director
Wikipedia - Robert Iscove -- Canadian director, producer and choreographer
Wikipedia - Robert J. Sexton -- American producer and director
Wikipedia - Robert Khuzami -- SEC Enforcement Director, former United States federal prosecutor and general counsel of Deutsche Bank AG
Wikipedia - Robert Kramer -- American film director
Wikipedia - Robert Land -- Austrian director
Wikipedia - Robert Mark Glover -- Founder and executive director of Care for Children
Wikipedia - Robert Mitchum -- American actor, director, author, poet, composer, and singer
Wikipedia - Robert Mueller -- Sixth director of the FBI; American attorney
Wikipedia - Robert Mulligan -- American film and television director
Wikipedia - Robert North Bradbury -- American film director
Wikipedia - Roberto Alvim -- Brazilian theatre director
Wikipedia - Roberto Benigni -- Italian actor, comedian, screenwriter and director
Wikipedia - Roberto Bodegas -- Spanish film director
Wikipedia - Roberto Faenza -- Italian film director
Wikipedia - Roberto Farias -- Brazilian film director
Wikipedia - Roberto F. Canuto -- Spanish film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Robert O. Peters -- Nigerian film director
Wikipedia - Roberto Rossellini -- Italian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Robert Parrish -- American film director
Wikipedia - Robert Peterson (art director) -- American art director
Wikipedia - Robert Porterfield -- American actor and director
Wikipedia - Robert Redford -- American actor and film director
Wikipedia - Robert Reed -- American actor and director
Wikipedia - Robert Rietti -- English actor and director
Wikipedia - Robert Rodriguez -- American film director and producer
Wikipedia - Robert R. Redfield -- American medical researcher and CDC director
Wikipedia - Robert Shaye -- American actor and film director
Wikipedia - Robert Siodmak -- German-born American film director
Wikipedia - Robert Stevenson (director) -- British film director
Wikipedia - Robert Stone (director) -- British-American documentary filmmaker
Wikipedia - Robert Thornby -- American film director
Wikipedia - Robert Totten -- American television director and actor
Wikipedia - Robert Towne -- American screenwriter, producer, director and actor
Wikipedia - Robert Usher -- Art director
Wikipedia - Robert Vince -- Canadian film director
Wikipedia - Robert Wiene -- German film director
Wikipedia - Robert Wilson (director) -- American avant-garde stage director and playwright
Wikipedia - Robert Wise -- American film director, film producer and film editor
Wikipedia - Robert Zemeckis -- American film director, screenwriter and producer
Wikipedia - Robert Z. Leonard -- American film director
Wikipedia - Robin A Thirumala -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Robin Bain -- American actress, writer and director
Wikipedia - Robin Davis (director) -- French film director
Wikipedia - Robin Lefevre -- British theatre director
Wikipedia - Robin Lord Taylor -- American film and television actor and director
Wikipedia - Robin Lovejoy -- director, actor and designer
Wikipedia - Robin Maxkii -- Director and filmmaker
Wikipedia - Robin Padilla -- Filipino actor and director
Wikipedia - Robin Tampoe -- Sri Lankan film director (1930-2000)
Wikipedia - Robin Witt -- American theatre director
Wikipedia - Robin Wright -- American actress and director
Wikipedia - Rob Letterman -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Rob Lowe -- American actor, producer, and director
Wikipedia - Rob Reiner -- American actor and director
Wikipedia - Rob Schneider -- American actor, comedian, screenwriter, and director
Wikipedia - Rob Schrab -- Actor, comedian, director and screenwriter (born 1969)
Wikipedia - Rob Sitch -- Australian film director and comedian
Wikipedia - Rocco Leo Gaglioti -- American television director
Wikipedia - Rocco Siffredi -- Italian pornographic actor, director, producer (born 1964)
Wikipedia - Rochak Kohli -- Indian instrumentalist, music director and music arranger
Wikipedia - Rocky Schenck -- American photographer and music video director
Wikipedia - Rodd Rathjen -- Australian film director
Wikipedia - Rod Fontana -- American pornographic film director & actor (born 1952)
Wikipedia - Rodman Flender -- American actor and director
Wikipedia - Rodney Ascher -- American film director
Wikipedia - Rodney Bennett -- British television director
Wikipedia - Rodney Rothman -- American screenwriter, director, producer, and author
Wikipedia - Rodney Wilson (museum director) -- New Zealand art historian
Wikipedia - Roger Ashton-Griffiths -- English actor, screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Roger Avary -- Canadian producer, screenwriter and director
Wikipedia - Roger Bean -- American writer, director and producer (born 1962)
Wikipedia - Roger Berlind -- American theater producer and director
Wikipedia - Roger Blin -- French actor and director
Wikipedia - Roger Capellani -- French film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Roger Corman -- American film director, producer, and actor
Wikipedia - Roger Kumble -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Roger Le Bon -- French film producer and film director (1891-1956)
Wikipedia - Roger Mandle -- American museum director, college president, art historian
Wikipedia - Roger Michell -- South African theatre, television and film director
Wikipedia - Rohan-Rohan -- Indian music director duo of Hindi and Marathi films
Wikipedia - Roh Gyeong-tae -- South Korean film director
Wikipedia - Rohit Jugraj Chauhan -- Indian film director and writer
Wikipedia - Rohit Phalke -- Indian actor, writer, and director
Wikipedia - Rohit Shetty -- Indian film director and producer
Wikipedia - Roko Belic -- American film producer and director
Wikipedia - Roland Anderson -- American movie art director
Wikipedia - Roland JoffM-CM-) -- English and French film/television director and producer
Wikipedia - Roland Suso Richter -- German film director and producer
Wikipedia - Roland Verhavert -- Belgian film director
Wikipedia - Roland West -- American film director
Wikipedia - Roldan Aquino -- Filipino actor and director
Wikipedia - Rolf Hansen (director) -- German film director
Wikipedia - Rolf HM-CM-$drich -- German film director
Wikipedia - Rolf Thiele -- German film director
Wikipedia - Roman Balayan -- Ukrainian-Armenian film director
Wikipedia - Roman Chalbaud -- Venezuelan film director
Wikipedia - Roman Polanski -- French-Polish film director, producer, writer, and actor
Wikipedia - Roman Viktyuk -- Soviet theatre director and actor
Wikipedia - Romolo Guerrieri -- Italian film director
Wikipedia - Romolo Marcellini -- Italian film director
Wikipedia - Ronald A. Boxall -- Joint Staff Director for Force Structure, Resources, and Assessment
Wikipedia - Ronald Neame -- English film producer, director, cinematographer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Ronald Vitiello -- Acting Director of ICE
Wikipedia - Ron Clements -- American animation director
Wikipedia - Ron Fricke -- American director and cinematographer
Wikipedia - Ron Howard -- American film director, producer, and actor
Wikipedia - Ron Hughart -- American animation director
Wikipedia - Roni Ezra -- Danish film director and screenwriter (b. 1973)
Wikipedia - Ronnie MacAskill -- Scottish golfer and director of golf
Wikipedia - Ronnie Ricketts -- Filipino actor and film director
Wikipedia - Ron Teachworth -- American artist, writer and film director
Wikipedia - Root directory
Wikipedia - Rory Quintos -- Filipino film director
Wikipedia - Rosalba Rolon -- Puerto Rican actor and director (b. 1951)
Wikipedia - Rosario Pi -- Catalan film director
Wikipedia - Rosa Rios -- Bolivian actor and theater director
Wikipedia - Roscoe Lee Browne -- American actor and director
Wikipedia - RoseAnn DeMoro -- Former executive director of National Nurses United
Wikipedia - Roseanne Barr -- American actress, comedienne, writer, producer and director
Wikipedia - Roselyne Bosch -- French film producer, writer and film director
Wikipedia - Rose McGowan -- American actress, director and activist
Wikipedia - Roser Aguilar -- Spanish film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Rose Troche -- American film director
Wikipedia - Ross Bellah -- American art director
Wikipedia - Ross Cohen (director) -- British film director and producer
Wikipedia - Ross Devenish -- South African film director
Wikipedia - Rosshan Andrrews -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Ross Rawlings -- American pianist and music director
Wikipedia - Rotha Johnston -- Northern Irish entrepreneur and public service director
Wikipedia - Rouben Mamoulian -- Armenian-American film and theatre director
Wikipedia - Rowland Brown -- Writer/Director 1931-1952
Wikipedia - Rowland V. Lee -- Film director
Wikipedia - Roxy Shih -- American director
Wikipedia - Roy Alvarez -- Filipino actor, director and scriptwriter for film, television and theater
Wikipedia - Roy Andersson -- Swedish film director
Wikipedia - Roy Clements (director) -- American film director
Wikipedia - Roy Ward Baker -- English film director
Wikipedia - Roy William Neill -- Film director
Wikipedia - R. Padmanaban -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - R. S. Durai Senthilkumar -- Indian film director and writer
Wikipedia - R. Sundarrajan (director) -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - R. T. Neason -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Ruba Nadda -- Canadian film director
Wikipedia - Ruben Fleischer -- American film director
Wikipedia - Ruben M-CM-^Vstlund -- Swedish film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Rubina Ashraf -- Pakistani actress, director and producer
Wikipedia - Rudi Bass -- American art director and designer
Wikipedia - Rudi Dolezal -- Austrian film producer and film director
Wikipedia - Rudolf Adler -- Czech director, professor and university educator
Wikipedia - Rudolf Bamberger -- German art and film director
Wikipedia - Rudolf Biebrach -- German actor and director
Wikipedia - Rudolf Ising -- American film director and film producer
Wikipedia - Rudolf Nussgruber -- Austrian film director
Wikipedia - Rudolf Thome -- German film director
Wikipedia - Rudolf van den Berg -- Dutch writer and director
Wikipedia - Rudolf Zehetgruber -- Austrian film director
Wikipedia - Rudolph Cartier -- Austrian television director
Wikipedia - Rudolph MatM-CM-) -- Polish-Hungarian-American cinematographer, film director and producer
Wikipedia - Ruhul Amin (Bangladeshi film director) -- Bangladeshi film director
Wikipedia - Rumen Surdzhiyski -- Bulgarian film director
Wikipedia - Rupan Bal -- Canadian YouTuber, actor, director, and comedian
Wikipedia - Rupert Wainwright -- English director, writer, and actor
Wikipedia - Rupert Wyatt -- British director
Wikipedia - Rusdi Ramli -- Malaysian actor and director
Wikipedia - Russell Arch -- American director, writer and animator
Wikipedia - Russell Balding -- Australian company director
Wikipedia - Russell Barnes -- British television producer and director
Wikipedia - Russell Treyz -- Theater director
Wikipedia - Russ Meyer -- American film director and photographer
Wikipedia - Russo brothers -- American film and television director duo
Wikipedia - Rusudan Chkonia -- Georgian film director
Wikipedia - Ruth Baltra Moreno -- actress, playwright, teacher and theatre director
Wikipedia - Ruth Borgobello -- Australian-Italian film director
Wikipedia - Ruth Chao (designer) -- Creative Director, Graphic Designer & Artist
Wikipedia - Ruth Coello -- Ecuadorian actor and director
Wikipedia - Ruth Mader -- Austrian film director
Wikipedia - Ruth Sobotka -- Austrian-born American dancer, costume designer, art director, painter, and actress
Wikipedia - Ruud van Hemert -- Dutch film director
Wikipedia - Ruy Guerra -- Brazilian-Mozambican film director and actor
Wikipedia - R. Velappan Nair -- Malayalam film director
Wikipedia - Ryan Coogler -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Ryan Little -- Canadian film director, cinematographer, and producer
Wikipedia - Ryan M. Kennedy -- American screenwriter and director
Wikipedia - Ryan Mullins -- Canadian film director
Wikipedia - Ryan Piers Williams -- American actor and film director
Wikipedia - RyM-EM-+suke Hamaguchi -- Japanese film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Ryszard Bugajski -- Polish film director
Wikipedia - Rza Tahmasib -- Azerbaijani film director and actor
Wikipedia - Saam Farahmand -- British film and music video director
Wikipedia - Saara Ranin -- Finnish actress and director
Wikipedia - Saba Sahar -- Afghan actress, film director and producer
Wikipedia - Sabbir Khan -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Sabine Crossen -- French American actress and director
Wikipedia - Sabine Derflinger -- Austrian film director, screenwriter and film producer
Wikipedia - S. A. Chandrasekhar -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Sacha Polak -- Dutch film director
Wikipedia - Sachin (actor) -- Indian actor, director, producer, writer, singer, music director
Wikipedia - Sadatsugu Matsuda -- Japanese director
Wikipedia - Saeed Roustayi -- Iranian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Safak BakkalbaM-EM-^_ioM-DM-^_lu -- Turkish TV and film director and producer
Wikipedia - Safdie brothers -- American film directors
Wikipedia - Safi Faye -- Ethnologist and film director
Wikipedia - Sagar Ballary -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Sagari Chhabra -- Indian writer and film director
Wikipedia - Sahir Ali Bagga -- Pakistani singer, composer and music director
Wikipedia - Sahraa Karimi -- Afghan film director
Wikipedia - Saif Hasan -- Indian playwright and director
Wikipedia - Saifuddin Saif -- Pakistani lyricist, poet, film producer-director
Wikipedia - Saiful Apek -- Malaysian actor, singer, director and comedian
Wikipedia - Saiful Azam Kashem -- Bangladeshi film director
Wikipedia - Sajan K. Mathew -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Sajda Mughal -- Writer and charity director
Wikipedia - Sajid-Farhad -- Indian film director duo
Wikipedia - Saket Chaudhary -- Indian screenwriter and director
Wikipedia - Sakichi Sato -- Japanese film director, screenwriter and actor
Wikipedia - Salam Bappu -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Sally Potter -- English film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Sally Wainwright -- British television writer, producer and director
Wikipedia - Salman Aristo -- Indonesian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Salvador Carrasco -- Mexican film director
Wikipedia - Salvo Cuccia -- Italian cinema director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Samantha Buck and Marie Schlingmann -- Film writers and directors
Wikipedia - Samantha Lang -- Australian film director
Wikipedia - Samantha Morton -- English actress and film director
Wikipedia - Samantha Womack -- English actress, singer and director, in film, television and stage
Wikipedia - Sam Anton -- Indian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Sam Bozzo -- American film director and author
Wikipedia - SaM-EM-!a Gedeon -- Czech film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Sam Firstenberg -- Israeli-American film director
Wikipedia - Sam Garbarski -- Belgian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Sam Harper -- American film director and producer
Wikipedia - Sami Fehri -- Tunisian television host, producer and director
Wikipedia - Samir Bhamra -- British actor, costume designer, director, playwright and producer
Wikipedia - Sam Jones (photographer) -- American photographer and director
Wikipedia - Sam Katzman -- American film producer and director
Wikipedia - Sam Longoria -- American film director
Wikipedia - Sam Mendes -- English stage and film director
Wikipedia - Sam Miller -- English film director
Wikipedia - Sam Nelson -- American director
Wikipedia - Sam Peckinpah -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Sam Pillsbury -- American film director and producer
Wikipedia - Sam Raimi -- American film director, producer, writer and actor
Wikipedia - Sam Reich -- American producer, director, writer, and actor
Wikipedia - Sam Simon -- American director, producer, writer, boxing manager and philanthropist
Wikipedia - Sam Taylor (director) -- American film director
Wikipedia - Samuel Burgess-Johnson -- English art director and photographer
Wikipedia - Samuel Khachikian -- Iranian film director
Wikipedia - Samuel West -- British actor and director
Wikipedia - Samuthirakani -- Indian film actor and director
Wikipedia - Samvel Gasparov -- Soviet film director
Wikipedia - Sam Wanamaker -- American actor and director
Wikipedia - Sam Waterston -- American actor, producer and director
Wikipedia - Sam Weisman -- American film director
Wikipedia - Samwise Didier -- Blizzard art director
Wikipedia - Sam Wood -- Director, producer, and actor
Wikipedia - Samy Szlingerbaum -- Belgian screenwriter, actor, and film director
Wikipedia - Sanaa Hamri -- Moroccan-American film, television and music video director
Wikipedia - San Banarje -- American Film director, Actor, Producer, entrepreneur
Wikipedia - Sandeep Chowta -- Indian music director
Wikipedia - Sandi Peterson -- American businessperson and director
Wikipedia - Sandra Wollner -- Austrian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Sandy Collora -- American film director and design artist
Wikipedia - Sanjay Gadhvi -- Indian writer and film director
Wikipedia - Sanjay Jadhav -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Sanjay Leela Bhansali -- Indian film director, producer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Sanjay Puran Singh Chauhan -- Indian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Sanjeev Sivan -- Indian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Sanjit De Silva -- Sri Lankan actor and director
Wikipedia - Sanjiv Jaiswal -- Indian film director (born 1972)
Wikipedia - Sanne Houby-Nielsen -- Danish-Swedish archaeologist and museum director
Wikipedia - Santhana Bharathi -- Indian actor and director
Wikipedia - Santhosh Pandit -- Indian actor and director
Wikipedia - Santiago Carlos Oves -- Film director, screenwriter
Wikipedia - Santiago OntaM-CM-1on -- Spanish actor and art director
Wikipedia - Santosh Mishra -- Bhojpuri film Director, Writer, Actor
Wikipedia - Santwana Bordoloi -- Indian director, actress, radio host and paediatrician
Wikipedia - Sara Blecher -- South African director and producer
Wikipedia - Sarah Frost -- British television director
Wikipedia - Sarah Kernochan -- American documentarian, film director, screenwriter, producer, singer-songwriter
Wikipedia - Sarah Maldoror -- French film director
Wikipedia - Sarah Polley -- Canadian actress, film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Sarah Trotman -- Businesswoman, director, celebrant and community advocate from Auckland, New Zealand
Wikipedia - Sara J. Bloomfield -- Director of the USHMM
Wikipedia - Sara Johnsen -- Norwegian film director and author
Wikipedia - Saran (director) -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Sarath Dassanayake -- Sri Lankan music director
Wikipedia - Sarik Andreasyan -- Armenian director, producer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Sasi (director) -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Satabdi Roy -- Indian actress, director, politician
Wikipedia - Satish Alekar -- Indian Marathi playwright, actor and theatre director
Wikipedia - Satoru Kobayashi (director) -- Japanese film director
Wikipedia - Satoshi Kondo -- Director and head designer for a Japanese fashion brand Issey Miyake.
Wikipedia - Satsuo Yamamoto -- Japanese film director
Wikipedia - Saturn Award for Best Director
Wikipedia - Satyajit Bhatkal -- Indian television and film director
Wikipedia - Satyajit Ray -- Indian film director, writer, illustrator and music composer
Wikipedia - Satyen Bose -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Saumya Joshi -- Indian poet, writer, playwright, director and actor
Wikipedia - Saverio Costanzo -- Italian film director
Wikipedia - Savina Dellicour -- Belgian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Savva Kulish -- Soviet film director
Wikipedia - Saw Teong Hin -- Malaysian film director
Wikipedia - Sayantan Ghosal -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Sayeem Rana -- Bangladeshi singer, composer, music director and professor
Wikipedia - Science Mission Directorate -- NASA body supervising its scientific missions
Wikipedia - -- United Kingdom business directory website
Wikipedia - Scott Bakula -- American actor, singer and director
Wikipedia - Scott Derrickson -- American screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Scott Ellis -- American director
Wikipedia - Scott Frank -- American screenwriter and director
Wikipedia - Scott Gairdner -- American comedy writer and director
Wikipedia - Scott Kalvert -- American film director
Wikipedia - Scott Major -- Australian actor and director
Wikipedia - Scott Marshall (director) -- American film director
Wikipedia - Scott Patterson (director) -- Australian film director
Wikipedia - Scott Sidney -- American film director
Wikipedia - Scott Silver -- American film director, screenwriter
Wikipedia - Scott Waugh -- American film director
Wikipedia - Scott Woodward (athletic director) -- Athletics director at Louisiana State University
Wikipedia - S.D. Aravinda -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Sean Anders -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Sean Astin -- American actor, director, and producer
Wikipedia - Sean Bridgers -- American actor and director
Wikipedia - Sean Cain -- American film director
Wikipedia - Sean Penn -- American actor, screenwriter, and film director
Wikipedia - Sean Richard Dulake -- American actor and director
Wikipedia - Season Ma -- |Chinese actress and assistant director from Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Sebastian Alarcon -- Chilean film director
Wikipedia - Sebastian Gutierrez -- Venezuelan film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Sebastian Jones (filmmaker) -- American film director, screenwriter and editor
Wikipedia - Sebastian Shaw (actor) -- English actor, director, novelist, playwright, and poet
Wikipedia - Seb Janiak -- French photographer and film director
Wikipedia - Seenu Ramasamy -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Seiji Chiba -- Japanese film director and producer
Wikipedia - SeitarM-EM-^M Kitayama -- Japanese film director
Wikipedia - Seki Sano -- Japanese actor, stage director and choreographer
Wikipedia - Selan -- American musician, singer, songwriter, composer, producer, musical director
Wikipedia - Selina Cartmell -- British theatre director
Wikipedia - Selvaraghavan -- Film director
Wikipedia - Senesh Dissanaike Bandara -- Sri Lankan film director
Wikipedia - Senne Rouffaer -- Flemish actor and film director
Wikipedia - Sepideh Farsi -- Iranian film director
Wikipedia - Seret Scott -- American actor, director and playwright
Wikipedia - Serge Bourguignon -- French film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Sergei Bondarchuk -- Soviet and Russian film director, screenwriter, and actor
Wikipedia - Sergei Parajanov -- Armenian film director
Wikipedia - Sergei Solovyov (film director) -- Soviet and Russian filmmaker
Wikipedia - Sergei Vasilyev -- Soviet film director
Wikipedia - Serge Korber -- French film director
Wikipedia - Serge Koussevitzky -- Russian-born conductor, composer and double-bassist and music director of the Boston Symphony Orchestra (1874-1951)
Wikipedia - Serge Roullet -- French film director
Wikipedia - Sergey Mikaelyan -- Russian film director
Wikipedia - Sergio Arau -- Mexican singer, film director
Wikipedia - Sergio Bizzio -- Argentine writer and director
Wikipedia - Sergio Cabrera (director) -- Colombian film director
Wikipedia - Sergio G. Sanchez -- Spanish film director
Wikipedia - Sergio Leone -- Italian film director, screenwriter and producer
Wikipedia - Sergio Olhovich -- Film director, screenwriter
Wikipedia - Sergio Pablos -- Spanish animator and director
Wikipedia - Sesan (video director) -- Nigerian cinematographer (b. 1983)
Wikipedia - Seth Rogen -- Canadian actor, comedian, writer, producer, and director
Wikipedia - Sethu Eyyal -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Seyfi Havaeri -- Turkish actor, film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Shaad Ali -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Shabtai Shavit -- Director of Mossad 1989-1996
Wikipedia - Shafi Uddin Shafi -- Bangladeshi film director
Wikipedia - Shagufta Rafique -- Bollywood film director
Wikipedia - Shahab Hosseini -- Iranian actor and director
Wikipedia - Shahid Nadeem -- Pakistani writer and director
Wikipedia - Shahin Parhami -- Iranian director
Wikipedia - Shahir Chundra -- South African director, actor and media personality
Wikipedia - Shahriar Bahrani -- Iranian director
Wikipedia - Shaken Aimanov -- Film director
Wikipedia - Shakun Batra -- Indian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Shalini Balasundaram -- Malaysian film director and actress
Wikipedia - Shamsuddin Togor -- Bangladeshi film director
Wikipedia - Shana Feste -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Shanavas K Bavakutty -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Shane Acker -- American animator, film director, screenwriter, and animation teacher
Wikipedia - Shane (actress) -- American former pornographic actress, director, producer
Wikipedia - Shane Black -- American actor, screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Shankar-Ganesh -- Indian music director duo
Wikipedia - Shankar Nag -- Indian actor, director
Wikipedia - Shannen Doherty -- American actress, producer, and television director
Wikipedia - Shannon Flynn (director) -- American television director
Wikipedia - Sharada Ramanathan -- Indian journalist and film director
Wikipedia - Sharon Donnery -- Irish economist and Central Bank director
Wikipedia - Sharon Maguire -- Film director
Wikipedia - Sharon Mazer -- American theatre director and theatre and performance academic in New Zealand
Wikipedia - Sharon Yaish -- Israeli director
Wikipedia - Shashank Khaitan -- Indian film writer, director and producer
Wikipedia - Shaun Sutton -- English television writer, director, producer and executive
Wikipedia - Shawkat Jamil -- Bangladeshi film director
Wikipedia - Shawn Foster -- American director
Wikipedia - Shawn Levy -- Canadian director and producer
Wikipedia - Sheetal Vyas -- American film director
Wikipedia - Shelagh Carter -- Canadian director, producer, screenwriter, actress
Wikipedia - Shelah Richards -- Irish actress, director, producer
Wikipedia - Sheldon Epps -- American television and theatre director
Wikipedia - Shemi Zarhin -- Israeli film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Shen Xiling -- Chinese film director
Wikipedia - Shepard Coleman -- American musical director
Wikipedia - Sheree Folkson -- British film and television director
Wikipedia - Sherif Arafa -- Egyptian director, writer and producer
Wikipedia - Shiboprosad Mukherjee -- Indian film director, writer and actor
Wikipedia - Shigeyoshi Suzuki (film director) -- Japanese film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Shi Hui (actor) -- Chinese actor and film director
Wikipedia - Shimit Amin -- Indian film director and editor
Wikipedia - Shinichi Omata -- Japanese film director
Wikipedia - ShinichirM-EM-^M Watanabe -- Japanese anime director
Wikipedia - Shinichi Watanabe -- Japanese anime director and voice actor
Wikipedia - Shinji Aramaki -- Japanese anime director
Wikipedia - Shinji Higuchi -- Japanese film director
Wikipedia - Shinji SM-EM-^Mmai -- Japanese film director
Wikipedia - Shin Sang-ok -- South Korean film producer and director
Wikipedia - Shinya Kumazaki -- Video game director
Wikipedia - Shirley Barrett -- Australian film director
Wikipedia - ShirM-EM-^M Moritani -- Japanese film director
Wikipedia - Shivaji Lotan Patil -- INdian film director
Wikipedia - Shiva Nirvana -- Indian director
Wikipedia - Shiva Regmi -- Nepalese film director
Wikipedia - Shlomi Elkabetz -- Israeli film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - ShM-EM-^Mhei Imamura -- Japanese film director
Wikipedia - Shoba Chandrasekhar -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Shonali Bose -- Indian film director, writer and film producer
Wikipedia - Shona Tucker -- American actress and director
Wikipedia - Shoojit Sircar -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Shrabani Deodhar -- Indian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Shree Pritam -- Indian music director
Wikipedia - Shri Krishna Chaudhary -- Director general of police
Wikipedia - Shuhaimi Baba -- Malaysian film director
Wikipedia - Shu Kei -- Hong Kong film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Shusuke Kaneko -- Japanese film director
Wikipedia - Shwe Done Bi Aung -- Burmese film director, writer and script-writer
Wikipedia - Shyam Benegal -- Indian director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Siamak Ansari -- Iranian actor and director
Wikipedia - Siamak Shayeghi -- Iranian film director
Wikipedia - Sibi Malayil -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Sid Bennett (director) -- British film and television director, producer, and writer
Wikipedia - Sid Davis -- American film director (1916-2006)
Wikipedia - Siddharth Kak -- Indian film director, TV producer, and presenter
Wikipedia - Siddiq Barmak -- Afghan film director and producer
Wikipedia - Siddique Shameer -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Sidney Franklin (director) -- American director
Wikipedia - Sidney Lumet -- American director, producer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Sidney Miller (actor) -- American actor, director and songwriter
Wikipedia - Sidney Morgan -- English film director
Wikipedia - Sidney Olcott -- Canadian actor and film director
Wikipedia - Sidney Poitier -- American-born Bahamian actor, film director, author, and diplomat
Wikipedia - Sidney Toler -- American actor, playwright and theatre director
Wikipedia - Sidney W. Pink -- American film director and producer
Wikipedia - Siegfried Breuer -- Austrian stage and film actor and occasional film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Siegfried Dessauer -- German actor, film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Siegrid Alnoy -- French director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Sigal Avin -- American-Israeli writer and director
Wikipedia - SIIMA Award for Best Director - Malayalam -- South Indian International Movie Awards
Wikipedia - Silvia Munt -- Spanish actress and film director
Wikipedia - Silvio Amadio -- Italian film director
Wikipedia - Silvio Narizzano -- Canadian film and television director
Wikipedia - Silvio Soldini -- Italian film director
Wikipedia - Simerjit Singh -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Simon Bovey -- British scriptwriter and director
Wikipedia - Simon Callow -- English actor, writer, and theatre director
Wikipedia - Simon Chan (director) -- American music video director
Wikipedia - Simon Curtis (filmmaker) -- British film director and producer
Wikipedia - Simon Fellows -- British film director
Wikipedia - Simon Groom -- British TV presenter, producer and director
Wikipedia - Simon Lyndon -- Australian actor and director
Wikipedia - Simon MacCorkindale -- British actor, director, writer and producer
Wikipedia - Simon McBurney -- English actor, writer and director
Wikipedia - Simon Monjack -- English screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Simon Wincer -- Australian film director
Wikipedia - Sinclair Hill -- British film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Siqi Song -- Chinese director and animator
Wikipedia - Siraj Haider -- Bangladeshi actor and director
Wikipedia - Siraj-ul-Haque -- Pakistani television director
Wikipedia - Sir Robert Fitzwygram, 2nd Baronet -- British politician and a director of the Bank of England
Wikipedia - Sisir Mishra -- Indian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Siva (director) -- Indian director
Wikipedia - Sivaram Mony -- Indian film director and editor
Wikipedia - S. J. Clarkson -- British television director
Wikipedia - Skye Borgman -- American director and cinematographer
Wikipedia - Slavek Horak -- Czech director, actor, and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Slawomir Fabicki -- Polish film director
Wikipedia - Slick Naim -- Algerian-American director, actor and singer
Wikipedia - Sloane U'Ren -- American art director
Wikipedia - Slobodan M-EM- ijan -- Serbian film director
Wikipedia - S. Mahendar -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - SM-CM-)an Doran -- English artistic director
Wikipedia - SM-CM-)bastien Lifshitz -- French film director
Wikipedia - SM-CM-)rgio Ricardo -- Brazilian film director
Wikipedia - S. M. Yusuf -- Pakistani film director, producer
Wikipedia - S. Narayan -- Film director and actor
Wikipedia - SnM-CM-&var Solvi Solvason -- Icelandic film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - S.N. Pradhan -- Director general of police
Wikipedia - Sobhan -- Telugu film director
Wikipedia - Soffi Jikan -- Malaysian actor and director
Wikipedia - Sofia Bohdanowicz -- Canadian film director
Wikipedia - Sofia Coppola -- American screenwriter, director, producer, and former actress
Wikipedia - Sofia Djama -- Algerian film director
Wikipedia - Sohn Won-pyung -- South Korean author and film director
Wikipedia - Soleil Moon Frye -- American actress, director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Solveig Anspach -- Icelandic film director
Wikipedia - Soman Ambaat -- Indian director in Malayalam cinema
Wikipedia - Somapala Rathnayake -- Sri Lankan music director
Wikipedia - Sonja Sohn -- American actress and director
Wikipedia - Sonny Miller -- American film director
Wikipedia - Sonny Parsons -- Filipino actor, singer, director and politician
Wikipedia - Sophia Bush -- American actress, activist, director, and producer
Wikipedia - Sophie Hunter -- British director
Wikipedia - Sophie Hyde -- Australian film producer, writer and director
Wikipedia - Sophie Marceau -- French actress, director, screenwriter and author
Wikipedia - Sophie Muller -- English music video director
Wikipedia - Souheil Ben-Barka -- Moroccan film director
Wikipedia - Soukarya Ghosal -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Soumya Swaminathan (scientist) -- Indian and WHO Deputy Director general
Wikipedia - Southern Africa Litigation Centre v National Director of Public Prosecutions -- South African court case
Wikipedia - Special Security Directorate -- Anti-communist division of the Hellenic Gendarmerie (1929-1944)
Wikipedia - Spencer Crew -- American professor, museum director, curator and writer
Wikipedia - Spencer Gordon Bennet -- Film director and producer
Wikipedia - S. P. Hosimin -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - S. Pierre Yameogo -- BurkinabM-CM-) film director
Wikipedia - Spike Lee -- American film director, film producer, writer, and actor
Wikipedia - Spiritual director
Wikipedia - Spiros Stathoulopoulos -- Greek film director (born 1977)
Wikipedia - Spoils of War (film) -- 2000 film by director David Blaustein
Wikipedia - Spooner/Bonde -- Danish writer/director duo
Wikipedia - Square Grouper: The Godfathers of Ganja -- 2011 film by director Billy Corben
Wikipedia - S. Rajasekar -- Film director, cinematographer and actor
Wikipedia - Srdan Golubovic -- Serbian film director
Wikipedia - Srecko Albini -- Croatian composer and director
Wikipedia - Srijit Mukherji -- Indian actor, director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Srikanth Deva -- Indian music director of Tamil films
Wikipedia - Srinath (actor) -- Indian film director and actor
Wikipedia - Srivinay Salian -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Sriyani Amarasena -- Sri Lankan actress and director
Wikipedia - SrM-DM-^Qan Karanovic -- Serbian film director
Wikipedia - S. Roy Luby -- American film animator, editor and director
Wikipedia - S. R. Prabhakaran -- Indian Tamil film director
Wikipedia - S. S. Rajamouli -- Indian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Stacy Title -- American film director
Wikipedia - Stanislav Strnad -- Czech film director
Wikipedia - Stanislaw RoM-EM- -- Polish film director
Wikipedia - Stan Jolley -- Art director
Wikipedia - Stan Lai -- Taiwanese film director (born 1954)
Wikipedia - Stanley Donen -- American film director and choreographer
Wikipedia - Stanley Kramer -- American film director and producer
Wikipedia - Stanley Tucci -- American actor, writer, film producer and film director
Wikipedia - State Political Directorate
Wikipedia - Stefan Brogren -- Canadian actor, director and producer
Wikipedia - Stefan Eichenberger -- Swiss film director and film producer
Wikipedia - Stefan Faldbakken -- Norwegian film director
Wikipedia - Stefania Casini -- Italian actress and film director
Wikipedia - Stefano Lodovichi -- Italian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Stefano Trespidi -- Italian opera stage director
Wikipedia - Stefon Bristol -- American film director
Wikipedia - Stelios Tatasopoulos -- Greek film director and producer
Wikipedia - Stellan Rye -- Danish film director
Wikipedia - Steno (director) -- Italian film director, screenwriter and cinematographer
Wikipedia - Stephano Barberis -- Canadian music video director
Wikipedia - Stephan Streker -- Belgian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Stephen Barlow (conductor) -- British conductor and opera director (b1954)
Wikipedia - Stephen Barlow (director) -- Australian opera director (b1973)
Wikipedia - Stephen Bradley (film director) -- Irish filmmaker
Wikipedia - Stephen Butcher (director) -- British television director
Wikipedia - Stephen Frears -- British film director and producer
Wikipedia - Stephen Gyllenhaal -- American film director
Wikipedia - Stephen Kay -- American actor, director and writer of film and television
Wikipedia - Stephen Merchant -- English writer, director, and actor
Wikipedia - Stephen Roberts (director) -- American film director
Wikipedia - Stephen Weeks -- A British film director, writer and producer
Wikipedia - Stephen Williams (director) -- Canadian film director
Wikipedia - Steve Antin -- American actor, stuntman and director
Wikipedia - Steve Bach (musician) -- American accordionist and musical director
Wikipedia - Steve Balderson -- American film director
Wikipedia - Steve Barron -- Film director, film producer, music video director
Wikipedia - Steve Beck (director) -- American commercial and film director
Wikipedia - Steve Buscemi -- American actor, director, writer and producer
Wikipedia - Steve Drake -- American former pornographic actor and film director (born 1954)
Wikipedia - Steve Franks -- American television director, producer and writer
Wikipedia - Steve Guttenberg -- American actor, author, businessman, producer, and director
Wikipedia - Steve Jacobs -- Australian film director
Wikipedia - Steve James (film producer) -- American film producer and documentary film director
Wikipedia - Steve McQueen (director) -- British film director and video artist
Wikipedia - Steven A. Hill -- Director of Research at Research England
Wikipedia - Steven Caple Jr. -- American film director, producer, and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Steven C. Miller -- American film director, screenwriter and film editor
Wikipedia - Steven Cutts -- American actor, writer, and director
Wikipedia - Steven DePaul -- American television director and producer
Wikipedia - Steven Dietz -- American playwright and theatre director
Wikipedia - Steven E. Gordon -- Animator, film director
Wikipedia - Steven Paul -- American film producer, screenwriter, director, and actor
Wikipedia - Steven R. Monroe -- American movie director
Wikipedia - Steven Spielberg -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Steven St. Croix -- American pornographic film director and actor (born 1968)
Wikipedia - Steven Thomas Fischer -- American film director and producer
Wikipedia - Steven Zaillian -- American screenwriter, director, film editor, and producer
Wikipedia - Steve Oedekerk -- American comedian, director, editor, producer, screenwriter and actor
Wikipedia - Steve Rash -- American film director and producer
Wikipedia - Steve Slaton (DJ) -- American disc jockey and music director
Wikipedia - Steve Suissa -- French film director
Wikipedia - Steve Yeager (filmmaker) -- American film director
Wikipedia - Stewart Hendler -- American film director
Wikipedia - Stewart Nicholls -- British Theatre Director and Choreographer
Wikipedia - Stig Bjorkman -- Swedish film director
Wikipedia - Stijn Coninx -- Belgian film director
Wikipedia - Stormy Daniels -- American pornographic actress and director
Wikipedia - Stuart Baird -- British film director, film producer and film editor
Wikipedia - Stuart Beattie -- Australian screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Stuart B. Munsch -- Joint Staff Director for Joint Force Development
Wikipedia - Stuart Gillard -- Actor, director, producer
Wikipedia - Stuart Gordon -- American film and theatre director and writer
Wikipedia - Stuart Heisler -- Film director
Wikipedia - Subash Gajurel -- Nepalese film director
Wikipedia - Subdirectory
Wikipedia - Subhankar Chattopadhyay -- Indian director and producer
Wikipedia - Subhash Ghai -- Indian film director, producer, and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Subodh Bhave -- Indian actor, writer, producer, and director
Wikipedia - Subrata Sen -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Sudath Rohana -- Sri Lankan director
Wikipedia - Sudha Kongara -- Indian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Sudheesh Sankar -- Indian film director who has directed Malayalam and Tamil language films
Wikipedia - Sudhi Anna -- Indian film director and painter
Wikipedia - Sue Brooks -- Australian film director
Wikipedia - Sue Clayton -- Film director, professor and activist
Wikipedia - Sue Davies -- British gallery director
Wikipedia - Sue James -- Member of Yahoo board of directors
Wikipedia - Sugathapala Senarath Yapa -- Sri Lankan lyricist and director
Wikipedia - Suhaib Gasmelbari -- Sudanese director and cinematographer
Wikipedia - Suhan Prasad -- Indian film producer and director
Wikipedia - Suhasini Maniratnam -- Indian film actor and director
Wikipedia - Sujeeth -- Indian Film Director
Wikipedia - Sujit Mondal -- Indian Bengalis cinema film director
Wikipedia - Sujoy Ghosh -- Indian film director (born 1966)
Wikipedia - Sukh Sanghera -- Canadian film and music video director
Wikipedia - Suman Ghosh (director) -- Bengali director
Wikipedia - Suman Haripriya -- Indian film director, producer and politician
Wikipedia - Sundar Das -- Indian film director in Malayalam movies
Wikipedia - Sundar Krishna Urs -- Indian film actor, producer, and director
Wikipedia - Suneil Anand -- Indian film actor and director
Wikipedia - Sunil Costa -- Sri Lankan Director
Wikipedia - Sunil Dutt -- Indian film actor, producer, director and politician
Wikipedia - Sunil Manchanda -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Sun Java System Directory Server
Wikipedia - Sun Yu (director)
Wikipedia - Superfly (2018 film) -- 2018 US action crime drama film by Director X
Wikipedia - Supriya Sahu -- Indian Administrative Service, Director General, Doordarshan, Prasar Bharati
Wikipedia - Surender Reddy -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Suresh Poduval -- Indian director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Surya Kiran (director) -- Indian director
Wikipedia - Susana de Sousa Dias -- Portuguese director
Wikipedia - Susannah Doyle -- English actress, playwright and film director
Wikipedia - Susannah Waters -- British writer and director
Wikipedia - Susanna Salonen -- Finnish-German film director
Wikipedia - Susan Seidelman -- American film director, producer and writer
Wikipedia - Susan Tully -- English television producer, director and actress
Wikipedia - Susie Singer Carter -- American film director and actress
Wikipedia - Suttirat Anne Larlarb -- American costume designer, art director, and production designer
Wikipedia - Suvendu Raj Ghosh -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Suzad Iqbal Khan -- Indian writer and film director
Wikipedia - Suzana Amaral -- Brazilian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Suzanne Deal Booth -- American art director, collector, philanthropist, and winemaker
Wikipedia - Suzanne Osten -- Swedish film director
Wikipedia - Suzanne Wasserman -- American film director, historian and writer
Wikipedia - Sven Helbig -- German composer, director, and music producer
Wikipedia - Svetlana Zylin -- Belgian-born Canadian theatre director and playwright
Wikipedia - Swagat Thorat -- Indian wildlife photographer, playwright, painter, editor, and director
Wikipedia - Swaroop Kanchi -- Indian film producer and director
Wikipedia - Syafiq Yusof -- Malaysian actor, director, screenwriter and filmmaker
Wikipedia - Syamsul Yusof -- Malaysian Film director, actor and singer
Wikipedia - Sydney Cockerell -- English curator, collector and museum director
Wikipedia - Sydney Freeland -- American film director
Wikipedia - Sydney Lotterby -- British television director
Wikipedia - Sydney Pollack -- American film director, producer and actor
Wikipedia - Sydney Sibilia -- Italian film director
Wikipedia - Syed Ali Raza Usama -- TV, film,commercial & music director
Wikipedia - Syed Nabeel -- Pakistani actor/director
Wikipedia - Syllas Tzoumerkas -- Greek film director, screenwriter, actor
Wikipedia - Sylvain White -- French film director
Wikipedia - Sylvester Stallone -- American actor, screenwriter, and film director
Wikipedia - Sylvestre Amoussou -- Beninese actor turned film director
Wikipedia - Tadao Nagahama -- Japanese anime director
Wikipedia - Tade Ogidan -- Nigerian film director
Wikipedia - Tad Schnugg -- American Executive Director
Wikipedia - Tagore Almeida -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Tahar Cheriaa -- Tunisian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Taher Ali Baig -- Indian Director
Wikipedia - Tahir Hamut Izgil -- Uyghur poet and film director
Wikipedia - Tahir Hussain -- Indian actor and director
Wikipedia - Taika Waititi -- New Zealand film director, producer, screenwriter, actor and comedian
Wikipedia - Takao Okawara -- Film writer, director and producer
Wikipedia - Takeo Kimura -- Japanese film director
Wikipedia - Takeshi Furusawa -- Japanese film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Takeshi Kitano -- Japanese film director, comedian, singer, actor, film editor, presenter, screenwriter, author, poet, painter and video game designer
Wikipedia - Takis Kanellopoulos -- Greek film director
Wikipedia - Tal Shefi -- Israeli film editor, director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Tamas FejM-CM-)r -- Hungarian film director
Wikipedia - Tamas RM-CM-)nyi -- Hungarian film director
Wikipedia - Tamaz Meliava -- Georgian film director
Wikipedia - Tamij Uddin Rizvi -- Bangladeshi film director
Wikipedia - Tammareddy Bharadwaja -- Indian film producer and director
Wikipedia - Tang Xiaodan -- Chinese film director
Wikipedia - Tanja Lange -- Scientific director of the Eindhoven Institute for the Protection of Systems and Information
Wikipedia - Tannishtha Chatterjee -- Indian film actress and director
Wikipedia - Tanuja Chandra -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Tanya Wexler -- American film director
Wikipedia - Tapan Sinha -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Tarek Alarian -- Palestinian-Egyptian film director
Wikipedia - Tarik Saleh -- Swedish film director
Wikipedia - Tarnvir Singh Jagpal -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Tarsem Antil -- Producer/director from India
Wikipedia - Tarsem Singh -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Taru MM-CM-$kelM-CM-$ -- Finnish film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Tarun Mansukhani -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Tate Taylor -- American actor, screenwriter, film producer and director
Wikipedia - Tatiana von Furstenberg -- American singer-songwriter, actress, philanthropist, film writer, director and producer
Wikipedia - Tatsuya Egawa -- Japanese manga artist and film director
Wikipedia - Tatyana Pavlova -- Russian theatre director
Wikipedia - Tawnia McKiernan -- American television director
Wikipedia - Taylor Sheridan -- American screenwriter and director
Wikipedia - Tea Alagic -- American stage director
Wikipedia - Technical director
Wikipedia - Ted Bessell -- Actor, television director
Wikipedia - Ted Braun -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Ted Demme -- Director, producer, actor
Wikipedia - Ted Robinson (TV director) -- Australian television director
Wikipedia - Tedros Adhanom -- Director-General of the World Health Organization, former Minister in Ethiopia
Wikipedia - Ted Smith (art director) -- American art director
Wikipedia - Ted Wilde -- American film director, screenwriter
Wikipedia - Teguh Karya -- Indonesian film director
Wikipedia - Teinosuke Kinugasa -- Japanese film director
Wikipedia - Telephone directory -- Book that lists phone numbers of people and businesses
Wikipedia - Tennyson Cooray -- Sri Lankan comedian and director
Wikipedia - Terence Fisher -- British film director and film editor
Wikipedia - Terence Hill -- Italian actor, film director, screenwriter and film producer
Wikipedia - Teresa Kotlarczyk -- Polish film director
Wikipedia - Tereza Nvotova -- Slovak actress and director
Wikipedia - Terje Dragseth -- Norwegian poet, author and film director
Wikipedia - Terje MM-CM-&rli -- Norwegian theatre directors
Wikipedia - Terrence Malick -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Terrence Mann -- American actor, director, musician and dancer
Wikipedia - Terrence O'Hara -- American actor and director
Wikipedia - Terri Doty -- American voice actress, voice director, and writer
Wikipedia - Terry Gilliam -- British screenwriter, film director, animator, and actor
Wikipedia - Terry Hands -- English theatre director
Wikipedia - Terry Jones -- Welsh actor, writer, comedian, screenwriter, film director and historian
Wikipedia - Terry Klassen -- Canadian voice actor and director
Wikipedia - Terry Sanders -- American film director
Wikipedia - Teruyoshi Nakano -- Japanese special effects director
Wikipedia - Tessa Schram -- Dutch actress and director
Wikipedia - Tetsuji Takechi -- Japanese theatrical and film director, critic and author
Wikipedia - Tetsuya Takehora -- Japanese film director
Wikipedia - Tevfik BaM-EM-^_er -- Turkish-German film director
Wikipedia - Tex Avery -- American animator, cartoonist, voice actor and director
Wikipedia - TeX Directory Structure
Wikipedia - Teyana Taylor -- American singer-songwriter, actress, dancer, model, and director from New York
Wikipedia - Thaddeus Strassberger -- American opera director
Wikipedia - T. Hayes Hunter -- American film director
Wikipedia - Theatre director
Wikipedia - The Brothers Chaps -- American writers, voice actors, directors, producers, and composers
Wikipedia - The Complete Directory to Prime Time Network and Cable TV Shows 1946-Present -- Book by Tim Brooks and Earle Marsh
Wikipedia - The Director General -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - The Director's Cut (radio show) -- Radio show
Wikipedia - The Duffer Brothers -- American film and television writers, directors, and producers
Wikipedia - The Malloys -- Music video directors
Wikipedia - Themba Ndaba -- South African actor and director
Wikipedia - The Naked Director -- Japanese television series
Wikipedia - Theo Angelopoulos -- Greek film director, screenwriter and film producer
Wikipedia - Theo Anthony -- American film director
Wikipedia - Theo Avgerinos -- American film director
Wikipedia - Theodore Reed -- Film director
Wikipedia - Theodore Thomas (filmmaker) -- American film director and producer
Wikipedia - Theodore Wharton -- American film director
Wikipedia - Theodoros Bafaloukos -- Greek director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Theo Frenkel -- Dutch film director
Wikipedia - Thevalakkara Chellappan -- Indian screenwriter and director
Wikipedia - The Wedding Director -- 2006 film
Wikipedia - The Who at Kilburn: 1977 -- 2008 film by various directors
Wikipedia - Thirumurugan (director) -- Indian film and television director
Wikipedia - ThM-CM-)rese Elfforss -- Swedish actress and theatre director
Wikipedia - ThM-CM-)rese Sita-Bella -- Cameroonian film director
Wikipedia - Thomas Arslan -- German-Turkish film director
Wikipedia - Thomas Bentley -- British film director
Wikipedia - Thomas Bezucha -- American screenwriter and director
Wikipedia - Thomas Cailley -- French screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Thomas Fantl -- German film director
Wikipedia - Thomas Haden Church -- American actor, director, and writer
Wikipedia - Thomas Harlan -- German film director and writer
Wikipedia - Thomas Homan -- Former acting director of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)
Wikipedia - Thomas John Barnardo -- Philanthropist, founder and director of homes for poor children
Wikipedia - Thomas J. Wright -- American television director
Wikipedia - Thomas Kail -- American musician and theatre director
Wikipedia - Thomas Mitscherlich -- German film director
Wikipedia - Thomas R. Karl -- former director of the NOAA
Wikipedia - Thomas Smolej -- Austrian actor and director
Wikipedia - Thomas Vincent (director) -- French film director
Wikipedia - Thomas Vinterberg -- Danish film director
Wikipedia - Thor Freudenthal -- German film director, screenwriter
Wikipedia - Thornton Freeland -- American film director
Wikipedia - Thorsten Flinck -- Swedish actor, director, and musician
Wikipedia - Thota Tharani -- Indian art director and production designer
Wikipedia - Thunder Levin -- American screenwriter and director
Wikipedia - Tidiane Aw -- Senegalese film actor and director
Wikipedia - Tigran Arakelyan -- Conductor and music director (b. 1987)
Wikipedia - Till Winfried BM-CM-$rnighausen -- Researcher, professor and institute director
Wikipedia - Tim Blake Nelson -- American director, writer and actor
Wikipedia - Tim Burton -- American film director, producer, writer, and artist
Wikipedia - Tim Daly -- American actor, director and producer
Wikipedia - Tim Fehlbaum -- Swiss film director
Wikipedia - Tim Fywell -- British film and television director
Wikipedia - Tim Haines -- British television director and producer
Wikipedia - Tim Heidecker -- American actor, director, producer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Tim Kelleher (actor) -- American writer, actor and director
Wikipedia - Tim Minear -- American screenwriter and director
Wikipedia - Timo Rose -- German film director and musician
Wikipedia - Timothy Bjorklund -- American artist, story writer, art director, and director of animated film and television
Wikipedia - Timothy Bond -- Canadian director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Timothy Busfield -- American actor and director
Wikipedia - Timothy Creamer -- NASA flight director, retired astronaut and a colonel in the United States Army
Wikipedia - Timothy Hutton -- American actor and director
Wikipedia - Timo Tjahjanto -- Indonesian film director, screenwriter and producer
Wikipedia - Timo Vuorensola -- Finnish actor and film director
Wikipedia - Tim Pope -- Music videos director
Wikipedia - Tim Reid -- American actor and film director
Wikipedia - Tim Robbins -- American actor, screenwriter, director, producer, activist and musician
Wikipedia - Tim Royes -- American music video director
Wikipedia - Tim Russ -- American actor and film director
Wikipedia - Tim Story -- American film director, writer, and producer
Wikipedia - Tim Sullivan (British filmmaker) -- British film and television director
Wikipedia - Tim Tremlett -- English cricketer and cricket director
Wikipedia - Tim Whitby -- British screenwriter, television producer and director
Wikipedia - Tina Gharavi -- Film director, screenwriter, producer
Wikipedia - Tino Schirinzi -- Italian actor and stage director
Wikipedia - Tinto Brass -- Italian film director
Wikipedia - Tinu Suresh Desai -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Tito Davison -- Mexican film director
Wikipedia - Tizza Covi -- Italian screenwriter and director
Wikipedia - T. J. Scott -- Director, stunt performer and actor
Wikipedia - TK McKamy -- American music and commercial video director
Wikipedia - T. M. Abraham -- Indian theatre director and playwright
Wikipedia - T. M. Jobaer -- Director General of National Security Intelligence of Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Tobias Kratzer -- German stage director
Wikipedia - Tobias Weber -- Swiss film director
Wikipedia - Toby Orenstein -- American theatrical director, producer, and educator
Wikipedia - Tod Browning -- American film director
Wikipedia - Todd Howard -- American video game designer, director, and producer
Wikipedia - Todd Phillips -- American director, producer, screenwriter, and actor
Wikipedia - Todd Wilson (director) -- American film director
Wikipedia - Todor Stoyanov -- Bulgarian film director
Wikipedia - Togo Mizrahi -- Egyptian film director
Wikipedia - TokuzM-EM-^M Tanaka -- Japanese writer and director
Wikipedia - Tokyo Sports Film Award for Best Director -- Cinema award in Japan
Wikipedia - Tom Abrams -- American screenwriter and director
Wikipedia - Tomas Alfredson -- Swedish film director
Wikipedia - Tomas Pico -- Spanish actor and theater director
Wikipedia - Tomasz Konecki -- Polish film director
Wikipedia - Tomasz Wasilewski -- Polish film director
Wikipedia - Tomasz Zygadlo -- Polish film director
Wikipedia - Tom Bowen (athletic director) -- American sports executive
Wikipedia - Tom Brady (film director) -- American writer, film director, and producer
Wikipedia - Tom Braidwood -- Canadian actor and director
Wikipedia - Tom Buckingham -- American film director
Wikipedia - Tom Cherones -- American television director and producer
Wikipedia - Tom Cowan (director) -- Australian filmmaker
Wikipedia - Tom Donahue (filmmaker) -- American film director and producer
Wikipedia - Tom Fleming (actor) -- Scottish actor, director, poet and television and radio commentator
Wikipedia - Tom Gibson -- American film director
Wikipedia - Tom Gleisner -- Australian actor and director
Wikipedia - Tom Graeff -- American actor and film director
Wikipedia - Tom Hooper -- British film director
Wikipedia - Tom Kingsley -- British film director
Wikipedia - Tom Kuntz -- American director and filmmaker
Wikipedia - Tom Mankiewicz -- American writer, producer and director
Wikipedia - Tommaso Puccini -- Italian gallery director
Wikipedia - Tom McGrath (animator) -- American voice actor, animator and film director
Wikipedia - Tomm Moore -- Irish film director
Wikipedia - Tom Moore (actor) -- Irish-American actor and film director
Wikipedia - Tommy Atkins (director) -- American film director
Wikipedia - Tommy Avallone -- American actor, director, and producer
Wikipedia - Tommy Lee Jones -- American actor and film director
Wikipedia - Tommy McClelland -- American athletic director
Wikipedia - Tom Payne (director) -- Brazilian film director
Wikipedia - Tom Savini -- American actor, stuntman, director and makeup artist
Wikipedia - Tom Tataranowicz -- American television director
Wikipedia - Tom Welling -- American actor, director, and model
Wikipedia - Tonia Marketaki -- Greek film director
Wikipedia - Toni Myers -- Canadian director and filmmaker
Wikipedia - Tonje Hessen Schei -- Norwegian director and producer
Wikipedia - Tony A. Da Wizard -- DJ, producer, and director (b. 1968)
Wikipedia - Tonya Hurley -- American writer and director in film, television, live performance, interactive media
Wikipedia - Tony Ayres -- Australian film director
Wikipedia - Tony Bancroft -- American animator and film director
Wikipedia - Tony Bill -- American actor, producer, and director
Wikipedia - Tony Charmoli -- American actor and director
Wikipedia - Tony Dalton -- American actor and director
Wikipedia - Tony Dow (director) -- British television director
Wikipedia - Tony Dow -- American actor, film director and film producer
Wikipedia - Tony Gilroy -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Tony Goldwyn -- American actor and director
Wikipedia - Tony Inglis -- Art director
Wikipedia - Tony Leondis -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Tony Montana (filmmaker) -- American professional wrestling manager, actor and film director
Wikipedia - Tony Palmer -- English film director and author
Wikipedia - Tony Scott -- British film director and producer
Wikipedia - Tony Singletary -- American television director
Wikipedia - Tony Taccone -- American theatre director
Wikipedia - Tony Zosherafatain -- Film director
Wikipedia - Tope Oshin -- Nigerian television and film director, producer and casting director
Wikipedia - Toralf Sando -- Norwegian film director and actor
Wikipedia - Toshio Masuda (director) -- Japanese film director
Wikipedia - Tran Anh Hung -- Vietnamese-born French film director
Wikipedia - Travers Vale -- Englisht film director
Wikipedia - Trent O'Donnell -- Australian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Trevor Nunn -- British theatre, film and television director
Wikipedia - Trevor White (journalist) -- Irish food critic, publisher, writer and museum director
Wikipedia - Trey Fanjoy -- American music video director
Wikipedia - Trey Parker -- American actor, animator, writer, producer, director, and composer
Wikipedia - Tristan Dyer -- American film director
Wikipedia - T. R. Mobley -- American college athletic coach and athletic director
Wikipedia - Troy Duffy -- American film director
Wikipedia - T. R. Ramanna -- Indian director
Wikipedia - Trudy Bellinger -- British music video director
Wikipedia - Trudy Hellier -- Australian film director
Wikipedia - T. S. B. K. Moulee -- Indian film director and actor
Wikipedia - Tsering Rhitar Sherpa -- Nepalese film director
Wikipedia - T. S. Suresh Babu -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Tsui Hark -- Hong Kong film director
Wikipedia - Tulsi Ghimire -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Tunc BaM-EM-^_aran -- Turkish actor and director
Wikipedia - Ture Junttu -- Finnish actor and director
Wikipedia - Tushar Tyagi -- Indian film director (born 1989)
Wikipedia - Ty Hodges -- American actor and director
Wikipedia - Tyler Gillett -- American film director and cinematographer
Wikipedia - Tyler, the Creator -- American rapper, record producer, fashion designer, and director from California
Wikipedia - Tyrone Guthrie -- English actor and director
Wikipedia - Ubaldo Maria Del Colle -- Italian actor and film director
Wikipedia - Uche Jombo -- Nigerian actor and film director
Wikipedia - Uganda Film Festival Award for Best Director -- Category of film award
Wikipedia - Ugo Gregoretti -- Italian film director
Wikipedia - Uisenma Borchu -- Mongolian-German film director
Wikipedia - Ulduz Rafili-Aliyeva -- Azerbaijani and Soviet theater director
Wikipedia - Uli Edel -- German film and television director
Wikipedia - Ulrik Imtiaz Rolfsen -- Norwegian film director
Wikipedia - Ulrik Torsslow -- Swedish actor and director
Wikipedia - Ulu Grosbard -- Theatre & film director
Wikipedia - Umberto Carteni -- Italian film director
Wikipedia - UM-DM-^_ur Yucel -- Turkish actor and film director
Wikipedia - Unit 29155 -- Unit of the Russian Main Intelligence Directorate
Wikipedia - Unjoo Moon -- Australian film director
Wikipedia - Upendra Madhav -- Indian film screenwriter & director
Wikipedia - Upendra Trivedi -- Indian film and stage actor, director and politician
Wikipedia - Uri Barbash -- Israeli film director
Wikipedia - Urie McCleary -- American art director
Wikipedia - Urs Egger -- Swiss film and television director.
Wikipedia - Ursula Burton -- American actor, director and producer
Wikipedia - Urszula Antoniak -- Polish-Dutch film director
Wikipedia - Usha Ganguly -- Indian theatre director, actress, and activist
Wikipedia - Usman Mukhtar -- Pakistani actor and director (b. 1985)
Wikipedia - Usmar Ismail -- Indonesian film director
Wikipedia - Utpal Dutt -- Indian actor, director and writer-playwright
Wikipedia - Uttam Kumar -- Indian actor, director and producer
Wikipedia - Uwe Kreyssig -- German opera singer and director
Wikipedia - Vaclav Binovec -- Czech actor, director and scriptwriter
Wikipedia - Vaclav KrM-EM-!ka -- Czech film director
Wikipedia - Vaclav Marhoul -- Czech film director, screenwriter, actor
Wikipedia - Valdemar Moller -- Danish actor and film director
Wikipedia - Valeria Bruni Tedeschi -- Italian-French actress, screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Valeria Golino -- Italian model, actress and film director
Wikipedia - Valerie Curtis-Newton -- Artistic director
Wikipedia - Valerio Festi -- Italian artistic director and producer
Wikipedia - Valery Fokin -- Russian theatrical director and writer
Wikipedia - Valeska Grisebach -- German film director
Wikipedia - Val Guest -- English actor and director
Wikipedia - ValM-CM-)rie Donzelli -- French actress, film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - ValM-CM-)rie Guignabodet -- French film director
Wikipedia - Vamsy -- Indian film director (born 1956)
Wikipedia - Van Dyke Brooke -- American actor, screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Vanessa Baden -- American actress, writer, director, and producer
Wikipedia - Vanessa Hill -- Director and filmmaker
Wikipedia - Vanessa Schulz -- (b.1969) South African born filmmaker, director, producer, writer, editor, photographer, political activist
Wikipedia - Vanness Wu -- Taiwanese actor, model, singer, director, and producer
Wikipedia - Van Nest Polglase -- Art director
Wikipedia - Vanni Corbellini -- Italian actor and director
Wikipedia - Varda Bar-Kar -- Director, writer, and producer in California
Wikipedia - Varis Brasla -- Latvian film director
Wikipedia - Vasil Mirchev -- Bulgarian film director
Wikipedia - Vasily Barkhatov -- Russian stage director
Wikipedia - Vasily Goncharov -- Russian film director & screenwriter
Wikipedia - Vatroslav Mimica -- Croatian film director
Wikipedia - V. Azhagappan -- Indian film director and scriptwriter
Wikipedia - V C Abhilash -- Indian film director and actor
Wikipedia - Veerabhadram Chowdary -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Veit Harlan -- German film director and actor
Wikipedia - Venita Coelho -- Indian writer, director and artist
Wikipedia - Venkatesh Maha -- Indian director
Wikipedia - Venky Atluri -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Venky Kudumula -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Vera Neubauer -- Czech film director, editor and animator
Wikipedia - Vera Stroyeva -- Soviet film director
Wikipedia - Vern Gillum -- American television director
Wikipedia - Veronica Quarshie -- Ghanaian director and producer
Wikipedia - Vi Anand -- Film director
Wikipedia - Viatcheslav Kopturevskiy -- Screenwriter, producer and director
Wikipedia - Vicente Escriva -- Spanish film director
Wikipedia - Vicky von der Lancken -- Swedish theater director
Wikipedia - Vic Sarin -- Canadian film director
Wikipedia - Victor Adamson -- American director, actor and writer
Wikipedia - Victor Adebodun -- British director and producer
Wikipedia - Victor AndrM-CM-)s Catena -- Spanish screenwriter and director
Wikipedia - Victor Antonescu (director) -- Romanian animation film director
Wikipedia - Victor Buhler -- American television and film director
Wikipedia - Victor Cook -- American television director, writer, and producer
Wikipedia - Victor Fleming -- American film director, cinematographer, and producer
Wikipedia - Victor French -- American actor and director
Wikipedia - Victor Gonzalez (director) -- American television director
Wikipedia - Victor Halperin -- American film director
Wikipedia - Victor Heerman -- American screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Victoria Collado -- Cuban-American director
Wikipedia - Victor Jara -- Chilean teacher, theatre director, poet, singer-songwriter, and political activist
Wikipedia - Victor Mapes -- American playwright and director
Wikipedia - Victor M. Gover -- British film director
Wikipedia - Victor Saville -- English film director
Wikipedia - Victor Schertzinger -- American composer, film director, film producer, and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Victor Sjostrom -- Swedish film director, screenwriter and actor
Wikipedia - Victor Spinetti -- Welsh actor and theatre director
Wikipedia - Victor Swenson -- Founding Director of the Vermont Humanities Council
Wikipedia - Victor Vicas -- French film director
Wikipedia - Video game creative director
Wikipedia - Vidhu Vinod Chopra -- Indian film director and producer
Wikipedia - Vidi Bilu -- Israeli film director
Wikipedia - Vignesh Shivan -- Indian film director, actor, and lyricist
Wikipedia - Vijay Anand (filmmaker) -- Film director, actor
Wikipedia - Vijay Bose -- Indian theatre director and actor
Wikipedia - Vijay (director) -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Viji Thampi -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Vijith Nambiar -- Indian film director, playback singer, actor and producer, who works in Malayalam and Tamil cinema
Wikipedia - Vikas Gupta -- Indian television producer, creative director, screenwriter and host
Wikipedia - Vikram Bhatt -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Viktor Alfyorov -- Russian theatre director
Wikipedia - Viktor Aristov (director) -- Soviet film director
Wikipedia - Vilgot Sjoman -- Swedish writer and film director
Wikipedia - Villi Hermann -- Swiss film director
Wikipedia - Vinayan -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Vinay Sapru -- Indian film director and producer
Wikipedia - Vince Gilligan -- American writer, producer, and director
Wikipedia - Vincent Biron -- Canadian film director
Wikipedia - Vincent Boussard -- French opera and theatre director
Wikipedia - Vincent Cartwright Vickers -- 19th-century banker, economist, Director and children's book writer
Wikipedia - Vincent Diderot -- French film director
Wikipedia - Vincent Dieutre -- French film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Vincent D'Onofrio -- American actor, producer, and director
Wikipedia - Vincente Minnelli -- American stage and film director
Wikipedia - Vincent Gallo -- American film director, writer, model, actor and musician
Wikipedia - Vincent J. Donehue -- American film director
Wikipedia - Vincent Korda -- Art director
Wikipedia - Vincent Lambe -- Irish film director, screenwriter and producer
Wikipedia - Vincent Misiano -- American television director
Wikipedia - Vincent Paterson -- American director and choreographer
Wikipedia - Vince Offer -- Israeli-American infomercial pitchman, director, writer, and comedian
Wikipedia - Vinci Vogue AnM-EM->lovar -- Slovenian film director
Wikipedia - Vineeth Sreenivasan -- Indian actor, producer, director, scriptwriter and singer
Wikipedia - Vineet Verma -- Indian film director, screenwriter and animator
Wikipedia - Vinko BreM-EM-!an -- Croatian film director
Wikipedia - Vin Moore -- American film director
Wikipedia - Vinod Khanna -- Indian film actor, director, and politician
Wikipedia - Virgil Calotescu -- Romanian film director
Wikipedia - Virginia Grise -- American playwright and director
Wikipedia - Vishal Bhardwaj -- Indian film director, screenwriter and composer
Wikipedia - Vishal Mishra (director) -- Indian filmmaker
Wikipedia - Vishnuvardhan (director) -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Viswanathan-Ramamoorthy -- Indian music director duo
Wikipedia - Vitali Kanevsky -- Soviet film director
Wikipedia - Vito Zagarrio -- Italian film director
Wikipedia - Vittorio Cottafavi -- Italian film director
Wikipedia - Vittorio De Sica -- Italian film director
Wikipedia - Vittorio Gassman -- Italian actor and director
Wikipedia - Vivek Agnihotri -- Indian director, screenwriter and author
Wikipedia - Vivek Kajaria -- Indian film producer and director
Wikipedia - Vivek Tiwary -- American theatre director
Wikipedia - Vladan SlijepM-DM-^Mevic -- Serbian film director
Wikipedia - Vladimir Andreyev (actor) -- Russian actor and theatre director
Wikipedia - Vladimir Cech (director) -- Czech film director
Wikipedia - Vladimir Doveyko Jr. -- Rissian circus artist ans director (born 1951)
Wikipedia - Vladimir Lert -- Film director & screenwriter (born 1979)
Wikipedia - Vladimir Oravsky -- Swedish writer and film director
Wikipedia - Vladimir SlavinskM-CM-= -- Czech film director
Wikipedia - Vladimir Vengerov -- Soviet film director
Wikipedia - VM-DM-^[ra Chytilova -- Czech director, professor and university educator
Wikipedia - V. Nagaraj -- Malaysian film director
Wikipedia - VojtM-DM-^[ch JasnM-CM-= -- Czech film director
Wikipedia - Volfango De Biasi -- Italian director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Volker Schlondorff -- German film director, screenwriter and film producer
Wikipedia - Volker Vogeler -- German film director
Wikipedia - Volodymyr Zelensky -- 6th President of Ukraine since 2019, actor, director and film producer
Wikipedia - V. Samudra -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Vsevolod Meyerhold -- Russian theatre director (1874-1940)
Wikipedia - V. Shantaram -- Indian film director, producer, and actor
Wikipedia - Wade Robson -- choreographer, creative director, and songwriter
Wikipedia - Wajdi Mouawad -- Lebanese-Caadian actor, author and director (bornv1968)
Wikipedia - Wajed Ali Sumon -- Bangladeshi film director
Wikipedia - Walerian Borowczyk -- Polish film director
Wikipedia - Wallace Fox -- American film director
Wikipedia - Walt Becker -- American film director, writer and actor
Wikipedia - Walter Bobbie -- American theatre director and choreographer
Wikipedia - Walter Bockmayer -- German film director
Wikipedia - Walter C. Miller -- Television producer and director
Wikipedia - Walter Edwards (director) -- American director, screenwriter and actor
Wikipedia - Walter Grauman -- American theatre and film director
Wikipedia - Walter Holscher -- American art director
Wikipedia - Walter H. Tyler -- American art director
Wikipedia - Walter Kolm-VeltM-CM-)e -- Austrian film director
Wikipedia - Walter Lang -- American film director
Wikipedia - Walter Lima Jr. -- Brazilian film director
Wikipedia - Walter M. Simonds -- American art director
Wikipedia - Walter Ruttmann -- German film director and cinematographer
Wikipedia - Walter Santesso -- Italian actor and director
Wikipedia - Walter West (director) -- British film director
Wikipedia - Wang Yin (actor) -- Chinese actor and director from Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Waqar Zaka -- Pakistani television host, editor, actor, VJ, concept writer, director, producer
Wikipedia - Warren Beatty -- American actor, producer, screenwriter and director
Wikipedia - Warren Carlyle -- British director and choreographer
Wikipedia - Warren Fu -- American director
Wikipedia - Warren Miller (director) -- American film director
Wikipedia - Warwick Davis -- English actor, television presenter, writer, director, comedian, and producer
Wikipedia - Wash Westmoreland -- American film director
Wikipedia - Wayne Cilento -- American director and choreographer
Wikipedia - Wayne Isham -- American director
Wikipedia - Wayne Wang -- Hong Kong-born American film director
Wikipedia - Wayne White (artist) -- American art director, painter, printmaker
Wikipedia - Web directories
Wikipedia - Web directory
Wikipedia - Wendy Tilby and Amanda Forbis -- Canadian film director
Wikipedia - Wenn V. Deramas -- Filipino director and scriptwriter
Wikipedia - Wen Xingyu -- Chinese comedian and director
Wikipedia - Werner Duggelin -- Swiss theatre director
Wikipedia - Werner Herzog -- German film director, producer, screenwriter, actor and opera director
Wikipedia - Werner Klingler -- German film director
Wikipedia - Werner Nekes -- German film director
Wikipedia - Werner Schneyder -- Austrian caberet performer, writer, actor, stage director, television presenter
Wikipedia - Werner Schunemann -- Brazilian actor and film director
Wikipedia - Werner W. Wallroth -- German film director
Wikipedia - Wes Archer -- American television animation director
Wikipedia - Wes Ball -- American film director, visual effects artist and graphic artist
Wikipedia - Wes Edwards -- American music video and commercial director
Wikipedia - Wesley Enoch -- Indigenous Australian playwright and artistic director
Wikipedia - Wesley Eure -- American actor, singer, author, producer, director, charity fundraiser, and lecturer
Wikipedia - Wesley Ruggles -- Film director
Wikipedia - W. H. Clifford -- American film writer and director
Wikipedia - Whit Babcock -- US college athletic director
Wikipedia - White House Communications Director -- U.S. presidential staff member in charge of the White House's media campaign
Wikipedia - White House Director of Strategic Communications -- U.S. presidential staff member in charge of messaging and media
Wikipedia - Whitman Bennett -- American film producer and director
Wikipedia - Wiard Ihnen -- American art director
Wikipedia - Wieland Wagner -- German opera director
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:Quick directory -- Wikipedia administration page
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:WikiProject Council/Directory -- Main directory of WikiProjects
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:WikiProject Directory -- Directory of WikiProjects
Wikipedia - Wiktor Grodecki -- Polish film director, screenwriter and producer known
Wikipedia - Wilfred Arnold -- British art director
Wikipedia - Wilfred Noy -- English film director
Wikipedia - Wilfrid North -- Silent film director, actor and writer
Wikipedia - Wilhelm Vorwerg -- German art director
Wikipedia - Will Barker -- British film director
Wikipedia - Willem Baptist -- Dutch filmmaker and documentary-director
Wikipedia - Willem van de Sande Bakhuyzen -- Dutch film director
Wikipedia - Will Hay -- English comedian, actor, film director
Wikipedia - William A. Fraker -- American film director, producer and cinematographer
Wikipedia - William Alland -- American actor, producer, writer, and director
Wikipedia - William Arntz -- American film director and producer
Wikipedia - William A. Seiter -- American film director
Wikipedia - William A. Spinks -- Carom billiards player; independent inventor; oil company investor and director; farm operator and horticulturist
Wikipedia - William A. Wellman -- American director, actor
Wikipedia - William Beaudine -- American film actor and director
Wikipedia - William Berke -- American film director
Wikipedia - William Brent Bell -- American screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - William Clemens (film director) -- American film director
Wikipedia - William C. McGann -- American film director
Wikipedia - William Collier Sr. -- American actor, screenwriter and director
Wikipedia - William Conrad -- American film, television director, actor and narrator (1920-1994)
Wikipedia - William Crain (filmmaker) -- American film and television director
Wikipedia - William D. Byrne Jr. -- Acting Director of the Joint Staff
Wikipedia - William Desmond Taylor -- Irish-American film director, actor and murder victim
Wikipedia - William Dieterle -- German/American actor and film director (1893-1972)
Wikipedia - William Evanina -- Director of the National Counterintelligence and Security Center
Wikipedia - William Garwood -- American actor and film director
Wikipedia - William G. Holt II -- U.S. Space Command Director of Joint Space Operations Development
Wikipedia - William Glasgow (art director) -- Art director
Wikipedia - William Griswold (museum director) -- American museum director and curator
Wikipedia - William G. Stewart -- English television producer and director
Wikipedia - William Hale (director) -- Film and television director
Wikipedia - William Hutchinson (art director) -- American set decorator
Wikipedia - William James Craft -- Canadian film director
Wikipedia - William J. Creber -- American art director
Wikipedia - William Keighley -- American actor and film director
Wikipedia - William K. Howard -- American film director
Wikipedia - William Kolodney -- Russian-born American cultural educator and program director for the 92nd Street Y and the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City
Wikipedia - William Malone (director)
Wikipedia - William Markus -- Finnish film director
Wikipedia - William M. Hoffman -- American playwright, theatre director, editor, and professor
Wikipedia - William Nigh -- American film director, writer, and actor
Wikipedia - William P. S. Earle -- American film director
Wikipedia - William Revelli -- American musician, music educator, conductor, and marching band director
Wikipedia - William Russ -- Actor, television director
Wikipedia - William S. Darling -- Art director
Wikipedia - William Shatner -- Canadian actor, musician, recording artist, author and film director
Wikipedia - William Tummel -- American film director
Wikipedia - William V. Ranous -- American actor and director
Wikipedia - William Wauer -- German sculptor and film director
Wikipedia - William Witney -- American director
Wikipedia - William Wyler -- German-born American film director, producer and screenwriter (1902-1981)
Wikipedia - Willi Herrmann -- German art director
Wikipedia - Will S. Davis -- American film director
Wikipedia - Will Sharpe -- Japanese-English actor, writer, and director
Wikipedia - Willy Decker -- German theatre director
Wikipedia - Willy Schiller -- German art director
Wikipedia - Wim Feyaerts -- Belgian television director
Wikipedia - Wim Wenders -- German film director, playwright, screenwriter, photographer and film producer
Wikipedia - Win Oo -- Burmese actor, singer, director writer and publisher
Wikipedia - Witold Lesiewicz -- Polish film director
Wikipedia - Witold Leszczynski -- Polish film director
Wikipedia - Wojciech Marczewski -- Polish film director
Wikipedia - Wolfgang Becker -- German film director and writer
Wikipedia - Wolfgang Burmann -- Spanish art director
Wikipedia - Wolfgang Neff -- Austrian film director
Wikipedia - Wolfgang Petersen -- German film director
Wikipedia - Wolfgang Wagner -- 20th and 21st-century German director of the Bayreuth Theatre
Wikipedia - Wolfram Paulus -- Austrian film director
Wikipedia - Wolfram Schwinger -- German director, music writer and music critic
Wikipedia - Wong Hok-Sing -- |Chinese opera performer, film director, and actor
Wikipedia - Wong Kar-wai -- Hong Kong film director
Wikipedia - Won Tae-hee -- South Korean actor and film director
Wikipedia - Woody Allen -- American film director, writer, actor, and comedian
Wikipedia - Working directory -- the currently used hierarchical file system directory associated with a running process in an operating system
Wikipedia - W. P. Kellino -- Film director
Wikipedia - Wrap (filmmaking) -- Phrase meaning "the end of filming" used by a director in the early days of the film industry
Wikipedia - Wray Physioc -- American silent film director
Wikipedia - W. Stewart Campbell -- American art director
Wikipedia - W. S. Van Dyke -- American film director
Wikipedia - Wu Ma -- Hong Kong actor and film director
Wikipedia - Wunna -- Burmese film director
Wikipedia - Wyne (film director) -- Burmese filmmaker
Wikipedia - Wynn Handman -- American theatre director
Wikipedia - X.500 -- Series of computer networking standards covering electronic directory services
Wikipedia - Xavier Deluc -- French actor, director and scriptwriter
Wikipedia - Xavier Dolan -- Canadian film director, actor, voice actor and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Xavier Gens -- French film director
Wikipedia - Xavier Giannoli -- French film director
Wikipedia - Xiaolu Guo -- Chinese-British novelist and film director (born 1973)
Wikipedia - Xue Xiaolu -- Chinese film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - YachtWorld -- Online directory for new and used yachts for sale
Wikipedia - Yahoo Serious -- Australian actor, director and composer
Wikipedia - Yakov Protazanov -- Russian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Yalkin Tuychiev -- Uzbek film director
Wikipedia - Yamina Bachir -- Algerian film director
Wikipedia - Yang Ik-june -- South Korean actor and film director
Wikipedia - Yan Giroux -- Canadian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Yann Demange -- French-Algerian film director
Wikipedia - Yao Ramesar -- Trinidadian director, screenwriter, and film lecturer
Wikipedia - Yareli Arizmendi -- Mexican actress, writer, and director
Wikipedia - Yaron Zilberman -- Israeli film director
Wikipedia - Yasapalitha Nanayakkara -- Sri Lankan director
Wikipedia - Yasemin Samdereli -- German film director, screen writer and actress
Wikipedia - Yash Chopra -- Indian film director and producer
Wikipedia - Yasir Akhtar -- Pakistani-British singer, actor, lyricist, director and producer
Wikipedia - Yasir Jaswal -- Pakistani singer, film and music director
Wikipedia - Yasmine Chouikh -- Algerian journalist and film director
Wikipedia - Yasmin Sooka -- Human rights lawyer, the Executive Director of the Foundation for Human Rights in South Africa
Wikipedia - Yasuharu Hasebe -- Japanese film director
Wikipedia - Yasuhiro Takemoto -- Japanese director of anime series and original video animations
Wikipedia - Yasuichiro Yamamoto -- Japanese anime director and storyboard artist
Wikipedia - YasujirM-EM-^M Shimazu -- Japanese film director
Wikipedia - Yell (company) -- UK marketing and directory company
Wikipedia - Yelp -- Directory service and online review forum
Wikipedia - Yemi Adamolekun -- Nigerian executive director
Wikipedia - Yermek Shinarbayev -- Soviet film director
Wikipedia - Yevgen Synelnykov -- Ukrainian actor, director, and television presenter
Wikipedia - Yevgeny Tashkov -- Soviet and Russian film director, screenwriter, and actor
Wikipedia - Yilmaz Atadeniz -- Turkish film director
Wikipedia - Yilmaz Guney -- Kurdish film director, scenarist, novelist and actor
Wikipedia - YM-EM-+ji Yamaguchi -- Japanese film director
Wikipedia - YM-EM-^MichirM-EM-^M Morikawa -- Japanese actor and director
Wikipedia - Yoann Lemoine -- French music video director, graphic designer and musician
Wikipedia - Yoichi Takabayashi -- Japanese film director
Wikipedia - Yonah Lewis -- Canadian film director
Wikipedia - Yone Lay -- Burmese entertainer and director
Wikipedia - Yoo Ji-tae -- South Korean actor and director
Wikipedia - Yoon Je-kyoon -- South Korean film director
Wikipedia - Yoon Jong-bin -- South Korean film director
Wikipedia - Yoon Sam-yook -- South Korean film director
Wikipedia - Yorgos Lanthimos -- Greek film producer and director
Wikipedia - Yoshiki Onoda -- Japanese film director and writer
Wikipedia - Yoshiko Sembon -- Japanese screenwriter and director
Wikipedia - Yoshimitsu Banno -- Japanese film director
Wikipedia - Yoshiro Edamasa -- Japanese film director
Wikipedia - Yoshishige Yoshida -- Japanese film director
Wikipedia - Yoshiyuki Asai -- Japanese anime director
Wikipedia - Yoshiyuki Tomino -- Japanese mecha anime creator, animator, songwriter, director, screenwriter and novelist
Wikipedia - Yousaf Ali Khan -- British film director
Wikipedia - Youssef Chahine -- Egyptian film director
Wikipedia - Youssef Hesham -- Egyptian film director
Wikipedia - Youxin Yang -- Chinese painter, film director, scientist, screenwriter and songwriter
Wikipedia - Yukiko Mishima -- Japanese film director
Wikipedia - Yukio Ninagawa -- Japanese theatre director
Wikipedia - Yul Brynner -- Russian-born actor, singer, and director
Wikipedia - Yuri Alexandrov (director) -- Russian opera director
Wikipedia - Yuri Ilyenko -- Soviet film director
Wikipedia - Yuri Ozerov (director) -- Soviet film director
Wikipedia - Yusof Haslam -- Malaysian actor, filmmaker, director and producer
Wikipedia - Yusuke Naora -- Japanese video game art director
Wikipedia - Yutaka Yamamoto -- Japanese anime director
Wikipedia - Yuval Delshad -- Israeli film director of Iranian descent
Wikipedia - Yuvaraj Dhayalan -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Yvan Attal -- Israeli-French actor and director
Wikipedia - Yves AllM-CM-)gret -- French film director
Wikipedia - Yves Boisset -- French film director and scriptwriter
Wikipedia - Yves Caumon -- French director
Wikipedia - Yves Robert -- French director
Wikipedia - Yves Yersin -- Swiss film director
Wikipedia - Yvonne Brosch -- German actress and director
Wikipedia - Yvonne Welbon -- American film director
Wikipedia - Y. V. S. Chowdary -- Indian writer, director, and producer
Wikipedia - Zabou Breitman -- French actress and film director
Wikipedia - Zacharias Kunuk -- Canadian Inuk producer and director
Wikipedia - Zach Braff -- American actor, director, screenwriter, producer
Wikipedia - Zackie Achmat -- South African activist and film director
Wikipedia - Zack Snyder's Justice League -- 2021 director's cut of the 2017 film
Wikipedia - Zack Snyder -- American film director, film producer, and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Zaida Bergroth -- Finnish film director
Wikipedia - Zain Duraie -- Jordanian director, writer and actress
Wikipedia - Zal Batmanglij -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Zale Dalen -- Canadian film and television director
Wikipedia - Zalman King -- American director, writer, producer, actor
Wikipedia - Zaza Urushadze -- Georgian film director
Wikipedia - ZbynM-DM-^[k Brynych -- Czech film director
Wikipedia - ZdenM-DM-^[k PodskalskM-CM-= -- Czech film director
Wikipedia - Zdravko Velimirovic -- Yugoslavian film director
Wikipedia - Zeal (web) -- Web directory
Wikipedia - Zee Cine Award for Best Director -- Cinema award in India
Wikipedia - Zee Ntuli -- South African film director
Wikipedia - Zeina Daccache -- Lebanese actress and director
Wikipedia - Zeka Laplaine -- Director and actor
Wikipedia - Zeki Alasya -- Turkish actor and film director
Wikipedia - Zev Buffman -- American theatre director
Wikipedia - Zeynep Gunay Tan -- Turkish director
Wikipedia - Zhang Junzhao -- Chinese film director
Wikipedia - Zhang Mo (director) -- 21st-century Chinese writer and film director
Wikipedia - Zhang Xiquan -- Chinese film and television director
Wikipedia - Zhang Yimou -- Chinese actor, film director, screenwriter and film producer
Wikipedia - Zhao Wei -- 21st-century Chinese actress, singer and film director
Wikipedia - Zoe Dirse -- Canadian cinematographer and film director
Wikipedia - Zola Maseko -- Swazi film director
Wikipedia - Zoltan Fabri -- Hungarian film director
Wikipedia - Zoltan Kamondi -- Hungarian film director
Wikipedia - Zoltan Varkonyi -- Hungarian actor and film director
Wikipedia - Zora Martin-Felton -- American museum director
Wikipedia - Zoren Legaspi -- Filipino actor and television director
Wikipedia - Zoya Akhtar -- Indian film director (born 1972)
Wikipedia - Zoya Hussain -- Indian actress, writer and director
Wikipedia - Zsolt KM-CM-)zdi-Kovacs -- Hungarian film director
Wikipedia - Zvonimir Berkovic -- Croatian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Zvonimir Juric -- Croatian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Zygmunt Latoszewski -- Polish conductor, theater director and music teacher
Anthony Minghella ::: Born: January 6, 1954; Died: March 18, 2008; Occupation: Film director;
Hayao Miyazaki ::: Born: January 5, 1941; Occupation: Film director;
Errol Morris ::: Born: February 5, 1948; Occupation: Film director;
Mira Nair ::: Born: October 15, 1957; Occupation: Film director;
Michael Bay ::: Born: February 17, 1965; Occupation: Film director;
Mike Nichols ::: Born: November 6, 1931; Died: November 19, 2014; Occupation: Film director;
Christopher Nolan ::: Born: July 30, 1970; Occupation: Film director;
Phillip Noyce ::: Born: April 29, 1950; Occupation: Film director;
Brian De Palma ::: Born: September 11, 1940; Occupation: Film director;
Leon Panetta ::: Born: June 28, 1938; Occupation: Former Director of the Central Intelligence Agency;
Alexander Payne ::: Born: February 10, 1961; Occupation: Film director;
Sam Peckinpah ::: Born: February 21, 1925; Died: December 28, 1984; Occupation: Film director;
David Petraeus ::: Born: November 7, 1952; Occupation: Former Director of the Central Intelligence Agency;
Todd Phillips ::: Born: December 20, 1970; Occupation: Film director;
Roman Polanski ::: Born: August 18, 1933; Occupation: Film director;
Sydney Pollack ::: Born: July 1, 1934; Died: May 26, 2008; Occupation: Film director;
Samantha Power ::: Born: September 21, 1970; Occupation: Director for Multilateral Affairs;
Sam Raimi ::: Born: October 23, 1959; Occupation: Film director;
Brett Ratner ::: Born: March 28, 1969; Occupation: Film director;
Godfrey Reggio ::: Born: March 29, 1940; Occupation: Film director;
Jason Reitman ::: Born: October 19, 1977; Occupation: Film director;
Robert Rodriguez ::: Born: June 20, 1968; Occupation: Film director;
Nicolas Roeg ::: Born: August 15, 1928; Occupation: Film director;
George A. Romero ::: Born: February 4, 1940; Occupation: Film director;
Bruce Beresford ::: Born: August 16, 1940; Occupation: Film director;
Gary Ross ::: Born: November 3, 1956; Occupation: Film director;
Eli Roth ::: Born: April 18, 1972; Occupation: Film director;
David O. Russell ::: Born: August 20, 1958; Occupation: Film director;
Gus Van Sant ::: Born: July 24, 1952; Occupation: Film director;
John Sayles ::: Born: September 28, 1950; Occupation: Film director;
Martin Scorsese ::: Born: November 17, 1942; Occupation: Film director;
Ridley Scott ::: Born: November 30, 1937; Occupation: Film director;
Bernardo Bertolucci ::: Born: March 16, 1940; Occupation: Film director;
Luc Besson ::: Born: March 18, 1959; Occupation: Film director;
Douglas Sirk ::: Born: April 26, 1897; Died: January 14, 1987; Occupation: Film director;
Zack Snyder ::: Born: March 1, 1966; Occupation: Film director;
Kathryn Bigelow ::: Born: November 27, 1951; Occupation: Film director;
Penelope Spheeris ::: Born: December 2, 1945; Occupation: Film director;
Steven Spielberg ::: Born: December 18, 1946; Occupation: Film director;
George Stevens ::: Born: December 18, 1904; Died: March 8, 1975; Occupation: Film director;
Oliver Stone ::: Born: September 15, 1946; Occupation: Film director;
Quentin Tarantino ::: Born: March 27, 1963; Occupation: Film director;
Guillermo del Toro ::: Born: October 9, 1964; Occupation: Film director;
Lars von Trier ::: Born: April 30, 1956; Occupation: Film director;
Francois Truffaut ::: Born: February 6, 1932; Died: October 21, 1984; Occupation: Film director;
Andrzej Wajda ::: Born: March 6, 1926; Died: October 9, 2016; Occupation: Film director;
John Waters ::: Born: April 22, 1946; Occupation: Film director;
Peter Weir ::: Born: August 21, 1944; Occupation: Film director;
Joe Wright ::: Born: August 25, 1972; Occupation: Film director;
Zhang Yimou ::: Born: November 14, 1951; Occupation: Film director;
David Zucker ::: Born: October 16, 1947; Occupation: Film director;
Neill Blomkamp ::: Born: September 17, 1979; Occupation: Film director;
Karan Johar ::: Born: May 25, 1972; Occupation: Film director;
Anurag Kashyap ::: Born: September 10, 1972; Occupation: Film director;
Danny Boyle ::: Born: October 20, 1956; Occupation: Film director;
Robert Bresson ::: Born: September 25, 1901; Died: December 18, 1999; Occupation: Film director;
Holly Goldberg Sloan ::: Born: August 7, 1958; Occupation: Film director;
Peter Brook ::: Born: March 21, 1925; Occupation: Theatre Director;
Mel Brooks ::: Born: June 28, 1926; Occupation: Film director;
John Ford ::: Born: February 1, 1894; Died: August 31, 1973; Occupation: Film director;
Jean Renoir ::: Born: September 15, 1894; Died: February 12, 1979; Occupation: Film director;
Allen Dulles ::: Born: April 7, 1893; Died: January 29, 1969; Occupation: Former Director of Central Intelligence;
Peter Farrelly ::: Born: December 17, 1956; Occupation: Film director;
Adrian Lyne ::: Born: March 4, 1941; Occupation: Film director;
Bill T. Jones ::: Born: February 15, 1952; Occupation: Artistic Director;
Anne Bogart ::: Born: September 25, 1951; Occupation: Theatre Director;
Harold Clurman ::: Born: September 18, 1901; Died: September 9, 1980; Occupation: Theatre Director;
Tim Burton ::: Born: August 25, 1958; Occupation: Film director;
Michael Winner ::: Born: October 30, 1935; Died: January 21, 2013; Occupation: Film director;
Neil MacGregor ::: Born: June 16, 1946; Occupation: Museum director;
Mike Binder ::: Born: June 2, 1958; Occupation: Film director;
Roberto Rossellini ::: Born: May 8, 1906; Died: June 3, 1977; Occupation: Film director;
William Castle ::: Born: April 24, 1914; Died: May 31, 1977; Occupation: Film director;
Ron Shelton ::: Born: September 15, 1945; Occupation: Film director;
Julian Huxley ::: Born: June 22, 1887; Died: February 14, 1975; Occupation: Film director;
James Cameron ::: Born: August 16, 1954; Occupation: Film director;
Mack Sennett ::: Born: January 17, 1880; Died: November 5, 1960; Occupation: Film director;
Charles Ferguson ::: Born: March 24, 1955; Occupation: Director;
Frank Capra ::: Born: May 18, 1897; Died: September 3, 1991; Occupation: Film director;
Ousmane Sembene ::: Born: January 1, 1923; Died: June 9, 2007; Occupation: Film director;
Marcel Carne ::: Born: August 18, 1906; Died: October 31, 1996; Occupation: Film director;
John Carpenter ::: Born: January 16, 1948; Occupation: Film director;
Robert Wise ::: Born: September 10, 1914; Died: September 14, 2005; Occupation: Film director;
Sergio Leone ::: Born: January 3, 1929; Died: April 30, 1989; Occupation: Film director;
Tamra Davis ::: Born: January 22, 1962; Occupation: Music Video Director;
John Huston ::: Born: August 5, 1906; Died: August 28, 1987; Occupation: Film director;
Richard Helms ::: Born: March 30, 1913; Died: October 22, 2002; Occupation: Former Director of Central Intelligence;
Claude Chabrol ::: Born: June 24, 1930; Died: September 12, 2010; Occupation: Film director;
Alan Parker ::: Born: February 14, 1944; Occupation: Film director;
Barbet Schroeder ::: Born: August 26, 1941; Occupation: Film director;
Leni Riefenstahl ::: Born: August 22, 1902; Died: September 8, 2003; Occupation: Film director;
Erich von Stroheim ::: Born: September 22, 1885; Died: May 12, 1957; Occupation: Film director;
Frank Oz ::: Born: May 25, 1944; Occupation: Film director;
Julie Taymor ::: Born: December 15, 1952; Occupation: Director;
Paul Mazursky ::: Born: April 25, 1930; Died: June 30, 2014; Occupation: Film director;
Ron Howard ::: Born: March 1, 1954; Occupation: Film director;
Martin Ritt ::: Born: March 2, 1914; Died: December 8, 1990; Occupation: Director;
John Frankenheimer ::: Born: February 19, 1930; Died: July 6, 2002; Occupation: Film director;
Bryan Singer ::: Born: September 17, 1965; Occupation: Film director;
Takeshi Kitano ::: Born: January 18, 1947; Occupation: Film director;
Joseph L. Mankiewicz ::: Born: February 11, 1909; Died: February 5, 1993; Occupation: Film director;
Howard Hawks ::: Born: May 30, 1896; Died: December 26, 1977; Occupation: Film director;
Bertrand Tavernier ::: Born: April 25, 1941; Occupation: Director;
Otto Preminger ::: Born: December 5, 1905; Died: April 23, 1986; Occupation: Theatre Director;
Michael Curtiz ::: Born: December 25, 1886; Died: April 10, 1962; Occupation: Film director;
Francis Lawrence ::: Born: March 26, 1971; Occupation: Director;
Andrew Stanton ::: Born: December 3, 1965; Occupation: Film director;
George Cukor ::: Born: July 7, 1899; Died: January 24, 1983; Occupation: Film director;
William Friedkin ::: Born: August 29, 1935; Occupation: Film director;
Warwick Thornton ::: Born: 1970; Occupation: Film director;
Fred Schepisi ::: Born: December 26, 1939; Occupation: Film director;
Chris Eyre ::: Born: 1968; Occupation: Film director;
Pedro Almodovar ::: Born: September 25, 1949; Occupation: Film director;
Arthur Penn ::: Born: September 27, 1922; Died: September 28, 2010; Occupation: Director;
Jesse Dylan ::: Born: January 6, 1966; Occupation: Film director;
Pier Paolo Pasolini ::: Born: March 5, 1922; Died: November 2, 1975; Occupation: Film director;
Sergei Eisenstein ::: Born: January 22, 1898; Died: February 11, 1948; Occupation: Film director;
Russ Meyer ::: Born: March 21, 1922; Died: September 18, 2004; Occupation: Film director;
Robert Altman ::: Born: February 20, 1925; Died: November 20, 2006; Occupation: Film director;
Francis Ford Coppola ::: Born: April 7, 1939; Occupation: Film director;
Mahesh Bhatt ::: Born: September 20, 1949; Occupation: Film director;
Yash Chopra ::: Born: September 27, 1932; Died: October 21, 2012; Occupation: Film director;
Jonathan Lynn ::: Born: April 3, 1943; Occupation: Film director;
George Stephanopoulos ::: Born: February 10, 1961; Occupation: White House Communications Director;
William Colby ::: Born: January 4, 1920; Died: April 27, 1996; Occupation: Former Director of Central Intelligence;
Francois Ozon ::: Born: November 15, 1967; Occupation: Film director;
Jeremy Kagan ::: Born: December 14, 1945; Occupation: Film director;
Mike White ::: Born: June 28, 1970; Occupation: Director;
Jennifer Lynch ::: Born: April 7, 1968; Occupation: Film director;
Rebecca Miller ::: Born: September 15, 1962; Occupation: Film director;
Vittorio De Sica ::: Born: July 7, 1901; Died: November 13, 1974; Occupation: Film director;
John Landis ::: Born: August 3, 1950; Occupation: Film director;
Nicolas Winding Refn ::: Born: September 29, 1970; Occupation: Film director;
Wes Craven ::: Born: August 2, 1939; Died: August 30, 2015; Occupation: Film director;
David Michod ::: Born: November 30, 1972; Occupation: Film director;
David Lean ::: Born: March 25, 1908; Died: April 16, 1991; Occupation: Film director;
Pete Docter ::: Born: October 9, 1968; Occupation: Film director;
Cameron Crowe ::: Born: July 13, 1957; Occupation: Film director;
Adam Shankman ::: Born: November 27, 1964; Occupation: Film director;
Spike Jonze ::: Born: October 22, 1969; Occupation: Director;
Kal Penn ::: Born: April 23, 1977; Occupation: Associate Director, White House Office of Public Liaison;
Alfonso Cuaron ::: Born: November 28, 1961; Occupation: Film director;
Eve Best ::: Born: July 31, 1971; Occupation: Stage Director;
Jean-Pierre Jeunet ::: Born: September 3, 1953; Occupation: Film director;
Joe Dante ::: Born: November 28, 1946; Occupation: Film director;
Bahman Ghobadi ::: Born: February 1, 1969; Occupation: Film director;
Park Chan-wook ::: Born: August 23, 1963; Occupation: Film director;
Diane Paulus ::: Born: 1966; Occupation: Theater Director;
Jafar Panahi ::: Born: July 11, 1960; Occupation: Film director;
Charles Burnett ::: Born: April 13, 1944; Occupation: Film director;
Mathieu Kassovitz ::: Born: August 3, 1967; Occupation: Film director;
Eric Rohmer ::: Born: March 21, 1920; Died: January 11, 2010; Occupation: Film director;
Jay Roach ::: Born: June 14, 1957; Occupation: Film director;
Luchino Visconti ::: Born: November 2, 1906; Died: March 17, 1976; Occupation: Theatre Director;
Jerzy Grotowski ::: Born: August 11, 1933; Died: January 14, 1999; Occupation: Theatre Director;
Paolo Sorrentino ::: Born: May 31, 1970; Occupation: Film director;
Yasujiro Ozu ::: Born: December 12, 1903; Died: December 12, 1963; Occupation: Film director;
Frank Darabont ::: Born: January 28, 1959; Occupation: Film director;
Peter Bogdanovich ::: Born: July 30, 1939; Occupation: Film director;
Trevor Nunn ::: Born: January 14, 1940; Occupation: Theatre Director;
Cliff Barrows ::: Born: April 6, 1923; Died: November 15, 2016; Occupation: Music Director;
Shekhar Kapur ::: Born: December 6, 1945; Occupation: Film director;
Farhan Akhtar ::: Born: September 1, 1974; Occupation: Film director;
Vincente Minnelli ::: Born: February 28, 1903; Died: July 25, 1986; Occupation: Stage Director;
Greg Garcia ::: Born: April 4, 1970; Occupation: Television Director;
Derek Jarman ::: Born: January 31, 1942; Died: February 19, 1994; Occupation: Film director;
Cecil B. DeMille ::: Born: August 12, 1881; Died: January 21, 1959; Occupation: Film director;
Paul Thomas Anderson ::: Born: June 26, 1970; Occupation: Film director;
Agnes Varda ::: Born: May 30, 1928; Occupation: Film director;
Bartlett Sher ::: Born: March 27, 1959; Occupation: Theatre Director;
Michael Almereyda ::: Born: April 7, 1959; Occupation: Film director;
Bobby Farrelly ::: Born: June 17, 1958; Occupation: Film director;
Ken Russell ::: Born: July 3, 1927; Died: November 27, 2011; Occupation: Film director;
Ethan Coen ::: Born: September 21, 1957; Occupation: Film director;
Alain Resnais ::: Born: June 3, 1922; Died: March 1, 2014; Occupation: Film director;
Marc Webb ::: Born: August 31, 1974; Occupation: Music Video Director;
Wes Anderson ::: Born: May 1, 1969; Occupation: Film director;
Tony Scott ::: Born: June 21, 1944; Died: August 19, 2012; Occupation: Film director;
Robert Zemeckis ::: Born: May 14, 1952; Occupation: Film director;
Caspar Weinberger ::: Born: August 18, 1917; Died: March 28, 2006; Occupation: Former Director of the Office of Management and Budget;
Ken Loach ::: Born: June 17, 1936; Occupation: Film director;
Jacques Audiard ::: Born: April 30, 1952; Occupation: Film director;
Stan Winston ::: Born: April 7, 1946; Died: June 15, 2008; Occupation: Film director;
Franny Armstrong ::: Born: February 3, 1972; Occupation: Film director;
Jim Nussle ::: Born: June 27, 1960; Occupation: Former Director, United States Office of Management and Budget;
Sean Durkin ::: Born: December 9, 1981; Occupation: Film director;
Nick Park ::: Born: December 6, 1958; Occupation: Director;
Alice Rivlin ::: Born: March 4, 1931; Occupation: Former Director of the Office of Management and Budget;
Roland Emmerich ::: Born: November 10, 1955; Occupation: Film director;
Alan Rudolph ::: Born: December 18, 1943; Occupation: Film director;
Peter Greenaway ::: Born: April 5, 1942; Occupation: Film director;
Jacques Rivette ::: Born: March 1, 1928; Died: January 29, 2016; Occupation: Film director;
Carl Theodor Dreyer ::: Born: February 3, 1889; Died: March 20, 1968; Occupation: Film director;
Louis Schwartzberg ::: Born: February 21, 1950; Occupation: Director;
Neil Jordan ::: Born: February 25, 1950; Occupation: Film director;
Ariane Mnouchkine ::: Born: March 3, 1939; Occupation: Stage Director;
Vsevolod Meyerhold ::: Born: February 9, 1874; Died: February 2, 1940; Occupation: Theatre Director;
Joan Littlewood ::: Born: October 6, 1914; Died: September 20, 2002; Occupation: Theatre Director;
Todd Haynes ::: Born: January 2, 1961; Occupation: Film director;
Louis Malle ::: Born: October 30, 1932; Died: November 23, 1995; Occupation: Film director;
Blake Edwards ::: Born: July 26, 1922; Died: December 15, 2010; Occupation: Film director;
Paul Greengrass ::: Born: August 13, 1955; Occupation: Film director;
Atom Egoyan ::: Born: July 19, 1960; Occupation: Stage Director;
Leos Carax ::: Born: November 22, 1960; Occupation: Film director;
Philip Kaufman ::: Born: October 23, 1936; Occupation: Film director;
Michael Morell ::: Born: September 4, 1958; Occupation: Former Director of Central Intelligence;
Bruno Dumont ::: Born: March 14, 1958; Occupation: Film director;
David R. Ellis ::: Born: September 8, 1952; Died: January 7, 2013; Occupation: Film director;
D. W. Griffith ::: Born: January 22, 1875; Died: July 23, 1948; Occupation: Film director;
Michael Apted ::: Born: February 10, 1941; Occupation: Director;
Steven Heller ::: Born: July 7, 1950; Occupation: Art Director;
David Stockman ::: Born: November 10, 1946; Occupation: Former Director of the Office of Management and Budget;
Dziga Vertov ::: Born: January 2, 1896; Died: February 12, 1954; Occupation: Film director;
Walter Hill ::: Born: January 10, 1942; Occupation: Film director;
Richard Eyre ::: Born: March 28, 1943; Occupation: Television Director;
Lotte Reiniger ::: Born: June 2, 1899; Died: June 19, 1981; Occupation: Film director;
Satoshi Kon ::: Born: October 12, 1963; Died: August 24, 2010; Occupation: Film director;
Richard Donner ::: Born: April 24, 1930; Occupation: Film director;
Asghar Farhadi ::: Born: May 7, 1972; Occupation: Film director;
Josef von Sternberg ::: Born: May 29, 1894; Died: December 22, 1969; Occupation: Film director;
Costa-Gavras ::: Born: February 12, 1933; Occupation: Film director;
Rainer Werner Fassbinder ::: Born: May 31, 1945; Died: June 10, 1982; Occupation: Film director;
Federico Fellini ::: Born: January 20, 1920; Died: October 31, 1993; Occupation: Film director;
Ted Kotcheff ::: Born: April 7, 1931; Occupation: Film director;
Bill Forsyth ::: Born: July 29, 1946; Occupation: Film director;
Jean-Jacques Annaud ::: Born: October 1, 1943; Occupation: Film director;
Michelangelo Antonioni ::: Born: September 29, 1912; Died: July 30, 2007; Occupation: Film director;
Arthur Hiller ::: Born: November 22, 1923; Died: August 17, 2016; Occupation: Television Director;
Randal Kleiser ::: Born: July 20, 1946; Occupation: Film director;
Mike Figgis ::: Born: February 28, 1948; Occupation: Film director;
David Fincher ::: Born: August 28, 1962; Occupation: Film director;
Jennifer Yuh Nelson ::: Born: May 7, 1972; Occupation: Film director;
Nicholas Ray ::: Born: August 7, 1911; Died: June 16, 1979; Occupation: Film director;
Olivier Dahan ::: Born: June 26, 1967; Occupation: Film director;
Paul W. S. Anderson ::: Born: March 4, 1965; Occupation: Film director;
Thomas P. Campbell ::: Born: 1962; Occupation: Museum director;
Jehane Noujaim ::: Born: May 17, 1974; Occupation: Film director;
Franco Zeffirelli ::: Born: February 12, 1923; Occupation: Director;
Milos Forman ::: Born: February 18, 1932; Occupation: Film director;
Fred Zinnemann ::: Born: April 29, 1907; Died: March 14, 1997; Occupation: Film director;
Norman Buckley ::: Born: November 25, 1955; Occupation: Television Director;
Jason Russell ::: Born: October 12, 1978; Occupation: Film director;
Alan J. Pakula ::: Born: April 7, 1928; Died: November 19, 1998; Occupation: Film director;
Josh Fox ::: Born: 1972; Occupation: Film director;
Kenji Mizoguchi ::: Born: May 16, 1898; Died: August 24, 1956; Occupation: Film director;
Susan Seidelman ::: Born: December 11, 1952; Occupation: Director;
Tom DiCillo ::: Born: August 14, 1953; Occupation: Film director;
Edward Dmytryk ::: Born: September 4, 1908; Died: July 1, 1999; Occupation: Film director;
Sergei Parajanov ::: Born: January 9, 1924; Died: July 20, 1990; Occupation: Film director;
Victor Salva ::: Born: March 29, 1958; Occupation: Film director;
Dario Argento ::: Born: September 7, 1940; Occupation: Film director;
Franklin Raines ::: Born: January 14, 1949; Occupation: Former Director, United States Office of Management and Budget;
Jose Padilha ::: Born: August 1, 1967; Occupation: Film director;
John Schlesinger ::: Born: February 16, 1926; Died: July 25, 2003; Occupation: Film director;
Ryan Coogler ::: Born: May 23, 1986; Occupation: Film director;
Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu ::: Born: August 15, 1963; Occupation: Film director;
Laura Poitras ::: Born: 1964; Occupation: Film director;
William Wyler ::: Born: July 1, 1902; Died: July 27, 1981; Occupation: Film director;
Antoine Fuqua ::: Born: January 19, 1966; Occupation: Film director;
J. Lee Thompson ::: Born: August 1, 1914; Died: August 30, 2002; Occupation: Film director;
Nancy Meyers ::: Born: December 8, 1949; Occupation: Film director;
Bruce Paltrow ::: Born: November 26, 1943; Died: October 3, 2002; Occupation: Television Director;
Matthew Weiner ::: Born: June 29, 1965; Occupation: Director;
Thea Sharrock ::: Born: 1976; Occupation: Theatre Director;
Greg Pak ::: Born: August 23, 1968; Occupation: Film director;
Lee Unkrich ::: Born: August 8, 1967; Occupation: Film director;
Derek Cianfrance ::: Born: January 23, 1974; Occupation: Film director;
Chris Wedge ::: Born: March 20, 1957; Occupation: Film director;
Roger Spottiswoode ::: Born: January 5, 1945; Occupation: Film director;
Chris Terrio ::: Born: December 31, 1976; Occupation: Film director;
Agnieszka Holland ::: Born: November 28, 1948; Occupation: Film director;
Stephen Daldry ::: Born: May 2, 1960; Occupation: Director;
Jean-Luc Godard ::: Born: December 3, 1930; Occupation: Film director;
Gore Verbinski ::: Born: March 16, 1964; Occupation: Film director;
Mario Van Peebles ::: Born: January 15, 1957; Occupation: Film director;
Darren Aronofsky ::: Born: February 12, 1969; Occupation: Film director;
Michel Gondry ::: Born: May 8, 1963; Occupation: Film director;
Roman Coppola ::: Born: April 22, 1965; Occupation: Film director;
Edgar Wright ::: Born: April 18, 1974; Occupation: Film director;
Claire Denis ::: Born: April 21, 1946; Occupation: Film director;
Harald Zwart ::: Born: July 1, 1965; Occupation: Film director;
Marshall Herskovitz ::: Born: February 23, 1952; Occupation: Film director;
Mark Duplass ::: Born: December 7, 1976; Occupation: Film director;
Jay Duplass ::: Born: March 7, 1973; Occupation: Film director;
Curtis Hanson ::: Born: March 24, 1945; Died: September 20, 2016; Occupation: Film director;
Denis Villeneuve ::: Born: October 3, 1967; Occupation: Film director;
Catherine Hardwicke ::: Born: October 21, 1955; Occupation: Film director;
Stephen Frears ::: Born: June 20, 1941; Occupation: Film director;
Larry Clark ::: Born: January 19, 1943; Occupation: Film director;
Andrey Zvyagintsev ::: Born: February 6, 1964; Occupation: Film director;
Roger Michell ::: Born: June 5, 1956; Occupation: Theatre Director;
Imtiaz Ali ::: Born: June 16, 1971; Occupation: Film director;
Taylor Hackford ::: Born: December 31, 1944; Occupation: Film director;
Dean DeBlois ::: Born: June 7, 1970; Occupation: Film director;
Joshua Oppenheimer ::: Born: September 23, 1974; Occupation: Film director;
Rupert Sanders ::: Born: March 16, 1971; Occupation: Film director;
Claude Lelouch ::: Born: October 30, 1937; Occupation: Film director;
Lasse Hallstrom ::: Born: June 2, 1946; Occupation: Film director;
Robert J. Wilson ::: Born: October 4, 1941; Occupation: Theater Director;
Fede Alvarez ::: Born: February 9, 1978; Occupation: Film director;
Stanley Donen ::: Born: April 13, 1924; Occupation: Film director;
Zoe Cassavetes ::: Born: June 29, 1970; Occupation: Film director;
Michael Haneke ::: Born: March 23, 1942; Occupation: Film director;
Duncan Jones ::: Born: May 30, 1971; Occupation: Film director;
Ram Gopal Varma ::: Born: April 7, 1962; Occupation: Film director;
Renny Harlin ::: Born: March 15, 1959; Occupation: Film director;
Rob Cohen ::: Born: March 12, 1949; Occupation: Film director;
Juan Antonio Bayona ::: Born: May 9, 1975; Occupation: Film director;
Timur Bekmambetov ::: Born: June 25, 1961; Occupation: Film director;
Don Coscarelli ::: Born: February 17, 1954; Occupation: Film director;
Allan Dwan ::: Born: April 3, 1885; Died: December 28, 1981; Occupation: Director;
Irvin Kershner ::: Born: April 29, 1923; Died: November 27, 2010; Occupation: Film director;
Seth Gordon ::: Born: July 15, 1976; Occupation: Film director;
Jake Kasdan ::: Born: October 28, 1974; Occupation: Television Director;
Michael Lindsay-Hogg ::: Born: May 5, 1940; Occupation: Director;
Tarsem Singh ::: Born: May 26, 1961; Occupation: Director;
Michel Hazanavicius ::: Born: March 29, 1967; Occupation: Film director;
Amy Heckerling ::: Born: May 7, 1954; Occupation: Film director;
Julien Temple ::: Born: November 26, 1952; Occupation: Music Video Director;
Oren Moverman ::: Born: July 4, 1966; Occupation: Film director;
David Ayer ::: Born: January 18, 1968; Occupation: Film director;
Steven Shainberg ::: Born: February 5, 1963; Occupation: Film director;
Nash Edgerton ::: Born: January 19, 1973; Occupation: Film director;
Drake Doremus ::: Born: March 29, 1983; Occupation: Film director;
Werner Herzog ::: Born: September 5, 1942; Occupation: Film director;
Alfred Hitchcock ::: Born: August 13, 1899; Died: April 29, 1980; Occupation: Film director;
James Nares ::: Born: 1953; Occupation: Film director;
Tyrone Guthrie ::: Born: July 2, 1900; Died: May 15, 1971; Occupation: Director;
Tobe Hooper ::: Born: January 25, 1943; Occupation: Film director;
Tom Hooper ::: Born: October 1, 1972; Occupation: Television Director;
Louis Leterrier ::: Born: June 17, 1973; Occupation: Film director;
Daniel Lee ::: Born: April 27, 1960; Occupation: Film director;
Charles Walters ::: Born: November 17, 1911; Died: August 13, 1982; Occupation: Director;
Joe Carnahan ::: Born: May 9, 1969; Occupation: Film director;
Gina Prince-Bythewood ::: Born: June 10, 1969; Occupation: Film director;
Lenny Abrahamson ::: Born: November 30, 1966; Occupation: Film director;
Alexandre Aja ::: Born: August 7, 1977; Occupation: Film director;
Joseph McGinty Nichol ::: Born: August 9, 1968; Occupation: Film director;
Cary Fukunaga ::: Born: July 10, 1977; Occupation: Film director;
Sebastian Silva ::: Born: April 9, 1979; Occupation: Director;
John Hughes ::: Born: February 18, 1950; Died: August 6, 2009; Occupation: Film director;
Alex Karpovsky ::: Born: 1970; Occupation: Film director;
Sanjay Leela Bhansali ::: Born: February 24, 1963; Occupation: Film director;
Frank Coraci ::: Born: February 3, 1966; Occupation: Film director;
Karyn Kusama ::: Born: March 21, 1968; Occupation: Film director;
Alex Gibney ::: Born: October 23, 1953; Occupation: Film director;
Jean-Marc Vallee ::: Born: March 9, 1963; Occupation: Film director;
James Bobin ::: Born: 1972; Occupation: Film director;
Nicolle Wallace ::: Born: February 4, 1972; Occupation: White House Communications Director;
Joe Swanberg ::: Born: August 31, 1981; Occupation: Director;
Peter Jackson ::: Born: October 31, 1961; Occupation: Film director;
Jim Jarmusch ::: Born: January 22, 1953; Occupation: Film director;
Norman Jewison ::: Born: July 21, 1926; Occupation: Film director;
Roland Joffe ::: Born: November 17, 1945; Occupation: Film director;
John Musker ::: Born: November 8, 1953; Occupation: Animation Director;
Rupert Wyatt ::: Born: October 26, 1972; Occupation: Film director;
Joel Schumacher ::: Born: August 29, 1939; Occupation: Film director;
James Gray ::: Born: 1969; Occupation: Film director;
Garry Hynes ::: Born: June 10, 1953; Occupation: Theatre Director;
Joseph Losey ::: Born: January 14, 1909; Died: June 22, 1984; Occupation: Film director;
Rob Marshall ::: Born: October 17, 1960; Occupation: Theater Director;
Nicole Holofcener ::: Born: March 22, 1960; Occupation: Film director;
Lynn Shelton ::: Born: 1965; Occupation: Director;
Joseph Kosinski ::: Born: May 3, 1974; Occupation: Film director;
Doug Liman ::: Born: July 24, 1965; Occupation: Film director;
Len Wiseman ::: Born: March 4, 1973; Occupation: Film director;
Miranda July ::: Born: February 15, 1974; Occupation: Film director;
Jake Schreier ::: Born: 1980; Occupation: Film director;
Deepa Mehta ::: Born: January 1, 1950; Occupation: Film director;
Arnaud Desplechin ::: Born: October 31, 1960; Occupation: Film director;
Abderrahmane Sissako ::: Born: October 13, 1961; Occupation: Film director;
Joachim Trier ::: Born: 1974; Occupation: Film director;
James Ponsoldt ::: Born: 1978; Occupation: Film director;
Marielle Heller ::: Born: October 1, 1979; Occupation: Film director;
Justin Lin ::: Born: 1973; Occupation: Film director;
Larry Charles ::: Born: December 1, 1956; Occupation: Director;
Isabel Coixet ::: Born: April 9, 1960; Occupation: Film director;
Taika Waititi ::: Born: August 16, 1975; Occupation: Film director;
Abbas Kiarostami ::: Born: June 22, 1940; Died: July 4, 2016; Occupation: Film director;
Jon Turteltaub ::: Born: August 8, 1963; Occupation: Film director;
Krzysztof Kieslowski ::: Born: June 27, 1941; Died: March 13, 1996; Occupation: Film director;
Carlos Saldanha ::: Born: January 24, 1965; Occupation: Film director;
Sarah Gavron ::: Born: April 20, 1970; Occupation: Film director;
Jeff Tremaine ::: Born: September 4, 1966; Occupation: Director;
Susanne Bier ::: Born: April 15, 1960; Occupation: Film director;
Fatih Ak?n ::: Born: August 25, 1973; Occupation: Film director;
Morten Tyldum ::: Born: May 19, 1967; Occupation: Film director;
Roger Ross Williams ::: Born: April 13, 1973; Occupation: Television Director;
Gurinder Chadha ::: Born: January 10, 1960; Occupation: Film director;
Liz Marshall ::: Born: 1969; Occupation: Television Director;
Richard Shepard ::: Born: 1965; Occupation: Film director;
Margarethe von Trotta ::: Born: February 21, 1942; Occupation: Film director;
Rohit Shetty ::: Born: March 14, 1973; Occupation: Film director;
Harmony Korine ::: Born: January 4, 1973; Occupation: Film director;
Edoardo Ponti ::: Born: January 6, 1973; Occupation: Director;
Stanley Kubrick ::: Born: July 26, 1928; Died: March 7, 1999; Occupation: Film director;
Akira Kurosawa ::: Born: March 23, 1910; Died: September 6, 1998; Occupation: Film director;
Olivier Megaton ::: Born: August 6, 1965; Occupation: Film director;
Gia Coppola ::: Born: January 1, 1987; Occupation: Film director;
Niels Arden Oplev ::: Born: March 26, 1961; Occupation: Director;
Mark Waters ::: Born: June 30, 1964; Occupation: Film director;
Matthew Warchus ::: Born: October 24, 1966; Occupation: Director;
David Nutter ::: Born: 1960; Occupation: Television Director;
Oliver Parker ::: Born: September 6, 1960; Occupation: Film director;
Craig Gillespie ::: Born: September 1, 1967; Occupation: Film director;
Mike Cahill ::: Born: July 5, 1979; Occupation: Film director;
Francesca Gregorini ::: Born: August 7, 1968; Occupation: Director;
Jaco Van Dormael ::: Born: February 9, 1957; Occupation: Film director;
Ang Lee ::: Born: October 23, 1954; Occupation: Film director;
Spike Lee ::: Born: March 20, 1957; Occupation: Film director;
Ti West ::: Born: October 5, 1980; Occupation: Film director;
Rod Lurie ::: Born: May 15, 1962; Occupation: Director;
John Krokidas ::: Born: October 1, 1973; Occupation: Film director;
Tommy Wirkola ::: Born: December 6, 1979; Occupation: Film director;
Kim Jee-woon ::: Born: July 6, 1964; Occupation: Film director;
Darren Lynn Bousman ::: Born: January 11, 1979; Occupation: Film director;
Brett Morgen ::: Born: 1968; Occupation: Film director;
Richard Linklater ::: Born: July 30, 1960; Occupation: Film director;
Peter Webber ::: Born: 1960; Occupation: Film director;
Djibril Diop Mambety ::: Born: January 23, 1945; Died: July 23, 1998; Occupation: Film director;
Chantal Akerman ::: Born: June 6, 1950; Died: October 5, 2015; Occupation: Film director;
Kimberly Peirce ::: Born: September 8, 1967; Occupation: Film director;
Mamoru Hosoda ::: Born: September 19, 1967; Occupation: Film director;
George Lucas ::: Born: May 14, 1944; Occupation: Film director;
Kirby Dick ::: Born: August 23, 1952; Occupation: Film director;
Robert Schwentke ::: Born: 1968; Occupation: Film director;
Baz Luhrmann ::: Born: September 17, 1962; Occupation: Film director;
David Lynch ::: Born: January 20, 1946; Occupation: Film director;
Roel Reine ::: Born: June 19, 1969; Occupation: Film director;
Lone Scherfig ::: Born: May 2, 1959; Occupation: Film director;
Nigel Lythgoe ::: Born: July 9, 1949; Occupation: Television Director;
Mohsen Makhmalbaf ::: Born: May 29, 1957; Occupation: Film director;
Terrence Malick ::: Born: November 30, 1943; Occupation: Film director;
Michael Mann ::: Born: February 5, 1943; Occupation: Film director;
Adam Wingard ::: Born: December 3, 1982; Occupation: Film director;
Michael Caton-Jones ::: Born: October 15, 1957; Occupation: Film director;
Rose Troche ::: Born: 1964; Occupation: Film director;
Ed Gass-Donnelly ::: Born: August 17, 1977; Occupation: Film director;
Olivier Assayas ::: Born: January 25, 1955; Occupation: Film director;
David Mackenzie ::: Born: May 10, 1966; Occupation: Film director;
James Ivory ::: Born: June 7, 1928; Occupation: Film director;
Elaine May ::: Born: April 21, 1932; Occupation: Film director;
Sam Mendes ::: Born: August 1, 1965; Occupation: Film director;
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Popeye the Sailor (1933 - 1957) - Thimble Theater was adapted into an animated cartoon series originally produced for Paramount Pictures by Fleischer Studios, run by brothers Max Fleischer (producer) and Dave Fleischer (director) in 1933. Popeye made his film debut in Popeye the Sailor, a 1933 Betty Boop cartoon (Betty only makes a...
Twin Peaks (1990 - 1991) - From the strange mind of director David Lynch came Twin Peaks, a murder mystery with his signature surreal and deranged twists detailing FBI Special Agent Dale Cooper's (Kyle MacLachlan) search for the killer of high school homecoming queen Laura Palmer (Sheryl Lee) in the quirky town of Twin Peaks....
The Shari Show (1975 - 1976) - In order to earn enough monies to take care of herself and her infant puppet"Baby Doll"..Ms.Lewis gets a job as programming director for "The Bearly Broadcasting"TV Network. Where she has to cope with the antics of the station's animal puppets..with the exception of "Lamb Chop"this short lived NBC T...
The F.B.I. (1965 - 1974) - A series that was based on true FBI cases that got the support of legendary FBI director J. Edgar Hoover. Efrem Zimbalist Jr. starred in the title role of Inspector Lewis Erskine. A hard working, dedicated by the book member of J. Edgar Hoover's finest. He and his partner Agent Jim Rhodes, Tom Co...
Uncle Croc's Block (1975 - 1976) - Uncle Croc's Block was a ferocious lampooning of other children's shows, with Charles Nelson Riley playing the disgruntled titular part, who hated his job as a children's show host. Also featured were Alfie Wise as his sidekick Mr. Rabbit Ears and Jonathan Harris as the show's director Basil Bitterb...
Rainbow Parade (RKO) (1934 - 1936) - A Cartoon Series feautring Felix the Cat, Molly Moo-Cow, and others. Burt Gillett and Ted Edsubagh were the main directors of the shorts. These shorts were done in the popluar Technicolor. These shorts have fallen in the public domain, and Turner, the owner of the classic RKO films, does not own thi...
NewsRadio (1995 - 1999) - NewsRadio" is a sitcom that explores office politics, relationships, and crises through a group of co-workers at WNYX NewsRadio, New York's #2 newsradio station. Dave Foley stars as the haggled news director, Phil Hartman and Khandi Alexander portray sniping anchor people, Maura Tierney is the ambit...
FM (1989 - 1990) - FM was a one year show about Ted Costas, a director for a free-form public radio station in Washington D.C. He has woman problems and is divorced. Costas is the divorced father of a teenage daughter and is still in love with his ex-wife Lee-Ann. They reunite and now Lee-Ann has returned to resume he...
Superhost (1969 - 1989) - Superhost was the Saturday afternoon program block on WUAB Cleveland hosted by the late WUAB announcer/floor director Marty Sullivan.The show consisted of comedy skits,Three Stooges shorts,and two sci- fi movies.
Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go! (2004 - 2006) - Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go! (commonly known by its initialism, SRMTHFG) is an American/Japanese animated television series, and was created by Ciro Nieli, one of the directors of Teen Titans, Produced by Jetix Animation Concepts with animation being done by a Japanese studio known as The...
Kokoro Library (2001 - 2002) - Kokoro Library () is a moe anime television series directed by Koji Masunari, who is also known for being the director of the anime OVA series Read or Die and the 2005 anime series Kamichu!
Ginga Hyry Vifam (1983 - 1998) - also known as Galactic Drifter Vifam or Round Vernian Vifam) is a 1983 Mecha anime television series produced by Sunrise. It was officially drafted by Yoshiyuki Tomino, the creator of Mobile Suit Gundam and planned by both Takeyuki Kanda (who also serves as its director) and Hiroyuki Hoshiyama. It a...
Monster (2004 - 2005) - Dr. Kenzou Tenma, an elite neurosurgeon recently engaged to his hospital director's daughter, is well on his way to ascending the hospital hierarchy. That is until one night, a seemingly small event changes Dr. Tenma's life forever. While preparing to perform surgery on someone, he gets a call from...
Kidding (2018 - Current) - an American comedy-drama television series created by Dave Holstein that premiered on September 9, 2018, on Showtime. The series stars Jim Carrey, Frank Langella, Judy Greer, Cole Allen, Juliet Morris, and Catherine Keener and marks the second collaboration between director and executive producer Mi...
Last Exile (2003 - 2012) - a Japanese animated television series created by Gonzo. It featured a production team led by director Koichi Chigira, character designer Range Murata, and production designer Mahiro Maeda. The three had previously worked together in Blue Submarine No. 6, one of the first CG anime series. Last Exile...
Heat Guy J (2002 - 2003) - a 26 episode science fiction anime series created by Escaflowne director Kazuki Akane and Satelight.Heat Guy J was licensed and distributed in the U.S. in 2003 by Pioneer (which subsequently became Geneon Entertainment). It was re-released by Funimation in the fall of 2009. The first 13 episodes of...
Fushigiboshi no Futagohime (2005 - 2007) - Twin Princess of Wonder Planet) is a 2005 Japanese animated television show directed by Shgo Kawamoto and with Jun'ichi Sat as chief director and character designs by Birthday.[1] Following Birthday's original concept in 2003, it was taken by Nihon Ad Systems, and TV Tokyo and was reproduced into...
Blue Comet SPT Layzner (1985 - 1986) - Aoki Rysei Esu P T Reizun), sometimes translated as Blue Meteor SPT Layzner, is an anime series produced by Sunrise between 1985 and 1986. Its original creator was Rysuke Takahashi who served as the director.
Eyewitness News (1968 - Current) - On November 11, 1968, Al Primo, the new news director of WABC-TV New York, launched his new news program, "Eyewitness News." As the format grew popular, it had spread across the country to the other ABC-owned and operated (O&O) stations at the time: KABC Los Angeles, WLS Chicago, WXYZ Detroit, and K...
POV (1988 - Current) - The longest-running showcase on television for independent documentary films. PBS presents 1416 POV programs each year, and the series has premiered over 400 films to U.S. television audiences since 1988. POV's films have a strong first-person, social-issue focus. Many established directors, includ...
A Nightmare on Elm Street(1984) - Writer/Director Wes Craven took quite an innovative turn from the path his first two movies ("Last House on the Left" & "The Hills Have Eyes") set for horror. Established with an extensive backstory that only took 5 sequels and a short-lived TV series to fully explain, we are introduced to Nancy Th...
Seed Of Chucky(2004) - The killer doll is back! The all-new film is the fifth in the popular series of Chucky ("Child's Play") horror comedies. Making his directorial debut is the franchise creator and writer of all five films, Don Mancini. The film introduces Glen (voiced by "The Lord of the Rings" star Billy Boyd), the...
Poltergeist(1982) - asDirector[s], Steven Spielberg ("E.T." and "Saving Private Ryan") and Tobe Hooper ("The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" and "Salem's Lot") team up to bring us one of the most well made and frightening ghost stories of al
The Exorcist(1973) - Director William Friedkin was a hot ticket in Hollywood after the success of The French Connection, and he turned heads (in more ways than one) when he decided to make The Exorcist as his follow-up film. Adapted by William Peter Blatty from his controversial bestseller, this shocking 1973 thriller s...
Fritz The Cat(1972) - Mavrick writer/director Ralph Bakshi made his feature-length film debut created the first rated X cartoon ever it's the age of awakening and fritz one way-cool cat and NYU student loves to embrace every experimental experience that crosses his path embarking on a fantastic journey of self-discovery...
Pulp Fiction(1994) - With The Success Of 1992's Reservoir Dogs, Writer/Director Quentin Tarantino Stunned The Filmmaking World By Exploding Into Prominence As A Cinematic Heavyweight Contender.
Dead Alive(1992) - Director Peter Jackson's second feature cheerfully trumps the gross-out quotient of his splatterfest debut, the appropriately named Bad Taste. The tone is cartoonishly comic, and the premise is simple: The village dweeb (Timothy Balme) is trying to maintain a budding romance with the sweet Paquita (...
The Rocketeer(1991) - After getting his start as a visual effects artist on the original Star Wars trilogy, Spielberg protege Joe Johnston found success as a director with his debut film, the blockbuster family adventure Honey, I Shrunk the Kids. For his sophomore outing, Johnston created this action-adventurer, set in 1...
Maximum Overdrive(1986) - Writer-director Stephen King falls short in his debut at the helm with Maximum Overdrive, an absurd tale about a radiation storm that somehow animates machines across the world, causing them to turn on their makers. The film focuses on a group of survivors held captive at the Dixie Boy Diner by a gr...
Hellraiser II: Hellbound(1988) - Horror fantasist Clive Barker, director of the original Hellraiser, maintained creative control over this worthy sequel as Executive Producer, but was unable to occupy the director's chair due to his involvement on other projects. His creative touch is still quite evident here, as the original film'...
New Nightmare(1994) - Ten years after A Nightmare on Elm Street became known as one of the scariest movies of all time, director Wes Craven is having nightmares and is using them to write a script for a seventh Elm Street film. He turns to Heather Langenkamp to ask if she will return to the screen one last time as Nancy....
Brain Damage(1988) - Basket Case director Frank Henenlotter explores another bizarre symbiotic human-monster relationship in this surreal horror-comedy about a young man named Brian (Rick Herbst) who emerges from a night of bizarre hallucinations to find a jovial talking slug attached to his body. The creature, a brain-...
Armageddon(1998) - Michael Bay directed this $150 million science fiction action thriller about an asteroid on a collision course with Earth, sending fireballs down on Manhattan, prompting a plan to split the asteroid into two sections before it arrives and causes human extinction. NASA executive director Dan Truman (...
Basket Case(1982) - The poor social skills of a young yokel turn out to have a horrifying explanation in this low-budget splatterfest, which marks the debut of Frankenhooker director Frank Henenlotter. The film begins with a bloody prologue and the arrival of young Duane Bradley (Kevin Van Hentenryck) at a broken-down...
Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior(1981) - Director George Miller's follow-up to his own 1979 hit Mad Max is proof that not all sequels are inferior to their originals. If anything, this brutal sci-fi action film is even more intense and exciting than its predecessor, although the state of its post-apocalyptic world has only become worse. Se...
Romy and Michele's High School Reunion(1997) - Two dimwitted pals attempt to fib their way through their high school reunion with disastrous results in this bubbly comedy from David Mirkin, frequent director of the cult TV sitcom "Get a Life!". Los Angeles dim-bulbs Romy (Mira Sorvino) and Michele (Lisa Kudrow) have been best friends since child...
Night of the Creeps(1986) - Virtually unnoticed during its brief theatrical run, this wildly entertaining horror-comedy achieved healthy cult status following its home-video and cable TV releases. The directorial debut of Fred Dekker (writer of the successful horror parody House), this low-budget effort throws alien monsters,...
Waterworld(1995) - Widely considered to be an expensive failure, Waterworld was an epic vehicle for Kevin Costner, who starred in and co-produced the film, with his friend Kevin Reynolds as director. It was based on a 1986 screenplay by Peter Rader and cost an estimated $235 million, more than any film in history up t...
Mad Max(1979) - This stunning, post-apocalyptic action thriller from director George Miller stars Mel Gibson as Max Rockatansky, a motorcycle policeman in the near future who is tired of his job. Since the apocalypse, the lengthy, desolate stretches of highway in the Australian outback have become bloodstained batt...
The Birds(1963) - In THE BIRDS, Alfred Hitchcock's heart-pounding follow-up to PSYCHO, the director couples a tone of rigorous morality with dark humor to create a thriller that begins as a light comedy and ends as an apocalyptic allegory. Tippi Hedren (Melanie Griffith's mother) carries the picture in her first film...
The Doom Generation(1995) - Billed as "a heterosexual movie by Gregg Araki," The Doom Generation is the the director's self-styled bad taste teen film. Amy Blue (Rose McGowan) is an obnoxious teenage speed freak and her boyfriend Jordan White (James Duval) is a passive, slow-witted poseur who won't have sex with her because he...
Psycho(1998) - Independent film director Gus Van Sant attempts a first in American film history: a shot-by-shot remake of the classic 1960 Alfred Hitchcock film Psycho. With a few minor, modern-day changes (including filming it in color), his version is essentially the same film with a different cast and the same...
Kung Pow: Enter the Fist(2002) - Steve Oedekerk, The Director who brought you Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls, Jimmy Neutron, Barnyard, and the Nutty Professor, Brings you this funny Martial arts comedy from a 1970s Hong Kong Flick. Steve Oedekerk Directs,Produces,Writes,and Stars in this movie playing the part about a man, named Th...
Eraser Head(1977) - Director David Lynch's feature-film debut is a masterpiece of the macabre and grotesque. Reportedly a reaction to the news that he was about to become a father, Lynch's ERASERHEAD follows a sensitive young man as he struggles to cope with impending parenthood. Henry Spencer (Jack Nance) lives in a h...
Pumpkinhead(1989) - Directorial debute of special effect master, Stan Winston. Set in the countryside, this is the tale of Ed Harley (Lance Henriksen) whos son is killed by some vacationing teenagers by mistake. Ed makes a deal with a witch to summon a demon known as Pumpinhead (that he witnessed seeing it kill a man...
Go(1999) - Director/cinematographer Doug Liman's third feature links together three edgy stories, all beginning in the same Los Angeles supermarket with an interconnected group of characters. Ronna (Sarah Polley) is a down-on-her-luck checkout girl who is sweet talked into taking an extra shift from her friend...
The Howling(1981) - This groundbreaking, darkly-comic horror film from director Joe Dante changed the look and feel of werewolf movies in ways light-years distant from Universal's horror classic The Wolf Man. The story begins with television reporter/anchor Karen White (Dee Wallace) taking part in a dangerous police op...
Apollo 13(1995) - Technical troubles scuttle the Apollo 13 lunar mission in 1971, risking the lives of astronaut Jim Lovell and his crew in director Ron Howard's chronicle of this true-life story, which turns a failed journey into a thrilling saga of heroism. Drifting more than 200,000 miles from Earth, the astronau...
Twice Upon a Time(1983) - "Twice Upon a Time" is an animated cartoon feature from "Star Wars" creator, George Lucas and "Ewok Adventure" director, John Korty. The story involves a battle royal amongst the employees of Murkworks over possession of a "cosmic clock." Whoever controls Time will control the universe, so you can w...
Mr. Magoo(1997) - Action-adventure director Stanley Tong (Supercop, Rumble in the Bronx) did a change of pace by directing this live-action adaptation of UPA's bumbling, near-sighted Mr. Magoo the animated-series character created during the '40s by John Hubley and others for the cartoon short Ragtime Bear (1949). Mi...
Vampire In Brooklyn(1995) - Comedian Eddie Murphy tried something different with this 1995 film that he produced and co-wrote, enlisting veteran horror director Wes Craven to give the story some chills. The uneven comedy-horror tale features Murphy as a vampire named Maximillian who arrives in Brooklyn on a ship full of people...
Monster Dog(1985) - This "monster dog" horror story stars Alice Cooper as Vincent, a rock musician. Vincent's troubles first start when he goes to his childhood home to shoot a music video with his girlfriend Sandra (Victoria Vera), who is the director. Soon after arriving several gruesome murders occur, apparently cau...
A Bronx Tale(1993) - Robert De Niro made his directorial debut with this expanded adaptation of Chazz Palminteri's one-character play. DeNiro's role of Lorenzo Anello, an Italian-America bus driver, is secondary to the part of his son Calogero, played by young Francis Capra. The top dog in Calogero's Bronx neighborhood...
Lethal Weapon 3(1992) - Superstars Mel Gibson and Danny Glover return with director Richard Donner for Lethal Weapon 3, the third in the phenomenally successful action series. In this film, Roger Murtaugh (Danny Glover) is only eight days away from retirement and his partner Martin Riggs (Mel Gibson) once again manages to...
Return of the Living Dead Part II(1988) - A virtual remake of its predecessor, Return of the Living Dead (1985), which itself was a tongue-in-cheek rip-off of director George Romero's Night of the Living Dead (1968), this follow-up adheres strictly to a gore and gags formula. Jesse Wilson (Michael Kenworthy), is a young boy being bullied by...
Bastard Out of Carolina(1996) - Accomplished actress Anjelica Huston, daughter of John Huston, made her directorial debut with this absorbing, often wrenching story of child abuse in the 1950s American South. Based on a novel by Dorothy Allison, the film (narrated by Laura Dern) tells the tale of Bone (Jena Malone), a poor white g...
Urban Legend(1998) - Australian director Jamie Blanks helmed this teen horror film set at Pendleton University. Campus legend has it that 25 years earlier Pendleton was the site of a mass murder by a demented abnormal psych instructor who killed six students and then himself. However, no proof of the prof's deed remains...
Desperado(1995) - Director Robert Rodriguez picks up where his successful independent debut El Mariachi left off with this slam-bang South of the Border action saga. Bucho (Joaquim DeAlmeida) is a wealthy but casually bloodthirsty drug kingpin who rules a seedy Mexican border town. Bucho and his men make the mistake...
Hot Shots!(1991) - From director Jim Abrahams, one of the minds behind the Airplane! and Naked Gun films, comes another parody. This time around, Abrahams has his sights set on the action-adventure genre, specifically Top Gun. Charlie Sheen stars as Topper Harley, a maverick air force pilot who constantly lives in the...
Truck Turner(1974) - Truck Turner (Isaac Hayes) is a bounty hunter who gets a job to hunt down a drug pushin pimp named Gator. Director: Jonathan Kaplan. Stars ( Isaac Hayes ) ( Yaphet Kotto ) ( Alan Weeks) Writers ( Micheal Allin ) ( Leigh Chapman )
Bram Stoker's Dracula(1992) - Based On Bram Stoker's Classic 1897 Novel, This Film From Director Francis Ford Coppola And Screenwriter James V. Hart Offers A Full Blooded Portrait Of The Immortal Transylvanian Vampire, The Major Departure From Bram Stoker's Novel Is One Of Motivation As Count Dracula Is Motivated More By romance...
Rocky II(1979) - By concentrating on character development with this first of several sequels to his Oscar-winning smash Rocky (1976), writer/director Sylvester Stallone earned critical praise that would desert him with the boxing saga's shallower subsequent chapters. Stallone returns as Rocky Balboa, a Philadelphia...
Trancers(1985) - With the whimsical tagline "Jack Deth is back and he's never been here before," director Charles Band melds Blade Runner, The Terminator, and Jingle All the Way for this low-budget science fiction adventure. The story takes place in Angel City in the year 2247, when enforcer Jack Deth (Tim Thomerson...
Ghoul School(1990) - The debut feature from writer/director Timothy O'Rawe, this campy horror film centers on a high-school overrun by cannibalistic zombies. Starring William Friedman and Scott Gordon, Ghoul School finds a ragtag group of nerds and headbangers banding together to put an end to the carnage before the gho...
Ghoulies(1985) - Joe Dante's box-office fantasy Gremlins had barely left American cinemas before Charles Band's B-movie factory, Empire Pictures, rushed out this cheap knockoff. While Dante's film benefited from the director's wry sense of humor and the high-concept clout of executive producer Steven Spielberg, Band...
The Dentist(1996) - In this spoofy horror outing from veteran genre director Brian Yuzna, L.A. Law vet Corbin Bernsen plays Dr. Feinstone, an anal-retentive Beverly Hills dentist with an amusement park of an office replete with Planet Hollywood-worthy, themed exam rooms, piped-in opera music, and a crisp, efficient sta...
Silent Night, Deadly Night 4: Initiation(1990) - When a long-running horror series brings in cult director Brian Yuzna (Society, The Dentist), the resulting film is generally a huge change of pace. Sometimes, as in the marvelous Return of the Living Dead III, that is a good thing. In this case, the result is a big, confused mess. Maud Adams stars...
Steel(1997) - Low-rent, poorly-lit superhero action is the order of the day in this film from television director Kenneth Johnson who makes several references to his series Alien Nation throughout the course of the movie. NBA basketball superstar Shaquille O'Neal stars as John Henry Irons, a weapons designer a...
976-Evil(1989) - This underrated teen-revenge horror film starring Stephen Geoffreys (Fright Night) was the directorial debut of Robert Englund, best known as Freddy Krueger in the Nightmare on Elm Street series. Geoffreys plays Hoax, a picked-on nerd who lives with his religious-nut mother Lucy (the marvelous Sandy...
Frankenstein Unbound(1990) - Legendary low-budget mogul Roger Corman made a somewhat inauspicious return to the director's chair for the first time in nearly twenty years (unless one counts his uncredited participation in "pickup" shoots for several New World Pictures productions) for this quaint sci-fi/horror outing, based on...
Cemetery Man(1994) - Achingly romantic and creepy-funny, this funereal fantasy from the director of La Chiesa (1989) is unlike any Italian film in memory. Rupert Everett plays Francesco Dellamorte, a lonely cemetery caretaker who just wants to get out of his small town of Buffalora. His assistant and sole companion, Gna...
3 Strikes(2000) - Noted hip-hop producer DJ Pooh, who co-wrote the urban comedy Friday, makes his directorial debut with this comedy-drama. A young African-American man is enjoying his freedom after his second stretch in prison. Under the "three strikes and you're out" law, another brush with the police could mean li...
White Dog(1982) - Samuel Fuller is the Director of this Movie & Kristy McNichol was the Actor in thi
The Hard Way(1991) - Action film director John Badham bites the hand that feeds him in this action movie spoof that features ribbing of pretty-boy Hollywood action stars by Michael J. Fox and a parody of colorful, hair-trigger James Woods types by the man himself. Woods plays New York homicide detective John Moss, who i...
State of Grace(1990) - This directorial effort from Phil Joanou stars Sean Penn as an Irish-American undercover cop working the Hell's Kitchen beat. Penn is ostensibly on a sentimental journey to his old neighborhood. Actually he's been assigned to infiltrate a criminal gang led by Ed Harris, the brother of Sean's best fr...
Joe Versus the Volcano(1990) - Academy Award-winning screenwriter John Patrick Shanley's first foray into the director's chair is a quirky romantic fantasy, featuring Bo Welch's signature production design. Tom Hanks plays Joe Banks, a man who hates his job, thinks the overhead fluorescent lights are making him sick, and quakes a...
Dead Man Walking(1995) - Tim Robbins' second directorial effort (after the political satire Bob Roberts) was this drama based on a true story, which explores the issue of capital punishment. Sister Helen Prejean (Susan Sarandon) is a nun, teacher, and activist living in Louisiana who has often worked with prisoners sentence...
Boogie Nights(1997) - A young Man is discovered clearing tables at a night club in 1977 by a Porn director. He eventually runs away from home and is soon thereafter introduced to the world of Adult Entertainment. He is immediately successful and the film follows him throughout his life as a rising, and falling star....
The Last Boy Scout(1991) - Producer Joel Silver, director Tony Scott, and screenwriters Shane Black and Greg Hicks team up for this gridiron-set action thriller. Bruce Willis stars as Joe Hallenbeck, who was once a top-of-the-line Secret Service agent but has since become an alcoholic, flea-bag detective. While performing the...
The 6th Man(1997) - This sports comedy from Class Act (1992) and Houseguest (1995) director Randall Miller stars Kadeem Hardison and Marlon Wayans as basketball-playing brothers. The Tylers have been dreaming of stardom on the court since childhood. Now that they are the top players for the Washington Huskies, Antoine...
Without Limits(1998) - One of two filmed biographies of late track star Steve Prefontaine to be produced in the late '90s, Without Limits comes from director Robert Towne, who previously took a stab at the track-star drama with his directorial debut, 1982's Personal Best. Billy Crudup stars as the ill-fated athlete who ov...
FM(1978) - Los Angeles radio station QSKY has become a ratings juggernaut under the guidance of hip, passionate program director Jeff Dugan (played by Michael Brandon). The executives who own the station naturally see it as an opportunity to make lots and lots of money by flooding the airwaves with ads. Meanwh...
Analyze This(1999) - In the same year that a hit cable television series, The Sopranos, successfully mined the same premise, this comedy about a mobster seeking advice from a psychiatrist was a box office winner for director Harold Ramis. Billy Crystal stars as Dr. Ben Sobel, a New York shrink who's becoming a little bo...
Bad Boys(1995) - Former video director Michael Bay had his first big hit with this action comedy, which also returned producers Jerry Bruckheimer and Don Simpson to the big-budget, high-violence movies that they successfully churned out in the '80s. Mike Lowrey (Will Smith) and Marcus Burnett (Martin Lawrence) are t...
You've Got Mail(1998) - Sleepless In Seattle director Nora Ephron originally made a name for herself as the writer of romantic comedies such as When Harry Met Sally and This is My Life. She continues the genre with You've Got Mail, marking her second collaboration with actors Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan. The story brings romanc...
Bowfinger(1999) - Aspiring film director Bobby Bowfinger (Steve Martin) has a script that he thinks will make him a success. It's a sci-fi movie written by his accountant. The title is "Chubby Rain", and if Bobby can get major star Kit Ramsey (Eddie Murphy) for his movie, then producer Jerry Renfro (Robert Downey Jr....
Smokey And The Bandit 2(1980) - Former stuntman Hal Needham made his directorial debut with the first Smokey and the Bandit (1977) and repeated his success with the sequel, a virtual remake that substituted a live elephant for a truckload of beer. Burt Reynolds returns as law-defying anti-hero Bandit, now a washed-up alcoholic who...
Terror Firmer(1999) - The story follows a low budget film crew led by their blind director,Larry Benjamin, who is trying to create art. Like all the crazy things that happen on a troma set, now the crew has to deal with a serial killer. Production assisstant Jennifer has to struggle between the two men in her life who w...
Dot Goes to Hollywood(1987) - Dot sets out on a mighty adventure that takes her to Hollywood. With the help of Hollywood stars Dot wins a talent quest, is discovered by a famous director and becomes what all Hollywood dreams are made of - a film star! This enables her to raise money for her little friend Gumley the koala who nee...
Oldboy(2003) - It would be a sin to reveal too much about this riveting and bizarre thriller from Korean director Chan Wook Park, except to say that it's about a man named Dae-Su (Choi Min-Sik) who is locked in a hotel room for 15 years without knowing his captor's motives. When he is finally released, Dae Su find...
Komodo(1999) - Michael Lantieri made his reputation in film as a special effects man, helping to create the dinosaurs for Jurassic Park, so for his directorial debut, it's only fitting that he should find himself working with big lizards again. In Komodo, teenager Patrick (Kevin Zegers) is visiting an island off t...
Mad at the Moon(1992) - Director Martin Donovan (real name Carlos Enrique Varela y Peralta-Ramos) directed this beautifully photographed western/horror amalgam. The story takes places in the American West in 1892. Jenny Hill (Mary Stuart Masterson) longs for the love of the local rough-and-tumble outlaw James Miller (Steph...
Mistress(1992) - Successful character actor Barry Primus spent seven years trying to get financing for his feature debut as a writer-director, Mistress. In the film, a once-promising writer-director, Marvin Landisman (Robert Wuhl), who now directs instructional videos, is sitting home one night, watching his own pri...
Double Team(1997) - Like John Woo and Ringo Lam before him, noted Hong Kong action director Tsui Hark made his American filmmaking debut with a thriller starring Jean-Claude Van Damme. For this film, Hark also had the privilege of guiding basketball star Dennis Rodman through his first dramatic role. American anti-terr...
Stripes(1981) - Bill Murray was heading toward a career peak on the back of comedies such as this one from 1981, the second film in his ongoing collaboration with director Ivan Reitman (the two went on to make Ghostbusters). Murray plays a chronic loser who joins the army and fails to find a fan for his ironic sens...
Little Man Tate(1991) - The story of the intellectually-gifted eight-year-old Fred Tate, his mother Dede and the director of a program for gifted children, Dr Jane Grierson. It explores the tension between Fred's emotional and intellectual needs and between his mother and D
Summer Fling(1996) - The debut feature from writer/director David Keating, The Last of the High Kings is the coming-of-age story of Frankie Griffin (Jared Leto), a 17-year-old virgin in 1977 Dublin. Convinced he is about to flunk out of school and forlorn over the recent death of Elvis Presley, Frankie decides to throw...
Cemetery High(1990) - This unbelievably poor slasher parody from director Gorman Bechard (Psychos in Love) concerns four nubile young women calling themselves "The Scumbusters." They team up and begin slaughtering dumb jocks on a college campus after being raped. As crass as the rape-revenge genre ever got, Cemetery High...
Cape Fear(1991) - Martin Scorsese's remake of Cape Fear provided the director with a box-office success to follow up the critical success of the previous year's Goodfellas. After serving a lengthy prison sentence for a sexual assault, Max Cady (Robert De Niro) comes calling on the man who served as his public defende...
Buffalo '66(1998) - Actor Vincent Gallo (The Funeral, Palookaville) made his feature directorial debut with this drama about convict Billy Brown (Gallo), released after half a decade spent behind bars. Drifting into downtown Buffalo, Billy kidnaps teen Layla (Christina Ricci) and has her pose as his loving wife when he...
White Hunter, Black Heart(1990) - Something of a sleeper in its 1990 release, White Hunter, Black Heart is one of Clint Eastwood's most engaging films. It is based on Peter Vietel's novel about the location shoot of John Huston's immortal The African Queen. But the focus is never on Bogie and Hepburn. Egomaniacal director John Wilso...
The Deer Hunter(1978) - Winner of five Academy Awards, including Best Picture and Best Director, The Deer Hunter is simultaneously an audacious directorial conceit and one of the greatest films ever made about friendship and the personal impact of war. Like Apocalypse Now, it's hardly a conventional battle film--the soldie...
Silver Streak(1976) - Despite the presence of hack director Arthur Hiller, this hybrid comedy-thriller works most of the time as pleasant faux Hitchcock. Gene Wilder is a book editor who is relaxing by taking a cross-country train ride. Then he gets caught up in a murder--and becomes a suspect. It's up to him to prove hi...
Nemesis 2: Nebula(1995) - In the future, cyborgs have taken over and they send Alex, a genetically superior child, back in time where she grows to womanhood in the African wilderness. A cyborg with the ability to cloak arrives at the same time and place to kill her. Director Albert Pyun takes from every classic in the genre,...
Fatal Fury: Legend of the Hungry Wolf(1992) - Revenge drives the existence of two siblings whose father is murdered before their very eyes in this bone-smashing martial arts anime from Bubblegum Crisis director Masami Obari. As children, Terry and Andy Bogard watched in terror as a man they had always trusted brutally snuffed out their father's...
Death Wish 4: The Crackdown(1987) - Charles Bronson, weary and comatose, is trotted out again as the cocked crusader Paul Kersey in Death Wish 4: The Crackdown. Director Michael Winner has jumped ship for this installment, replaced by J. Lee Thompson (who has seen better days). Kersey is back in L.A. and dating attractive reporter Kar...
The Sting(1973) - Winner of seven Academy Awards including Best Picture, Director, and Screenplay, this critical and box-office hit from 1973 provided a perfect reunion for director George Roy Hill and stars Paul Newman and Robert Redford, who previously delighted audiences with Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. Se...
EDtv(1999) - The turning point in the life of Ed Pekurny (Matthew McConaughey) comes thanks to the misfortunes of the NorthWest Broadcasting Company. After two years on the air, their flagship cable channel, True TV, has slid into obscurity due to competition from the The Gardening Channel. Program director Cynt...
Mary Shelley's Frankenstein(1994) - Director Kenneth Branagh's interpretation of Mary Shelley's classic horror novel stars Robert DeNiro as a terrifying monster created in an obsessive attempt to defeat death and stretch the limits of medicine in the early 19th century. With the use of flashback, a dying Dr. Viktor Frankenstein (Kenne...
Pumpkin Man(1998) - This 1998 film from director Jennifer Wynne Farmer is a family-friendly short about the magic of Halloween. It's the end of October, and that can mean only one thing: it's time to dress up and go trick-or-treating. But this year will be unlike any other Halloween before, as the kids discover the myt...
Society(1989) - The directorial debut of horror producer Brian Yuzna, this low-budget shocker was an overseas success but sat on the shelf for three years before gaining a U.S. release. Billy Warlock stars as Bill Whitney, the troubled scion of a wealthy Beverly Hills family. Feeling like an outcast his entire life...
The Specialist(1994) - This over-the-top star vehicle for box office draws Sylvester Stallone and Sharon Stone went through a series of directors before landing in the hands of Luis Llosa. Stallone stars as Ray Quick, a former CIA bomb expert now retired in Miami after an operation against a South American drug lord went...
Do The Right Thing(1989) - Director Spike Lee dives head-first into a maelstrom of racial and social ills, using as his springboard the hottest day of the year on one block in Brooklyn, NY. Three businesses dominate the block: a storefront radio station, where a smooth-talkin' deejay (Samuel L. Jackson) spins the platters tha...
Basket Case 2(1990) - Although it took eight years for cult director Frank Henenlotter to revisit the twisted world of Duane Bradley (Kevin Van Hentenryck) and his basket-bound, mutant former Siamese twin Belial, this sequel picks up the plot mere moments after the original Basket Case ended, finding the psychically-link...
Frankenhooker(1990) - Adventurous viewers not repelled by the title of this horror exploitation-comedy from Frank Henenlotter (director of the splatter cult classic Basket Case) will find a fair share of laughs on display, thanks to Henenlotter's typically energetic devil-may-care brand of gruesome humor. James Lorinz te...
Cop Land(1997) - The second film from writer-director James Mangold, the corruption drama Cop Land stars Sylvester Stallone as Freddy Heflin, the much-denigrated sheriff of tiny Garrison, New Jersey, a community which thanks to a technicality is populated almost entirely by members of the New York City Police...
The Joy Luck Club(1993) - Director Wayne Wang and screenwriter Ronald Bass effectively interweave sixteen mother-daughter tales in their silken film version of Amy Tan's best-selling novel about the clash between generations. The film takes place in present-day San Francisco, concentrating on a group of late-middle-aged Chin...
Posse(1993) - Writer, director, and star Mario Van Peebles tried to correct historical misconceptions about African-Americans on the frontier with this action-packed western that's also an homage to spaghetti Westerns. During the Spanish-American War, a squadron of black soldiers led by Jesse Lee (Van Peebles) is...
Touch(1997) - This film is the product of an unlikely pairing between novelist Elmore Leonard and maverick screenwriter-director Paul Schrader. Leonard usually writes Detroit-based crime novels; this time, Schrader transports one of Leonard's quirkier, non-crime books to an L.A. scene. Christopher Walken plays sl...
Very Bad Things(1998) - Peter Berg made his directorial debut with this black comedy about suburbanite Kyle Fisher (Jon Favreau), his future bride Laura (Cameron Diaz) and his four pals brothers Adam (Daniel Stern) and Michael (Jeremy Piven), mechanic Charles (Leland Orser), and real estate agent Robert (Christian Slate...
Basket Case 3: The Progeny(1991) - Cult director Frank Henenlotter does the seemingly impossible by breathing new life into this horror-comedy series about the twisted escapades of the Bradley Brothers: the deranged but sensitive Duane (Kevin Van Hentenryck) and his monstrously-deformed former Siamese twin Belial. The previous instal...
Whispers in the Dark(1992) - When the sadomasochistic sexual fantasies of a Manhattan psychiatrist's disturbed patient begin leaking into the troubled doctor's subconscious, a heated love affair leads to a series of shocking murders in this erotic thriller from Off Limits director Christopher Crowe. The confessions of a sexuall...
Junior(1994) - Ultimate manly man Arnold Schwarzenegger learns what it's like to be an expectant mother in director Ivan Reitman's high-concept comedy. Schwarzenegger plays Dr. Hess, a medical researcher working on a revolutionary drug to help mothers carry endangered infants to term. When government regulations p...
Psycho Cop II(1993) - A commendably gruesome title sequence gets this slasher sequel off on the right foot, and Bobby Ray Shafer returns as Satanist killer-cop Joe Vickers, this time chasing strippers and businessmen through an office building during an after-work bachelor party. Director Adam Rifkin (under the pseudonym...
Q & A(1990) - Following Serpico (1973) and Prince of the City (1981), veteran urban crime film director Sidney Lumet completed a thematic trilogy about New York City police corruption with this noir drama. When New York City cop Mike Brennan (Nick Nolte) shoots an unarmed Hispanic drug dealer in cold blood, he qu...
Phenomena(1985) - One of the masters of horror, Italian horror director Dario Argento (SUSPIRIA, TENEBRE) brings us a horror film that lies within telepathic minds, witnessing murder when sleepwalking, an
Metropolis(1927) - In 1927, noted director Fritz Lang created a film masterpiece titled "METROPOLIS", a silent science fiction film with a film budget of $200 Million, having being shot and filmed for 2 years, and the film became a major classic among motion pictures. The film inspired many films, including STAR WARS...
Everyone Says I Love You(1996) - Writer-director Woody Allen brings romance and comedy together in his first movie musical that celebrates love for one extended family with classic love songs and hilarious production number making perfect (and sometimes not so perfect) harmony. We see Joe, a writer living in Paris returning to New...
Wild Things(1998) - In this erotic thriller, high school guidance counselor Sam Lombardo (Matt Dillon) falls under the fire of accusations of raping students Kelly Van Ryan (Denise Richards) and Suzie Toller (Neve Campbell). What follows is a string of twists, turns and acts of vengeance. From director John McNaughton...
Village of the Damned(1995) - Director John Carpenter brings fear through the faces of the seemingly innocence of youth in this remake of the 1960 Wolf Rilla movie of the same name. In the small coastal village of Midwich, an unseen force invades the townspeople rendering them unconscious for over six hours which leaves ten wom...
Once Around(1991) - Swedish director Lasse Hallstrom makes his American debut with the story of taking chances and the love of family. Renata Bella finds herself to be a failure careerwise and in life...and more after witnessing the wedding of her younger sister along with her longtime boyfriend confessing that he had...
Born on the Fourth of July(1989) - This movie is based on the true story of Ron Kovic. Kovic, played here by Tom Cruise, is a man who dreamed of becoming a Marine. Wounded in Vietnam, he ends up becoming one of the leading lights of the anti-war movement. The movie won several Oscars, including a Best Director for Oliver Stone (himse...
The Driller Killer(1979) - Director Abel Ferrara's (BAD LIEUTENANT) first major feature has an infamous reputation but is actually more of an art film than a straightforward bloodletter. Tortured and penniless artist Reno (Ferrara) and his girlfriends Carol (Carolyn Marz) and Pamela (Baybi Day) hang out at their New York loft...
Chrono Trigger: Dimensional Adventure Numa Monjar (1996) - Chrono Trigger anime which was broadcast at the Japanese V-Jump Festival of July 31, 1996. It was created by Production I.G, and written by Hiroshi Izawa and Akihiro Kikuchi, while Itsuro Kawazaki served as director, Tensai Okamura as animation director, and Riho Nishino as character designer. It wa...
Lost Highway(1997) - Director David Lynch gives us a psycho thriller beyond definition that has audiences tangled in the provocations of nightmares, violence, sex sequences, reality, the subconscious, and madness as they must create their own interpretations of the film.
S.O.B(1981) - Felix Farmer (Richard Mulligan) latest movie flops - and lots of Hollywood types spring into action. Agents are called. Lawyers are retained. Statements are issued. It's what a master comedy director Blake Edwards calls "Standard Operating Bull," the subject of his gleefully satiric S.O.B.
West Side Story(1961) - West Side Story is the film adaptation of the popular Broadway musical of the same name from directors Robert Wise and Jerome Robbins. The movie is the story of two rival gangs, the all-white Jets and the Puerto Rican Sharks and their competition over love. The competition over which gang is better...
Playing By Heart(1998) - Sophomore writer/director Willard Carroll weaves together an all-star cast in interlocking stories about finding love in Los Angeles. The film's theme is spoken by young club-hopper Joan (Angelina Jolie). Taken by the mysterious Keenan (Ryan Phillippe), she tells him that "talking about love" is lik...
Nothing But Trouble(1991) - Actor Dan Aykroyd made his directorial debut with this bizarre comic fantasy. Financier Chris Thorne (Chevy Chase) hopes to impress beautiful Diane Lightson (Demi Moore), so he invites her along for a trip to Atlantic City, with a pair of wealthy Brazilians, Fausto (Taylor Negron) and Renalda (Berti...
9 1/2 Ninjas!(1990) - Some sources list John Morrissey as director of 9 1/2 Ninjas, while others credit Aaron Worth. There's no confusion, however, as to whom the "one-half" is. That honor goes to leading lady Andee Gray, who joins an all-male Ninja training group. Gray gets a big kick out of her lessons (no pun intended...
Days Of Thunder(1990) - The Top Gun team of producers Don Simpson and Jerry Bruckheimer, director Tony Scott, and superstar Tom Cruise reunite for this excursion into stock-car racing that incorporates the vroom and rumble of deafening car engines with a rehash of the same elements that worked so effectively in Cruise's To...
Eyes Wide Shut(1999) - The final work of legendary director Stanley Kubrick, who died within a week of completing the edit, stars Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman, at the time Hollywood's most bankable celebrity couple, and was shot on a open-ended schedule (finally totaling over 400 days), with closed sets in London standing...
Caught Up(1998) - Darin Scott made his directorial debut with this neo-noir crime drama set in South Central L.A. and featuring Cynda Williams in a dual role. Back in L.A. after serving time on drug charges, Daryl Allen (Bokeem Woodbine), who narrates, plans to open a nightclub, and a pal offers to bankroll the busin...
Othello(1995) - Actor Oliver Parker made his directorial debut with this adaptation of the tragic play by William Shakespeare that abridges the original text by half and ups the quotient of sex and violence. Laurence Fishburne stars as the Moorish general Othello, who returns a hero after crushing an invasion attem...
King Of New York(1990) - The gritty underbelly of New York's complex, ethnically divided criminal world is exposed in this dark drama from director Abel Ferrara. Christopher Walken stars as Frank White, a drug lord who's just been released from a long stint in prison. Aware that feeding off of society's depravity has made h...
The Freshman(1990) - In this farcical comedy, Matthew Broderick plays Clark Kellogg, an aspiring director who arrives in New York City to attend film school. However, moments after he arrives in the city, he's robbed by Victor Ray (Bruno Kirby), leaving him no money for the $700 in books required by his instructor, Arth...
Trespass(1992) - Maverick director Walter Hill, who had a big hit with 48 Hrs., indulges his customary yen for violent and disturbing scenes in this overlooked action film, which was also released under the name Looters. Set in the economically-depressed town of East St. Louis, IL, the film's release was delayed sev...
The Apartment(1960) - The Apartment came out shortly after the success of Some Like it Hot from director Billy Wilder and thus making it the most successful films of the year. Full of trivialities this comedy is a harsh critic of coporate world and the American way of life.
kung fu rascals(1992) - In the tradition of Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan and the Three Stooges comes this wildly funny action comedy from director Steve Wang. When chased by mutated monsters, crafty ninjas and a 300 foot tall stone god, the bumbling heroes battle against the powers o
Four Rooms(1995) - Four of the most celebrated directors in the independent film community pooled their talents for this episodic comedy. Ted (Tim Roth) is the new bellboy at a beautiful but decaying luxury hotel; he is not having a good time of it on New Year's Eve, his first night on the job. In one room, a coven of...
Man Trouble(1992) - Actor Jack Nicholson, writer Carole Eastman, and director Bob Rafelson re-team 22 years after their classic Five Easy Pieces, for this romantic comedy. Nicholson plays Harry Bliss, a small potatoes security expert unhappily married to a Japanese woman (he sarcastically calls her Iwo Jima during ther...
Rough Magic(1997) - Director Clare Peploe (wife of Bernardo Bertolucci) adapted this blend of noir mystery and magical realism from the story Miss Shumway Waves a Wand by James Hadley Chase. Bridget Fonda stars as Myra Shumway, an apprentice to a magician (Kenneth Mars) in 1952 Los Angeles. Myra is unhappily engaged to...
Blood and Wine(1996) - Jack Nicholson reunited with director Bob Rafelson, director of Five Easy Pieces and The King Of Marvin Gardens, for this violent, downbeat crime drama. Alex (Jack Nicholson) is a wine dealer whose business is going belly-up, along with his life. His step-son Jason (Stephen Dorff) hates him, his wif...
Hurlyburly(1998) - David Rabe's popular play of Hollywood immorality and decadence is brought to the big screen by director Anthony Drazan and an all-star cast that includes Sean Penn, Robin Wright-Penn, Kevin Spacey, Meg Ryan, Chazz Palminteri, Garry Shandling, and Anna Paquin. The film is set in the Hollywood Hills...
Nowhere(1997) - Described by director Gregg Araki as "A Beverly Hills 90210 episode on acid" (with no suggestions of what it might be cut with), Nowhere is a companion piece with Araki's previous meditations on youth gone wild in the 1990s, Totally F***ed Up and The Doom Generation Araki's self-described "teen a...
The Game(1997) - Director David Fincher followed the success of his dark and atmospheric crime thriller Seven (1995) with another exercise in stylish film noir, this time lifting the pallid atmosphere a notch to indulge in a fast-paced trip through the cinematic funhouse. Michael Douglas plays Nicholas Van Orton, a...
The Indian Runner(1991) - The Indian Runner, Sean Penn's debut film as director (he also wrote the script, based on the Bruce Springsteen song "Highway Patrolman") is a brooding tale of two brothers one peaceful and sedate, the other violent and aggressive whose natures, left unchecked since they were children, are set...
The Thin Red Line(1998) - The return of director Terrence Malick to feature filmmaking after a twenty year sabbatical, this World War II drama is an elegiac rumination on man's destruction of nature and himself, based on James Jones' semi-autobiographical novel, his follow-up to From Here to Eternity. James Caviezel stars as...
Nashville(1975) - Producer-director Robert Altman mixes equal amounts of music and politics in a multi-layered slice of America that follows 5 days leading up to a political rally for Replacement Party candidate Hal Phillip Walker and along the way we see the lives of 24 characters made up of various stars, aspirants...
Don't Look Now(1973) - Nicolas Roeg's third film--after the brash PERFORMANCE (1970) and meditative WALKABOUT (1971)--is a haunting thriller that confirmed the director's status as a true visionary. Based on a story by Daphne Du Maurier, DON'T LOOK NOW follows a grieving English couple to Venice, where the past continues...
Young Sherlock Holmes(1985) - From producer Steven Spielberg and director Berry Levinson, comes the untold story of Sherlock Holmes when he and Dr. Watson first met as Schoolboys and solved their first mystery together. There had been mysterous deaths happening all over London, England caused by hallucination and Sherlock and Wa...
Ghost Dog: The Way Of The Samurai(1999) - Ghost Dog: The Way Of The Samurai is directed by acclaimed film director Jim Jarmusch and was released in 1999. Forrest Whitaker portrays the title character Ghost Dog. The movie also co-stars a young Camille Winbush (Of 'The Bernie Mac Show' fame). The movie features the soundtrack done by the RZA...
Scenes From A Mall(1991) - Bette Midler and Woody Allen star in director Paul Mazursky's comedy as a professional Los Angeles couple--Deborah (Midler) is the author of a best-selling self-help book about marriage and has been wed to successful lawyer Nick (Allen) for 16 years. They live a high-pressure professional life, comp...
Robot Taekwon V / Voltar the Invincible(1976) - Robot Taekwon V is a South Korean animated film directed by Kim Cheong-gi and produced by Yu Hyun-mok, the prominent director of such films as Obaltan (오발탄) (Aimless Bullet) (1960). Released on July 24, 1976, it was Korea's first full-length animated science-fiction feature. It...
Under the Cherry Moon(1986) - Under the Cherry Moon is a 1986 American musical drama film directed by and starring Prince in his directorial debut. The film co-stars former The Time member Jerome Benton, Kristin Scott Thomas (in her feature film debut), and Steven Berkoff. The film was a critical and commercial failure, winning...
Kangaroo Jack: G'Day U.S.A.!(2004) - Kangaroo Jack: G'Day U.S.A.! (also known as Kangaroo Jack 2 or Kangaroo Jack 2: G'Day U.S.A.!) is an animated sequel to 2003's Kangaroo Jack that is directed by Emory Myrick and Jeffrey Gatrall (time director). It was produced by Warner Bros. Animation and sister company Castle Rock Entertainment an...
Inside Out(2015) - Emotions run wild in the mind of a little girl who is uprooted from her peaceful life in the Midwest and forced to move to San Francisco in this Pixar adventure from director Pete Docter. Young Riley was perfectly content with her life when her father landed a new job in San Francisco, and the famil...
Jumper(2008) - Following up his blockbuster action hit "Mr. and Mrs. Smith", director Doug Liman turns to an entirely new genre -- sci-fi -- for this tale of an underground world of teleporters. Based on the novel by Steven Gould, "Jumper" concerns David (Hayden Christensen), a young man who quite literally wills...
Oblivion(2013) - A solitary drone repairman working on a war-ravaged planet Earth becomes humanity's last hope for survival in this ambitious sci-fi epic from "Tron: Legacy" director Joseph Kosinski, and "Rise of the Planet of the Apes" producer Peter Chernin. In the distant future, Earth has been decimated by an in...
Crazy/Beautiful(2001) - The Romeo and Juliet story has been modernized to a high school setting previously, but this romance from director John Stockwell turns the tale inside out. Jay Hernandez stars as Carlos Nunez, a poor but athletically gifted Latino teenager who endures a two-hour bus ride every day from East L.A. to...
Stealing Beauty(1996) - This beautiful if ponderous souffle of a film from director Bernardo Bertolucci serves more as an Italian travelogue than a drama. Liv Tyler stars as Lucy Harmon, an American teenager arriving in the lush Tuscan countryside to visit family friends residing there. Lucy visited four years earlier and...
Summer Catch(2001) - This blend of sports and youthful romantic comedy is from director Michael Tollin, who previously produced the sports drama "Varsity Blues" (1999). Freddie Prinze, Jr. stars as Ryan Dunne, a ballplayer who's spending the summer as a pitcher for the famed, highly prestigious Cape Cod League, a non-pr...
Love Shack(2010) - A dysfunctional family of adult film stars reunites for a memorial porn shoot following the death of legendary producer Mo Saltzman. Along the way, the film's hapless director must contend with dueling divas, bickering couples, emotionally-scarred tag-team brothers, and a dominatrix with low self-es...
Nativity!(2009) - Nativity! is a British comedy directed by Debbie Isitt and released on 27 November 2009. The film stars Martin Freeman and Ashley Jensen. The film is written by its director, Debbie Isitt, but is also partially improvised. The film premiered on 23 November 2009 in the SkyDome Arena, Coventry, Englan...
Prophecy(1979) - This schlock horror classic from the 1970s is a product of the career ebb experienced by director John Frankenheimer. Robert Foxworth stars as Dr. Robert Verne, an inner-city physician renowned for his compassion and fairness. So he's asked by the EPA to mediate a dispute between Native American tri...
Shin Godzilla(2016) - Japan is plunged into chaos when a skyscraper-sized lizard monster rises from the deep of Tokyo Bay and lays waste to Tokyo. From director Hideaki Anno, creator of the cult classic anime series Neon Genesis Evangelion.
The Iron Giant(1999) - The Iron Giant is a 1999 American animated science fiction film using both traditional animation and computer animation, produced by Warner Bros. Feature Animation and directed by Brad Bird in his directorial debut. It is based on the 1968 novel The Iron Man by Ted Hughes (which was published in the...
Yakuza: Like a Dragon(2007) - Cult Japanese director Takashi Miike draws inspiration from the popular Playstation 2 title Yakuza for this unhinged tale of underworld violence in Tokyo starring Goro Kishitani and Kazuki Kitamura. It's summertime in Tokyo, and as the temperature rises, two undercover cops stake out a high-profile...
The Band Wagon(1953) - A pretentiously artistic director is hired for a new Broadway musical and changes it beyond recognition.
Your Highness(2011) - "Pineapple Express" co-stars Danny McBride and James Franco reunite for director David Gordon Green's fantasy comedy Your Highness, which sends up such beloved '80s gems as Krull and The Sword and the Sorcerer. Thadeous has always stood in the shadow of his older brother, Fabious, a fearless knight...
Shades(1999) - Shades is a film about (imaginary) Belgian serial killer Freddy Lebecq which producer Max Vogel, a former lawyer, is determined to make into an internationally co-produced, relatively big budget-production Hollywood style, with a director from the States. To that end he cuts deals with and often beh...
The Day Of The Locust(1975) - An art director in the 1930's falls in love and attempts to make a young woman an actress despite Hollywood who wants nothing to do with her because of her problems with an estranged man and her alcoholic father.
An Alan Smithee Film: Burn Hollywood Burn(1997) - First, a little background: in 1955, the Director's Guild of America created the pseudonym Alan Smithee, which film directors are allowed to use if they feel their work has been tampered with to such a degree that they no longer want the credit (for example, if you look at the credits of the expande...
Cannibal! The Musical(1996) - This is an amiable little parody from director Trey Parker, best known as co-creator of the cult TV series South Park. Set in 1873, the film deals with Alfred Packer (Juan Schwartz, aka Trey Parker), who is accused of cannibalizing members of his six-man party on a trip West. There are comic songs,...
Looney Tunes: Back In Action(2003) - Tired of playing Bugs Bunny's second fiddle, Daffy Duck demands his own movie only to be fired from Warner Bros. Studios. Security guard DJ Drake, son of an action movie star, is fired when trying to banish him from the studio. Later, Bugs' director Kate Houghton is fired for removing Daffy Duck. Th...
Wet Hot American Summer(2001) - August 18th, 1981. It's the last day for everyone at Camp Firewood and there is still a lot of unfinished business to do for everybody. But there is still time for arts & crafts, a little romance, and an assortment of activities. At the center of it all, camp director Beth tries to keep things toget...
Spirits Of The Dead(1968) - Three directors each adapt a Poe short story to the screen: "Toby Dammit" features a disheveled drugged and drunk English movie star who nods acceptance in the Italian press and his producers fawn over him. "Metzengerstein" features a Mediveal countess who has a love-hate relationship with a black s...
Grand Theft Auto(1977) - A rich girl steals her dad's Rolls Royce and heads off to Las Vegas to get married. However, her angry parents, a jealous suitor, and a bunch of reward seekers are determined to stop her. This movie was Ron Howard's directorial debut, and like the previous year's "Eat My Dust", was produced by Roger...
Halloween(2007) - Writer-director Rob Zombie takes a terrifying twist on the 1978 horror classic including a new introduction that reveals the secrets behind Michael Myers' disturbed childhood. Years after murdering 3 people and his conviction, the now-grown Michael escapes from the mental institution and returns to...
Death Has Blue Eyes(1976) - This was one of the first films directed by Greek cult film director Nico Mastorakis.
The Ring Two(2005) - The Ring Two is a 2005 American psychological thriller film, and a sequel to the 2002 film The Ring, which was a remake of the 1998 Japanese film Ringu. Hideo Nakata, director of the original Japanese film Ringu, on which the American versions are based, directed this film in place of Gore Verbinski...
Grizzly Man(2005) - Grizzly Man is a 2005 American documentary film by German director Werner Herzog and featuring a musical score from Richard Thompson. It chronicles the life and death of bear enthusiast, wildlife activist, and aspiring documentarian Timoth
Pearl Harbor(2001) - At the time of its release, this lavish period war drama from hyperkinetic director Michael Bay became the most expensive motion picture ever green-lighted by a studio. Ben Affleck stars as Rafe McCawley, a military pilot stationed under Jimmy Doolittle (Alec Baldwin) in New Jersey, along with his b...
Fahrenheit 9/11(2004) - Fahrenheit 9/11 is a 2004 documentary film by American filmmaker and director and political commentator Michael Moore. The film takes a critical look at the presidency of George W. Bush, the War on Terror, and its coverage in the news media. The film is the second highest grossing documentary of all...
Ballistic: Ecks vs. Sever(2002) - Michael, the son of Robert Gant, director of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), is kidnapped when he returns home from a trip to Berlin, despite a heavily armed DIA escort. The kidnapper is a former DIA agent named Sever. Former FBI agent Jeremiah Ecks is asked by his old boss, Martin, to invest...
The Business of Being Born(2008) - Inspired by their own unique birthing experiences, executive producer Ricki Lake and director Abby Epstein team up for this documentary that provides a nation of mothers-to-be with insight into the process of childbirth and the various options available when preparing for the miraculous event of lif...
Waltz With Bashir(2008) - An Israeli film director interviews fellow veterans of the 1982 invasion of Lebanon to reconstruct his own memories of his term of service in that conflict.
Synecdoche, New York(2008) - A theatre director struggles with his work, and the women in his life, as he creates a life-size replica of New York City inside a warehouse as part of his new play.
The Legend Of Lylah Clare(1968) - A dictatorial film director hires an unknown actress to play the lead role in a planned movie biography of a late, great Hollywood star.
Agent Cody Banks 2: Destination London(2004) - Agent Cody Banks (Frankie Muniz) attends summer camp, actually a secret facility for training CIA teenage agents. When a group of CIA soldiers attempt to abduct head counselor Victor Diaz (Keith Allen), Cody helps him escape, mistaking the CIA operation for a training exercise. The director informs...
The Avengers(2012) - The evil Loki, accompanied by an army of extraterrestrials called the Chitauri, is in pursuit of a powerful object known as the Tesseract. Nick Fury, director of the espionage and law enforcement agency S.H.I.E.L.D. activates a plan he calls the "Avengers Initiative": bring together Earth's greatest...
The Dark Knight Rises(2012) - The third and final chapter of director Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight trilogy. After the defeat and capture of the Joker in the last film, the Gotham Police Department has now been granted the powers to eradicate any form of organized crime. Batman also appears to have gone missing and Bruce Wayne...
Garfield: A Tale of Two Kitties(2006) - The laziest cat in America swaps places with the richest feline in England in director Tim Hill's lasagna-laden sequel to the 2004 theatrical hit Garfield. Jon Arbuckle (Breckin Meyer) is on his way to London to propose to his veterinarian girlfriend, Liz Wilson (Jennifer Love Hewitt), and his unfla...
I Bury The Living(1958) - Through a series of macabre "coincidences," the newly-elected director of a cemetery begins to believe that he can cause the deaths of living owners of burial plots by merely changing the push-pin color from white (living) to black (dead) on a large wall map of the cemetery that notes those plots
CK, or F*CK; alternatively titled Fuck: A Documentary and The F-Bomb: A Documentary) is a 2005 documentary film by director Steve Anderson which argues that the word "fuck" is an integral part of societal discussions about freedom of speech and censorship. The film looks at t...
Da Wan(2001) - Yankie director Don Tyler faces mounting insecurity and declining health while on location in Beijing, so his assistant hires down-and-out camerman YoYo to take the reins. Scrambling, studio boss sells the sagging picture to a Japanese media company. But YoYo is determined to upstage the whole produ...
America's Sweethearts(2001) - A movie publicist deals with the messy public split of his movie's co-stars while keeping reporters at bay while a reclusive director holds the film's print hostage.
Tropic Thunder(2008) - While shooting a war film, the director attempts to liven up proceedings by dropping the principle actors into the middle of a real jungle, claiming he is going to capture their performance with hidden cameras. The hapless group including drug-addled comedy star Jeff Portnoy and po-faced method man...
Eragon(2006) - Eragon is a 2006 British-American action-fantasy film directed by Stefen Fangmeier (in his directorial debut) and written by Peter Buchman, based on Christopher Paolinis 2002 novel of the same name. The film stars Ed Speleers in the title role as well as Jeremy Irons, Sienna Guillory, Robert Carlyl...
The Trip(1967) - After his wife leaves him, a disillusioned director dives into the drug scene, trying anything his friend suggests.
Annabelle Comes Home(2019) - Annabelle Comes Home is a 2019 American supernatural horror film directed by Gary Dauberman, in his directorial debut, from a script by Dauberman and a story by Dauberman and James Wan, who also acted as producer with Peter Safran. It serves as a sequel to 2014's Annabelle and 2017's Annabelle: Crea...
The Curse of La Llorona(2019) - The Curse of La Llorona (also known as The Curse of the Weeping Woman in some markets) is a 2019 American supernatural horror film directed by Michael Chaves, in his feature directorial debut, and written by Mikki Daughtry and Tobias Iaconis. Based on the Latin American folklore of La Llorona, the f...
The Buccaneer(1958) - A 1958 color and VistaVision-produced remake of Cecil B. DeMille's 1938 film of the same name. Directorial duties on the film were done by Anthony Quinn while DeMille (who was ill at the time) is still credited as supervising producer and appeared in the film's introduction.
Men in Black 3(2012) - Sonnenfeld and Steven Spielberg returned as director and executive producer, respectively. In the film, Boris the Animal, an old enemy of Agent K, escapes from prison and travels back in time to kill the younger K in order to allow his species, a ruthless alien race known as Boglodites, to attack Ea...
The Wind Rises(2013) - A lifelong love of flight inspires Japanese aviation engineer Jiro Horikoshi (Hideaki Anno, creator of Neon Genesis Evangelion and director of Shin Godzilla), whose storied career includes the creation of the A6M World War II fighter plane.
ParaNorman(2012) - ParaNorman is a 2012 American stop-motion animated dark fantasy comedy horror film directed by Sam Fell and Chris Butler (in his feature directorial debut), and written by Butler. In the small town of Blithe Hollow, Massachusetts, Norman Babcock is an 11-year-old boy who speaks with the dead, includ...
Spirited Away(2002) - In this animated feature by noted Japanese director Hayao Miyazaki, 10-year-old Chihiro (Rumi Hiiragi) and her parents (Takashi Nait, Yasuko Sawaguchi) stumble upon a seemingly abandoned amusement park. After her mother and father are turned into giant pigs, Chihiro meets the mysterious Haku (Miyu...
Teen Titans Go! To the Movies(2018) - Based on the mega popular TV series, the Teen Titans have to create a movie to prove their true Hollywood stardom, like any big superheroes. Pitching right to Warner Bros Studios they meet Jade, the director who is responsible for all of the world's past superhero movies, but they soon find that Jad...
The Oath(2018) - Ike Barinholtz makes his directorial debut as well as playing a starring role in this black comedy film that shows how even the greatest of division will still not be enough to drive a family apart. In the near future, American citizens are asked, though not required, to sign a legal document sweari...
Footlight Parade(1933) - Motion pictures may have put Broadway director Chester Kent (James Cagney) out of a job, but he quickly finds a second career producing musical sequences for the movies. Unfortunately, a cutthroat competitor keeps stealing his ideas. That cannot happen on his next commission, a rush job for a big-ti...
Strangers(1992) - Erotic anthology mini-series about Americans in Paris turned TV movie that consists of three unrelated episodes each created by different notable director and cast. The mini-series/TV movie was followed by a short lived TV series.
The Intern(2015) - A retired successful business owner and widower (Robert De Niro) lands an internship at a fashion website run by a young, career-driven woman (Anne Hathaway) in this Warner Bros. comedy from writer/director Nancy Meyers
The Social Network(2010) - Director David Fincher (Fight Club, Seven) teams with screenwriter Aaron Sorkin (The West Wing) to explore the meaning of success in the early 21st century from the perspectives of the technological innovators who revolutionized the way we all communicate. The year was 2003. As prohibitively expensi...
Dear John(2010) - Director Lasse Hallstrm and screenwriter Jamie Linden collaborate to adapt author Nicholas Sparks' novel about a young soldier who falls for an idealistic college girl. Savannah Curtis (Amanda Seyfried) was on spring break when she first met John Tyree (Channing Tatum), who was home on temporary le...
Revenge of the Electric Car(2011) - Director Chris Paine takes his film crew behind the closed doors of Nissan, GM, and the Silicon Valley start-up Tesla Motors to chronicle the story of the global resurgence of electric cars.
Zack Snyder's Justice League(2021) - After nearly 4 years since the DC Superhero team hits theaters, director Zack Snyder returns to his own 4-hour vision that was intended to be seen.
Unplanned(2019) - All Abby Johnson ever wanted to do was help women. As one of the youngest Planned Parenthood clinic directors in the nation, she believed in a woman's right to choose. Until the day she saw something that changed everything. -- Action -- Drama, Historical, Psychological, Seinen
10.000 Km (2014) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 1h 39min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 10 July 2015 (USA) -- Alex moves to Los Angeles for a new job; Sergi stays in Barcelona. They love each other, but maintaining a relationship through technology proves challenging. Director: Carlos Marques-Marcet Writers:
1,000 Times Good Night (2013) ::: 7.1/10 -- Tusen ganger god natt (original title) -- 1,000 Times Good Night Poster -- Rebecca is one of the world's top war photographers. She must weather a major emotional storm when her husband refuses to put up with her dangerous life any longer. Director: Erik Poppe Writers:
100 Things (2018) ::: 6.4/10 -- 100 Dinge (original title) -- 100 Things Poster Best friends Toni and Paul decide to relinquish all of their belongings for 100 days, whereby they receive one of their items back on each day. During this challenge the two realize, that ... S Director: Florian David Fitz Writer: Florian David Fitz
100 Things (2018) ::: 6.4/10 -- 100 Dinge (original title) -- 100 Things Poster Best friends Toni and Paul decide to relinquish all of their belongings for 100 days, whereby they receive one of their items back on each day. During this challenge the two realize, that ... S Director: Florian David Fitz Writer: Florian David Fitz
101 Reykjavk (2000) ::: 6.8/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 28min | Comedy, Romance | 1 June 2000 (Iceland) -- Will the 30 y.o. Hlynur ever move out of his mother's apartment in Reykjavk? Social welfare keeps him passive but things change when his mother's Spanish friend, Lola, arrives and stays through Xmas and New Year's Eve. Director: Baltasar Kormkur Writers: Hallgrmur Helgason (novel), Baltasar Kormkur
10 Cloverfield Lane (2016) ::: 7.2/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 43min | Action, Drama, Horror | 11 March 2016 (USA) -- After getting in a car accident, a woman is held in a shelter by a man who claims that the outside world is affected by a widespread chemical attack. Director: Dan Trachtenberg Writers:
10 Items or Less (2006) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 1h 22min | Comedy, Drama | 8 February 2007 (Israel) -- An actor (Freeman) prepping for an upcoming role meets a quirky grocery clerk (Vega), and the pair hit the road to show one another their respective worlds. Director: Brad Silberling Writer:
10 Rillington Place (1971) ::: 7.6/10 -- GP | 1h 51min | Biography, Crime, Drama | 29 January 1971 (UK) -- Based on the real-life case of the British serial killer John Christie, and what happened to his neighbors Tim and Beryl Evans. Director: Richard Fleischer Writers: Clive Exton (screenplay), Ludovic Kennedy (book)
10 Things I Hate About You (1999) ::: 7.3/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 37min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 31 March 1999 (USA) -- A pretty, popular teenager can't go out on a date until her ill-tempered older sister does. Director: Gil Junger Writers: Karen McCullah, Kirsten Smith
10 timer til Paradis (2012) ::: 7.1/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 32min | Drama, Romance | 22 August 2012 (USA) -- Dennis, a painfully shy 38-year-old bodybuilder who lives with his mother, sets off to Thailand in search of love. Director: Mads Matthiesen Writers: Mads Matthiesen (screenplay), Martin Zandvliet (screenplay) (as Martin
11:14 (2003) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 1h 26min | Crime, Drama, Mystery | 20 August 2004 (Italy) -- The events leading up to an 11:14 p.m. car crash, from five very different perspectives. Director: Greg Marcks Writer: Greg Marcks
12:01 (1993) ::: 6.8/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 32min | Comedy, Sci-Fi, Thriller | TV Movie 5 July 1993 -- A man likes a woman at work. He sees her get murdered. He gets drunk and zapped at 12:01AM. Next morning she's back and everything is exactly like the day before. The time loops gives him chances to save her. Director: Jack Sholder Writers:
127 Hours (2010) ::: 7.5/10 -- R | 1h 34min | Biography, Drama | 28 January 2011 (USA) -- A mountain climber becomes trapped under a boulder while canyoneering alone near Moab, Utah and resorts to desperate measures in order to survive. Director: Danny Boyle Writers:
12 and Holding (2005) ::: 7.5/10 -- R | 1h 34min | Drama | 7 July 2006 (Sweden) -- After his twin brother is accidentally killed by vengeful bullies, a 12-year old boy and his friends face the harsh realities of death, teenage hormones, and family dysfunction. Director: Michael Cuesta Writer:
12 Angry Men (1957) ::: 9.0/10 -- Approved | 1h 36min | Crime, Drama | 10 April 1957 (USA) -- A jury holdout attempts to prevent a miscarriage of justice by forcing his colleagues to reconsider the evidence. Director: Sidney Lumet Writers: Reginald Rose (story), Reginald Rose (screenplay)
12 Angry Men (1997) ::: 7.9/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 57min | Crime, Drama | TV Movie 17 August 1997 -- Twelve men must decide the fate of one when one juror objects to the jury's decision. Director: William Friedkin Writer: Reginald Rose (teleplay)
12 Gifts of Christmas (2015) ::: 6.5/10 -- TV-G | 1h 23min | Comedy, Romance | TV Movie 26 November 2015 -- With two more weeks until Christmas, a busy business man, Marc Rehnquist, hires a struggling artist, Anna Parisi, to help him pick out gifts for his friends and family. Director: Peter Sullivan Writers:
12 Monkeys (1995) ::: 8.0/10 -- Twelve Monkeys (original title) -- 12 Monkeys Poster -- In a future world devastated by disease, a convict is sent back in time to gather information about the man-made virus that wiped out most of the human population on the planet. Director: Terry Gilliam Writers:
12 Strong (2018) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 2h 10min | Action, Drama, History | 19 January 2018 (USA) -- 12 Strong tells the story of the first Special Forces team deployed to Afghanistan after 9/11; under the leadership of a new captain, the team must work with an Afghan warlord to take down the Taliban. Director: Nicolai Fuglsig Writers:
12 Years a Slave (2013) ::: 8.1/10 -- R | 2h 14min | Biography, Drama, History | 8 November 2013 (USA) -- In the antebellum United States, Solomon Northup, a free black man from upstate New York, is abducted and sold into slavery. Director: Steve McQueen Writers: John Ridley (screenplay by), Solomon Northup (based on "Twelve Years a
13 Assassins (2010) ::: 7.6/10 -- Jsan-nin no shikaku (original title) -- 13 Assassins Poster -- A group of assassins come together for a suicide mission to kill an evil lord. Director: Takashi Miike Writers:
13: Game of Death (2006) ::: 6.7/10 -- 13 game sayawng (original title) -- 13: Game of Death Poster -- After losing his job, his car and his money, Phuchit, Krissada Sukosol, races against time to complete 13 tasks ordered by an anonymous caller who promised 100,000,000 Thai Baht upon completion. Director: Chookiat Sakveerakul (as Matthew Chookiat Sakveerakul) Writers:
13 Hours (2016) ::: 7.3/10 -- R | 2h 24min | Action, Drama, History | 15 January 2016 (USA) -- During an attack on a U.S. compound in Libya, a security team struggles to make sense out of the chaos. Director: Michael Bay Writers: Chuck Hogan (screenplay), Mitchell Zuckoff (book)
1408 (2007) ::: 6.8/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 44min | Fantasy, Horror, Mystery | 22 June 2007 (USA) -- A man who specialises in debunking paranormal occurrences checks into the fabled room 1408 in the Dolphin Hotel. Soon after settling in, he confronts genuine terror. Director: Mikael Hfstrom Writers:
1408 (2007) ::: 6.8/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 44min | Fantasy, Horror, Mystery | 22 June 2007 (USA) -- A man who specialises in debunking paranormal occurrences checks into the fabled room 1408 in the Dolphin Hotel. Soon after settling in, he confronts genuine terror. Director: Mikael Hfstrm Writers:
1492: Conquest of Paradise (1992) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 34min | Adventure, Biography, Drama | 9 October 1992 (USA) -- Christopher Columbus' discovery of the Americas and the effect this has on the indigenous people. Director: Ridley Scott Writer: Rose Bosch (scenario) (as Roselyne Bosch)
16 Blocks (2006) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 42min | Action, Crime, Drama | 3 March 2006 (USA) -- An aging alcoholic cop is assigned the task of escorting a witness from police custody to a courthouse 16 blocks away. There are, however, chaotic forces at work that prevent them from making it in one piece. Director: Richard Donner Writer:
1776 (1972) ::: 7.6/10 -- G | 2h 21min | Drama, Family, History | 17 November 1972 (USA) -- A musical retelling of the American Revolution's political struggle in the Continental Congress to declare independence. Director: Peter H. Hunt Writers: Peter Stone (book), Sherman Edwards (based on a conception of) | 1 more
17 Again (2009) ::: 6.4/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 42min | Comedy, Drama, Fantasy | 17 April 2009 (USA) -- Mike O'Donnell is ungrateful for how his life turned out. He gets a chance to rewrite his life when he tried to save a janitor near a bridge and jumped after him into a time vortex. Director: Burr Steers Writer:
1917 (2019) ::: 8.3/10 -- R | 1h 59min | Drama, Thriller, War | 10 January 2020 (USA) -- April 6th, 1917. As a regiment assembles to wage war deep in enemy territory, two soldiers are assigned to race against time and deliver a message that will stop 1,600 men from walking straight into a deadly trap. Director: Sam Mendes Writers:
1922 (2017) ::: 6.3/10 -- TV-MA | 1h 42min | Crime, Drama, Horror | 20 October 2017 (USA) -- A simple yet proud farmer in the year 1922 conspires to murder his wife for financial gain, convincing his teenage son to assist. But their actions have unintended consequences. Director: Zak Hilditch Writers:
1942: A Love Story (1994) ::: 7.2/10 -- Not Rated | 2h 37min | Action, Drama, History | 15 July 1994 (India) -- A young Indian couple, both from wealthy backgrounds, find themselves caught up in the 1940's Indian revolutionary movement against their families whom are under the thumb a sadistic British general. Director: Vidhu Vinod Chopra Writers:
1984 (1956) ::: 7.0/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 30min | Drama, Sci-Fi | September 1956 (USA) -- In a totalitarian future society, Winston Smith, whose daily work is re-writing history, tries to rebel by falling in love. Director: Michael Anderson Writers: George Orwell (freely adapted from the novel by: "1984"), William Templeton (screenplay) (as William P. Templeton) | 1 more credit Stars:
1984 (1984) ::: 7.1/10 -- Nineteen Eighty-Four (original title) -- 1984 Poster -- In a totalitarian future society, a man, whose daily work is re-writing history, tries to rebel by falling in love. Director: Michael Radford Writers:
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1954) ::: 7.2/10 -- G | 2h 7min | Adventure, Drama, Family | 20 July 1955 (USA) -- A ship sent to investigate a wave of mysterious sinkings encounters the advanced submarine, the Nautilus, commanded by Captain Nemo. Director: Richard Fleischer Writer: Earl Felton (screenplay)
2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) ::: 8.3/10 -- G | 2h 29min | Adventure, Sci-Fi | 12 May 1968 (UK) -- After discovering a mysterious artifact buried beneath the Lunar surface, mankind sets off on a quest to find its origins with help from intelligent supercomputer H.A.L. 9000. Director: Stanley Kubrick Writers:
2010: The Year We Make Contact (1984) ::: 6.8/10 -- PG | 1h 56min | Adventure, Mystery, Sci-Fi | 7 December 1984 (USA) -- A joint U.S.-Soviet expedition is sent to Jupiter to learn what happened to the Discovery, and H.A.L. Director: Peter Hyams Writers: Arthur C. Clarke (novel), Peter Hyams (screenplay)
20 Million Miles to Earth (1957) ::: 6.4/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 22min | Action, Adventure, Fantasy | June 1957 (USA) -- The first U.S. spaceship to Venus crash-lands off the coast of Sicily on its return trip. A dangerous, lizard-like creature comes with it and quickly grows gigantic. Director: Nathan Juran Writers:
20th Century Women (2016) ::: 7.3/10 -- R | 1h 59min | Comedy, Drama | 20 January 2017 (USA) -- The story of a teenage boy, his mother, and two other women who help raise him among the love and freedom of Southern California of 1979. Director: Mike Mills Writer: Mike Mills
21 (2008) ::: 6.8/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 3min | Crime, Drama, History | 28 March 2008 (USA) -- "21" is the fact-based story about six MIT students who were trained to become experts in card counting and subsequently took Vegas casinos for millions in winnings. Director: Robert Luketic Writers:
21 Bridges (2019) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 1h 39min | Action, Crime, Thriller | 22 November 2019 (USA) -- An embattled NYPD detective is thrust into a citywide manhunt for a pair of cop killers after uncovering a massive and unexpected conspiracy. Director: Brian Kirk Writers:
21 Grams (2003) ::: 7.6/10 -- R | 2h 4min | Crime, Drama, Thriller | 16 January 2004 (USA) -- A freak accident brings together a critically ill mathematician, a grieving mother, and a born-again ex-con. Director: Alejandro G. Irritu (as Alejandro Gonzlez Irritu) Writer: Guillermo Arriaga
21 Jump Street (2012) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 1h 49min | Action, Comedy, Crime | 16 March 2012 (USA) -- A pair of underachieving cops are sent back to a local high school to blend in and bring down a synthetic drug ring. Directors: Phil Lord, Christopher Miller Writers: Michael Bacall (screenplay), Michael Bacall (story) | 3 more credits
22 July (2018) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 2h 23min | Crime, Drama, History | 10 October 2018 (USA) -- A three-part story of Norway's worst terrorist attack in which over seventy people were killed. 22 July looks at the disaster itself, the survivors, Norway's political system and the lawyers who worked on this horrific case. Director: Paul Greengrass Writers:
22 Jump Street (2014) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 1h 52min | Action, Comedy, Crime | 13 June 2014 (USA) -- After making their way through high school (twice), big changes are in store for officers Schmidt and Jenko when they go deep undercover at a local college. Directors: Phil Lord, Christopher Miller Writers:
23 (1998) ::: 7.3/10 -- 1h 39min | Thriller, Drama | 14 January 1999 (Germany) -- When the orphaned Karl Koch and his friend David start breaking into government and military computers, an acquaintance senses that there is money in computer cracking - and travels to east Berlin to try to contact the KGB. Director: Hans-Christian Schmid Writers: Michael Dierking, Michael Gutmann | 1 more credit
2:37 (2006) ::: 6.8/10 -- 16+ | 1h 31min | Drama | 17 August 2006 (Australia) -- At 2:37, someone commits suicide in the school lavatory. The day is told up to that point from the viewpoint of six different students. Director: Murali K. Thalluri Writer: Murali K. Thalluri
24 Hour Party People (2002) ::: 7.3/10 -- R | 1h 57min | Biography, Comedy, Drama | 20 September 2002 (USA) -- In 1976, Tony Wilson sets up Factory Records and brings Manchester's music to the world. Director: Michael Winterbottom Writer: Frank Cottrell Boyce (screenplay)
24: Redemption (2008) ::: 7.5/10 -- 24 (original title) -- 24: Redemption Poster -- Jack Bauer confronts African dictator Benjamin Juma, whose forces have been ordered to capture the children Bauer oversees for malicious military training. Director: Jon Cassar Writers:
25th Hour (2002) ::: 7.6/10 -- R | 2h 15min | Drama | 10 January 2003 (USA) -- Cornered by the DEA, convicted New York drug dealer Montgomery Brogan reevaluates his life in the 24 remaining hours before facing a seven-year jail term. Director: Spike Lee Writers:
28 Days Later... (2002) ::: 7.6/10 -- R | 1h 53min | Drama, Horror, Sci-Fi | 27 June 2003 (USA) -- Four weeks after a mysterious, incurable virus spreads throughout the UK, a handful of survivors try to find sanctuary. Director: Danny Boyle Writer: Alex Garland
28 Weeks Later (2007) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 1h 40min | Drama, Horror, Sci-Fi | 11 May 2007 (USA) -- Six months after the rage virus was inflicted on the population of Great Britain, the US Army helps to secure a small area of London for the survivors to repopulate and start again. But not everything goes according to plan. Director: Juan Carlos Fresnadillo Writers:
2 Days in the Valley (1996) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 44min | Comedy, Crime, Thriller | 27 September 1996 (USA) -- 48 hours of intersecting lives and crimes in Los Angeles. Director: John Herzfeld Writer: John Herzfeld
2 Guns (2013) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 1h 49min | Action, Crime, Thriller | 2 August 2013 (USA) -- Two hardened criminals get into trouble with the US border patrol after meeting with a Mexican drug lord, and then revelations start to unfold. Director: Baltasar Kormkur Writers: Blake Masters (screenplay by), Steven Grant (based on the Boom! Studios
2 or 3 Things I Know About Her (1967) ::: 6.8/10 -- 2 ou 3 choses que je sais d'elle (original title) -- 2 or 3 Things I Know About Her Poster A day in the life of a Parisian housewife/prostitute, interspersed with musings on the Vietnam War and other contemporary issues. Director: Jean-Luc Godard Writers: Catherine Vimenet (letter), Jean-Luc Godard Stars:
300 (2006) ::: 7.6/10 -- R | 1h 57min | Action, Drama | 9 March 2007 (USA) -- King Leonidas of Sparta and a force of 300 men fight the Persians at Thermopylae in 480 B.C. Director: Zack Snyder Writers: Zack Snyder (screenplay), Kurt Johnstad (screenplay) | 3 more credits
303 (2018) ::: 7.5/10 -- 2h 25min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 19 July 2018 (Germany) -- Two university students, Jule and Jan, leave Berlin together in an old camper on a road trip south, but for different reasons. Director: Hans Weingartner Writers: Hans Weingartner (screenplay), Silke Eggert (screenplay) | 1 more credit Stars:
3096 Tage (2013) ::: 6.5/10 -- 1h 51min | Biography, Crime, Drama | 28 February 2013 (Germany) -- A young Austrian girl is kidnapped and held in captivity for eight years. Based on the factual case of Natascha Kampusch. Director: Sherry Hormann Writers: Ruth Toma (screenplay), Bernd Eichinger (unfinished screenplay) | 2 more credits Stars:
30 Days of Night (2007) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 1h 53min | Action, Horror, Thriller | 19 October 2007 (USA) -- After an Alaskan town is plunged into darkness for a month, it is attacked by a bloodthirsty gang of vampires. Director: David Slade Writers: Steve Niles (screenplay), Stuart Beattie (screenplay) | 3 more
3:10 to Yuma (1957) ::: 7.6/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 32min | Drama, Thriller, Western | 7 August 1957 (USA) -- Broke small-time rancher Dan Evans is hired by the stagecoach line to put big-time captured outlaw leader Ben Wade on the 3:10 train to Yuma but Wade's gang tries to free him. Director: Delmer Daves Writers:
3:10 to Yuma (2007) ::: 7.7/10 -- R | 2h 2min | Action, Crime, Drama | 7 September 2007 (USA) -- A small-time rancher agrees to hold a captured outlaw who's awaiting a train to go to court in Yuma. A battle of wills ensues as the outlaw tries to psych out the rancher. Director: James Mangold Writers:
3 (2010) ::: 6.7/10 -- Unrated | 1h 59min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 23 December 2010 -- 3 Poster -- A Berlin-set drama centered on a 40-something couple who, separately, fall in love with the same man. Director: Tom Tykwer Writer:
The Matrix 4 (2021) ::: Expected December 22, 2021 The plot is currently unknown. Director: Lana Wachowski Writers: Aleksandar Hemon, David Mitchell | 1 more credit Stars:
36 Hours (1964) ::: 7.3/10 -- Approved | 1h 55min | Thriller, War | 19 February 1965 (USA) -- Germans kidnap an American major and try to convince him that World War II is over, so that they can get details about the Allied invasion of Europe out of him. Director: George Seaton Writers:
3 Godfathers (1948) ::: 7.1/10 -- Passed | 1h 46min | Drama, Western | 13 January 1949 (USA) -- Three outlaws on the run risk their freedom and their lives to return a newborn to civilization. Director: John Ford Writers: Laurence Stallings (screenplay), Frank S. Nugent (screenplay) | 1 more
3 Idiots (2009) ::: 8.4/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 50min | Comedy, Drama | 25 December 2009 (India) -- Two friends are searching for their long lost companion. They revisit their college days and recall the memories of their friend who inspired them to think differently, even as the rest of the world called them "idiots". Director: Rajkumar Hirani Writers:
42 (2013) ::: 7.5/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 8min | Biography, Drama, Sport | 12 April 2013 (USA) -- In 1947, Jackie Robinson becomes the first African-American to play in Major League Baseball in the modern era when he was signed by the Brooklyn Dodgers and faces considerable racism in the process. Director: Brian Helgeland Writer:
42nd Street (1933) ::: 7.4/10 -- Passed | 1h 29min | Comedy, Drama, Musical | 11 March 1933 (USA) -- When the leading lady of a Broadway musical breaks her ankle, she is replaced by a young unknown actress, who becomes the star of the show. Director: Lloyd Bacon Writers: Rian James (screen play), James Seymour (screen play) | 1 more credit
44 Minutes: The North Hollywood Shoot-Out (2003) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 43min | Action, Crime, Drama | TV Movie 5 June 2003 -- After a failed bank robbery, two heavily armed men hold the Los Angeles Police Department at bay for 44 minutes. Director: Yves Simoneau Writer: Tim Metcalfe
45 Years (2015) ::: 7.1/10 -- R | 1h 31min | Drama, Romance | 28 August 2015 (UK) -- A married couple preparing to celebrate their wedding anniversary receives shattering news that promises to forever change the course of their lives. Director: Andrew Haigh Writers:
48 Hrs. (1982) ::: 6.9/10 -- R | 1h 36min | Action, Comedy, Crime | 8 December 1982 (USA) -- A hard-nosed cop reluctantly teams up with a wise-cracking criminal temporarily paroled to him, in order to track down a killer. Director: Walter Hill Writers: Roger Spottiswoode, Walter Hill | 2 more credits
49th Parallel (1941) ::: 7.3/10 -- Not Rated | 2h 3min | Drama, Thriller, War | 15 April 1942 (USA) -- A World War II U-boat crew are stranded in northern Canada. To avoid internment, they must make their way to the border and get into the still-neutral U.S. Director: Michael Powell Writers: Emeric Pressburger (original story and screenplay), Rodney Ackland (scenario) | 1 more credit
4th Man Out (2015) ::: 6.7/10 -- Fourth Man Out (original title) -- 4th Man Out Poster -- A car mechanic in a small, working class town comes out of the closet to his unsuspecting, blue-collar best friends. Director: Andrew Nackman Writer:
500 Days of Summer (2009) ::: 7.7/10 -- (500) Days of Summer (original title) -- 500 Days of Summer Poster -- An offbeat romantic comedy about a woman who doesn't believe true love exists, and the young man who falls for her. Director: Marc Webb Writers:
50/50 (2011) ::: 7.6/10 -- R | 1h 40min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 30 September 2011 (USA) -- Inspired by a true story, a comedy centered on a 27-year-old guy who learns of his cancer diagnosis and his subsequent struggle to beat the disease. Director: Jonathan Levine Writer:
50 First Dates (2004) ::: 6.8/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 39min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 13 February 2004 (USA) -- Henry Roth is a man afraid of commitment until he meets the beautiful Lucy. They hit it off and Henry think he's finally found the girl of his dreams until discovering she has short-term memory loss and forgets him the next day. Director: Peter Segal Writer:
52 Pick-Up (1986) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 50min | Crime, Drama, Thriller | 7 November 1986 (USA) -- A secret fling between a man and his mistress leads to blackmail and murder. Director: John Frankenheimer Writers: Elmore Leonard (novel), Elmore Leonard (screenplay) | 1 more credit
55 Days at Peking (1963) ::: 6.7/10 -- Unrated | 2h 34min | Action, Adventure, Drama | 6 May 1963 (UK) -- During the 1900 Boxer Rebellion, U.S. marine, Maj. Matt Lewis, along with British consul, Sir Arthur Robertson, develop a plan to keep the rebels at bay until an international military relief force can arrive. Directors: Nicholas Ray, Guy Green (uncredited) | 1 more credit Writers:
5 Card Stud (1968) ::: 6.5/10 -- Approved | 1h 43min | Mystery, Romance, Western | 22 November 1968 -- 5 Card Stud Poster The players in an ongoing poker game are being mysteriously killed off, one by one. Director: Henry Hathaway Writers: Marguerite Roberts (screenplay), Ray Gaulden (from a novel by) Stars:
5 Centimeters Per Second (2007) ::: 7.6/10 -- Bysoku 5 senchimetoru (original title) -- 5 Centimeters Per Second Poster -- Told in three interconnected segments, we follow a young man named Takaki through his life as cruel winters, cold technology, and finally, adult obligations and responsibility converge to test the delicate petals of love. Director: Makoto Shinkai
5 Fingers (1952) ::: 7.7/10 -- Approved | 1h 48min | Drama, Thriller | 7 March 1952 (USA) -- During WWII the valet to the British Ambassador to Ankara sells British secrets to the Germans while trying to romance a refugee Polish countess. Director: Joseph L. Mankiewicz Writers:
5 to 7 (2014) ::: 7.1/10 -- R | 1h 35min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 12 February 2015 (Ukraine) -- An aspiring novelist enters into a relationship with a woman, though there's just one catch: She's married and the couple can only meet between the hours of 5 and 7 each evening. Director: Victor Levin Writer:
61* (2001) ::: 7.8/10 -- TV-MA | 2h 9min | Biography, Drama, History | TV Movie 28 April 2001 -- Roger Maris and Mickey Mantle race to break Babe Ruth's single-season home run record. Director: Billy Crystal Writer: Hank Steinberg
633 Squadron (1964) ::: 6.4/10 -- Approved | 1h 42min | Drama, War | 11 July 1964 (Japan) -- An RAF squadron is assigned to knock out a German rocket fuel factory in Norway. The factory supplies fuel for the Nazi effort to launch rockets on England during D-Day. Director: Walter Grauman (as Walter E. Grauman) Writers: James Clavell (screen play by), Howard Koch (screen play by) | 1 more credit
'71 (2014) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 1h 39min | Action, Crime, Drama | 10 October 2014 (UK) -- In 1971, a young and disorientated British soldier is accidentally abandoned by his unit following a riot on the deadly streets of Belfast. Director: Yann Demange Writer:
71 Fragments of a Chronology of Chance (1994) ::: 7.2/10 -- 71 Fragmente einer Chronologie des Zufalls (original title) -- 71 Fragments of a Chronology of Chance Poster 71 scenes revolving around a recent immigrant, a couple that has just adopted a daughter, a college student and a lonely old man. Director: Michael Haneke Writer: Michael Haneke Stars:
71: Into the Fire (2010) ::: 7.3/10 -- Pohwasogeuro (original title) -- 71: Into the Fire Poster The story of student-soldiers trying to protect a middle school during the early days of the Korean War. Director: John H. Lee Writers: Man-Hee Lee (screenplay), Dong-Woo Kim (original story) | 2 more credits
7500 (2019) ::: 6.3/10 -- R | 1h 33min | Action, Drama, Thriller | 18 June 2020 (USA) -- When terrorists try to seize control of a Berlin-Paris flight, a soft-spoken American co-pilot struggles to save the lives of the passengers and crew while forging a surprising connection with one of the hijackers. Director: Patrick Vollrath Writers:
7 Days (2010) ::: 6.5/10 -- Les 7 jours du talion (original title) -- 7 Days Poster -- A doctor seeks revenge by kidnapping, torturing and killing the man who raped and murdered his young daughter. Director: Daniel Grou Writers:
7 Days in Hell (2015) ::: 7.1/10 -- TV-MA | 43min | Comedy, Sport | TV Movie 11 July 2015 -- A fictional documentary-style expose on the rivalry between two of the greatest tennis players of all-time who battled it out in a 2001 match that lasted seven days. Director: Jake Szymanski Writer:
7 Faces of Dr. Lao (1964) ::: 7.2/10 -- Passed | 1h 40min | Fantasy, Mystery, Western | 13 August 1964 (West -- 7 Faces of Dr. Lao Poster -- A mysterious circus comes to a western town bearing wonders and characters that entertain the inhabitants and teach valuable lessons. Director: George Pal Writers:
7 Men from Now (1956) ::: 7.4/10 -- Approved | 1h 18min | Action, Western | 4 August 1956 (USA) -- A former sheriff blames himself for his wife's death during a Wells Fargo robbery and vows to track down and kill the seven men responsible. Director: Budd Boetticher Writer: Burt Kennedy (original story and screenplay) Stars:
7th Heaven (1927) ::: 7.6/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 50min | Drama, Romance | 30 October 1927 (USA) -- A street cleaner saves a young woman's life, and the pair slowly fall in love until war intervenes. Director: Frank Borzage Writers: Austin Strong (play), Benjamin Glazer (screenplay) | 4 more credits Stars:
800 Bullets (2002) ::: 6.4/10 -- 800 balas (original title) -- 800 Bullets Poster Julin Torralba is a former movie stuntman in Almeria, Spain. He and several of his colleagues, who once made a living in American Westerns shot in Spain, now are reduced to doing stunt ... S Director: lex de la Iglesia (as Alex de la Iglesia) Writers: Jorge Guerricaechevarra (as Jorge Guerricaechevarria), lex de la Iglesia (as Alex de la Iglesia)
8 (1963) ::: 8.0/10 -- Not Rated | 2h 18min | Drama | 24 June 1963 (USA) -- A harried movie director retreats into his memories and fantasies. Director: Federico Fellini Writers: Federico Fellini (story), Ennio Flaiano (story) | 4 more credits
84 Charing Cross Road (1987) ::: 7.4/10 -- PG | 1h 40min | Biography, Drama, Romance | 13 February 1987 (USA) -- True story of a transatlantic business correspondence about used books that developed into a close friendship. Director: David Hugh Jones (as David Jones) Writers: Helene Hanff (book), James Roose-Evans (play) | 1 more credit
8 Mile (2002) ::: 7.1/10 -- R | 1h 50min | Drama, Music | 8 November 2002 (USA) -- A young rapper, struggling with every aspect of his life, wants to make it big but his friends and foes make this odyssey of rap harder than it may seem. Director: Curtis Hanson Writer:
8MM (1999) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 2h 3min | Crime, Drama, Mystery | 26 February 1999 (USA) -- A private investigator is hired to discover if a "snuff film" is authentic or not. Director: Joel Schumacher Writer: Andrew Kevin Walker
8 Seconds (1994) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 45min | Biography, Drama, Sport | 25 February 1994 (USA) -- This movie chronicles the life of Lane Frost, 1987 PRCA Bull Riding World Champion, his marriage and his friendships with Tuff Hedeman (three-time World Champion) and Cody Lambert. Director: John G. Avildsen Writer:
8 Women (2002) ::: 7.1/10 -- 8 femmes (original title) -- 8 Women Poster -- One murdered man, eight women, each seeming to be eager than the others to know the truth. Gimme, gimme, gimme some clues to make up my mind. And eventually enter the truth. Oh, thou cruel woman! Director: Franois Ozon Writers:
9/11 (2002) ::: 8.5/10 -- TV-PG | 1h 52min | Documentary | TV Movie 10 March 2002 -- A real life documentary following the events of September 11 from an insider's view, through the lens of James Hanlon and two French filmmakers who were in Manhattan that one day. Directors: James Hanlon, Gdon Naudet | 1 more credit Writers: Tom Forman, Greg Kandra Stars:
9 (2009) ::: 7.1/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 19min | Animation, Action, Adventure | 9 September 2009 -- 9 Poster -- A rag doll that awakens in a postapocalyptic future holds the key to humanity's salvation. Director: Shane Acker Writers:
$9.99 (2008) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 1h 18min | Animation, Drama, Fantasy | 17 September 2009 -- $9.99 Poster -- A stop-motion animated story about people living in a Sydney apartment complex looking for meaning in their lives. Director: Tatia Rosenthal Writers:
99 Homes (2014) ::: 7.1/10 -- R | 1h 52min | Drama | 9 October 2015 (USA) -- A recently unemployed single father struggles to get back his foreclosed home by working for the real estate broker who is the source of his frustration. Director: Ramin Bahrani Writers:
9 to 5 (1980) ::: 6.9/10 -- Nine to Five (original title) -- 9 to 5 Poster -- Three female employees of a sexist, egotistical, lying, hypocritical bigot find a way to turn the tables on him. Director: Colin Higgins Writers:
Aakrosh (2010) ::: 7.0/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 55min | Action, Crime, Thriller | 15 October 2010 -- Aakrosh Poster -- The Central Bureau of Investigation deputes two officers to investigate the disappearance of three medical students, which they believe to be an incident of 'honour killing' in a small, closed community. Director: Priyadarshan Writers:
A Bay of Blood (1971) ::: 6.6/10 -- Ecologia del delitto (original title) -- A Bay of Blood Poster -- The murder of a wealthy countess, which was erroneously deemed suicide, triggers a chain reaction of brutal killings in the surrounding bay area, as several unscrupulous characters try to take over her large estate. Director: Mario Bava
ABBA: The Movie (1977) ::: 6.5/10 -- G | 1h 35min | Comedy, Drama, Music | 2 February 1979 (USA) -- An incompetent radio DJ tries to get an interview with the Swedish pop group during their famous week-long 1977 tour of Australia. Director: Lasse Hallstrm Writers: Lasse Hallstrm, Robert Caswell (as Bob Caswell) Stars:
Abbott and Costello Meet Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1953) ::: 6.5/10 -- Passed | 1h 16min | Comedy, Horror, Mystery | 1 August 1953 (USA) -- Two bumbling American cops hunt for the mysterious Mr. Hyde in London, England. Director: Charles Lamont Writers: Lee Loeb (screenplay), John Grant (screenplay) | 2 more credits Stars:
Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein (1948) ::: 7.4/10 -- Bud Abbott Lou Costello Meet Frankenstein (original title) -- Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein Poster -- The Wolf Man tries to warn a dimwitted porter that Dracula wants his brain for Frankenstein monster's body. Directors: Charles Barton (as Charles T. Barton), Walter Lantz (uncredited) Writers:
Abbott and Costello Meet the Mummy (1955) ::: 6.4/10 -- Passed | 1h 19min | Action, Adventure, Comedy | 23 June 1955 (USA) -- Two bumbling Americans stumble on the discovery of a lifetime when their search for a mummy leads them to a sacred medallion that holds the key to buried treasure. Director: Charles Lamont Writers: Lee Loeb (story), John Grant (screenplay) Stars:
A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood (2019) ::: 7.3/10 -- PG | 1h 49min | Biography, Drama | 22 November 2019 (USA) -- Based on the true story of a real-life friendship between Fred Rogers and journalist Lloyd Vogel. Director: Marielle Heller Writers: Micah Fitzerman-Blue, Noah Harpster | 1 more credit
A Beautiful Mind (2001) ::: 8.2/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 15min | Biography, Drama | 4 January 2002 (USA) -- After John Nash, a brilliant but asocial mathematician, accepts secret work in cryptography, his life takes a turn for the nightmarish. Director: Ron Howard Writers: Akiva Goldsman, Sylvia Nasar (book)
Aberdeen (2000) ::: 7.1/10 -- 1h 46min | Drama | 8 September 2000 (Norway) -- A mom dying in Aberdeen, Scotland, asks her coke snorting, nympho, London lawyer daughter to get her estranged, alcoholic dad in Oslo, Norway, to Aberdeen. He's drunk at the airport, so they travel together by car and ferry. Directors: Hans Petter Moland, Tony Spataro Writers:
A Better Life (2011) ::: 7.2/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 38min | Drama, Romance | 28 July 2011 (Thailand) -- A gardener in East L.A. struggles to keep his son away from gangs and immigration agents while trying to give his son the opportunities he never had. Director: Chris Weitz Writers:
A Better Tomorrow (1986) ::: 7.5/10 -- Ying hung boon sik (original title) -- A Better Tomorrow Poster -- A reforming ex-gangster tries to reconcile with his estranged policeman brother, but the ties to his former gang are difficult to break. Director: John Woo Writers:
A Better Tomorrow II (1987) ::: 7.3/10 -- Ying hung boon sik II (original title) -- Kong) A Better Tomorrow II Poster A restauranteur teams up with a police officer and his ex-con brother to avenge the death of a friend's daughter. Director: John Woo Writers: Hark Tsui (story), John Woo
A Bigger Splash (2015) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 2h 5min | Drama, Music, Thriller | 13 May 2016 (USA) -- The vacation of a famous rock star and her boyfriend in Italy is disrupted by the unexpected visit of an old friend and his daughter. Director: Luca Guadagnino Writers: David Kajganich (screenplay by), Jacques Deray (based on the film "La
A Big Hand for the Little Lady (1966) ::: 7.3/10 -- Approved | 1h 35min | Western | 1 July 1966 (France) -- Comedy western in which a traveler bets more money than he can afford in a poker game, and unusual events follow. Director: Fielder Cook Writer: Sidney Carroll
Abominable (2019) ::: 7.0/10 -- PG | 1h 37min | Animation, Adventure, Comedy | 27 September 2019 (USA) -- Three teenagers must help a Yeti return to his family while avoiding a wealthy man and a zoologist who want him for their own needs. Directors: Jill Culton, Todd Wilderman (co-director) Writer: Jill Culton
About a Boy (2002) ::: 7.0/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 41min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 17 May 2002 (USA) -- A cynical, immature young man is taught how to act like a grown-up by a little boy. Directors: Chris Weitz, Paul Weitz Writers: Nick Hornby (novel), Peter Hedges (screenplay) | 2 more credits Stars:
About Alex (2014) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 39min | Drama | 8 August 2014 (USA) -- When a group of old college friends reunite over a long weekend after one of them attempts suicide, old crushes and resentments shine light on their life decisions, and ultimately push friendships and relationships to the brink. Director: Jesse Zwick Writer:
About Schmidt (2002) ::: 7.1/10 -- R | 2h 5min | Comedy, Drama | 3 January 2003 (USA) -- A recently retired man embarks on a journey to his estranged daughter's wedding, only to discover more about himself and life than he ever expected. Director: Alexander Payne Writers:
About Time (2013) ::: 7.8/10 -- R | 2h 3min | Comedy, Drama, Fantasy | 8 November 2013 (USA) -- At the age of 21, Tim discovers he can travel in time and change what happens and has happened in his own life. His decision to make his world a better place by getting a girlfriend turns out not to be as easy as you might think. Director: Richard Curtis Writer:
Above the Rim (1994) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 1h 36min | Crime, Drama, Sport | 23 March 1994 (USA) -- Story of a promising high school basketball star and his relationships with two brothers, one a drug dealer and the other a former basketball star fallen on hard times and now employed as a security guard. Director: Jeff Pollack Writers:
A Boy and His Dog (1975) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 31min | Comedy, Drama, Sci-Fi | 14 November 1975 (USA) -- A young man and his telepathic dog wander a post-apocalyptic wasteland. Director: L.Q. Jones Writers: L.Q. Jones (screenplay), Harlan Ellison (novel)
A Boy Named Charlie Brown (1969) ::: 7.3/10 -- G | 1h 26min | Animation, Comedy, Drama | 4 December 1969 (USA) -- Charlie Brown makes his way to the national spelling bee finals. Director: Bill Melendez Writers: Charles M. Schulz (created by), Charles M. Schulz
A Bride for Christmas (2012) ::: 6.6/10 -- TV-G | 1h 24min | Comedy, Romance | TV Movie 1 December 2012 -- A single man tries to win a bet by getting a woman recovering from a broken engagement to marry him by Christmas. Director: Gary Yates Writer: Barbara Kymlicka Stars:
A Bridge Too Far (1977) ::: 7.4/10 -- PG | 2h 55min | Drama, History, War | 15 June 1977 (USA) -- Operation Market Garden, September 1944: The Allies attempt to capture several strategically important bridges in the Netherlands in the hope of breaking the German lines. Director: Richard Attenborough Writers:
A Brighter Summer Day (1991) ::: 8.4/10 -- Gu ling jie shao nian sha ren shi jian (original title) -- A Brighter Summer Day Poster Based on a true story, primarily on a conflict between two youth gangs, a 14-year-old boy's girlfriend conflicts with the head of one gang for an unclear reason, until finally the conflict comes to a violent climax. Director: Edward Yang Writers: Hung Hung, Mingtang Lai | 2 more credits
A Brilliant Young Mind (2014) ::: 7.1/10 -- X+Y (original title) -- A Brilliant Young Mind Poster -- A socially awkward teenage math prodigy finds new confidence and new friendships when he lands a spot on the British squad at the International Mathematics Olympiad. Director: Morgan Matthews Writer:
A Bronx Tale (1993) ::: 7.8/10 -- R | 2h 1min | Crime, Drama, Romance | 1 October 1993 (USA) -- A father becomes worried when a local gangster befriends his son in the Bronx in the 1960s. Director: Robert De Niro Writers: Chazz Palminteri (screenplay by), Chazz Palminteri (based on his play) Stars:
Absence of Malice (1981) ::: 6.9/10 -- PG | 1h 56min | Drama, Romance, Thriller | 18 December 1981 (USA) -- When a prosecutor leaks a false story that a liquor warehouse owner is involved in the murder of a union head, the man's life begins to unravel. Director: Sydney Pollack Writer:
Absolute Power (1997) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 2h 1min | Action, Crime, Drama | 14 February 1997 (USA) -- Career thief Luther Whitney (Clint Eastwood) witnesses a horrific crime involving U.S. President Alan Richmond (Gene Hackman). Director: Clint Eastwood Writers: David Baldacci (book), William Goldman (screenplay)
A Bucket of Blood (1959) ::: 6.7/10 -- Approved | 1h 6min | Comedy, Crime, Horror | 21 October 1959 (USA) -- A dim-witted busboy finds acclaim as an artist for a plaster-covered dead cat that is mistaken as a skillful statuette. The desire for more praise soon leads to an increasingly deadly series of works. Director: Roger Corman Writer:
A Bug's Life (1998) ::: 7.2/10 -- G | 1h 35min | Animation, Adventure, Comedy | 25 November 1998 (USA) -- A misfit ant, looking for "warriors" to save his colony from greedy grasshoppers, recruits a group of bugs that turn out to be an inept circus troupe. Directors: John Lasseter, Andrew Stanton (co-director) Writers:
A Bullet for the General (1967) ::: 7.1/10 -- Quin sabe? (original title) -- A Bullet for the General Poster -- A band of Mexican gun-runners employed by a revolutionary general accept an American into their gang, unaware of his intentions. Director: Damiano Damiani Writers:
A Canterbury Tale (1944) ::: 7.5/10 -- Not Rated | 2h 4min | Comedy, Drama, Mystery | 21 January 1949 (USA) -- Three modern day pilgrims investigate a bizarre crime in a small town on the way to Canterbury. Directors: Michael Powell, Emeric Pressburger Writers: Michael Powell, Emeric Pressburger Stars:
A Cat in Paris (2010) ::: 6.9/10 -- Une vie de chat (original title) -- (France) A Cat in Paris Poster -- In Paris, a cat who lives a secret life as a cat burglar's aide must come to the rescue of Zoe, the little girl he lives with, after she falls into a gangster's clutches. Directors: Jean-Loup Felicioli, Alain Gagnol
Accepted (2006) ::: 6.4/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 33min | Comedy | 18 August 2006 (USA) -- A high school slacker who's rejected by every school he applies to opts to create his own institution of higher learning, the South Harmon Institute of Technology, on a rundown piece of property near his hometown. Director: Steve Pink Writers:
Accident (1967) ::: 6.9/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 45min | Drama | 5 July 1967 (Canada) -- At Oxford, Austrian student Anna von Graz (Jacqueline Sassard) is dating fellow student William (Michael York), whom she plans to marry, but she ends up sleeping with two unhappily married Oxford professors instead. Director: Joseph Losey Writers:
Ace in the Hole (1951) ::: 8.1/10 -- Approved | 1h 51min | Drama, Film-Noir | 4 July 1951 (USA) -- A frustrated former big-city journalist now stuck working for an Albuquerque newspaper exploits a story about a man trapped in a cave to rekindle his career, but the situation quickly escalates into an out-of-control circus. Director: Billy Wilder Writers:
Ace Ventura: Pet Detective (1994) ::: 6.9/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 26min | Comedy | 4 February 1994 (USA) -- A goofy detective specializing in animals goes in search of the missing mascot of the Miami Dolphins. Director: Tom Shadyac Writers: Jack Bernstein (story), Jack Bernstein (screenplay) | 2 more credits
Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls (1995) ::: 6.4/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 30min | Adventure, Comedy, Crime | 10 November 1995 (USA) -- Ace Ventura, Pet Detective, returns from a spiritual quest to investigate the disappearance of a rare white bat, the sacred animal of a tribe in Africa. Director: Steve Oedekerk Writers:
A Charlie Brown Christmas (1965) ::: 8.3/10 -- TV-G | 25min | Animation, Comedy, Family | TV Movie 9 December 1965 -- Depressed at the commercialism he sees around him, Charlie Brown tries to find a deeper meaning to Christmas. Director: Bill Melendez Writer: Charles M. Schulz
A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving (1973) ::: 7.7/10 -- TV-G | 25min | Animation, Comedy, Family | TV Movie 20 November 1973 -- Peppermint Patty invites herself and her friends over to Charlie Brown's for Thanksgiving, and with Linus, Snoopy, and Woodstock, he attempts to throw together a Thanksgiving dinner. Directors: Bill Melendez, Phil Roman Writer:
A Christmas Carol (1938) ::: 7.5/10 -- Passed | 1h 9min | Drama, Family, Fantasy | 16 December 1938 (USA) -- An elderly miser learns the error of his ways on Christmas Eve. Director: Edwin L. Marin Writers: Charles Dickens (novel), Hugo Butler (screen play)
A Christmas Carol (1951) ::: 8.1/10 -- Scrooge (original title) -- A Christmas Carol Poster -- Ebenezer Scrooge, a curmudgeonly, miserly businessman, has no time for sentimentality and largely views Christmas as a waste of time. However, this Christmas Eve he will be visited by three spirits who will show him the errors of his ways. Director: Brian Desmond Hurst (as Brian Desmond-Hurst)
A Christmas Carol (1984) ::: 7.8/10 -- PG | 1h 40min | Drama, Family, Fantasy | TV Movie 17 December 1984 -- An old bitter miser who rationalizes his uncaring nature learns real compassion when three spirits visit him on Christmas Eve. Director: Clive Donner Writers: Charles Dickens (novel), Roger O. Hirson (screenplay) Stars:
A Christmas Carol (1999) ::: 7.4/10 -- PG | 1h 35min | Drama, Fantasy | TV Movie 5 December 1999 -- An old bitter miser who makes excuses for his uncaring nature learns real compassion when three ghosts visit him on Christmas Eve. Director: David Hugh Jones (as David Jones) Writers: Peter Barnes (written for television by), Charles Dickens (novel)
A Christmas Carol (2009) ::: 6.8/10 -- PG | 1h 36min | Animation, Drama, Family | 6 November 2009 (USA) -- An animated retelling of Charles Dickens' classic novel about a Victorian-era miser taken on a journey of self-redemption, courtesy of several mysterious Christmas apparitions. Director: Robert Zemeckis Writers:
A Christmas Story (1983) ::: 7.9/10 -- PG | 1h 33min | Comedy, Family | 18 November 1983 (USA) -- In the 1940s, a young boy named Ralphie attempts to convince his parents, his teacher and Santa that a Red Ryder BB gun really is the perfect Christmas gift. Director: Bob Clark Writers:
A Chump at Oxford (1939) ::: 7.4/10 -- Approved | 1h 2min | Comedy | 16 February 1940 (USA) -- As a reward for capturing a bank robber, Stan and Ollie get scholarship to Oxford, but are met with resentment by other students. Director: Alfred J. Goulding (as Alfred Goulding) Writers: Charley Rogers (original story) (as Charles Rogers), Felix Adler
A Civil Action (1998) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 55min | Drama | 8 January 1999 (USA) -- A tenacious lawyer takes on a case involving a major company responsible for causing several people to be diagnosed with leukemia due to the town's water supply being contaminated, at the risk of bankrupting his firm and career. Director: Steven Zaillian Writers:
A Clockwork Orange (1971) ::: 8.3/10 -- R | 2h 16min | Crime, Drama, Sci-Fi | 2 February 1972 (USA) -- In the future, a sadistic gang leader is imprisoned and volunteers for a conduct-aversion experiment, but it doesn't go as planned. Director: Stanley Kubrick Writers: Stanley Kubrick (screenplay), Anthony Burgess (novel)
A Coffee in Berlin (2012) ::: 7.4/10 -- Oh Boy (original title) -- A Coffee in Berlin Poster -- An aimless university dropout attempts to make sense of life as he spends one fateful day wandering the streets of Berlin. Director: Jan-Ole Gerster (as Jan Ole Gerster) Writer:
A Common Man (2009) ::: 8.0/10 -- Unnaipol Oruvan (original title) -- (India) A Common Man Poster -- A retiring police officer remembers a thrilling case of his life which is not recorded in any case files. Director: Chakri Toleti Writers:
A Company Man (2012) ::: 6.7/10 -- Hoi-sa-won (original title) -- A Company Man Poster -- When a change of heart moves a well-trained hitman to tender his resignation to his employers, no good comes of it for anyone. Director: Sang-yoon Lim Writer:
Across 110th Street (1972) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 1h 42min | Action, Crime, Drama | 23 March 1973 (Finland) -- Two New York City cops go after amateur crooks who are trying to rip off the Mafia and start a gang war. Director: Barry Shear Writers: Luther Davis (screenplay), Wally Ferris (novel)
Across the Pacific (1942) ::: 6.9/10 -- Passed | 1h 37min | Action, Adventure, Drama | 5 September 1942 (USA) -- In December 1941, ex-army captain Rick Leland boards a Japanese ship heading to Asia via the Panama Canal where his Japanese hosts show interest in the American defense plans for the canal zone. Directors: John Huston, Vincent Sherman (uncredited) Writers:
Across the Universe (2007) ::: 7.3/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 13min | Drama, Fantasy, History | 12 October 2007 (USA) -- The music of The Beatles and the Vietnam War form the backdrop for the romance between an upper-class American girl and a poor Liverpudlian artist. Director: Julie Taymor Writers:
A Cry in the Dark (1988) ::: 6.9/10 -- Evil Angels (original title) -- A Cry in the Dark Poster -- A mother whose child was killed in a dingo attack in the Australian Outback fights to prove her innocence when she is accused of murder. Director: Fred Schepisi Writers:
Action in the North Atlantic (1943) ::: 7.0/10 -- Passed | 2h 6min | Action, Drama, War | 12 June 1943 (USA) -- An American tanker's sunk by a German U-boat and the survivors spend 11 days at sea on a raft. Their next assignment; bound for Murmansk through the sub-stalked N. Atlantic. Directors: Lloyd Bacon, Byron Haskin (uncredited) | 1 more credit Writers:
Act of Valor (2012) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 50min | Action, Adventure, Thriller | 24 February 2012 (USA) -- An elite team of Navy SEALs embark on a covert mission to recover a kidnapped CIA agent. Directors: Mike McCoy (as Mouse McCoy), Scott Waugh Writer: Kurt Johnstad
Act of Violence (1948) ::: 7.5/10 -- Passed | 1h 22min | Drama, Film-Noir, Thriller | 21 December 1948 (USA) -- An embittered, vengeful POW stalks his former commanding officer who betrayed his men's planned escape attempt from a Nazi prison camp. Director: Fred Zinnemann Writers: Robert L. Richards (screenplay), Collier Young (story)
A Cure for Wellness (2016) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 2h 26min | Drama, Fantasy, Horror | 17 February 2017 (USA) -- An ambitious young executive is sent to retrieve his company's CEO from an idyllic but mysterious "wellness center" at a remote location in the Swiss Alps, but soon suspects that the spa's treatments are not what they seem. Director: Gore Verbinski Writers:
Adam (2009) ::: 7.2/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 39min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 28 August 2009 (USA) -- Adam, a lonely man with Asperger's Syndrome, develops a relationship with his upstairs neighbor, Beth. Director: Max Mayer Writer: Max Mayer
Adam's Rib (1949) ::: 7.5/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 41min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 18 November 1949 (USA) -- Domestic and professional tensions mount when a husband and wife work as opposing lawyers in a case involving a woman who shot her husband. Director: George Cukor Writers: Ruth Gordon (screen play), Garson Kanin (screen play)
A Dangerous Method (2011) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 39min | Biography, Drama, Romance | 10 November 2011 (Germany) -- A look at how the intense relationship between Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud gives birth to psychoanalysis. Director: David Cronenberg Writers: Christopher Hampton (screenplay), Christopher Hampton (play) | 1 more
Adaptation. (2002) ::: 7.7/10 -- R | 1h 55min | Comedy, Drama | 14 February 2003 (USA) -- A lovelorn screenwriter becomes desperate as he tries and fails to adapt 'The Orchid Thief' by Susan Orlean for the screen. Director: Spike Jonze Writers: Susan Orlean (book), Charlie Kaufman (screenplay)
Ad Astra (2019) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 3min | Adventure, Drama, Mystery | 20 September 2019 (USA) -- Astronaut Roy McBride undertakes a mission across an unforgiving solar system to uncover the truth about his missing father and his doomed expedition that now, 30 years later, threatens the universe. Director: James Gray Writers:
A Day at the Races (1937) ::: 7.6/10 -- Passed | 1h 51min | Comedy, Musical, Sport | 11 June 1937 (USA) -- A veterinarian posing as a doctor and a race-horse owner and his friends struggle to help keep a sanitarium open with the help of a misfit race-horse. Director: Sam Wood Writers:
Addams Family Values (1993) ::: 6.8/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 34min | Comedy, Fantasy | 19 November 1993 (USA) -- The Addams Family try to rescue their beloved Uncle Fester from his gold-digging new love, a black widow named Debbie. Director: Barry Sonnenfeld Writers: Charles Addams (characters), Paul Rudnick
Address Unknown (2001) ::: 7.3/10 -- Suchwiin bulmyeong (original title) -- Address Unknown Poster Romances end in blood and the frail hopes of individuals are torn apart in a vile karmic continuity of colonialism, civil war and occupation. After surviving Japanese colonization, Korea ... S Director: Ki-duk Kim (as Kim Ki-duk) Writer: Ki-duk Kim (as Kim Ki-duk)
Address Unknown (2001) ::: 7.3/10 -- Suchwiin bulmyeong (original title) -- Address Unknown Poster Romances end in blood and the frail hopes of individuals are torn apart in a vile karmic continuity of colonialism, civil war and occupation. After surviving Japanese colonization, Korea ... S Director: Kim Ki-duk Writer: Kim Ki-duk
A Death in the Gunj (2016) ::: 7.5/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 50min | Drama, Thriller | 2 June 2017 (India) -- Life for a shy young Indian student slowly falls to pieces during a family road trip. Director: Konkona Sen Sharma Writers: Disha Rindani (additional screenplay), Konkona Sen Sharma | 1 more
A Dog's Breakfast (2007) ::: 6.8/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 28min | Comedy, Drama, Horror | 3 March 2007 (USA) -- A dysfunctional man living a secluded life believes that he has accidentally killed his sister's TV star fianc. Director: David Hewlett Writers: David Hewlett, David Hewlett (story) | 1 more credit Stars:
A Dog's Journey (2019) ::: 7.5/10 -- PG | 1h 49min | Adventure, Comedy, Drama | 17 May 2019 (USA) -- A dog finds the meaning of his own existence through the lives of the humans he meets. Director: Gail Mancuso Writers: W. Bruce Cameron (screenplay by), Cathryn Michon (screenplay by) | 3
A Dog's Purpose (2017) ::: 7.2/10 -- PG | 1h 40min | Adventure, Comedy, Drama | 27 January 2017 (USA) -- A dog looks to discover his purpose in life over the course of several lifetimes and owners. Director: Lasse Hallstrm Writers: W. Bruce Cameron (screenplay by), Cathryn Michon (screenplay by) | 4
A Dog's Way Home (2019) ::: 6.7/10 -- PG | 1h 36min | Adventure, Drama, Family | 11 January 2019 (USA) -- A female dog travels four hundred miles in search of her owner throughout a Colorado wilderness. Director: Charles Martin Smith Writers: W. Bruce Cameron (screenplay by), Cathryn Michon (screenplay by) | 1
Adopt a Highway (2019) ::: 6.3/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 21min | Drama | 1 November 2019 (USA) -- An ex-felon discovers a live baby left in a dumpster. Director: Logan Marshall-Green Writer: Logan Marshall-Green
A Double Life (1947) ::: 7.0/10 -- Approved | 1h 44min | Crime, Drama, Film-Noir | 1948 (Turkey) -- A celebrated actor struggles to distinguish his own life from that of his most recent stage role, Othello. Director: George Cukor Writers: Ruth Gordon, Garson Kanin Stars:
Adrift (2018) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 36min | Action, Adventure, Biography | 1 June 2018 (USA) -- A true story of survival, as a young couple's chance encounter leads them first to love, and then on the adventure of a lifetime as they face one of the most catastrophic hurricanes in recorded history. Director: Baltasar Kormkur Writers:
A Dry White Season (1989) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 1h 46min | Drama, Thriller | 20 September 1989 (USA) -- A white middle class South African suburbanite with no interest in politics agrees to help his black gardener find his jailed son. His investigation opens his eyes to the horrors committed by the secret police and turns him into a target. Director: Euzhan Palcy Writers: Andr P. Brink (novel) (as Andr Brink), Colin Welland (screenplay) | 1 more credit
Adu (2020) ::: 6.6/10 -- Ad (original title) -- Adu Poster -- Three people, three stories, one thing in common: Africa. Director: Salvador Calvo Writer: Alejandro Hernndez
Adulthood (2008) ::: 6.6/10 -- 1h 39min | Crime, Drama | 20 June 2008 (UK) -- Six years after KiDULTHOOD, Sam Peel is released from jail for killing Trife, he realizes that life is no easier on the outside than it was on the inside and he's forced to confront the ... S Director: Noel Clarke Writer:
Adventureland (2009) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 1h 47min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 3 April 2009 (USA) -- In the summer of 1987, a college graduate takes a 'nowhere' job at his local amusement park, only to find it's the perfect course to get him prepared for the real world. Director: Greg Mottola Writer:
Adventures in Babysitting (1987) ::: 7.0/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 42min | Adventure, Comedy, Crime | 3 July 1987 (USA) -- A babysitter must battle her way through the big city after being stranded there with the kids she's looking after. Director: Chris Columbus Writer: David Simkins
Adverse (2020) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 1h 34min | Crime, Thriller | 12 February 2021 (USA) -- A rideshare driver discovers that his sister is in debt to a dangerous crime syndicate. Director: Brian A. Metcalf Writer: Brian A. Metcalf
Advise & Consent (1962) ::: 7.7/10 -- Not Rated | 2h 19min | Drama, Thriller | 6 June 1962 (USA) -- Senate investigation into the President's newly nominated Secretary of State, gives light to a secret from the past, which may not only ruin the candidate, but the President's character as well. Director: Otto Preminger Writers:
Ae Fond Kiss (2004) ::: 7.1/10 -- Ae Fond Kiss... (original title) -- Ae Fond Kiss Poster Sparks fly in Glasgow's south side when a young Asian man enters into a relationship with a Caucasian woman. Director: Ken Loach Writer: Paul Laverty (screenplay) Stars:
A Face in the Crowd (1957) ::: 8.2/10 -- Approved | 2h 6min | Drama, Music | 1 June 1957 (USA) -- A female radio reporter turns a folk-singing drifter into a powerful media star. Director: Elia Kazan Writers: Budd Schulberg (story), Budd Schulberg (screenplay)
A Family Man (2016) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 48min | Drama | 28 July 2017 (USA) -- A headhunter whose life revolves around closing deals in a survival-of-the-fittest boiler room, battles his top rival for control of their job placement company -- his dream of owning the company clashing with the needs of his family. Director: Mark Williams Writer:
A Family Thing (1996) ::: 7.0/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 49min | Comedy, Drama | 29 March 1996 (USA) -- Earl Pilcher, Jr., runs an equipment rental outfit in Arkansas, lives with his wife and kids and parents, and rarely takes off his gimme cap. His mother dies, leaving a letter explaining ... S Director: Richard Pearce Writers:
A Farewell to Arms (1932) ::: 6.5/10 -- Unrated | 1h 20min | Drama, Romance, War | 8 December 1932 (USA) -- An American ambulance driver and an English nurse fall in love in Italy during World War I. Director: Frank Borzage Writers: Benjamin Glazer (screenplay), Oliver H.P. Garrett (screenplay) | 1 more credit Stars:
A Far Off Place (1993) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG | 1h 48min | Adventure, Drama, Family | 12 March 1993 (USA) -- When a gang of African poachers raid her family's farm, young Nonni, visiting American teenager Harry Winslow and a local bushman guide must escape into the Kalahari desert and reach the nearest town. Director: Mikael Salomon Writers: Laurens van der Post (books), Robert Caswell (screenplay) | 2 more credits
A Few Good Men (1992) ::: 7.7/10 -- R | 2h 18min | Drama, Thriller | 11 December 1992 (USA) -- Military lawyer Lieutenant Daniel Kaffee defends Marines accused of murder. They contend they were acting under orders. Director: Rob Reiner Writers: Aaron Sorkin (play), Aaron Sorkin (screenplay)
Affliction (1997) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 1h 54min | Drama, Mystery, Thriller | 19 February 1999 (USA) -- A deeply troubled small-town cop investigates a suspicious hunting death while other events jeopardize his sanity. Director: Paul Schrader Writers: Russell Banks (novel), Paul Schrader (screenplay)
A Film with Me in It (2008) ::: 6.7/10 -- 1h 29min | Comedy, Thriller | 1 January 2010 (USA) -- A broke, jobless actor and a broke, jobless screenwriter set out to make a movie and then find that life starts imitating art. Director: Ian Fitzgibbon Writer: Mark Doherty
A Fish Called Wanda (1988) ::: 7.5/10 -- R | 1h 48min | Comedy, Crime | 29 July 1988 (USA) -- In London, four very different people team up to commit armed robbery, then try to doublecross each other for the loot. Directors: Charles Crichton, John Cleese (uncredited) Writers: John Cleese (story), Charles Crichton (story) | 1 more credit
A Foreign Affair (1948) ::: 7.3/10 -- Approved | 1h 56min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 20 August 1948 (USA) -- In occupied Berlin, an army captain is torn between an ex-Nazi caf singer and the U.S. congresswoman investigating her. Director: Billy Wilder Writers: Charles Brackett (screenplay), Billy Wilder (screenplay) | 3 more
Afro Samurai: Resurrection (2009) ::: 7.2/10 -- TV-MA | 1h 37min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Movie 25 January -- Afro Samurai: Resurrection Poster -- When his father's body is stolen from its grave, Afro takes up his sword again to tear through an army of deadly foes led by a sadistic leader. Director: Fuminori Kizaki Writers:
After Dark, My Sweet (1990) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 1h 54min | Crime, Drama, Mystery | 24 August 1990 (USA) -- An ex-boxer is drifting around after escaping from the mental hospital. He meets a widow who convinces him to help fix up the neglected estate her ex-husband left. Her Uncle talks them both... S Director: James Foley Writers:
-- After his latest money-making plan fails, Julian concocts his greatest scheme ever ::: which involves doing business with his archenemy, Cyrus. Director: Mike Clattenburg Writers: Mike Clattenburg, Mike O'Neill
After Hours (1985) ::: 7.7/10 -- R | 1h 37min | Comedy, Crime, Drama | 11 October 1985 (USA) -- An ordinary word processor has the worst night of his life after he agrees to visit a girl in Soho who he met that evening at a coffee shop. Director: Martin Scorsese Writer:
After the Fox (1966) ::: 6.5/10 -- Caccia alla volpe (original title) -- After the Fox Poster An Italian criminal mastermind, impersonating a film director, plans to grab the loot on a beach where a bogus movie is being filmed. Director: Vittorio De Sica Writers: Neil Simon (play), Neil Simon (screenplay) | 1 more credit Stars:
After the Thin Man (1936) ::: 7.7/10 -- Passed | 1h 53min | Comedy, Crime, Mystery | 25 December 1936 (USA) -- Nick investigates the case of a missing man and later a murder that is connected to Nora's family. Director: W.S. Van Dyke Writers: Frances Goodrich (screen play), Albert Hackett (screen play) | 1 more
After the Wedding (2006) ::: 7.7/10 -- Efter brylluppet (original title) -- After the Wedding Poster -- A manager of an orphanage in India is sent to Copenhagen, Denmark, where he discovers a life-altering family secret. Director: Susanne Bier Writers:
After the Wedding (2019) ::: 6.3/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 52min | Drama | 1 November 2019 (UK) -- A manager of an orphanage in Kolkata travels to New York to meet a benefactor. Director: Bart Freundlich Writers: Bart Freundlich (screenplay), Susanne Bier (original screenplay) | 1
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum (1966) ::: 6.9/10 -- Approved | 1h 39min | Comedy, Musical | 16 October 1966 (USA) -- A wily Roman slave schemes to earn his freedom by romantically uniting his master with a courtesan. But matters get complicated and he ends up dragging in his neighbors around him, leading to chaos. Director: Richard Lester Writers:
A Futile and Stupid Gesture (2018) ::: 6.8/10 -- TV-MA | 1h 41min | Biography, Comedy | 26 January 2018 (USA) -- In the 1970s and '80s, National Lampoon's success and influence creates a new media empire overseen in part by the brilliant and troubled Douglas Kenney. Director: David Wain Writers: Michael Colton, John Aboud | 1 more credit Stars:
Against the Sun (2014) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG | 1h 40min | Biography, Drama, War | 23 January 2015 (USA) -- A WWII pilot, bombardier, and radioman find themselves adrift on a lifeboat without food or water after being forced to ditch their plane during a scouting mission. Director: Brian Peter Falk (as Brian Falk) Writers:
Agatha and the Truth of Murder (2018) ::: 6.3/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 32min | Crime, Drama, Mystery | TV Movie 30 October 2020 -- In 1926, with her personal life in tatters and her writing in crisis, a young Agatha Christie decides to solve a real-life murder. Director: Terry Loane Writer: Tom Dalton
A Ghost Story (2017) ::: 6.9/10 -- R | 1h 32min | Drama, Fantasy, Romance | 27 July 2017 (Australia) -- In this singular exploration of legacy, love, loss, and the enormity of existence, a recently deceased, white-sheeted ghost returns to his suburban home to try to reconnect with his bereft wife. Director: David Lowery Writer:
A Girl Like Her (2015) ::: 7.0/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 31min | Drama | 27 March 2015 (USA) -- Jessica Burns enlists the help of her best friend, Brian, in order to document the relentless harassment she's received from her former friend, Avery Keller, one of South Brookdale High School's most popular students. Director: Amy S. Weber Writer:
Agneepath (2012) ::: 6.9/10 -- Not Rated | 2h 54min | Action, Crime, Drama | 26 January 2012 (India) -- A young boy's father is lynched before his eyes; fifteen years later he returns home for revenge. Director: Karan Malhotra Writers: Ila Bedi Dutta (screenplay), Avinash Ghodke (additional dialogue) | 2
Agnes of God (1985) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 38min | Drama, Mystery | 27 September 1985 (USA) -- When a naive novice nun is discovered with a dead newborn in her convent quarters, a court-appointed psychiatrist investigates her case. Director: Norman Jewison Writers: John Pielmeier (screenplay), John Pielmeier (play) Stars:
A Good Woman (2004) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG | 1h 33min | Drama, Comedy, Romance | 13 May 2005 (UK) -- A 1930s American socialite creates a scandal in the expatriate high society of the Amalfi Coast of Italy when she forms a secretive relationship with a wealthy American unbeknownst to his young wife. Director: Mike Barker Writers:
A Good Year (2006) ::: 7.0/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 57min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 10 November 2006 (USA) -- A British investment broker inherits his uncle's chateau and vineyard in Provence, where he spent much of his childhood. He discovers a new laid-back lifestyle as he tries to renovate the estate to be sold. Director: Ridley Scott Writers:
A Goofy Movie (1995) ::: 6.9/10 -- G | 1h 18min | Animation, Adventure, Comedy | 7 April 1995 (USA) -- When Max makes a preposterous promise to a girl he has a crush on, his chances to fulfilling it seem hopeless when he is dragged onto a cross-country trip with his embarrassing father, Goofy. Director: Kevin Lima Writers:
Agora (2009) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 2h 7min | Adventure, Biography, Drama | 9 October 2009 (Spain) -- A historical drama set in Roman Egypt, concerning a slave who turns to the rising tide of Christianity in the hope of pursuing freedom while falling in love with his mistress, the philosophy and mathematics professor Hypatia of Alexandria. Director: Alejandro Amenbar Writers:
A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints (2006) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 1h 40min | Crime, Drama | 13 October 2006 (USA) -- The movie is a coming-of-age drama about a boy growing up in Astoria, New York during the 1980s. As his friends end up dead, on drugs, or in prison. He comes to believe he has been saved from their fates by various so-called saints. Director: Dito Montiel Writers:
A Hard Day's Night (1964) ::: 7.6/10 -- G | 1h 27min | Comedy, Musical | 7 July 1964 (UK) -- Over two "typical" days in the life of The Beatles, the boys struggle to keep themselves and Sir Paul McCartney's mischievous grandfather in check while preparing for a live television performance. Director: Richard Lester Writer:
A Hidden Life (2019) ::: 7.4/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 54min | Biography, Drama, Romance | 17 January 2020 (UK) -- The Austrian Franz Jgersttter, a conscientious objector, refuses to fight for the Nazis in World War II. Director: Terrence Malick Writer: Terrence Malick
A Hijacking (2012) ::: 7.2/10 -- Kapringen (original title) -- A Hijacking Poster -- The crew of a Danish cargo ship is hijacked by Somali pirates who proceed to engage in escalating negotiations with authorities in Copenhagen. Director: Tobias Lindholm Writer:
A History of Violence (2005) ::: 7.4/10 -- R | 1h 36min | Drama, Thriller | 30 September 2005 (USA) -- A mild-mannered man becomes a local hero through an act of violence, which sets off repercussions that will shake his family to its very core. Director: David Cronenberg Writers:
Ah! My Goddess: The Movie (2000) ::: 7.0/10 -- Aa! Megamisama! The Movie (original title) -- Ah! My Goddess: The Movie Poster A young man and his Angel bride must stop an angry Archangel from destroying Earth by proving that love is the ultimate force in the universe. Director: Hiroaki Gda Writers: Ksuke Fujishima (manga), Michiko Yokote (screenplay) | 1 more credit
A Home at the End of the World (2004) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 1h 37min | Drama, Romance | 14 October 2004 (Netherlands) -- A boy who has experienced many losses in his life grows to manhood and enters into a love triangle with a woman and his boyhood friend. Director: Michael Mayer Writers: Michael Cunningham (novel), Michael Cunningham (screenplay)
A.I. Artificial Intelligence (2001) ::: 7.2/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 26min | Drama, Sci-Fi | 29 June 2001 (USA) -- A highly advanced robotic boy longs to become "real" so that he can regain the love of his human mother. Director: Steven Spielberg Writers: Brian Aldiss (short story "Supertoys Last All Summer Long"), Ian Watson
Ain't Them Bodies Saints (2013) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 36min | Crime, Drama, Romance | 16 August 2013 (USA) -- The tale of an outlaw who escapes from prison and sets out across the Texas hills to reunite with his wife and the daughter he has never met. Director: David Lowery Writer: David Lowery
Air Doll (2009) ::: 6.9/10 -- Kki ningy (original title) -- Air Doll Poster -- A life-size blow-up doll develops a soul and falls in love with a video store clerk. Director: Hirokazu Koreeda Writers:
Air Force One (1997) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 2h 4min | Action, Drama, Thriller | 25 July 1997 (USA) -- Communist Radicals hijack Air Force One with The U.S. President and his family on board. The Vice President negotiates from Washington D.C., while the President, a Veteran, fights to rescue the hostages on board. Director: Wolfgang Petersen Writer:
Airplane! (1980) ::: 7.7/10 -- PG | 1h 28min | Comedy | 2 July 1980 (USA) -- A man afraid to fly must ensure that a plane lands safely after the pilots become sick. Directors: Jim Abrahams, David Zucker | 1 more credit Writers: Jim Abrahams (written for the screen by), David Zucker (written for the
Airport (1970) ::: 6.6/10 -- G | 2h 17min | Action, Drama, Thriller | 5 March 1970 (Canada) -- A bomber on board an airplane, an airport almost closed by snow, and various personal problems of the people involved. Directors: George Seaton, Henry Hathaway (uncredited) Writers: Arthur Hailey (from the novel by), George Seaton (written for the screen by) Stars:
Airwolf (1984) ::: 6.8/10 -- 14A | 1h 25min | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi | TV Movie 22 January 1984 -- A scientist who has created a super helicopter has defected to Libya and taken the machine with him. A secretive government agency hires an ex-Vietnam War pilot to go to Libya, steal the chopper and bring it back. Director: Donald P. Bellisario Writer:
Ajin Part 1: Shoudou (2015) ::: 7.7/10 -- Ajin: Shd (original title) -- Ajin Part 1: Shoudou Poster For high schooler Kei - and for at least forty-six others - immortality comes as the nastiest surprise ever. Sadly for Kei, such a feat doesn't make him a superhero. In the eyes of both the... S Director: Hiroaki And Writer: Gamon Sakurai (manga)
Akeelah and the Bee (2006) ::: 7.3/10 -- PG | 1h 52min | Drama, Family | 28 April 2006 (USA) -- A young girl from South Los Angeles tries to make it to the National Spelling Bee. Director: Doug Atchison Writer: Doug Atchison
A King in New York (1957) ::: 7.1/10 -- G | 1h 45min | Comedy, Drama | 23 September 1957 (Sweden) -- A recently-deposed European monarch seeks shelter in New York City, where he becomes an accidental television celebrity and is later wrongly accused of being a Communist. Director: Charles Chaplin Writer: Charles Chaplin Stars:
A Kiss Before Dying (1956) ::: 6.7/10 -- Approved | 1h 34min | Crime, Film-Noir, Mystery | 12 June 1956 (USA) -- A ruthless college student resorts to murder in an attempt to marry an heiress. Director: Gerd Oswald Writers: Lawrence Roman (screenplay), Ira Levin (novel)
A Knight's Tale (2001) ::: 6.9/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 12min | Action, Adventure, Romance | 11 May 2001 (USA) -- After his master dies, a peasant squire, fueled by his desire for food and glory, creates a new identity for himself as a knight. Director: Brian Helgeland Writer: Brian Helgeland
Aladdin (1992) ::: 8.0/10 -- G | 1h 30min | Animation, Adventure, Comedy | 25 November 1992 (USA) -- A kindhearted street urchin and a power-hungry Grand Vizier vie for a magic lamp that has the power to make their deepest wishes come true. Directors: Ron Clements, John Musker Writers: Ron Clements (screenplay by), John Musker (screenplay by) | 18 more
Aladdin (2019) ::: 6.9/10 -- PG | 2h 8min | Adventure, Family, Fantasy | 24 May 2019 (USA) -- A kind-hearted street urchin and a power-hungry Grand Vizier vie for a magic lamp that has the power to make their deepest wishes come true. Director: Guy Ritchie Writers: John August (screenplay by), Guy Ritchie (screenplay by)
Alan Partridge (2013) ::: 6.9/10 -- Alan Partridge: Alpha Papa (original title) -- Alan Partridge Poster -- When famous DJ Alan Partridge's radio station is taken over by a new media conglomerate, it sets in motion a chain of events which see Alan having to work with the police to defuse a potentially violent siege. Director: Declan Lowney Writers:
A Late Quartet (2012) ::: 7.1/10 -- R | 1h 45min | Drama, Music | 23 November 2012 (Canada) -- Members of a world-renowned string quartet struggle to stay together in the face of death, competing egos and insuppressible lust. Director: Yaron Zilberman Writers: Yaron Zilberman (story by), Yaron Zilberman (screenplay by) | 1 more
Albatross (2011) ::: 6.4/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 30min | Drama | 14 October 2011 (UK) -- Beth, a bookish teenager, befriends Emilia, an aspiring novelist who has just arrived in town. Emilia soon begins an affair with Beth's father that threatens to have devastating consequences. Director: Niall MacCormick Writer:
Albert Nobbs (2011) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 1h 53min | Drama, Romance | 22 February 2012 (France) -- Albert Nobbs struggles to survive in late 19th-century Ireland, where women aren't encouraged to be independent. Posing as a man so she can work as a butler in Dublin's most elegant hotel, Albert meets a handsome painter and looks to escape the lie she has been living. Director: Rodrigo Garca Writers:
Alchemik ::: 6.2/10 -- Alchemik Poster -- gold. Director: Jacek Koprowicz Writer: Jacek Koprowicz Stars: Olgierd Lukaszewicz, Michal Bajor, Joanna Szczepkowska | See full cast
A League of Their Own (1992) ::: 7.3/10 -- PG | 2h 8min | Comedy, Drama, Sport | 1 July 1992 (USA) -- Two sisters join the first female professional baseball league and struggle to help it succeed amidst their own growing rivalry. Director: Penny Marshall Writers: Kim Wilson (story), Kelly Candaele (story) | 2 more credits
A Letter to Three Wives (1949) ::: 7.7/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 43min | Drama, Romance | 3 February 1949 (USA) -- A letter is addressed to three wives from their "best friend" Addie Ross, announcing that she is running away with one of their husbands - but she does not say which one. Director: Joseph L. Mankiewicz Writers:
Alexandra's Project (2003) ::: 6.5/10 -- Unrated | 1h 43min | Drama, Mystery, Thriller | 19 December 2003 (USA) -- A regular suburban family man comes home from work on his birthday to find a deserted house and a videotape waiting to be played... Director: Rolf de Heer Writer: Rolf de Heer
Alex Strangelove (2018) ::: 6.3/10 -- TV-MA | 1h 39min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 8 June 2018 (USA) -- Alex, high school class president, nerd and a straight A student, has been dating Claire a long time. They decide to sleep together but then he meets a gay guy and he's confused. Director: Craig Johnson Writer:
Alfie (1966) ::: 7.0/10 -- PG | 1h 54min | Comedy, Drama | 24 August 1966 (USA) -- An unrepentant ladies' man gradually begins to understand the consequences of his lifestyle. Director: Lewis Gilbert Writers: Bill Naughton (screenplay), Bill Naughton (based on the play: "Alfie")
Ali (2001) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 2h 37min | Biography, Drama, Sport | 25 December 2001 (USA) -- A biography of sports legend Muhammad Ali, focusing on his triumphs and controversies between 1964 and 1974. Director: Michael Mann Writers: Gregory Allen Howard (story), Stephen J. Rivele (screenplay) | 3 more
Ali and Nino (2016) ::: 7.0/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 40min | Drama, Romance, War | 6 October 2016 -- Ali and Nino Poster -- Love story of a Muslim Azerbaijani boy and Christian Georgian girl in Baku from 1918 to 1920. Director: Asif Kapadia Writers:
Alice (1990) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 46min | Comedy, Romance | 10 January 1991 (Argentina) -- A spoiled Manhattan housewife re-evaluates her life after visiting a Chinatown healer. Director: Woody Allen Writer: Woody Allen Stars:
Alice Adams (1935) ::: 6.9/10 -- Passed | 1h 39min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 13 November 1935 -- Alice Adams Poster A working-class girl is thwarted and embarrassed in her attempts to move up socially by her gauche family and unstable father. Director: George Stevens Writers: Booth Tarkington (novel), Dorothy Yost (screen play) | 2 more credits Stars:
Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore (1974) ::: 7.3/10 -- PG | 1h 52min | Drama, Romance | 23 May 1975 (Italy) -- A recently widowed woman is on the road with her precocious young son, determined to make a new life for herself as a singer. Director: Martin Scorsese Writer: Robert Getchell
Alice in the Cities (1974) ::: 8.0/10 -- Alice in den Stdten (original title) -- Alice in the Cities Poster A German journalist is saddled with a nine-year-old girl after encountering her mother at a New York airport. Director: Wim Wenders Writers: Wim Wenders, Veith von Frstenberg (contributing writer) Stars:
Alice in Wonderland (1951) ::: 7.4/10 -- G | 1h 15min | Animation, Adventure, Family | 14 September 1951 (USA) -- Alice stumbles into the world of Wonderland. Will she get home? Not if the Queen of Hearts has her way. Directors: Clyde Geronimi, Wilfred Jackson | 2 more credits Writers: Lewis Carroll (adaptation) (as Lewis Carrol), Winston Hibler (story) |
Alice in Wonderland (1999) ::: 6.4/10 -- PG | 2h 30min | Adventure, Comedy, Family | TV Movie 28 February 1999 -- Alice falls down a rabbit hole, and finds herself in Wonderland, a fantasy land of strange characters and ideas. Director: Nick Willing Writers: Lewis Carroll (novel), Peter Barnes (teleplay)
Alice in Wonderland (2010) ::: 6.4/10 -- PG | 1h 48min | Adventure, Family, Fantasy | 5 March 2010 (USA) -- Nineteen-year-old Alice returns to the magical world from her childhood adventure, where she reunites with her old friends and learns of her true destiny: to end the Red Queen's reign of terror. Director: Tim Burton Writers:
Alice, Sweet Alice (1976) ::: 6.5/10 -- Communion (original title) -- Alice, Sweet Alice Poster -- In 1961, a divorced catholic couple's life is turned upside down when one of their two adolescent daughters is suspected of her younger sister's brutal murder during her First Communion, and a series of subsequent stabbings. Director: Alfred Sole
Alien (1979) ::: 8.4/10 -- R | 1h 57min | Horror, Sci-Fi | 22 June 1979 (USA) -- After a space merchant vessel receives an unknown transmission as a distress call, one of the crew is attacked by a mysterious life form and they soon realize that its life cycle has merely begun. Director: Ridley Scott Writers:
Alien (1992) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 54min | Action, Horror, Sci-Fi | 22 May 1992 (USA) -- After her last encounter, Ellen Ripley crash-lands on Fiorina 161, a maximum security prison. When a series of strange and deadly events occur shortly after her arrival, Ripley realizes that she has brought along an unwelcome visitor. Director: David Fincher Writers:
Alien: Covenant (2017) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 2h 2min | Horror, Sci-Fi, Thriller | 19 May 2017 (USA) -- The crew of a colony ship, bound for a remote planet, discover an uncharted paradise with a threat beyond their imagination, and must attempt a harrowing escape. Director: Ridley Scott Writers:
Alien: Covenant - Advent (2017) ::: 6.8/10 -- 7min | Short, Sci-Fi | Video 15 August 2017 -- Advent is a sequel to Alien: Covenant in which David sends a transmission from the Covenant to Weyland-Yutani on Earth, elaborating upon the genetic experimentation he has been conducting on Planet 4. Director: Luke Scott Writer: Will Melton Stars:
Alien: Harvest (2019) ::: 6.4/10 -- 9min | Short, Horror, Sci-Fi | 26 April 2019 (USA) -- The surviving crew of a damaged space harvester has a motion sensor as their only navigation tool leading them to safety, while a creature in the shadows terrorizes them. However, the greatest threat might have been hiding in plain sight. Director: Benjamin Howdeshell Writers: Craig Dewey, Dan O'Bannon (based on characters created by) | 1 more credit
Alien: Isolation (2014) ::: 8.7/10 -- Adventure, Horror, Sci-Fi | Video game released 7 October 2014 -- In this first person survival horror adventure set fifteen years after the events of Alien (1979), Ripley's daughter becomes trapped on an alien-infested space station which holds answers to the mystery of her mother's disappearance. Director: Alistair Hope (as Al Hope) Writers:
Alien: Ore (2019) ::: 6.6/10 -- 11min | Short, Horror, Sci-Fi | 19 April 2019 (USA) -- When her shift uncovers the death of a fellow miner under mysterious circumstances, a hard-working miner of a planet mining colony is forced to choose between escape or defying management orders and fight for the safety of her family. Directors: Kailey Spear, Sam Spear Writers: Dan O'Bannon (based on characters created by), Ronald Shusett (based on characters created by) | 2 more credits
Aliens (1986) ::: 8.3/10 -- R | 2h 17min | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi | 18 July 1986 (USA) -- Fifty-seven years after surviving an apocalyptic attack aboard her space vessel by merciless space creatures, Officer Ripley awakens from hyper-sleep and tries to warn anyone who will listen about the predators. Director: James Cameron Writers:
Alien: Specimen (2019) ::: 6.5/10 -- 10min | Short, Horror, Sci-Fi | 5 April 2019 (USA) -- During the night shift in a colony greenhouse, a botanist does her best to contain suspicious soil samples that have alarmed her sensitive lab dog. Director: Kelsey Taylor Writers: Federico Fracchia, Dan O'Bannon (based on characters created by) | 1 more credit
A Life Less Ordinary (1997) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 43min | Comedy, Crime, Fantasy | 24 October 1997 (USA) -- Upon being fired, a desperate guy kidnaps a daughter of his former boss. Two angels are sent to Earth to check if love is possible in this case. Director: Danny Boyle Writer:
Ali's Wedding (2017) ::: 6.9/10 -- TV-MA | 1h 50min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 8 June 2018 (USA) -- After telling a white lie which spirals out of control, a neurotic, naive, musically gifted Muslim cleric's eldest son must follow through with an arranged marriage, even though he's madly in love with an Australian born-Lebanese girl. Director: Jeffrey Walker Writers:
Alita: Battle Angel (2019) ::: 7.3/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 2min | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi | 14 February 2019 (USA) -- A deactivated cyborg's revived, but can't remember anything of her past and goes on a quest to find out who she is. Director: Robert Rodriguez Writers: James Cameron (screenplay by), Laeta Kalogridis (screenplay by) | 1
A Little Chaos (2014) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 52min | Drama, Romance | 26 June 2015 (USA) -- Two talented landscape artists become romantically entangled while building a garden in King Louis XIV's palace at Versailles. Director: Alan Rickman Writers: Jeremy Brock (screenplay), Alison Deegan | 1 more credit
A Little Princess (1995) ::: 7.7/10 -- G | 1h 37min | Drama, Family, Fantasy | 19 May 1995 (USA) -- A young girl is relegated to servitude at a boarding school when her father goes missing and is presumed dead. Director: Alfonso Cuarn Writers: Frances Hodgson Burnett (novel), Richard LaGravenese (screenplay) | 1
A Little Romance (1979) ::: 7.5/10 -- PG | 1h 50min | Adventure, Comedy, Romance | 27 April 1979 (USA) -- An American teenager living in Paris meets and falls in love with a local. Director: George Roy Hill Writers: Allan Burns (screenplay), Claude Klotz (novel) (as Patrick Cauvin)
Alive (1993) ::: 7.1/10 -- R | 2h | Biography, Drama, Thriller | 15 January 1993 (USA) -- A Uruguayan rugby team stranded in the snow swept Andes are forced to use desperate measures to survive after a plane crash. Director: Frank Marshall Writers: Piers Paul Read (book), John Patrick Shanley (screenplay)
A Lizard in a Woman's Skin (1971) ::: 6.9/10 -- Una lucertola con la pelle di donna (original title) -- A Lizard in a Woman's Skin Poster -- The potentially unhinged daughter of a British politician is accused of killing her hedonistic neighbor after she witnesses the murder in a dream. Director: Lucio Fulci Writers:
All About Eve (1950) ::: 8.2/10 -- Passed | 2h 18min | Drama | 27 October 1950 (USA) -- A seemingly timid but secretly ruthless ingnue insinuates herself into the lives of an aging Broadway star and her circle of theater friends. Director: Joseph L. Mankiewicz Writer: Joseph L. Mankiewicz (written for the screen by)
All Dogs Go to Heaven (1989) ::: 6.8/10 -- G | 1h 24min | Animation, Comedy, Drama | 17 November 1989 (USA) -- A canine angel, Charlie, sneaks back to earth from heaven but ends up befriending an orphan girl who can speak to animals. In the process, Charlie learns that friendship is the most heavenly gift of all. Directors: Don Bluth, Gary Goldman (co-director) | 1 more credit Writers: Don Bluth (story by), Ken Cromar (story by) | 9 more credits Stars:
Allied (2016) ::: 7.1/10 -- R | 2h 4min | Action, Drama, Romance | 23 November 2016 (USA) -- In 1942, a Canadian intelligence officer in North Africa encounters a female French Resistance fighter on a deadly mission behind enemy lines. When they reunite in London, their relationship is tested by the pressures of war. Director: Robert Zemeckis Writer:
All Is Lost (2013) ::: 6.9/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 46min | Action, Adventure, Drama | 25 October 2013 (Canada) -- After a collision with a shipping container at sea, a resourceful sailor finds himself, despite all efforts to the contrary, staring his mortality in the face. Director: J.C. Chandor Writer:
All of Me (1984) ::: 6.7/10 -- PG | 1h 33min | Comedy, Fantasy, Romance | 21 September 1984 (USA) -- A dying millionaire has her soul transferred into a younger, willing woman. However, something goes wrong, and she finds herself in her lawyer's body - together with the lawyer. Director: Carl Reiner Writers:
All or Nothing (2002) ::: 7.5/10 -- R | 2h 8min | Drama | 18 October 2002 (UK) -- In a poor working class London home Penny's love for her partner, taxi-driver Phil, has run dry, but when an unexpected tragedy occurs, they and their local community are brought together, and they rediscover their love. Director: Mike Leigh Writer: Mike Leigh
All Over Me (1997) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 26min | Crime, Drama, Romance | 16 July 1997 (USA) -- Claude and Ellen are best friends who live in a not-so-nice area of New York. They're involved in the subculture of 90s youth, complete with drugs, live music, and homophobia. All is ... S Director: Alex Sichel Writer: Sylvia Sichel Stars:
All Over the Guy (2001) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 35min | Comedy, Romance | 7 March 2002 (Australia) -- "All Over The Guy" is a contemporary romantic comedy about the quest to find the "one" when "the one" doesn't know he's the "one." It explores the unlikely pairing of two 20-somethings ... S Director: Julie Davis Writer:
All Quiet on the Western Front (1930) ::: 8.0/10 -- Passed | 2h 32min | Drama, War | 24 August 1930 (USA) -- A German youth eagerly enters World War I, but his enthusiasm wanes as he gets a firsthand view of the horror. Director: Lewis Milestone Writers: Erich Maria Remarque (by), Maxwell Anderson (adaptation) | 3 more credits Stars:
All Quiet on the Western Front (1979) ::: 7.1/10 -- Not Rated | 2h 30min | Drama, War | TV Movie 14 November 1979 -- A young soldier faces profound disillusionment in the soul-destroying horror of World War I. Director: Delbert Mann Writers: Paul Monash (screenplay), Erich Maria Remarque (novel) Stars:
All That Heaven Allows (1955) ::: 7.6/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 29min | Drama, Romance | 25 December 1955 (USA) -- An upper-class widow falls in love with a much younger, down-to-earth nurseryman, much to the disapproval of her children and criticism of her country club peers. Director: Douglas Sirk Writers:
All That Jazz (1979) ::: 7.9/10 -- R | 2h 3min | Drama, Music, Musical | 20 December 1979 (USA) -- Director/choreographer Bob Fosse tells his own life story as he details the sordid career of Joe Gideon, a womanizing, drug-using dancer. Director: Bob Fosse Writers: Robert Alan Aurthur, Bob Fosse
All the Bright Places (2020) ::: 6.5/10 -- TV-MA | 1h 47min | Drama, Romance | 28 February 2020 (USA) -- The story of Violet and Theodore, who meet and change each other's lives forever. As they struggle with the emotional and physical scars of their past, they discover that even the smallest places and moments can mean something. Director: Brett Haley Writers:
All the Invisible Children (2005) ::: 7.5/10 -- 2h 4min | Drama | 3 March 2006 (Italy) -- Through the plights of seven different children, seven cruel destinies unfold, as the unknown innocents who share the same sensitivities and desires struggle for survival, understanding--and above all--love, in an apathetic grown-up world. Directors: Mehdi Charef, Emir Kusturica | 6 more credits Writers: Mehdi Charef (segment), Diego De Silva (story and screenplay) | 8 more credits
All the King's Men (1949) ::: 7.5/10 -- Approved | 1h 50min | Drama, Film-Noir | January 1950 (USA) -- The rise and fall of a corrupt politician, who makes his friends richer and retains power by dint of a populist appeal. Director: Robert Rossen Writers: Robert Penn Warren (based upon: the Pulitzer Prize novel "All the
All the Money in the World (2017) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 2h 12min | Biography, Crime, Drama | 25 December 2017 (USA) -- The story of the kidnapping of 16-year-old John Paul Getty III and the desperate attempt by his devoted mother to convince his billionaire grandfather Jean Paul Getty to pay the ransom. Director: Ridley Scott Writers:
All the President's Men (1976) ::: 7.9/10 -- PG | 2h 18min | Biography, Drama, History | 9 April 1976 (USA) -- "The Washington Post" reporters Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein uncover the details of the Watergate scandal that leads to President Richard Nixon's resignation. Director: Alan J. Pakula Writers:
All the Real Girls (2003) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 1h 48min | Drama, Romance | 1 August 2003 (UK) -- Small-town love story of a young man with a reputation for womanizing and his best friend's sister. Director: David Gordon Green Writers: David Gordon Green (story), Paul Schneider (story) | 1 more credit
All the Way (2016) ::: 7.3/10 -- TV-14 | 2h 12min | Biography, Drama, History | TV Movie 21 May 2016 -- Lyndon B. Johnson becomes the President of the United States in the chaotic aftermath of John F. Kennedy's assassination and spends his first year in office fighting to pass the Civil Rights Act. Director: Jay Roach Writers:
All This, and Heaven Too (1940) ::: 7.5/10 -- Approved | 2h 21min | Drama, Romance | 13 July 1940 (USA) -- A duchess' irrational behavior toward the governess of her children triggers tragic events that will change her family's lives forever. Director: Anatole Litvak Writers: Rachel Field (by), Casey Robinson (screen play)
All Through the Night (1942) ::: 7.1/10 -- Approved | 1h 47min | Action, Comedy, Crime | 10 January 1942 (USA) -- Runyonesque Broadway gamblers turn patriotic when they stumble onto a cell of Nazi saboteurs. Director: Vincent Sherman Writers: Leonard Spigelgass (screenplay), Edwin Gilbert (screenplay) | 2 more
All Together Now (2020) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG | 1h 32min | Drama | 28 August 2020 (USA) -- An optimistic high schooler with musical aspirations must learn to accept help from her friends to overcome her personal hardships and fulfill her dreams. Director: Brett Haley Writers:
Almost Famous (2000) ::: 7.9/10 -- R | 2h 2min | Adventure, Comedy, Drama | 22 September 2000 (USA) -- A high-school boy is given the chance to write a story for Rolling Stone Magazine about an up-and-coming rock band as he accompanies them on their concert tour. Director: Cameron Crowe Writer:
Alone in Berlin (2016) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 43min | Drama, History, War | 13 January 2017 (USA) -- After a Nazi German working class couple loses their son in World War II, they decide to retaliate by secretly leafletting handwritten cards in Berlin denouncing their government. Director: Vincent Perez Writers:
Alone in the Wilderness (2004) ::: 8.7/10 -- 57min | Documentary | TV Movie 8 October 2004 -- In 1968, one man films his attempt to build a cabin and live in the Alaskan wilderness. He goes weeks or months at a time without human contact. Director: Dick Proenneke Writers: Sam Keith (book), Dick Proenneke (journals) Stars:
Along Came a Spider (2001) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 44min | Drama, Thriller | 6 April 2001 (USA) -- When a senator's daughter under Secret Service protection is kidnapped from a private school, detective Alex Cross investigates the case even though he's recovering from the loss of his partner. Director: Lee Tamahori Writers:
A Long Way Down (2014) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 36min | Comedy, Drama | 5 June 2014 (USA) -- Four people meet on New Year's Eve, and form a surrogate family to help one another with the difficulties of their lives. Director: Pascal Chaumeil Writers: Nick Hornby (based on the novel by), Jack Thorne (screenplay by)
A Lot Like Love (2005) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 47min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 22 April 2005 (USA) -- Unacquainted Emily and Oliver join the mile-high club together on the way from LAX to NYC--end of story. Except that they keep meeting constantly over the next seven years.. Director: Nigel Cole Writer:
A Love Song for Bobby Long (2004) ::: 7.1/10 -- R | 1h 59min | Drama | 21 January 2005 (USA) -- A headstrong young woman returns to New Orleans after the death of her estranged mother. Director: Shainee Gabel Writers: Ronald Everett Capps (novel), Shainee Gabel (screenplay)
Alpha (2018) ::: 6.7/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 36min | Action, Adventure, Drama | 17 August 2018 (USA) -- In the prehistoric past, a young man struggles to return home after being separated from his tribe during a buffalo hunt. He finds a similarly lost wolf companion and starts a friendship that would change humanity. Director: Albert Hughes Writers:
Alpha Dog (2006) ::: 6.9/10 -- R | 2h 2min | Biography, Crime, Drama | 12 January 2007 (USA) -- Johnny and a couple pals kidnap Jake's 15-year-old brother, Zach, then assigns his buddy Frankie to be Zach's minder. They develop a brotherly friendship. Zach parties with his captors as things begin to spin out of control. Director: Nick Cassavetes Writer:
Alphaville (1965) ::: 7.1/10 -- Alphaville, une trange aventure de Lemmy Caution (original title) -- Alphaville Poster -- A U.S. secret agent is sent to the distant space city of Alphaville where he must find a missing person and free the city from its tyrannical ruler. Director: Jean-Luc Godard Writer:
Alps (2011) ::: 6.4/10 -- Alpeis (original title) -- Alps Poster -- A group of people start a business where they impersonate the recently deceased in order to help their clients through the grieving process. Director: Yorgos Lanthimos Writers:
Already Tomorrow in Hong Kong (2015) ::: 6.5/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 18min | Comedy, Romance | 12 February 2016 (USA) -- An attraction forms when a Chinese American girl visiting Hong Kong for the first time meets an American expat who shows her the way, but timing may not quite be on their side. A ... S Director: Emily Ting Writer:
Altered States (1980) ::: 6.9/10 -- R | 1h 42min | Horror, Sci-Fi, Thriller | 25 December 1980 (USA) -- A psycho-physiologist experiments with drugs and a sensory-deprivation tank and has visions he believes are genetic memories. Director: Ken Russell Writers: Paddy Chayefsky (written for the screen by) (as Sidney Aaron), Paddy
Always (1989) ::: 6.4/10 -- PG | 2h 2min | Drama, Fantasy, Romance | 22 December 1989 (USA) -- The spirit of a recently deceased expert pilot mentors a newer pilot while watching him fall in love with the girlfriend that he left behind. Director: Steven Spielberg Writers:
Always Be My Maybe (2019) ::: 6.8/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 41min | Comedy, Romance | 31 May 2019 (USA) -- Everyone assumed Sasha and Marcus would wind up together except for Sasha and Marcus. Reconnecting after 15 years, the two start to wonder - maybe? Director: Nahnatchka Khan Writers:
Amadeus (1984) ::: 8.3/10 -- R | 2h 40min | Biography, Drama, History | 19 September 1984 (USA) -- The life, success and troubles of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, as told by Antonio Salieri, the contemporaneous composer who was insanely jealous of Mozart's talent and claimed to have murdered him. Director: Milos Forman Writers:
A Man and a Woman (1966) ::: 7.6/10 -- Un homme et une femme (original title) -- A Man and a Woman Poster -- A widow and a widower find their relationship developing into love, but their past tragedies prove hard to overcome, causing them to proceed with utmost delicacy. Director: Claude Lelouch Writer:
A Man Called Horse (1970) ::: 6.9/10 -- R | 1h 54min | Adventure, Drama, Western | 1 May 1970 (USA) -- In 1825, an English aristocrat is captured by Native Americans. He lives with them and begins to understand their way of life. Eventually, he is accepted as part of the tribe and aspires to become their leader. Director: Elliot Silverstein Writers: Jack DeWitt (screenplay) (as Jack De Witt), Dorothy M. Johnson (story) | 1 more credit
A Man for All Seasons (1966) ::: 7.7/10 -- G | 2h | Biography, Drama, History | 16 December 1966 (USA) -- The story of Sir Thomas More, who stood up to King Henry VIII when the King rejected the Roman Catholic Church to obtain a divorce and remarry. Director: Fred Zinnemann Writers:
A Map of the World (1999) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 2h 5min | Drama | 21 January 2000 (USA) -- A woman's life falls apart after she's blamed for an accident on her property. Director: Scott Elliott Writers: Jane Hamilton (novel), Peter Hedges (screenplay) | 1 more credit
Amateur (1994) ::: 6.9/10 -- R | 1h 45min | Comedy, Crime, Drama | 19 May 1995 (USA) -- An amnesiac wakes up on an NYC alley. He meets Isabelle, an ex nun now erotic writer, at a diner and follows her home. She helps him find his identity. Then there's Sofia, the porn star. Director: Hal Hartley Writer:
A Matter of Life and Death (1946) ::: 8.1/10 -- PG | 1h 44min | Comedy, Drama, Fantasy | March 1947 (USA) -- A British wartime aviator who cheats death must argue for his life before a celestial court. Directors: Michael Powell, Emeric Pressburger Writers: Michael Powell, Emeric Pressburger
Amazing Grace (2006) ::: 7.4/10 -- PG | 1h 58min | Biography, Drama, History | 23 February 2007 (USA) -- The idealist William Wilberforce (Ioan Gruffudd) maneuvers his way through Parliament, endeavoring to end the British transatlantic slave trade. Director: Michael Apted Writer:
Amazing Stories -- PG | 30min | Adventure, Comedy, Drama | TV Series (19851987) ::: Truly amazing, fantastical, funny, and odd, and sometimes scary, sad, and endearing stories are portrayed. Many famous actors, actresses, and directors made guest appearances. Creators:
Amen. (2002) ::: 7.2/10 -- Not Rated | 2h 12min | Biography, Crime, Drama | 27 February 2002 -- Amen. Poster During WWII SS officer Kurt Gerstein tries to inform Pope Pius XII about Jews being sent to extermination camps. Young Jesuit priest Riccardo Fontana helps him in the difficult mission to inform the world. Director: Costa-Gavras Writers: Costa-Gavras, Jean-Claude Grumberg | 1 more credit
America America (1963) ::: 7.8/10 -- Approved | 2h 54min | Drama | 17 June 1964 (France) -- A young Greek stops at nothing to secure a passage to America. Director: Elia Kazan Writer: Elia Kazan
American Animals (2018) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 1h 56min | Biography, Crime, Drama | 14 August 2018 (USA) -- Four young men mistake their lives for a movie and attempt one of the most audacious heists in U.S. history. Director: Bart Layton Writers: Bart Layton, Jon Croker (additional material) | 4 more credits
American Beauty (1999) ::: 8.3/10 -- R | 2h 2min | Drama | 1 October 1999 (USA) -- A sexually frustrated suburban father has a mid-life crisis after becoming infatuated with his daughter's best friend. Director: Sam Mendes Writer: Alan Ball
American Flyers (1985) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 53min | Drama, Sport | 16 August 1985 (USA) -- Marcus takes his kid brother, David, with him for a physical test and a brain scan, suspecting cerebral aneurysm like their dad died of. They head off on bikes for the big Rockies bike race with Marcus' Sarah driving the van. Director: John Badham Writer:
American Gangster (2007) ::: 7.8/10 -- R | 2h 37min | Biography, Crime, Drama | 2 November 2007 (USA) -- An outcast New York City cop is charged with bringing down Harlem drug lord Frank Lucas, whose real life inspired this partly biographical film. Director: Ridley Scott Writers:
American Graffiti (1973) ::: 7.4/10 -- PG | 1h 50min | Comedy, Drama | 11 August 1973 (USA) -- A couple of high school grads spend one final night cruising the strip with their buddies before they go off to college. Director: George Lucas Writers: George Lucas, Gloria Katz | 1 more credit
American Heart (1992) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 1h 53min | Crime, Drama, Romance | 7 May 1993 (USA) -- An ex-convict is tracked down by his estranged teenage son, and the pair try to build a relationship and life together in Seattle. Director: Martin Bell Writers: Peter Silverman (story), Martin Bell (story) | 2 more credits Stars:
American History X (1998) ::: 8.5/10 -- R | 1h 59min | Drama | 20 November 1998 (USA) -- A former neo-nazi skinhead tries to prevent his younger brother from going down the same wrong path that he did. Director: Tony Kaye Writer: David McKenna
American Honey (2016) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 2h 43min | Adventure, Drama, Romance | 14 October 2016 (UK) -- A teenage girl with nothing to lose joins a traveling magazine sales crew, and gets caught up in a whirlwind of hard partying, law bending and young love as she criss-crosses the Midwest with a band of misfits. Director: Andrea Arnold Writers:
American Hustle (2013) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 2h 18min | Crime, Drama | 20 December 2013 (USA) -- A con man, Irving Rosenfeld, along with his seductive partner Sydney Prosser, is forced to work for a wild F.B.I. Agent, Richie DiMaso, who pushes them into a world of Jersey powerbrokers and the Mafia. Director: David O. Russell Writers:
American Made (2017) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 1h 55min | Action, Comedy, Crime | 29 September 2017 (USA) -- The story of Barry Seal, an American pilot who became a drug-runner for the CIA in the 1980s in a clandestine operation that would be exposed as the Iran-Contra Affair. Director: Doug Liman Writer:
American Me (1992) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 2h 5min | Biography, Crime, Drama | 13 March 1992 (USA) -- A Mexican-American Mafia kingpin is released from prison, falls in love for the first time, and grows introspective about his gangster lifestyle. Director: Edward James Olmos Writers: Floyd Mutrux (story), Floyd Mutrux (screenplay) | 1 more credit Stars:
American Pie (1999) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 1h 35min | Comedy | 9 July 1999 (USA) -- Four teenage boys enter a pact to lose their virginity by prom night. Directors: Paul Weitz, Chris Weitz (uncredited) Writer: Adam Herz
American Pie 2 (2001) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 48min | Comedy | 10 August 2001 (USA) -- Jim and his friends are now in college, and they decide to meet up at the beach house for some fun. Director: J.B. Rogers Writers: Adam Herz (characters), David H. Steinberg (story) | 2 more credits
American Pop (1981) ::: 7.3/10 -- R | 1h 36min | Animation, Drama, History | 13 February 1981 (USA) -- The story of four generations of a Russian Jewish immigrant family of musicians whose careers parallel the history of American popular music in the 20th century. Director: Ralph Bakshi Writer:
American Psycho (2000) ::: 7.6/10 -- R | 1h 41min | Comedy, Crime, Drama | 14 April 2000 (USA) -- A wealthy New York City investment banking executive, Patrick Bateman, hides his alternate psychopathic ego from his co-workers and friends as he delves deeper into his violent, hedonistic fantasies. Director: Mary Harron Writers:
American Reunion (2012) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 1h 53min | Comedy | 6 April 2012 (USA) -- Jim, Michelle, Stifler, and their friends reunite in East Great Falls, Michigan for their high school reunion. Directors: Jon Hurwitz, Hayden Schlossberg Writers: Jon Hurwitz (screenplay), Hayden Schlossberg (screenplay) | 1 more
American Sniper (2014) ::: 7.3/10 -- R | 2h 13min | Action, Biography, Drama | 16 January 2015 (USA) -- Navy S.E.A.L. sniper Chris Kyle's pinpoint accuracy saves countless lives on the battlefield and turns him into a legend. Back home with his family after four tours of duty, however, Chris finds that it is the war he can't leave behind. Director: Clint Eastwood Writers:
American Splendor (2003) ::: 7.4/10 -- R | 1h 41min | Biography, Comedy, Drama | 12 September 2003 (USA) -- An original mix of fiction and reality illuminates the life of comic book hero everyman Harvey Pekar. Directors: Shari Springer Berman, Robert Pulcini Writers: Harvey Pekar (comic book series American Splendor), Joyce Brabner
American Woman (2018) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 1h 51min | Drama, Mystery | 14 June 2019 (USA) -- A woman raises her young grandson after her daughter goes missing. Director: Jake Scott Writer: Brad Ingelsby
A Midnight Clear (1992) ::: 7.1/10 -- R | 1h 48min | Drama, War | 24 April 1992 (USA) -- This WW2 psychological drama plays out at Christmas. US GIs hold an isolated cabin in the Ardennes against a handful of Germans cut off from their main force. Combat-weary and short of rations, both sides are determined to survive. Director: Keith Gordon Writers:
A Midsummer Night's Dream (1935) ::: 6.9/10 -- Approved | 2h 13min | Comedy, Fantasy, Romance | 30 October 1935 (USA) -- Two couples and a troupe of actors have an encounter with some mischievous fairies in the forest. Directors: William Dieterle, Max Reinhardt Writers: William Shakespeare (by), Charles Kenyon (arranged for the screen by) |
A Midsummer Night's Dream (1999) ::: 6.4/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 56min | Comedy, Fantasy, Romance | 14 May 1999 (USA) -- Lovers' lives are complicated by city law, feuding faerie royalty, and... love. Director: Michael Hoffman Writers: William Shakespeare (play), Michael Hoffman (screenplay) Stars:
A Midsummer Night's Sex Comedy (1982) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG | 1h 28min | Comedy | 16 July 1982 (USA) -- A wacky inventor and his wife invite two other couples for a weekend party at a romantic summer house in the 1900s countryside. Director: Woody Allen Writer: Woody Allen Stars:
A Mighty Heart (2007) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 1h 48min | Biography, Drama, History | 22 June 2007 (USA) -- Mariane Pearl embarks on a frantic search to locate her journalist husband, Daniel, when he goes missing in Pakistan. Director: Michael Winterbottom Writers: John Orloff (screenplay), Mariane Pearl (book)
A Mighty Wind (2003) ::: 7.2/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 31min | Comedy, Music | 9 May 2003 (USA) -- Mockumentary captures the reunion of 1960s folk trio the Folksmen as they prepare for a show at The Town Hall to memorialize a recently deceased concert promoter. Director: Christopher Guest Writers:
Amistad (1997) ::: 7.3/10 -- R | 2h 35min | Biography, Drama, History | 25 December 1997 (USA) -- In 1839, the revolt of Mende captives aboard a Spanish owned ship causes a major controversy in the United States when the ship is captured off the coast of Long Island. The courts must decide whether the Mende are slaves or legally free. Director: Steven Spielberg Writer:
Amlie (2001) ::: 8.3/10 -- Le fabuleux destin d'Amlie Poulain (original title) -- Amlie Poster -- Amlie is an innocent and naive girl in Paris with her own sense of justice. She decides to help those around her and, along the way, discovers love. Director: Jean-Pierre Jeunet Writers:
Ammonite (2020) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 2h | Biography, Drama, Romance | 13 November 2020 (USA) -- 1840s England, acclaimed but overlooked fossil hunter Mary Anning and a young woman sent to convalesce by the sea develop an intense relationship, altering both of their lives forever. Director: Francis Lee Writer:
Among the Shadows (2014) ::: 8.5/10 -- 38min | Short, Horror, Mystery -- Shadows can't hurt you can they? Director: Gene Blalock Writers: Gene Blalock (story), Gene Blalock | 1 more credit Stars: Raquel Montero, Andrew Varenhorst, Samantha Rund | See full cast &
A Monster Calls (2016) ::: 7.5/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 48min | Adventure, Drama, Family | 6 January 2017 (USA) -- A boy seeks the help of a tree monster to cope with his single mother's terminal illness. Director: J.A. Bayona Writers: Patrick Ness (screenplay by), Patrick Ness (based upon the novel
A Monster in Paris (2011) ::: 6.7/10 -- Un monstre Paris (original title) -- A Monster in Paris Poster -- A 3D-animated movie set in Paris in the year 1910 and centered on a monster who lives in a garden and his love for a beautiful, young singer. Director: Bibo Bergeron Writers:
A Most Violent Year (2014) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 2h 5min | Action, Crime, Drama | 30 January 2015 (USA) -- In New York City 1981, an ambitious immigrant fights to protect his business and family during the most dangerous year in the city's history. Director: J.C. Chandor Writer:
A Most Wanted Man (2014) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 2h 2min | Crime, Drama, Thriller | 1 August 2014 (USA) -- A Chechen Muslim illegally immigrates to Hamburg, where he gets caught in the international war on terror. Director: Anton Corbijn Writers: Andrew Bovell (screenplay), John le Carr (novel) | 1 more credit
Amour (2012) ::: 7.9/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 7min | Drama, Romance | 20 September 2012 (Germany) -- Georges and Anne are an octogenarian couple. They are cultivated, retired music teachers. Their daughter, also a musician, lives in Britain with her family. One day, Anne has a stroke, and the couple's bond of love is severely tested. Director: Michael Haneke Writer:
Amreeka (2009) ::: 7.0/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 36min | Drama | 17 June 2009 (France) -- A drama centered on the trials and tribulations of a proud Palestinian Christian immigrant single mother and her teenage son in small town Indiana. Director: Cherien Dabis Writer:
Amsterdamned (1988) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 1h 54min | Action, Crime, Horror | 25 November 1988 (USA) -- A hard-boiled police detective sets out to capture a gruesome serial killer terrorizing the canals of Amsterdam. Director: Dick Maas Writer: Dick Maas (script)
A Muppet Family Christmas (1987) ::: 8.1/10 -- TV-PG | 47min | Comedy, Family, Musical | TV Movie 16 December 1987 -- Kermit and his friends spend Christmas staging a surprise visit to Fozzie Bear's mother's farm. Directors: Peter Harris, Eric Till (uncredited) Writer: Jerry Juhl Stars:
A Murder of Crows (1998) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 42min | Action, Crime, Thriller | 6 July 1999 (USA) -- A disbarred lawyer takes credit for a late friend's book, which becomes a smash hit but the tables turn on him sooner than he suspected. Director: Rowdy Herrington Writer: Rowdy Herrington
An Adventure in Space and Time (2013) ::: 8.3/10 -- TV-PG | 1h 30min | Biography, Drama, History | TV Movie 22 November -- An Adventure in Space and Time Poster A dramatisation of the early years of Doctor Who (1963), with the story revolving around BBC executive Sydney Newman, novice producer Verity Lambert and actor William Hartnell. Director: Terry McDonough Writer: Mark Gatiss
An Affair to Remember (1957) ::: 7.5/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 55min | Drama, Musical, Romance | 19 July 1957 (USA) -- A couple falls in love and agrees to meet in six months at the Empire State Building - but will it happen? Director: Leo McCarey Writers: Delmer Daves (screenplay), Leo McCarey (screenplay) | 3 more credits
Analyze This (1999) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 1h 43min | Comedy, Crime | 5 March 1999 (USA) -- A comedy about a psychiatrist whose number one patient is an insecure mob boss. Director: Harold Ramis Writers: Kenneth Lonergan (story), Peter Tolan (story) | 3 more credits
An American Crime (2007) ::: 7.3/10 -- R | 1h 38min | Biography, Crime, Drama | 7 December 2007 (Sweden) -- The true story of suburban housewife Gertrude Baniszewski, who kept a teenage girl locked in the basement of her Indiana home during the 1960s. Director: Tommy O'Haver Writers:
An American in Paris (1951) ::: 7.2/10 -- Passed | 1h 54min | Drama, Musical, Romance | 11 November 1951 (USA) -- Three friends struggle to find work in Paris. Things become more complicated when two of them fall in love with the same woman. Director: Vincente Minnelli Writers: Alan Jay Lerner (story by), Alan Jay Lerner (screen play by)
An American Rhapsody (2001) ::: 6.7/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 46min | Drama | 28 February 2002 (Hungary) -- A young Hungarian girl struggles to find her place in the world when she's reunited with her parents in the USA years after she was left behind during their flight from the communist country in the 1950s. Director: va Grdos (as va Gardos) Writer:
An American Tail (1986) ::: 6.9/10 -- G | 1h 20min | Animation, Adventure, Comedy | 21 November 1986 (USA) -- While emigrating to the United States, a young Russian mouse gets separated from his family and must relocate them while trying to survive in a new country. Director: Don Bluth Writers: Judy Freudberg (screenplay), Tony Geiss (screenplay) | 3 more credits Stars:
An American Tail: Fievel Goes West (1991) ::: 6.5/10 -- G | 1h 15min | Animation, Adventure, Family | 22 November 1991 (USA) -- A family of Emigre mice decide to move out to the West, unaware that they are falling into a trap perpetrated by a smooth-talking cat. Directors: Phil Nibbelink, Simon Wells Writers: Flint Dille (screenplay), Charles Swenson (story) | 1 more credit
An American Werewolf in London (1981) ::: 7.5/10 -- R | 1h 37min | Comedy, Horror | 21 August 1981 (USA) -- Two American college students on a walking tour of Britain are attacked by a werewolf that none of the locals will admit exists. Director: John Landis Writer: John Landis
An Angel at My Table (1990) ::: 7.5/10 -- R | 2h 38min | Biography, Drama | 20 September 1990 (Australia) -- Janet Frame was a brilliant child who, as a teen, was misdiagnosed with schizophrenia. Explore Janet's discovery of the world and her life in Europe as her books are published to acclaim. Director: Jane Campion Writers:
Anastasia (1956) ::: 7.0/10 -- Unrated | 1h 45min | Biography, Drama, History | 13 December 1956 (USA) -- An opportunistic businessman tries to pass off a mysterious impostor as the Grand Duchess Anastasia, and she is so convincing that even the biggest skeptics believe her. Director: Anatole Litvak Writers:
Anastasia (1997) ::: 7.2/10 -- G | 1h 34min | Animation, Adventure, Drama | 21 November 1997 (USA) -- The last surviving child of the Russian Royal Family joins two con men to reunite with her grandmother, the Dowager Empress, while the undead Rasputin seeks her death. Directors: Don Bluth, Gary Goldman Writers:
Anatomy of a Murder (1959) ::: 8.0/10 -- Not Rated | 2h 41min | Crime, Drama, Mystery | 13 July 1959 (Canada) -- In a murder trial, the defendant says he suffered temporary insanity after the victim raped his wife. What is the truth, and will he win his case? Director: Otto Preminger Writers:
Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy (2004) ::: 7.2/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 34min | Comedy | 9 July 2004 (USA) -- Ron Burgundy is San Diego's top-rated newsman in the male-dominated broadcasting of the 1970s, but that's all about to change for Ron and his cronies when an ambitious woman is hired as a new anchor. Director: Adam McKay Writers:
Anchors Aweigh (1945) ::: 7.1/10 -- Passed | 2h 20min | Comedy, Fantasy, Music | August 1945 (USA) -- A pair of sailors on leave try to help a movie extra become a singing star. Directors: George Sidney, Joseph Barbera (uncredited) | 1 more credit Writers: Isobel Lennart (screen play), Natalie Marcin (suggested by a story by)
Andhadhun (2018) ::: 8.3/10 -- Not Rated | 2h 19min | Crime, Drama, Music | 5 October 2018 (USA) -- A series of mysterious events change the life of a blind pianist, who must now report a crime that he should technically know nothing of. Director: Sriram Raghavan Writers: Arijit Biswas, Yogesh Chandekar | 4 more credits
And Justice for All (1979) ::: 7.4/10 -- ...and justice for all. (original title) -- And Justice for All Poster -- A lawyer is forced to defend a guilty judge, while defending other innocent clients, and trying to find punishment for the guilty and provide justice for the innocent. Director: Norman Jewison Writers:
And Now for Something Completely Different (1971) ::: 7.6/10 -- PG | 1h 28min | Comedy | 22 August 1972 (USA) -- An anthology of the best sketches from the first and second seasons of Monty Python's Flying Circus (1969). Director: Ian MacNaughton Writers: Graham Chapman (screen foreplay & conception), John Cleese (screen foreplay & conception) | 4 more credits Stars:
Andre the Giant (2018) ::: 7.8/10 -- TV-14 | 1h 25min | Documentary, Biography, Sport | TV Movie 10 April -- Andre the Giant Poster -- A look at the life and career of professional wrestler Andr Roussimoff, who gained notoriety in the 1980s as Andre the Giant. Director: Jason Hehir Stars:
And Soon the Darkness (1970) ::: 6.6/10 -- GP | 1h 34min | Horror, Mystery, Thriller | 9 April 1971 (USA) -- Two young English women go on a cycling tour of the French countryside. When one of them goes missing, the other begins to search for her. But who can she trust? Director: Robert Fuest Writers: Brian Clemens (original story), Terry Nation (original story) | 2 more credits
And Starring Pancho Villa as Himself (2003) ::: 6.5/10 -- TV-MA | 1h 52min | Biography, Drama, History | TV Movie 7 September -- And Starring Pancho Villa as Himself Poster -- Hollywood makes a deal with Mexican revolutionary Pancho Villa to film his war and recreate his life. Director: Bruce Beresford Writer:
And the Band Played On (1993) ::: 7.8/10 -- PG | 2h 21min | Drama, History | TV Movie 11 September 1993 -- The story of the discovery of the AIDS epidemic, and the political infighting of the scientific community hampering the early fight with it. Director: Roger Spottiswoode Writers:
And Then There Were None (1945) ::: 7.5/10 -- Approved | 1h 37min | Crime, Drama, Mystery | 31 October 1945 (USA) -- Seven guests, a newly hired secretary and two staff are gathered at a manor house on an isolated island by an unknown absentee host and are killed off one-by-one. They work together to determine who the killer is before it's too late. Director: Ren Clair (as Rene Clair) Writers: Agatha Christie (novel), Dudley Nichols (screenplay)
An Education (2009) ::: 7.3/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 40min | Drama | 5 February 2010 (USA) -- A coming-of-age story about a teenage girl in 1960s suburban London, and how her life changes with the arrival of a playboy nearly twice her age. Director: Lone Scherfig Writers:
A New Leaf (1971) ::: 7.4/10 -- G | 1h 42min | Comedy, Romance | 19 July 1971 (Sweden) -- Henry Graham lives the life of a playboy. When his lawyer tells him one day that his lifestyle has consumed all his funds, he needs an idea to avoid climbing down the social ladder. So he intends to marry a rich woman and - murder her. Director: Elaine May Writers: Elaine May, Jack Ritchie (story "The Green Heart")
Angel and the Badman (1947) ::: 6.9/10 -- Passed | 1h 40min | Romance, Western | 15 February 1947 (USA) -- Quirt Evans, an all round bad guy, is nursed back to health and sought after by Penelope Worth, a Quaker girl. He eventually finds himself having to choose between his world and the world Penelope lives in. Director: James Edward Grant Writer:
Angela's Ashes (1999) ::: 7.3/10 -- R | 2h 25min | Biography, Drama | 21 January 2000 (USA) -- Based on the best-selling autobiography by Irish expatriate Frank McCourt, Angela's Ashes follows the experiences of young Frankie and his family as they try against all odds to escape the ... S Director: Alan Parker Writers:
Angel Face (1953) ::: 7.3/10 -- Approved | 1h 31min | Crime, Drama, Film-Noir | 11 February 1953 (USA) -- Ambulance driver Frank Jessup is ensnared in the schemes of the sensuous but dangerous Diane Tremayne. Director: Otto Preminger Writers: Frank S. Nugent (screenplay) (as Frank Nugent), Oscar Millard
Angel Has Fallen (2019) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 2h 1min | Action, Thriller | 23 August 2019 (USA) -- Mike Banning is framed for the attempted assassination of the President and must evade his own agency and the FBI as he tries to uncover the real threat. Director: Ric Roman Waugh Writers:
Angel Heart (1987) ::: 7.3/10 -- X | 1h 53min | Horror, Mystery, Thriller | 6 March 1987 (USA) -- A private investigator is hired by a man who calls himself Louis Cyphre to track down a singer named Johnny Favorite. But the investigation takes an unexpected and somber turn. Director: Alan Parker Writers:
Angel of Mine (2019) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 38min | Drama, Mystery, Thriller | 30 August 2019 (USA) -- A woman grieving over the death of her daughter loses grip of reality when she begins to think her girl may still be alive. Director: Kim Farrant Writers: Luke Davies (screenplay by), David Regal (screenplay by) | 2 more
Angels and Insects (1995) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 1h 56min | Drama, Romance | 26 January 1996 (USA) -- In the 1800s a naturalist marries into a family of British country gentry. Director: Philip Haas Writers: A.S. Byatt (novel), Belinda Haas (screenplay) | 1 more credit Stars:
Angels & Demons (2009) ::: 6.7/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 18min | Action, Mystery, Thriller | 15 May 2009 (USA) -- Harvard symbologist Robert Langdon works with a nuclear physicist to solve a murder and prevent a terrorist act against the Vatican during one of the significant events within the church. Director: Ron Howard Writers:
Angel's Egg (1985) ::: 7.7/10 -- Tenshi no tamago (original title) -- Angel's Egg Poster A mysterious young girl wanders a desolate, otherworldly landscape, carrying a large egg. Director: Mamoru Oshii Writers: Yoshitaka Amano (story), Mamoru Oshii (screenplay) | 1 more credit Stars:
Angels with Dirty Faces (1938) ::: 7.9/10 -- Passed | 1h 37min | Crime, Drama, Film-Noir | 26 November 1938 (USA) -- A priest tries to stop a gangster from corrupting a group of street kids. Director: Michael Curtiz Writers: John Wexley (screen play), Warren Duff (screen play) | 1 more credit
Anguish (1987) ::: 6.7/10 -- Angustia (original title) -- Anguish Poster A controlling mother uses telepathic powers to send her middle-aged son on a killing spree. Director: Bigas Luna Writers: Bigas Luna (screenplay), Michael Berlin (dialogue) Stars:
Angus (1995) ::: 6.7/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 30min | Comedy, Drama | 15 September 1995 (USA) -- A miserable fat teenager secretly has a crush on the class beauty, ends up becoming the surprising participant to dance with her at a high school dance, meaning he's got to get his act together with the help of his best friend. Director: Patrick Read Johnson Writers:
An Ideal Husband (1999) ::: 6.8/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 37min | Comedy, Romance | 30 June 1999 (USA) -- London 1895: Cabinet minister, Sir Chiltern, and bachelor, Lord Goring, are victims of scheming women. Director: Oliver Parker Writers: Oscar Wilde (play), Oliver Parker (screenplay)
A Night at the Opera (1935) ::: 7.9/10 -- Passed | 1h 36min | Comedy, Music, Musical | 15 November 1935 (USA) -- A sly business manager and two wacky friends of two opera singers help them achieve success while humiliating their stuffy and snobbish enemies. Directors: Sam Wood, Edmund Goulding (uncredited) Writers:
A Night in Casablanca (1946) ::: 7.0/10 -- Passed | 1h 25min | Comedy | 12 October 1946 (Sweden) -- The Marx Brothers are employed at a hotel in postwar Casablanca, where a ring of Nazis is trying to recover a cache of stolen treasure. Director: Archie Mayo (as Archie L. Mayo) Writers: Joseph Fields (original screenplay), Roland Kibbee (original screenplay) Stars:
A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984) ::: 7.5/10 -- R | 1h 31min | Horror | 16 November 1984 (USA) -- The monstrous spirit of a slain child murderer seeks revenge by invading the dreams of teenagers whose parents were responsible for his untimely death. Director: Wes Craven Writer:
A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors (1987) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 1h 36min | Fantasy, Horror | 27 February 1987 (USA) -- A psychiatrist familiar with knife-wielding dream demon Freddy Krueger helps teens at a mental hospital battle the killer who is invading their dreams. Director: Chuck Russell Writers:
A Night to Remember (1958) ::: 7.9/10 -- Not Rated | 2h 3min | Biography, Drama, History | 16 December 1958 -- A Night to Remember Poster -- On its maiden voyage in April 1912, the supposedly unsinkable RMS Titanic hits an iceberg in the Atlantic Ocean. Director: Roy Ward Baker (as Roy Baker) Writers:
Animal Crackers (1930) ::: 7.5/10 -- G | 1h 37min | Comedy, Musical | 6 September 1930 (USA) -- Mayhem and zaniness ensue when a valuable painting goes missing during a party in honor of famed African explorer Captain Spaulding. Director: Victor Heerman Writers: George S. Kaufman (based on the musical play by), Morrie Ryskind (based on the musical play by) | 3 more credits Stars:
Animal Factory (2000) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 1h 34min | Crime, Drama | 1 August 2000 (Spain) -- A young man goes to prison and a tough, older convict takes him under his wing as a mentor. Director: Steve Buscemi Writers: Edward Bunker (novel), Edward Bunker (screenplay) | 1 more credit
Animal Farm (1954) ::: 7.2/10 -- Approved | 1h 12min | Animation, Drama | 19 June 1959 (USA) -- A successful farmyard revolution by the resident animals vs. the farmer goes horribly wrong as the victors create a new tyranny among themselves. Directors: Joy Batchelor, John Halas Writers: George Orwell (based on a story by), Lothar Wolff (story development) | 4 more credits
Animal Kingdom (2010) ::: 7.3/10 -- R | 1h 53min | Crime, Drama | 3 June 2010 (Australia) -- A seventeen-year-old navigates his survival amongst an explosive criminal family and the detective who thinks he can save him. Director: David Michd Writer: David Michd
Animal World (2018) ::: 6.5/10 -- Dong wu shi jie (original title) -- Animal World Poster A man finds himself deep in debt and is coerced to board a ship that hosts a risky gambling party. Director: Yan Han Writers: Nobuyuki Fukumoto (comic "Tobaku mokushiroku Kaiji"), Yan Han (screenplay)
An Innocent Man (1989) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 53min | Action, Crime, Drama | 6 October 1989 (USA) -- A man is framed by two corrupt cops for drugs. After he gets out of prison, he comes after them. Director: Peter Yates Writer: Larry Brothers Stars:
An Inspector Calls (1954) ::: 7.5/10 -- Approved | 1h 20min | Crime, Drama, Mystery | 18 March 1955 (France) -- When a young girl is found dead an inspector is sent to investigate a prosperous Yorkshire household. It emerges that each member of the family has a guilty secret - each one is partly responsible for her death. Director: Guy Hamilton Writers: J.B. Priestley (adapted from the play by), Desmond Davis (screenplay)
An Inspector Calls (2015) ::: 7.7/10 -- TV-PG | 1h 27min | Crime, Drama, Mystery | TV Movie 13 September 2015 -- A mysterious Inspector investigates the wealthy Birling family and their dinner guests following the suicide of a young woman. Director: Aisling Walsh Writers: J.B. Priestley (based on the play by), Helen Edmundson (adapted by) Stars:
Anna (2013) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 39min | Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi | 24 January 2014 (Spain) -- A man with the ability to enter people's memories takes on the case of a brilliant, troubled sixteen-year-old girl to determine whether she is a sociopath or a victim of trauma. Director: Jorge Dorado Writers:
Anna (2019) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 1h 58min | Action, Thriller | 21 June 2019 (USA) -- Beneath Anna Poliatova's striking beauty lies a secret that will unleash her indelible strength and skill to become one of the world's most feared government assassins. Director: Luc Besson Writer:
Anna and the King (1999) ::: 6.7/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 28min | Drama, History, Romance | 17 December 1999 (USA) -- The story of the romance between the King of Siam and widowed British schoolteacher, Anna Leonowens, during the 1860s. Director: Andy Tennant Writers: Anna Leonowens (diaries), Steve Meerson (screenplay) | 1 more credit
Annabelle: Creation (2017) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 49min | Horror, Mystery, Thriller | 11 August 2017 (USA) -- Twelve years after the tragic death of their little girl, a doll-maker and his wife welcome a nun and several girls from a shuttered orphanage into their home, where they become the target of the doll-maker's possessed creation, Annabelle. Director: David F. Sandberg Writers:
Anna Karenina (1935) ::: 7.0/10 -- Passed | 1h 35min | Drama, Romance | 1 November 1935 (Australia) -- The married Anna Karenina falls in love with Count Vronsky despite her husband's refusal to grant a divorce, and both must contend with the social repercussions. Director: Clarence Brown Writers:
Anna Karenina (1997) ::: 6.4/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 48min | Drama, Romance | 4 April 1997 (USA) -- Anna (Marceau) is a wife and mother who has an affair with the handsome Count Vronsky (Bean). Based on the novel by Tolstoy. Director: Bernard Rose Writers: Lev Tolstoy (novel) (as Leo Tolstoy), Bernard Rose (screenplay) Stars:
Anna Karenina (2012) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 2h 9min | Drama, Romance | 7 September 2012 (UK) -- In late-19th-century Russian high society, St. Petersburg aristocrat Anna Karenina enters into a life-changing affair with the dashing Count Alexei Vronsky. Director: Joe Wright Writers:
Anne of the Thousand Days (1969) ::: 7.5/10 -- PG | 2h 25min | Biography, Drama, History | 18 December 1969 (USA) -- King Henry VIII of England discards one wife, Catharine of Aragon, who has failed to produce a male heir, in favor of the young and beautiful Anne Boleyn. Director: Charles Jarrott Writers:
Annie (1982) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG | 2h 7min | Comedy, Drama, Family | 18 June 1982 (USA) -- A young orphan girl's adventures in finding a family that will take her. Director: John Huston Writers: Carol Sobieski (screenplay), Thomas Meehan (book) | 1 more credit
Annie Get Your Gun (1950) ::: 6.9/10 -- Passed | 1h 47min | Biography, Comedy, Musical | 17 May 1950 (USA) -- The story of the great sharpshooter Annie Oakley, who rose to fame while dealing with her love/professional rival, Frank Butler. Directors: George Sidney, Busby Berkeley (uncredited) Writers: Sidney Sheldon (screenplay), Herbert Fields (musical book) | 1 more
Annie Hall (1977) ::: 8.0/10 -- PG | 1h 33min | Comedy, Romance | 20 April 1977 (USA) -- TV Program 3:46 | TV Program -- Neurotic New York comedian Alvy Singer falls in love with the ditzy Annie Hall. Director: Woody Allen Writers: Woody Allen, Marshall Brickman
Annihilation (2018) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 1h 55min | Adventure, Drama, Horror | 23 February 2018 (USA) -- A biologist signs up for a dangerous, secret expedition into a mysterious zone where the laws of nature don't apply. Director: Alex Garland Writers: Alex Garland (written for the screen by), Jeff VanderMeer (based on the
An Officer and a Gentleman (1982) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 2h 4min | Drama, Romance | 13 August 1982 (USA) -- A young man must complete his work at a Navy Officer Candidate School to become an aviator, with the help of a tough Gunnery Sergeant and his new girlfriend. Director: Taylor Hackford Writer:
Anomalisa (2015) ::: 7.3/10 -- R | 1h 30min | Animation, Comedy, Drama | 11 March 2016 (UK) -- A man crippled by the mundanity of his life experiences something out of the ordinary. Directors: Duke Johnson, Charlie Kaufman Writer: Charlie Kaufman
Anonymous (2011) ::: 6.9/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 10min | Drama, Thriller | 4 November 2011 (Canada) -- The theory that it was in fact Edward De Vere, Earl of Oxford, who penned Shakespeare's plays. Set against the backdrop of the succession of Queen Elizabeth I and the Essex rebellion against her. Director: Roland Emmerich Writer:
Another Country (1984) ::: 7.0/10 -- PG | 1h 30min | Biography, Drama, History | June 1984 (UK) -- Based on the life of the young Guy Burgess, who would become better known as one of the Cambridge Spies. Director: Marek Kanievska Writers: Julian Mitchell (screenplay), Julian Mitchell (play) Stars:
Another Day in Paradise (1998) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 41min | Crime, Drama, Thriller | 22 January 1999 (USA) -- In the hope of a big score, two junkie couples team up to commit various drug robberies which go disastrously wrong leading to dissent, violence and murder. Director: Larry Clark Writers:
Another Earth (2011) ::: 7.0/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 32min | Drama, Romance, Sci-Fi | 12 October 2011 (France) -- On the night of the discovery of a duplicate Earth in the Solar system, an ambitious young student and an accomplished composer cross paths in a tragic accident. Director: Mike Cahill Writers:
Another Thin Man (1939) ::: 7.5/10 -- Passed | 1h 43min | Comedy, Crime, Mystery | 17 November 1939 (USA) -- An explosives manufacturer suspects a young man is out to kill him. He calls in new parents Nick and Nora to sort things out. Director: W.S. Van Dyke (as W.S. Van Dyke II) Writers: Frances Goodrich (screen play), Albert Hackett (screen play) | 1 more
Another Woman (1988) ::: 7.3/10 -- PG | 1h 21min | Drama | 18 November 1988 (USA) -- Facing a mid-life crisis, a woman rents an apartment next to a psychiatrist's office to write a new book, only to become drawn to the plight of a pregnant woman seeking that doctor's help. Director: Woody Allen Writer: Woody Allen Stars:
Another Year (2010) ::: 7.3/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 9min | Comedy, Drama | 4 February 2011 (USA) -- A look at four seasons in the lives of a happily married couple and their relationships with their family and friends. Director: Mike Leigh Writer: Mike Leigh
Anthony Zimmer (2005) ::: 6.6/10 -- 1h 29min | Crime, Drama, Romance | 27 April 2005 (France) -- Anthony Zimmer was a big money launderer. The police wants him, but he has changed his face and voice. His old Russian clients want him dead. His ex is told to socialize with a random man on the train Paris to Nice. Director: Jrme Salle Writer: Jrme Salle
Anthropoid (2016) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 2h | Action, Biography, Drama | 9 September 2016 (UK) -- Based on the extraordinary true story of Operation Anthropoid, the WWII mission to assassinate SS General Reinhard Heydrich, the main architect behind the Final Solution and the Reich's third in command after Hitler and Himmler. Director: Sean Ellis Writers:
Antichrist (2009) ::: 6.6/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 48min | Drama, Horror, Thriller | 20 May 2009 (Denmark) -- A grieving couple retreat to their cabin in the woods, hoping to repair their broken hearts and troubled marriage, but nature takes its course and things go from bad to worse. Director: Lars von Trier Writer:
Ant-Man (2015) ::: 7.3/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 57min | Action, Adventure, Comedy | 17 July 2015 (USA) -- Armed with a super-suit with the astonishing ability to shrink in scale but increase in strength, cat burglar Scott Lang must embrace his inner hero and help his mentor, Dr. Hank Pym, plan and pull off a heist that will save the world. Director: Peyton Reed Writers:
Ant-Man and the Wasp (2018) ::: 7.0/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 58min | Action, Adventure, Comedy | 6 July 2018 (USA) -- As Scott Lang balances being both a superhero and a father, Hope van Dyne and Dr. Hank Pym present an urgent new mission that finds the Ant-Man fighting alongside The Wasp to uncover secrets from their past. Director: Peyton Reed Writers:
Antwone Fisher (2002) ::: 7.3/10 -- PG-13 | 2h | Biography, Drama | 10 January 2003 (USA) -- Antwone Fisher, a young navy man, is forced to see a psychiatrist after a violent outburst against a fellow crewman. During the course of treatment a painful past is revealed and a new hope begins. Director: Denzel Washington Writer:
Antz (1998) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG | 1h 23min | Animation, Adventure, Comedy | 2 October 1998 (USA) -- A rather neurotic ant tries to break from his totalitarian society while trying to win the affection of the princess he loves. Directors: Eric Darnell, Tim Johnson Writers: Todd Alcott (screenplay), Chris Weitz (screenplay) | 1 more credit
An Unfinished Life (2005) ::: 7.0/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 48min | Drama, Family, Romance | 16 September 2005 (USA) -- Desperate to provide care for her daughter, down-on-her-luck Jean moves in with her father in-law from whom she is estranged. Through time, they learn to forgive each other and heal old wounds. Director: Lasse Hallstrm Writers:
An Unmarried Woman (1978) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 2h 4min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 17 March 1978 (Canada) -- A wealthy woman from Manhattan's Upper East Side struggles to deal with her new identity and her sexuality after her husband of sixteen years leaves her for a younger woman. Director: Paul Mazursky Writer: Paul Mazursky Stars:
Any Day Now (2012) ::: 7.5/10 -- R | 1h 38min | Drama | 6 September 2013 (UK) -- In the 1970s, a gay couple fights a biased legal system to keep custody of the abandoned mentally handicapped teenager that comes to live under their roof. Director: Travis Fine Writers:
Any Given Sunday (1999) ::: 6.9/10 -- R | 2h 42min | Drama, Sport | 22 December 1999 (USA) -- A behind-the-scenes look at the life-and-death struggles of modern-day gladiators and those who lead them. Director: Oliver Stone Writers: Daniel Pyne (screen story), John Logan (screen story) | 2 more credits Stars:
Any Number Can Win (1963) ::: 7.3/10 -- Mlodie en sous-sol (original title) -- Any Number Can Win Poster -- Charles (Jean Gabin), a sixtyish career criminal fresh out of jail, rejects his wife's plan for a quiet life of bourgeois respectability. He enlists a former cellmate, Francis (Alain Delon)... S Director: Henri Verneuil
Anything for Jackson (2020) ::: 6.4/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 37min | Horror | 3 December 2020 (USA) -- A bereaved Satanist couple kidnap a pregnant woman so they can use an ancient spellbook to put their dead grandson's spirit into her unborn child but end up summoning more than they bargained for. Director: Justin G. Dyck Writer:
Apache (1954) ::: 6.4/10 -- Passed | 1h 31min | Western | 8 October 1954 (Japan) -- Refusing to let himself be re-settled on a Florida reservation, Massai, an Apache warrior, escapes his captors and returns to his homeland to become a peaceful farmer. Director: Robert Aldrich Writers: James R. Webb (written for the screen by), Paul Wellman (novel) (as Paul I. Wellman)
Apartment Zero (1988) ::: 6.9/10 -- R | 2h 4min | Drama, Mystery, Thriller | 15 September 1989 (UK) -- Set in modern day Buenos Aires, the film centers around a relationship between two emotionally crippled roommates. Adrian LeDuc is a lonely sociopath who is forced to rent his insane ... S Director: Martin Donovan Writers: Martin Donovan (story), Martin Donovan (screenplay) | 1 more credit Stars:
A Passage to India (1984) ::: 7.3/10 -- PG | 2h 44min | Adventure, Drama, History | 1 February 1985 (USA) -- Cultural mistrust and false accusations doom a friendship in British colonial India between an Indian doctor, an Englishwoman engaged to marry a city magistrate, and an English educator. Director: David Lean Writers:
A Patch of Blue (1965) ::: 8.0/10 -- Unrated | 1h 45min | Drama, Romance | 10 December 1965 (USA) -- A blind, uneducated white girl is befriended by a black man, who becomes determined to help her escape her impoverished and abusive home life by introducing her to the outside world. Director: Guy Green Writers:
A Perfect Day (2015) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 1h 46min | Comedy, Drama, War | 15 January 2016 (USA) -- A group of aid workers work to resolve a crisis in an armed conflict zone. Director: Fernando Len de Aranoa Writers: Fernando Len de Aranoa, Diego Farias (collaborating writer) | 1 more
A Perfect Getaway (2009) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 38min | Drama, Mystery, Thriller | 7 August 2009 (USA) -- Two pairs of lovers on a Hawaiian vacation discover that psychopaths are stalking and murdering tourists on the islands. Director: David Twohy Writer: David Twohy
A Perfect Murder (1998) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 47min | Crime, Drama, Thriller | 5 June 1998 (USA) -- A wealthy Wall Street speculator discovers that his wife has a lover. He investigates him and uses the carrot and stick to make him murder his wife. Planned to detail, it seems like a perfect murder. Director: Andrew Davis Writers:
A Perfect World (1993) ::: 7.6/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 18min | Crime, Drama, Thriller | 24 November 1993 (USA) -- Kidnapped boy Phillip Perry (T.J. Lowther) strikes up a friendship with his captor Butch Haynes (Kevin Costner): an escaped convict on the run from the law, while the search is headed up by honorable Texas Ranger "Red" Garrett (Clint Eastwood). Director: Clint Eastwood Writer:
A Pigeon Sat on a Branch Reflecting on Existence (2014) ::: 7.0/10 -- En duva satt p en gren och funderade p tillvaron (original title) -- A Pigeon Sat on a Branch Reflecting on Existence Poster -- Sam and Jonathan, a pair of hapless novelty salesman, embark on a tour of the human condition in reality and fantasy that unfold in a series of absurdist episodes. Director: Roy Andersson Writer:
A Place in the Sun (1951) ::: 7.8/10 -- Passed | 2h 2min | Drama, Romance | 9 November 1951 (Argentina) -- A poor boy gets a job working for his rich uncle and ends up falling in love with two women. Director: George Stevens Writers: Theodore Dreiser (novel), Patrick Kearney (play) | 2 more credits
Apocalypse Now (1979) ::: 8.4/10 -- R | 2h 27min | Drama, Mystery, War | 15 August 1979 (USA) -- A U.S. Army officer serving in Vietnam is tasked with assassinating a renegade Special Forces Colonel who sees himself as a god. Director: Francis Ford Coppola (as Francis Coppola) Writers: John Milius, Francis Ford Coppola (as Francis Coppola) | 1 more
Apollo 13 (1995) ::: 7.6/10 -- PG | 2h 20min | Adventure, Drama, History | 30 June 1995 (USA) -- NASA must devise a strategy to return Apollo 13 to Earth safely after the spacecraft undergoes massive internal damage putting the lives of the three astronauts on board in jeopardy. Director: Ron Howard Writers:
Apostle (2018) ::: 6.3/10 -- TV-MA | 2h 10min | Drama, Fantasy, Horror | 12 October 2018 (USA) -- In 1905, a drifter on a dangerous mission to rescue his kidnapped sister tangles with a sinister religious cult on an isolated island. Director: Gareth Evans Writer: Gareth Evans
Appaloosa (2008) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 1h 55min | Action, Crime, Drama | 3 October 2008 (USA) -- Two friends hired to police a small town that is suffering under the rule of a rancher find their job complicated by the arrival of a young widow. Director: Ed Harris Writers:
Appleseed (1988) ::: 6.4/10 -- Appurushdo (original title) -- Appleseed Poster -- In a vast futuristic city, built on the ashes of the third world war, a police officer and her cyborg partner fight terrorism. Director: Kazuyoshi Katayama Writers:
Appleseed (2004) ::: 7.0/10 -- Appurushdo (original title) -- Appleseed Poster -- In a utopian society created at the end of the third world war, a female warrior who has been plucked from the badlands begins to see cracks in this new facade. And what does this community have planned for the rest of humankind? Director: Shinji Aramaki
Appleseed Alpha (2014) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 33min | Animation, Action, Adventure | 15 July 2014 (USA) -- A tough, cute woman and a cyborg arrive at a depopulated, post WW3 Times Sq. They leave the ruins of NYC with 2 on a secret mission. Director: Shinji Aramaki Writers: Marianne Krawczyk (screenplay), Shirow Masamune (original story) (as
Appropriate Behavior (2014) ::: 6.6/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 26min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 16 January 2015 (USA) -- Shirin is struggling to become an ideal Persian daughter, politically correct bisexual and hip young Brooklynite but fails miserably in her attempt at all identities. Being without a clich to hold onto can be a lonely experience. Director: Desiree Akhavan Writer:
A Prairie Home Companion (2006) ::: 6.7/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 45min | Comedy, Drama, Music | 9 June 2006 (USA) -- A look at what goes on backstage during the last broadcast of America's most celebrated radio show, where singing cowboys Dusty and Lefty, a country music siren, and a host of others hold court. Director: Robert Altman Writers:
A Prayer Before Dawn (2017) ::: 6.9/10 -- R | 1h 56min | Action, Biography, Crime | 10 August 2018 (USA) -- The true story of an English boxer incarcerated in one of Thailand's most notorious prisons as he fights in Muay Thai tournaments to earn his freedom. Director: Jean-Stphane Sauvaire Writers:
A Princess for Christmas (2011) ::: 6.4/10 -- TV-G | 1h 31min | Comedy, Drama, Family | TV Movie 3 December 2011 -- At the invitation of an estranged relative, a young woman travels with her niece and nephew to a castle in Europe for Christmas, where she unwittingly falls for a dashing Prince. Director: Michael Damian Writers:
A Private War (2018) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 1h 50min | Biography, Drama, War | 16 November 2018 (USA) -- One of the most celebrated war correspondents of our time, Marie Colvin is an utterly fearless and rebellious spirit, driven to the frontline of conflicts across the globe to give voice to the voiceless. Director: Matthew Heineman Writers:
Apt Pupil (1998) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 1h 51min | Crime, Drama, Thriller | 23 October 1998 (USA) -- A boy blackmails his neighbor after suspecting him to be a Nazi war criminal. Director: Bryan Singer Writers: Stephen King (novel), Brandon Boyce (screenplay)
Aquaman (2018) ::: 6.9/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 23min | Action, Adventure, Fantasy | 21 December 2018 (USA) -- Arthur Curry, the human-born heir to the underwater kingdom of Atlantis, goes on a quest to prevent a war between the worlds of ocean and land. Director: James Wan Writers:
Aqua Teen Hunger Force Colon Movie Film for Theaters (2007) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 1h 26min | Animation, Action, Adventure | 13 April 2007 (USA) -- An action epic that explores the origins of Master Shake, Frylock, and Meatwad, better known as the Aqua Teen Hunger Force, who somehow become pitted in a battle over an immortal piece of exercise equipment. Directors: Matt Maiellaro, Dave Willis Writers:
A Quiet Passion (2016) ::: 6.4/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 5min | Biography, Drama | 7 April 2017 (UK) -- The story of American poet Emily Dickinson from her early days as a young schoolgirl to her later years as a reclusive, unrecognized artist. Director: Terence Davies Writer:
A Quiet Place (2018) ::: 7.5/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 30min | Drama, Horror, Sci-Fi | 6 April 2018 (USA) -- In a post-apocalyptic world, a family is forced to live in silence while hiding from monsters with ultra-sensitive hearing. Director: John Krasinski Writers: Bryan Woods (screenplay by), Scott Beck (screenplay by) | 3 more
Arabesque (1966) ::: 6.5/10 -- Approved | 1h 45min | Action, Adventure, Crime | 18 August 1966 -- Arabesque Poster Story of international intrigue involving a university professor, an Arab prime minister, a ruthless businessman, a beautiful spy, and hieroglyphics. Director: Stanley Donen Writers: Julian Mitchell (screenplay), Stanley Price (screenplay) | 2 more credits
Arachnophobia (1990) ::: 6.4/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 49min | Comedy, Horror, Thriller | 18 July 1990 (USA) -- A species of South American killer spider hitches a lift to the U.S. in a coffin and starts to breed and kill. Director: Frank Marshall Writers: Don Jakoby (story), Al Williams (story) | 2 more credits
A Rainy Day in New York (2019) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 32min | Comedy, Romance | 10 November 2020 (USA) -- A young couple arrives in New York for a weekend where they are met with bad weather and a series of adventures. Director: Woody Allen Writer: Woody Allen
A Raisin in the Sun (1961) ::: 8.0/10 -- Approved | 2h 8min | Drama | 19 June 1961 (Canada) -- A substantial insurance payment could mean either financial salvation or personal ruin for a poor black family. Director: Daniel Petrie Writers: Lorraine Hansberry (play), Lorraine Hansberry (screenplay)
Arbitrage (2012) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 1h 47min | Drama, Thriller | 14 September 2012 (USA) -- A troubled hedge fund magnate desperate to complete the sale of his trading empire makes an error that forces him to turn to an unlikely person for help. Director: Nicholas Jarecki Writer:
Archangel (2005) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 2h 13min | Crime, Drama, Mystery | TV Movie 5 January 2006 -- A British college professor, working in Russia, investigates certain mysteries surrounding the life and death of Joseph Stalin. Director: Jon Jones Writers: Robert Harris (novel), Dick Clement (screenplay) | 1 more credit Stars:
Archive (2020) ::: 6.3/10 -- TV-MA | 1h 49min | Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi | 10 July 2020 (USA) -- 2038: George Almore is working on a true human-equivalent AI. His latest prototype is almost ready. This sensitive phase is also the riskiest. Especially as he has a goal that must be hidden at all costs. Director: Gavin Rothery Writer:
Arctic (2018) ::: 6.8/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 38min | Adventure, Drama | 31 January 2019 (Denmark) -- A man stranded in the Arctic after a plane crash must decide whether to remain in the relative safety of his makeshift camp or to embark on a deadly trek through the unknown. Director: Joe Penna Writers:
Argo (2012) ::: 7.7/10 -- R | 2h | Biography, Drama, Thriller | 12 October 2012 (USA) -- Acting under the cover of a Hollywood producer scouting a location for a science fiction film, a CIA agent launches a dangerous operation to rescue six Americans in Tehran during the U.S. hostage crisis in Iran in 1979. Director: Ben Affleck Writers:
A River Runs Through It (1992) ::: 7.2/10 -- PG | 2h 3min | Drama | 30 October 1992 (USA) -- The story about two sons of a stern minister -- one reserved, one rebellious -- growing up in rural Montana while devoted to fly fishing. Director: Robert Redford Writers: Norman Maclean (story), Richard Friedenberg (screenplay)
Arizona Dream (1993) ::: 7.3/10 -- R | 2h 22min | Comedy, Drama, Fantasy | 9 September 1994 (USA) -- A young New Yorker goes to Arizona where he finds freedom to both love and dream. Director: Emir Kusturica Writers: David Atkins (story), Emir Kusturica (story) | 1 more credit Stars:
Arlington Road (1999) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 1h 57min | Action, Crime, Drama | 9 July 1999 (USA) -- A man begins to suspect his neighbors are not what they appear to be and their secrets could be deadly. Director: Mark Pellington Writer: Ehren Kruger
Armageddon (1998) ::: 6.7/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 31min | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi | 1 July 1998 (USA) -- After discovering that an asteroid the size of Texas is going to impact Earth in less than a month, NASA recruits a misfit team of deep-core drillers to save the planet. Director: Michael Bay Writers:
Armour of God (1986) ::: 7.1/10 -- Lung hing foo dai (original title) -- Armour of God Poster -- Asian Hawk (Jackie Chan) and his bumbling sidekick are sent on a quest through Europe to find a mysterious treasure held by a shadowy organization of monks. Directors: Jackie Chan, Eric Tsang (uncredited) Writers:
Army of Darkness (1992) ::: 7.5/10 -- R | 1h 21min | Comedy, Fantasy, Horror | 19 February 1993 (USA) -- A sardonic hardware store clerk is accidentally transported to 1300 A.D., where he must retrieve the Necronomicon and battle an army of the dead so he can return home. Director: Sam Raimi Writers:
Army of Shadows (1969) ::: 8.2/10 -- L'arme des ombres (original title) -- Army of Shadows Poster -- An account of underground resistance fighters in Nazi-occupied France. Director: Jean-Pierre Melville Writers: Joseph Kessel (novel), Jean-Pierre Melville (adaptation)
Arn: The Kingdom at the End of the Road (2008) ::: 6.6/10 -- Arn: Riket vid vgens slut (original title) -- Arn: The Kingdom at the End of the Road Poster The Knight Arn is sent on a last mission against Saladin. He has to win this battle, before he can go home to Sweden, and finally marry his Cecilia and start a family. But the peace back home is threatened by the Danes. Director: Peter Flinth Writers: Jan Guillou (novel), Hans Gunnarsson (screenplay)
Arn: The Knight Templar (2007) ::: 6.6/10 -- Arn: Tempelriddaren (original title) -- Arn: The Knight Templar Poster -- Arn, the son of a high-ranking Swedish nobleman is educated in a monastery and sent to the Holy Land as a knight templar to do penance for a forbidden love. Director: Peter Flinth Writers:
A Room for Romeo Brass (1999) ::: 7.6/10 -- R | 1h 30min | Comedy, Drama | 4 February 2000 (UK) -- Two twelve-year-old boys, Romeo and Gavin, undergo an extraordinary test of character and friendship when Morell, a naive but eccentric and dangerous stranger, comes between them. Morell ... S Director:
A Room for Romeo Brass (1999) ::: 7.6/10 -- R | 1h 30min | Comedy, Drama | 4 February 2000 (UK) -- Two twelve-year-old boys, Romeo and Gavin, undergo an extraordinary test of character and friendship when Morell, a naive but eccentric and dangerous stranger, comes between them. Morell ... S Director: Shane Meadows Writers: Robyn Slovo (story editor), Paul Fraser (screenplay) | 1 more credit Stars:
A Room with a View (1985) ::: 7.3/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 57min | Drama, Romance | 11 April 1986 (UK) -- Lucy meets George in a Florence pensione and the two share a brief romance before Lucy returns home, where she becomes engaged to Cecil. However, it isn't long before George unexpectedly enters her life again. Director: James Ivory Writers: E.M. Forster (novel), Ruth Prawer Jhabvala (screenplay)
Around the Bend (2004) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 25min | Drama | 14 January 2005 (Brazil) -- A bitter, recently divorced man is goaded by his grandfather and son into going on a family road trip to reconcile with his estranged father. Director: Jordan Roberts Writer:
Around the World in 80 Days (1956) ::: 6.8/10 -- G | 2h 55min | Adventure, Comedy, Family | 17 October 1956 (USA) -- A Victorian Englishman bets that with the new steamships and railways he can circumnavigate the globe in eighty days. Directors: Michael Anderson, John Farrow (uncredited) Writers: James Poe (screenplay), John Farrow (screenplay) | 2 more credits
A Royal Affair (2012) ::: 7.5/10 -- En kongelig affre (original title) -- A Royal Affair Poster -- A young queen, who is married to an insane king, falls secretly in love with her physician - and together they start a revolution that changes a nation forever. Director: Nikolaj Arcel Writers:
A Royal Christmas (2014) ::: 6.6/10 -- TV-G | 1h 30min | Comedy, Family, Romance | TV Movie 21 November 2014 -- Prince Leopold, heir to the throne of Cordinia, wishes to marry his young love Emily Taylor, a humble seamstress from Philadelphia. But Leopold's mother, Queen Isadora has other plans for her son. Director: Alex Zamm Writers:
A Royal Night Out (2015) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 37min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 4 December 2015 (USA) -- On V.E. Day in 1945, as peace extends across Europe, Princesses Elizabeth and Margaret are allowed out to join the celebrations. It is a night full of excitement, danger and the first flutters of romance. Director: Julian Jarrold Writers:
ARQ (2016) ::: 6.4/10 -- TV-MA | 1h 28min | Action, Sci-Fi, Thriller | 16 September 2016 (USA) -- Trapped in a lab and stuck in a time loop, a disoriented couple fends off masked raiders while harboring a new energy source that could save humanity. Director: Tony Elliott Writer:
Arrival (2016) ::: 7.9/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 56min | Drama, Sci-Fi | 11 November 2016 (USA) -- A linguist works with the military to communicate with alien lifeforms after twelve mysterious spacecraft appear around the world. Director: Denis Villeneuve Writers: Eric Heisserer (screenplay by), Ted Chiang (based on the story "Story
Arsenic and Old Lace (1942) ::: 8.0/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 58min | Comedy, Crime, Thriller | 6 October 1944 -- Arsenic and Old Lace Poster -- A writer of books on the futility of marriage risks his reputation when he decides to get married. Things get even more complicated when he learns on his wedding day that his beloved maiden aunts are habitual murderers. Director: Frank Capra
Arthur (1981) ::: 6.9/10 -- PG | 1h 37min | Comedy, Romance | 17 July 1981 (USA) -- Alcoholic billionaire playboy Arthur Bach must marry a woman he does not love, or he will be cut off from his $750,000,000 fortune. But when Arthur falls in love with a poor waitress, he must decide if he wants to choose love or money. Director: Steve Gordon Writer:
Arthur Christmas (2011) ::: 7.1/10 -- PG | 1h 37min | Animation, Adventure, Comedy | 23 November 2011 (USA) -- Santa's clumsy son Arthur sets out on a mission with Grandsanta to give out a present they misplaced to a young girl in less than two hours. Directors: Sarah Smith, Barry Cook (co-director) Writers: Peter Baynham (screenplay), Sarah Smith (screenplay)
Artists and Models (1955) ::: 6.6/10 -- Approved | 1h 49min | Comedy, Musical, Romance | 7 November 1955 (USA) -- Rick Todd uses the dreams of his roommate Eugene as the basis for a successful comic book. Director: Frank Tashlin Writers: Herbert Baker (screenplay), Michael Davidson (play) | 4 more credits
A Scanner Darkly (2006) ::: 7.1/10 -- R | 1h 40min | Animation, Crime, Drama | 28 July 2006 (USA) -- An undercover cop in a not-too-distant future becomes involved with a dangerous new drug and begins to lose his own identity as a result. Director: Richard Linklater Writers: Philip K. Dick (novel), Richard Linklater (screenplay)
A Series of Unfortunate Events (2004) ::: 6.8/10 -- PG | 1h 48min | Adventure, Comedy, Family | 17 December 2004 (USA) -- When a massive fire kills their parents, three children are delivered to the custody of cousin and stage actor Count Olaf, who is secretly plotting to steal their parents' vast fortune. Director: Brad Silberling Writers:
A Serious Man (2009) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 1h 46min | Comedy, Drama | 6 November 2009 (USA) -- Larry Gopnik, a Midwestern physics teacher, watches his life unravel over multiple sudden incidents. Though seeking meaning and answers amidst his turmoils, he seems to keep sinking. Directors: Ethan Coen, Joel Coen Writers:
As Good as It Gets (1997) ::: 7.7/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 19min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 25 December 1997 (USA) -- A single mother and waitress, a misanthropic author, and a gay artist form an unlikely friendship after the artist is assaulted in a robbery. Director: James L. Brooks Writers: Mark Andrus (story), Mark Andrus (screenplay) | 1 more credit
A Shaun the Sheep Movie: Farmageddon (2019) ::: 6.9/10 -- G | 1h 26min | Animation, Adventure, Comedy | 14 February 2020 (USA) -- When an alien with amazing powers crash-lands near Mossy Bottom Farm, Shaun the Sheep goes on a mission to shepherd the intergalactic visitor home before a sinister organization can capture her. Directors: Will Becher, Richard Phelan Writers:
Ashby (2015) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 40min | Comedy, Crime, Drama | 25 September 2015 (USA) -- High-school student Ed Wallis enters into a friendship with his neighbor, Ashby, a retired CIA assassin who only has a few months left to live. Director: Tony McNamara Writer:
Ashes in the Snow (2018) ::: 6.6/10 -- 1h 38min | Drama, History, Romance | 12 October 2018 (Lithuania) -- In 1941, a 16-year-old aspiring artist and her family are deported to Siberia amidst Stalin's brutal dismantling of the Baltic region. One girl's passion for art and her never-ending hope will break the silence of history. Director: Marius A. Markevicius Writers:
A Shock to the System (1990) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 1h 28min | Comedy, Crime, Thriller | 23 March 1990 (USA) -- When you think you're at the top of the corporate ladder and then discover they have managed to pull that ladder away, sometimes you have to take it upon yourself to "level" the playing ... S Director: Jan Egleson Writers:
A Shot in the Dark (1964) ::: 7.5/10 -- PG | 1h 42min | Comedy, Mystery | 29 January 1965 (UK) -- Inspector Jacques Clouseau investigates the murder of Mr. Benjamin Ballon's driver at a country estate. Director: Blake Edwards Writers: Blake Edwards (screenplay), William Peter Blatty (screenplay) | 2 more credits Stars:
A Silent Voice: The Movie (2016) ::: 8.1/10 -- Koe no katachi (original title) -- (Japan) A Silent Voice: The Movie Poster -- A young man is ostracized by his classmates after he bullies a deaf girl to the point where she moves away. Years later, he sets off on a path for redemption. Director: Naoko Yamada
A Simple Favor (2018) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 1h 57min | Comedy, Crime, Mystery | 14 September 2018 (USA) -- Stephanie is a single mother with a parenting vlog who befriends Emily, a secretive upper-class woman who has a child at the same elementary school. When Emily goes missing, Stephanie takes it upon herself to investigate. Director: Paul Feig Writers:
A Simple Life (2011) ::: 7.6/10 -- Tou ze (original title) -- A Simple Life Poster -- After suffering a stroke, an altruistic maid announces that she wants to quit her job and move into an old people's home. Director: Ann Hui Writers:
A Simple Plan (1998) ::: 7.5/10 -- R | 2h 1min | Crime, Drama, Thriller | 22 January 1999 (USA) -- Three blue-collar acquaintances come across millions of dollars in lost cash and make a plan to keep their find from the authorities, but it isn't long before complications and mistrust weave their way into the plan. Director: Sam Raimi Writers: Scott B. Smith (novel), Scott B. Smith (screenplay)
A Simple Twist of Fate (1994) ::: 6.4/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 46min | Drama, Comedy | 2 September 1994 (USA) -- His life was emotionally closed off from the world, until an orphaned baby showed up at his house. Director: Gillies MacKinnon Writers: George Eliot (novel), Steve Martin Stars:
A Single Man (2009) ::: 7.6/10 -- R | 1h 39min | Drama, Romance | 5 February 2010 (USA) -- An English professor, one year after the sudden death of his boyfriend, is unable to cope with his typical days in 1960s Los Angeles. Director: Tom Ford Writers: Christopher Isherwood (novel), Tom Ford (written for the screen by) | 1
As It Is in Heaven (2004) ::: 7.5/10 -- S som i himmelen (original title) -- As It Is in Heaven Poster A famous international conductor returns to his small childhood town in Sweden for early retirement. He's asked to help with the church choir. He affects the lives of all in the choir. Director: Kay Pollak Writers: Anders Nyberg, Ola Olsson | 3 more credits
A Soldier's Story (1984) ::: 7.2/10 -- PG | 1h 41min | Crime, Drama, Mystery | 2 November 1984 (USA) -- An African-American officer investigates a murder in a racially charged situation in World War II. Director: Norman Jewison Writers: Charles Fuller (screenplay), Charles Fuller (play)
Assassination (2015) ::: 7.3/10 -- Amsal (original title) -- Assassination Poster -- While Korea is occupied by the Japanese Army in 1933, the resistance plans to kill the Japanese Commander. But their plan is threatened by a traitor within their group and also the enemies' forces are hunting them down. Director: Dong-hoon Choi
Assassins (1995) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 2h 12min | Action, Crime, Thriller | 6 October 1995 (USA) -- Professional hit-man Robert Rath wants to fulfill a few more contracts before retiring but unscrupulous ambitious newcomer hit-man Miguel Bain keeps killing Rath's targets. Director: Richard Donner Writers:
Assassin's Creed (2016) ::: 5.7/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 55min | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi | 21 December 2016 (USA) -- Callum Lynch explores the memories of his ancestor Aguilar de Nerha and gains the skills of a Master Assassin, before taking on the secret Templar society. Director: Justin Kurzel Writers:
Assault on Precinct 13 (1976) ::: 7.4/10 -- R | 1h 31min | Action, Crime, Thriller | 5 November 1976 (USA) -- An unlikely partnership between a Highway Patrol Officer, two criminals and a station secretary is formed to defend a defunct Los Angeles precinct office against a siege by a bloodthirsty street gang. Director: John Carpenter Writer:
A Star Is Born (1937) ::: 7.3/10 -- Passed | 1h 51min | Drama, Romance | 27 April 1937 (USA) -- A young woman comes to Hollywood with dreams of stardom, and achieves them only with the help of an alcoholic leading man whose best days are behind him. Directors: William A. Wellman, Jack Conway (uncredited) | 1 more credit Writers:
A Star Is Born (1954) ::: 7.6/10 -- Passed | 2h 34min | Drama, Musical, Romance | 16 October 1954 (USA) -- A film star helps a young singer and actress find fame, even as age and alcoholism send his own career on a downward spiral. Director: George Cukor Writers: Moss Hart (screen play by), Dorothy Parker (based on the 1937 screen
A Star Is Born (2018) ::: 7.6/10 -- R | 2h 16min | Drama, Music, Romance | 5 October 2018 (USA) -- A musician helps a young singer find fame as age and alcoholism send his own career into a downward spiral. Director: Bradley Cooper Writers: Eric Roth (screenplay by), Bradley Cooper (screenplay by) | 7 more
A Stolen Life (1946) ::: 7.3/10 -- Approved | 1h 49min | Drama | 6 July 1946 (USA) -- When a woman's twin sister is drowned, she assumes her identity in order to be close to the man she feels her sister took from her years before. Director: Curtis Bernhardt Writers: Catherine Turney (screen play by), Margaret Buell Wilder (adapted by) | 1 more credit
A Streetcar Named Desire (1951) ::: 8.0/10 -- PG | 2h 2min | Drama | 1 December 1951 (West Germany) -- Disturbed Blanche DuBois moves in with her sister in New Orleans and is tormented by her brutish brother-in-law while her reality crumbles around her. Director: Elia Kazan Writers:
A Street Cat Named Bob (2016) ::: 7.4/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 43min | Biography, Drama, Family | 18 November 2016 -- A Street Cat Named Bob Poster -- Based on the international best selling book. The true feel good story of how James Bowen, a busker and recovering drug addict, had his life transformed when he met a stray ginger cat. Director: Roger Spottiswoode Writers:
A Summer Tale (2000) ::: 7.3/10 -- Den bsta sommaren (original title) -- A Summer Tale Poster Two kids move in with a lonely undertaker who is secretly in love with the town's school teacher. Director:
A Summer Tale (2000) ::: 7.3/10 -- Den bsta sommaren (original title) -- A Summer Tale Poster Two kids move in with a lonely undertaker who is secretly in love with the town's school teacher. Director: Ulf Malmros Writers: Ulf Malmros, Vasa (as Lars Johansson) Stars:
Asylum (1972) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG | 1h 28min | Horror | 17 November 1972 (USA) -- In order to secure a job at a mental institution, a young psychiatrist must interview four patients inside the asylum. Director: Roy Ward Baker Writer: Robert Bloch
A Tale of Two Cities (1935) ::: 7.8/10 -- Passed | 2h 8min | Drama, History, Romance | 25 December 1935 (USA) -- A pair of lookalikes, one a former French aristocrat and the other an alcoholic English lawyer, fall in love with the same woman amongst the turmoil of the French Revolution. Directors: Jack Conway, Robert Z. Leonard (uncredited) Writers:
A Taste of Honey (1961) ::: 7.5/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 41min | Drama | 30 April 1962 (USA) -- A pregnant teenage girl must fend for herself when her mother remarries, leaving the girl with only a new male friend for support. Director: Tony Richardson Writers: Shelagh Delaney (screenplay), Tony Richardson (screenplay) | 1 more credit Stars:
A Taxi Driver (2017) ::: 7.9/10 -- Taeksi woonjunsa (original title) -- A Taxi Driver Poster -- A widowed father and taxi driver who drives a German reporter from Seoul to Gwangju to cover the 1980 uprising, soon finds himself regretting his decision after being caught in the violence around him. Director: Hun Jang Writer:
At Close Range (1986) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 1h 51min | Crime, Drama | 18 April 1986 (USA) -- Reunited with his career criminal father, tough teen Brad thinks he's found his ticket to an exciting life of crime, only to find out he's wrong. Director: James Foley Writers:
At Eternity's Gate (2018) ::: 6.9/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 51min | Biography, Drama | 15 February 2019 (France) -- A look at the life of painter Vincent van Gogh during the time he lived in Arles and Auvers-sur-Oise, France. Director: Julian Schnabel Writers: Jean-Claude Carrire, Julian Schnabel | 1 more credit
A Thousand Clowns (1965) ::: 7.4/10 -- Unrated | 1h 58min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 9 September 1966 -- A Thousand Clowns Poster A middle-aged iconoclast, doggedly avoiding the tedium of employment and conventional life, faces the prospect of losing custody of his young ward. Director: Fred Coe Writers: Herb Gardner (screenplay), Herb Gardner (based on his original play)
A Time to Kill (1996) ::: 7.5/10 -- R | 2h 29min | Crime, Drama, Thriller | 24 July 1996 (USA) -- In Canton, Mississippi, a fearless young lawyer and his assistant defend a black man accused of murdering two white men who raped his ten-year-old daughter, inciting violent retribution and revenge from the Ku Klux Klan. Director: Joel Schumacher Writers:
Atlantic City (1980) ::: 7.3/10 -- R | 1h 44min | Crime, Drama, Romance | 3 April 1981 (USA) -- In a corrupt city, a small-time gangster and the estranged wife of a pot dealer find themselves thrown together in an escapade of love, money, drugs and danger. Director: Louis Malle Writer:
Atlantics (2019) ::: 6.7/10 -- Atlantique (original title) -- Atlantics Poster -- In a popular suburb of Dakar, workers on the construction site of a futuristic tower, without pay for months, decide to leave the country by the ocean for a better future. Among them is Souleiman, the lover of Ada, promised to another. Director: Mati Diop
Atlantis: The Lost Empire (2001) ::: 6.9/10 -- PG | 1h 35min | Animation, Action, Adventure | 15 June 2001 (USA) -- A young linguist named Milo Thatch joins an intrepid group of explorers to find the mysterious lost continent of Atlantis. Directors: Gary Trousdale, Kirk Wise Writers: Tab Murphy (screenplay by), Kirk Wise (story by) | 6 more credits
At Middleton (2013) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 39min | Comedy, Romance | 5 September 2013 (Poland) -- Two parents fall in love over the course of a single day while playing hooky from their children's college tour. Director: Adam Rodgers Writers: Glenn German, Adam Rodgers
Atomic Blonde (2017) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 1h 55min | Action, Thriller | 28 July 2017 (USA) -- An undercover MI6 agent is sent to Berlin during the Cold War to investigate the murder of a fellow agent and recover a missing list of double agents. Director: David Leitch Writers:
Atomised (2006) ::: 6.6/10 -- Elementarteilchen (original title) -- Atomised Poster Two half brothers in Berlin, 30+, one an introverted scientist, the other a sexually frustrated teacher, have no love life. That's about to change. Director: Oskar Roehler Writers: Michel Houellebecq (novel), Oskar Roehler
Atonement (2007) ::: 7.8/10 -- R | 2h 3min | Drama, Mystery, Romance | 11 January 2008 (USA) -- Thirteen-year-old fledgling writer Briony Tallis irrevocably changes the course of several lives when she accuses her older sister's lover of a crime he did not commit. Director: Joe Wright Writers:
A Touch of Sin (2013) ::: 7.1/10 -- Tian zhu ding (original title) -- A Touch of Sin Poster -- Four independent stories set in modern China about random acts of violence. Director: Zhangke Jia Writer:
A Touch of Spice (2003) ::: 7.5/10 -- Politiki kouzina (original title) -- A Touch of Spice Poster "A Touch of Spice" is a story about a young Greek boy (Fanis) growing up in Istanbul, whose grandfather, a culinary philosopher and mentor,teaches him that both food and life require a ... S Director: Tassos Boulmetis Writer: Tassos Boulmetis
At Play in the Fields of the Lord (1991) ::: 6.9/10 -- R | 3h 9min | Drama, Romance | 6 December 1991 (USA) -- Martin and Hazel Quarrier are small-town fundamentalist missionaries sent to the jungles of South America to convert the Indians. Their remote mission was previously run by the Catholics, ... S Director: Hector Babenco Writers:
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn (1945) ::: 8.0/10 -- PG | 2h 9min | Drama, Romance | March 1945 (USA) -- Encouraged by her idealistic if luckless father, a bright and imaginative young woman comes of age in a Brooklyn tenement during the early 1900s. Director: Elia Kazan Writers:
Attack (1956) ::: 7.4/10 -- Approved | 1h 47min | Action, Drama, War | 17 October 1956 (USA) -- In 1945, an American Infantry company sets up an artillery observation post, but tensions between Captain Cooney and Lieutenant Costa run high. Director: Robert Aldrich Writers: Norman Brooks (play), James Poe (screenplay) Stars:
Attack on Titan Abridged ::: 7.5/10 -- Attack on Titan Abridged Poster -- Director: Curtis Arnott (as Takahata101) Writers: Curtis Arnott (as Takahata101), Howard Wang (as TehExorcist) Stars: Howard Wang, Kimlinh Tran, Curtis Arnott
Attack the Block (2011) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 1h 28min | Action, Adventure, Comedy | 13 May 2011 (UK) -- A teen gang in South London defend their block from an alien invasion. Director: Joe Cornish Writer: Joe Cornish
At the Circus (1939) ::: 6.9/10 -- Passed | 1h 27min | Comedy, Musical | 20 October 1939 (USA) -- The Marx Brothers try to help the owner of a circus recover some stolen funds before he finds himself out of a job. Director: Edward Buzzell Writer: Irving Brecher (screen play)
Audition (1999) ::: 7.2/10 -- dishon (original title) -- Audition Poster -- A widower takes an offer to screen girls at a special audition, arranged for him by a friend to find him a new wife. The one he fancies is not who she appears to be after all. Director: Takashi Miike Writers:
August: Osage County (2013) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 2h 1min | Comedy, Drama | 10 January 2014 (USA) -- A look at the lives of the strong-willed women of the Weston family, whose paths have diverged until a family crisis brings them back to the Oklahoma house they grew up in, and to the dysfunctional woman who raised them. Director: John Wells Writers:
August Rush (2007) ::: 7.5/10 -- PG | 1h 54min | Drama, Music | 21 November 2007 (USA) -- An orphaned musical prodigy uses his gift to try to find his birth parents. Director: Kirsten Sheridan Writers: Nick Castle (screenplay), James V. Hart (screenplay) | 2 more credits
A United Kingdom (2016) ::: 6.9/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 51min | Biography, Drama, History | 10 February 2017 (USA) -- The story of King Seretse Khama of Botswana and how his loving but controversial marriage to a British white woman, Ruth Williams, put his kingdom into political and diplomatic turmoil. Director: Amma Asante Writers:
Auntie Danielle (1990) ::: 7.1/10 -- Tatie Danielle (original title) -- Auntie Danielle Poster -- Auntie Danielle, supposedly in ailing health but in reality just a nasty old bitch, lives with a paid housekeeper who she regularly abuses. When the housekeeper dies falling off a ladder, ... S Director: tienne Chatiliez
Auntie Mame (1958) ::: 7.9/10 -- Approved | 2h 23min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 27 December 1958 (USA) -- An orphan goes to live with his free-spirited aunt. Conflict ensues when the executor of his father's estate objects to the aunt's lifestyle. Director: Morton DaCosta Writers:
Au Revoir les Enfants (1987) ::: 8.0/10 -- Au revoir les enfants (original title) -- Au Revoir les Enfants Poster -- A French boarding school run by priests seems to be a haven from World War II until a new student arrives. He becomes the roommate of the top student in his class. Rivals at first, the roommates form a bond and share a secret. Director: Louis Malle
Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery (1997) ::: 7.0/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 29min | Adventure, Comedy | 2 May 1997 (USA) -- A world-class playboy and part-time secret agent from the 1960s emerges after thirty years in a cryogenic state to battle with his nemesis Dr. Evil. Director: Jay Roach Writer:
Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me (1999) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 35min | Action, Adventure, Comedy | 11 June 1999 (USA) -- Dr. Evil is back and has invented a new time machine that allows him to go back to the 1960s and steal Austin Powers' mojo, inadvertently leaving him "shagless". Director: Jay Roach Writers:
Australia (2008) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 45min | Adventure, Comedy, Drama | 26 November 2008 (USA) -- Set in northern Australia before World War II, an English aristocrat who inherits a sprawling ranch reluctantly pacts with a stock-man in order to protect her new property from a takeover plot. As the pair drive 2,000 head of cattle over unforgiving landscape, they experience the bombing of Darwin, Australia, by Japanese forces firsthand. Director: Baz Luhrmann
Auto Focus (2002) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 1h 45min | Biography, Crime, Drama | 1 November 2002 (USA) -- The life of TV star Bob Crane and his strange friendship with electronics expert John Henry Carpenter. Director: Paul Schrader Writers: Robert Graysmith (book), Michael Gerbosi
Automata (2014) ::: 6.1/10 -- Autmata (original title) -- Automata Poster -- Human race is at edge of the end. Robot race is at edge of the beginning. Director: Gabe Ibaez Writers:
Autumn Dreams (2015) ::: 6.4/10 -- TV-G | 1h 24min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | TV Movie 3 October 2015 -- Years after the annulment of their spontaneous marriage a couple discovers a mistake in the paperwork that means they are still husband and wife. Director: Neill Fearnley Writer: Laurie Stevens Stars:
Autumn Sonata (1978) ::: 8.2/10 -- Hstsonaten (original title) -- Autumn Sonata Poster A married daughter who longs for her mother's love is visited by the latter, a successful concert pianist. Director: Ingmar Bergman Writer: Ingmar Bergman Stars:
Avalon (1990) ::: 7.2/10 -- PG | 2h 8min | Drama | 19 October 1990 (USA) -- A Polish-Jewish family comes to the U.S. at the beginning of the twentieth century. There, the family and their children try to make themselves a better future in the so-called promised land. Director: Barry Levinson Writer:
Avalon (2001) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 47min | Action, Drama, Fantasy | 20 January 2001 (Japan) -- In a dystopian world, a woman spends her time playing an illegal and dangerous game, hoping to find meaning in her world. Director: Mamoru Oshii Writer: Kazunori It (screenplay)
Avanti! (1972) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 2h 24min | Comedy, Romance | 17 December 1972 (USA) -- A successful businessman goes to Italy to arrange for the return of his tycoon-father's body only to discover dad died with his mistress of long standing. Director: Billy Wilder Writers: Samuel A. Taylor (play) (as Samuel Taylor), Billy Wilder (screenplay) | 1 more credit
Avatar (2009) ::: 7.8/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 42min | Action, Adventure, Fantasy | 18 December 2009 (USA) -- A paraplegic Marine dispatched to the moon Pandora on a unique mission becomes torn between following his orders and protecting the world he feels is his home. Director: James Cameron Writer:
Avengement (2019) ::: 6.5/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 27min | Action, Crime | 24 May 2019 (USA) -- After years of assaults on him in prison, convicted felon Cain Burgess escapes for avengement on those responsible. Director: Jesse V. Johnson Writers: Stu Small, Jesse V. Johnson
Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015) ::: 7.3/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 21min | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi | 1 May 2015 (USA) -- When Tony Stark and Bruce Banner try to jump-start a dormant peacekeeping program called Ultron, things go horribly wrong and it's up to Earth's mightiest heroes to stop the villainous Ultron from enacting his terrible plan. Director: Joss Whedon Writers:
Avengers: Endgame (2019) ::: 8.4/10 -- PG-13 | 3h 1min | Action, Adventure, Drama | 26 April 2019 (USA) -- After the devastating events of Avengers: Infinity War (2018), the universe is in ruins. With the help of remaining allies, the Avengers assemble once more in order to reverse Thanos' actions and restore balance to the universe. Directors: Anthony Russo, Joe Russo Writers:
Avengers: Infinity War (2018) ::: 8.4/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 29min | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi | 27 April 2018 (USA) -- The Avengers and their allies must be willing to sacrifice all in an attempt to defeat the powerful Thanos before his blitz of devastation and ruin puts an end to the universe. Directors: Anthony Russo, Joe Russo Writers:
Avenue Montaigne (2006) ::: 6.7/10 -- Fauteuils d'orchestre (original title) -- Avenue Montaigne Poster -- A young woman arrives in Paris where she finds a job as a waitress in bar next on Avenue Montaigne that caters to the surrounding theaters and the wealthy inhabitants of the area. She will meet a pianist, a famous actress and a great art collector, and become acquainted with the "luxurious" world her grandmother has told her about since her childhood. Director:
A Very Merry Mix-Up (2013) ::: 6.9/10 -- TV-G | 1h 27min | Comedy, Drama, Family | TV Movie 10 November 2013 -- Alice is set to meet her future in-laws for the first time, but things don't go according to plan. Director: Jonathan Wright Writer: Barbara Kymlicka
A View to a Kill (1985) ::: 6.4/10 -- PG | 2h 11min | Action, Adventure, Thriller | 24 May 1985 (USA) -- The recovery of a microchip off the body of a fellow agent leads James Bond to a mad industrialist who plans to create a worldwide microchip monopoly by destroying California's Silicon Valley. Director: John Glen Writers:
Awake (2007) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 24min | Crime, Drama, Mystery | 30 November 2007 (USA) -- A wealthy young man undergoing heart transplant surgery discovers that the surgical team intend to murder him. Director: Joby Harold Writer: Joby Harold
Awakenings (1990) ::: 7.8/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 1min | Biography, Drama | 11 January 1991 (USA) -- The victims of an encephalitis epidemic many years ago have been catatonic ever since, but now a new drug offers the prospect of reviving them. Director: Penny Marshall Writers:
A Walk Among the Tombstones (2014) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 54min | Action, Crime, Drama | 19 September 2014 (USA) -- Private investigator Matthew Scudder is hired by a drug kingpin to find out who kidnapped and murdered his wife. Director: Scott Frank Writers: Lawrence Block (based on the novel by), Scott Frank (written for the
A Walk in the Clouds (1995) ::: 6.7/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 42min | Drama, Romance | 11 August 1995 (USA) -- A married soldier returning from World War II poses as a pregnant woman's husband to save her from her father's anger and honor. Director: Alfonso Arau Writers: Robert Mark Kamen (screenplay), Mark Miller (screenplay) | 4 more
A Walk in the Sun (1945) ::: 7.0/10 -- Approved | 1h 57min | Drama, War | 25 December 1945 (USA) -- During WWII, a platoon of American soldiers trudge through the Italian countryside in search of a bridge they have been ordered to blow up, encountering danger and destruction along the way. Director: Lewis Milestone Writers: Harry Brown (by), Robert Rossen (screenplay) Stars:
A Walk in the Woods (2015) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 44min | Adventure, Biography, Comedy | 2 September 2015 (USA) -- After spending two decades in England, Bill Bryson (Robert Redford) returns to the U.S., where he decides the best way to connect with his homeland is to hike the Appalachian Trail with one of his oldest friends, Stephen Katz (Nick Nolte). Director: Ken Kwapis Writers:
A Walk on the Moon (1999) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 1h 47min | Drama, Romance | 23 April 1999 (USA) -- The world of a young housewife is turned upside down when she has an affair with a free-spirited blouse salesman. Director: Tony Goldwyn Writer: Pamela Gray
A Walk to Remember (2002) ::: 7.4/10 -- PG | 1h 41min | Drama, Romance | 25 January 2002 (USA) -- The story of two North Carolina teens, Landon Carter and Jamie Sullivan, who are thrown together after Landon gets into trouble and is made to do community service. Director: Adam Shankman Writers:
A War (2015) ::: 7.1/10 -- Krigen (original title) -- A War Poster -- The story of a Danish commander, who is accused of civil murder in Afghanistan, while trying to save his squad. Director: Tobias Lindholm Writer:
Away from Her (2006) ::: 7.5/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 50min | Drama | 25 May 2007 (USA) -- A man coping with the institutionalization of his wife because of Alzheimer's disease faces an epiphany when she transfers her affections to another man, Aubrey, a wheelchair-bound mute who also is a patient at the nursing home. Director: Sarah Polley Writers:
Away We Go (2009) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 1h 38min | Adventure, Comedy, Drama | 26 June 2009 (USA) -- A couple who is expecting their first child travel around the U.S. in order to find a perfect place to start their family. Along the way, they have misadventures and find fresh connections with an assortment of relatives and old friends who just might help them discover "home" on their own terms for the first time. Director: Sam Mendes
A Wedding (1978) ::: 7.1/10 -- PG | 2h 5min | Comedy, Drama | 27 September 1978 (USA) -- The daughter of a Louisville truck driver marries the scion of a very wealthy family, but the reception at the family estate is boycotted by the invited guests. Director: Robert Altman Writers:
A Woman of Paris: A Drama of Fate (1923) ::: 7.0/10 -- Passed | 1h 22min | Drama, Romance | 4 November 1923 (USA) -- A kept woman runs into her former fianc and finds herself torn between love and comfort. Director: Charles Chaplin Writer: Charles Chaplin Stars:
A Woman Under the Influence (1974) ::: 8.2/10 -- R | 2h 35min | Drama, Romance | 18 November 1974 (USA) -- Although wife and mother Mabel is loved by her husband Nick, her mental illness places a strain on the marriage. Director: John Cassavetes Writer: John Cassavetes
Ayla: The Daughter of War (2017) ::: 8.4/10 -- 2h 5min | Biography, Drama, History | 27 October 2017 (Turkey) -- In 1950, amid-st the ravages of the Korean War, Sergeant Sleyman stumbles upon a half-frozen little girl, with no parents and no help in sight. Frantic, scared and on the verge of death, ... S Director: Can Ulkay Writer:
A Zed & Two Noughts (1985) ::: 7.4/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 55min | Comedy, Drama | 25 May 1990 (USA) -- Twin zoologists lose their wives in a car accident and become obsessed with decomposing animals. Director: Peter Greenaway Writer: Peter Greenaway Stars:
Baadasssss! (2003) ::: 7.3/10 -- How to Get the Man's Foot Outta Your Ass (original title) -- Baadasssss! Poster -- Mario Van Peebles' half-documentary/half-homage to his father Melvin Van Peebles' movie Sweet Sweetback's Baadasssss Song (1971). Director: Mario Van Peebles Writers:
Baara (2009) ::: 6.9/10 -- Not Rated | 2h 43min | Comedy, Drama | 25 September 2009 (Italy) -- Baaria is Sicilian slang for Bagheria where Tornatore was born and this is an autobiographic epic of three generations in the Sicilian village where he was born. Director: Giuseppe Tornatore Writer:
Babe (1995) ::: 6.8/10 -- G | 1h 31min | Comedy, Drama, Family | 4 August 1995 (USA) -- Babe, a pig raised by sheepdogs, learns to herd sheep with a little help from Farmer Hoggett. Director: Chris Noonan Writers: Dick King-Smith (novel), George Miller (screenplay) | 1 more credit
Babel (2006) ::: 7.4/10 -- R | 2h 23min | Drama | 10 November 2006 (USA) -- Tragedy strikes a married couple on vacation in the Moroccan desert, touching off an interlocking story involving four different families. Director: Alejandro G. Irritu (as Alejandro Gonzlez Irritu) Writers: Guillermo Arriaga, Guillermo Arriaga (idea) | 1 more credit
Babette's Feast (1987) ::: 7.8/10 -- Babettes gstebud (original title) -- Babette's Feast Poster -- During the late 19th century, a strict religious community in a Danish village takes in a French refugee from the Franco-Prussian War as a servant to the late pastor's daughters. Director: Gabriel Axel Writers:
Baby Boy (2001) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 2h 10min | Crime, Drama, Romance | 27 June 2001 (USA) -- In South Central L.A., a misguided 20-year-old African-American man, a "baby boy", faces the commitments of real life. Director: John Singleton Writer: John Singleton
Baby Doll (1956) ::: 7.4/10 -- Approved | 1h 54min | Comedy, Drama | 29 December 1956 (USA) -- A child bride holds her husband at bay while flirting with a sexy Italian farmer. Director: Elia Kazan Writer: Tennessee Williams (screenplay)
Baby Driver (2017) ::: 7.6/10 -- R | 1h 53min | Action, Crime, Drama | 28 June 2017 (USA) -- After being coerced into working for a crime boss, a young getaway driver finds himself taking part in a heist doomed to fail. Director: Edgar Wright Writer: Edgar Wright
Baby Face (1933) ::: 7.6/10 -- Approved | 1h 11min | Drama, Romance | 17 November 1933 (France) -- A young woman, sexually exploited all her life, decides to turn the tables and exploit the hapless men at a big city bank - by gleefully sleeping her way to the top. Director: Alfred E. Green Writers:
Babylon 5: A Call to Arms (1999) ::: 7.2/10 -- TV-PG | 1h 34min | Action, Adventure, Drama | TV Movie 3 January 1999 -- The Drakh, allies of the Shadows, seek revenge against humanity after the Second Shadow War. Director: Michael Vejar Writers: J. Michael Straczynski (creator), J. Michael Straczynski Stars:
Babylon 5: In the Beginning (1998) ::: 7.7/10 -- Unrated | 1h 34min | Action, Adventure, Drama | TV Movie 4 January 1998 -- Emperor Londo Mollari of the Centauri Republic tells the story of the Earth-Minbari War that almost destroyed humanity and later inspired its last best, hope for peace. Director: Michael Vejar Writers: J. Michael Straczynski (creator), J. Michael Straczynski Stars:
Babylon 5: The River of Souls (1998) ::: 6.7/10 -- 1h 34min | Action, Adventure, Drama | TV Movie 8 November 1998 -- A group of Soul Hunters come to Babylon 5 demanding the return of something that was stolen from them. Director: Janet Greek Writers: J. Michael Straczynski (creator), J. Michael Straczynski Stars:
Babylon 5: Thirdspace (1998) ::: 7.0/10 -- 1h 34min | Action, Adventure, Drama | TV Movie 19 July 1998 -- The crew of Babylon 5 discover an ancient artifact floating in hyperspace. Director: Jess Salvador Trevio Writers: J. Michael Straczynski (creator), J. Michael Straczynski Stars:
Babyteeth (2019) ::: 7.2/10 -- MA-17 | 1h 58min | Comedy, Drama, Music | 19 June 2020 (USA) -- Milla, a seriously ill teenager, falls in love with a drug dealer, Moses, her parents worst nightmare. Director: Shannon Murphy Writer: Rita Kalnejais
Bachelor Mother (1939) ::: 7.6/10 -- Passed | 1h 22min | Comedy, Romance | 4 August 1939 (USA) -- An unemployed woman discovers an abandoned baby on the steps of an orphanage, and accepts an offer to take responsibility for the child in return for a job. Director: Garson Kanin Writers:
Backbeat (1994) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 1h 40min | Biography, Drama, Music | 15 April 1994 (USA) -- A dramatization of the Hamburg, Germany phase of The Beatles' early history. Director: Iain Softley Writers: Iain Softley, Michael Thomas | 1 more credit
Backdraft (1991) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 2h 17min | Action, Crime, Drama | 24 May 1991 (USA) -- Two Chicago firefighter brothers, who don't get along, have to work together while a dangerous arsonist is on the loose. Director: Ron Howard Writer: Gregory Widen
Back Roads (2018) ::: 6.5/10 -- 1h 41min | Crime, Drama, Thriller | 7 December 2018 (USA) -- In 1993, Harley's dad is shot dead and his mom goes to prison. He has to earn money and look after his 3 kid sisters. No college. Over 2 years, family secrets are slowly revealed. Will a good therapist be enough? Director: Alex Pettyfer Writers:
Backstabbing for Beginners (2018) ::: 6.3/10 -- R | 1h 48min | Drama, History, Romance | 27 April 2018 (USA) -- A young program coordinator at the United Nations stumbles upon a conspiracy involving Iraq's oil reserves. Director: Per Fly Writers: Per Fly (screenplay by), Daniel Pyne (screenplay by) | 1 more credit
Back to 1942 (2012) ::: 6.8/10 -- Yi jiu si er (original title) -- Back to 1942 Poster -- A deadly drought in 1942 takes its toll on central China's Henan province during the war against Japan. Director: Xiaogang Feng Writers:
Back to Bataan (1945) ::: 6.7/10 -- Approved | 1h 35min | Drama, War | 31 May 1945 (USA) -- In 1942, after the fall of the Philippines to the Japanese, U.S. Army Col. Joseph Madden stays behind to organize the local resistance against the Japanese invaders. Director: Edward Dmytryk Writers: Ben Barzman (screenplay), Richard H. Landau (screenplay) | 2 more credits
Back to Burgundy (2017) ::: 6.9/10 -- Ce qui nous lie (original title) -- Back to Burgundy Poster -- After a 10 year absence, Jean returns to his hometown when his father falls ill. Reuniting with his sister Juliette and his brother Jrmie, they have to re-build their relationship and trust as a family again. Director: Cdric Klapisch Writers:
Back to School (1986) ::: 6.7/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 36min | Comedy, Romance, Sport | 13 June 1986 (USA) -- To help his discouraged son get through college, a funloving and obnoxious rich businessman decides to enter the school as a student himself. Director: Alan Metter Writers:
Back to the Future (1985) ::: 8.5/10 -- PG | 1h 56min | Adventure, Comedy, Sci-Fi | 3 July 1985 (USA) -- Marty McFly, a 17-year-old high school student, is accidentally sent thirty years into the past in a time-traveling DeLorean invented by his close friend, the eccentric scientist Doc Brown. Director: Robert Zemeckis Writers:
Back to the Future Part II (1989) ::: 7.8/10 -- PG | 1h 48min | Adventure, Comedy, Sci-Fi | 22 November 1989 (USA) -- After visiting 2015, Marty McFly must repeat his visit to 1955 to prevent disastrous changes to 1985...without interfering with his first trip. Director: Robert Zemeckis Writers:
Back to the Future Part III (1990) ::: 7.4/10 -- PG | 1h 58min | Adventure, Comedy, Sci-Fi | 25 May 1990 (USA) -- Stranded in 1955, Marty McFly learns about the death of Doc Brown in 1885 and must travel back in time to save him. With no fuel readily available for the DeLorean, the two must figure how to escape the Old West before Emmett is murdered. Director: Robert Zemeckis Writers:
Bacurau (2019) ::: 7.4/10 -- 2h 11min | Adventure, Horror, Mystery | 19 March 2020 (USA) -- After the death of her grandmother, Teresa comes home to her matriarchal village in a near-future Brazil to find a succession of sinister events that mobilizes all of its residents. Directors: Juliano Dornelles, Kleber Mendona Filho Writers:
Bad Boy Bubby (1993) ::: 7.4/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 54min | Comedy, Crime, Drama | 26 April 2005 (USA) -- Bubby has spent thirty years trapped in the same small room, tricked by his mother. One day, he manages to escape, and, deranged and naive in equal measures, his adventure into the modern and nihilistic life begins. Director: Rolf de Heer Writer: Rolf de Heer
Bad Boys (1983) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 2h 3min | Crime, Drama, Thriller | 25 March 1983 (USA) -- Chicago crime kid Mick O'Brien is sent to reform school after accidentally killing a rival's kid brother. Director: Rick Rosenthal Writer: Richard Di Lello
Bad Boys (1995) ::: 6.9/10 -- R | 1h 59min | Action, Comedy, Crime | 7 April 1995 (USA) -- Two hip detectives protect a witness to a murder while investigating a case of stolen heroin from the evidence storage room from their police precinct. Director: Michael Bay Writers:
Bad Boys for Life (2020) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 2h 4min | Action, Comedy, Crime | 17 January 2020 (USA) -- Miami detectives Mike Lowrey and Marcus Burnett must face off against a mother-and-son pair of drug lords who wreak vengeful havoc on their city. Directors: Adil El Arbi (as Adil), Bilall Fallah (as Bilall) Writers:
Bad Boys II (2003) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 2h 27min | Action, Comedy, Crime | 18 July 2003 (USA) -- Two loose-cannon narcotics cops investigate the flow of Ecstasy into Florida from a Cuban drug cartel. Director: Michael Bay Writers: George Gallo (characters), Marianne Wibberley (story) | 4 more
Bad Company (1972) ::: 7.0/10 -- PG | 1h 33min | Adventure, Drama, Western | 22 December 1972 (West -- Bad Company Poster A God-fearing Ohio boy dodging the Civil War draft arrives in St. Joseph, MO where he joins up with a hardscrabble group of like runaways heading west Director: Robert Benton Writers: David Newman, Robert Benton
Bad Day at Black Rock (1955) ::: 7.7/10 -- Passed | 1h 21min | Crime, Drama, Mystery | 13 February 1955 (Canada) -- A one-armed stranger comes to a tiny town possessing a terrible past they want to keep secret, by violent means if necessary. Director: John Sturges Writers: Millard Kaufman (screen play), Don McGuire (adaptation) | 1 more
Bad Day for the Cut (2017) ::: 6.5/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 39min | Action, Crime, Drama | 20 October 2017 (USA) -- A middle-aged Irish farmer, who still lives at home with his mother, sets off on a mission of revenge when the old lady is murdered. Director: Chris Baugh Writers: Chris Baugh, Brendan Mullin
Bad Education (2019) ::: 7.1/10 -- TV-MA | 1h 48min | Biography, Comedy, Crime | 25 April 2020 (Brazil) -- The beloved superintendent of New York's Roslyn school district and his staff, friends and relatives become the prime suspects in the unfolding of the single largest public school embezzlement scandal in American history. Director: Cory Finley Writers:
Bad Genius (2017) ::: 7.6/10 -- Chalard games goeng (original title) -- Bad Genius Poster -- Lynn, a genius high school student who makes money by cheating tests, receives a new task that leads her to set foot on Sydney, Australia. In order to complete the millions-Baht task, Lynn and her classmates have to finish the international STIC(SAT) exam and deliver the answers back to her friends in Thailand before the exam takes place once again in her home country. Director:
Bad Grandpa (2013) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 32min | Comedy | 25 October 2013 (USA) -- 86-year-old Irving Zisman takes a trip from Nebraska to North Carolina to take his 8 year-old grandson, Billy, back to his real father. Director: Jeff Tremaine Writers: Johnny Knoxville (screenplay), Spike Jonze (screenplay) | 6 more
Badlands (1973) ::: 7.8/10 -- PG | 1h 34min | Action, Crime, Drama | 5 January 1974 (Brazil) -- An impressionable teenage girl from a dead-end town and her older greaser boyfriend embark on a killing spree in the South Dakota badlands. Director: Terrence Malick Writer:
Bad Lieutenant (1992) ::: 7.1/10 -- NC-17 | 1h 36min | Crime, Drama, Thriller | 17 December 1992 -- Bad Lieutenant Poster -- While investigating a young nun's rape, a corrupt New York City police detective, with a serious drug and gambling addiction, tries to change his ways and find forgiveness and redemption. Director: Abel Ferrara Writers:
Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans (2009) ::: 6.6/10 -- The Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call - New Orleans (original title) -- Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans Poster -- Terence McDonagh is a drug- and gambling-addled detective in post-Katrina New Orleans investigating the killing of five Senegalese immigrants. Director: Werner Herzog Writer:
Bad Samaritan (2018) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 50min | Crime, Horror, Thriller | 4 May 2018 (USA) -- A pair of burglars stumble upon a woman being held captive in a home they intended to rob. Director: Dean Devlin Writer: Brandon Boyce
Bad Santa (2003) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 1h 32min | Comedy, Crime, Drama | 26 November 2003 (USA) -- A miserable conman and his partner pose as Santa and his Little Helper to rob department stores on Christmas Eve. But they run into problems when the conman befriends a troubled kid. Director: Terry Zwigoff Writers:
Bad Taste (1987) ::: 6.6/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 31min | Comedy, Horror, Sci-Fi | 21 June 1989 (USA) -- The population of a small town disappears and is replaced by aliens that chase human flesh for their intergalactic fast-food chain. Director: Peter Jackson Writers: Peter Jackson, Tony Hiles (additional material) | 1 more credit
Bad Times at the El Royale (2018) ::: 7.1/10 -- R | 2h 21min | Crime, Drama, Mystery | 12 October 2018 (USA) -- Early 1970s. Four strangers check in at the El Royale Hotel. The hotel is deserted, staffed by a single desk clerk. Some of the new guests' reasons for being there are less than innocent and some are not who they appear to be. Director: Drew Goddard Writer:
Bad Timing (1980) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 2h 3min | Drama, Mystery, Thriller | 25 October 1980 (USA) -- A psychiatrist, living in Vienna, enters a torrid relationship with a married woman. When she ends up in the hospital from an overdose, an inspector becomes set on discovering the demise of their affair. Director: Nicolas Roeg Writer:
Bad Words (2013) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 1h 29min | Comedy, Drama | 28 March 2014 (USA) -- A spelling bee loser sets out to exact revenge by finding a loophole and attempting to win as an adult. Director: Jason Bateman Writer: Andrew Dodge
Bagdad Cafe (1987) ::: 7.4/10 -- Out of Rosenheim (original title) -- Bagdad Cafe Poster A lonely German woman ends up in the most desolate motel on Earth and decides to make it brighter. Director: Percy Adlon Writers: Eleonore Adlon (screenplay), Percy Adlon (screenplay) | 1 more credit Stars:
Bait (2019) ::: 7.1/10 -- 1h 29min | Drama | 30 August 2019 (UK) -- Martin is a fisherman without a boat, his brother Steven having re-purposed it as a tourist tripper. With their childhood home now a get-away for London money, Martin is displaced to the estate above the harbour. Director: Mark Jenkin Writer:
Ballet Shoes (2007) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG | 1h 25min | Drama, Family | TV Movie 30 December 2007 -- The story of three orphan girls - Pauline (Emma Watson), Petrova (Yasmin Paige), and Posy (Lucy Boynton) - adopted by an eccentric explorer, Great Uncle Matthew (Richard Griffiths), and his niece Sylvia Brown (Emilia Fox), in 1930s London. Director: Sandra Goldbacher Writers:
Ball of Fire (1941) ::: 7.8/10 -- Approved | 1h 51min | Comedy, Romance | 9 January 1942 (USA) -- A group of professors working on a new encyclopedia encounter a mouthy nightclub singer who is wanted by the police to help bring down her mob boss lover. Director: Howard Hawks Writers:
Balloon (2018) ::: 7.5/10 -- Ballon (original title) -- Balloon Poster -- East Germany, 1979. After initially failing to flee from the East to the West in a self-built hot-air balloon, two families struggle to make a second attempt, while the East German State Police are chasing them. Director: Michael Herbig (as Michael Bully Herbig) Writers:
Balto (1995) ::: 7.1/10 -- G | 1h 18min | Animation, Adventure, Drama | 22 December 1995 (USA) -- An outcast Husky risks his life with other sled dogs to prevent a deadly epidemic from ravaging Nome, Alaska. Director: Simon Wells Writers: Cliff Ruby (screenplay), Elana Lesser (screenplay) | 2 more credits Stars:
Ba ma (1999) ::: 7.2/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 44min | Drama | 30 April 1999 (USA) -- An American in Ho Chi Minh City looks for a daughter he fathered during the war. He meets Woody, a child who's a street vendor, and when Woody's case of wares disappears, he thinks the ... S Director: Tony Bui Writers: Timothy Linh Bui (story), Tony Bui (story) | 1 more credit Stars:
Bambi (1942) ::: 7.3/10 -- G | 1h 10min | Animation, Drama, Family | 21 August 1942 (USA) -- The story of a young deer growing up in the forest. Directors: James Algar, Samuel Armstrong (as Sam Armstrong) | 7 more credits Writers: Felix Salten (from the story by), Perce Pearce (story direction) | 6 more credits
Bamboozled (2000) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 2h 15min | Comedy, Drama, Music | 20 October 2000 (USA) -- A frustrated African-American TV writer proposes a blackface minstrel show in protest, but to his chagrin it becomes a hit. Director: Spike Lee Writer: Spike Lee
Banana Joe (1982) ::: 6.4/10 -- 1h 36min | Action, Comedy | 8 April 1982 (Italy) -- A man is living happily on an island with his family, growing bananas. When a local mobster with an eye on man's property tries to take it from him, he must go to the town for the first time to get some help. Director: Steno Writers: Mario Amendola (screenplay) (as Amendola), Bruno Corbucci (screenplay) (as Corbucci) | 2 more credits
Bananas (1971) ::: 7.0/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 22min | Comedy | 19 July 1971 (Sweden) -- When a bumbling New Yorker is dumped by his activist girlfriend, he travels to a tiny Latin American nation and becomes involved in its latest rebellion. Director: Woody Allen Writers:
Band Aid (2017) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 1h 31min | Comedy, Drama, Music | 9 June 2017 (USA) -- A couple who can't stop fighting embark on a last-ditch effort to save their marriage: turning their fights into songs and starting a band. Director: Zoe Lister-Jones Writer: Zoe Lister-Jones
Band Baaja Baaraat (2010) ::: 7.2/10 -- Not Rated | 2h 19min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 10 December 2010 -- Band Baaja Baaraat Poster -- Shruti and Bittoo become partners in their very own "Wedding planning ka bijness" in Delhi and in the process discover friendship, love and one another. Director: Maneesh Sharma Writers:
Bandits (2001) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 3min | Comedy, Crime, Drama | 12 October 2001 (USA) -- Two bank robbers fall in love with the girl they've kidnapped. Director: Barry Levinson Writer: Harley Peyton
Bandits (2001) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 3min | Comedy, Crime, Drama | 12 October 2001 (USA) -- Two bank robbers fall in love with the girl they've kidnapped. Director:
Band of Outsiders (1964) ::: 7.7/10 -- Bande part (original title) -- Band of Outsiders Poster -- Two crooks with a fondness for old Hollywood B-movies convince a languages student to help them commit a robbery. Director: Jean-Luc Godard (as Cinma) Writer:
Bandolero! (1968) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 46min | Action, Crime, Drama | 1 June 1968 (USA) -- Mace Bishop (James Stewart) masquerades as a hangman in order to save his outlaw brother, Dee (Dean Martin), from the gallows, runs to Mexico chased by Sheriff July Johnson's (George Kennedy's) posse and fights against Mexican bandits. Director: Andrew V. McLaglen Writers:
Bang Bang You're Dead (2002) ::: 7.8/10 -- R | 1h 33min | Crime, Drama, Thriller | 21 January 2008 (Hungary) -- Trevor is a troubled high school student, thanks to the effects of bullying. This is the story of his fight to break free. Director: Guy Ferland Writer: William Mastrosimone Stars:
Bang the Drum Slowly (1973) ::: 6.9/10 -- PG | 1h 36min | Drama, Sport | 9 March 1978 (Netherlands) -- The story of the friendship between a star pitcher, wise to the world, and a half-wit catcher, as they cope with the catcher's terminal illness through a baseball season. Director: John D. Hancock (as John Hancock) Writers: Mark Harris (novel), Mark Harris (screenplay) Stars:
Barabbas (1961) ::: 6.9/10 -- Not Rated | 2h 17min | Biography, Drama, History | 10 October 1962 -- Barabbas Poster Barabbas, the criminal that Pontius Pilate induced the populace to vote to set free, so that Christ could be crucified, is haunted by the image of Jesus for the rest of his life. Director: Richard Fleischer Writers: Christopher Fry (screenplay), Pr Lagerkvist (novel)
Barb and Star Go to Vista Del Mar (2021) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 47min | Comedy | 12 February 2021 (USA) -- Lifelong friends Barb and Star embark on the adventure of a lifetime when they decide to leave their small Midwestern town for the first time - ever. Director: Josh Greenbaum Writers:
Barcelona (1994) ::: 7.0/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 41min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 29 July 1994 (USA) -- An American working in Barcelona, having sworn off beautiful women, is forced to be host to his playboy cousin in this witty comedy of good intentions and mixed signals. Director: Whit Stillman Writer:
Barefoot (2014) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 30min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 4 September 2014 (Israel) -- The "black sheep" son of a wealthy family meets a young psychiatric patient who's been raised in isolation her entire life. He then takes the naive young woman home for his brother's wedding. Director: Andrew Fleming Writer:
Barefoot Gen (1983) ::: 8.0/10 -- Hadashi no Gen (original title) -- Barefoot Gen Poster A powerful statement against war, Barefoot Gen is a disturbing story about the effect of the atomic bomb on a boy's life and the lives of the Japanese people. Director: Mori Masaki Writers: Keiji Nakazawa (manga), Keiji Nakazawa (screenplay)
Barefoot in the Park (1967) ::: 7.0/10 -- G | 1h 46min | Comedy, Romance | 25 May 1967 (USA) -- Paul, a conservative young lawyer, marries the vivacious Corie. Their highly passionate relationship descends into comical discord in a five-flight New York City walk-up apartment. Director: Gene Saks Writers:
Barfly (1987) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 1h 40min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 16 October 1987 (USA) -- Based on the life of successful poet Charles Bukowski and his exploits in Hollywood during the 60s, 70s, and 80s. Director: Barbet Schroeder Writer: Charles Bukowski
Barney's Version (2010) ::: 7.3/10 -- R | 2h 14min | Comedy, Drama | 18 February 2011 (USA) -- The picaresque and touching story of the politically incorrect, fully lived life of the impulsive, irascible and fearlessly blunt Barney Panofsky. Director: Richard J. Lewis Writers:
Barry Lyndon (1975) ::: 8.1/10 -- PG | 3h 5min | Adventure, Drama, History | 18 December 1975 (USA) -- An Irish rogue wins the heart of a rich widow and assumes her dead husband's aristocratic position in 18th-century England. Director: Stanley Kubrick Writers: Stanley Kubrick (written for the screen by), William Makepeace
Barton Fink (1991) ::: 7.7/10 -- R | 1h 56min | Comedy, Drama, Thriller | 21 August 1991 (USA) -- A renowned New York playwright is enticed to California to write for the movies and discovers the hellish truth of Hollywood. Directors: Joel Coen, Ethan Coen (uncredited) Writers: Joel Coen, Ethan Coen
BASEketball (1998) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 43min | Comedy, Sport | 31 July 1998 (USA) -- Two childhood friends are pro athletes of a national sport called BASEketball, a hybrid of baseball and basketball, and must deal with a greedy businessman scheming against their team. Director: David Zucker Writers:
Basic (2003) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 38min | Action, Crime, Drama | 28 March 2003 (USA) -- A D.E.A. Agent investigates the disappearance of a legendary Army Ranger Drill Sergeant and several of his cadets during a training exercise gone severely awry. Director: John McTiernan Writer:
Basic Instinct (1992) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 2h 7min | Drama, Mystery, Thriller | 20 March 1992 (USA) -- A violent police detective investigates a brutal murder that might involve a manipulative and seductive novelist. Director: Paul Verhoeven Writer: Joe Eszterhas
Basquiat (1996) ::: 6.9/10 -- R | 1h 47min | Biography, Drama | 9 August 1996 (USA) -- The brief life of Jean Michel Basquiat, a world renowned New York street artist struggling with fame, drugs and his identity. Director: Julian Schnabel Writers: Lech Majewski (story) (as Lech J. Majewski), John Bowe (short story)
Bastard Out of Carolina (1996) ::: 7.4/10 -- R | 1h 38min | Drama | 15 December 1996 (USA) -- A mother and daughter find their lives adversely affected when a new man enters the picture. Will their family ever be what they expect? Director: Anjelica Huston Writers: Dorothy Allison (book), Anne Meredith (teleplay) Stars:
Bat*21 (1988) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 45min | Drama, War | 21 October 1988 (USA) -- During the Vietnam War, Colonel Hambleton's aircraft is shot down over enemy territory and a frantic rescue operation ensues. Director: Peter Markle Writers: William C. Anderson (book), William C. Anderson (screenplay) | 1 more credit Stars:
Batman (1989) ::: 7.5/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 6min | Action, Adventure | 23 June 1989 (USA) -- The Dark Knight of Gotham City begins his war on crime with his first major enemy being Jack Napier, a criminal who becomes the clownishly homicidal Joker. Director: Tim Burton Writers:
Batman Begins (2005) ::: 8.2/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 20min | Action, Adventure | 15 June 2005 (USA) -- After training with his mentor, Batman begins his fight to free crime-ridden Gotham City from corruption. Director: Christopher Nolan Writers: Bob Kane (characters), David S. Goyer (story) | 2 more credits
Batman Beyond: The Movie (1999) ::: 7.8/10 -- TV-Y7 | 2h 12min | Animation, Sci-Fi, Action | TV Movie 10 January 1999 -- Decades after the retirement of Bruce Wayne as Batman, a boy dons the identity to avenge his own father's murder. Directors: Curt Geda, Butch Lukic | 2 more credits
Batman Beyond: The Movie (1999) ::: 7.8/10 -- TV-Y7 | 2h 12min | Animation, Sci-Fi, Action | TV Movie 10 January 1999 -- Decades after the retirement of Bruce Wayne as Batman, a boy dons the identity to avenge his own father's murder. Directors: Curt Geda, Butch Lukic | 2 more credits Writers: Alan Burnett (story), Paul Dini | 5 more credits Stars:
Batman: Gotham by Gaslight (2018) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 1h 18min | Animation, Action, Adventure | 23 January 2018 (USA) -- In an alternative Victorian Age Gotham City, Batman begins his war on crime while he investigates a new series of murders by Jack the Ripper. Director: Sam Liu Writers: James Krieg (as Jim Krieg), Brian Augustyn (graphic novel: "Gotham by Gaslight") | 5 more credits Stars:
Batman: Mask of the Phantasm (1993) ::: 7.8/10 -- PG | 1h 16min | Animation, Action, Crime | 25 December 1993 (USA) -- Batman is wrongly implicated in a series of murders of mob bosses actually done by a new vigilante assassin. Directors: Kevin Altieri, Boyd Kirkland | 4 more credits Writers: Alan Burnett (story by), Alan Burnett (screenplay by) | 4 more
Batman: Return of the Caped Crusaders (2016) ::: 6.8/10 -- PG | 1h 18min | Animation, Action, Adventure | 11 October 2016 (USA) -- Batman and Robin of the 1960s live action series are back in action to take down their fiendish foes united once more against them. Director: Rick Morales Writers: Michael Jelenic (screenplay by), James Tucker (screenplay by) | 4 more
Batman Returns (1992) ::: 7.0/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 6min | Action, Crime, Fantasy | 19 June 1992 (USA) -- While Batman deals with a deformed man calling himself the Penguin wreaking havoc across Gotham with the help of a cruel businessman, a female employee of the latter becomes the Catwoman with her own vendetta. Director: Tim Burton Writers:
Batman: The Killing Joke (2016) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 16min | Animation, Action, Crime | 25 July 2016 (USA) -- As Batman hunts for the escaped Joker, the Clown Prince of Crime attacks the Gordon family to prove a diabolical point mirroring his own fall into madness. Director: Sam Liu Writers:
Batman: The Movie (1966) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG | 1h 45min | Adventure, Comedy, Crime | 30 July 1966 (USA) -- The Dynamic Duo faces four supervillains who plan to hold the world for ransom with the help of a secret invention that instantly dehydrates people. Director: Leslie H. Martinson Writers:
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016) ::: 6.4/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 32min | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi | 25 March 2016 (USA) -- Fearing that the actions of Superman are left unchecked, Batman takes on the Man of Steel, while the world wrestles with what kind of a hero it really needs. Director: Zack Snyder Writers:
*batteries not included (1987) ::: 6.7/10 -- PG | 1h 46min | Comedy, Family, Fantasy | 18 December 1987 (USA) -- Aliens help a feisty old New York couple in their battle against the ruthless land developer who's out to evict them. Director: Matthew Robbins Writers: Mick Garris (story by), Brad Bird (screenplay by) | 3 more credits
Battle Angel (1993) ::: 7.3/10 -- Gunnm (original title) -- Battle Angel Poster In a distant future, a the young cyborg Gally is found on a scrapheap by the Cyberdoctor Daisuke Ido, who rebuilds her and becomes her surrogate father. Director: Hiroshi Fukutomi Writers: Yukito Kishiro (comic), Akinori End
Battle for Haditha (2007) ::: 6.9/10 -- R | 1h 37min | Drama, History, War | 7 May 2008 (USA) -- An investigation of the massacre of 24 men, women and children in Haditha, Iraq allegedly shot by 4 U.S. Marines in retaliation for the death of a U.S. Marine killed by a roadside bomb. The movie follows the story of the Marines of Kilo Company, an Iraqi family, and the insurgents who plant the roadside bomb. Director: Nick Broomfield
Battle for Sevastopol (2015) ::: 7.1/10 -- Bitva za Sevastopol (original title) -- Battle for Sevastopol Poster -- A story of Lyudmila Pavlichenko, the most successful female sniper in history. Director: Sergey Mokritskiy Writers:
Battle for Terra (2007) ::: 6.5/10 -- Terra (original title) -- Battle for Terra Poster -- A peaceful alien planet faces annihilation, as the homeless remainder of the human race sets its eyes on Terra. Mala, a rebellious Terrian teenager, will do everything she can to stop it. Director: Aristomenis Tsirbas Writers:
Battleground (1949) ::: 7.4/10 -- Approved | 1h 58min | Action, Drama, History | 20 January 1950 (USA) -- True tale about a squad of the 101st Airborne Division coping with being trapped by the Germans in the besieged city of Bastogne, Belgium during the Battle of the Bulge in December of 1944. Director: William A. Wellman Writer: Robert Pirosh (story and screenplay) Stars:
Battle Ground 625 (2005) ::: 7.7/10 -- Welkkeom tu Dongmakgol (original title) -- Battle Ground 625 Poster Soldiers from both sides of the Korean divide live among villagers who know nothing of the war. Director: Kwang-Hyun Park Writers: Jin Jang (play), Joong Kim | 1 more credit Stars:
Battle in Seattle (2007) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 1h 38min | Action, Drama, History | 7 May 2008 (France) -- Activists arrive in Seattle, Washington en masse to protest a meeting of the World Trade Organization. Riots and chaos ensue as demonstrators successfully stop the WTO meetings. Director: Stuart Townsend Writer:
Battle of Britain (1969) ::: 7.0/10 -- G | 2h 12min | Action, Drama, History | 24 October 1969 (USA) -- In 1940, the British Royal Air Force fights a desperate battle to prevent the Luftwaffe from gaining air superiority over the English Channel as a prelude to a possible Axis invasion of the U.K. Director: Guy Hamilton Writers: James Kennaway (screenplay), Wilfred Greatorex (screenplay) | 2 more credits
Battle of Memories (2017) ::: 6.5/10 -- Ji yi da shi (original title) -- Battle of Memories Poster -- After undergoing a procedure to erase his memories, a successful author begins having unexplained recollections relating to a series of unsolved murders. Director: Leste Chen Writers:
Battle of the Bulge (1965) ::: 6.8/10 -- Not Rated | 2h 47min | Drama, History, War | 19 January 1966 (France) -- A dramatization of Nazi Germany's final Western Front counterattack of World War II. Director: Ken Annakin Writers: Philip Yordan, Milton Sperling | 1 more credit
Battle of the Sexes (2017) ::: 6.7/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 1min | Biography, Comedy, Drama | 29 September 2017 (USA) -- The true story of the 1973 tennis match between World number one Billie Jean King and ex-champ and serial hustler Bobby Riggs. Directors: Jonathan Dayton, Valerie Faris Writer: Simon Beaufoy
Battle Royale (2000) ::: 7.6/10 -- Batoru rowaiaru (original title) -- (Japan) Battle Royale Poster In the future, the Japanese government captures a class of ninth-grade students and forces them to kill each other under the revolutionary "Battle Royale" act. Director: Kinji Fukasaku Writers: Koushun Takami (novel), Kenta Fukasaku (screenplay)
Battlestar Galactica (1978) ::: 6.9/10 -- PG | 2h 28min | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi | 18 May 1979 (USA) -- After the destruction of the Twelve Colonies of Mankind, the last major fighter carrier leads a makeshift fugitive fleet in a desperate search for the legendary planet Earth. Directors: Richard A. Colla, Alan J. Levi (uncredited) Writer:
Battlestar Galactica: Blood & Chrome (2012) ::: 7.0/10 -- Unrated | 1h 31min | Action, Sci-Fi | TV Movie 9 November 2012 -- The adventures of young William Adama in the First Cylon War. Director: Jonas Pate Writers: Michael Taylor (creator), David Eick (creator) | 6 more credits
Battlestar Galactica: Blood & Chrome (2012) ::: 7.0/10 -- Unrated | 1h 31min | Action, Sci-Fi | TV Movie 9 November 2012 -- The adventures of young William Adama in the First Cylon War. Director: Jonas Pate Writers: Michael Taylor (creator), David Eick (creator) | 6 more credits
Battlestar Galactica: Razor (2007) ::: 7.6/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 41min | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi | TV Movie 24 November -- Battlestar Galactica: Razor Poster -- A two-hour Battlestar Galactica special that tells the story of the Battlestar Pegasus several months prior to it finding the Galactica. Director: Flix Enrquez Alcala (as Flix Alcala) Writers:
Battlestar Galactica: Razor (2007) ::: 7.6/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 41min | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi | TV Movie 24 November -- Battlestar Galactica: Razor Poster -- A two-hour Battlestar Galactica special that tells the story of the Battlestar Pegasus several months prior to it finding the Galactica. Director: Flix Enrquez Alcal (as Flix Alcal) Writers:
Battlestar Galactica: The Plan (2009) ::: 7.1/10 -- The Plan (original title) -- Battlestar Galactica: The Plan Poster When the initial Cylon attack against the Twelve Colonies fails to achieve complete extermination of human life as planned, twin Number Ones (Cavils) embedded on Galactica and Caprica must improvise to destroy the human survivors. Director: Edward James Olmos Writer: Jane Espenson
Beaches (1988) ::: 7.0/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 3min | Comedy, Drama, Music | 13 January 1989 (USA) -- A privileged rich debutante and a cynical struggling entertainer share a turbulent, but strong childhood friendship over the years. Director: Garry Marshall Writers: Iris Rainer (novel) (as Iris Rainer Dart), Mary Agnes Donoghue
Beach Rats (2017) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 38min | Drama | 25 January 2018 (Germany) -- A Brooklyn teenager spends his days experimenting with drugs and looking online for older men to meet with. Director: Eliza Hittman Writer: Eliza Hittman
Bean (1997) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 29min | Adventure, Comedy, Family | 7 November 1997 (USA) -- The bumbling Mr. Bean travels to America when he is given the responsibility of bringing a highly valuable painting to a Los Angeles museum. Director: Mel Smith Writers:
Beast (2017) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 1h 47min | Crime, Drama, Mystery | 11 May 2018 (USA) -- A troubled woman living in an isolated community finds herself pulled between the control of her oppressive family and the allure of a secretive outsider suspected of a series of brutal murders. Director: Michael Pearce Writer:
Beasts of No Nation (2015) ::: 7.7/10 -- Not Rated | 2h 17min | Drama, War | 16 October 2015 (USA) -- A drama based on the experiences of Agu, a child soldier fighting in the civil war of an unnamed African country. Director: Cary Joji Fukunaga Writers: Cary Joji Fukunaga (written for the screen by), Uzodinma Iweala (based
Beasts of the Southern Wild (2012) ::: 7.3/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 33min | Adventure, Drama, Fantasy | 5 July 2012 (Russia) -- Faced with both her hot-tempered father's fading health and melting ice-caps that flood her ramshackle bayou community and unleash ancient aurochs, six-year-old Hushpuppy must learn the ways of courage and love. Director: Benh Zeitlin Writers:
Beats (2019) ::: 6.4/10 -- TV-MA | 1h 49min | Drama | 19 June 2019 (USA) -- A reclusive teenage musical prodigy forms an unlikely friendship with a down-on-his-luck high school security guard. United by their mutual love of hiphop, they confront the demons of their past and try to break into Chicago's music scene. Director: Chris Robinson Writer:
Beats (2019) ::: 7.1/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 41min | Comedy, Crime, Drama | 26 June 2020 (USA) -- Two teenage boys in Scotland in 1994, best friends with no control over their lives, risk everything to attend an illegal rave, hoping for the best night of their boring lives. Director: Brian Welsh Writers:
Beat Street (1984) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG | 1h 45min | Drama, Music | 8 June 1984 (USA) -- An aspiring DJ, from the South Bronx, and his best friend, a promoter, try to get into show business by exposing people to hip-hop music and culture. Director: Stan Lathan Writers: Steven Hager (story by) (as Steve Hager), Andrew Davis (screenplay by) (as Andy Davis) | 2 more credits
Beat the Devil (1953) ::: 6.5/10 -- Approved | 1h 29min | Action, Adventure, Comedy | 17 December 1953 -- Beat the Devil Poster -- On their way to Africa are a group of rogues who hope to get rich there, and a seemingly innocent British couple. They meet and things happen... Director: John Huston Writers:
Beau Geste (1939) ::: 7.6/10 -- Passed | 1h 52min | Action, Adventure, Drama | 24 July 1939 (USA) -- Three adopted English brothers join the French Foreign Legion in North Africa, after one of them steals their adoptive family's famous heirloom sapphire. Director: William A. Wellman Writers: Robert Carson (screen play), Percival Christopher Wren (based on the novel by)
Beautiful Boxer (2004) ::: 7.1/10 -- Unrated | 1h 58min | Action, Biography, Drama | 29 April 2004 -- Beautiful Boxer Poster -- Biopic of transgender Muay Thai boxer Parinya Charoenphol who pursued the sport to pay for her gender reassignment surgery. Director: Ekachai Uekrongtham Writers:
Beautiful Boy (2010) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 1h 40min | Drama | 4 November 2011 (Brazil) -- A married couple on the verge of separation are leveled by the news their 18-year-old son committed a mass shooting at his college, then took his own life. Director: Shawn Ku Writers:
Beautiful Boy (2018) ::: 7.3/10 -- R | 2h | Biography, Drama | 25 October 2018 (Israel) -- Based on the best-selling pair of memoirs from father and son David and Nic Sheff, Beautiful Boy chronicles the heartbreaking and inspiring experience of survival, relapse and recovery in a family coping with addiction over many years. Director: Felix van Groeningen Writers:
Beautiful Girls (1996) ::: 7.1/10 -- R | 1h 52min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 9 February 1996 (USA) -- A piano player at a crossroads in his life returns home to his friends and their own problems with life and love. Director: Ted Demme Writer: Scott Rosenberg
Beautiful Kate (2009) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 1h 40min | Drama, Mystery | 6 August 2009 (Australia) -- A writer reawakens his childhood trauma from the past when he returns home, at the request of his estranged sister, to grieve their father's impending death. Director: Rachel Ward Writers:
Beautiful Lies (2010) ::: 6.5/10 -- De vrais mensonges (original title) -- Beautiful Lies Poster -- A hairdresser forwards a passionate love letter to her mother. Director: Pierre Salvadori Writers: Pierre Salvadori (scenario), Benot Graffin (scenario) | 1 more
Beautiful Thing (1996) ::: 7.5/10 -- R | 1h 30min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 9 October 1996 (USA) -- Jamie is a shy teenager, often bullied at school. His neighbour Ste has a rough time at home, being beaten by his father and brother. This issues bring them together and they find that what they feel for each other is more than friendship. Director: Hettie Macdonald Writers: Jonathan Harvey, Jonathan Harvey (play)
Beauty and the Beast (1991) ::: 8.0/10 -- G | 1h 24min | Animation, Family, Fantasy | 22 November 1991 (USA) -- A prince cursed to spend his days as a hideous monster sets out to regain his humanity by earning a young woman's love. Directors: Gary Trousdale, Kirk Wise Writers: Linda Woolverton (animation screenplay by), Brenda Chapman (story by) |
Beauty and the Beast (2014) ::: 6.4/10 -- La belle et la bte (original title) -- Beauty and the Beast Poster -- An unexpected romance blooms after the the youngest daughter of a merchant who has fallen on hard times offers herself to the mysterious beast to which her father has become indebted. Director: Christophe Gans Writers:
Beauty and the Beast (2017) ::: 7.1/10 -- PG | 2h 9min | Family, Fantasy, Musical | 17 March 2017 (USA) -- A selfish Prince is cursed to become a monster for the rest of his life, unless he learns to fall in love with a beautiful young woman he keeps prisoner. Director: Bill Condon Writers:
Beavis and Butt-Head Do America (1996) ::: 6.8/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 21min | Animation, Adventure, Comedy | 20 December 1996 -- Beavis and Butt-Head Do America Poster -- Our intrepid adolescent heroes wake up to find their beloved television stolen, and embark on an epic journey across America to recover it, and, who knows, maybe even score. Directors: Mike Judge, Mike de Seve (as Mike DeSeve) | 2 more credits Writers:
Becket (1964) ::: 7.8/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 28min | Biography, Drama, History | 11 March 1964 (USA) -- King Henry II of England comes to terms with his affection for his close friend and confidant Thomas Becket, who finds his true honor by observing God's divine will rather than the King's. Director: Peter Glenville Writers:
Becoming Jane (2007) ::: 7.0/10 -- PG | 2h | Biography, Drama, Romance | 10 August 2007 (USA) -- A biographical portrait of a pre-fame Jane Austen and her romance with a young Irishman. Director: Julian Jarrold Writers: Jane Austen (letters), Kevin Hood | 1 more credit
Bedazzled (1967) ::: 6.9/10 -- Approved | 1h 43min | Comedy, Fantasy, Romance | 10 December 1967 (USA) -- A hapless loser sells his soul to the Devil in exchange for seven wishes, but has trouble winning over the girl of his dreams. Director: Stanley Donen Writers: Peter Cook (screenplay), Peter Cook (story) | 1 more credit
Bedknobs and Broomsticks (1971) ::: 7.1/10 -- G | 1h 57min | Animation, Adventure, Comedy | 13 December 1971 (USA) -- An apprentice witch, three kids and a cynical magician conman search for the missing component to a magic spell to be used in the defense of Britain in World War II. Directors: Robert Stevenson, Ward Kimball (uncredited) Writers:
Bedlam (1946) ::: 6.8/10 -- Approved | 1h 19min | Drama, Horror, Thriller | 10 May 1946 (USA) -- Nell Bowen, the spirited protege of rich Lord Mortimer, becomes interested in the conditions of notorious St. Mary's of Bethlehem Asylum (Bedlam). Encouraged by the Quaker Hannay, she tries... S Director: Mark Robson Writers: William Hogarth (suggested by The William Hogarth painting Bedlam Plate #8 "The Rake's Progress"), Val Lewton (screenplay) (as Carlos Keith) |
Bedrooms and Hallways (1998) ::: 6.6/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 32min | Comedy, Romance | 9 April 1999 (UK) -- At the suggestion of a straight friend, gay man Leo joins a men's group, where he causes some upsets by declaring his attraction to one of its members. Director: Rose Troche Writer: Robert Farrar Stars:
Beetlejuice (1988) ::: 7.5/10 -- Beetle Juice (original title) -- Beetlejuice Poster -- The spirits of a deceased couple are harassed by an unbearable family that has moved into their home, and hire a malicious spirit to drive them out. Director: Tim Burton Writers:
Before I Disappear (2014) ::: 7.2/10 -- Unrated | 1h 33min | Adventure, Drama | 28 November 2014 (USA) -- At the lowest point of his life, Richie gets a call from his estranged sister, asking him to look after his eleven-year old niece, Sophia, for a few hours. Director: Shawn Christensen Writer:
Before I Fall (2017) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 38min | Drama, Fantasy, Mystery | 3 March 2017 (USA) -- February 12 is just another day in Sam's charmed life, until it turns out to be her last. Stuck reliving her last day over and over, Sam untangles the mystery around her death and discovers everything she's losing. Director: Ry Russo-Young Writers:
Before I Go to Sleep (2014) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 32min | Drama, Mystery, Thriller | 31 October 2014 (USA) -- A woman wakes up every day, remembering nothing as a result of a traumatic accident in her past. One day, new terrifying truths emerge that force her to question everyone around her. Director: Rowan Joffe Writers:
Before Midnight (2013) ::: 7.9/10 -- R | 1h 49min | Drama, Romance | 14 June 2013 (USA) -- We meet Jesse and Celine nine years on in Greece. Almost two decades have passed since their first meeting on that train bound for Vienna. Director: Richard Linklater Writers: Richard Linklater, Julie Delpy | 3 more credits
Before Night Falls (2000) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 2h 13min | Biography, Drama, Romance | 23 February 2001 (USA) -- The life of Cuban poet and novelist, Reinaldo Arenas. Director: Julian Schnabel Writers: Cunningham O'Keefe, Lzaro Gmez Carriles (as Lazaro Gomez Carriles) | 3 more credits
Before Sunrise (1995) ::: 8.1/10 -- R | 1h 41min | Drama, Romance | 27 January 1995 (USA) -- A young man and woman meet on a train in Europe, and wind up spending one evening together in Vienna. Unfortunately, both know that this will probably be their only night together. Director: Richard Linklater Writers:
Before Sunset (2004) ::: 8.1/10 -- R | 1h 20min | Drama, Romance | 30 July 2004 (USA) -- Nine years after Jesse and Celine first met, they encounter each other again on the French leg of Jesse's book tour. Director: Richard Linklater Writers: Richard Linklater (screenplay), Julie Delpy (screenplay) | 5 more
Before the Devil Knows You're Dead (2007) ::: 7.3/10 -- R | 1h 57min | Crime, Drama, Thriller | 26 October 2007 (USA) -- When two brothers organize the robbery of their parents' jewelry store the job goes horribly wrong, triggering a series of events that sends them, their father and one brother's wife hurtling towards a shattering climax. Director: Sidney Lumet Writer:
Before the Rain (1994) ::: 8.0/10 -- Pred dozhdot (original title) -- Before the Rain Poster -- Three interconnected stories of love under the threat of civil war in Macedonia and London. Director: Milcho Manchevski Writer:
Before We Go (2014) ::: 6.8/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 35min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 21 July 2015 (USA) -- Two strangers stuck in Manhattan for the night grow into each other's most trusted confidants when an evening of unexpected adventure forces them to confront their fears and take control of their lives. Director: Chris Evans Writers:
Begin Again (2013) ::: 7.4/10 -- R | 1h 44min | Comedy, Drama, Music | 11 July 2014 (USA) -- A chance encounter between a down-and-out music-business executive and a young singer-songwriter, new to Manhattan, turns into a promising collaboration between the two talents. Director: John Carney Writer:
Beginners (2010) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 1h 45min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 9 June 2011 (Germany) -- A young man is rocked by two announcements from his elderly father: that he has terminal cancer and that he has a young male lover. Director: Mike Mills Writer: Mike Mills
Behind Enemy Lines (2001) ::: 6.4/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 46min | Action, Drama, Thriller | 30 November 2001 (USA) -- A Navy navigator is shot down over enemy territory and is ruthlessly pursued by a secret police enforcer and the opposing troops. Meanwhile his commanding officer goes against orders in an attempt to rescue him. Director: John Moore Writers:
Behind The Candelabra (2013) ::: 7.0/10 -- Behind the Candelabra (original title) -- Behind The Candelabra Poster -- A chronicle of the tempestuous six-year romance between megastar singer Liberace and his young lover Scott Thorson. Director: Steven Soderbergh Writers:
Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon (2006) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 1h 32min | Comedy, Horror, Thriller | 13 October 2006 (USA) -- The next great psycho horror slasher has given a documentary crew exclusive access to his life as he plans his reign of terror over the sleepy town of Glen Echo. Director: Scott Glosserman Writers:
Being Flynn (2012) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 42min | Drama | 19 April 2012 (Hungary) -- Working in a Boston homeless shelter, Nick Flynn re-encounters his father, a con man and self-proclaimed poet. Sensing trouble in his own life, Nick wrestles with the notion of reaching out yet again to his dad. Director: Paul Weitz Writers:
Being Human (1994) ::: 5.5/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 2min | Comedy, Drama | 6 May 1994 (USA) -- One man must learn the meaning of courage across four lifetimes centuries apart. Director: Bill Forsyth Writer: Bill Forsyth
Being in the World (2010) ::: 7.4/10 -- Unrated | 1h 21min | Documentary | 2010 (USA) -- BEING IN THE WORLD takes us on a journey around the world to meet philosophers influenced by the thought of Martin Heidegger, as well as experts in the fields of sports, music, craft, and ... S Director: Tao Ruspoli Stars:
Being John Malkovich (1999) ::: 7.7/10 -- R | 1h 53min | Comedy, Drama, Fantasy | 3 December 1999 (USA) -- A puppeteer discovers a portal that leads literally into the head of movie star John Malkovich. Director: Spike Jonze Writer: Charlie Kaufman
Being Julia (2004) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 1h 44min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 18 February 2005 (USA) -- Set in 1930s London, this movie involves stage actors and actresses and their experiences with love and revenge. Director: Istvn Szab Writers: W. Somerset Maugham (novel), Ronald Harwood (screenplay)
Being There (1979) ::: 8.0/10 -- PG | 2h 10min | Comedy, Drama | 8 February 1980 (USA) -- A simpleminded, sheltered gardener becomes an unlikely trusted advisor to a powerful businessman and an insider in Washington politics. Director: Hal Ashby Writers: Jerzy Kosinski (novel), Jerzy Kosinski (screenplay)
Beirut (2018) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 49min | Action, Crime, Drama | 11 April 2018 (USA) -- Caught in the crossfires of civil war, CIA operatives must send a former U.S. diplomat to negotiate for the life of a friend he left behind. Director: Brad Anderson Writer:
Be Kind Rewind (2008) ::: 6.4/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 42min | Comedy | 22 February 2008 (USA) -- Two bumbling store clerks inadvertently erase the footage from all of the tapes in their video rental store. In order to keep the business running, they re-shoot every film in the store with their own camera, with a budget of zero dollars. Director: Michel Gondry Writer:
Bella (2006) ::: 7.2/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 31min | Drama, Romance | 30 November 2007 (USA) -- A chef with a mysterious past spends the day with a waitress who needs a friend. Director: Alejandro Monteverde (as Alejandro Gmez Monteverde) Writers: Alejandro Monteverde (as Alejandro Gmez Monteverde), Patrick Million |
Belladonna of Sadness (1973) ::: 7.4/10 -- Kanashimi no beradonna (original title) -- Belladonna of Sadness Poster -- An evil feudal lord rapes a village girl on her wedding night and proceeds to ruin her and her husband's lives. After she's eventually banished from her village, the girl makes a pact with the devil to gain magical ability and take revenge. Director: Eiichi Yamamoto
Bell Book and Candle (1958) ::: 6.9/10 -- Approved | 1h 46min | Comedy, Fantasy, Romance | 19 December 1958 -- Bell Book and Candle Poster -- A modern-day witch likes her neighbor but despises his fiance, so she enchants him to love her instead. Director: Richard Quine Writers:
Belle (2013) ::: 7.3/10 -- PG | 1h 40min | Biography, Drama, Romance | 13 June 2014 (UK) -- The mixed-race daughter, Dido Elizabeth Belle (Gugu Mbatha-Raw), of Royal Navy Captain Sir John Lindsay (Matthew Goode) is raised by aristocratic Great-uncle Lord William Murray, 1st Earl of Mansfield (Tom Wilkinson) in eighteenth century England. Director: Amma Asante Writer:
Bellflower (2011) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 46min | Action, Drama, Romance | 21 March 2012 (France) -- Two friends spend all their free time building flame-throwers and weapons of mass destruction in hopes that a global apocalypse will occur and clear the runway for their imaginary gang "Mother Medusa". Director: Evan Glodell Writer:
Bend It Like Beckham (2002) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 52min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 1 August 2003 (USA) -- Two ambitious girls, despite their parents' wishes, have their hearts set on careers in professional soccer. Director: Gurinder Chadha Writers: Gurinder Chadha, Guljit Bindra | 1 more credit
Bend of the River (1952) ::: 7.3/10 -- Approved | 1h 31min | Action, Adventure, Romance | 15 April 1952 -- Bend of the River Poster -- When a town boss confiscates homesteader's supplies after gold is discovered nearby, a tough cowboy risks his life to try and get it to them. Director: Anthony Mann Writers:
Beneath Hill 60 (2010) ::: 7.1/10 -- R | 2h 2min | Drama, History, War | 15 April 2010 (Australia) -- In 1916, the 1st Australian Tunnelling Company is tunneling beneath German fortifications and bunkers to detonate massive explosive charges. Director: Jeremy Sims (as Jeremy Hartley Sims) Writer:
Ben-Hur (1959) ::: 8.1/10 -- G | 3h 32min | Adventure, Drama, History | 18 November 1959 (Canada) -- After a Jewish prince is betrayed and sent into slavery by a Roman friend, he regains his freedom and comes back for revenge. Director: William Wyler Writers: Lew Wallace (A Tale of Christ) (as General Lew Wallace), Karl Tunberg
Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ (1925) ::: 7.8/10 -- Not Rated | 2h 23min | Adventure, Drama, Romance | 8 October 1927 (USA) -- A Jewish prince seeks to find his family and revenge himself upon his childhood friend who had him wrongly imprisoned. Directors: Fred Niblo, Charles Brabin (uncredited) | 3 more credits Writers: Lew Wallace (novel) (as General Lew Wallace), June Mathis (adaptation) | 3 more credits Stars:
Ben Is Back (2018) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 1h 43min | Drama | 5 December 2018 (Spain) -- A drug addicted teenage boy shows up unexpectedly at his family's home on Christmas Eve. Director: Peter Hedges Writer: Peter Hedges
Benny & Joon (1993) ::: 7.2/10 -- PG | 1h 38min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 16 April 1993 (USA) -- A mentally ill young woman finds her love in an eccentric man who models himself after Buster Keaton. Director: Jeremiah S. Chechik (as Jeremiah Chechik) Writers: Barry Berman (story), Lesley McNeil (story) (as Leslie McNeil) | 1 more
Benny's Video (1992) ::: 7.2/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 45min | Crime, Drama | 11 February 1993 (Norway) -- A 14-year-old video enthusiast is so caught up in film fantasy that he can no longer relate to the real world, to such an extent that he commits murder and records an on-camera confession for his parents. Director: Michael Haneke Writer: Michael Haneke Stars:
Bent (1997) ::: 7.2/10 -- NC-17 | 1h 45min | Drama, History, Romance | 26 November 1997 (USA) -- In 1930s Berlin, a gay Jew is sent to a concentration camp under the Nazi regime. Director: Sean Mathias Writers: Martin Sherman (screenplay), Martin Sherman (play)
Bernard and Doris (2006) ::: 6.5/10 -- TV-14 | 1h 42min | Biography, Comedy, Drama | 17 October 2007 (USA) -- The story of the twilight years of tobacco billionairess Doris Duke and her relationship with her gay butler, to whom she left her entire fortune. Director: Bob Balaban Writer: Hugh Costello Stars:
Bernie (2011) ::: 6.8/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 44min | Biography, Comedy, Crime | 22 June 2012 (Iceland) -- In small-town Texas, an affable mortician strikes up a friendship with a wealthy widow, though when she starts to become controlling, he goes to great lengths to separate himself from her grasp. Director: Richard Linklater Writers:
Berserk: The Golden Age Arc III - The Advent (2013) ::: 7.9/10 -- Berserk: Ougon jidai-hen III - Kourin (original title) -- (Japan) Berserk: The Golden Age Arc III - The Advent Poster A year has passed since Guts parted ways with Griffith. The Band of the Hawks is plotting a rescue mission to save Griffith who is confined to prison. Director: Toshiyuki Kubooka Writers: Kentaro Miura (manga), Ichir kouchi (screenplay)
Berserk: The Golden Age Arc II - The Battle for Doldrey (2012) ::: 7.8/10 -- Berserk: Ougon jidai-hen II - Dorudorei koryaku (original title) -- Berserk: The Golden Age Arc II - The Battle for Doldrey Poster For three years, Guts believed his mission was to pursue Griffith's dream together with him. But in order to become Griffith's equal and truly be called his friend, Guts realizes he will ... S Director: Toshiyuki Kubooka Writers: Kentaro Miura (manga), Ichir kouchi (screenplay)
Berserk: The Golden Age Arc I - The Egg of the King (2012) ::: 7.6/10 -- Berserk: Ougon Jidai-hen I - Haou no Tamago (original title) -- (Russia) Berserk: The Golden Age Arc I - The Egg of the King Poster He trusts no one, only his sword. Director: Toshiyuki Kubooka Writers: Kentaro Miura (manga), Ichir kouchi (screenplay) Stars:
Besieged (1998) ::: 6.9/10 -- L'assedio (original title) -- Besieged Poster -- While in exile in Italy, an African woman finds herself trying to get back home and free her imprisoned husband. But the only man that can help her do so is in love with her. Director: Bernardo Bertolucci Writers:
Bessie (2015) ::: 6.7/10 -- TV-MA | 1h 55min | Biography, Drama, Music | TV Movie 16 May 2015 -- The story of legendary blues performer Bessie Smith, who rose to fame during the 1920s and '30s. Director: Dee Rees Writers: Dee Rees (screenplay), Christopher Cleveland (screenplay) | 3 more
Best in Show (2000) ::: 7.5/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 30min | Comedy | 20 October 2000 (USA) -- A "behind the scenes" look into the highly competitive and cut-throat world of dog-shows through the eyes of a group of ruthless dog owners. Director: Christopher Guest Writers: Christopher Guest, Eugene Levy
Best Man Down (2012) ::: 6.4/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 29min | Comedy, Drama | 3 October 2013 (USA) -- A newlywed couple cancels their honeymoon and returns to the snowy Midwest to make the funeral arrangements for their best man, who died unexpectedly after their ceremony. Director: Ted Koland Writer:
Best of the Best (1989) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 37min | Action, Drama, Sport | 10 November 1989 (USA) -- A team from the United States is going to compete against Korea in a Tae Kwon Do tournament. The team consists of fighters from all over the country - can they overcome their rivalry and work together to win? Director: Robert Radler (as Bob Radler) Writers:
Best Seller (1987) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 35min | Action, Crime, Drama | 25 September 1987 (USA) -- A hitman approachs a writer to help him create the next best seller on his career, but the violent world he was a part of has other plans. Director: John Flynn Writer: Larry Cohen Stars:
Better Days (2019) ::: 7.6/10 -- Shaonian de ni (original title) -- Better Days Poster -- A bullied teenage girl forms an unlikely friendship with a mysterious young man who protects her from her assailants, all while she copes with the pressures of her final examinations. Director: Derek Tsang (as Kwok Cheung Tsang) Writers:
Better Luck Tomorrow (2002) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 1h 41min | Crime, Drama, Romance | 25 April 2003 (USA) -- A group of over-achieving Asian-American high school seniors enjoy a power trip when they dip into extra-curricular criminal activities. Director: Justin Lin Writers: Ernesto Foronda, Justin Lin | 1 more credit
Better Off Dead... (1985) ::: 7.1/10 -- PG | 1h 37min | Comedy, Romance | 11 October 1985 (USA) -- After his girlfriend ditches him for a boorish ski jock, Lane decides that suicide is the only answer. However, his increasingly inept attempts bring him only more agony and embarrassment. Filled with the wildest teen nightmares. Director: Savage Steve Holland Writer:
Better Watch Out (2016) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 29min | Comedy, Horror, Thriller | 6 October 2017 (USA) -- On a quiet suburban street, a babysitter must defend a twelve-year-old boy from intruders, only to discover it's far from a normal home invasion. Director: Chris Peckover Writers:
Beverly Hills Cop (1984) ::: 7.3/10 -- R | 1h 45min | Action, Comedy, Crime | 5 December 1984 (USA) -- A freewheeling Detroit cop pursuing a murder investigation finds himself dealing with the very different culture of Beverly Hills. Director: Martin Brest Writers: Daniel Petrie Jr. (screenplay by), Danilo Bach (story by) | 1 more
Beverly Hills Cop II (1987) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 40min | Action, Comedy, Crime | 20 May 1987 (USA) -- Axel Foley returns to Beverly Hills to help Taggart and Rosewood investigate Chief Bogomil's near-fatal shooting and the series of "alphabet crimes" associated with it. Director: Tony Scott Writers:
Beyond a Reasonable Doubt (1956) ::: 7.0/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 20min | Crime, Drama, Film-Noir | November 1956 (UK) -- A novelist aided by his future father-in-law conspires to frame himself for the murder of a burlesque dancer as part of an effort to ban capital punishment. Director: Fritz Lang Writer:
Beyond Borders (2003) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 2h 7min | Adventure, Drama, Romance | 24 October 2003 (USA) -- The world's cruelty is confronted with the love of two different people who try to save mankind from poverty and war. Director: Martin Campbell Writer: Caspian Tredwell-Owen
Beyond Rangoon (1995) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 1h 40min | Action, Adventure, Drama | 25 August 1995 (USA) -- Laura is trying to pick up the pieces of her life after the murder of her husband and son, and goes on vacation with her sister to Burma. After losing her passport at a political rally, she... S Director: John Boorman Writers:
Beyond Silence (1996) ::: 7.4/10 -- Jenseits der Stille (original title) -- Beyond Silence Poster -- Since the earliest days in her childhood Lara has had a difficult but important task. Both her parents are deaf-mute and Lara has to translate from sign-language to the spoken word and vice... S Director: Caroline Link
Beyond the Clouds (1995) ::: 6.5/10 -- Al di l delle nuvole (original title) -- Beyond the Clouds Poster Made of four short tales, linked by a story filmed by Wim Wenders. Taking place in Ferrara, Portofino, Aix en Provence and Paris, each story, which always a woman as the crux of the story, ... S Directors: Michelangelo Antonioni, Wim Wenders Writers: Tonino Guerra, Michelangelo Antonioni (screenplay) | 3 more credits
Beyond the Gates (2005) ::: 7.7/10 -- Shooting Dogs (original title) -- Beyond the Gates Poster -- A Catholic Priest and an English teacher get stranded in a school in Kigali during the 1994 Rwandan genocide. Director: Michael Caton-Jones Writers:
Beyond the Law (1993) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 1h 48min | Crime, Drama, Thriller | 22 April 1993 (Germany) -- An undercover cop joins a murderous, arms-dealing biker gang to try to put them behind bars. Director: Larry Ferguson Writer: Larry Ferguson Stars:
Beyond the Lights (2014) ::: 6.9/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 56min | Drama, Music, Romance | 14 November 2014 (USA) -- The pressures of fame have superstar singer Noni on the edge, until she meets Kaz, a young cop who works to help her find the courage to develop her own voice and break free to become the artist she was meant to be. Director: Gina Prince-Bythewood Writer:
Beyond the Sea (2004) ::: 6.7/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 58min | Biography, Drama, Music | 29 December 2004 (USA) -- A swooning study of "Mack the Knife" singer Bobby Darin and specifically his relationship with wife Sandra Dee. Director: Kevin Spacey Writers: Kevin Spacey, Lewis Colick
Bhikkhuni: Buddhism, Sri Lanka, Revolution (2018) ::: 8.9/10 -- 1h 10min | Documentary | 13 March 2018 (Poland) -- It is a documentary film about the revival of women's ordination in Theravada Buddhism. Shortly after Enlightenment, the Buddha said: "I shall not come to my final passing away, until my ... S Director: Malgorzata Dobrowolska Writer: Malgorzata Dobrowolska
Bicentennial Man (1999) ::: 6.9/10 -- PG | 2h 12min | Comedy, Drama, Sci-Fi | 17 December 1999 (USA) -- An android endeavors to become human as he gradually acquires emotions. Director: Chris Columbus Writers: Isaac Asimov (short story "The Bicentennial Man"), Isaac Asimov (novel) | 2 more credits
Bicentennial Man (1999) ::: 6.9/10 -- PG | 2h 12min | Comedy, Drama, Sci-Fi | 17 December 1999 (USA) -- An android endeavors to become human as he gradually acquires emotions. Director: Chris Columbus Writers: Isaac Asimov (short story "The Bicentennial Man"), Isaac Asimov (novel) | 2 more credits
Bicycle Thieves (1948) ::: 8.3/10 -- Ladri di biciclette (original title) -- Bicycle Thieves Poster -- In post-war Italy, a working-class man's bicycle is stolen. He and his son set out to find it. Director: Vittorio De Sica Writers:
Big (1988) ::: 7.3/10 -- PG | 1h 44min | Comedy, Drama, Fantasy | 3 June 1988 (USA) -- After wishing to be made big, a teenage boy wakes the next morning to find himself mysteriously in the body of an adult. Director: Penny Marshall Writers: Gary Ross, Anne Spielberg
Big Business (1988) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG | 1h 37min | Comedy | 10 June 1988 (USA) -- Two couples of sisters from New York and from the countryside discover that they are connected in an incredible way. Director: Jim Abrahams Writers: Dori Pierson, Marc Reid Rubel (as Marc Rubel)
Big Daddy (1999) ::: 6.4/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 33min | Comedy, Drama | 25 June 1999 (USA) -- A lazy law school grad adopts a kid to impress his girlfriend, but everything doesn't go as planned and he becomes the unlikely foster father. Director: Dennis Dugan Writers:
Big Eden (2000) ::: 7.3/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 58min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 18 April 2000 (USA) -- Big Eden is a small, fictional northwestern Montana town. Director:
Big Eden (2000) ::: 7.3/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 58min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 18 April 2000 (USA) -- Big Eden is a small, fictional northwestern Montana town. Director: Thomas Bezucha Writer: Thomas Bezucha
Big Eyes (2014) ::: 7.0/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 46min | Biography, Crime, Drama | 25 December 2014 (USA) -- A drama about the awakening of painter Margaret Keane, her phenomenal success in the 1950s, and the subsequent legal difficulties she had with her husband, who claimed credit for her works in the 1960s. Director: Tim Burton Writers:
Big Fan (2009) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 1h 28min | Comedy, Crime, Drama | 18 January 2009 (USA) -- A hard-core New York Giants fan struggles to deal with the consequences when he is beaten up by his favorite player. Director: Robert Siegel (as Robert D. Siegel) Writer: Robert Siegel (as Robert D. Siegel) Stars:
Big Fish (2003) ::: 8.0/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 5min | Adventure, Drama, Fantasy | 9 January 2004 (USA) -- A frustrated son tries to determine the fact from fiction in his dying father's life. Director: Tim Burton Writers: Daniel Wallace (novel), John August (screenplay)
Bigger Than Life (1956) ::: 7.6/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 35min | Drama | 26 October 1956 (West Germany) -- A seriously ill schoolteacher becomes dependent on a "miracle" drug that begins to affect his sanity. Director: Nicholas Ray Writers: Cyril Hume (story and screenplay), Richard Maibaum (story and screenplay) | 1 more credit Stars:
Big Hero 6 (2014) ::: 7.8/10 -- PG | 1h 42min | Animation, Action, Adventure | 7 November 2014 (USA) -- A special bond develops between plus-sized inflatable robot Baymax and prodigy Hiro Hamada, who together team up with a group of friends to form a band of high-tech heroes. Directors: Don Hall, Chris Williams Writers:
Big Jake (1971) ::: 7.2/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 50min | Western | 26 May 1971 (USA) -- In 1909, when John Fain's gang kidnaps Jacob McCandles' grandson and holds him for ransom, Big Jake sets out to rescue the boy. Directors: George Sherman, John Wayne (uncredited) Writers: Harry Julian Fink (story and screenplay), Rita M. Fink (story and
Big Miracle (2012) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG | 1h 47min | Biography, Drama, Family | 3 February 2012 (USA) -- In small-town Alaska, a news reporter recruits his ex-girlfriend - a Greenpeace volunteer - on a campaign to save a family of gray whales trapped by rapidly forming ice in the Arctic Circle. Director: Ken Kwapis Writers:
Big Night (1996) ::: 7.3/10 -- R | 1h 49min | Drama, Romance | 20 September 1996 (USA) -- New Jersey, 1950s. Two brothers run an Italian restaurant. Business is not going well as a rival Italian restaurant is out-competing them. In a final effort to save the restaurant, the brothers plan to put on an evening of incredible food. Directors: Campbell Scott, Stanley Tucci Writers:
Big Nothing (2006) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 1h 26min | Comedy, Crime, Thriller | 1 December 2006 (UK) -- A frustrated, unemployed professor joins forces with a scammer and a friend of his in a blackmailing scheme. Director: Jean-Baptiste Andrea Writers: Jean-Baptiste Andrea, William Rosenfeld (as Billy Asher)
Big Time Adolescence (2019) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 1h 31min | Comedy, Drama | 13 March 2020 (USA) -- A suburban teenager comes of age under the destructive guidance of his best friend, an aimless college dropout. Director: Jason Orley Writer: Jason Orley
Big Trouble (2002) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 25min | Comedy, Crime, Thriller | 5 April 2002 (USA) -- The lives of several Miami denizens, from ad agents to gunrunners to street thugs to law enforcement to school-children, intersect with humorous and dangerous results. Director: Barry Sonnenfeld Writers:
Big Trouble in Little China (1986) ::: 7.3/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 39min | Action, Adventure, Comedy | 2 July 1986 (USA) -- A rough-and-tumble trucker helps rescue his friend's fiance from an ancient sorcerer in a supernatural battle beneath Chinatown. Director: John Carpenter Writers: Gary Goldman, David Z. Weinstein | 1 more credit
Big Wednesday (1978) ::: 7.2/10 -- PG | 2h | Drama, Sport | 26 May 1978 (USA) -- The lives of some California surfers from the early 1960s to the 1970s. Director: John Milius Writers: John Milius, Dennis Aaberg
Bilal: A New Breed of Hero (2015) ::: 7.9/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 45min | Animation, Action, Adventure | 2 February 2018 (USA) -- A thousand years ago, one boy with a dream of becoming a great warrior is abducted with his sister and taken to a land far away from home. Thrown into a world where greed and injustice rule all, Bilal finds the courage to raise his voice and make a change. Inspired by true events, this is a story of a real hero who earned his remembrance in time and history. Directors: Khurram H. Alavi, Ayman Jamal
Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure (1989) ::: 7.0/10 -- PG | 1h 30min | Adventure, Comedy, Music | 17 February 1989 (USA) -- Two seemingly dumb teens set off on a quest to prepare the ultimate historical presentation with the help of a time machine. Director: Stephen Herek Writers: Chris Matheson, Ed Solomon
Billy Budd (1962) ::: 7.8/10 -- Approved | 2h 3min | Adventure, Drama, War | 12 November 1962 (USA) -- Billy Budd is an innocent, naive seaman in the British Navy in 1797. When the ship's sadistic master-at-arms is murdered, Billy is accused and tried. Director: Peter Ustinov Writers:
Billy Elliot (2000) ::: 7.7/10 -- R | 1h 50min | Drama, Music | 10 November 2000 (USA) -- A talented young boy becomes torn between his unexpected love of dance and the disintegration of his family. Director: Stephen Daldry Writer: Lee Hall
Billy Liar (1963) ::: 7.3/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 38min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 16 December 1963 (USA) -- A lazy, irresponsible young clerk (Sir Tom Courtenay) in provincial Northern England lives in his own fantasy world and makes emotionally immature decisions as he alienates friends and family. Director: John Schlesinger Writers: Keith Waterhouse (screenplay), Willis Hall (screenplay) | 3 more credits
Billy Madison (1995) ::: 6.4/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 29min | Comedy | 10 February 1995 (USA) -- In order to inherit his fed up father's hotel empire, an immature and lazy man must repeat grades 1-12 all over again. Director: Tamra Davis Writers: Tim Herlihy, Adam Sandler
Billy's Hollywood Screen Kiss (1998) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 1h 32min | Comedy, Romance | 24 July 1998 (USA) -- Billy is a gay fine-arts photographer who falls in love with straight coffee-shop waiter Gabriel. Director: Tommy O'Haver Writer: Tommy O'Haver
Biloxi Blues (1988) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 46min | Comedy, Drama | 25 March 1988 (USA) -- A group of young recruits go through boot camp during the Second World War in Biloxi, Mississippi. From the play by Neil Simon. Director: Mike Nichols Writers: Neil Simon (screenplay), Neil Simon (play)
Bingo: The King of the Mornings (2017) ::: 8.0/10 -- Bingo: O Rei das Manhs (original title) -- Bingo: The King of the Mornings Poster Based on a true story, "Bingo" is a film about the man behind the mask. Augusto is an actor hungry for a place in the spotlight, following the footsteps of his mother, a stage artist in the... S Director: Daniel Rezende Writers: Luiz Bolognesi, Fabio Meira (collaborating writer)
Bird (1988) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 2h 41min | Biography, Drama, Music | 30 September 1988 (USA) -- The troubled life and career of jazz musician Charlie "Bird" Parker (Forest Whitaker). Director: Clint Eastwood Writer: Joel Oliansky
Bird Box (2018) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 2h 4min | Horror, Sci-Fi | 21 December 2018 (USA) -- Five years after an ominous unseen presence drives most of society to suicide, a mother and her two children make a desperate bid to reach safety. Director: Susanne Bier Writers:
Birdman of Alcatraz (1962) ::: 7.8/10 -- Not Rated | 2h 27min | Biography, Crime, Drama | 4 July 1962 (USA) -- A surly convicted murderer held in permanent isolation redeems himself when he becomes a renowned bird expert. Directors: John Frankenheimer, Charles Crichton (uncredited) Writers: Guy Trosper (screenplay), Thomas E. Gaddis (book)
Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance) (2014) ::: 7.7/10 -- R | 1h 59min | Comedy, Drama | 14 November 2014 (USA) -- A washed-up superhero actor attempts to revive his fading career by writing, directing, and starring in a Broadway production. Director: Alejandro G. Irritu Writers: Alejandro G. Irritu, Nicols Giacobone | 3 more credits
Birds of Passage (2018) ::: 7.5/10 -- Pjaros de verano (original title) -- Birds of Passage Poster -- During the marijuana bonanza, a violent decade that saw the origins of drug trafficking in Colombia, Rapayet and his indigenous family get involved in a war to control the business that ends up destroying their lives and their culture. Directors: Cristina Gallego, Ciro Guerra
Birdy (1984) ::: 7.3/10 -- R | 2h | Drama, War | 21 December 1984 (USA) -- After two friends return home from the Vietnam War one becomes mentally unstable and obsesses with becoming a bird. Director: Alan Parker Writers: William Wharton (based on the novel by), Sandy Kroopf (screenplay) | 1
Bite the Bullet (1975) ::: 6.7/10 -- PG | 2h 12min | Action, Adventure, Western | 25 June 1975 (USA) -- A group of ex-rough riders, an ex-prostitute and a gunfighter enter a horse race in the desert. Director: Richard Brooks Writer: Richard Brooks
Bitter Moon (1992) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 2h 19min | Drama, Romance, Thriller | 18 March 1994 (USA) -- After hearing stories of her, a passenger on a cruise ship develops an irresistible infatuation with an eccentric paraplegic's wife. Director: Roman Polanski Writers: Pascal Bruckner (novel), Roman Polanski (screenplay) | 2 more credits
Bittersweet (2010) ::: 7.9/10 -- Assal Eswed (original title) -- Bittersweet Poster A 30 years old Egyptian goes back to Egypt after living in America for 20 years, where he has a hard time coping with the difference, Specially after he loses his identity and all his money and becomes stuck in Egypt. Director: Khalid Marie (as Khaled Marei) Writer: Khaled Diab
Black (2005) ::: 8.2/10 -- Not Rated | 2h 2min | Drama | 4 February 2005 (USA) -- The cathartic tale of a young woman who can't see, hear or talk and the teacher who brings a ray of light into her dark world. Director: Sanjay Leela Bhansali Writers: Sanjay Leela Bhansali (screenplay), Bhavani Iyer (English dialogue) | 3
Black '47 (2018) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 1h 40min | Action, Drama, History | 28 September 2018 (USA) -- Set in Ireland during the Great Famine, the drama follows an Irish Ranger who has been fighting for the British Army abroad, as he abandons his post to reunite with his family. Director: Lance Daly Writers:
Blackadder's Christmas Carol (1988) ::: 8.0/10 -- 43min | Comedy, History | TV Movie 23 December 1988 -- After a genial spirit shows the benevolent Ebenezer Blackadder visions of his unscrupulous ancestors, he resolves to mend his generous ways. Director: Richard Boden Writers: Richard Curtis (by), Ben Elton (by) Stars:
Black and Blue (2019) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 48min | Action, Crime, Thriller | 25 October 2019 (USA) -- A rookie New Orleans police officer is forced to balance her identity as a black woman after she witnesses two corrupt cops committing murder. Director: Deon Taylor Writer:
Black Bear (2020) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 1h 44min | Comedy, Drama | 4 December 2020 (USA) -- A filmmaker at a creative impasse seeks solace from her tumultuous past at a rural retreat, only to find that the woods summon her inner demons in intense and surprising ways. Director: Lawrence Michael Levine Writer:
Blackbeard's Ghost (1968) ::: 6.9/10 -- Approved | 1h 46min | Comedy, Family, Fantasy | 8 February 1968 (USA) -- On the Carolina coast, Godolphin College's new track coach lodges at Blackbeard's Inn, run by the Daughters of the Buccaneers, who claim to be descendants of the notorious pirate, and who risk losing their hotel to the local mobster. Director: Robert Stevenson Writers:
Black Beauty (1994) ::: 6.6/10 -- G | 1h 28min | Adventure, Drama, Family | 29 July 1994 (USA) -- The fates of horses, and the people who own and command them, are revealed as Black Beauty narrates the circle of his life. Director: Caroline Thompson Writers: Anna Sewell (novel), Caroline Thompson (screenplay)
Blackboard Jungle (1955) ::: 7.4/10 -- Approved | 1h 41min | Crime, Drama | 25 March 1955 (USA) -- A new English teacher at a violent, unruly inner-city school is determined to do his job, despite resistance from both students and faculty. Director: Richard Brooks Writers:
Black Book (2006) ::: 7.7/10 -- Zwartboek (original title) -- Black Book Poster -- In the Nazi-occupied Netherlands during World War II, a Jewish singer infiltrates the regional Gestapo headquarters for the Dutch resistance. Director: Paul Verhoeven Writers:
Black Caesar (1973) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 27min | Action, Crime, Drama | 7 February 1973 (USA) -- Raised in Harlem, Tommy Gibbs becomes a successful mob boss but he clashes with the rival Mafia and his old enemy, dirty cop McKinney. Director: Larry Cohen Writer: Larry Cohen Stars:
Black Christmas (1974) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 1h 38min | Horror, Mystery, Thriller | 20 December 1974 (USA) -- During their Christmas break, a group of sorority girls are stalked by a stranger. Director: Bob Clark Writer: Roy Moore (screenplay) Stars:
Black Death (2010) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 42min | Action, Drama, History | 11 June 2010 (UK) -- Set during the time of the first outbreak of bubonic plague in England, a young monk is given the task of learning the truth about reports of people being brought back to life in a small village. Director: Christopher Smith Writer:
Black Dynamite (2009) ::: 7.4/10 -- R | 1h 24min | Action, Comedy | 13 January 2010 (France) -- Black Dynamite is the greatest African-American action star of the 1970s. When his only brother is killed by The Man, it's up to him to find justice. Director: Scott Sanders Writers:
Black Hawk Down (2001) ::: 7.7/10 -- R | 2h 24min | Drama, History, War | 18 January 2002 (USA) -- 160 elite U.S. soldiers drop into Somalia to capture two top lieutenants of a renegade warlord and find themselves in a desperate battle with a large force of heavily-armed Somalis. Director: Ridley Scott Writers:
BlacKkKlansman (2018) ::: 7.5/10 -- R | 2h 15min | Biography, Comedy, Crime | 10 August 2018 (USA) -- Ron Stallworth, an African American police officer from Colorado Springs, CO, successfully manages to infiltrate the local Ku Klux Klan branch with the help of a Jewish surrogate who eventually becomes its leader. Based on actual events. Director: Spike Lee Writers:
Black Magic M-66 (1987) ::: 6.5/10 -- Burakku Majikku M-66 (original title) -- Black Magic M-66 Poster -- A freelance reporter discovers that two killer androids are running loose and have a little girl for a kill target. Directors: Hiroyuki Kitakubo, Shirow Masamune (as Masamune Shirow) Writers:
Blackmail (1929) ::: 7.0/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 25min | Crime, Thriller | 6 October 1929 (USA) -- After killing a man in self-defense, a young woman is blackmailed by a witness to the killing. Director: Alfred Hitchcock Writers: Charles Bennett (from the play by), Alfred Hitchcock (adapted by) | 1 more credit Stars:
Black Mass (2015) ::: 6.9/10 -- R | 2h 3min | Biography, Crime, Drama | 18 September 2015 (USA) -- The true story of Whitey Bulger, the brother of a state senator and the most infamous violent criminal in the history of South Boston, who became an FBI informant to take down a Mafia family invading his turf. Director: Scott Cooper Writers:
Black Mirror: Bandersnatch (2018) ::: 7.2/10 -- TV-MA | 1h 30min | Drama, Fantasy, Mystery | TV Movie 28 December 2018 -- A young programmer starts to question reality when he adapts a mad writer's fantasy novel into a video game. Director: David Slade Writer: Charlie Brooker
Black Moon (1975) ::: 6.3/10 -- R | 1h 35min | Fantasy, Horror, Mystery | 24 September 1975 (France) -- To escape a gender war, a girl flees to a remote farmhouse and becomes part of an extensive family's unusual, perhaps even supernatural, lifestyle. Director: Louis Malle Writers: Louis Malle, Joyce Buuel (additional dialogue) (as Joyce Bunuel) Stars:
Black Narcissus (1947) ::: 7.8/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 41min | Drama | December 1947 (USA) -- A group of nuns struggle to establish a convent in the Himalayas, while isolation, extreme weather, altitude, and culture clashes all conspire to drive the well-intentioned missionaries mad. Directors: Michael Powell, Emeric Pressburger Writers:
Black or White (2014) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 1min | Drama | 30 January 2015 (USA) -- A grieving widower is drawn into a custody battle over his granddaughter, whom he helped raise her entire life. Director: Mike Binder Writer: Mike Binder
Black Panther (2018) ::: 7.3/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 14min | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi | 16 February 2018 (USA) -- T'Challa, heir to the hidden but advanced kingdom of Wakanda, must step forward to lead his people into a new future and must confront a challenger from his country's past. Director: Ryan Coogler Writers:
Black Rain (1989) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 2h 5min | Action, Crime, Thriller | 22 September 1989 (USA) -- Two NYC cops arrest a Yakuza member and must escort him when he's extradited to Japan. Director: Ridley Scott Writers: Craig Bolotin, Warren Lewis Stars:
Black Robe (1991) ::: 7.1/10 -- R | 1h 41min | Adventure, Drama, History | 4 October 1991 (USA) -- In the 17th century, a Jesuit missionary nicknamed Black Robe by the natives and his small party of companions try reaching the Huron tribe in Canada all while facing mistrust, Iroquois warring parties and harsh winter conditions. Director: Bruce Beresford Writers:
Black Sabbath (1963) ::: 7.1/10 -- I tre volti della paura (original title) -- Black Sabbath Poster Boris Karloff hosts a trio of horror stories concerning a stalked call girl, a vampire-like monster who preys on his family, and a nurse who is haunted by her ring's rightful owner. Director: Mario Bava Writers: Anton Chekhov (freely adapted from three stories by) (as Cechov), Aleksei Tolstoy (freely adapted from three stories by) (as Tolstoi) | 4
Black Sea (2014) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 54min | Adventure, Drama, Thriller | 23 January 2015 (USA) -- In order to make good with his former employers, a submarine captain takes a job with a shadowy backer to search the depths of the Black Sea for a submarine rumored to be loaded with gold. Director: Kevin Macdonald Writer:
Black Snake Moan (2006) ::: 6.9/10 -- R | 1h 56min | Drama, Music | 2 March 2007 (USA) -- A God-fearing bluesman takes to a wild young woman who, as a victim of childhood sexual abuse, looks everywhere for love, never quite finding it. Director: Craig Brewer Writer:
Black Sunday (1960) ::: 7.2/10 -- La maschera del demonio (original title) -- Black Sunday Poster -- A vengeful witch and her fiendish servant return from the grave and begin a bloody campaign to possess the body of the witch's beautiful look-alike descendant, with only the girl's brother and a handsome doctor standing in her way. Director: Mario Bava
Black Sunday (1977) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 2h 23min | Adventure, Crime, Drama | 1 April 1977 (USA) -- Black Sunday is the powerful story of a Black September terrorist group attempting to blow up a Goodyear blimp hovering over the Super Bowl stadium with 80,000 people and the president of the United States in attendance. Director: John Frankenheimer Writers: Thomas Harris (based on the novel by), Ernest Lehman (screenplay by) | 2 more credits
Black Swan (2010) ::: 8.0/10 -- R | 1h 48min | Drama, Thriller | 17 December 2010 (USA) -- A committed dancer struggles to maintain her sanity after winning the lead role in a production of Tchaikovsky's "Swan Lake". Director: Darren Aronofsky Writers: Mark Heyman (screenplay), Andres Heinz (screenplay) (as Andrs Heinz) |
Blackthorn (2011) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 42min | Action, Adventure, Western | 1 July 2011 (Spain) -- In Bolivia, Butch Cassidy (now calling himself James Blackthorn) pines for one last sight of home, an adventure that aligns him with a young robber and makes the duo a target for gangs and lawmen alike. Director: Mateo Gil Writer:
Black Widow (1987) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 42min | Crime, Drama, Thriller | 6 February 1987 (USA) -- A federal investigator tracks down a gold-digging woman who moves from husband to husband to kill them and collect the inheritance. Director: Bob Rafelson Writer: Ronald Bass
Blade (1998) ::: 7.1/10 -- R | 2h | Action, Horror, Sci-Fi | 21 August 1998 (USA) -- A half-vampire, half-mortal man becomes a protector of the mortal race, while slaying evil vampires. Director: Stephen Norrington Writer: David S. Goyer
Blade II (2002) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 1h 57min | Action, Fantasy, Horror | 22 March 2002 (USA) -- Blade forms an uneasy alliance with the vampire council in order to combat the Reapers, who are feeding on vampires. Director: Guillermo del Toro Writers: Marv Wolfman (character), Gene Colan (character) | 1 more credit
Blade Runner (1982) ::: 8.1/10 -- R | 1h 57min | Action, Sci-Fi, Thriller | 25 June 1982 (USA) -- A blade runner must pursue and terminate four replicants who stole a ship in space, and have returned to Earth to find their creator. Director: Ridley Scott Writers: Hampton Fancher (screenplay), David Webb Peoples (screenplay) (as David
Blade Runner 2049 (2017) ::: 8.0/10 -- R | 2h 44min | Action, Drama, Mystery | 6 October 2017 (USA) -- Young Blade Runner K's discovery of a long-buried secret leads him to track down former Blade Runner Rick Deckard, who's been missing for thirty years. Director: Denis Villeneuve Writers:
Blame! (2017) ::: 6.7/10 -- TV-14 | 1h 46min | Animation, Action, Drama | 20 May 2017 (USA) -- In the distant future, humans are declared "illegal residents" and hunted to near extinction by murderous robots. One day, a group of human scavengers come across a strange man named Killy, who may be the key to humanity's survival. Director: Hiroyuki Seshita Writers: Sadayuki Murai (screenplay), Tsutomu Nihei (created by)
Blast from the Past (1999) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 52min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 12 February 1999 (USA) -- A naive man comes out into the world after spending 35 years in a nuclear fallout shelter. Director: Hugh Wilson Writers: Bill Kelly (story), Bill Kelly (screenplay) | 1 more credit
Blast of Silence (1961) ::: 7.5/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 17min | Crime, Drama, Thriller | 17 August 1962 -- Blast of Silence Poster A hired killer from Cleveland has a job to do on a second-string mob boss in New York. But a special girl from his past, and a fat gun dealer with pet rats, each gets in his way. Director: Allen Baron Writers: Allen Baron (screenplay), Waldo Salt (narration written by) (as Mel Davenport)
Blazing Saddles (1974) ::: 7.7/10 -- R | 1h 33min | Comedy, Western | 7 February 1974 (USA) -- In order to ruin a western town, a corrupt politician appoints a black Sheriff, who promptly becomes his most formidable adversary. Director: Mel Brooks Writers: Mel Brooks (screenplay), Norman Steinberg (screenplay) | 4 more
Bleed for This (2016) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 1h 57min | Biography, Drama, Sport | 18 November 2016 (USA) -- The inspirational story of World Champion Boxer Vinny Pazienza who, after a near fatal car crash which left him not knowing if he'd ever walk again, made one of sport's most incredible comebacks. Director: Ben Younger Writers:
Blended (2014) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 57min | Comedy, Romance | 23 May 2014 (USA) -- After a bad blind date, a man and woman find themselves stuck together at a resort for families, where their attraction grows as their respective kids benefit from the burgeoning relationship. Director: Frank Coraci Writers:
Blind Date (2015) ::: 6.6/10 -- Un peu, beaucoup, aveuglment! (original title) -- Blind Date Poster -- He is a dedicated workaholic who lives and breathes his work. He prefers nothing more than silence. She is an accomplished pianist working on her big-break concert. To her, music and sound ... S Director: Clovis Cornillac
Blinded by the Light (2019) ::: 6.9/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 58min | Comedy, Drama, Music | 16 August 2019 (USA) -- In England in 1987, a teenager from an Asian family learns to live his life, understand his family and find his own voice through the music of American rock star Bruce Springsteen. Director: Gurinder Chadha Writers:
Blind Fury (1989) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 26min | Action, Comedy, Crime | 16 March 1990 (USA) -- A blind Vietnam vet, trained as a swordfighter, comes to America and helps to rescue the son of a fellow soldier. Director: Phillip Noyce Writers: Ryz Kasahara (earlier screenplay), Charles Robert Carner (screen
Blind Man's Bluff (2005) ::: 7.2/10 -- Zhmurki (original title) -- Blind Man's Bluff Poster This movie is about the stern gangster customs of one of the Russian provincial cities in the mid-90s . And you could expect either a stupid game of blind man's buffets or a truly bloody showdown with the stacks of "bluffers". Director: Aleksey Balabanov Writers: Stas Mokhnachev, Aleksey Balabanov
Blindness (2008) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 2h 1min | Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi | 3 October 2008 (USA) -- A city is ravaged by an epidemic of instant white blindness. Director: Fernando Meirelles Writers: Jos Saramago (novel), Don McKellar (screenplay)
Blindspotting (2018) ::: 7.4/10 -- R | 1h 35min | Comedy, Crime, Drama | 27 July 2018 (USA) -- While on probation, a man begins to re-evaluate his relationship with his volatile best friend. Director: Carlos Lpez Estrada Writers: Rafael Casal, Daveed Diggs
Blithe Spirit (1945) ::: 7.1/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 36min | Comedy, Fantasy | 3 October 1945 (Canada) -- A man and his second wife are haunted by the ghost of his first wife. Director: David Lean Writers: David Lean (adapted for the screen by), Ronald Neame (adapted for the screen by) | 1 more credit
Block-Heads (1938) ::: 7.6/10 -- Approved | 57min | Comedy, War | 19 August 1938 (USA) -- Stan, who has remained faithfully at his World War I post for twenty years, finally comes home where his best friend, Ollie, takes him in, thus allowing him to discover the many conveniences of the modern world. Director: John G. Blystone Writers: Charley Rogers (original story and screen play) (as Charles Rogers), Felix Adler (original story and screen play) | 3 more credits
Blonde Venus (1932) ::: 7.1/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 33min | Drama | 23 September 1932 (USA) -- A cabaret singer takes up with a millionaire to pay for her gravely ill husband's operation. Director: Josef von Sternberg Writers: Jules Furthman (by), S.K. Lauren (by) Stars:
Blood and Bone (2009) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 1h 33min | Action, Crime, Drama | 20 September 2009 (Brazil) -- In Los Angeles, an ex-con takes the underground fighting world by storm in his quest to fulfill a promise to a dead friend. Director: Ben Ramsey Writer: Michael Andrews (screenplay)
Blood Diamond (2006) ::: 8.0/10 -- R | 2h 23min | Adventure, Drama, Thriller | 8 December 2006 (USA) -- A fisherman, a smuggler, and a syndicate of businessmen match wits over the possession of a priceless diamond. Director: Edward Zwick Writers: Charles Leavitt (screenplay), Charles Leavitt (story) | 1 more credit
Blood Father (2016) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 28min | Action, Crime, Drama | 26 August 2016 (USA) -- An ex-con reunites with his estranged wayward 17-year old daughter to protect her from drug dealers who are trying to kill her. Director: Jean-Franois Richet Writers: Peter Craig (screenplay by), Andrea Berloff (screenplay by) | 1 more
Blood In, Blood Out (1993) ::: 8.0/10 -- Bound by Honor (original title) -- Blood In, Blood Out Poster -- Based on the true life experiences of poet Jimmy Santiago Baca, the film focuses on step-brothers Paco and Cruz, and their bi-racial cousin Miklo. Director: Taylor Hackford Writers:
Blood Simple (1984) ::: 7.6/10 -- R | 1h 39min | Crime, Drama, Thriller | 18 January 1985 (USA) -- The owner of a seedy small-town Texas bar discovers that one of his employees is having an affair with his wife. A chaotic chain of misunderstandings, lies and mischief ensues after he devises a plot to have them murdered. Directors: Joel Coen, Ethan Coen (uncredited) Writers:
Bloodsport (1988) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 1h 32min | Action, Biography, Drama | 29 April 1988 (USA) -- "Bloodsport" follows Frank Dux, an American martial artist serving in the military, who decides to leave the army to compete in a martial arts tournament in Hong Kong where fights to the death can occur. Director: Newt Arnold Writers:
Blood: The Last Vampire (2000) ::: 6.7/10 -- Not Rated | 48min | Animation, Action, Horror | 17 August 2001 (USA) -- Saya is a Japanese vampire slayer whose next mission is in a high school on a US military base in 1960s Japan, where she poses as a student. She uses a katana/samurai sword to kill vampires. Director: Hiroyuki Kitakubo Writers:
Blood Ties (2013) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 2h 7min | Action, Crime, Drama | 30 October 2013 (France) -- Two brothers, on either side of the law, face off over organized crime in Brooklyn during the 1970s. Director: Guillaume Canet Writers: Guillaume Canet (screenplay), James Gray (screenplay) | 5 more
Blood Work (2002) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 50min | Action, Crime, Drama | 9 August 2002 (USA) -- Still recovering from a heart transplant, retired F.B.I. profiler Terry McCaleb (Clint Eastwood) returns to service when his own blood analysis offers clues to the identity of a serial killer. Director: Clint Eastwood Writers:
Bloody Sunday (2002) ::: 7.6/10 -- R | 1h 47min | Drama, History, War | 19 April 2002 (Portugal) -- A dramatization of the Irish civil rights protest march and subsequent massacre by British troops on January 30, 1972. Director: Paul Greengrass Writer: Paul Greengrass Stars:
Blow (2001) ::: 7.6/10 -- R | 2h 4min | Biography, Crime, Drama | 6 April 2001 (USA) -- The story of how George Jung, along with the Medelln Cartel headed by Pablo Escobar, established the American cocaine market in the 1970s in the United States. Director: Ted Demme Writers:
Blow Out (1981) ::: 7.4/10 -- R | 1h 48min | Crime, Drama, Mystery | 24 July 1981 (USA) -- A movie sound recordist accidentally records the evidence that proves that a car accident was actually murder and consequently finds himself in danger. Directors: Brian De Palma, John G. Fox Writer:
Blow the Man Down (2019) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 31min | Comedy, Drama, Mystery | 20 March 2020 (USA) -- Mary Beth and Priscilla Connolly attempt to cover up a gruesome run-in with a dangerous man. To conceal their crime, the sisters must go deep into the criminal underbelly of their hometown, uncovering the town's darkest secrets. Directors: Bridget Savage Cole, Danielle Krudy Writers:
Blow-Up (1966) ::: 7.6/10 -- Blowup (original title) -- (Italy) Blow-Up Poster -- A fashion photographer unknowingly captures a death on film after following two lovers in a park. Director: Michelangelo Antonioni Writers:
Bluebeard's Eighth Wife (1938) ::: 7.3/10 -- Passed | 1h 25min | Comedy, Romance | 25 March 1938 (USA) -- After learning her multi-millionaire fianc has already been married seven times, the daughter of a penniless marquis decides to tame him. Director: Ernst Lubitsch Writers: Charles Brackett (screenplay), Billy Wilder (screenplay) | 2 more credits Stars:
Blue Car (2002) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 36min | Drama | 2 May 2003 (USA) -- A troubled young woman is encouraged by a teacher to enter a poetry contest. Director: Karen Moncrieff Writer: Karen Moncrieff
Blue Collar (1978) ::: 7.5/10 -- R | 1h 54min | Crime, Drama | 10 February 1978 (USA) -- When three workers try to steal from the local union, they discover the corruption of the union instead and decide to blackmail them. Director: Paul Schrader Writers: Paul Schrader, Leonard Schrader | 1 more credit
Blue in the Face (1995) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 1h 23min | Comedy | 13 October 1995 (USA) -- Brooklyn Cigar Store is a neighborhood hangout in Brooklyn with Auggie Wren/H.Keitel as center. Some people are interviewed about Brooklyn, spiced up with statistics on Brooklyn. Directors: Paul Auster, Wayne Wang | 1 more credit Writers:
Blue Is the Warmest Colour (2013) ::: 7.7/10 -- La vie d'Adle (original title) -- Blue Is the Warmest Colour Poster -- Adle's life is changed when she meets Emma, a young woman with blue hair, who will allow her to discover desire and to assert herself as a woman and as an adult. In front of others, Adle grows, seeks herself, loses herself, and ultimately finds herself through love and loss. Director: Abdellatif Kechiche
Blue Jasmine (2013) ::: 7.3/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 38min | Drama | 23 August 2013 (USA) -- A New York socialite, deeply troubled and in denial, arrives in San Francisco to impose upon her sister. She looks a million, but isn't bringing money, peace, or love... Director: Woody Allen Writer:
Blue Jay (2016) ::: 7.3/10 -- Unrated | 1h 20min | Drama, Romance | 11 October 2016 (USA) -- Meeting by chance when they return to their tiny California hometown, two former high-school sweethearts reflect on their shared past. Director: Alex Lehmann Writer: Mark Duplass
Blue Ruin (2013) ::: 7.1/10 -- R | 1h 30min | Crime, Drama, Thriller | 9 July 2014 (France) -- A mysterious outsider's quiet life is turned upside down when he returns to his childhood home to carry out an act of vengeance. Proving himself an amateur assassin, he winds up in a brutal fight to protect his estranged family. Director: Jeremy Saulnier Writer:
Blue Sky (1994) ::: 6.4/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 41min | Drama, Romance | 16 September 1994 (USA) -- Jessica Lange stars in a period drama about a family moving to a military base, and she quickly becomes part of a cover-up involving nuclear bomb tests. Director: Tony Richardson Writers:
Blue Thunder (1983) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 49min | Action, Crime, Drama | 13 May 1983 (USA) -- The cop test pilot for an experimental police helicopter learns the sinister implications of the new vehicle. Director: John Badham Writers: Dan O'Bannon, Don Jakoby
Blue Valentine (2010) ::: 7.4/10 -- R | 1h 52min | Drama, Romance | 28 January 2011 (USA) -- The relationship of a contemporary married couple, charting their evolution over a span of years by cross-cutting between time periods. Director: Derek Cianfrance Writers: Derek Cianfrance, Joey Curtis | 1 more credit
Blue Velvet (1986) ::: 7.7/10 -- R | 2h | Drama, Mystery, Thriller | 23 October 1986 (Italy) -- The discovery of a severed human ear found in a field leads a young man on an investigation related to a beautiful, mysterious nightclub singer and a group of psychopathic criminals who have kidnapped her child. Director: David Lynch Writer:
Bobby (2006) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 1h 57min | Biography, Drama, History | 23 November 2006 (USA) -- The story of the assassination of U.S. Senator Robert F. Kennedy, who was shot in the early morning hours of June 5, 1968 in the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles, California, and twenty-two people in the hotel, whose lives were never the same. Director: Emilio Estevez Writer:
Bobby Jones: Stroke of Genius (2004) ::: 6.7/10 -- PG | 2h | Biography, Drama, Romance | 30 April 2004 (USA) -- Jim Caviezel stars as golf legend Bobby Jones, the icon who retired from competition at the tender age of 28. Director: Rowdy Herrington Writers: Rowdy Herrington (story), Kim Dawson (story) | 3 more credits
Bob & Carol & Ted & Alice (1969) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 1h 45min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | January 1970 (Italy) -- A light-hearted picture of middle-aged love and friendship. Director: Paul Mazursky Writers: Paul Mazursky, Larry Tucker
Bob le Flambeur (1956) ::: 7.7/10 -- Bob le flambeur (original title) -- Bob le Flambeur Poster After losing big, an aging gambler decides to assemble a team to rob a casino. Director: Jean-Pierre Melville (as Melville) Writers: Jean-Pierre Melville (original story) (as Melville), Jean-Pierre Melville (adaptation) (as Melville) | 2 more credits
Bob Roberts (1992) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 1h 42min | Comedy, Drama | 4 September 1992 (USA) -- A conservative folk singer turns his hand to politics, running for the US Senate. He is not above dirty tricks and smear campaigns to gain an advantage over his opponent. Director: Tim Robbins Writer:
Bodied (2017) ::: 7.1/10 -- R | 2h | Comedy, Drama, Music | 2 November 2018 (USA) -- A progressive graduate student finds success and sparks outrage when his interest in battle rap as a thesis subject becomes a competitive obsession. Director: Joseph Kahn Writers:
Body and Soul (1947) ::: 7.6/10 -- Approved | 1h 44min | Drama, Film-Noir, Sport | 11 November 1947 (USA) -- A talented boxer's young career hits difficult terrain when an unethical promoter takes interest in him. Director: Robert Rossen Writer: Abraham Polonsky (original screenplay) Stars:
Body Double (1984) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 1h 54min | Crime, Drama, Mystery | 26 October 1984 (USA) -- A young actor's obsession with spying on a beautiful woman who lives nearby leads to a baffling series of events with drastic consequences. Director: Brian De Palma Writers: Robert J. Avrech (screenplay), Brian De Palma (screenplay) | 1 more
Bodyguards and Assassins (2009) ::: 6.8/10 -- Shi yue wei cheng (original title) -- (China) Bodyguards and Assassins Poster -- In 1905, revolutionist Sun Yat-Sen visits Hong Kong to discuss plans with Tongmenghui members to overthrow the Qing dynasty. But when they find out that assassins have been sent to kill him, they assemble a group of protectors to prevent any attacks. Director: Teddy Chan
Body Heat (1981) ::: 7.4/10 -- R | 1h 53min | Crime, Drama, Romance | 28 August 1981 (USA) -- In the midst of a searing Florida heat wave, a woman persuades her lover, a small-town lawyer, to murder her rich husband. Director: Lawrence Kasdan Writer: Lawrence Kasdan
Body of Lies (2008) ::: 7.1/10 -- R | 2h 8min | Action, Drama, Thriller | 10 October 2008 (USA) -- A CIA agent on the ground in Jordan hunts down a powerful terrorist leader while being caught between the unclear intentions of his American supervisors and Jordan Intelligence. Director: Ridley Scott Writers:
Bohemian Rhapsody (2018) ::: 8.0/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 14min | Biography, Drama, Music | 2 November 2018 (USA) -- The story of the legendary British rock band Queen and lead singer Freddie Mercury, leading up to their famous performance at Live Aid (1985). Director: Bryan Singer Writers:
Boiler Room (2000) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 2h | Crime, Drama, Thriller | 18 February 2000 (USA) -- A college dropout, attempting to live up to his father's high standards, gets a job as a broker for a suburban investment firm which puts him on the fast track to success. But the job might not be as legitimate as it first appeared to be. Director: Ben Younger Writer:
Bolt (2008) ::: 6.8/10 -- PG | 1h 36min | Animation, Adventure, Comedy | 21 November 2008 (USA) -- The canine star of a fictional sci-fi/action show that believes his powers are real embarks on a cross country trek to save his co-star from a threat he believes is just as real. Directors: Byron Howard, Chris Williams Writers:
Bombay Talkies (2013) ::: 6.7/10 -- Not Rated | 2h 7min | Drama | 3 May 2013 (India) -- One hundred years of Hindi cinema is celebrated in four short stories showcasing the power of film. Directors: Zoya Akhtar, Dibakar Banerjee | 2 more credits Writers: Zoya Akhtar (screenplay by), Dibakar Banerjee (screenplay by) | 5 more
Bomb City (2017) ::: 6.9/10 -- TV-MA | 1h 38min | Crime, Drama | 31 March 2017 (USA) -- Bomb City is a crime-thriller, about the cultural aversion of a group of punk rockers in a conservative Texas town. Their ongoing battle with a rival, more-affluent clique leads to a ... S Director: Jameson Brooks (as Jamie Brooks) Writers:
Bomber (1982) ::: 6.4/10 -- 1h 41min | Comedy, Action, Crime | 19 November 1982 (Italy) -- Bud "Bomber" Graziano (Bud Spencer) retired from boxing as heavyweight champion and has sworn to never fight again. While living his life on a ship he meets Jerry Cala' (Jerry Cala) who ... S Director: Michele Lupo Writers: Marcello Fondato (story), Francesco Scardamaglia (story) | 2 more credits
Bombshell (2019) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 1h 49min | Biography, Drama | 20 December 2019 (USA) -- A group of women take on Fox News head Roger Ailes and the toxic atmosphere he presided over at the network. Director: Jay Roach Writer: Charles Randolph
Bon Cop Bad Cop (2006) ::: 6.8/10 -- Bon Cop, Bad Cop (original title) -- Bon Cop Bad Cop Poster Two Canadian detectives, one from Ontario and the other from Quebec, must work together when a murdered victim is found on the Ontario-Quebec border. Director: Erik Canuel Writers: Leila Basen, Alex Epstein | 2 more credits
Bon Cop Bad Cop 2 (2017) ::: 6.7/10 -- Not Rated | 2h 6min | Action, Comedy, Crime | 12 May 2017 (Canada) -- A francophone S.Q. officer and an anglophone O.P.P officer reunite to investigate a large car theft ring led by an Italian mobster. Director: Alain Desrochers Writer: Patrick Huard (screenwriter)
Bone Tomahawk (2015) ::: 7.1/10 -- Not Rated | 2h 12min | Drama, Horror, Western | 19 February 2016 (UK) -- In the dying days of the old west, an elderly sheriff and his posse set out to rescue their town's doctor from cannibalistic cave dwellers. Director: S. Craig Zahler Writer: S. Craig Zahler
Bonjour Tristesse (1958) ::: 6.9/10 -- Bonjour tristesse (original title) -- Bonjour Tristesse Poster -- Cecile, decadent young girl who lives with her rich playboy father Raymond. When Anne, Raymond's old love interest, comes to Raymond's villa, Cecile is afraid for her way of life. Director: Otto Preminger Writers:
Bonnie and Clyde (1967) ::: 7.8/10 -- R | 1h 51min | Action, Biography, Crime | 14 August 1967 (USA) -- Bored waitress Bonnie Parker falls in love with an ex-con named Clyde Barrow and together they start a violent crime spree through the country, stealing cars and robbing banks. Director: Arthur Penn Writers:
Bon Voyage (2003) ::: 6.7/10 -- Bon voyage (original title) -- Bon Voyage Poster -- An actress, a writer, a student, and a government worker band together in an effort to escape Paris as the Nazis move into the city. Director: Jean-Paul Rappeneau Writers:
Boogie Nights (1997) ::: 7.9/10 -- R | 2h 35min | Drama | 31 October 1997 (USA) -- Back when sex was safe, pleasure was a business and business was booming, an idealistic porn producer aspires to elevate his craft to an art when he discovers a hot young talent. Director: Paul Thomas Anderson Writer:
Booksmart (2019) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 1h 42min | Comedy | 24 May 2019 (USA) -- On the eve of their high school graduation, two academic superstars and best friends realize they should have worked less and played more. Determined not to fall short of their peers, the girls try to cram four years of fun into one night. Director: Olivia Wilde Writers:
Boomerang! (1947) ::: 7.2/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 28min | Crime, Drama, Film-Noir | 28 April 1947 (Sweden) -- The true story of a prosecutor's fight to prove the innocence of a man accused of a notorious murder. Director: Elia Kazan Writers: Richard Murphy (screenplay), Fulton Oursler (based upon an article published in The Reader's Digest December, 1945) (as Anthony Abbot) Stars:
Boom Town (1940) ::: 7.1/10 -- Passed | 1h 59min | Adventure, Drama, Romance | 30 August 1940 (USA) -- Two buddies who rise from fly-by-night wildcatters to oil tycoons over a twenty year period both love the same woman. Director: Jack Conway Writers: John Lee Mahin (screen play), James Edward Grant (based on a story by)
Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of ::: 7.3/10 -- Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan Poster -- Kazakh TV talking head Borat is dispatched to the United States to report on the greatest country in the world. With a documentary crew in tow, Borat becomes more interested in locating and marrying Pamela Anderson. Director: Larry Charles
Borat Subsequent Moviefilm (2020) ::: 6.7/10 -- Borat Subsequent Moviefilm: Delivery of Prodigious Bribe to American -- title) R | 1h 35min | Comedy | 23 October 2020 (USA) Borat Subsequent Moviefilm Poster Borat returns from Kazakhstan to America and this time he reveals more about the American culture, the COVID-19 pandemic and the political elections. Director: Jason Woliner Writers:
Border (2018) ::: 7.0/10 -- Grns (original title) -- Border Poster -- A customs officer who can smell fear develops an unusual attraction to a strange traveler while aiding a police investigation which will call into question her entire existence. Director: Ali Abbasi Writers:
Borgman (2013) ::: 6.7/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 53min | Drama, Horror, Mystery | 29 August 2013 -- Borgman Poster -- A vagrant enters the lives of an arrogant upper-class family, turning their lives into a psychological nightmare in the process. Director: Alex van Warmerdam Writer:
Borg vs. McEnroe (2017) ::: 6.9/10 -- Borg McEnroe (original title) -- Borg vs. McEnroe Poster -- The story of the 1980 tennis rivalry between the placid Bjrn Borg and the volatile John McEnroe. Director: Janus Metz Writer:
Born Free (1966) ::: 7.2/10 -- PG | 1h 35min | Adventure, Drama, Family | 22 June 1966 (USA) -- The story of George and Joy Adamson and the orphaned lion cub, Elsa, they adopt. Directors: James Hill, Tom McGowan (uncredited) Writers: Joy Adamson (book), Lester Cole (screenplay)
Born on the Fourth of July (1989) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 2h 25min | Biography, Drama, War | 5 January 1990 (USA) -- The biography of Ron Kovic. Paralyzed in the Vietnam war, he becomes an anti-war and pro-human rights political activist after feeling betrayed by the country he fought for. Director: Oliver Stone Writers:
Born to Be Blue (2015) ::: 6.9/10 -- R | 1h 37min | Biography, Drama, Music | 30 March 2016 (USA) -- A re-imagining of jazz legend Chet Baker's musical comeback in the late '60s. Director: Robert Budreau Writers: Robert Budreau, James Luscombe (story editor)
Born to Kill (1947) ::: 7.2/10 -- Approved | 1h 32min | Crime, Drama, Film-Noir | 3 May 1947 (USA) -- A calculating divorce risks her chances at wealth and security with a man she doesn't love by getting involved with the hotheaded murderer romancing her foster sister. Director: Robert Wise Writers: Eve Greene (screen play), Richard Macaulay (screen play) | 1 more credit
Born Yesterday (1950) ::: 7.6/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 43min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | February 1951 (USA) -- A tycoon hires a tutor to teach his lover proper etiquette, with unexpected results. Director: George Cukor Writers: Garson Kanin (play), Albert Mannheimer (screenplay)
Boss Level (2020) ::: 6.9/10 -- TV-MA | 1h 34min | Action, Mystery, Sci-Fi | 5 March 2021 (USA) -- A retired special forces officer is trapped in a never ending time loop on the day of his death. Director: Joe Carnahan Writers: Chris Borey (screenplay by), Eddie Borey (screenplay by) | 3 more
Bottle Rocket (1996) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 1h 31min | Comedy, Crime, Drama | 21 February 1996 (USA) -- Three friends plan to pull off a simple robbery and go on the run. Director: Wes Anderson Writers: Owen Wilson (as Owen C. Wilson), Wes Anderson
Bottle Shock (2008) ::: 6.8/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 50min | Comedy, Drama | 5 September 2008 (USA) -- The story of the early days of California wine making featuring the now infamous, blind Paris wine tasting of 1976 that has come to be known as "Judgment of Paris". Director: Randall Miller Writers:
Bound (1996) ::: 7.3/10 -- R | 1h 49min | Crime, Thriller | 4 October 1996 (USA) -- Tough ex-con Corky and her lover Violet concoct a scheme to steal millions of stashed mob money and pin the blame on Violet's crooked boyfriend Caesar. Directors: Lana Wachowski (as The Wachowski Brothers), Lilly Wachowski (as The Wachowski Brothers) Writers:
Bound for Glory (1976) ::: 7.3/10 -- PG | 2h 27min | Biography, Drama, Music | 5 December 1976 (USA) -- The early life of Woody Guthrie as a vagabond folk singer. Director: Hal Ashby Writers: Robert Getchell (screenplay), Woody Guthrie (autobiography) Stars: David Carradine, Ronny Cox, Melinda Dillon
Bowfinger (1999) ::: 6.4/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 37min | Comedy | 13 August 1999 (USA) -- When a desperate movie producer fails to get a major star for his bargain basement film, he decides to shoot the film secretly around him. Director: Frank Oz Writer:
Box of Moonlight (1996) ::: 7.3/10 -- R | 1h 52min | Comedy, Drama | 25 July 1997 (USA) -- An engineer finds his first gray hair, takes 6 days off from wife, son and work, rents a car and meets different people. Director: Tom DiCillo Writer: Tom DiCillo
Boy (2010) ::: 7.5/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 27min | Comedy, Drama | 25 March 2010 (New Zealand) -- Set on the east coast of New Zealand in 1984, Boy, an 11-year-old child and devout Michael Jackson fan, gets a chance to know his absentee criminal father, who has returned to find a bag of money he buried years ago. Director: Taika Waititi Writer:
Boy A (2007) ::: 7.6/10 -- R | 1h 42min | Drama | 4 September 2008 (Singapore) -- The story of a young Jack, newly released from serving a prison sentence for a violent crime he committed as a child. Director: John Crowley Writers: Jonathan Trigell (novel), Mark O'Rowe (screenplay)
Boychoir (2014) ::: 6.7/10 -- PG | 1h 43min | Drama, Music | 12 March 2015 (Singapore) -- After his single mother dies, a young boy with an excellent voice is sent to a prestigious choir school, and has trouble adapting to the culture of the school. Director: Franois Girard Writer:
Boy Culture (2006) ::: 6.8/10 -- Unrated | 1h 28min | Drama, Romance | 31 January 2007 (France) -- A successful male escort describes in a series of confessions his tangled romantic relationships with his two roommates and an older, enigmatic male client. Director: Q. Allan Brocka Writers:
Boy Erased (2018) ::: 6.9/10 -- R | 1h 55min | Biography, Drama | 8 November 2018 (Australia) -- The son of a Baptist preacher unwillingly participates in a church-supported gay conversion program after being forcibly outed to his parents. Director: Joel Edgerton Writers:
Boyhood (2014) ::: 7.9/10 -- R | 2h 45min | Drama | 15 August 2014 (USA) -- The life of Mason, from early childhood to his arrival at college. Director: Richard Linklater Writer: Richard Linklater
Boyka: Undisputed (2016) ::: 7.0/10 -- Boyka: Undisputed IV (original title) -- Boyka: Undisputed Poster -- In the fourth installment of the fighting franchise, Boyka is shooting for the big leagues when an accidental death in the ring makes him question everything he stands for. Director: Todor Chapkanov Writers:
Boy Meets Girl (1984) ::: 7.0/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 40min | Drama, Romance | 21 November 1984 (France) -- Paris by night. Alex, 22, wants to become a filmmaker. He is fascinated by first times and his girlfriend, Florence, has just left him for his best friend, Thomas. First break-up, first ... S Director: Leos Carax Writer: Leos Carax Stars:
Boy Meets Girl (2014) ::: 7.1/10 -- R | 1h 35min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 6 February 2015 (USA) -- Boy Meets Girl is a funny, tender, sex positive romantic comedy that explores what it means to be a real man or woman, and how important it is to live a courageous life not letting fear stand in the way of going after your dreams. Director: Eric Schaeffer Writer:
Boys (2014) ::: 7.4/10 -- Jongens (original title) -- Boys Poster -- A sexually awakening gay teen athlete finds himself in a budding relationship with his mutually attracted relay race teammate. Director: Mischa Kamp Writers:
Boys Don't Cry (1999) ::: 7.5/10 -- R | 1h 58min | Biography, Crime, Drama | 31 March 2000 (USA) -- A young man named Brandon Teena navigates love, life, and being transgender in rural Nebraska. Director: Kimberly Peirce Writers: Kimberly Peirce, Andy Bienen
Boys on the Side (1995) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 55min | Comedy, Drama | 3 February 1995 (USA) -- Robin shares a ride in her car with Jane from New York to Los Angeles. They stop at Jane's friend Holly's place in Pittsburgh and take her with them west, making a long stop in Tucson. The three very different women become close friends. Director: Herbert Ross Writer:
Boys Town (1938) ::: 7.3/10 -- Passed | 1h 36min | Biography, Drama | 9 September 1938 (USA) -- When a death row prisoner tells him he wouldn't have led a life of crime if only he had had one friend as a child, Father Edward Flanagan decides to start a home for young boys. Director: Norman Taurog Writers:
Boy Wonder (2010) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 1h 33min | Action, Crime, Drama | 12 August 2010 (USA) -- A traumatized boy grows into a shy, determined teenager who patrols the mean streets of New York City, helping those in need and dishing out severe punishment to remorseless thugs. Director: Michael Morrissey Writer:
Boyz n the Hood (1991) ::: 7.8/10 -- R | 1h 52min | Crime, Drama | 12 July 1991 (USA) -- Follows the lives of three young males living in the Crenshaw ghetto of Los Angeles, dissecting questions of race, relationships, violence, and future prospects. Director: John Singleton Writer:
Brad's Status (2017) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 42min | Comedy, Drama, Music | 15 September 2017 (USA) -- A father takes his son to tour colleges on the East Coast and meets up with an old friend who makes him feel inferior about his life's choices. Director: Mike White Writer:
Brain Damage (1988) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 1h 24min | Comedy, Drama, Horror | 22 April 1988 (USA) -- One morning, a young man wakes to find that a small, disgusting creature has attached itself to the base of his brain stem. The creature gives him a euphoric state of happiness but demands human victims in return. Director: Frank Henenlotter Writer: Frank Henenlotter
Brain Donors (1992) ::: 7.1/10 -- PG | 1h 20min | Comedy | 17 April 1992 (USA) -- Three manic idiots; a lawyer, cab driver and a handyman team up to run a ballet company to fulfill the will of a millionaire. Stooge-like antics result as the trio try to outwit the rich widow. Director: Dennis Dugan Writers:
Brain on Fire (2016) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 28min | Biography, Drama | 22 June 2018 (USA) -- A young, capable professional cannot explain her newly erratic behavior. Director: Gerard Barrett Writers: Gerard Barrett (screenplay), Susannah Cahalan (memoir)
Brainstorm (1983) ::: 6.4/10 -- PG | 1h 46min | Sci-Fi, Thriller | 30 September 1983 (USA) -- Researchers develop a system where they can jump into people's minds. But when people involved bring their personal problems into the equation, it becomes dangerous - perhaps deadly. Director: Douglas Trumbull Writers:
Bram Stoker's Dracula (1992) ::: 7.4/10 -- Dracula (original title) -- Bram Stoker's Dracula Poster -- The centuries old vampire Count Dracula comes to England to seduce his barrister Jonathan Harker's fiance Mina Murray and inflict havoc in the foreign land. Director: Francis Ford Coppola Writers:
Branded to Kill (1967) ::: 7.4/10 -- Koroshi no rakuin (original title) -- Branded to Kill Poster After a badly done assignment, a hitman finds himself in conflict with his organisation, and one mysterious and dangerous fellow-hitman in particular. Director: Seijun Suzuki Writers: Hachiro Guryu (screenplay), Hachiro Guryu | 3 more credits
Brand Upon the Brain! A Remembrance in 12 Chapters (2006) ::: 7.3/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 35min | Comedy, Drama, Fantasy | 24 September 2008 -- Brand Upon the Brain! A Remembrance in 12 Chapters Poster Returned home to his long-estranged mother upon a request from her deathbed, a man raised by his parents in an orphanage has to confront the childhood memories that have long haunted him. Director: Guy Maddin Writers: Guy Maddin, Louis Negin (narration) | 1 more credit
Brassed Off (1996) ::: 7.1/10 -- R | 1h 48min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 23 May 1997 (USA) -- The coal mine in a northern English village may be closing, which would also mean the end of the miners' brass band. Director: Mark Herman Writer: Mark Herman
Brat 2 (2000) ::: 7.8/10 -- 2h 2min | Action, Crime, Thriller | 11 May 2000 (Russia) -- Arriving in Moscow, Danila discovers Konstantin dead and he sets out to avenge his death; a journey that leads him to Chicago and a whole new experience. Director: Aleksey Balabanov Writer: Aleksey Balabanov Stars:
Brat 2 (2000) ::: 7.8/10 -- 2h 2min | Action, Crime, Thriller | 11 May 2000 (Russia) -- Arriving in Moscow, Danila discovers Konstantin dead and he sets out to avenge his death; a journey that leads him to Chicago and a whole new experience. Director:
Brave (2012) ::: 7.1/10 -- PG | 1h 33min | Animation, Adventure, Comedy | 22 June 2012 (USA) -- Determined to make her own path in life, Princess Merida (Kelly Macdonald) defies a custom that brings chaos to her kingdom. Granted one wish, Merida must rely on her bravery and her archery skills to undo a beastly curse. Directors: Mark Andrews, Brenda Chapman | 1 more credit Writers:
Braveheart (1995) ::: 8.3/10 -- R | 2h 58min | Biography, Drama, History | 24 May 1995 (USA) -- Scottish warrior William Wallace leads his countrymen in a rebellion to free his homeland from the tyranny of King Edward I of England. Director: Mel Gibson Writer: Randall Wallace
Bravo Two Zero (1999) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 2h 2min | Action, Adventure, Drama | TV Movie 15 June 1999 -- This is the true story of the most highly decorated British patrol since the Boer war: an eight man SAS team inserted behind Iraqi lines during the Gulf War in January 1991. Their mission ... S Director: Tom Clegg Writers:
Brawl in Cell Block 99 (2017) ::: 7.1/10 -- Not Rated | 2h 12min | Action, Crime, Drama | 6 October 2017 (USA) -- A former boxer-turned-drug runner lands in a prison battleground after a deal gets deadly. Director: S. Craig Zahler Writer: S. Craig Zahler
Brazil (1985) ::: 7.9/10 -- R | 2h 12min | Drama, Sci-Fi | 18 December 1985 (USA) -- A bureaucrat in a dystopic society becomes an enemy of the state as he pursues the woman of his dreams. Director: Terry Gilliam Writers: Terry Gilliam (screenplay by), Tom Stoppard (screenplay by) | 1 more
Breach (2007) ::: 7.0/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 50min | Biography, Crime, Drama | 16 February 2007 (USA) -- FBI upstart Eric O'Neill enters into a power game with his boss, Robert Hanssen, an agent who was put on trial for selling secrets to the Soviet Union. Director: Billy Ray Writers:
Bread and Roses (2000) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 1h 50min | Drama | 25 October 2000 (France) -- Two Latina sisters work as cleaners in a downtown office building, and fight for the right to unionize. Director: Ken Loach
Bread and Roses (2000) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 1h 50min | Drama | 25 October 2000 (France) -- Two Latina sisters work as cleaners in a downtown office building, and fight for the right to unionize. Director: Ken Loach Writer: Paul Laverty (screenplay) Stars:
Breakdown (1997) ::: 6.9/10 -- R | 1h 33min | Crime, Drama, Mystery | 2 May 1997 (USA) -- A man searches for his missing wife after his car breaks down in the middle of the desert. Director: Jonathan Mostow Writers: Jonathan Mostow (story), Jonathan Mostow (screenplay) | 1 more credit Stars:
Breaker Morant (1980) ::: 7.8/10 -- 'Breaker' Morant (original title) -- Breaker Morant Poster -- Three Australian lieutenants are court martialed for executing prisoners as a way of deflecting attention from war crimes committed by their superior officers. Director: Bruce Beresford Writers:
Breakfast at Tiffany's (1961) ::: 7.6/10 -- Approved | 1h 55min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 6 October 1961 (USA) -- A young New York socialite becomes interested in a young man who has moved into her apartment building, but her past threatens to get in the way. Director: Blake Edwards Writers:
Breakfast on Pluto (2005) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 2h 8min | Comedy, Drama | 6 January 2006 (USA) -- In the 1970s, a young trans woman, Patrick "Kitten" Braden, comes of age by leaving her Irish town for London, in part to look for her mother and in part because her gender identity is beyond the town's understanding. Director: Neil Jordan Writers:
Breakheart Pass (1975) ::: 6.7/10 -- PG | 1h 35min | Mystery, Western | 25 December 1975 (Finland) -- John Deakin is being transported, as a prisoner, on a train with supplies and medicine to Fort Humboldt, Nevada. Director: Tom Gries Writers: Alistair MacLean (novel), Alistair MacLean (screenplay)
Breaking and Entering (2006) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 2h | Crime, Drama, Romance | 10 November 2006 (UK) -- A landscape architect's dealings with a young thief cause him to re-evaluate his life. Director: Anthony Minghella Writer: Anthony Minghella
Breaking Away (1979) ::: 7.7/10 -- PG | 1h 41min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 20 July 1979 (USA) -- A small-town boy obsessed with the Italian cycling team vies for the affections of a college girl. Director: Peter Yates Writer: Steve Tesich
Breaking News (2004) ::: 6.7/10 -- Dai si gin (original title) -- Breaking News Poster After a disastrous failure to stop a robber gang, the police attempt to redeem themselves through a series of publicity stunts and shootouts. Director: Johnnie To Writers: Hing-Ka Chan (as Chan Hing Kai), Tin-Shing Yip (as Ip Tin Shing) Stars:
Breaking the Waves (1996) ::: 7.8/10 -- R | 2h 39min | Drama | 13 November 1996 (USA) -- Oilman Jan is paralyzed in an accident. His wife, who prayed for his return, feels guilty; even more, when Jan urges her to have sex with another. Director: Lars von Trier (as Lars Von Trier) Writers:
Breakthrough (2019) ::: 6.3/10 -- PG | 1h 56min | Biography, Drama | 17 April 2019 (USA) -- When her 14-year-old son drowns in a lake, a faithful mother prays for him to come back from the brink of death and be healed. Director: Roxann Dawson Writers: Joyce Smith (based upon the book by), Grant Nieporte (screenplay by)
Breathe (2017) ::: 7.2/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 58min | Biography, Drama, Romance | 27 October 2017 (UK) -- The inspiring true love story of Robin (Andrew Garfield) and Diana Cavendish (Claire Foy), an adventurous couple who refuse to give up in the face of a devastating disease. Their heartwarming celebration of human possibility marks the directorial debut of Andy Serkis. Director: Andy Serkis Writer:
Breathe In (2013) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 38min | Drama, Romance | 19 July 2013 (Ireland) -- When a foreign exchange student arrives in a small upstate New York town, she challenges the dynamics of her host family's relationships and alters their lives forever. Director: Drake Doremus Writers:
Breathless (1960) ::: 7.8/10 -- bout de souffle (original title) -- Breathless Poster -- A small-time thief steals a car and impulsively murders a motorcycle policeman. Wanted by the authorities, he reunites with a hip American journalism student and attempts to persuade her to run away with him to Italy. Director: Jean-Luc Godard
Breezy (1973) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 1h 46min | Drama, Romance | 22 February 1974 (Canada) -- A young girl tries to find her way in life, suffering from her own naivety and sincerity. Director: Clint Eastwood Writer: Jo Heims Stars:
Brewster McCloud (1970) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 1h 45min | Comedy, Fantasy | June 1971 (UK) -- An introverted loner living in the bowels of the Astrodome plots to develop - with the aid of a mysterious guardian angel - a pair of wings that will help him fly. Director: Robert Altman Writer: Doran William Cannon Stars:
Brewster's Millions (1985) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG | 1h 42min | Comedy | 22 May 1985 (USA) -- A minor league baseball player has to spend $30 million in thirty days, in order to inherit $300 million. However, he's not allowed to own any assets, destroy the money, gift it, give it to charity or tell anyone about the deal. Director: Walter Hill Writers:
Brexit (2019) ::: 7.0/10 -- Brexit: The Uncivil War (original title) -- Brexit Poster -- Political strategist Dominic Cummings leads a popular but controversial campaign to convince British voters to leave the European Union from 2015 up until the present day. Director: Toby Haynes Writer:
Brian Banks (2018) ::: 7.2/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 39min | Biography, Drama, Sport | 9 August 2019 (USA) -- A football player's dreams to play in the NFL are halted when he is wrongly convicted and sent to prison. Years later, he fights to clear his name within an unjust system. Director: Tom Shadyac Writer:
Brian's Song (1971) ::: 7.6/10 -- G | 1h 13min | Biography, Drama, Sport | TV Movie 30 November 1971 -- Based on the real-life relationship between teammates Brian Piccolo and Gale Sayers and the bond established when Piccolo discovers that he is dying. Director: Buzz Kulik Writers: William Blinn, Gale Sayers (book) | 1 more credit Stars:
Brick (2005) ::: 7.3/10 -- R | 1h 50min | Action, Crime, Drama | 14 April 2006 (USA) -- A teenage loner pushes his way into the underworld of a high school crime ring to investigate the disappearance of his ex-girlfriend. Director: Rian Johnson Writer: Rian Johnson
Brides (2004) ::: 7.6/10 -- Nyfes (original title) -- Brides Poster Set in 1922, is the story of a mail order bride, one of 700, aboard the SS KING ALEXANDER, who falls in love with an American photographer. She is bound for her new husband, in New York; he is on his way home to a failed marriage. Director: Pantelis Voulgaris Writer: Ioanna Karystiani (as Ioanna Karistiani)
Brideshead Revisited (2008) ::: 6.7/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 13min | Drama, Romance | 15 August 2008 (USA) -- A poignant story of forbidden love and the loss of innocence set in England prior to World War II. Director: Julian Jarrold Writers: Andrew Davies, Jeremy Brock | 1 more credit
Bridesmaids (2011) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 2h 5min | Comedy, Romance | 13 May 2011 (USA) -- Competition between the maid of honor and a bridesmaid, over who is the bride's best friend, threatens to upend the life of an out-of-work pastry chef. Director: Paul Feig Writers:
Bridge of Spies (2015) ::: 7.6/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 22min | Drama, History, Thriller | 16 October 2015 (USA) -- During the Cold War, an American lawyer is recruited to defend an arrested Soviet spy in court, and then help the CIA facilitate an exchange of the spy for the Soviet captured American U2 spy plane pilot, Francis Gary Powers. Director: Steven Spielberg Writers:
Bridget Jones's Baby (2016) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 2h 3min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 16 September 2016 (USA) -- Forty-something and single again, Bridget decides to focus on her job and surround herself with friends. In a twist, she finds herself pregnant, but with one hitch - she can only be fifty percent sure of the identity of her baby's father. Director: Sharon Maguire Writers:
Bridget Jones's Diary (2001) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 1h 37min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 13 April 2001 (USA) -- Bridget Jones is determined to improve herself while she looks for love in a year in which she keeps a personal diary. Director: Sharon Maguire Writers: Helen Fielding (novel), Helen Fielding (screenplay) | 2 more credits
Bridge to Terabithia (2007) ::: 7.1/10 -- PG | 1h 36min | Drama, Family, Fantasy | 16 February 2007 (USA) -- A preteen's life turns upside down when he befriends the new girl in school and they imagine a whole new fantasy world to escape reality. Director: Gabor Csupo Writers: Jeff Stockwell (screenplay), David Paterson (screenplay) | 1 more
Brief Encounter (1945) ::: 8.0/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 26min | Drama, Romance | 24 August 1946 (USA) -- Meeting a stranger in a railway station, a woman is tempted to cheat on her husband. Director: David Lean Stars: Celia Johnson, Trevor Howard, Stanley Holloway
Brigadoon (1954) ::: 6.8/10 -- Passed | 1h 48min | Fantasy, Musical, Romance | 8 September 1954 (USA) -- Two Americans on a hunting trip in Scotland become lost. They encounter a small village, not on the map, called Brigadoon, in which people harbor a mysterious secret, and behave as if they were still living two hundred years in the past. Director: Vincente Minnelli Writers:
Bright (2017) ::: 6.3/10 -- TV-MA | 1h 57min | Action, Fantasy, Thriller | 22 December 2017 (USA) -- A detective must work with an Orc to find a powerful wand before evil creatures do. Director: David Ayer Writer: Max Landis
Bright Lights: Starring Carrie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds (2016) ::: 8.0/10 -- TV-14 | 1h 35min | Documentary | TV Movie 7 January 2017 -- An intimate portrait of actress Debbie Reynolds and her relationship with her beloved children, Carrie and Todd. Directors: Alexis Bloom, Fisher Stevens Stars: Debbie Reynolds, Carrie Fisher, Todd Fisher
Brighton Beach Memoirs (1986) ::: 6.8/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 48min | Comedy | 25 December 1986 (USA) -- Eugene, a young teenage Jewish boy, recalls his memoirs of his time as an adolescent youth. He goes through the hardships of puberty, sexual fantasy, and living the life of a poor boy in a crowded house. Director: Gene Saks Writers:
Brighton Rock (1948) ::: 7.4/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 32min | Crime, Drama | 21 September 1948 (France) -- In Brighton in 1935, small-time gang leader Pinkie Brown murders a journalist and later desperately tries to cover his tracks but runs into trouble with the police, a few witnesses and a rival gang. Director: John Boulting Writers: Graham Greene (from the novel by), Graham Greene (screenplay) | 1 more credit
Bright Star (2009) ::: 6.9/10 -- PG | 1h 59min | Biography, Drama, Romance | 9 October 2009 (USA) -- The three-year romance between 19th-century poet John Keats and Fanny Brawne near the end of his life. Director: Jane Campion Writers: Jane Campion, Jane Campion (screenplay) | 1 more credit
Bright Young Things (2003) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 1h 42min | Comedy, Drama, War | 3 October 2003 (UK) -- An adaptation of Evelyn Waugh's novel "Vile Bodies", is a look into the lives of a young novelist, his would-be lover, and a host of young people who beautified London in the 1930s. Director: Stephen Fry Writers:
Brigsby Bear (2017) ::: 7.3/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 37min | Comedy, Drama | 21 September 2017 (Australia) -- After being freed from his life in an underground bunker, a man sets out to make a movie of the only TV show he has ever known. Director: Dave McCary Writers: Kevin Costello (screenplay by), Kyle Mooney (screenplay by) | 1 more
Brimstone (2016) ::: 7.1/10 -- R | 2h 28min | Drama, Mystery, Thriller | 12 January 2017 (Netherlands) -- From the moment the new reverend climbs the pulpit, Liz knows she and her family are in great danger. Director: Martin Koolhoven Writer: Martin Koolhoven
Bringing Out the Dead (1999) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 2h 1min | Drama, Thriller | 22 October 1999 (USA) -- Haunted by the patients he failed to save, an extremely burned-out Manhattan ambulance paramedic fights to maintain his sanity over three fraught and turbulent nights. Director: Martin Scorsese Writers:
Bringing Up Baby (1938) ::: 7.8/10 -- Passed | 1h 42min | Comedy, Family, Romance | 18 February 1938 (USA) -- While trying to secure a $1 million donation for his museum, a befuddled paleontologist is pursued by a flighty and often irritating heiress and her pet leopard, Baby. Director: Howard Hawks Writers:
Bring Me the Head of Alfredo Garcia (1974) ::: 7.5/10 -- R | 1h 52min | Action, Crime, Drama | 7 August 1974 (USA) -- An American bar room pianist and his prostitute girlfriend go on a trip through the Mexican underworld to collect a bounty on the head of a dead gigolo. Director: Sam Peckinpah Writers: Gordon T. Dawson (screenplay) (as Gordon Dawson), Sam Peckinpah (screenplay) | 2 more credits
Brink! (1998) ::: 7.1/10 -- TV-G | 1h 39min | Drama, Family, Sport | TV Movie 29 August 1998 -- Andy "Brink" Brinker and his in-line skating crew--Peter, Jordy, and Gabriella--who call themselves "Soul-Skaters" (which means they skate for the fun of it, and not for the money), clash ... S Director: Greg Beeman Writer: Jeff Schechter Stars:
Brittany Runs a Marathon (2019) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 1h 44min | Comedy, Drama | 24 October 2019 (Argentina) -- A young woman decides to make positive changes in her life by training for the New York City Marathon. Director: Paul Downs Colaizzo Writer: Paul Downs Colaizzo
Broadcast News (1987) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 2h 13min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 25 December 1987 (USA) -- Take two rival television reporters: one handsome, one talented, both male. Add one Producer, female. Mix well, and watch the sparks fly. Director: James L. Brooks Writer: James L. Brooks
Broadway Danny Rose (1984) ::: 7.4/10 -- PG | 1h 24min | Comedy | 27 January 1984 (USA) -- In his attempts to reconcile a lounge singer with his mistress, a hapless talent agent is mistaken as her lover by a jealous gangster. Director: Woody Allen Writer: Woody Allen
Brokeback Mountain (2005) ::: 7.7/10 -- R | 2h 14min | Drama, Romance | 13 January 2006 (USA) -- Ennis and Jack are two shepherds who develop a sexual and emotional relationship. Their relationship becomes complicated when both of them get married to their respective girlfriends. Director: Ang Lee Writers:
Brokedown Palace (1999) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 40min | Drama, Mystery, Thriller | 13 August 1999 (USA) -- Two women are arrested for smuggling while vacationing in Thailand. Director: Jonathan Kaplan Writers: Adam Fields (story), David Arata (story) | 1 more credit
Broken (2012) ::: 7.3/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 31min | Drama, Romance | 8 March 2013 (UK) -- Three suburban English families' lives intertwine with tragic consequences. Director: Rufus Norris Writers: Daniel Clay (based on a novel by), Mark O'Rowe (screenplay)
Broken Arrow (1950) ::: 7.2/10 -- Approved | 1h 33min | Drama, Romance, Western | August 1950 (USA) -- Tom Jeffords tries to make peace between settlers and Apaches in Arizona territory. Director: Delmer Daves Writers: Elliott Arnold (novel), Albert Maltz (screenplay) | 1 more credit Stars:
Broken Embraces (2009) ::: 7.2/10 -- Los abrazos rotos (original title) -- Broken Embraces Poster -- Harry Caine, a blind writer, reaches this moment in time when he has to heal his wounds from 14 years back. He was then still known by his real name, Mateo Blanco, and directing his last movie. Director: Pedro Almodvar Writer:
Broken Flowers (2005) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 1h 46min | Comedy, Drama, Mystery | 26 August 2005 (USA) -- As the extremely withdrawn Don Johnston is dumped by his latest woman, he receives an anonymous letter from a former lover informing him that he has a son who may be looking for him. A freelance sleuth neighbor moves Don to embark on a cross-country search for his old flames in search of answers. Director: Jim Jarmusch
Broken Lance (1954) ::: 6.9/10 -- Approved | 1h 36min | Adventure, Drama, Western | 25 September 1954 -- Broken Lance Poster -- The saga of the Devereaux rancher family, set in 1880's Arizona. Director: Edward Dmytryk Writers: Richard Murphy (screenplay), Philip Yordan (story)
Bronson (2008) ::: 7.1/10 -- R | 1h 32min | Action, Biography, Crime | 13 March 2009 (UK) -- A young man who was sentenced to seven years in prison for robbing a post office ends up spending three decades in solitary confinement. During this time, his own personality is supplanted by his alter-ego, Charles Bronson. Director: Nicolas Winding Refn Writers:
Brooklyn (2015) ::: 7.5/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 57min | Drama, Romance | 25 November 2015 (USA) -- An Irish immigrant lands in 1950s Brooklyn, where she quickly falls into a romance with a local. When her past catches up with her, however, she must choose between two countries and the lives that exist within. Director: John Crowley Writers:
Brooklyn's Finest (2009) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 2h 12min | Action, Crime, Drama | 5 March 2010 (USA) -- Three unconnected Brooklyn cops wind up at the same deadly location after enduring vastly different career paths. Director: Antoine Fuqua Writer: Michael C. Martin
Brother (1997) ::: 8.0/10 -- Brat (original title) -- Brother Poster An ex-soldier with a personal honor code enters the family crime business in St. Petersburg, Russia. Director: Aleksey Balabanov Writer: Aleksey Balabanov Stars:
Brother (2000) ::: 7.1/10 -- R | 1h 54min | Crime, Drama, Thriller | 27 January 2001 (Japan) -- A Japanese gangster is exiled to Los Angeles where his brother lives with a small but respectable multi-racial gang, who he inspires to expand their influence. Director: Takeshi Kitano Writer:
Brother Bear (2003) ::: 6.8/10 -- G | 1h 25min | Animation, Adventure, Comedy | 1 November 2003 (USA) -- When a young Inuit hunter needlessly kills a bear, he is magically changed into a bear himself as punishment with a talkative cub being his only guide to changing back. Directors: Aaron Blaise (as Aarn Blaise), Robert Walker (as Rbert Walker) Writers:
Brotherhood (2010) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 16min | Crime, Drama, Thriller | 18 November 2010 (South Korea) -- A college fraternity initiation rite goes awfully wrong. A bullet wounded frat boy and a kidnapped convenience store clerk end up at the frat house. Panic continues. Director: Will Canon Writers:
Brothers (2009) ::: 7.1/10 -- R | 1h 45min | Action, Drama, Thriller | 4 December 2009 (USA) -- While on tour in Afghanistan, Sam's copter is shot down and he is presumed dead. Back home, it is his screw-up brother who looks after the family. Sam does return, but with a lot of excess baggage. Director: Jim Sheridan Writers:
Brothers (2015) ::: 6.5/10 -- Not Rated | 2h 36min | Action, Drama, Sport | 14 August 2015 (USA) -- Two estranged, street-fighting brothers square off against each other in a mixed martial arts tournament. Director: Karan Malhotra Writers: Gavin O'Connor (original story), Cliff Dorfman (original story) | 5
Brother Sun, Sister Moon (1972) ::: 7.2/10 -- Fratello sole, sorella luna (original title) -- Brother Sun, Sister Moon Poster Dramatization of events in the life of St. Francis of Assisi from before his conversion experience through his audience with the pope, including his friendship with St. Clare. Director: Franco Zeffirelli Writers: Suso Cecchi D'Amico, Kenneth Ross | 2 more credits
Brown Sugar (2002) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 49min | Romance, Comedy, Drama | 11 October 2002 (USA) -- Friends since childhood, a magazine editor and a hip-hop record executive stumble into romantic territory. Director: Rick Famuyiwa Writers: Michael Elliot (story), Michael Elliot (screenplay) | 1 more credit
Brubaker (1980) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 2h 11min | Crime, Drama | 20 June 1980 (USA) -- The new warden of a small prison farm in Arkansas tries to clean it up of corruption after initially posing as an inmate. Director: Stuart Rosenberg Writers: W.D. Richter (screenplay), W.D. Richter (story) | 3 more credits
Bruce Almighty (2003) ::: 6.8/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 41min | Comedy, Fantasy | 23 May 2003 (USA) -- A guy who complains about God too often is given almighty powers to teach him how difficult it is to run the world. Director: Tom Shadyac Writers: Steve Koren (story), Mark O'Keefe (story) | 3 more credits
Brute Force (1947) ::: 7.6/10 -- Passed | 1h 38min | Crime, Drama, Film-Noir | August 1947 (USA) -- At a tough penitentiary, prisoner Joe Collins plans to rebel against Captain Munsey, the power-mad chief guard. Director: Jules Dassin Writers: Richard Brooks (screenplay), Robert Patterson (story)
Bubba Ho-Tep (2002) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 1h 32min | Comedy, Fantasy, Horror | 10 October 2003 (USA) -- Elvis Presley and a black "JFK" stay in a nursing home where nothing happens - until a wayward Egyptian mummy comes and sucks out the old people's souls thru their a-holes. The two decide to fight back. Director: Don Coscarelli Writers:
Bubble (2005) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 13min | Crime, Drama, Mystery | 27 January 2006 (USA) -- Set against the backdrop of a decaying Midwestern town, a murder becomes the focal point of three people who work in a doll factory. Director: Steven Soderbergh Writer: Coleman Hough Stars:
Buck Privates (1941) ::: 7.1/10 -- Passed | 1h 24min | Comedy, Musical, War | 31 January 1941 (USA) -- Two sidewalk salesman enlist in the army in order to avoid jail, only to find that their drill instructor is the police officer who tried having them imprisoned. Director: Arthur Lubin Writers:
Buck Rogers in the 25th Century (1979) ::: 6.7/10 -- PG | 1h 29min | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi | 30 March 1979 (USA) -- A 20th century astronaut emerges out of 500 years of suspended animation into a future time where Earth is threatened by alien invaders. Director: Daniel Haller Writers: Glen A. Larson, Leslie Stevens | 1 more credit Stars:
Bud Abbott and Lou Costello Meet the Invisible Man (1951) ::: 6.8/10 -- Passed | 1h 22min | Comedy, Sci-Fi, Sport | 7 March 1951 (USA) -- Two bumbling private eyes help a man wrongly accused of murder who has become invisible to help clear his name. Director: Charles Lamont Writers: Hugh Wedlock Jr. (story), Howard Snyder (story) | 4 more credits Stars:
Bud Abbott Lou Costello Meet the Killer Boris Karloff (1949) ::: 6.9/10 -- Passed | 1h 24min | Comedy, Crime, Horror | 22 August 1949 (USA) -- Two employees of a secluded hotel investigate a murder on the premises in which the goofy bellboy is the prime suspect. Director: Charles Barton (as Charles T. Barton) Writers: Hugh Wedlock Jr. (story), Howard Snyder (story) | 3 more credits Stars:
Buddy Buddy (1981) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 1h 36min | Comedy | 11 December 1981 (USA) -- During a high profile Mafia testimony case in California's Riverside County, a hired killer checks into a hotel room near the courthouse, while his depressed next-door neighbor wants to commit suicide due to marital problems. Director: Billy Wilder Writers: Francis Veber (play), Francis Veber (story) | 2 more credits
Buffalo '66 (1998) ::: 7.5/10 -- R | 1h 50min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 26 June 1998 (USA) -- After being released from prison, Billy is set to visit his parents with his wife, whom he does not actually have. This provokes Billy to act out, as he kidnaps a girl and forces her to act as his wife for the visit. Director: Vincent Gallo Writers:
Buffalo Soldiers (2001) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 1h 38min | Comedy, Crime, Drama | 31 October 2002 (Germany) -- A criminal subculture operates among U.S. soldiers stationed in West Germany just before the fall of the Berlin wall. Director: Gregor Jordan Writers: Robert O'Connor (book), Gregor Jordan (screenplay) | 2 more credits
Bugsy (1991) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 2h 16min | Biography, Crime, Drama | 20 December 1991 (USA) -- The story of how Benjamin "Bugsy" Siegel started Las Vegas. Director: Barry Levinson Writers: James Toback, Dean Jennings (book) Stars: Warren Beatty, Annette Bening, Harvey Keitel
Bugsy Malone (1976) ::: 6.9/10 -- G | 1h 33min | Comedy, Crime, Family | 15 September 1976 (USA) -- The classic gangster story of Bugsy Malone told with an all-child cast. Director: Alan Parker Writer: Alan Parker
Bull Durham (1988) ::: 7.1/10 -- R | 1h 48min | Comedy, Romance, Sport | 15 June 1988 (USA) -- A fan who has an affair with one minor-league baseball player each season meets an up-and-coming pitcher and the experienced catcher assigned to him. Director: Ron Shelton Writer:
Bullet (1996) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 36min | Action, Crime, Drama | 31 May 1996 (Italy) -- Paroled after 8 years in prison, Bullet's picked up by his brother and a friend. Bullet assaults a drug dealer and two customers. Things escalate. Director: Julien Temple Writers: Mickey Rourke (as 'Sir' Eddie Cook), Bruce Rubenstein Stars:
Bullet in the Head (1990) ::: 7.6/10 -- Dip huet gai tau (original title) -- Kong) Bullet in the Head Poster When three close friends escape from Hong Kong to war-time Saigon to start a criminal's life, they all go through a harrowing experience which totally shatters their lives and their friendship forever. Director: John Woo Writers: Janet Chun, Patrick Leung | 1 more credit
Bullets Over Broadway (1994) ::: 7.4/10 -- R | 1h 38min | Comedy, Crime | 24 February 1995 (USA) -- In New York in 1928, a struggling playwright is forced to cast a mobster's talentless girlfriend in his latest drama in order to get it produced. Director: Woody Allen Writers:
Bullitt (1968) ::: 7.4/10 -- M/PG | 1h 54min | Action, Crime, Thriller | 17 October 1968 (USA) -- An all guts, no glory San Francisco cop becomes determined to find the underworld kingpin that killed the witness in his protection. Director: Peter Yates Writers: Alan Trustman (screenplay) (as Alan R. Trustman), Harry Kleiner
Bully (2001) ::: 6.9/10 -- R | 1h 48min | Biography, Crime, Drama | 1 January 2001 (Canada) -- A pack of nave teenagers conspire to murder a mutual friend, whose aggressive demeanor has proved too much. Director: Larry Clark
Bully (2001) ::: 6.9/10 -- R | 1h 48min | Biography, Crime, Drama | 1 January 2001 (Canada) -- A pack of nave teenagers conspire to murder a mutual friend, whose aggressive demeanor has proved too much. Director: Larry Clark Writers: Jim Schutze (book), David McKenna (screenplay) (as Zachary Long) | 1
Bulworth (1998) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 1h 48min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 22 May 1998 (USA) -- A suicidally disillusioned liberal politician puts a contract out on himself and takes the opportunity to be bluntly honest with his voters by affecting the rhythms and speech of hip-hop music and culture. Director: Warren Beatty Writers:
Bumblebee (2018) ::: 6.8/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 54min | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi | 21 December 2018 (USA) -- On the run in the year 1987, Bumblebee finds refuge in a junkyard in a small California beach town. On the cusp of turning 18 and trying to find her place in the world, Charlie Watson discovers Bumblebee, battle-scarred and broken. Director: Travis Knight Writer:
Bunny and the Bull (2009) ::: 6.7/10 -- Unrated | 1h 41min | Comedy, Drama | 13 August 2010 (USA) -- A young shut-in takes an imaginary road trip inside his apartment, based on mementos and memories of a European trek from years before. Director: Paul King Writer: Paul King (screenplay)
Bunny Lake Is Missing (1965) ::: 7.3/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 47min | Drama, Mystery, Thriller | 15 November 1965 -- Bunny Lake Is Missing Poster -- A woman reports that her young daughter is missing, but there seems to be no evidence that she ever existed. Director: Otto Preminger Writers:
Buried (2010) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 1h 35min | Drama, Mystery, Thriller | 15 October 2010 (USA) -- Paul is a U.S. truck driver working in Iraq. After an attack by a group of Iraqis he wakes to find he is buried alive inside a coffin. With only a lighter and a cell phone it's a race against time to escape this claustrophobic death trap. Director: Rodrigo Corts Writer:
Buried Alive (1990) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 33min | Horror, Romance, Thriller | TV Movie 9 May 1990 -- A husband finds out that his wife and her lover are trying to kill him. Director: Frank Darabont Writers: David A. Davies (story), Mark Patrick Carducci (teleplay) Stars: Tim Matheson, Jennifer Jason Leigh, William Atherton | See full cast &
Burlesque (2010) ::: 6.4/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 59min | Drama, Music, Musical | 24 November 2010 (USA) -- A small-town girl ventures to Los Angeles and finds her place in a neo-burlesque club run by a former dancer. Director: Steve Antin (as Steven Antin) Writer: Steve Antin (as Steven Antin)
Burn! (1969) ::: 7.3/10 -- Queimada (original title) -- Burn! Poster During a slave revolt in 1844, a British mercenary aids an Antilles island-colony gain its independence from Portugal but years later he returns there to manhunt a local rebel army leader and former friend. Director: Gillo Pontecorvo Writers: Franco Solinas (story), Giorgio Arlorio (story) | 2 more credits
Burn After Reading (2008) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 1h 36min | Comedy, Crime, Drama | 12 September 2008 (USA) -- A disk containing mysterious information from a CIA agent ends up in the hands of two unscrupulous and daft gym employees who attempt to sell it. Directors: Ethan Coen, Joel Coen Writers:
Burning (2018) ::: 7.5/10 -- Beoning (original title) -- Burning Poster -- Jong-su bumps into a girl who used to live in the same neighborhood, who asks him to look after her cat while she's on a trip to Africa. When back, she introduces Ben, a mysterious guy she met there, who confesses his secret hobby. Director: Chang-dong Lee
Burning Man (2011) ::: 6.5/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 50min | Drama, Romance | 17 November 2011 (Australia) -- An English chef with a chic restaurant on Bondi Beach trying to put his life and his relationship with his son back on track while surrounded by women. Director: Jonathan Teplitzky Writer:
Burn Notice: The Fall of Sam Axe (2011) ::: 7.2/10 -- TV-PG | 1h 30min | Action, Comedy, Crime | TV Movie 17 April 2011 -- Follows Sam Axe on a mission in Latin America and gives us a glimpse into his military past. Director: Jeffrey Donovan Writers: Matt Nix (teleplay), Matt Nix (story) | 1 more credit Stars:
Burnt (2015) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 1h 41min | Comedy, Drama | 30 October 2015 (USA) -- Adam Jones (Bradley Cooper) is a chef who destroyed his career with drugs and diva behavior. He cleans up and returns to London, determined to redeem himself by spearheading a top restaurant that can gain three Michelin stars. Director: John Wells Writers:
Burnt Offerings (1976) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG | 1h 56min | Horror, Mystery, Thriller | 18 October 1976 (USA) -- A family moves into a large old mansion in the countryside which seems to have a mysterious and sinister power over its new residents. Director: Dan Curtis Writers: Robert Marasco (novel), William F. Nolan (screenplay) | 1 more credit
Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee (2007) ::: 7.1/10 -- TV-14 | 2h 13min | Drama, History, Western | TV Movie 27 May 2007 -- A historic chronicle based on the book by Dee Brown explains how Native Americans were displaced as the United States expanded west. Director: Yves Simoneau Writers: Daniel Giat (screenplay), Dee Brown (based on the book by) (as Dee Alexander Brown) Stars:
Bus Stop (1956) ::: 6.4/10 -- Approved | 1h 36min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 20 September 1956 -- Bus Stop Poster -- A naive but stubborn cowboy falls in love with a saloon singer and tries to take her away against her will to get married and live on his ranch in Montana. Director: Joshua Logan Writers:
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969) ::: 8.0/10 -- PG | 1h 50min | Biography, Crime, Drama | 24 September 1969 (USA) -- Wyoming, early 1900s. Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid are the leaders of a band of outlaws. After a train robbery goes wrong they find themselves on the run with a posse hard on their heels. Their solution - escape to Bolivia. Director: George Roy Hill Writer:
But I'm a Cheerleader (1999) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 1h 25min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 11 August 2000 (USA) -- A naive teenager is sent to rehab camp when her straitlaced parents and friends suspect her of being a lesbian. Director: Jamie Babbit Writers: Brian Peterson (screenplay) (as Brian Wayne Peterson), Jamie Babbit
BUtterfield 8 (1960) ::: 6.4/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 49min | Drama, Romance | 4 November 1960 (USA) -- A beautiful New York model and socialite moonlights as a call-girl, but all things change when she falls for a married man and the consequences are tragic. Director: Daniel Mann Writers:
Butterflies Are Free (1972) ::: 7.2/10 -- PG | 1h 49min | Comedy, Drama, Music | July 1972 (USA) -- A blind man moves into his own apartment against the wishes of his overprotective mother and befriends the freethinking young woman next door. Director: Milton Katselas Writers:
By Dawn's Early Light (1990) ::: 7.1/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 40min | Action, Drama, Thriller | TV Movie 24 April 1990 -- A non-NATO nuclear missile is fired from Turkey at USSR, where it detonates. Soviet response is automatic as it's seen as a NATO missile. Can continued escalation be avoided? We follow the US president and a bomber crew. Director: Jack Sholder Writers: William Prochnau (novel), Bruce Gilbert (teleplay)
Bye Bye Birdie (1963) ::: 6.6/10 -- Approved | 1h 52min | Comedy, Musical | 27 May 1963 (Brazil) -- A rock singer travels to a small Ohio town to make his "farewell" television performance and kiss his biggest fan before he is drafted. Director: George Sidney Writers: Michael Stewart (book), Irving Brecher (screen play)
Byzantium (2012) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 58min | Drama, Fantasy, Horror | 31 May 2013 (UK) -- Residents of a coastal town learn, with deathly consequences, the secret shared by the two mysterious women who have sought shelter at a local resort. Director: Neil Jordan Writers:
Cabaret (1972) ::: 7.8/10 -- PG | 2h 4min | Drama, Music, Musical | 13 February 1972 (USA) -- A female girlie club entertainer in Weimar Republic era Berlin romances two men while the Nazi Party rises to power around them. Director: Bob Fosse Writers: Joe Masteroff (based on the musical play "Cabaret" book by), John Van
Cabin Fever (2002) ::: 5.7/10 -- R | 1h 33min | Drama, Horror | 12 September 2003 (USA) -- Five college graduates rent a cabin in the woods and begin to fall victim to a horrifying flesh-eating virus, which attracts the unwanted attention of the homicidal locals. Director: Eli Roth Writers: Eli Roth, Randy Pearlstein | 1 more credit Stars:
Cactus Flower (1969) ::: 7.2/10 -- M | 1h 44min | Comedy, Romance | 16 December 1969 (USA) -- A dentist pretends to be married to avoid commitment, but when he falls for his girlfriend and proposes, he must recruit his lovelorn nurse to pose as his wife. Director: Gene Saks Writers:
Caddyshack (1980) ::: 7.3/10 -- R | 1h 38min | Comedy, Sport | 25 July 1980 (USA) -- An exclusive golf course has to deal with a brash new member and a destructive dancing gopher. Director: Harold Ramis Writers: Brian Doyle-Murray, Harold Ramis | 1 more credit
Cadence (1990) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 37min | Drama | 15 February 1991 (USA) -- Charlie Sheen plays a rebellious inmate in an Army stockade. Director: Martin Sheen Writers: Dennis Shryack (screenplay), Gordon Weaver (novel)
Cadillac Records (2008) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 1h 49min | Biography, Drama, Music | 5 December 2008 (USA) -- Chronicles the rise of Chess Records and its recording artists. Director: Darnell Martin Writer: Darnell Martin
Caf de flore (2011) ::: 7.4/10 -- Caf de Flore (original title) -- Caf de flore Poster -- A love story between a man and woman. And between a mother and her son. A mystical and fantastical odyssey on love. Director: Jean-Marc Valle Writer:
Caf Society (2016) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 36min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 5 August 2016 (USA) -- In the 1930s, a Bronx native moves to Hollywood and falls in love with a young woman who is seeing a married man. Director: Woody Allen Writer: Woody Allen
Caged (1950) ::: 7.7/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 36min | Crime, Drama, Film-Noir | 10 June 1950 (USA) -- A naive nineteen-year-old widow becomes coarsened and cynical when she is sent to a woman's prison and is exposed to hardened criminals and sadistic guards. Director: John Cromwell Writers:
Cahill U.S. Marshal (1973) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG | 1h 43min | Drama, Western | 11 July 1973 (USA) -- A tough Marshal has a difficult task when his two sons join a gang and rob a bank. Director: Andrew V. McLaglen Writers: Harry Julian Fink (screenplay), Rita M. Fink (screenplay) | 1 more
Cairo 678 (2010) ::: 7.5/10 -- 678 (original title) -- Cairo 678 Poster -- Unfolds the poignant story of three women and their search for justice from the daily plight of sexual harassment in Egypt. Director: Mohamed Diab Writer:
Cairo Time (2009) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG | 1h 30min | Drama, Romance | 16 October 2009 (Canada) -- A romantic drama about a brief, unexpected love affair that catches two people completely off-guard. Director: Ruba Nadda Writer: Ruba Nadda
Cake (2014) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 42min | Drama | 23 January 2015 (USA) -- The acerbic, hilarious Claire Bennett becomes fascinated by the suicide of a woman in her chronic pain support group. As she uncovers the details of Nina's suicide and develops a poignant relationship with Nina's husband, she also grapples with her own, very raw personal tragedy. Director: Daniel Barnz
Calamari Union (1985) ::: 7.1/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 21min | Comedy | 8 February 1985 (Finland) -- An exodus to a better life in Eira Director: Aki Kaurismki Writer: Aki Kaurismki Stars: Timo Ernk, Kari Heiskanen, Asmo Hurula
Calamity Jane (1953) ::: 7.3/10 -- Passed | 1h 41min | Comedy, Musical, Romance | 4 November 1953 (USA) -- The story of Calamity Jane, her saloon, and her romance with Wild Bill Hickok. Director: David Butler Writer: James O'Hanlon
Calendar Girls (2003) ::: 6.9/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 48min | Comedy, Drama | 1 January 2004 (USA) -- A Women's Institute chapter's fundraising effort for a local hospital by posing nude for a calendar becomes a media sensation. Director: Nigel Cole Writers: Juliette Towhidi, Tim Firth
Caliber 9 (1972) ::: 7.5/10 -- Milano calibro 9 (original title) -- Germany) Caliber 9 Poster A former gangster is forced to resume his old lifestyle when his violent, jealous ex-colleagues and the police believe that he knows the location of a stolen cache of $300,000. Director: Fernando Di Leo Writers: Giorgio Scerbanenco (book), Fernando Di Leo (story) | 2 more credits
Calibre (2018) ::: 6.8/10 -- TV-MA | 1h 41min | Drama, Thriller | 29 June 2018 (USA) -- A shocking deed turned their weekend trip into a nightmare. Now their only hope is to swallow their paranoia and act normal. Director: Matt Palmer (as Matthew Palmer) Writer: Matt Palmer (as Matthew Palmer)
California Dreamin' (2007) ::: 7.8/10 -- California Dreamin' (Nesfarsit) (original title) -- California Dreamin' Poster A railway chief delays a NATO train transporting military equipment during the war in Kosovo in 1999. Director: Cristian Nemescu Writers: Catherine Linstrum (additional dialogue), Cristian Nemescu | 1 more credit
California Split (1974) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 1h 48min | Comedy, Drama | August 1974 (USA) -- When a casual gambler befriends a professional one, he begins to mirror his life, sending both deeper into the sleazy gambling world where the stakes keep getting bigger. Director: Robert Altman Writer: Joseph Walsh Stars:
Call Girl (2012) ::: 6.5/10 -- 2h 20min | Drama, Thriller | 9 November 2012 (Sweden) -- A young girl is recruited from the bottom rung of society into a ruthless world where power can get you anything. Director: Mikael Marcimain Writer: Marietta von Hausswolff von Baumgarten Stars:
Call Me by Your Name (2017) ::: 7.9/10 -- R | 2h 12min | Drama, Romance | 19 January 2018 (USA) -- In 1980s Italy, romance blossoms between a seventeen-year-old student and the older man hired as his father's research assistant. Director: Luca Guadagnino Writers: James Ivory (screenplay by), Andr Aciman (based on the novel by)
Call Northside 777 (1948) ::: 7.4/10 -- Approved | 1h 52min | Drama, Film-Noir | March 1948 (USA) -- Chicago reporter P.J. McNeal re-opens a decade-old murder case. Director: Henry Hathaway Writers: Jerome Cady (screen play), Jay Dratler (screen play) | 3 more credits
Calm with Horses (2019) ::: 6.9/10 -- R | 1h 40min | Crime, Drama | 31 July 2020 (USA) -- Douglas 'Arm' Armstrong has become the feared enforcer for the drug-dealing Devers family, whilst also trying to be a good father. Torn between these two families, Arm's loyalties are tested when he is asked to kill for the first time. Director: Nick Rowland Writers:
Calvary (2014) ::: 7.4/10 -- R | 1h 42min | Comedy, Drama, Mystery | 11 April 2014 (Ireland) -- After he is threatened during a confession, a good-natured priest must battle the dark forces closing in around him. Director: John Michael McDonagh Writer: John Michael McDonagh
Camelot (1967) ::: 6.7/10 -- G | 2h 55min | Adventure, Fantasy, Musical | 25 October 1967 (USA) -- The story of the marriage of England's King Arthur to Guinevere. The plot of illegitimate Mordred to gain the throne and Guinevere's growing attachment to Sir Lancelot, threaten to topple Arthur and destroy his "round table" of knights. Director: Joshua Logan Writers:
Camille (1936) ::: 7.4/10 -- Passed | 1h 49min | Drama, Romance | 1937 (Austria) -- A Parisian courtesan must choose between the young man who loves her and the callous baron who wants her, even as her own health begins to fail. Director: George Cukor Writers:
Camille Claudel (1988) ::: 7.3/10 -- R | 2h 55min | Biography, Drama, History | 21 December 1989 (USA) -- Camille Claude impresses already-famous sculptor Auguste Rodin. He hires her as an assistant, but soon Camille begins to sculpt for herself and she also becomes his mistress. But after a while, she would like to get out of his shadow. Director: Bruno Nuytten Writers:
Camp Takota (2014) ::: 6.8/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 35min | Comedy | 14 February 2014 (USA) -- A story that follows Elise, who after finding her life in shambles is forced to work at her old summer camp, where she reunites with two estranged friends. Directors: Chris Riedell, Nick Riedell Writers:
Camp X-Ray (2014) ::: 6.9/10 -- R | 1h 57min | Drama, War | 17 October 2014 (USA) -- A soldier assigned to Guantanamo Bay befriends a man who has been imprisoned there. Director: Peter Sattler Writer: Peter Sattler
Candleshoe (1977) ::: 6.8/10 -- G | 1h 41min | Adventure, Comedy, Drama | 16 December 1977 (USA) -- Welcome to Candleshoe, a stately English manor where a swashbuckling pirate hid a fortune in Spanish doubloons centuries ago. And that's what young orphan Casey and a sly con man are determined to find. Director: Norman Tokar Writers:
Candy (2006) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 1h 48min | Drama, Romance | 25 May 2006 (Australia) -- A poet falls in love with an art student who gravitates to his bohemian lifestyle -- and his love of heroin. Hooked as much on one another as they are on the drug, their relationship alternates between states of oblivion, self-destruction, and despair. Director: Neil Armfield Writers:
Candyman (1992) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 1h 39min | Horror, Thriller | 16 October 1992 (USA) -- The Candyman, a murderous soul with a hook for a hand, is accidentally summoned to reality by a skeptic grad student researching the monster's myth. Director: Bernard Rose Writers:
Cannery Row (1982) ::: 6.7/10 -- PG | 2h | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 12 February 1982 (USA) -- Monterey, California in the 1940's. Cannery Row - the section of town where the now closed fish canneries are located - is inhabited primarily by the down and out, although many would not ... S Director: David S. Ward Writers:
Cannibal! The Musical (1993) ::: 7.1/10 -- Alferd Packer: The Musical (original title) -- Cannibal! The Musical Poster -- The sole survivor of an ill-fated mining expedition tells how his taste for gold was replaced by that of human flesh. Director: Trey Parker Writer:
Can't Buy Me Love (1987) ::: 6.8/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 34min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 14 August 1987 (USA) -- An outcast secretly pays the most popular girl in school one thousand dollars to pretend to be his girlfriend for a month. Director: Steve Rash Writer: Michael Swerdlick
Can't Hardly Wait (1998) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 40min | Comedy, Romance | 12 June 1998 (USA) -- Multicharacter teenage comedy about high school graduates with different agenda of life on graduation night. Directors: Harry Elfont, Deborah Kaplan Writers: Deborah Kaplan, Harry Elfont
Cantinflas (2014) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG | 1h 42min | Biography, Comedy, Drama | 18 September 2014 (Mexico) -- The untold story of Mexico's greatest and most beloved comedy film star of all time, from his humble origins on the small stage to the bright lights of Hollywood. Director: Sebastian del Amo Writers:
Can You Ever Forgive Me? (2018) ::: 7.1/10 -- R | 1h 46min | Biography, Comedy, Crime | 2 November 2018 (South -- Can You Ever Forgive Me? Poster -- When Lee Israel falls out of step with current tastes, she turns her art form to deception. Director: Marielle Heller Writers:
Cape Fear (1962) ::: 7.7/10 -- Passed | 1h 46min | Drama, Thriller | 20 May 1962 (Canada) -- A lawyer's family is stalked by a man he once helped put in jail. Director: J. Lee Thompson Writers: John D. MacDonald (novel), James R. Webb (screenplay)
Cape Fear (1991) ::: 7.3/10 -- R | 2h 8min | Crime, Thriller | 15 November 1991 (USA) -- A convicted rapist, released from prison after serving a fourteen-year sentence, stalks the family of the lawyer who originally defended him. Director: Martin Scorsese Writers: John D. MacDonald (novel), James R. Webb (earlier screenplay) | 1 more
Cape No. 7 (2008) ::: 6.9/10 -- Hi-kak chhit-ho (original title) -- Cape No. 7 Poster A unusual group of people in a village on the coast of Taiwan form a band to perform at a beach concert, while the lead singer searches for the intended recipient of 7 lost love letters. Director: Te-Sheng Wei Writers: Te-Sheng Wei, Te-Sheng Wei (scenario)
Capital (2012) ::: 6.5/10 -- Le capital (original title) -- Capital Poster -- The newly appointed CEO of a giant European investment bank works to hold on to his power when an American hedge fund company tries to buy out his company. Director: Costa-Gavras Writers:
Capote (2005) ::: 7.3/10 -- R | 1h 54min | Biography, Crime, Drama | 3 February 2006 (USA) -- In 1959, Truman Capote learns of the murder of a Kansas family and decides to write a book about the case. While researching for his novel In Cold Blood, Capote forms a relationship with one of the killers, Perry Smith, who is on death row. Director: Bennett Miller Writers:
Capricorn One (1977) ::: 6.9/10 -- PG | 2h 3min | Action, Adventure, Drama | 2 June 1978 (USA) -- When the first manned flight to Mars is deemed unsafe and scrubbed on the launch pad, anxious authorities must scramble to save face and retain their funding - and so an unthinkable plot to fake the mission is hatched. Director: Peter Hyams Writer:
Captain America: Civil War (2016) ::: 7.8/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 27min | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi | 6 May 2016 (USA) -- Political involvement in the Avengers' affairs causes a rift between Captain America and Iron Man. Directors: Anthony Russo, Joe Russo Writers: Christopher Markus (screenplay by), Stephen McFeely (screenplay by) | 2
Captain America: The First Avenger (2011) ::: 6.9/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 4min | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi | 22 July 2011 (USA) -- Steve Rogers, a rejected military soldier, transforms into Captain America after taking a dose of a "Super-Soldier serum". But being Captain America comes at a price as he attempts to take down a war monger and a terrorist organization. Director: Joe Johnston Writers:
Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014) ::: 7.7/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 16min | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi | 4 April 2014 (USA) -- As Steve Rogers struggles to embrace his role in the modern world, he teams up with a fellow Avenger and S.H.I.E.L.D agent, Black Widow, to battle a new threat from history: an assassin known as the Winter Soldier. Directors: Anthony Russo, Joe Russo Writers:
Captain Blood (1935) ::: 7.7/10 -- Passed | 1h 59min | Action, Adventure, History | 28 December 1935 (USA) -- A young Irish doctor is exiled as a slave to Jamaica where he captures a Spanish galleon and becomes the most feared pirate of the Caribbean. Director: Michael Curtiz Writers: Rafael Sabatini (based on novel by), Casey Robinson (screen play)
Captain Fantastic (2016) ::: 7.9/10 -- R | 1h 58min | Comedy, Drama | 29 July 2016 (USA) -- In the forests of the Pacific Northwest, a father devoted to raising his six kids with a rigorous physical and intellectual education is forced to leave his paradise and enter the world, challenging his idea of what it means to be a parent. Director: Matt Ross Writer:
Captain Horatio Hornblower R.N. (1951) ::: 7.3/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 57min | Action, Adventure, Drama | 10 April 1951 (UK) -- During the Napoleonic wars, a British Navy Captain has adventures in Central American waters. Director: Raoul Walsh Writers: Ivan Goff (screenplay), Ben Roberts (screenplay) | 3 more credits
Captain Kronos: Vampire Hunter (1974) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 31min | Adventure, Horror, Mystery | 14 June 1974 (USA) -- A master swordsman and former soldier and his hunchbacked assistant hunt vampires. Director: Brian Clemens Writer: Brian Clemens Stars:
Captain Marvel (2019) ::: 6.9/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 3min | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi | 8 March 2019 (USA) -- Carol Danvers becomes one of the universe's most powerful heroes when Earth is caught in the middle of a galactic war between two alien races. Directors: Anna Boden, Ryan Fleck Writers:
Captain Phillips (2013) ::: 7.8/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 14min | Adventure, Biography, Crime | 11 October 2013 (USA) -- The true story of Captain Richard Phillips and the 2009 hijacking by Somali pirates of the U.S.-flagged MV Maersk Alabama, the first American cargo ship to be hijacked in two hundred years. Director: Paul Greengrass Writers:
Captains Courageous (1937) ::: 8.0/10 -- G | 1h 57min | Adventure, Drama, Family | 25 June 1937 (USA) -- A spoiled brat who falls overboard from a steamship gets picked up by a fishing boat, where he's made to earn his keep by joining the crew in their work. Director: Victor Fleming Writers:
Caravaggio (1986) ::: 6.6/10 -- 1h 33min | Biography, Drama, History | 29 August 1986 (USA) -- A retelling of the life of the celebrated 17th-century painter through his brilliant, nearly blasphemous paintings and his flirtations with the underworld. Director: Derek Jarman Writers: Derek Jarman (screenplay), Nicholas Ward Jackson (from an original idea by) (as Nicholas Ward-Jackson)
Career Girls (1997) ::: 7.1/10 -- R | 1h 23min | Comedy, Drama | 8 August 1997 (USA) -- 2 young women reunite and rekindle their friendship after having said goodbye at their college graduation, six years earlier. Director: Mike Leigh Writer: Mike Leigh
Carefree (1938) ::: 7.0/10 -- Passed | 1h 23min | Comedy, Musical, Romance | 2 September 1938 (USA) -- A psychiatrist falls in love with the woman he's supposed to be nudging into marriage with someone else. Director: Mark Sandrich Writers: Allan Scott (screen play), Ernest Pagano (screen play) | 4 more credits Stars:
Carla's Song (1996) ::: 6.8/10 -- TV-MA | 2h 7min | Drama, Romance, War | 15 May 1997 (USA) -- 1987, love in time of war. A bus driver George Lennox meets Carla, a Nicaraguan exile living a precarious, profoundly sad life in Glasgow. Her back is scarred, her boyfriend missing, her ... S Director: Ken Loach Writer:
Carlito's Way (1993) ::: 7.9/10 -- R | 2h 24min | Crime, Drama, Thriller | 12 November 1993 (USA) -- A Puerto Rican former convict, just released from prison, pledges to stay away from drugs and violence despite the pressure around him and lead on to a better life outside of N.Y.C. Director: Brian De Palma Writers:
Carmen Jones (1954) ::: 6.8/10 -- Approved | 1h 45min | Drama, Musical, Romance | 28 October 1954 (USA) -- Contemporary version of the Bizet opera, with new lyrics and an African-American cast. Director: Otto Preminger Writers: Oscar Hammerstein II (book) (as Oscar Hammerstein 2nd), Harry Kleiner
Carnage (2011) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 1h 20min | Comedy, Drama | 6 January 2012 (Canada) -- Two pairs of parents hold a cordial meeting after their sons are involved in a fight, though as their time together progresses, increasingly childish behavior throws the discussion into chaos. Director: Roman Polanski Writers:
Carnal Knowledge (1971) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 1h 38min | Drama | 30 June 1971 (USA) -- Chronicling the lifelong sexual development of two men who meet and befriend one another in college. Director: Mike Nichols Writer: Jules Feiffer Stars:
Carnival of Souls (1962) ::: 7.1/10 -- Approved | 1h 18min | Horror, Mystery | 2 November 1962 (Finland) -- After a traumatic accident, a woman becomes drawn to a mysterious abandoned carnival. Director: Herk Harvey Writer: John Clifford (written)
Carol (2015) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 1h 58min | Drama, Romance | 15 January 2016 (USA) -- An aspiring photographer develops an intimate relationship with an older woman in 1950s New York. Director: Todd Haynes Writers: Phyllis Nagy (screenplay), Patricia Highsmith (novel)
Carousel (1956) ::: 6.6/10 -- Approved | 2h 8min | Drama, Fantasy, Musical | 16 February 1956 (USA) -- Fifteen years after his death, a carousel barker is granted permission to return to Earth for one day to make amends to his widow and their daughter. Director: Henry King Writers:
Carrie (1976) ::: 7.4/10 -- R | 1h 38min | Horror | 16 November 1976 (USA) -- Carrie White, a shy, friendless teenage girl who is sheltered by her domineering, religious mother, unleashes her telekinetic powers after being humiliated by her classmates at her senior prom. Director: Brian De Palma Writers:
Carrie Pilby (2016) ::: 6.7/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 38min | Comedy, Drama | 4 April 2017 (USA) -- A person of high intelligence struggles to make sense of the world as it relates to morality, relationships, sex, and leaving her apartment. Director: Susan Johnson Writers: Kara Holden (screenplay by), Caren Lissner (based on the novel by)
Carrington (1995) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 2h 1min | Biography, Drama, Romance | 10 November 1995 (USA) -- The platonic relationship between artist Dora Carrington (Dame Emma Thompson) and writer Lytton Strachey (Jonathan Pryce) in the early twentieth century. Director: Christopher Hampton Writers:
Carry on Abroad (1972) ::: 6.5/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 28min | Comedy | 8 December 1973 (USA) -- A group of holidaymakers head for the Spanish resort of Elsbels for a 4-day visit. When they get there, they find the Hotel still hasn't been finished being built, and the weather is awful.... S Director: Gerald Thomas Writer: Talbot Rothwell (screenplay) Stars:
Carry on Camping (1969) ::: 6.7/10 -- Carry On Camping (original title) -- Carry on Camping Poster Farcical misadventures by guests in an English holiday centre. Director: Gerald Thomas Writer: Talbot Rothwell (screenplay) Stars:
Carry on Cleo (1964) ::: 6.7/10 -- Carry On Cleo (original title) -- (USA) Carry on Cleo Poster Two Britons, Hengist and Horsa, are captured and enslaved by invading Romans and taken to Rome. One of their first encounters in Rome leaves Hengist being mistaken for a fighter, and gets drafted into the Royal Guard to protect Caesar. Director: Gerald Thomas Writers:
Carry on Doctor (1967) ::: 6.5/10 -- Carry On Doctor (original title) -- Carry on Doctor Poster Dr Kilmore is sacked after being discovered in a compromising position on the roof of the nurses' home. The patients are determined not to lose him, and so take on the might of the "cutting" Dr Tinkle and the overpowering Matron. Director: Gerald Thomas Writer: Talbot Rothwell (screenplay)
Carry on Screaming! (1966) ::: 6.9/10 -- Carry On Screaming! (original title) -- Carry on Screaming! Poster The sinister Dr Watt has an evil scheme going. He's kidnapping beautiful young women and turning them into mannequins to sell to local stores. Director: Gerald Thomas Writer: Talbot Rothwell (screenplay)
Carry On Up the Khyber (1968) ::: 6.8/10 -- Carry On... Up the Khyber (original title) -- Carry On Up the Khyber Poster Sir Sidney Ruff-Diamond looks after the British outpost near the Khyber Pass. Protected by the kilted Third Foot and Mouth regiment, you would think they were safe but the Khazi of Kalabar has other ideas. Director: Gerald Thomas Writer: Talbot Rothwell (screenplay)
Cars (2006) ::: 7.1/10 -- G | 1h 57min | Animation, Comedy, Family | 9 June 2006 (USA) -- A hot-shot race-car named Lightning McQueen gets waylaid in Radiator Springs, where he finds the true meaning of friendship and family. Directors: John Lasseter, Joe Ranft (co-director) Writers: John Lasseter (original story by), Joe Ranft (original story by) | 7
Cars 3 (2017) ::: 6.7/10 -- G | 1h 42min | Animation, Adventure, Comedy | 16 June 2017 (USA) -- Lightning McQueen sets out to prove to a new generation of racers that he's still the best race car in the world. Director: Brian Fee Writers: Brian Fee (original story by), Ben Queen (original story by) | 5 more
Casablanca (1942) ::: 8.5/10 -- PG | 1h 42min | Drama, Romance, War | 23 January 1943 (USA) -- A cynical expatriate American cafe owner struggles to decide whether or not to help his former lover and her fugitive husband escape the Nazis in French Morocco. Director: Michael Curtiz Writers:
Casanova (2005) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 52min | Adventure, Comedy, Drama | 6 January 2006 (USA) -- The fabled romantic Giacomo Casanova, after failing to win the affection of the Venetian woman Francesca Bruni, strives to discover the real meaning of love. Director: Lasse Hallstrm Writers:
Cashback (2006) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 1h 42min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 16 March 2007 (Canada) -- After a painful breakup, Ben develops insomnia. To kill time, he starts working the late night shift at the local supermarket, where his artistic imagination runs wild. Director: Sean Ellis Writer: Sean Ellis Stars:
Casino (1995) ::: 8.2/10 -- R | 2h 58min | Crime, Drama | 22 November 1995 (USA) -- A tale of greed, deception, money, power, and murder occur between two best friends: a mafia enforcer and a casino executive compete against each other over a gambling empire, and over a fast-living and fast-loving socialite. Director: Martin Scorsese Writers:
Casino Royale (2006) ::: 8.0/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 24min | Action, Adventure, Thriller | 17 November 2006 (USA) -- After earning 00 status and a licence to kill, Secret Agent James Bond sets out on his first mission as 007. Bond must defeat a private banker funding terrorists in a high-stakes game of poker at Casino Royale, Montenegro. Director: Martin Campbell Writers:
Cass (2008) ::: 6.5/10 -- 1h 48min | Biography, Crime, Drama | 1 August 2008 (UK) -- An orphaned Jamaican baby is adopted by an elderly white couple and brought up in an all white area of London and becomes one of the most feared and respected men in Britain. Based on a true story. Director: Jon S. Baird Writers:
Cassandra's Dream (2007) ::: 6.7/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 48min | Crime, Drama, Romance | 18 January 2008 (USA) -- The tale of two brothers with serious financial woes. When a third party proposes they turn to crime, things go badly and the two become enemies. Director: Woody Allen Writer:
Cast a Deadly Spell (1991) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 36min | Comedy, Fantasy, Horror | TV Movie 7 September 1991 -- In a fantastical 40's where magic is used by everyone, a hard-boiled detective investigates the theft of a mystical tome. Director: Martin Campbell Writer: Joseph Dougherty
Cast Away (2000) ::: 7.8/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 23min | Adventure, Drama, Romance | 22 December 2000 (USA) -- A FedEx executive undergoes a physical and emotional transformation after crash landing on a deserted island. Director: Robert Zemeckis Writer: William Broyles Jr.
Castaway on the Moon (2009) ::: 8.1/10 -- Kimssi pyoryugi (original title) -- Castaway on the Moon Poster -- A failed suicide attempt leads a heartbroken man to live a life in the wilderness. Director: Hae-jun Lee Writer:
Castle in the Sky (1986) ::: 8.0/10 -- Tenk no shiro Rapyuta (original title) -- Castle in the Sky Poster -- A young boy and a girl with a magic crystal must race against pirates and foreign agents in a search for a legendary floating castle. Director: Hayao Miyazaki Writer:
Casualties of War (1989) ::: 7.1/10 -- R | 1h 53min | Action, Crime, Drama | 18 August 1989 (USA) -- During the Vietnam War, a soldier finds himself the outsider of his own squad when they unnecessarily kidnap a female villager. Director: Brian De Palma (as Brian DePalma) Writers: Daniel Lang (book), David Rabe (screenplay)
Cat Ballou (1965) ::: 6.8/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 37min | Comedy, Romance, Western | 24 June 1965 (USA) -- A young schoolteacher turns into an outlaw to avenge her murdered father. Director: Elliot Silverstein Writers: Walter Newman (screenplay), Frank Pierson (screenplay) (as Frank R.
Catch-22 (1970) ::: 7.1/10 -- R | 2h 2min | Comedy, Drama, War | 24 June 1970 (USA) -- A man is trying desperately to be certified insane during World War II, so he can stop flying missions. Director: Mike Nichols Writers: Joseph Heller (based on the novel by), Buck Henry (screenplay by) Stars:
Catch a Fire (2006) ::: 6.7/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 41min | Biography, Drama, History | 27 October 2006 (USA) -- A drama about terrorism in Apartheid-era South Africa, revolving around a policeman and a young man who carries out solo attacks against the regime. Director: Phillip Noyce Writer:
Catch Me If You Can (2002) ::: 8.1/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 21min | Biography, Crime, Drama | 25 December 2002 (USA) -- Barely 21 yet, Frank is a skilled forger who has passed as a doctor, lawyer and pilot. FBI agent Carl becomes obsessed with tracking down the con man, who only revels in the pursuit. Director: Steven Spielberg Writers:
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (1958) ::: 8.0/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 48min | Drama | 29 August 1958 (USA) -- Brick is an alcoholic ex-football player who drinks his days away and resists the affections of his wife. A reunion with his terminal father jogs a host of memories and revelations for both father and son. Director: Richard Brooks Writers:
Cat People (1942) ::: 7.3/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 13min | Fantasy, Horror, Thriller | 25 December 1942 -- Cat People Poster -- An American man marries a Serbian immigrant who fears that she will turn into the cat person of her homeland's fables if they are intimate together. Director: Jacques Tourneur Writer:
Cats Don't Dance (1997) ::: 6.9/10 -- G | 1h 15min | Animation, Comedy, Family | 26 March 1997 (USA) -- Danny, an ambitious singing and dancing cat, goes to Hollywood and overcomes several obstacles to fulfill his dream of becoming a movie star. Director: Mark Dindal Writers: Mark Dindal (story), Robert Lence (story) | 9 more credits Stars:
Caught (1949) ::: 7.0/10 -- Approved | 1h 28min | Drama, Film-Noir, Romance | April 1949 (USA) -- An L.A. department store ambitious young model gets her wish of marrying a millionaire but she eventually discovers that rich life isn't always a happy one. Director: Max Ophls (as Max Opuls) Writers: Arthur Laurents (screenplay), Libbie Block (novel) Stars:
Cazuza: Time Doesn't Stop (2004) ::: 6.9/10 -- Cazuza: O Tempo No Pra (original title) -- Cazuza: Time Doesn't Stop Poster The life and times of Cazuza, Brazilian singer/poet/enfant terrible, from his start with rock group "Baro Vermelho", to his death from Aids, in 1990, showing his career, love affairs, and involvement with drugs. Directors: Walter Carvalho, Sandra Werneck Writers: Lucinha Arajo (book) (as Lcia Arajo), Fernando Bonassi | 1 more
CBGB (2013) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 1h 42min | Crime, Drama, Music | 11 October 2013 (USA) -- A look at the New York City punk-rock scene and the venerable nightclub, CBGB. Director: Randall Miller Writers: Jody Savin, Randall Miller
Celda 211 (2009) ::: 7.6/10 -- 13+ | 1h 53min | Action, Adventure, Crime | 6 November 2009 (Spain) -- The story of two men on different sides of a prison riot -- the inmate leading the rebellion and the young guard trapped in the revolt, who poses as a prisoner in a desperate attempt to survive the ordeal. Director: Daniel Monzn Writers:
Celeste & Jesse Forever (2012) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 1h 32min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 3 August 2012 (Canada) -- A divorcing couple tries to maintain their friendship while they both pursue other people. Director: Lee Toland Krieger Writers: Rashida Jones, Will McCormack
Cellular (2004) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 34min | Action, Crime, Thriller | 10 September 2004 (USA) -- A young man receives an emergency phone call on his cell phone from an older woman. The catch? The woman claims to have been kidnapped; and the kidnappers have targeted her husband and child next. Director: David R. Ellis Writers:
Cemetery Junction (2010) ::: 6.9/10 -- R | 1h 35min | Comedy, Drama | 14 April 2010 (UK) -- A 1970s-set comedy centered on three young working class friends in a dreary suburb of Reading. Directors: Ricky Gervais, Stephen Merchant Writers: Ricky Gervais, Stephen Merchant
Cemetery Man (1994) ::: 7.2/10 -- Dellamorte Dellamore (original title) -- Cemetery Man Poster -- A cemetery man must kill the dead a second time when they become zombies. Director: Michele Soavi Writers:
Cemetery of Splendor (2015) ::: 6.8/10 -- Rak ti Khon Kaen (original title) -- Cemetery of Splendor Poster -- A group of soldiers in a small town on the Mekong River in northern Thailand are struck with a bizarre sleeping illness. Director: Apichatpong Weerasethakul Writer:
Center of My World (2016) ::: 7.2/10 -- Die Mitte der Welt (original title) -- Center of My World Poster -- After a summer spent with his his best friend Kat to escape his family, Phil goes back to school and starts to question his feelings towards Nicholas, a new classmate. Director: Jakob M. Erwa Writers:
Center Stage (2000) ::: 6.7/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 55min | Drama, Music, Romance | 12 May 2000 (USA) -- A group of 12 teenagers from various backgrounds enroll at the American Ballet Academy in New York to make it as ballet dancers and each one deals with the problems and stress of training and getting ahead in the world of dance. Director: Nicholas Hytner Writer:
Central Intelligence (2016) ::: 6.3/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 47min | Action, Comedy, Crime | 17 June 2016 (USA) -- After he reconnects with an awkward pal from high school through Facebook, a mild-mannered accountant is lured into the world of international espionage. Director: Rawson Marshall Thurber Writers:
Centurion (2010) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 37min | Action, Drama, History | 30 July 2010 (USA) -- A splinter group of Roman soldiers fight for their lives behind enemy lines after their legion is devastated in a guerrilla attack. Director: Neil Marshall Writer: Neil Marshall
Cep Herkl: Naim Sleymanoglu (2019) ::: 8.3/10 -- 2h 21min | Biography, Drama, Sport | 22 November 2019 (Turkey) -- The biography of Turkish weight lifter, and champion of Olympics, Naim Suleymanoglu. Director: Ozer Feyzioglu Writers: Ozer Feyzioglu, Baris Pirhasan (screenplay)
Certain Women (2016) ::: 6.3/10 -- R | 1h 47min | Drama | 22 February 2017 (France) -- The lives of three women intersect in small-town America, where each is imperfectly blazing a trail. Director: Kelly Reichardt Writers: Kelly Reichardt (screenplay by), Maile Meloy (based on stories by)
Certified Copy (2010) ::: 7.3/10 -- Copie conforme (original title) -- Certified Copy Poster -- In Tuscany to promote his latest book, a middle-aged British writer meets a French woman who leads him to the village of Lucignano. While there, a chance question reveals something deeper. Director: Abbas Kiarostami Writers:
Cesar Chavez (2014) ::: 6.4/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 42min | Biography, Drama | 28 March 2014 (USA) -- A biography of the civil-rights activist and labor organizer Cesar Chavez. Director: Diego Luna Writers: Timothy J. Sexton (screenplay by), Keir Pearson (story by) | 1 more
Chained (2012) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 34min | Crime, Drama, Horror | 18 July 2013 (South Korea) -- A young man held prisoner by a cab-driving serial killer must make a life or death choice between following in his captor's footsteps or breaking free. Director: Jennifer Lynch Writers:
Chalo Dilli (2011) ::: 6.8/10 -- Not Rated | 2h 35min | Comedy, Drama | 29 April 2011 (India) -- Enroute to her destination via plane, a busy executive gets stranded with a middle-classed fast-talking male. Director: Shashant Shah Writers: Shabbir Ahmed (lyrics), Anand Raj Anand (lyrics) | 4 more credits
Champion (1949) ::: 7.4/10 -- Approved | 1h 39min | Drama, Film-Noir, Sport | 20 May 1949 (USA) -- Boxer Midge Kelly rises to fame...mainly by stepping on other people. Director: Mark Robson Writers: Carl Foreman (screenplay), Ring Lardner (story "Champion") Stars: Kirk Douglas, Arthur Kennedy, Marilyn Maxwell
Chances Are (1989) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG | 1h 48min | Comedy, Fantasy, Romance | 10 March 1989 (USA) -- A reincarnated man unknowingly falls in love with his own daughter from his previous life. Once he realizes this, he tries to end their relationship before angels erase his memory. Director: Emile Ardolino Writers:
Changeling (2008) ::: 7.7/10 -- R | 2h 21min | Biography, Crime, Drama | 31 October 2008 (USA) -- Grief-stricken mother Christine Collins (Angelina Jolie) takes on the L.A.P.D. to her own detriment when it tries to pass off an obvious impostor as her missing child. Director: Clint Eastwood Writer:
Changing Lanes (2002) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 38min | Drama, Thriller | 12 April 2002 (USA) -- The story of what happens one day in New York City, when a young lawyer and a businessman share a small automobile accident on F.D.R. Drive, and their mutual road rage escalates into a feud. Director: Roger Michell Writers:
Chaos (2005) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 46min | Action, Crime, Drama | 15 December 2005 (United Arab -- Chaos Poster Two cops, a rookie and a grizzled vet, pursue an accomplished bank robber. Director: Tony Giglio Writer: Tony Giglio Stars:
Chaos Theory (2008) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 27min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 16 October 2008 (Russia) -- The story of an obsessively organized efficiency expert whose life unravels in unexpected ways when fate forces him to explore the serendipitous nature of love and forgiveness. Director: Marcos Siega Writer:
Chaotic Ana (2007) ::: 6.4/10 -- Catica Ana (original title) -- Chaotic Ana Poster A countdown, 10, 9, 8, 7... until 0, like in hypnosis, through which Ana proves that she does not live alone. Director: Julio Medem Writer: Julio Medem Stars:
Chaplin (1992) ::: 7.6/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 23min | Biography, Comedy, Drama | 8 January 1993 (USA) -- An elderly Charlie Chaplin discusses his autobiography with his editor, recounting his amazing journey from his poverty-stricken childhood to world-wide success after the ingenious invention of the Little Tramp. Director: Richard Attenborough Writers:
Chappaquiddick (2017) ::: 6.4/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 46min | Biography, Drama, History | 6 April 2018 (USA) -- Depicting Ted Kennedy's involvement in the fatal 1969 car accident that claims the life of a young campaign strategist, Mary Jo Kopechne. Director: John Curran Writers: Taylor Allen, Andrew Logan
Chappie (2015) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 2h | Action, Crime, Drama | 6 March 2015 (USA) -- In the near future, crime is patrolled by a mechanized police force. When one police droid, Chappie, is stolen and given new programming, he becomes the first robot with the ability to think and feel for himself. Director: Neill Blomkamp Writers:
Character (1997) ::: 7.7/10 -- Karakter (original title) -- Character Poster Jacob Katadreuffe lives mute with his mother, has no contact with his father who only works against him and wants to become a lawyer, at all costs. Director: Mike van Diem Writers: Ferdinand Bordewijk (short story "Dreverhaven en Katadreuffe" and novel "Karakter") (as F. Bordewijk), Laurens Geels (screenplay) | 2 more
Charade (1963) ::: 7.9/10 -- Passed | 1h 53min | Comedy, Mystery, Romance | 5 December 1963 (USA) -- Romance and suspense ensue in Paris as a woman is pursued by several men who want a fortune her murdered husband had stolen. Whom can she trust? Director: Stanley Donen Writers:
Chariots of Fire (1981) ::: 7.2/10 -- PG | 2h 5min | Biography, Drama, Sport | 9 April 1982 (USA) -- Two British track athletes, one a determined Jew, and the other a devout Christian, compete in the 1924 Olympics. Director: Hugh Hudson Writer: Colin Welland (original screenplay)
Charley Varrick (1973) ::: 7.5/10 -- PG | 1h 51min | Action, Crime, Drama | 19 October 1973 (USA) -- A man, his wife and their friend stage a bloody bank robbery without realizing they are stealing from the Mob. Director: Don Siegel Writers: John Reese (novel), Howard Rodman (screenplay) | 1 more credit
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG | 1h 55min | Adventure, Comedy, Family | 15 July 2005 (USA) -- A young boy wins a tour through the most magnificent chocolate factory in the world, led by the world's most unusual candy maker. Director: Tim Burton Writers: Roald Dahl (book), John August (screenplay)
Charlie Bartlett (2007) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 1h 37min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 22 February 2008 (USA) -- A rich kid becomes the self-appointed psychiatrist to the student body of his new high school. Director: Jon Poll Writer: Gustin Nash Stars:
Charlie Countryman (2013) ::: 6.4/10 -- The Necessary Death of Charlie Countryman (original title) -- Charlie Countryman Poster -- While travelling abroad, a guy falls for a Romanian beauty whose unreachable heart has its origins in her violent, charismatic ex. Director: Fredrik Bond Writer:
Charlie St. Cloud (2010) ::: 6.4/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 39min | Drama, Fantasy, Romance | 30 July 2010 (USA) -- Charlie's brother, Sam, dies in a car crash that Charlie survives. Charlie is given the gift of seeing his dead brother and others who he has lost such as his friend who died in the military, but when the girl he falls in love with's life is at risk, he must choose between his girlfriend and his brother. Director: Burr Steers
Charlie Wilson's War (2007) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 1h 42min | Biography, Comedy, Drama | 21 December 2007 (USA) -- A drama based on a Texas congressman Charlie Wilson's covert dealings in Afghanistan, where his efforts to assist rebels in their war with the Soviets have some unforeseen and long-reaching effects. Director: Mike Nichols Writers:
Charlotte Gray (2001) ::: 6.4/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 1min | Drama, Romance, Thriller | 11 January 2002 (USA) -- A young Scottish woman joins the French Resistance during World War II to rescue her Royal Air Force boyfriend who is lost in France. Director: Gillian Armstrong Writers: Sebastian Faulks (novel), Jeremy Brock (screenplay)
Charlotte's Web (1973) ::: 6.9/10 -- G | 1h 34min | Animation, Family, Musical | 1 March 1973 (USA) -- Wilbur is a farm pig who's terrified that he'll end up on the dinner table. His friend Charlotte, a charming spider, comes to his rescue. She weaves words into her web, convincing the farmer that Wilbur is too special a pig to kill. Directors: Charles A. Nichols (as Charles Nichols), Iwao Takamoto Writers:
Charly (1968) ::: 7.0/10 -- M | 1h 43min | Drama, Romance, Sci-Fi | 23 September 1968 (USA) -- An intellectually disabled man undergoes an experiment that gives him the intelligence of a genius. Director: Ralph Nelson Writers: Daniel Keyes (novel), Stirling Silliphant (screenplay) Stars:
Chasing Amy (1997) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 1h 53min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 18 April 1997 (USA) -- Holden and Banky are comic book artists. Everything's going good for them until they meet Alyssa, also a comic book artist. Holden falls for her, but his hopes are crushed when he finds out she's a lesbian. Director: Kevin Smith Writer:
Chasing Mavericks (2012) ::: 7.2/10 -- PG | 1h 56min | Biography, Drama, Sport | 26 October 2012 (USA) -- When young Jay Moriarity discovers that the mythic Mavericks surf break, one of the biggest waves on Earth, exists just miles from his Santa Cruz home, he enlists the help of local legend Frosty Hesson to train him to survive it. Directors: Michael Apted, Curtis Hanson Writers:
Chasing the Dragon (2017) ::: 6.8/10 -- Chui lung (original title) -- Kong) Chasing the Dragon Poster -- An illegal immigrant from Mainland China sneaks into corrupt British-colonized Hong Kong in 1963, transforming himself into a ruthless and emerging drug lord. Directors: Jason Kwan, Jing Wong | 1 more credit
Chato's Land (1972) ::: 6.7/10 -- PG | 1h 40min | Western | June 1972 (UK) -- In 1870s New Mexico, a half-breed kills a bigoted sheriff in self-defense but the posse that eventually hunts him finds itself in dangerous territory. Director: Michael Winner Writer: Gerald Wilson Stars:
Cheaper by the Dozen (1950) ::: 7.0/10 -- Approved | 1h 26min | Comedy, Drama, Family | April 1950 (USA) -- "Cheaper By the Dozen", based on the real-life story of the Gilbreth family, follows them from Providence, Rhode Island to Montclair, New Jersey, and details the amusing anecdotes found in ... S Director: Walter Lang Writers:
Cheap Thrills (2013) ::: 6.7/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 28min | Comedy, Crime, Drama | 21 March 2014 (USA) -- A scheming couple put a struggling family man and his old friend through a series of increasingly twisted dares over the course of an evening at a local bar. Director: E.L. Katz Writers:
Cheaters (2000) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 1h 48min | Drama | TV Movie 20 May 2000 -- Eleven students conspire with their teacher to cheat on an academic competition. Director: John Stockwell Writer: John Stockwell
Cheeni Kum (2007) ::: 6.8/10 -- 2h 20min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 25 May 2007 (India) -- An egotistical 64-year-old chef and confirmed bachelor falls for a woman 30 years his junior. Director: R. Balki Writers: R. Balki, Manoj Tapadia
Chef (2014) ::: 7.3/10 -- R | 1h 54min | Adventure, Comedy, Drama | 30 May 2014 (USA) -- A head chef quits his restaurant job and buys a food truck in an effort to reclaim his creative promise, while piecing back together his estranged family. Director: Jon Favreau Writer:
Che: Part One (2008) ::: 7.2/10 -- Not Rated | 2h 14min | Biography, Drama, History | 24 January 2009 -- Che: Part One Poster In 1956, Ernesto 'Che' Guevara and a band of Castro-led Cuban exiles mobilize an army to topple the regime of dictator Fulgencio Batista. Director: Steven Soderbergh Writers: Peter Buchman (screenplay), Ernesto 'Che' Guevara (memoir "Reminiscences of the Cuban Revolutionary War")
Che: Part Two (2008) ::: 6.9/10 -- Not Rated | 2h 15min | Biography, Drama, History | 24 January 2009 -- Che: Part Two Poster -- In 1967, Ernesto 'Che' Guevara leads a small partisan army to fight an ill-fated revolutionary guerrilla war in Bolivia, South America. Director: Steven Soderbergh Writers:
Cherry (2010) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 1h 39min | Comedy, Drama | 24 June 2011 (Turkey) -- An Ivy League freshman gets an unexpected education when he falls for an older woman and her 14 year-old daughter develops a crush on him. Director: Jeffrey Fine Writer: Jeffrey Fine
Cherry Blossoms (2008) ::: 7.6/10 -- Kirschblten - Hanami (original title) -- Cherry Blossoms Poster -- After Rudi's wife Trudi suddenly dies, he travels to Japan to fulfill her dream of being a Butoh dancer. Director: Doris Drrie Writer:
Cheyenne Autumn (1964) ::: 6.8/10 -- PG | 2h 34min | Drama, History, Western | 22 December 1964 (USA) -- The Cheyenne, tired of broken U.S. government promises, head for their ancestral lands but a sympathetic cavalry officer is tasked to bring them back to their reservation. Director: John Ford Writers:
Chicago (2002) ::: 7.2/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 53min | Comedy, Crime, Musical | 24 January 2003 (USA) -- Two death-row murderesses develop a fierce rivalry while competing for publicity, celebrity, and a sleazy lawyer's attention. Director: Rob Marshall Writers: Bill Condon (screenplay), Bob Fosse (book) | 2 more credits
Chicken Run (2000) ::: 7.0/10 -- G | 1h 24min | Animation, Adventure, Comedy | 23 June 2000 (USA) -- When a cockerel apparently flies into a chicken farm, the chickens see him as an opportunity to escape their evil owners. Directors: Peter Lord, Nick Park Writers: Peter Lord (original story), Nick Park (original story) | 3 more
Chicken with Plums (2011) ::: 7.0/10 -- Poulet aux prunes (original title) -- Chicken with Plums Poster -- Since his beloved violin was broken, Nasser Ali Khan, one of the most renowned musicians of his day, has lost all taste for life. Finding no instrument worthy of replacing it, he decides to confine himself to bed to await death. Directors: Vincent Paronnaud, Marjane Satrapi
Chico & Rita (2010) ::: 7.2/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 34min | Animation, Crime, Drama | 19 November 2010 (UK) -- Chico is a young piano player with big dreams. Rita is a beautiful singer with an extraordinary voice. Music and romantic desire unites them, but their journey - in the tradition of the Latin ballad, the bolero - brings heartache and torment. Directors: Tono Errando, Javier Mariscal | 1 more credit Writers:
Child 44 (2015) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 2h 17min | Crime, Drama, History | 17 April 2015 (Canada) -- A disgraced member of the Russian military police investigates a series of child murders during the Stalin-era Soviet Union. Director: Daniel Espinosa Writers: Richard Price (screenplay), Tom Rob Smith (novel)
Children of a Lesser God (1986) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 1h 59min | Drama, Romance | 31 October 1986 (USA) -- A new speech teacher at a school for the deaf falls in love with the janitor, a deaf woman speechless by choice. Director: Randa Haines Writers: Mark Medoff (stage play), Hesper Anderson (screenplay) | 1 more
Children of Glory (2006) ::: 6.9/10 -- Szabadsg, szerelem (original title) -- Children of Glory Poster At the 1956 Olympic Games in Melbourne, the Hungarian water polo team faces off against the Russians in what will become known as one of the bloodiest matches in the sport's history. Director: Krisztina Goda Writers: Joe Eszterhas (screenplay), va Grdos (screenplay) | 4 more credits
Children of Men (2006) ::: 7.9/10 -- R | 1h 49min | Adventure, Drama, Sci-Fi | 5 January 2007 (USA) -- 1 -- In 2027, in a chaotic world in which women have become somehow infertile, a former activist agrees to help transport a miraculously pregnant woman to a sanctuary at sea. Director: Alfonso Cuarn Writers:
Children of Men (2006) ::: 7.9/10 -- R | 1h 49min | Adventure, Drama, Sci-Fi | 5 January 2007 (USA) -- 1 -- In 2027, in a chaotic world in which women have become somehow infertile, a former activist agrees to help transport a miraculously pregnant woman to a sanctuary at sea. Director: Alfonso Cuarn Writers:
Children's Party (2011) ::: 7.4/10 -- Chillar Party (original title) -- Children's Party Poster -- A gang of innocent but feisty kids who lead carefree lives in Chandan Nagar colony takes on the big bad world of politics when one of their friend's life is endangered. Directors: Vikas Bahl, Nitesh Tiwari Writers:
Child's Play (1988) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 1h 27min | Fantasy, Horror, Thriller | 9 November 1988 (USA) -- A single mother gives her son a much sought-after doll for his birthday, only to discover that it is possessed by the soul of a serial killer. Director: Tom Holland Writers:
Chimes at Midnight (1965) ::: 7.8/10 -- Campanadas a medianoche (original title) -- Chimes at Midnight Poster -- The career of Shakespeare's Sir John Falstaff as a roistering companion to young Prince Hal, circa 1400 to 1413. Director: Orson Welles Writers:
Chinatown (1974) ::: 8.1/10 -- R | 2h 10min | Drama, Mystery, Thriller | 20 June 1974 (USA) -- A private detective hired to expose an adulterer finds himself caught up in a web of deceit, corruption, and murder. Director: Roman Polanski Writer: Robert Towne
Chinese Coffee (2000) ::: 7.1/10 -- R | 1h 39min | Drama | 2 September 2000 (USA) -- Harry and Jake, two unsuccessful writers, spend a cathartic evening arguing about money, aesthetics, their friendship, and Harry's new manuscript. Director: Al Pacino Writers: Ira Lewis (play), Ira Lewis (screenplay) Stars:
Chinese Puzzle (2013) ::: 7.0/10 -- Casse-tte chinois (original title) -- Chinese Puzzle Poster -- A 40-year-old father's life is complicated when the mother of his two children moves to New York. Since he can't bear them growing up far away from him, he decides to move there as well. Director: Cdric Klapisch Writer:
Chintu Ka Birthday (2020) ::: 7.8/10 -- 1h 20min | Drama, War | 5 June 2020 (India) -- During US invasion of Iraq some illegal migrants are waiting to get back home to India. As one such family prepares to celebrate the 6th birthday of their youngest member Chintu, their kind-hearted Iraqi landlord lends them a helping hand. Directors: Devanshu Singh (co-director) (as Devanshu Kumar), Satyanshu Singh (co-director)
Chisum (1970) ::: 6.9/10 -- G | 1h 51min | Biography, Western | 29 July 1970 (USA) -- Cattle baron John Chisum joins forces with Billy the Kid and Pat Garrett to fight the Lincoln County land war. Director: Andrew V. McLaglen Writer: Andrew J. Fenady
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (1968) ::: 6.9/10 -- G | 2h 24min | Adventure, Family, Fantasy | 18 December 1968 (USA) -- A down-on-his-luck inventor turns a broken-down Grand Prix car into a fancy vehicle for his children, and then they go off on a magical fantasy adventure to save their grandfather in a far-off land. Director: Ken Hughes Writers:
Chocolat (2000) ::: 7.2/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 1min | Drama, Romance | 19 January 2001 (USA) -- A woman and her daughter open a chocolate shop in a small French village that shakes up the rigid morality of the community. Director: Lasse Hallstrm
Chocolat (2000) ::: 7.2/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 1min | Drama, Romance | 19 January 2001 (USA) -- A woman and her daughter open a chocolate shop in a small French village that shakes up the rigid morality of the community. Director: Lasse Hallstrm Writers: Joanne Harris (novel), Robert Nelson Jacobs (screenplay)
Chocolate (2008) ::: 6.9/10 -- R | 1h 50min | Action, Drama | 6 February 2008 (Thailand) -- An autistic girl with powerful martial art skills looks to settle her ailing mother's debts by seeking out the ruthless gangs that owe her family money. Director: Prachya Pinkaew Writers:
Choke (2008) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 32min | Comedy, Drama | 30 October 2008 (Australia) -- A sex-addicted con-man pays for his mother's hospital bills by playing on the sympathies of those who rescue him from choking to death. Director: Clark Gregg Writers: Clark Gregg (screenplay), Chuck Palahniuk (novel)
Chopper (2000) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 1h 34min | Biography, Crime, Drama | 3 August 2000 (Australia) -- Chopper tells the intense story of Mark "Chopper" Read, a legendary criminal who wrote his autobiography while serving a jail sentence in prison. His book, "From the Inside", upon which the film is based, was a best-seller. Director: Andrew Dominik Writers:
Chop Shop (2007) ::: 7.3/10 -- Unrated | 1h 24min | Drama | 27 February 2008 (USA) -- Alejandro, a resourceful street orphan on the verge of adolescence, lives and works in an auto-body repair shop in a sprawling junkyard on the outskirts of Queens, New York. In this chaotic world of adults, Alejandro struggles to make a better life for himself and his sixteen-year-old sister. Director: Ramin Bahrani Writers: Bahareh Azimi, Ramin Bahrani
Christine (1983) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 1h 50min | Horror, Thriller | 9 December 1983 (USA) -- A nerdish boy buys a strange car with an evil mind of its own and his nature starts to change to reflect it. Director: John Carpenter Writers: Stephen King (based upon the novel by), Bill Phillips (screenplay by)
Christine (2016) ::: 6.9/10 -- R | 1h 59min | Biography, Drama | 14 October 2016 (USA) -- The story of Christine Chubbuck, a 1970s TV reporter struggling with depression and professional frustrations as she tries to advance her career. Director: Antonio Campos Writer:
Christmas in Connecticut (1945) ::: 7.4/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 41min | Comedy, Romance | 11 August 1945 (USA) -- A food writer who has lied about being the perfect housewife must try to cover her deception when her boss and a returning war hero invite themselves to her home for a traditional family Christmas. Director: Peter Godfrey Writers:
Christmas in July (1940) ::: 7.4/10 -- Passed | 1h 7min | Comedy, Romance | 25 October 1940 (USA) -- When the co-workers of an ambitious clerk trick him into thinking he has won $25,000 in a slogan contest, he begins to use the money to fulfill his dreams. What will happen when the ruse is discovered? Director: Preston Sturges Writer: Preston Sturges Stars:
Christmas Under Wraps (2014) ::: 6.4/10 -- TV-G | 1h 28min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | TV Movie 29 November 2014 -- When a doctor doesn't get the position she wanted, she ends up moving to a remote Alaskan town. She unexpectedly ends up finding love, happiness and discovers that the small town is hiding a big holiday secret. Director: Peter Sullivan Writers:
Christopher and His Kind (2011) ::: 7.0/10 -- TV-14 | 1h 30min | Biography, Drama, Romance | TV Movie 19 March 2011 -- How real-life British-American author Christopher Isherwood and his German boyfriend Heinz met and fell in love during the 1930s and the rise of Nazism. Director: Geoffrey Sax Writers:
Christopher Robin (2018) ::: 7.3/10 -- PG | 1h 44min | Adventure, Comedy, Drama | 3 August 2018 (USA) -- A working-class family man, Christopher Robin, encounters his childhood friend Winnie-the-Pooh, who helps him to rediscover the joys of life. Director: Marc Forster Writers: A.A. Milne (based on characters created by), Ernest Shepard (based on
Chronicle (2012) ::: 7.0/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 24min | Drama, Sci-Fi, Thriller | 3 February 2012 (USA) -- Three high school friends gain superpowers after making an incredible discovery underground. Soon they find their lives spinning out of control and their bond tested as they embrace their darker sides. Director: Josh Trank Writers:
Chuck (2016) ::: 6.5/10 -- The Bleeder (original title) -- Chuck Poster -- A drama inspired by the life of heavyweight boxer Chuck Wepner, who had a once-in-a-lifetime bout with Muhammad Ali that would inspire the film Rocky (1976). Director: Philippe Falardeau Writers:
Chuck & Buck (2000) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 36min | Comedy, Drama | 4 August 2000 (USA) -- An oddly naive man-child stalks his childhood best friend and tries to reconnect with their past. Director: Miguel Arteta Writer: Mike White
Chungking Express (1994) ::: 8.1/10 -- Chung Hing sam lam (original title) -- Chungking Express Poster -- Two melancholy Hong Kong policemen fall in love: one with a mysterious female underworld figure, the other with a beautiful and ethereal server at a late-night restaurant he frequents. Director: Kar-Wai Wong Writer:
Cinderella (1950) ::: 7.3/10 -- G | 1h 14min | Animation, Family, Fantasy | 4 March 1950 (USA) -- When Cinderella's cruel stepmother prevents her from attending the Royal Ball, she gets some unexpected help from the lovable mice Gus and Jaq, and from her Fairy Godmother. Directors: Clyde Geronimi, Wilfred Jackson | 1 more credit Writers:
Cinderella (1997) ::: 6.7/10 -- G | 1h 28min | Family, Fantasy, Musical | TV Movie 2 November 1997 -- Although mistreated by her cruel stepmother and stepsisters, Cinderella is able to attend the royal ball through the help of a fairy godmother. Director: Robert Iscove Writers: Oscar Hammerstein II (book), Robert L. Freedman (teleplay)
Cinderella (2015) ::: 6.9/10 -- PG | 1h 45min | Drama, Family, Fantasy | 13 March 2015 (USA) -- When her father unexpectedly dies, young Ella finds herself at the mercy of her cruel stepmother and her scheming stepsisters. Never one to give up hope, Ella's fortunes begin to change after meeting a dashing stranger. Director: Kenneth Branagh Writers:
Cinderella Man (2005) ::: 8.0/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 24min | Biography, Drama, History | 3 June 2005 (USA) -- The story of James J. Braddock, a supposedly washed-up boxer who came back to challenge for the heavyweight championship of the world. Director: Ron Howard Writers: Cliff Hollingsworth (screenplay), Akiva Goldsman (screenplay) | 1 more
Cinema Verite (2011) ::: 6.5/10 -- TV-14 | 1h 26min | Drama | TV Movie 23 April 2011 -- A behind-the-scenes look at the making of the first American family to be the subjects of a reality TV show. Directors: Shari Springer Berman, Robert Pulcini Writer: David Seltzer
Circle of Friends (1995) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 43min | Drama, Romance | 7 April 1995 (USA) -- 3 women, who've been friends since childhood, meet at university in Dublin in 1957. Student and boyfriend life begins. Director: Pat O'Connor Writers: Andrew Davies (screenplay), Maeve Binchy (novel)
Cirque du Soleil: Worlds Away (2012) ::: 6.8/10 -- PG | 1h 31min | Fantasy | 21 December 2012 (USA) -- A young woman is entranced by an Aerialist. When they fall into the dreamlike world of Cirque du Soleil and are separated, they travel through the different tent worlds trying to find each other. Director: Andrew Adamson Writer:
Citizen Kane (1941) ::: 8.3/10 -- PG | 1h 59min | Drama, Mystery | 5 September 1941 (USA) -- Following the death of publishing tycoon Charles Foster Kane, reporters scramble to uncover the meaning of his final utterance; 'Rosebud'. Director: Orson Welles Writers: Herman J. Mankiewicz (original screen play), Orson Welles (original
Citizen Ruth (1996) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 1h 46min | Comedy, Drama | 13 December 1996 (USA) -- An irresponsible, drug-addicted, recently impregnated woman finds herself in the middle of an abortion debate when both parties attempt to sway her to their respective sides. Director: Alexander Payne Writers:
Citizen X (1995) ::: 7.5/10 -- R | 1h 45min | Biography, Crime, Drama | TV Movie 25 February 1995 -- During the 1980s, Soviet authorities hunt for a serial killer who picks his victims in railway stations and commuter trains and lures them into the woods. Director: Chris Gerolmo Writers:
City Hunter (2018) ::: 6.5/10 -- Nicky Larson et le parfum de Cupidon (original title) -- City Hunter Poster -- Nicky Larson, the best private investigator in the business, is called for a high-risk mission: to recover the perfume of Cupid, a perfume that would make irresistible the one who uses it. Director: Philippe Lacheau Writers:
City Island (2009) ::: 7.4/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 44min | Comedy, Drama | 30 April 2010 (USA) -- Prison guard Vince tells Molly from acting class, that one inmate is his 24 y.o. love child. Vince takes him home to stay with his family - straight A son with fat girl fetish, college dropout/stripper daughter and cute wife. Director: Raymond De Felitta Writer:
City Lights (1931) ::: 8.5/10 -- G | 1h 27min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 7 March 1931 (USA) -- With the aid of a wealthy erratic tippler, a dewy-eyed tramp who has fallen in love with a sightless flower girl accumulates money to be able to help her medically. Director: Charles Chaplin Writer: Charles Chaplin Stars:
City of Angels (1998) ::: 6.7/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 54min | Drama, Fantasy, Romance | 10 April 1998 (USA) -- An angel on Earth, a doctor unable to believe, a patient with a secret, a love story made in Heaven. Director: Brad Silberling Writers: Wim Wenders (screenplay "Der Himmel ber Berlin"), Peter Handke (screenplay "Der Himmel ber Berlin") | 2 more credits Stars:
City of Ember (2008) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG | 1h 30min | Adventure, Family, Fantasy | 10 October 2008 (USA) -- For generations, the people of the City of Ember have flourished in an amazing world of glittering lights. But Ember's once powerful generator is failing and the great lamps that illuminate the city are starting to flicker. Director: Gil Kenan Writers:
City of Joy (1992) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 12min | Drama | 17 April 1992 (USA) -- An American doctor, a British nurse and an illiterate Indian farmer join together to transform a Calcutta ghetto in this uplifting, inspirational movie starring Patrick Swayze and Pauline Collins. Director: Roland Joff Writers:
City of Lies (2018) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 52min | Biography, Crime, Drama | 19 March 2021 (USA) -- Russell Poole and Jack Jackson investigate the murders of rappers Notorious B.I.G. and Tupac Shakur. Director: Brad Furman Writers: Randall Sullivan (based on the non-fiction book by), Christian
City of Life and Death (2009) ::: 7.7/10 -- Nanjing! Nanjing! (original title) -- City of Life and Death Poster -- In 1937, Japan occupied Nanjing, the Chinese capital. There was a battle and subsequent atrocities against the inhabitants, especially those who took refuge in the International Security Zone. Director: Chuan Lu Writer:
City on Fire (1987) ::: 7.1/10 -- Lung foo fung wan (original title) -- City on Fire Poster An undercover cop infiltrates a gang of thieves who plan to rob a jewelry store. Director: Ringo Lam Writers: Ringo Lam (story), Sai-Shing Shum (scriptwriter) (as Tommy Sham) | 1 more credit
City Slickers (1991) ::: 6.8/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 53min | Comedy, Western | 7 June 1991 (USA) -- On the verge of turning 40, an unhappy Manhattan yuppie is roped into joining his two friends on a cattle drive in the southwest. Director: Ron Underwood Writers: Lowell Ganz, Babaloo Mandel
Clara (2018) ::: 6.7/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 45min | Sci-Fi | 3 May 2019 (USA) -- An obsessive astronomer and a curious artist form an unlikely bond which leads them to a profound, scientific discovery. Director: Akash Sherman Writers: Akash Sherman, Akash Sherman (story) | 1 more credit
Clash (2016) ::: 7.5/10 -- Eshtebak (original title) -- Clash Poster -- Set entirely in an 8m police truck, a number of detainees from different political and social backgrounds are brought together by fate, during the turmoil that followed the ousting of former president Morsi from power. Director: Mohamed Diab
Clash by Night (1952) ::: 7.1/10 -- Approved | 1h 45min | Drama, Film-Noir, Romance | 6 June 1952 (USA) -- Mae Doyle comes back to her hometown a cynical woman. Her brother Joe fears that his love, fish cannery worker Peggy, may wind up like Mae. Mae marries Jerry and has a baby; she is happy but restless, drawn to Jerry's friend Earl. Director: Fritz Lang Writers:
Clash of the Titans (1981) ::: 6.9/10 -- PG | 1h 58min | Action, Adventure, Family | 12 June 1981 (USA) -- Perseus must battle Medusa and the Kraken to save the Princess Andromeda. Director: Desmond Davis Writer: Beverley Cross
Class Action (1991) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 50min | Drama, Thriller | 15 March 1991 (USA) -- An attorney representing a traumatized accident victim finds that his opponent is a very familiar defense attorney - his own daughter. Director: Michael Apted Writers: Carolyn Shelby, Christopher Ames | 1 more credit Stars:
Class of 1984 (1982) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 1h 38min | Action, Crime, Drama | 20 August 1982 (USA) -- A new teacher at a troubled inner-city high school soon ends up clashing with the delinquent leader of a punk posse that runs the school. Director: Mark L. Lester (as Mark Lester) Writers:
Clay Pigeons (1998) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 1h 44min | Comedy, Crime | 25 September 1998 (USA) -- After hearing that his wife sleeps with Clay, Earl kills himself, making it look like Clay shot him. The widow doesn't like it when Clay starts sees another woman instead. Bodies start piling up. Director: David Dobkin Writer:
Clean (2004) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 1h 30min | Drama, Music, Romance | 1 September 2004 (France) -- After she ends up in prison and loses custody of her son, a woman struggles to assimilate outside her former life and remain clean long enough to regain custody of her son. Director: Olivier Assayas Writer:
Clean and Sober (1988) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 2h 4min | Drama | 10 August 1988 (USA) -- A hustling drug addict checks himself into rehabilitation to escape trouble with the law and realizes that it's exactly what he needs. Director: Glenn Gordon Caron Writer: Tod Carroll
Clean, Shaven (1993) ::: 7.1/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 19min | Crime, Drama, Thriller | 21 April 1995 (USA) -- After a man suffering from schizophrenia is released from a mental institution, he attempts to get his daughter back from her adoptive family. Director: Lodge Kerrigan (as Lodge H. Kerrigan) Writer: Lodge Kerrigan (as Lodge H. Kerrigan) Stars:
Clear and Present Danger (1994) ::: 6.9/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 21min | Action, Crime, Drama | 3 August 1994 (USA) -- CIA Analyst Jack Ryan is drawn into an illegal war fought by the US government against a Colombian drug cartel. Director: Phillip Noyce Writers: Tom Clancy (novel), Donald E. Stewart (screenplay) (as Donald Stewart)
Clear History (2013) ::: 6.5/10 -- TV-MA | 1h 41min | Comedy | TV Movie 10 August 2013 -- A disgraced former marketing executive plots revenge against his former boss, who made billions from the electric car company they had started together. Director: Greg Mottola Writers:
Clemency (2019) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 52min | Drama | 27 December 2019 (USA) -- As she prepares to execute another inmate, Bernadine must confront the psychological and emotional demons her job creates, ultimately connecting her to the man she is sanctioned to kill. Director: Chinonye Chukwu Writer:
Cleopatra (1934) ::: 6.8/10 -- Passed | 1h 40min | Biography, Drama, History | 5 October 1934 (USA) -- The man-hungry Queen of Egypt leads Julius Caesar and Mark Antony astray, amid scenes of DeMillean splendor. Director: Cecil B. DeMille Writers: Waldemar Young (screen play), Vincent Lawrence (screen play) | 1 more credit Stars:
Cleopatra (1963) ::: 7.0/10 -- G | 3h 12min | Biography, Drama, History | 31 July 1963 (Canada) -- Queen Cleopatra VII of Egypt experiences both triumph and tragedy as she attempts to resist the imperial ambitions of Rome. Director: Joseph L. Mankiewicz Writers: Joseph L. Mankiewicz (screenplay), Ranald MacDougall (screenplay) | 5
Clerks (1994) ::: 7.7/10 -- R | 1h 32min | Comedy | 9 November 1994 (France) -- A day in the lives of two convenience clerks named Dante and Randal as they annoy customers, discuss movies, and play hockey on the store roof. Director: Kevin Smith Writer:
Clerks II (2006) ::: 7.3/10 -- R | 1h 37min | Comedy | 21 July 2006 (USA) -- A calamity at Dante and Randal's shops sends them looking for new horizons - but they ultimately settle at the fast food empire Mooby's. Director: Kevin Smith Writer: Kevin Smith
Cleveland Abduction (2015) ::: 6.7/10 -- TV-14 | 1h 28min | Biography, Crime, Drama | TV Movie 2 May 2015 -- A single mother who becomes the first victim of kidnapper Ariel Castro finds herself trapped in his home for 11 years, where she eventually becomes a friend and sister to two other women who are taken captive by Castro. Director: Alex Kalymnios Writers:
Click (2006) ::: 6.4/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 47min | Comedy, Drama, Fantasy | 23 June 2006 (USA) -- A workaholic architect finds a universal remote that allows him to fast-forward and rewind to different parts of his life. Complications arise when the remote starts to overrule his choices. Director: Frank Coraci Writers:
Cliffhanger (1993) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 53min | Action, Adventure, Thriller | 28 May 1993 (USA) -- A botched mid-air heist results in suitcases full of cash being searched for by various groups throughout the Rocky Mountains. Director: Renny Harlin Writers: John Long (premise), Michael France (screen story) | 2 more credits
Climax (2018) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 1h 37min | Drama, Horror, Music | 19 September 2018 (France) -- French dancers gather in a remote, empty school building to rehearse on a wintry night. The all-night celebration morphs into a hallucinatory nightmare when they learn their sangria is laced with LSD. Director: Gaspar No Writer:
Cloak & Dagger (1984) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG | 1h 41min | Action, Adventure, Crime | 10 August 1984 (USA) -- A young boy and his imaginary friend end up on the run while in possession of a top-secret spy gadget. Director: Richard Franklin Writers: Tom Holland (screen story), Tom Holland (screenplay) | 1 more credit Stars:
Clockers (1995) ::: 6.9/10 -- R | 2h 8min | Crime, Drama, Mystery | 13 September 1995 (USA) -- Young drug pushers in the projects of Brooklyn live hard dangerous lives, trapped between their drug bosses and the detectives out to stop them. Director: Spike Lee Writers:
Clockwatchers (1997) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 36min | Comedy, Drama | 15 May 1998 (USA) -- The relationship between four female temps all working for the same credit company is threatened with the arrival of a new hire, who lands a permanent position one of the women was vying for. Director: Jill Sprecher Writers:
Clockwise (1986) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG | 1h 36min | Comedy | 10 October 1986 (USA) -- An obsessively punctual comprehensive school headmaster sets out to give an important speech at the annual Headmasters' Conference. Director: Christopher Morahan Writer: Michael Frayn (original screenplay)
Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977) ::: 7.6/10 -- PG | 2h 18min | Drama, Sci-Fi | 14 December 1977 (USA) -- Roy Neary, an electric lineman, watches how his quiet and ordinary daily life turns upside down after a close encounter with a UFO. Director: Steven Spielberg Writer: Steven Spielberg
Closer (2004) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 1h 44min | Drama, Romance | 3 December 2004 (USA) -- The relationships of two couples become complicated and deceitful when the man from one couple meets the woman of the other. Director: Mike Nichols Writers: Patrick Marber (play), Patrick Marber (screenplay)
Closer to the Moon (2014) ::: 6.9/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 52min | Comedy, Crime, Drama | 17 April 2015 (USA) -- A Romanian police officer teams up with a small crew of old friends from the World War II Jewish Resistance to pull off a heist by convincing everyone at the scene of the crime that they are only filming a movie. Director: Nae Caranfil Writer:
Closet Monster (2015) ::: 7.0/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 30min | Drama, Fantasy, Mystery | 27 May 2016 (Taiwan) -- A creative and driven teenager is desperate to escape his hometown and the haunting memories of his turbulent childhood. Director: Stephen Dunn Writers: Stephen Dunn, Don McKellar (story editor)
Closing the Ring (2007) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 58min | Drama, Romance | 28 December 2007 (UK) -- A young man searches for the proper owner of a ring that belonged to a U.S. World War II bomber gunner who crashed in Belfast, Northern Ireland on June 1, 1944. Director: Richard Attenborough Writer: Peter Woodward Stars:
Cloud 9 (2014) ::: 6.6/10 -- TV-G | 1h 25min | Drama, Family, Sport | TV Movie 17 January 2014 -- A snowboarder takes lessons from a former champion, inspiring him to reach for the stars once again. Director: Paul Hoen Writer: Justin Ware Stars:
Cloud Atlas (2012) ::: 7.4/10 -- R | 2h 52min | Action, Drama, Mystery | 26 October 2012 (USA) -- An exploration of how the actions of individual lives impact one another in the past, present and future, as one soul is shaped from a killer into a hero, and an act of kindness ripples across centuries to inspire a revolution. Directors: Tom Tykwer, Lana Wachowski | 1 more credit Writers:
Cloud Atlas (2012) ::: 7.4/10 -- R | 2h 52min | Action, Drama, Mystery | 26 October 2012 (USA) -- An exploration of how the actions of individual lives impact one another in the past, present and future, as one soul is shaped from a killer into a hero, and an act of kindness ripples across centuries to inspire a revolution. Directors: Tom Tykwer, Lana Wachowski | 1 more credit Writers:
Clouds (2020) ::: 7.5/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 1min | Drama, Music | 16 October 2020 (USA) -- Young musician Zach Sobiech discovers his cancer has spread, leaving him just a few months to live. With limited time, he follows his dream and makes an album, unaware that it will soon be a viral music phenomenon. Director: Justin Baldoni Writers:
Clouds of Sils Maria (2014) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 2h 4min | Drama | 20 August 2014 (France) -- A film star comes face-to-face with an uncomfortable reflection of herself while starring in a revival of the play that launched her career. Director: Olivier Assayas Writer:
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs (2009) ::: 6.9/10 -- PG | 1h 30min | Animation, Adventure, Comedy | 18 September 2009 (USA) -- A local scientist is often regarded as a failure until he invents a machine that can make food fall from the sky. But little does he know, that things are about to take a turn for the worst. Directors: Phil Lord, Christopher Miller Writers:
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2 (2013) ::: 6.4/10 -- PG | 1h 35min | Animation, Adventure, Comedy | 27 September 2013 (USA) -- Flint Lockwood now works at The Live Corp Company for his idol Chester V. But he's forced to leave his post when he learns that his most infamous machine is still operational, and is churning out menacing food-animal hybrids. Directors: Cody Cameron, Kris Pearn Writers:
Cloverfield (2008) ::: 7.0/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 25min | Action, Horror, Sci-Fi | 18 January 2008 (USA) -- A group of friends venture deep into the streets of New York on a rescue mission during a rampaging monster attack. Director: Matt Reeves Writer: Drew Goddard
Clubbed (2008) ::: 6.8/10 -- 1h 35min | Action, Crime, Drama | 16 January 2009 (UK) -- An underworld drama set in the early 1980s, about a lonely factory worker whose life is transformed when he becomes a nightclub doorman. Director: Neil Thompson Writer: Geoff Thompson
Clue (1985) ::: 7.3/10 -- PG | 1h 34min | Comedy, Crime, Mystery | 13 December 1985 (USA) -- Six guests are anonymously invited to a strange mansion for dinner, but after their host is killed, they must cooperate with the staff to identify the murderer as the bodies pile up. Director: Jonathan Lynn Writers:
Clueless (1995) ::: 6.8/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 37min | Comedy, Romance | 19 July 1995 (USA) -- Shallow, rich and socially successful Cher is at the top of her Beverly Hills high school's pecking scale. Seeing herself as a matchmaker, Cher first coaxes two teachers into dating each other. Director: Amy Heckerling Writer:
Cluny Brown (1946) ::: 7.5/10 -- Passed | 1h 40min | Comedy, Romance, War | 2 June 1946 (USA) -- A free-spirited parlor maid and a Czech refugee surprise an English village with their unconventional ways. Director: Ernst Lubitsch Writers: Samuel Hoffenstein (screenplay), Elizabeth Reinhardt (screenplay) | 1 more credit Stars:
Coach Carter (2005) ::: 7.3/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 16min | Biography, Drama, Sport | 14 January 2005 (USA) -- Controversy surrounds high school basketball coach Ken Carter after he benches his entire team for breaking their academic contract with him. Director: Thomas Carter Writers: Mark Schwahn, John Gatins
Coal Miner's Daughter (1980) ::: 7.5/10 -- PG | 2h 4min | Biography, Drama, Music | 7 March 1980 (USA) -- The life of legendary Loretta Lynn, the dirt poor Appalachian Mountains girl who rose from humble beginnings to become the "Queen of Country Music." Director: Michael Apted Writers:
Cobb (1994) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 2h 8min | Biography, Drama, Sport | 2 December 1994 (USA) -- A reporter hired to write the 'official' biography of Ty Cobb discovers just how dark the baseball legend's real story is. Director: Ron Shelton Writers: Al Stump (article), Al Stump (book) | 1 more credit
Coco (2017) ::: 8.4/10 -- PG | 1h 45min | Animation, Adventure, Family | 22 November 2017 (USA) -- Aspiring musician Miguel, confronted with his family's ancestral ban on music, enters the Land of the Dead to find his great-great-grandfather, a legendary singer. Directors: Lee Unkrich, Adrian Molina (co-director) Writers:
Coco Before Chanel (2009) ::: 6.7/10 -- Coco avant Chanel (original title) -- Coco Before Chanel Poster -- The story of Coco Chanel's rise from obscure beginnings to the heights of the fashion world. Director: Anne Fontaine Writers:
Coco Chanel (2008) ::: 6.9/10 -- PG | 2h 19min | Biography, Drama | TV Movie 13 September 2008 -- The life story of legendary fashion designer Coco Chanel. Director: Christian Duguay Writers: James Carrington (screenplay), Carla Giulia Casalini | 3 more credits Stars: Daria Baykalova, Barbora Bobulova, Brigitte Boucher | See full cast &
Coco Chanel & Igor Stravinsky (2009) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 59min | Drama, Music, Romance | 23 July 2010 (USA) -- Paris 1913. Coco Chanel is infatuated with the rich and handsome Boy Capel, but she is also compelled by her work. Igor Stravinsky's The Rite of Spring is about to be performed. The ... S Director: Jan Kounen Writers:
Cocoon (1985) ::: 6.7/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 57min | Comedy, Drama, Sci-Fi | 21 June 1985 (USA) -- When a group of trespassing seniors swim in a pool containing alien cocoons, they find themselves energized with youthful vigor. Director: Ron Howard Writers: Tom Benedek (screenplay), David Saperstein (story)
Code Unknown (2000) ::: 7.2/10 -- Code inconnu: Rcit incomplet de divers voyages (original title) -- Code Unknown Poster A young man harasses a homeless woman, another man protests, the police arrest both and the woman has to leave the country. What were their various story-lines leading up to this event? Director:
Code Unknown (2000) ::: 7.2/10 -- Code inconnu: Rcit incomplet de divers voyages (original title) -- Code Unknown Poster A young man harasses a homeless woman, another man protests, the police arrest both and the woman has to leave the country. What were their various story-lines leading up to this event? Director: Michael Haneke Writer: Michael Haneke
Coffee and Cigarettes (2003) ::: 7.1/10 -- R | 1h 35min | Comedy, Drama, Music | 11 June 2004 (USA) -- A series of vignettes that all have coffee and cigarettes in common. Director: Jim Jarmusch Writer: Jim Jarmusch
Coffee Town (2013) ::: 6.6/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 27min | Comedy | 9 July 2013 (USA) -- A website manager enlists the help of his two friends in order to convince the owners of his favorite coffee shop -- which doubles as his office -- not to turn their business into a bar. Director: Brad Copeland Writer:
Coffy (1973) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 1h 30min | Action, Crime, Thriller | 11 May 1973 (USA) -- A sexy black nurse takes vigilante justice against inner-city drug dealers after her sister becomes their latest victim. Director: Jack Hill Writer: Jack Hill
Coherence (2013) ::: 7.2/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 29min | Drama, Horror, Mystery | 6 August 2014 (USA) -- Strange things begin to happen when a group of friends gather for a dinner party on an evening when a comet is passing overhead. Director: James Ward Byrkit Writers: James Ward Byrkit (screenplay by), James Ward Byrkit (story by) | 1
Coldblooded (1995) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 1h 32min | Action, Comedy, Thriller | 15 September 1995 (USA) -- A bookie is promoted to Hitman and seemingly excels at his new found job. Director: Wallace Wolodarsky (as M. Wallace Wolodarsky) Writer: Wallace Wolodarsky (as M. Wallace Wolodarsky) Stars:
Cold Comfort Farm (1995) ::: 7.2/10 -- PG | 1h 45min | Comedy, Romance | TV Movie 10 May 1996 -- A recently orphaned young woman goes to live with eccentric relatives in Sussex, where she sets about improving their gloomy lives. Director: John Schlesinger Writers: Malcolm Bradbury (screenplay), Stella Gibbons (novel) Stars:
Cold in July (2014) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 1h 49min | Crime, Thriller | 31 December 2014 (France) -- When a protective father meets a murderous ex-con, both need to deviate from the path they are on as they soon find themselves entangled in a downwards spiral of lies and violence while having to confront their own inner psyche. Director: Jim Mickle Writers:
Cold Mountain (2003) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 2h 34min | Adventure, Drama, History | 25 December 2003 (USA) -- In the waning days of the American Civil War, a wounded soldier embarks on a perilous journey back home to Cold Mountain, North Carolina to reunite with his sweetheart. Director: Anthony Minghella Writers:
Cold Souls (2009) ::: 6.4/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 41min | Comedy, Drama | 5 May 2010 (France) -- Paul is an actor who feels bogged down by his participation in a production of Chekov's play, Vanya. Director: Sophie Barthes Writer: Sophie Barthes
Cold War (2012) ::: 6.6/10 -- Hon zin (original title) -- Cold War Poster -- The police department has long been untouchable until tonight when hijackers kidnap 5 highly trained officers. Cryptic messages from the hijackers expose a mole within the task force. Directors: Lok Man Leung (as Longman Leung), Kim-Ching Luk (as Sunny Luk) Writers:
Coldwater (2013) ::: 6.4/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 44min | Drama, Thriller | March 2013 (USA) -- A teenage boy is sent to a juvenile reform facility in the wilderness. As we learn about the tragic events that sent him there, his struggle becomes one for survival with the inmates, counselors, and the retired war colonel in charge. Director: Vincent Grashaw Writers:
Colette (2018) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 1h 51min | Biography, Drama, History | 20 December 2018 -- Colette Poster -- Colette is pushed by her husband to write novels under his name. Upon their success, she fights to make her talents known, challenging gender norms. Director: Wash Westmoreland Writers:
Collateral (2004) ::: 7.5/10 -- R | 2h | Crime, Drama, Thriller | 6 August 2004 (USA) -- A cab driver finds himself the hostage of an engaging contract killer as he makes his rounds from hit to hit during one night in Los Angeles. Director: Michael Mann Writer: Stuart Beattie
Collateral Beauty (2016) ::: 6.8/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 37min | Drama, Romance | 16 December 2016 (USA) -- Retreating from life after a tragedy, a man questions the universe by writing to Love, Time, and Death. Receiving unexpected answers, he begins to see how these things interlock and how even loss can reveal moments of meaning and beauty. Director: David Frankel Writer:
College (1927) ::: 7.1/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 6min | Comedy, Drama, Sport | November 1927 (USA) -- To reconcile with his girlfriend, a bookish college student tries to become an athlete. Directors: James W. Horne, Buster Keaton (uncredited) Writers: Carl Harbaugh (story), Bryan Foy (story) Stars:
Colombiana (2011) ::: 6.4/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 48min | Action, Drama, Thriller | 26 August 2011 (USA) -- A young girl in Bogot witnesses her parents' murder and grows up to be a stone-cold assassin. Director: Olivier Megaton Writers: Luc Besson (screenplay), Robert Mark Kamen (screenplay)
Colonia (2015) ::: 7.1/10 -- R | 1h 50min | Biography, Drama, History | 15 April 2016 (USA) -- A young woman's desperate search for her abducted boyfriend draws her into the infamous Colonia Dignidad, a sect nobody has ever escaped from. Director: Florian Gallenberger Writers:
Colors (1988) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 2h | Action, Crime, Drama | 29 April 1988 (USA) -- An experienced cop and his rookie partner patrol the streets of East Los Angeles while trying to keep the gang violence under control. Director: Dennis Hopper Writers: Michael Schiffer (screenplay), Michael Schiffer (story) | 1 more
Colossus: The Forbin Project (1970) ::: 7.1/10 -- M | 1h 40min | Sci-Fi, Thriller | 8 April 1970 (USA) -- Thinking this will prevent war, the US government gives an impenetrable supercomputer total control over launching nuclear missiles. But what the computer does with the power is unimaginable to its creators. Director: Joseph Sargent Writers:
Colourful (2010) ::: 7.4/10 -- Karafuru (original title) -- Colourful Poster A sinful spirit is granted the opportunity to prove worthy for rebirth, inhabiting the body of a student who killed himself. Director: Keiichi Hara Writers: Eto Mori (novel), Miho Maruo (screenplay) Stars:
Columbus (2017) ::: 7.2/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 40min | Drama | 4 August 2017 (USA) -- A Korean-born man finds himself stuck in Columbus, Indiana, where his architect father is in a coma. The man meets a young woman who wants to stay in Columbus with her mother, a recovering addict, instead of pursuing her own dreams. Director: Kogonada Writer:
Coma (1978) ::: 6.9/10 -- PG | 1h 53min | Drama, Horror, Mystery | 6 January 1978 (USA) -- When a young female doctor notices an unnatural amount of comas occurring in her hospital she uncovers a horrible conspiracy. Director: Michael Crichton Writers: Michael Crichton (screenplay), Robin Cook (novel)
Comanche Station (1960) ::: 7.0/10 -- Approved | 1h 13min | Drama, Western | 16 February 1960 (USA) -- A man saves a woman who had been kidnapped by Comanches, then struggles to get both of them home alive. Director: Budd Boetticher Writer: Burt Kennedy
Combat Girls (2011) ::: 6.8/10 -- Kriegerin (original title) -- Combat Girls Poster Marisa hates foreigners, and she finds them guilty of the decline of her country. But her convictions will slowly evolve when she accidentally meets a young Afghan refugee. Director: David Wnendt Writer: David Wnendt (by)
Come as You Are (2011) ::: 7.4/10 -- Hasta la Vista (original title) -- Come as You Are Poster -- Three guys in their twenties love wine and women but they are still virgins. Under the guise of a wine tour they embark on a journey to Spain hoping to have their first sexual experience. ... S Director: Geoffrey Enthoven
Come Back, Little Sheba (1952) ::: 7.5/10 -- Approved | 1h 39min | Drama, Romance | 13 February 1953 (USA) -- An emotionally remote recovering alcoholic and his dowdy, unambitious wife face a personal crisis when they take in an attractive lodger. Director: Daniel Mann Writers: Ketti Frings (screenplay), William Inge (original play) Stars:
Come Back to the 5 & Dime Jimmy Dean, Jimmy Dean (1982) ::: 7.2/10 -- PG | 1h 49min | Comedy, Drama | 6 April 1983 (France) -- A fan club of die-hard James Dean fans meet on the 20th anniversary of his death and reconnect, opening old wounds and facing new ones. Director: Robert Altman Writers: Ed Graczyk (play), Ed Graczyk (screenplay) Stars:
Come September (1961) ::: 7.0/10 -- Approved | 1h 52min | Comedy, Romance | 9 August 1961 (USA) -- Younger generation vs. "older" folks on vacation at an Italian villa. Director: Robert Mulligan Writers: Stanley Shapiro (screenplay), Maurice Richlin (screenplay) | 2 more credits Stars:
Comet (2014) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 1h 31min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 5 December 2014 (USA) -- Set in a parallel universe, Comet bounces back and forth over the course of an unlikely but perfectly paired couple's six-year relationship. Director: Sam Esmail Writer:
Come Undone (2000) ::: 6.7/10 -- Presque rien (original title) -- Come Undone Poster -- Mathieu, 18, spends the summer at his mother's summer house, in Brittany. On the beach, he meets Cdric, a boy his age. A love-story begins between the two boys. Director:
Come Undone (2000) ::: 6.7/10 -- Presque rien (original title) -- Come Undone Poster -- Mathieu, 18, spends the summer at his mother's summer house, in Brittany. On the beach, he meets Cdric, a boy his age. A love-story begins between the two boys. Director: Sbastien Lifshitz Writers:
Coming Home (1978) ::: 7.3/10 -- R | 2h 7min | Drama, Romance, War | 15 February 1978 (USA) -- A woman whose husband is fighting in Vietnam falls in love with another man who suffered a paralyzing combat injury there. Director: Hal Ashby Writers: Waldo Salt (screenplay), Robert C. Jones (screenplay) | 1 more credit Stars:
Coming to America (1988) ::: 7.1/10 -- R | 1h 57min | Comedy, Romance | 29 June 1988 (USA) -- An extremely pampered African prince travels to Queens, New York, and goes undercover to find a wife that he can respect for her intelligence and strong will. Director: John Landis Writers:
Commando (1985) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 1h 30min | Action, Adventure, Thriller | 4 October 1985 (USA) -- A retired Special Forces colonel tries to save his daughter, who was abducted by his former subordinate. Director: Mark L. Lester Writers: Jeph Loeb (story) (as Joseph Loeb III), Matthew Weisman (story) | 2 more credits Stars:
Como agua para chocolate (1992) ::: 7.1/10 -- R | 1h 45min | Drama, Romance | 28 May 1993 (USA) -- When tradition prevents her from marrying the man she loves, a young woman discovers she has a unique talent for cooking. Director: Alfonso Arau Writers: Laura Esquivel (novel), Laura Esquivel
Companeros (1970) ::: 7.4/10 -- Vamos a matar, compaeros (original title) -- Companeros Poster A Swedish arms dealer and a Mexican peon team up to rescue the intellectual leader of the Revolutionary cause, while taking part in numerous misadventures along the way. Director: Sergio Corbucci Writers: Dino Maiuri, Massimo De Rita | 3 more credits
Compliance (2012) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 30min | Crime, Drama, Thriller | 26 September 2012 (France) -- A normal Friday service at a fast food restaurant becomes interrupted by a police officer who claims an employee stole from a customer, but something more sinister is going on. Director: Craig Zobel Writer:
Compulsion (1959) ::: 7.4/10 -- Approved | 1h 43min | Biography, Crime, Drama | 16 May 1959 (Canada) -- Two wealthy law-school students go on trial for murder in this version of the Leopold-Loeb case. Director: Richard Fleischer Writers: Richard Murphy (screenplay), Meyer Levin (based on the novel by)
Comrades, Almost a Love Story (1996) ::: 8.1/10 -- Tian mi mi (original title) -- Comrades, Almost a Love Story Poster Two Chinese-mainlanders living in Hong Kong form a close friendship. Over the years this grows into love, but there are obstacles. Director: Peter Ho-Sun Chan (as Peter Chan) Writer: Ivy Ho Stars:
Con Air (1997) ::: 6.9/10 -- R | 1h 55min | Action, Crime, Thriller | 6 June 1997 (USA) -- Newly paroled ex-con and former U.S. Ranger Cameron Poe finds himself trapped in a prisoner transport plane when the passengers seize control. Director: Simon West Writer:
Conan the Barbarian (1982) ::: 6.9/10 -- R | 2h 9min | Action, Adventure, Fantasy | 14 May 1982 (USA) -- A young boy, Conan, becomes a slave after his parents are killed and tribe destroyed by a savage warlord and sorcerer, Thulsa Doom. When he grows up he becomes a fearless, invincible fighter. Set free, he plots revenge against Thulsa Doom. Director: John Milius Writers:
Concussion (2015) ::: 7.2/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 3min | Biography, Drama, Sport | 25 December 2015 (USA) -- In Pittsburgh, accomplished pathologist Dr. Bennet Omalu uncovers the truth about brain damage in football players who suffer repeated concussions in the course of normal play. Director: Peter Landesman Writers:
Confessions of a Dangerous Mind (2002) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 1h 53min | Biography, Comedy, Crime | 24 January 2003 (USA) -- An adaptation of the cult memoir of game show impresario Chuck Barris (Sam Rockwell), in which he purports to have been a C.I.A. hitman. Director: George Clooney Writers: Chuck Barris (book), Charlie Kaufman (screenplay)
Confidence (2003) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 1h 37min | Crime, Thriller | 25 April 2003 (USA) -- Jake Vig is a consummate grifter about to pull his biggest con yet, one set to avenge his friend's murder. But his last scam backfired, leaving him indebted to a mob boss and his enforcer. Director: James Foley Writer:
Confidential Report (1955) ::: 7.3/10 -- Mr. Arkadin (original title) -- Confidential Report Poster An elusive billionaire hires an American smuggler to investigate his past, leading to a dizzying descent into a cold-war European landscape. Director: Orson Welles Writers: Orson Welles (original story), Orson Welles (screen play) Stars:
Confirmation (2016) ::: 6.8/10 -- TV-14 | 1h 50min | Biography, Drama, History | TV Movie 16 April 2016 -- Judge Clarence Thomas' nomination to the United States Supreme Court is called into question when Anita Hill, a former colleague, testifies that he sexually harassed her. Director: Rick Famuyiwa Writer:
Conflict (1945) ::: 7.2/10 -- Passed | 1h 26min | Drama, Film-Noir, Mystery | 30 June 1945 (USA) -- An engineer trapped in an unhappy marriage murders his wife in the hope of marrying her younger sister. Director: Curtis Bernhardt Writers: Arthur T. Horman (screenplay), Dwight Taylor (screenplay) | 2 more credits Stars:
Conspiracy (2001) ::: 7.7/10 -- R | 1h 36min | Biography, Drama, History | TV Movie 19 May 2001 -- At the Wannsee Conference on January 20, 1942, senior Nazi officials meet to determine the manner in which the so-called "Final Solution to the Jewish Question" can be best implemented. Director: Frank Pierson Writer:
Conspiracy Theory (1997) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 2h 15min | Action, Mystery, Thriller | 8 August 1997 (USA) -- A taxi driver with a penchant for conspiracy theories becomes a target after one of these theories turns out to be true. Unfortunately, to save himself, he has to figure out which theory it is. Director: Richard Donner Writer:
Constantine (2005) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 2h 1min | Action, Fantasy, Horror | 18 February 2005 (USA) -- Supernatural exorcist and demonologist John Constantine helps a policewoman prove her sister's death was not a suicide, but something more. Director: Francis Lawrence Writers:
Constantine: City of Demons - The Movie (2018) ::: 7.4/10 -- Constantine: City of Demons (original title) -- Constantine: City of Demons - The Movie Poster A decade after a tragic mistake, Chas Chandler and occult investigator, John Constantine, set out to cure Chas's daughter, Trish, from a demonically induced coma. With the help of the ... S Director: Doug Murphy Writers: J.M. DeMatteis, Steve Bissette (Constantine co-created by) | 7 more credits
Constantine: City of Demons - The Movie (2018) ::: 7.4/10 -- Constantine: City of Demons (original title) -- Constantine: City of Demons - The Movie Poster A decade after a tragic mistake, Chas Chandler and occult investigator, John Constantine, set out to cure Chas's daughter, Trish, from a demonically induced coma. With the help of the ... S Director: Doug Murphy Writers: J.M. DeMatteis, Steve Bissette (Constantine co-created by) | 7 more credits
Contact (1997) ::: 7.4/10 -- PG | 2h 30min | Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi | 11 July 1997 (USA) -- Dr. Ellie Arroway, after years of searching, finds conclusive radio proof of extraterrestrial intelligence, sending plans for a mysterious machine. Director: Robert Zemeckis Writers:
Contagion (2011) ::: 6.7/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 46min | Drama, Thriller | 9 September 2011 (USA) -- Healthcare professionals, government officials and everyday people find themselves in the midst of a pandemic as the CDC works to find a cure. Director: Steven Soderbergh Writer: Scott Z. Burns
Contempt (1963) ::: 7.6/10 -- Le mpris (original title) -- Contempt Poster -- Screenwriter Paul Javal's marriage to his wife Camille disintegrates during movie production as she spends time with the producer. Layered conflicts between art and business ensue. Director: Jean-Luc Godard Writer:
Contraband (2012) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 49min | Action, Crime, Drama | 13 January 2012 (USA) -- To protect his brother-in-law from a drug lord, a former smuggler heads to Panama to score millions of dollars in counterfeit bills. Director: Baltasar Kormkur Writers: Aaron Guzikowski (screenplay), Arnaldur Indriason (film
Control (2007) ::: 7.7/10 -- R | 2h 2min | Biography, Drama, Music | 26 September 2007 (France) -- A profile of Ian Curtis, the enigmatic singer of Joy Division whose personal, professional, and romantic troubles led him to commit suicide at the age of 23. Director: Anton Corbijn Writers:
Conversation Piece (1974) ::: 7.5/10 -- Gruppo di famiglia in un interno (original title) -- Conversation Piece Poster A reclusive, retired professor is faced with confronting modernity when a group of vulgar youths, led by an obnoxious marchesa, take up residence in his unused upper residence. Director: Luchino Visconti Writers: Enrico Medioli (story), Suso Cecchi D'Amico (screenplay) | 2 more credits
Conversations with Other Women (2005) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 1h 24min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 11 August 2006 (Canada) -- When a man and woman flirt with each other at a wedding reception, the sexual tension seems spontaneous. As they break from the party to a hotel room, the flirtation turns into a night filled with passion and remorse. Director: Hans Canosa Writer:
Conviction (2010) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 1h 47min | Biography, Crime, Drama | 5 November 2010 (USA) -- A working mother puts herself through law school in an effort to represent her brother, who has been wrongfully convicted of murder and has exhausted his chances to appeal his conviction through public defenders. Director: Tony Goldwyn Writer:
Convoy (1978) ::: 6.4/10 -- PG | 1h 50min | Action, Drama | 30 June 1978 (Canada) -- Truckers form a mile long "convoy" in support of a trucker's vendetta with an abusive sheriff...Based on the country song of same title by C.W. McCall. Director: Sam Peckinpah Writers:
Coogan's Bluff (1968) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 33min | Action, Comedy, Crime | 10 October 1968 (Canada) -- Arizona Deputy Sheriff Coogan (Clint Eastwood) is sent to New York City to escort an escaped fugitive back for trial. Director: Don Siegel (as Donald Siegel) Writers: Herman Miller (screenplay), Dean Riesner (screenplay) | 2 more
Cookie's Fortune (1999) ::: 6.8/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 58min | Comedy, Drama | 16 April 1999 (USA) -- Conflict arises in the small town of Holly Springs when an old woman's death causes a variety of reactions among family and friends. Director: Robert Altman Writer: Anne Rapp
Cooley High (1975) ::: 7.2/10 -- PG | 1h 47min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 5 July 1978 (France) -- In 1964 on Chicago's Near-North Side, the lives of four carefree high school seniors and best friends, including an aspiring playwright and an all-city basketball champion, takes a tragic turn. Director: Michael Schultz Writer:
Cool Hand Luke (1967) ::: 8.1/10 -- GP | 2h 7min | Crime, Drama | 1 November 1967 (USA) -- A laid back Southern man is sentenced to two years in a rural prison, but refuses to conform. Director: Stuart Rosenberg Writers: Donn Pearce (screenplay), Frank Pierson (screenplay) (as Frank R.
Cool Runnings (1993) ::: 7.0/10 -- PG | 1h 38min | Adventure, Comedy, Family | 1 October 1993 (USA) -- When a Jamaican sprinter is disqualified from the Olympic Games, he enlists the help of a dishonored coach to start the first Jamaican Bobsled Team. Director: Jon Turteltaub Writers: Lynn Siefert (story), Michael Ritchie (story) | 3 more credits Stars:
Cop (1988) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 50min | Crime, Drama, Mystery | 11 March 1988 (USA) -- An obsessive, insubordinate homicide cop is convinced a serial killer is loose in the Hollywood area and disobeys orders in order to catch him. Director: James B. Harris Writers:
Copenhagen (2014) ::: 7.1/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 38min | Adventure, Drama, Romance | 3 October 2014 (USA) -- When the girl of your dreams is half your age, it's time to grow up. Director: Mark Raso Writer: Mark Raso
Cop Land (1997) ::: 6.9/10 -- R | 1h 45min | Crime, Drama, Thriller | 15 August 1997 (USA) -- The Sheriff of a suburban New Jersey community, populated by New York City police officers, slowly discovers the town is a front for mob connections and corruption. Director: James Mangold Writer:
Copycat (1995) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 2h 3min | Drama, Mystery, Thriller | 27 October 1995 (USA) -- An agoraphobic psychologist and a female detective must work together to take down a serial killer who copies serial killers from the past. Director: Jon Amiel Writers: Ann Biderman, David Madsen
Copying Beethoven (2006) ::: 6.8/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 44min | Biography, Drama, Music | 8 March 2007 (Hungary) -- A fictionalized account of the last year of Beethoven's life. Director: Agnieszka Holland Writers: Stephen J. Rivele, Christopher Wilkinson
Coraline (2009) ::: 7.7/10 -- PG | 1h 40min | Animation, Drama, Family | 6 February 2009 (USA) -- An adventurous 11-year-old girl finds another world that is a strangely idealized version of her frustrating home, but it has sinister secrets. Director: Henry Selick Writers: Henry Selick (screenplay), Neil Gaiman (book)
Corpse Bride (2005) ::: 7.3/10 -- PG | 1h 17min | Animation, Drama, Family | 23 September 2005 (USA) -- When a shy groom practices his wedding vows in the inadvertent presence of a deceased young woman, she rises from the grave assuming he has married her. Directors: Tim Burton, Mike Johnson Writers:
Corpus Christi (2019) ::: 7.7/10 -- Boze Cialo (original title) -- Corpus Christi Poster -- Daniel experiences a spiritual transformation in a detention center. Although his criminal record prevents him from applying to the seminary, he has no intention of giving up his dream and decides to minister a small-town parish. Director: Jan Komasa
Corrina, Corrina (1994) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG | 1h 55min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 26 August 1994 (USA) -- In 1959, a widower hires a kindly housekeeper/nanny to care for his seven-year-old daughter. Director: Jessie Nelson Writer: Jessie Nelson
Coup de Torchon (1981) ::: 7.5/10 -- Coup de torchon (original title) -- Coup de Torchon Poster -- A pathetic police chief, humiliated by everyone around him, suddenly wants a clean slate in life - and resorts to drastic means to do so. Director: Bertrand Tavernier Writers:
Courageous (2011) ::: 7.0/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 9min | Drama, Fantasy | 30 September 2011 (USA) -- When a tragedy strikes close to home, four police officers struggle with their faith and their roles as husbands and fathers; together they make a decision that will change all of their lives. Director: Alex Kendrick Writers:
Courage Under Fire (1996) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 1h 56min | Action, Drama, Mystery | 12 July 1996 (USA) -- A U.S. Army officer, despondent about a deadly mistake he made, investigates a female chopper commander's worthiness for the Medal of Honor. Director: Edward Zwick Writer:
Court (2014) ::: 7.7/10 -- 1h 56min | Drama | 17 April 2015 (India) -- When an aging activist is arrested, the lives of the accused, the lawyers, and the judge intertwine to reveal bigotry that underscores the judicial system. Director: Chaitanya Tamhane Writer:
Cover Girl (1944) ::: 6.8/10 -- Passed | 1h 47min | Comedy, Music, Musical | 6 April 1944 (USA) -- Rusty Parker wins a contest and becomes a celebrated cover girl; this endangers her romance with dancing mentor Danny. Director: Charles Vidor Writers: Virginia Van Upp (screenplay), Marion Parsonnet (adaptation) | 2 more
Cowboy Bebop: The Movie (2001) ::: 7.9/10 -- Cowboy Bebop: Tengoku no tobira (original title) -- Cowboy Bebop: The Movie Poster -- A terrorist explosion releases a deadly virus on the masses, and it's up the bounty-hunting Bebop crew to catch the cold-blooded culprit. Directors: Shin'ichir Watanabe, Tensai Okamura | 2 more credits Writers:
Cows (1992) ::: 7.1/10 -- Vacas (original title) -- Cows Poster Set in the Basque region, a story of the rivalry of two families, period 1870-1935 Director: Julio Medem Writers: Michel Gaztambide, Julio Medem Stars:
Cracks (2009) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 1h 44min | Drama, Thriller | 18 March 2011 (USA) -- A look at the lives and relationships among girls at an elite boarding school. Director: Jordan Scott Writers: Ben Court (screenplay), Caroline Ip (screenplay) | 2 more credits
Cradle Will Rock (1999) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 2h 12min | Drama | 21 January 2000 (USA) -- A true story of politics and art in the 1930s U.S., focusing on a leftist musical drama and attempts to stop its production. Director: Tim Robbins Writer: Tim Robbins Stars:
Crank (2006) ::: 6.9/10 -- R | 1h 28min | Action, Crime, Thriller | 1 September 2006 (USA) -- Professional assassin Chev Chelios learns his rival has injected him with a poison that will kill him if his heart rate drops. Directors: Mark Neveldine (as Neveldine), Brian Taylor (as Taylor) Writers: Mark Neveldine (as Neveldine), Brian Taylor (as Taylor)
Crash (1996) ::: 6.4/10 -- NC-17 | 1h 40min | Drama | 21 March 1997 (USA) -- After getting into a serious car accident, a TV director discovers an underground sub-culture of scarred, omnisexual car-crash victims who use car accidents and the raw sexual energy they produce to try to rejuvenate his sex life with his wife. Director: David Cronenberg Writers: J.G. Ballard (novel), David Cronenberg
Crash (2004) ::: 7.7/10 -- R | 1h 52min | Crime, Drama, Thriller | 6 May 2005 (USA) -- Los Angeles citizens with vastly separate lives collide in interweaving stories of race, loss and redemption. Director: Paul Haggis Writers: Paul Haggis (story), Paul Haggis (screenplay) | 1 more credit
Craziwise ::: 8.4/10 -- Crazywise Poster -- into a positive transformative experience? During a quarter-century documenting indigenous cultures, human-rights ... S Directors: Phil Borges, Kevin Tomlinson Writers: Phil Borges (story), Phil Borges Stars:
C.R.A.Z.Y. (2005) ::: 7.9/10 -- Not Rated | 2h 9min | Comedy, Drama | 3 March 2006 (Italy) -- A young French-Canadian, growing up in the 1960s and 1970s, struggles to reconcile his emerging homosexuality with his father's conservative values and his own Catholic beliefs. Director: Jean-Marc Valle Writers: Franois Boulay, Jean-Marc Valle Stars:
Crazy/Beautiful (2001) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 39min | Drama, Romance | 29 June 2001 (USA) -- At Pacific Palisades High, a poor Latino falls hard for a troubled girl from an affluent neighborhood. Director: John Stockwell Writers: Phil Hay, Matt Manfredi Stars:
Crazy Heart (2009) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 1h 52min | Drama, Music, Romance | 5 February 2010 (USA) -- A faded country music musician is forced to reassess his dysfunctional life during a doomed romance that also inspires him. Director: Scott Cooper Writers: Scott Cooper, Thomas Cobb (novel)
Crazy Rich Asians (2018) ::: 6.9/10 -- PG-13 | 2h | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 15 August 2018 (USA) -- This contemporary romantic comedy, based on a global bestseller, follows native New Yorker Rachel Chu to Singapore to meet her boyfriend's family. Director: Jon M. Chu Writers:
Crazy, Stupid, Love. (2011) ::: 7.4/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 58min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 29 July 2011 (USA) -- A middle-aged husband's life changes dramatically when his wife asks him for a divorce. He seeks to rediscover his manhood with the help of a newfound friend, Jacob, learning to pick up girls at bars. Directors: Glenn Ficarra, John Requa Writer:
Creation (2009) ::: 6.7/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 48min | Biography, Drama, Romance | 25 September 2009 (UK) -- Torn between faith and science, and suffering hallucinations, English naturalist Charles Darwin struggles to complete 'On the Origin of Species' and maintain his relationship with his wife. Director: Jon Amiel Writers:
Creature from the Black Lagoon (1954) ::: 7.0/10 -- G | 1h 19min | Horror, Sci-Fi | 5 March 1954 (USA) -- A strange prehistoric beast lurks in the depths of the Amazonian jungle. A group of scientists try to capture the animal and bring it back to civilization for study. Director: Jack Arnold Writers:
Creed (2015) ::: 7.6/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 13min | Drama, Sport | 25 November 2015 (USA) -- The former World Heavyweight Champion Rocky Balboa serves as a trainer and mentor to Adonis Johnson, the son of his late friend and former rival Apollo Creed. Director: Ryan Coogler Writers:
Creed II (2018) ::: 7.1/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 10min | Drama, Sport | 21 November 2018 (USA) -- Under the tutelage of Rocky Balboa, newly crowned heavyweight champion Adonis Creed faces off against Viktor Drago, the son of Ivan Drago. Director: Steven Caple Jr. Writers: Juel Taylor (screenplay by), Sylvester Stallone (screenplay by) | 3
Creep 2 (2017) ::: 6.5/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 18min | Horror, Thriller | 24 October 2017 (USA) -- A video artist looking for work drives to a remote house in the forest to meet a man claiming to be a serial killer. But after agreeing to spend the day with him, she soon realizes that she made a deadly mistake. Director: Patrick Brice Writers:
Creepshow (1982) ::: 6.9/10 -- R | 2h | Comedy, Fantasy, Horror | 12 November 1982 (USA) -- An anthology which tells five terrifying tales inspired by the E.C. horror comic books of the 1950s. Director: George A. Romero Writer: Stephen King (original screenplay by)
Crime Busters (1977) ::: 7.2/10 -- I due superpiedi quasi piatti (original title) -- Crime Busters Poster -- An attempted robbery turns to be an unexpected recruitment when two unemployed men mistakenly break into a police office instead of a store. Director: Enzo Barboni (as E.B. Clucher) Writers:
Crimes and Misdemeanors (1989) ::: 7.9/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 44min | Comedy, Drama | 3 November 1989 (USA) -- An ophthalmologist's mistress threatens to reveal their affair to his wife while a married documentary filmmaker is infatuated with another woman. Director: Woody Allen Writer:
Crimes of Passion (1984) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 47min | Drama, Romance, Thriller | 19 October 1984 (USA) -- A mysterious woman, fashion designer by day and prostitute by night, is hounded by two men: a married father of two children and a sexually repressed preacher. Director: Ken Russell Writer: Barry Sandler Stars:
Crimes of the Heart (1986) ::: 6.4/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 45min | Comedy, Drama | 23 January 1987 (USA) -- Three southern sisters try to come to grips with the meaning of their mother's suicide. Director: Bruce Beresford Writers: Beth Henley (screenplay), Beth Henley (play)
Crime Spree (2003) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 45min | Action, Comedy, Crime | 16 April 2003 (France) -- A French gang of thieves flies over to Chicago for a one time job. However, things seem to get out of hand soon. Director: Brad Mirman Writer: Brad Mirman
Crime Wave (1953) ::: 7.4/10 -- Approved | 1h 13min | Crime, Drama, Film-Noir | 6 March 1954 (USA) -- Reformed parolee Steve Lacey is caught in the middle when a wounded former cellmate seeks him out for shelter. Director: Andr De Toth Writers: Crane Wilbur (screen play), Bernard Gordon (adaptation) | 3 more credits Stars:
Criminal (2004) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 27min | Comedy, Crime, Drama | 24 September 2004 (USA) -- Two con artists try to swindle a currency collector by selling him a counterfeit copy of an extremely rare currency bill. Director: Gregory Jacobs Writers: Fabin Bielinsky (film Nueve reinas), Gregory Jacobs (screenplay) | 1
Crimson Peak (2015) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 59min | Drama, Fantasy, Horror | 16 October 2015 (USA) -- In the aftermath of a family tragedy, an aspiring author is torn between love for her childhood friend and the temptation of a mysterious outsider. Trying to escape the ghosts of her past, she is swept away to a house that breathes, bleeds - and remembers. Director: Guillermo del Toro Writers:
Crimson Tide (1995) ::: 7.3/10 -- R | 1h 56min | Action, Drama, Thriller | 12 May 1995 (USA) -- On a U.S. nuclear missile sub, a young First Officer stages a mutiny to prevent his trigger happy Captain from launching his missiles before confirming his orders to do so. Director: Tony Scott Writers:
Criss Cross (1949) ::: 7.5/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 24min | Crime, Drama, Film-Noir | 4 February 1949 (USA) -- An armored truck driver and his ex-wife conspire with a gang to have his own truck robbed on the route. Director: Robert Siodmak Writers: Daniel Fuchs (screenplay), Don Tracy (novel)
Crocodile Dundee (1986) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 37min | Action, Adventure, Comedy | 26 September 1986 (USA) -- An American reporter goes to the Australian outback to meet an eccentric crocodile poacher and invites him to New York City. Director: Peter Faiman Writers: Paul Hogan (original story), Paul Hogan (screenplay) | 2 more credits
Cromwell (1970) ::: 6.9/10 -- G | 2h 19min | Biography, Drama, History | 17 July 1970 (UK) -- Oliver Cromwell can no longer tolerate King Charles' policies, and the self-interest of the ruling class, and leads a civil war to install Parliament as the ultimate ruler of England. Director: Ken Hughes Writer: Ken Hughes (screenplay) Stars:
Cronicas (2004) ::: 6.8/10 -- Crnicas (original title) -- Cronicas Poster -- A suspense thriller about a reporter from Miami who travels to Ecuador in pursuit of a serial killer known as the "Monster of Babahoyo." Director: Sebastin Cordero Writer:
Cronos (1993) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 1h 34min | Fantasy, Horror | May 1994 (USA) -- A mysterious device designed to provide its owner with eternal life resurfaces after four hundred years, leaving a trail of destruction in its path. Director: Guillermo del Toro Writer:
Crooklyn (1994) ::: 7.0/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 55min | Comedy, Drama | 13 May 1994 (USA) -- Spike Lee's vibrant semi-autobiographical portrait of a school teacher, her stubborn jazz musician husband and their five kids living in Brooklyn in 1973. Director: Spike Lee Writers: Joie Lee (story) (as Joie Susannah Lee), Joie Lee (screenplay) (as Joie Susannah Lee) | 2 more credits
Crooks in Clover (1963) ::: 7.8/10 -- Les tontons flingueurs (original title) -- Crooks in Clover Poster -- A dying mob boss hands over his business to an old friend, Fernand. The boss' assistants want to get rid of the latter. But are the Volfoni brothers and Tho real threats? Ensuing fights and shootouts are more comical than deadly. Director: Georges Lautner
Crossfire (1947) ::: 7.3/10 -- Approved | 1h 26min | Crime, Drama, Film-Noir | 15 August 1947 (USA) -- A man is murdered, apparently by one of a group of demobilized soldiers he met in a bar. But which one? And why? Director: Edward Dmytryk Writers: John Paxton (screenplay), Richard Brooks (adapted from a novel by)
Crossing Delancey (1988) ::: 6.9/10 -- PG | 1h 37min | Comedy, Romance | 16 September 1988 (USA) -- A Manhattan single meets a man through her Jewish grandmother's matchmaker. Director: Joan Micklin Silver Writers: Susan Sandler (screenplay by), Susan Sandler (based on her original
Crossing Over (2009) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 1h 53min | Crime, Drama | 27 March 2009 (Canada) -- Crossing Over is about illegal aliens of many nationalities in the Los Angeles area and the authorities and individuals dealing with them. Director: Wayne Kramer Writer: Wayne Kramer (screenplay)
Cross of Iron (1977) ::: 7.5/10 -- R | 1h 59min | Drama, War | 20 May 1977 (USA) -- German commander Hauptmann Stransky (Maximilian Schell) places a squad in extreme danger after Sergeant Rolf Steiner (James Coburn) refuses to lie for him. Director: Sam Peckinpah Writers:
Crossroads (1986) ::: 7.1/10 -- R | 1h 39min | Drama, Music, Mystery | 14 March 1986 (USA) -- A wanna be blues guitar virtuoso seeks a long lost song by legendary musician, Robert Johnson. Director: Walter Hill Writer: John Fusco
Croupier (1998) ::: 7.1/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 34min | Crime, Drama | 28 July 2000 (USA) -- An aspiring writer is hired as a croupier at a casino, where he realizes that his life as a croupier would make a great novel. Director: Mike Hodges Writer: Paul Mayersberg
Crown for Christmas (2015) ::: 6.9/10 -- TV-G | 1h 26min | Comedy, Drama, Family | TV Movie 27 November 2015 -- After getting fired from her job as a maid at a ritzy New York City hotel, Allie reluctantly accepts a temporary gig as the governess to a young girl who is part of a powerful family in Europe that lives in a castle. Director: Alex Zamm Writers:
Crown Vic (2019) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 50min | Action, Crime, Drama | 15 December 2019 (USA) -- Follows one memorable night in the life of LAPD officer Ray Mandel while hunting two cop killers on the loose. Director: Joel Souza Writer: Joel Souza
Cruel Intentions (1999) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 1h 37min | Drama, Romance | 5 March 1999 (USA) -- Two vicious step-siblings of an elite Manhattan prep school make a wager: to deflower the new headmaster's daughter before the start of term. Director: Roger Kumble Writers:
Cruising (1980) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 42min | Crime, Drama, Mystery | 15 February 1980 (USA) -- A police detective goes undercover in the underground S&M gay subculture of New York City to catch a serial killer who is preying on gay men. Director: William Friedkin Writers:
Crumb (1994) ::: 8.0/10 -- R | 1h 59min | Documentary, Biography, Comedy | 28 April 1995 (USA) -- An intimate portrait of controversial cartoonist Robert Crumb and his traumatized family. Director: Terry Zwigoff Stars: Robert Crumb, Aline Kominsky-Crumb, Charles Crumb Available on Amazon
Cry-Baby (1990) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 25min | Comedy, Musical | 6 April 1990 (USA) -- In 1950s Baltimore, a bad boy with a heart of gold wins the love of a good girl, whose boyfriend sets out for revenge. Director: John Waters Writer: John Waters Stars:
Cry Freedom (1987) ::: 7.4/10 -- PG | 2h 37min | Biography, Drama, History | 6 November 1987 (USA) -- South African journalist Donald Woods is forced to flee the country, after attempting to investigate the death in custody of his friend, the black activist Steve Biko. Director: Richard Attenborough Writers: John Briley (screenplay), Donald Woods (books) Stars:
Crying Freeman (1995) ::: 6.5/10 -- 1h 42min | Action, Crime, Thriller | 24 April 1996 (France) -- A woman sees an assassin outside San Francisco killing yakuza men and later in Vancouver. She's been told that he leaves no witness. Will she be his next victim or...? Director: Christophe Gans Writers: Kazuo Koike (based upon the comic books created by), Ryoichi Ikegami (based upon the comic books created by) | 3 more credits
Crying Out Love in the Center of the World (2004) ::: 7.2/10 -- Sekai no chshin de, ai o sakebu (original title) -- Crying Out Love in the Center of the World Poster While searching for his fiancee Ritsuko, Sakutarou rediscovers through flashbacks the void deep within him caused by the events from his high school days. Director: Isao Yukisada Writers: Kyouichi Katayama (novel), Yji Sakamoto (screenplay) | 2 more credits
C.S.A.: The Confederate States of America (2004) ::: 6.4/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 29min | Comedy, Drama, War | 24 June 2005 (Spain) -- Through the eyes of a British "documentary", this film takes a satirically humorous, and sometimes frightening, look at the history of an America where the South won the Civil War. Director: Kevin Willmott Writer:
Cube (1997) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 1h 30min | Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi | 11 July 1998 (Netherlands) -- Six complete strangers with widely varying personalities are involuntarily placed in an endless maze containing deadly traps. Director: Vincenzo Natali Writers: Andr Bijelic (as Andre Bijelic), Vincenzo Natali | 1 more credit
Cube (1997) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 1h 30min | Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi | 11 July 1998 (Netherlands) -- Six complete strangers with widely varying personalities are involuntarily placed in an endless maze containing deadly traps. Director: Vincenzo Natali Writers: Andr Bijelic (as Andre Bijelic), Vincenzo Natali | 1 more credit
Cul-de-sac (1966) ::: 7.1/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 52min | Comedy, Drama, Thriller | 7 November 1966 (USA) -- In search of help, two wounded gangsters on the run find refuge in the secluded castle of a feeble man and his wife; however, under the point of a gun, nothing is what it seems. Director: Roman Polanski Writers:
Curious George (2006) ::: 6.5/10 -- G | 1h 27min | Animation, Adventure, Comedy | 10 February 2006 (USA) -- The Man in the Yellow Hat is an oddball museum employee who looks after his pet monkey, an inquisitive and wonderful creature whose enthusiasm often gets the best of him. Director: Matthew O'Callaghan Writers: Ken Kaufman (screenplay), Ken Kaufman (story) | 3 more credits Stars:
Curse of the Demon (1957) ::: 7.5/10 -- Night of the Demon (original title) -- Curse of the Demon Poster American professor John Holden arrives in London for a parapsychology conference, only to find himself investigating the mysterious actions of Devil-worshiper Julian Karswell. Director: Jacques Tourneur Writers: Charles Bennett (screenplay), Hal E. Chester (screenplay) | 1 more credit
Cutter's Way (1981) ::: 6.9/10 -- R | 1h 49min | Crime, Drama, Mystery | 10 February 1982 (France) -- Richard spots a man dumping a body, and decides to expose the man he thinks is the culprit with his friend Alex Cutter. Director: Ivan Passer Writers: Newton Thornburg (novel), Jeffrey Alan Fiskin (screenplay) Stars:
Cyberbully (2015) ::: 6.8/10 -- 1h 2min | Crime, Drama, Mystery | TV Movie 15 January 2015 -- A British teenager is forced by a computer hacker to do his bidding. If she refuses, the hacker will leak compromising photos of her to the public. Director: Ben Chanan Writers: Ben Chanan, David Lobatto Stars:
Cypher (2002) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 1h 35min | Mystery, Sci-Fi, Thriller | 18 January 2003 (Japan) -- An unsuspecting, disenchanted man finds himself working as a spy in the dangerous, high-stakes world of corporate espionage. Quickly getting way over-his-head, he teams up with a mysterious femme fatale. Director: Vincenzo Natali Writer: Brian King Stars:
Cyrano de Bergerac (1950) ::: 7.5/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 53min | Adventure, Drama, Romance | 5 November 1951 -- Cyrano de Bergerac Poster -- The charismatic swordsman-poet helps another woo the woman he loves in this straightforward version of the play. Director: Michael Gordon Writers:
Da 5 Bloods (2020) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 2h 34min | Adventure, Drama, War | 12 June 2020 (USA) -- Four African-American vets battle the forces of man and nature when they return to Vietnam seeking the remains of their fallen squad leader and the gold fortune he helped them hide. Director: Spike Lee Writers:
Daddy Long Legs (1955) ::: 6.7/10 -- Approved | 2h 6min | Musical, Romance | 5 May 1955 (USA) -- A wealthy American has a chance encounter with a joyful young French woman, and anonymously pays for her education. She writes letters to her mysterious benefactor, nicknaming him from the description given by some of her fellow orphans. Director: Jean Negulesco Writers: Phoebe Ephron (screenplay), Henry Ephron (screenplay) | 1 more credit
Dakota Skye (2008) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 1h 29min | Drama, Romance | 14 March 2008 (USA) -- A girl with the supernatural ability to see through other peoples' lies, falls in love with a mysterious boy who always tells the truth. Director: John Humber Writer: Chad J. Shonk
Dallas Buyers Club (2013) ::: 8.0/10 -- R | 1h 57min | Biography, Drama | 22 November 2013 (USA) -- In 1985 Dallas, electrician and hustler Ron Woodroof works around the system to help AIDS patients get the medication they need after he is diagnosed with the disease. Director: Jean-Marc Valle Writers:
Damage (1992) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 1h 51min | Drama, Romance | 22 January 1993 (USA) -- A member of Parliament falls passionately in love with his son's fiance despite the dangers of discovery. Director: Louis Malle Writers: David Hare (screenplay), Josephine Hart (novel)
Dancer in the Dark (2000) ::: 8.0/10 -- R | 2h 20min | Crime, Drama, Musical | 6 October 2000 (USA) -- An East European girl travels to the United States with her young son, expecting it to be like a Hollywood film. Director: Lars von Trier (as Lars Von Trier) Writer: Lars von Trier (as Lars Von Trier)
Dances with Wolves (1990) ::: 8.0/10 -- PG-13 | 3h 1min | Adventure, Drama, Western | 21 November 1990 (USA) -- Lieutenant John Dunbar, assigned to a remote western Civil War outpost, befriends wolves and Indians, making him an intolerable aberration in the military. Director: Kevin Costner Writers:
Dangal (2016) ::: 8.4/10 -- Not Rated | 2h 41min | Action, Biography, Drama | 21 December 2016 -- Dangal Poster -- Former wrestler Mahavir Singh Phogat and his two wrestler daughters struggle towards glory at the Commonwealth Games in the face of societal oppression. Director: Nitesh Tiwari Writers:
Danger Close (2019) ::: 6.8/10 -- Danger Close: The Battle of Long Tan (original title) -- Danger Close Poster -- In August 1966, in a Vietnamese rubber plantation called Long Tan, 108 young and inexperienced Australian and New Zealand soldiers are fighting for their lives against 2500 North Vietnamese and Viet Cong soldiers. Director: Kriv Stenders
Dangerous Beauty (1998) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 1h 51min | Biography, Drama, Romance | 20 February 1998 (USA) -- A Venetian courtesan becomes a hero to her city, but later becomes the target of an inquisition by the Church for witchcraft. Director: Marshall Herskovitz Writers: Margaret Rosenthal (book), Jeannine Dominy
Dangerous Liaisons (1988) ::: 7.6/10 -- R | 1h 59min | Drama, Romance | 24 February 1989 (USA) -- A scheming widow and her manipulative ex-lover make a bet regarding the corruption of a recently married woman. Director: Stephen Frears Writers: Christopher Hampton (play), Choderlos de Laclos (novel) | 1 more
Dangerous Minds (1995) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 1h 39min | Biography, Drama | 11 August 1995 (USA) -- An ex-Marine turned teacher struggles to connect with her students in an inner city school. Director: John N. Smith Writers: LouAnne Johnson (book), Ronald Bass (screenplay)
Dan in Real Life (2007) ::: 6.7/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 38min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 26 October 2007 (USA) -- A widower finds out the woman he fell in love with is his brother's girlfriend. Director: Peter Hedges Writers: Pierce Gardner, Peter Hedges
Danny Collins (2015) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 1h 46min | Biography, Comedy, Drama | 10 April 2015 (USA) -- An aging rock star decides to change his life when he discovers a 40-year-old letter written to him by John Lennon. Director: Dan Fogelman Writer: Dan Fogelman
Danny Deckchair (2003) ::: 6.7/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 40min | Comedy, Romance | 31 July 2003 (Australia) -- An Aussie becomes a national sensation when he lifts off in his deck chair tied to balloons. Director: Jeff Balsmeyer Writers: Jeff Balsmeyer, Lizzie Bryant (additional dialogue) | 1 more credit
Darby O'Gill and the Little People (1959) ::: 7.2/10 -- G | 1h 33min | Adventure, Family, Fantasy | 22 June 1960 (USA) -- A wily old codger matches wits with the King of the Leprechauns and helps play matchmaker for his daughter and the strapping lad who has replaced him as caretaker. Director: Robert Stevenson Writers:
Daria in 'Is It College Yet?' (2002) ::: 8.2/10 -- TV-14 | 1h 30min | Animation, Comedy, Romance | TV Movie 21 January -- Daria in 'Is It College Yet?' Poster Daria, Jane, and the rest of the Lawndale High seniors face graduation and college in this series finale TV-movie from MTV's "Daria." Director: Karen Disher Writers: Glenn Eichler, Peggy Nicoll Stars:
Daria in 'Is It Fall Yet?' (2000) ::: 8.2/10 -- TV-14 | 1h 15min | Animation, Comedy | TV Movie 27 August 2000 -- This animated made-for-TV movie, based on MTV's hit "Daria," explores the summer vacation of Daria and her classmates at Lawndale High. Directors: Karen Disher, Guy Moore Writers: Glenn Eichler, Peggy Nicoll Stars:
Dark Blue (2002) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 1h 58min | Crime, Drama, Thriller | 21 February 2003 (USA) -- A robbery homicide investigation triggers a series of events that will cause a corrupt LAPD officer to question his tactics. Director: Ron Shelton Writers: James Ellroy (story), David Ayer (screenplay)
Dark Blue World (2001) ::: 7.2/10 -- Tmavomodr svet (original title) -- Dark Blue World Poster -- The friendship of two men becomes tested when they both fall for the same woman. Director: Jan Sverk Writers:
Dark City (1998) ::: 7.6/10 -- R | 1h 40min | Mystery, Sci-Fi, Thriller | 27 February 1998 (USA) -- A man struggles with memories of his past, which include a wife he cannot remember and a nightmarish world no one else ever seems to wake up from. Director: Alex Proyas Writers:
Darkest Hour (2017) ::: 7.4/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 5min | Biography, Drama, History | 22 December 2017 (USA) -- In May 1940, the fate of World War II hangs on Winston Churchill, who must decide whether to negotiate with Adolf Hitler, or fight on knowing that it could mean the end of the British Empire. Director: Joe Wright Writer:
Dark Horse (2005) ::: 7.2/10 -- Voksne mennesker (original title) -- Dark Horse Poster A young man spurs romance and helps his friend and himself go through times and struggles of their ordinary life in Denmark. Director: Dagur Kri Writers: Dagur Kri, Rune Schjtt Stars:
Darkman (1990) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 36min | Action, Sci-Fi, Thriller | 24 August 1990 (USA) -- A brilliant scientist left for dead returns to exact revenge on the people who burned him alive. Director: Sam Raimi Writers: Sam Raimi (story), Chuck Pfarrer (screenplay) | 4 more credits
Dark Night of the Scarecrow (1981) ::: 6.8/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 36min | Horror | TV Movie 24 October 1981 -- In a small Southern town, a wrongfully-killed man exacts revenge from beyond the grave on those who murdered him. Director: Frank De Felitta Writers: J.D. Feigelson (teleplay), J.D. Feigelson (story) | 1 more credit Stars:
Dark Passage (1947) ::: 7.5/10 -- Passed | 1h 46min | Film-Noir, Thriller | 27 September 1947 (USA) -- A man convicted of murdering his wife escapes from prison and works with a woman to try and prove his innocence. Director: Delmer Daves Writers: Delmer Daves (screen play by), David Goodis (from the novel by)
Dark Star (1974) ::: 6.3/10 -- G | 1h 23min | Comedy, Sci-Fi | 9 February 1979 (West Germany) -- In the far reaches of space, a small crew, 20 years into their solitary mission, find things beginning to go hilariously wrong. Director: John Carpenter Writers: John Carpenter (original story and screenplay), Dan O'Bannon (original
Dark Victory (1939) ::: 7.5/10 -- Approved | 1h 44min | Drama, Romance | 22 April 1939 (USA) -- A young socialite is diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor, and must decide whether or not she'll meet her final days with dignity. Director: Edmund Goulding Writers: Casey Robinson (screen play), George Emerson Brewer Jr. (from the play
Dark Water (2002) ::: 6.7/10 -- Honogurai mizu no soko kara (original title) -- Dark Water Poster A mother and her 6 year old daughter move into a creepy apartment whose every surface is permeated by water. Director: Hideo Nakata Writers: Kji Suzuki (novel), Ken'ichi Suzuki (screenplay) | 1 more credit Stars:
Dark Waters (2019) ::: 7.6/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 6min | Biography, Drama, History | 6 December 2019 (USA) -- A corporate defense attorney takes on an environmental lawsuit against a chemical company that exposes a lengthy history of pollution. Director: Todd Haynes Writers: Nathaniel Rich (based on The New York Times magazine article "The
Darling (1965) ::: 7.1/10 -- TV-MA | 2h 8min | Drama, Romance | 3 August 1965 (USA) -- Beautiful but amoral model Diana Scott sleeps her way to the top of the London fashion scene at the height of the Swinging Sixties. Director: John Schlesinger Writers: Frederic Raphael (screenplay), Frederic Raphael (idea) | 2 more credits Stars:
Dating Amber (2020) ::: 7.0/10 -- 1h 32min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 10 November 2020 (USA) -- Two school friends decide to start a pretend straight relationship in an effort to fit in. Director: David Freyne Writer: David Freyne
Daughters of Darkness (1971) ::: 6.6/10 -- Les lvres rouges (original title) -- Daughters of Darkness Poster A newlywed couple are passing through a vacation resort. Their paths cross with a mysterious, strikingly beautiful countess and her aide. Director: Harry Kmel Writers: Pierre Drouot (scenario), Harry Kmel (scenario) | 1 more credit Stars:
Dave (1993) ::: 6.8/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 50min | Comedy, Romance | 7 May 1993 (USA) -- An uncanny Presidential lookalike named Dave is recruited by the Secret Service to become a momentary stand-in for the President of the United States. Director: Ivan Reitman Writer:
David Copperfield (1935) ::: 7.4/10 -- The Personal History, Adventures, Experience, & Observation of David -- Passed | 2h 10min | Adventure, Drama, Romance | 20 June 1935 (Argentina) David Copperfield Poster -- A gentle orphan discovers life and love in an indifferent adult world. Director: George Cukor Writers:
Davy Crockett: King of the Wild Frontier (1955) ::: 7.0/10 -- Approved | 1h 33min | Adventure, Drama, Family | 25 May 1955 (USA) -- American frontiersman Davy Crockett fights in the Creek Indian War, is elected to the U.S. Congress and fights for Texas at the Alamo. Director: Norman Foster Writer: Thomas W. Blackburn (as Tom Blackburn) Stars:
Dawn of the Dead (1978) ::: 7.9/10 -- Unrated | 2h 7min | Action, Adventure, Horror | 24 May 1979 (USA) -- Following an ever-growing epidemic of zombies that have risen from the dead, two Philadelphia S.W.A.T. team members, a traffic reporter, and his television executive girlfriend seek refuge in a secluded shopping mall. Director: George A. Romero Writer:
Dawn of the Dead (2004) ::: 7.3/10 -- R | 1h 41min | Action, Horror | 19 March 2004 (USA) -- A nurse, a policeman, a young married couple, a salesman and other survivors of a worldwide plague that is producing aggressive, flesh-eating zombies, take refuge in a mega Midwestern shopping mall. Director: Zack Snyder Writers:
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (2014) ::: 7.6/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 10min | Action, Adventure, Drama | 11 July 2014 (USA) -- A growing nation of genetically evolved apes led by Caesar is threatened by a band of human survivors of the devastating virus unleashed a decade earlier. Director: Matt Reeves Writers:
Daybreakers (2009) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 38min | Action, Adventure, Fantasy | 8 January 2010 (USA) -- In the year 2019, a plague has transformed almost every human into vampires. Faced with a dwindling blood supply, the fractured dominant race plots their survival; meanwhile, a researcher works with a covert band of vamps on a way to save humankind. Directors: Michael Spierig (as The Spierig Brothers), Peter Spierig (as The Spierig Brothers)
Daydream Nation (2010) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 38min | Drama, Romance | 11 November 2010 (Lithuania) -- A city girl who moves to a small town and becomes entangled in a love triangle between her high school teacher and a stoner classmate. Director: Michael Goldbach (as Mike Goldbach) Writers: Michael Goldbach (as Mike Goldbach), Jacob Tierney (story editor)
Day for Night (1973) ::: 8.0/10 -- La nuit amricaine (original title) -- Day for Night Poster -- A committed film director struggles to complete his movie while coping with a myriad of crises, personal and professional, among the cast and crew. Director: Franois Truffaut Writers:
Day of Anger (1967) ::: 7.1/10 -- I giorni dell'ira (original title) -- Day of Anger Poster A scruffy garbage boy becomes the pupil of a famed gunfighter, and the stage for confrontation is set when the gunman becomes unhinged and overruns the boy's town through violence and corruption. Director: Tonino Valerii Writers: Ernesto Gastaldi (story by), Tonino Valerii (story by) | 2 more credits
Day of the Dead (1985) ::: 7.2/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 36min | Horror, Thriller | 19 July 1985 (USA) -- As the world is overrun by zombies, a small group of scientists and military personnel dwelling in an underground bunker in Florida must determine whether they should educate, eliminate or escape the undead horde. Director: George A. Romero Writer:
Day of the Falcon (2011) ::: 6.7/10 -- Black Gold (original title) -- Day of the Falcon Poster -- Set in the 1930s Arab states at the dawn of the oil boom, the story centers on a young Arab prince torn between allegiance to his conservative father and modern, liberal father-in-law. Director: Jean-Jacques Annaud Writers:
Day of the Outlaw (1959) ::: 7.3/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 32min | Western | 19 July 1959 (USA) -- Blaise Starrett is a rancher at odds with homesteaders when outlaws hold up the small town. The outlaws are held in check only by their notorious leader, but he is diagnosed with a fatal wound and the town is a powder keg waiting to blow. Director: Andr De Toth (as Andre De Toth) Writers: Lee E. Wells (novel), Philip Yordan (screenplay)
Days of Being Wild (1990) ::: 7.6/10 -- Ah Fei jing juen (original title) -- Kong) Days of Being Wild Poster A man tries to find out who his real mother is after the woman who raised him tells him the truth. Director: Kar-Wai Wong Writers: Jeffrey Lau, Kar-Wai Wong
Days of Heaven (1978) ::: 7.8/10 -- PG | 1h 34min | Drama, Romance | 6 October 1978 (USA) -- A hot-tempered farm laborer convinces the woman he loves to marry their rich but dying boss so that they can have a claim to his fortune. Director: Terrence Malick Writer: Terrence Malick
Days of Wine and Roses (1962) ::: 7.9/10 -- Approved | 1h 57min | Drama | 4 February 1963 (Brazil) -- An alcoholic marries a young woman and systematically addicts her to booze so that they can share his "passion" together. Director: Blake Edwards Writer: J.P. Miller (as JP Miller)
Dazed and Confused (1993) ::: 7.6/10 -- R | 1h 42min | Comedy | 24 September 1993 (USA) -- The adventures of high school and junior high students on the last day of school in May 1976. Director: Richard Linklater Writer: Richard Linklater
Dead Again (1991) ::: 6.9/10 -- R | 1h 47min | Crime, Drama, Mystery | 30 August 1991 (USA) -- A woman who has lost her memory is taken in by a Los Angeles orphanage, and a private eye is enlisted to track down her identity, but he soon finds that he might have a past life connection to her that endangers their lives. Director: Kenneth Branagh Writer:
Dead Alive (1992) ::: 7.5/10 -- Braindead (original title) -- Dead Alive Poster A young man's mother is bitten by a Sumatran rat-monkey. She gets sick and dies, at which time she comes back to life, killing and eating dogs, nurses, friends, and neighbors. Director: Peter Jackson Writers: Stephen Sinclair (story), Stephen Sinclair (screenplay) | 2 more credits
Dead & Buried (1981) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 1h 34min | Horror, Mystery | 9 October 1981 (USA) -- A suspense horror film set in a small coastal town where, after a series of gory murders commited by mobs of townspeople against visiting tourists, the corpses begin to come back to life. Director: Gary Sherman (as Gary A. Sherman) Writers: Jeff Millar (story), Alex Stern (story) | 3 more credits Stars:
Dead Calm (1989) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 1h 36min | Horror, Thriller | 7 April 1989 (USA) -- After a tragedy, John Ingram and his wife Rae are spending some time isolated at sea, when they come across a stranger who has abandoned a sinking ship. Director: Phillip Noyce Writers:
Dead End (1937) ::: 7.3/10 -- Approved | 1h 33min | Crime, Drama, Film-Noir | 27 August 1937 (USA) -- The lives of a young man and woman, an infamous gangster and a group of street kids converge one day in a volatile New York City slum. Director: William Wyler Writers: Lillian Hellman (screen play), Sidney Kingsley (based upon the play by)
Dead End (2003) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 1h 25min | Adventure, Horror, Mystery | 9 November 2004 (Canada) -- Christmas Eve. On his way to his in-laws with his family, Frank Harrington decides to try a shortcut, for the first time in 20 years. It turns out to be the biggest mistake of his life. Directors: Jean-Baptiste Andrea, Fabrice Canepa Writers:
Deadline - U.S.A. (1952) ::: 7.2/10 -- Passed | 1h 27min | Crime, Drama, Film-Noir | 8 August 1952 (Sweden) -- With his newspaper about to be sold, crusading editor Ed Hutcheson tries to complete an expos on gangster Rienzi. Director: Richard Brooks Writer: Richard Brooks Stars:
Deadly Code (2013) ::: 6.4/10 -- Educazione siberiana (original title) -- Deadly Code Poster -- A drama based on a memoir about growing up as a member of the Urka community in the small republic of Transnistria. Director: Gabriele Salvatores Writers:
Dead Man (1995) ::: 7.6/10 -- R | 2h 1min | Adventure, Drama, Fantasy | 10 May 1996 (USA) -- On the run after murdering a man, accountant William Blake encounters a strange aboriginal American man named Nobody who prepares him for his journey into the spiritual world. Director: Jim Jarmusch Writer:
Dead Man Down (2013) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 58min | Action, Crime, Drama | 8 March 2013 (USA) -- In New York City, a crime lord's right-hand man is helped by a woman seeking retribution. Director: Niels Arden Oplev Writer: J.H. Wyman
Dead Man's Shoes (2004) ::: 7.6/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 30min | Crime, Drama, Thriller | 1 October 2004 -- Dead Man's Shoes Poster -- A disaffected soldier returns to his hometown to get even with the thugs who brutalized his mentally-challenged brother years ago. Director: Shane Meadows Writers:
Dead Man Walking (1995) ::: 7.5/10 -- R | 2h 2min | Crime, Drama | 2 February 1996 (USA) -- A nun, while comforting a convicted killer on death row, empathizes with both the killer and his victim's families. Director: Tim Robbins Writers: Helen Prejean (book) (as Sister Helen Prejean C.S.J.), Tim Robbins
Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid (1982) ::: 6.9/10 -- PG | 1h 28min | Comedy, Crime, Mystery | 21 May 1982 (USA) -- Film noir parody with a detective uncovering a sinister plot. Characters from real noirs appear as scenes from various films are intercut. Director: Carl Reiner Writers:
Dead of Night (1945) ::: 7.6/10 -- Approved | 1h 17min | Drama, Horror | 15 February 1946 (Finland) -- Architect Walter Craig (Mervyn Johns) senses impending doom as his half-remembered recurring dream turns into reality. The guests at the country house encourage him to stay as they take turns telling supernatural tales. Directors: Alberto Cavalcanti (as Cavalcanti), Charles Crichton | 2 more credits Writers:
Dead Poets Society (1989) ::: 8.1/10 -- PG | 2h 8min | Comedy, Drama | 9 June 1989 (USA) -- TV Program 3:06 | TV Program -- Maverick teacher John Keating uses poetry to embolden his boarding school students to new heights of self-expression. Director: Peter Weir Writer: Tom Schulman
Deadpool (2016) ::: 8.0/10 -- R | 1h 48min | Action, Adventure, Comedy | 12 February 2016 (USA) -- A wisecracking mercenary gets experimented on and becomes immortal but ugly, and sets out to track down the man who ruined his looks. Director: Tim Miller Writers: Rhett Reese, Paul Wernick
Deadpool 2 (2018) ::: 7.7/10 -- R | 1h 59min | Action, Adventure, Comedy | 18 May 2018 (USA) -- Foul-mouthed mutant mercenary Wade Wilson (a.k.a. Deadpool), brings together a team of fellow mutant rogues to protect a young boy with supernatural abilities from the brutal, time-traveling cyborg Cable. Director: David Leitch Writers:
Dead Presidents (1995) ::: 6.9/10 -- R | 1h 59min | Action, Crime, Drama | 6 October 1995 (USA) -- A Vietnam vet adjusts to life after the war while trying to support his family, but the chance of a better life may involve crime and bloodshed. Directors: Albert Hughes (as The Hughes Brothers), Allen Hughes (as The Hughes Brothers) Writers:
Dead Reckoning (1947) ::: 7.1/10 -- Passed | 1h 40min | Crime, Drama, Film-Noir | February 1947 (USA) -- A soldier runs away rather than receive the Medal of Honor, so his buddy gets permission to investigate, and love and death soon follow. Director: John Cromwell Writers: Oliver H.P. Garrett (screenplay), Steve Fisher (screenplay) | 3 more
Dead Ringer (1964) ::: 7.3/10 -- Unrated | 1h 56min | Crime, Drama, Thriller | 19 February 1964 (USA) -- The working-class twin sister of a callous, wealthy woman impulsively murders her out of revenge and assumes her identity. But impersonating her dead twin is more complicated and risky than she anticipated. Director: Paul Henreid Writers:
Dead Ringers (1988) ::: 7.3/10 -- R | 1h 56min | Drama, Horror, Thriller | 23 September 1988 (USA) -- Twin gynecologists take full advantage of the fact that nobody can tell them apart, until their relationship begins to deteriorate over a woman. Director: David Cronenberg Writers: David Cronenberg, Norman Snider | 2 more credits Stars:
Dead Snow 2: Red vs. Dead (2014) ::: 6.9/10 -- Dd sn 2 (original title) -- Dead Snow 2: Red vs. Dead Poster -- Still on the run from a group of Nazi zombies, a man seeks the aid of a group of American zombie enthusiasts, and discovers new techniques for fighting the zombies. Director: Tommy Wirkola Writers:
Dead Space: Downfall (2008) ::: 6.3/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 14min | Animation, Action, Adventure | Video 28 October -- Dead Space: Downfall Poster -- A prequel to the hit video game chronicling the discovery of the Red Marker and the first Necromorph outbreak. Directors: Chuck Patton, Curt Geda | 1 more credit Writers:
Deadwood: The Movie (2019) ::: 7.4/10 -- Deadwood (original title) -- Deadwood: The Movie Poster -- As the residents of Deadwood gather to commemorate Dakota's statehood in 1889, saloon owner Al Swearengen and Marshal Seth Bullock clash with Senator George Hearst. Director: Daniel Minahan Writers:
Dean Spanley (2008) ::: 7.2/10 -- PG | 1h 40min | Comedy, Drama | 12 December 2008 (UK) -- Set in Edwardian England where upper lips are always stiff and men from the Colonies are not entirely to be trusted, Fisk Senior has little time or affection for his son, but when the pair visit an eccentric Indian, they start a strange journey that eventually allows the old man to find his heart. Director: Toa Fraser
Dear Diary (1993) ::: 7.3/10 -- Caro diario (original title) -- Dear Diary Poster -- Director Nanni Moretti takes a mordant look at Italian life through three antological vignettes presented as the chapters of an open diary. Director: Nanni Moretti Writer:
Dear Frankie (2004) ::: 7.7/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 45min | Drama, Romance | 15 April 2005 (USA) -- After having responded to her son's numerous letters in the guise of his father, a woman hires a stranger to pose as his dad when meeting him. Director: Shona Auerbach Writer:
Dear Mr. Gacy (2010) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 43min | Crime, Drama, Thriller | 11 May 2010 (Canada) -- A chronicle of the interaction between college student Jason Moss and the object of his obsession, serial killer John Wayne Gacy. Director: Svetozar Ristovski Writers: Kellie Madison (screenplay), Clark Peterson (story) | 2 more credits
Dear Wendy (2005) ::: 6.6/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 45min | Comedy, Crime, Drama | 4 February 2005 (Denmark) -- A young boy in a nameless, timeless American town establishes a gang of youthful misfits united in their love of guns and their code of honor. Director: Thomas Vinterberg Writer: Lars von Trier Stars:
Death and the Maiden (1994) ::: 7.3/10 -- R | 1h 43min | Drama, Mystery, Thriller | 27 January 1995 (USA) -- A political activist is convinced that her guest is a man who once tortured her for the government. Director: Roman Polanski Writers: Ariel Dorfman (play), Rafael Yglesias (screenplay) | 1 more credit
Death at a Funeral (2007) ::: 7.4/10 -- R | 1h 30min | Comedy | 7 September 2007 (USA) -- Chaos ensues when a man tries to expose a dark secret regarding a recently deceased patriarch of a dysfunctional British family. Director: Frank Oz Writer: Dean Craig Stars:
Death Becomes Her (1992) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 44min | Comedy, Fantasy, Horror | 31 July 1992 (USA) -- When a woman learns of an immortality treatment, she sees it as a way to outdo her long-time rival. Director: Robert Zemeckis Writers: Martin Donovan, David Koepp
Deathdream (1974) ::: 6.6/10 -- Dead of Night (original title) -- Deathdream Poster A young soldier killed in Vietnam inexplicably shows up to his family home one night. Director: Bob Clark Writer: Alan Ormsby (screenplay) Stars:
Death Hunt (1981) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 1h 37min | Action, Adventure, Crime | 21 May 1981 (USA) -- In 1931 Canada, Yukon trapper Johnson has a feud with a dog owner who later retaliates by publicly accusing Johnson of murder and thus triggering a police manhunt in the wilderness. Director: Peter R. Hunt (as Peter Hunt) Writers:
Death in Venice (1971) ::: 7.4/10 -- Morte a Venezia (original title) -- Death in Venice Poster -- While recovering in Venice, sickly Composer Gustav von Aschenbach becomes dangerously fixated with teenager Tadzio. Director: Luchino Visconti Writers:
Death of a Cyclist (1955) ::: 7.7/10 -- Muerte de un ciclista (original title) -- Death of a Cyclist Poster A couple having an affair strike a bicyclist with their car and do not offer aid out of fear of their relationship being exposed. Director: Juan Antonio Bardem (as J.A. Bardem) Writers: Juan Antonio Bardem (as J.A. Bardem), Luis Fernando de Igoa (original story) (as L.F. de Igoa)
Death of a Salesman (1985) ::: 7.3/10 -- PG | 2h 16min | Drama | TV Movie 15 September 1985 -- An aging traveling salesman recognizes the emptiness of his life and tries to fix it. Director: Volker Schlndorff (as Volker Schlondorff) Writers: Arthur Miller (teleplay), Arthur Miller (play) Stars:
Death of a Superhero (2011) ::: 7.1/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 37min | Drama | 30 August 2012 (Germany) -- A dying 15-year-old boy draws stories of an invincible superhero as he struggles with his mortality. Director: Ian Fitzgibbon Writers: Anthony McCarten (screenplay), Anthony McCarten (based on the novel by)
Death on the Nile (1978) ::: 7.3/10 -- PG | 2h 20min | Crime, Drama, Mystery | 29 September 1978 (USA) -- As Hercule Poirot enjoys a luxurious cruise down the Nile, a newlywed heiress is found murdered on board. Can Poirot identify the killer before the ship reaches the end of its journey? Director: John Guillermin Writer:
Death Proof (2007) ::: 7.0/10 -- TV-MA | 2h 7min | Action, Adventure, Thriller | 5 October 2007 (Canada) -- Two separate sets of voluptuous women are stalked at different times by a scarred stuntman who uses his "death proof" cars to execute his murderous plans. Director: Quentin Tarantino Writer:
Death Race (2008) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 45min | Action, Sci-Fi, Thriller | 22 August 2008 (USA) -- Ex-con Jensen Ames is forced by the warden of a notorious prison to compete in our post-industrial world's most popular sport: a car race in which inmates must brutalize and kill one another on the road to victory. Director: Paul W.S. Anderson Writers:
Death Sentence (2007) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 1h 45min | Action, Crime, Drama | 31 August 2007 (USA) -- Nick Hume is a mild-mannered executive with a perfect life, until one gruesome night he witnesses something that changes him forever. Transformed by grief, Hume eventually comes to the disturbing conclusion that no length is too great when protecting his family. Director: James Wan Writers:
Death to Smoochy (2002) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 49min | Comedy, Crime, Drama | 29 March 2002 (USA) -- A kids show host, Rainbow Randolph, is fired in disgrace while his replacement, Sheldon Mopes, aka Smoochy the Rhino, finds himself a rising star. Unfortunately for Sheldon, the business of kids television isn't all child's play. Director: Danny DeVito Writer:
Deathtrap (1982) ::: 7.0/10 -- PG | 1h 56min | Comedy, Crime, Mystery | 19 March 1982 (USA) -- A Broadway playwright puts murder in his plan to take credit for a student's play. Director: Sidney Lumet Writers: Ira Levin (based on the stage play by), Jay Presson Allen (screenplay
Death Wish (1974) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 1h 33min | Action, Crime, Drama | 24 July 1974 (USA) -- A New York City architect becomes a one-man vigilante squad after his wife is murdered by street punks in which he randomly goes out and kills would-be muggers on the mean streets after dark. Director: Michael Winner Writers:
Death Wish (2018) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 47min | Action, Crime, Drama | 2 March 2018 (USA) -- Dr. Paul Kersey is an experienced trauma surgeon, a man who has spent his life saving lives. After an attack on his family, Paul embarks on his own mission for justice. Director: Eli Roth Writers:
Deceiver (1997) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 1h 46min | Crime, Drama, Mystery | 30 January 1998 (USA) -- A hooker is found cut in two. Two cops give polygraph tests to the only suspect, James Wayland (Tim Roth), an unstable genius. After some time, the roles change. Directors: Jonas Pate, Josh Pate Writers:
December Boys (2007) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 45min | Drama, Romance | 20 September 2007 (Australia) -- One summer, four orphans boys who have grown to be the closest of friends find themselves competing for the attention of the same family. Director: Rod Hardy Writers: Ronald Kinnoch (story), Michael Noonan (novel) | 1 more credit
Deception (1946) ::: 7.1/10 -- Approved | 1h 55min | Crime, Drama, Film-Noir | 26 October 1946 (USA) -- After marrying her long lost love, a musician finds the relationship threatened by a wealthy composer who is besotted with her. Director: Irving Rapper Writers: John Collier, Joseph Than | 1 more credit Stars:
Deconstructing Harry (1997) ::: 7.4/10 -- R | 1h 36min | Comedy | 2 January 1998 (USA) -- Suffering from writer's block and eagerly awaiting his writing award, Harry Block remembers events from his past and scenes from his best-selling books as characters, real and fictional, come back to haunt him. Director: Woody Allen Writer:
Dedication (2007) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 1h 35min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 10 October 2008 (Mexico) -- The romantic comedy follows a misogynistic children's book author who is forced to work closely with a female illustrator instead of his long-time collaborator and only friend. Director: Justin Theroux Writer:
Deep Cover (1992) ::: 6.9/10 -- R | 1h 47min | Action, Crime, Thriller | 15 April 1992 (USA) -- A uniformed cop is recruited by a drug enforcement agent to infiltrate a drug smuggling ring looking to expand its operation. Director: Bill Duke Writers: Michael Tolkin (story), Michael Tolkin (screenplay) | 1 more credit
Deep End (1970) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 1h 28min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 18 March 1971 (Denmark) -- 15-year-old dropout Mike takes a job at Newford Baths, where inappropriate sexual behaviour abounds, and becomes obsessed with his coworker Susan. Director: Jerzy Skolimowski Writers: Jerzy Skolimowski, Jerzy Gruza (as J. Gruza) | 1 more credit Stars:
Deep Red (1975) ::: 7.6/10 -- Profondo rosso (original title) -- Deep Red Poster -- A jazz pianist and a wisecracking journalist are pulled into a complex web of mystery after the former witnesses the brutal murder of a psychic. Director: Dario Argento Writers:
Deepwater Horizon (2016) ::: 7.1/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 47min | Action, Drama, History | 30 September 2016 (USA) -- A dramatization of the disaster in April 2010, when the offshore drilling rig called the Deepwater Horizon exploded, resulting in the worst oil spill in American history. Director: Peter Berg Writers:
Defending Your Life (1991) ::: 7.2/10 -- PG | 1h 52min | Comedy, Drama, Fantasy | 5 April 1991 (USA) -- In an afterlife way station resembling a major city, the lives of the recently-deceased are examined in a court-like setting. Director: Albert Brooks Writer: Albert Brooks
Defendor (2009) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 1h 41min | Comedy, Crime, Drama | 13 May 2010 (Brazil) -- Arthur Poppington, a regular man who adopts a superhero persona, known as "Defendor", combs the city streets at night, in search of his archenemy, Captain Industry. Director: Peter Stebbings Writer:
Defiance (2008) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 2h 17min | Action, Drama, History | 16 January 2009 (USA) -- Jewish brothers in Nazi-occupied Eastern Europe escape into the Belarussian forests, where they join Russian resistance fighters, and endeavor to build a village, in order to protect themselves and about one thousand Jewish non-combatants. Director: Edward Zwick Writers:
Definitely, Maybe (2008) ::: 7.1/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 52min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 14 February 2008 (USA) -- A political consultant tries to explain his impending divorce and past relationships to his 11-year-old daughter. Director: Adam Brooks Writer: Adam Brooks
Deiji (2006) ::: 7.5/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 50min | Drama, Romance | 9 March 2006 (South Korea) -- About a tragic love triangle story involving young painter Hye-young, Interpol detective Jeong Woo, and professional hitman Park Yi. Director: Andrew Lau (as Wai-Keung Lau) Writers: Gordon Chan, Felix Chong | 1 more credit Stars:
Deja Vu (2006) ::: 7.1/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 6min | Action, Crime, Sci-Fi | 22 November 2006 (USA) -- After a ferry is bombed in New Orleans, an A.T.F. agent joins a unique investigation using experimental surveillance technology to find the bomber, but soon finds himself becoming obsessed with one of the victims. Director: Tony Scott Writers:
Delhi Belly (2011) ::: 7.6/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 43min | Action, Comedy, Crime | 1 July 2011 (USA) -- Three struggling room-mates unknowingly become potential prey of a ruthless gangster. Directors: Abhinay Deo, Akshat Verma Writers: Mr. Moris (screenplay by), Akshat Verma
Delirious (2006) ::: 6.5/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 47min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 18 May 2007 (Spain) -- An offbeat drama focused on a homeless youth, a pop music siren and a member of the paparazzi. Director: Tom DiCillo Writer: Tom DiCillo
Deliverance (1972) ::: 7.7/10 -- R | 1h 49min | Adventure, Drama, Thriller | 18 August 1972 (USA) -- Intent on seeing the Cahulawassee River before it's dammed and turned into a lake, outdoor fanatic Lewis Medlock takes his friends on a canoeing trip they'll never forget into the dangerous American back-country. Director: John Boorman Writers:
Delivery Man (2013) ::: 6.4/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 45min | Comedy, Drama | 22 November 2013 (USA) -- An affable underachiever finds out he's fathered 533 children through anonymous donations to a fertility clinic 20 years ago. Now he must decide whether or not to come forward when 142 of them file a lawsuit to reveal his identity. Director: Ken Scott Writers:
De-Lovely (2004) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 5min | Biography, Drama, Music | 6 August 2004 (USA) -- Inspecting a magical biographical stage musical, composer Cole Porter reviews his life and career with his wife, Linda. Director: Irwin Winkler Writer: Jay Cocks
Demain tout commence (2016) ::: 7.4/10 -- 1h 58min | Comedy, Drama | 7 April 2017 (Canada) -- A bachelor enjoys his sweet life on the French Riviera until a one-night stand tells him, he's dad to Gloria and leaves her with him. He moves to London with Gloria. Mom turns up 8 years later. Director: Hugo Glin Writers:
Demetrius and the Gladiators (1954) ::: 6.6/10 -- Approved | 1h 41min | Action, Drama, History | 9 September 1954 (UK) -- In first-century Rome, Christian slave Demetrius is sent to fight in the gladiatorial arena and Emperor Caligula seeks Jesus' robe for its alleged magical powers. Director: Delmer Daves Writers:
Demolition (2015) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 1h 41min | Comedy, Drama | 8 April 2016 (USA) -- A successful investment banker struggles after losing his wife in a tragic car crash. With the help of a customer service rep and her young son, he starts to rebuild, beginning with the demolition of the life he once knew. Director: Jean-Marc Valle Writer:
Demolition Man (1993) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 1h 55min | Action, Sci-Fi, Thriller | 8 October 1993 (USA) -- A police officer is brought out of suspended animation in prison to pursue an old ultra-violent nemesis who is loose in a non-violent future society. Director: Marco Brambilla Writers:
Denial (2016) ::: 6.7/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 49min | Biography, Drama | 21 October 2016 (USA) -- Acclaimed writer and historian Deborah E. Lipstadt must battle for historical truth to prove the Holocaust actually occurred when David Irving, a renowned denier, sues her for libel. Director: Mick Jackson Writers:
Den of Thieves (2018) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 2h 20min | Action, Crime, Drama | 19 January 2018 (USA) -- An elite unit of the LA County Sheriff's Dept. and the state's most successful bank robbery crew clash as the outlaws plan a seemingly impossible heist on the Federal Reserve Bank. Director: Christian Gudegast Writers:
Department Q: The Absent One (2014) ::: 7.1/10 -- Fasandrberne (original title) -- Department Q: The Absent One Poster -- The murder of young twins initially implicates a group of upper class students as the killers, though the case takes a turn or two from its starting point. Director: Mikkel Nrgaard Writers:
Derailed (2005) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 1h 48min | Crime, Drama, Thriller | 11 November 2005 (USA) -- When two married business executives having an affair are blackmailed by a violent criminal, the two must turn the tables on him to save their families. Director: Mikael Hfstrm Writers: Stuart Beattie (screenplay), James Siegel (novel) Stars:
Deranged: Confessions of a Necrophile (1974) ::: 6.4/10 -- Deranged (original title) -- Deranged: Confessions of a Necrophile Poster A deranged rural farmer becomes a grave robber and murderer after the death of his possessive mother, whose corpse he keeps, among others, as his companion in a decaying farmhouse. Directors: Jeff Gillen, Alan Ormsby Writer: Alan Ormsby (original screenplay)
Descendants (2015) ::: 6.4/10 -- TV-G | 1h 52min | Comedy, Family, Fantasy | TV Movie 31 July 2015 -- The teenage son of the king and queen of Auradon offers the trouble-making children of villains a chance to attend prep school in the kingdom. Director: Kenny Ortega Writers:
Descendants 2 (2017) ::: 6.5/10 -- TV-G | 1h 51min | Action, Adventure, Family | TV Movie 21 July 2017 -- Mal, Evie, Carlos and Jay try to adjust to life in Auradon, but Mal becomes overwhelmed with pressure and returns to her roots. Director: Kenny Ortega Writers: Sara Parriott, Josann McGibbon
Descendants 3 (2019) ::: 6.6/10 -- TV-G | 1h 46min | Adventure, Family, Musical | TV Movie 2 August 2019 -- The teenagers of Disney's most infamous villains return to the Isle of the Lost to recruit a new batch of villainous offspring to join them at Auradon Prep. Director: Kenny Ortega Writers: Josann McGibbon, Sara Parriott Stars:
Desert Flower (2009) ::: 7.4/10 -- R | 2h | Biography, Drama | 24 September 2009 (Germany) -- Waris Dirie, born 1965 in Somalia, flees at 13 when sold as 4th wife. She's maid at the Somalian embassy in London, then McDonald's, where she's discovered and becomes int'l top model. 1997, she speaks up against female genital mutilation. Director: Sherry Hormann Writers:
Desert Hearts (1985) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 1h 31min | Drama, Romance | 7 March 1986 (USA) -- While waiting for her divorce papers, a repressed professor of literature is unexpectedly seduced by a carefree, spirited young lesbian. Director: Donna Deitch Writers:
Design for Living (1933) ::: 7.5/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 31min | Comedy, Romance | 29 December 1933 (USA) -- A woman cannot decide between two men who love her, and the trio agree to try living together in a platonic friendly relationship. Director: Ernst Lubitsch Writers: Nol Coward (play) (as Noel Coward), Ben Hecht (screenplay)
Designing Woman (1957) ::: 6.8/10 -- Approved | 1h 58min | Comedy, Romance | 16 May 1957 (Australia) -- A sportswriter and a fashion-designer marry after a whirlwind romance, and discover they have little in common. Director: Vincente Minnelli Writers: George Wells, Helen Rose (story suggested by)
Desk Set (1957) ::: 7.3/10 -- Approved | 1h 43min | Comedy, Romance | 2 August 1957 (West Germany) -- Two extremely strong personalities clash over the computerization of a television network's research department. Director: Walter Lang Writers: Phoebe Ephron (screenplay), Henry Ephron (screenplay) | 1 more credit
Desperado (1995) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 1h 44min | Action, Crime, Thriller | 25 August 1995 (USA) -- Former musician and gunslinger El Mariachi arrives at a small Mexican border town after being away for a long time. His past quickly catches up with him and he soon gets entangled with the local drug kingpin Bucho and his gang. Director: Robert Rodriguez Writer:
Desperate Living (1977) ::: 7.2/10 -- X | 1h 30min | Comedy, Crime, Fantasy | 2 November 1980 (West Germany) -- A neurotic society woman murders her husband with the help of her maid and, on the lam, escape to Mortville, a homeless community ruled over by a fascist queen. Director: John Waters Writer: John Waters Stars:
Despicable Me (2010) ::: 7.6/10 -- PG | 1h 35min | Animation, Comedy, Crime | 9 July 2010 (USA) -- When a criminal mastermind uses a trio of orphan girls as pawns for a grand scheme, he finds their love is profoundly changing him for the better. Directors: Pierre Coffin, Chris Renaud Writers:
Despicable Me 2 (2013) ::: 7.3/10 -- PG | 1h 38min | Animation, Adventure, Comedy | 3 July 2013 (USA) -- When Gru, the world's most super-bad turned super-dad has been recruited by a team of officials to stop lethal muscle and a host of Gru's own, He has to fight back with new gadgetry, cars, and more minion madness. Directors: Pierre Coffin, Chris Renaud Writers:
Destination Tokyo (1943) ::: 7.1/10 -- Approved | 2h 15min | Adventure, History, War | 31 December 1943 (USA) -- In order to provide information for the first air raid over Tokyo, a U.S. submarine sneaks into Tokyo Bay and places a spy team ashore. Director: Delmer Daves Writers: Steve Fisher (original story), Delmer Daves (screen play) | 1 more
Destry Rides Again (1939) ::: 7.7/10 -- Approved | 1h 35min | Comedy, Western | 29 December 1939 (USA) -- Deputy sheriff Destry tames the town of Bottle Neck, including saloon singer Frenchy. Director: George Marshall Writers: Felix Jackson (screen play), Gertrude Purcell (screen play) | 3 more
Detachment (2011) ::: 7.7/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 38min | Drama | 1 February 2012 (France) -- A substitute teacher who drifts from classroom to classroom finds a connection to the students and teachers during his latest assignment. Director: Tony Kaye Writer: Carl Lund
Detective Story (1951) ::: 7.6/10 -- Approved | 1h 43min | Crime, Drama, Film-Noir | 19 May 1952 (Denmark) -- On one day in the 21st Precinct squad room, assorted characters form a backdrop for the troubles of hard-nosed Detective Jim McLeod. Director: William Wyler Writers: Philip Yordan (screenplay), Robert Wyler (screenplay) | 1 more credit
Detour (1945) ::: 7.4/10 -- Passed | 1h 8min | Crime, Drama, Film-Noir | 25 January 1946 (Canada) -- Chance events trap hitchhiking nightclub pianist Al Roberts in a tightening net of death, deception and blackmail. Director: Edgar G. Ulmer Writers: Martin Goldsmith (screenplay), Martin Goldsmith (original story)
Detroit (2017) ::: 7.3/10 -- R | 2h 23min | Crime, Drama, History | 4 August 2017 (USA) -- Fact-based drama set during the 1967 Detroit riots in which a group of rogue police officers respond to a complaint with retribution rather than justice on their minds. Director: Kathryn Bigelow Writer:
Detroit Rock City (1999) ::: 6.9/10 -- R | 1h 35min | Comedy, Music | 13 August 1999 (USA) -- In 1978, four rebellious teenagers try to scam their way into a KISS concert. Director: Adam Rifkin Writer: Carl V. Dupr
Devil in a Blue Dress (1995) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 1h 42min | Crime, Drama, Mystery | 29 September 1995 (USA) -- An African-American man is hired to find a woman, and gets mixed up in a murderous political scandal. Director: Carl Franklin Writers: Walter Mosley (book), Carl Franklin (screenplay)
Devils on the Doorstep (2000) ::: 8.2/10 -- Guizi lai le (original title) -- Devils on the Doorstep Poster During the Japanese occupation of China, two prisoners are dumped in a peasant's home in a small town. The owner is bullied into keeping the prisoners until the next New Year, at which time... S Director: Wen Jiang Writers: Wen Jiang (screenplay), Wen Jiang (story) | 7 more credits
Devil's Pass (2013) ::: 5.7/10 -- The Dyatlov Pass Incident (original title) -- Devil's Pass Poster -- A group of students go the location of the infamous Dyatlov pass incident to make a documentary, but things take a turn for the worse as the secret of what happened there is revealed. Director: Renny Harlin Writer:
Dhaka Attack (2017) ::: 7.8/10 -- 14A | 2h 27min | Action, Thriller | 20 October 2017 (USA) -- An anonymous criminal gang plot a series attack in Dhaka City and three young police officers work on this. Director: Dipankar Dipon Writers: Sunny Sanwar (script), Abhimanyu Mukherjee (screenplay) | 4 more
Dheepan (2015) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 1h 55min | Crime, Drama | 13 May 2016 (USA) -- Dheepan is a Sri Lankan Tamil warrior who flees to France and ends up working as a caretaker outside Paris. Director: Jacques Audiard Writers: Jacques Audiard (dialogue), Jacques Audiard (screenplay) | 4 more
Dhobi Ghat (2010) ::: 7.0/10 -- TV-14 | 1h 40min | Drama | 21 January 2011 (India) -- The lives of four people intersect in Mumbai: a washer-man who wants to become an actor, a banker-turned-photographer, a painter looking for inspiration, and a newly-married immigrant who journals her experiences on home video. Director: Kiran Rao Writer:
Dhoom 2 (2006) ::: 6.5/10 -- Dhoom:2 (original title) -- (India) Dhoom 2 Poster -- Mr A, a fearless thief, steals valuable artefacts and teams up with the girl he is attracted to but who cannot be trusted. Close on their heels are three police officers trying to apprehend them. Director: Sanjay Gadhvi
Diabolique (1955) ::: 8.0/10 -- Les diaboliques (original title) -- Diabolique Poster -- The wife and mistress of a loathed school principal plan to murder him with what they believe is the perfect alibi. Director: Henri-Georges Clouzot (as H.G. Clouzot) Writers:
Dial M for Murder (1954) ::: 8.2/10 -- PG | 1h 45min | Crime, Thriller | 29 May 1954 (USA) -- A former tennis player tries to arrange his wife's murder after learning of her affair. Director: Alfred Hitchcock Writers: Frederick Knott (screen play by), Frederick Knott (as adapted from his
Diamonds Are Forever (1971) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG | 2h | Action, Adventure, Thriller | 17 December 1971 (USA) -- A diamond smuggling investigation leads James Bond to Las Vegas, where he uncovers an evil plot involving a rich business tycoon. Director: Guy Hamilton Writers: Richard Maibaum (screenplay by), Tom Mankiewicz (screenplay by) Stars:
Diana: In Her Own Words (2017) ::: 7.8/10 -- 1h 52min | Documentary, Biography | TV Movie 14 August 2017 -- This documentary uses the recordings Princess Diana made for the book that was written by Andrew Morton. In this documentary Diana narrates her life and the events that surrounded her. Directors: Tom Jennings, David Tillman Writers: Tom Jennings, David Tillman Stars:
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules (2011) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG | 1h 39min | Comedy, Family | 25 March 2011 (USA) -- Back in middle school after summer vacation, Greg Heffley and his older brother Rodrick must deal with their parents' misguided attempts to have them bond. Director: David Bowers Writers:
Diaz: Don't Clean Up This Blood (2012) ::: 7.2/10 -- Diaz - Don't Clean Up This Blood (original title) -- Diaz: Don't Clean Up This Blood Poster A reenactment of the final days of the 2001 G8 Summit. Director: Daniele Vicari Writers: Daniele Vicari (story), Daniele Vicari (screenplay) | 3 more credits Stars:
Die Hard (1988) ::: 8.2/10 -- R | 2h 12min | Action, Thriller | 20 July 1988 (USA) -- An NYPD officer tries to save his wife and several others taken hostage by German terrorists during a Christmas party at the Nakatomi Plaza in Los Angeles. Director: John McTiernan Writers:
Die Hard 2 (1990) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 2h 4min | Action, Thriller | 3 July 1990 (USA) -- John McClane attempts to avert disaster as rogue military operatives seize control of Dulles International Airport in Washington, D.C. Director: Renny Harlin Writers: Steven E. de Souza (screenplay by), Doug Richardson (screenplay by) | 2
Die Hard with a Vengeance (1995) ::: 7.6/10 -- Die Hard: With a Vengeance (original title) -- Die Hard with a Vengeance Poster -- John McClane and a Harlem store owner are targeted by German terrorist Simon in New York City, where he plans to rob the Federal Reserve Building. Director: John McTiernan Writers:
Diggstown (1992) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 1h 38min | Drama, Sport | 14 August 1992 (USA) -- Gabriel's released from prison. His con man friend makes a foolish bet with Diggstown's owner on who'd win the boxing matches - their man against ten Diggstown men. Director: Michael Ritchie Writers: Leonard Wise (novel), Steven McKay (screenplay) Stars:
Dil Dhadakne Do (2015) ::: 6.9/10 -- Not Rated | 2h 50min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 5 June 2015 (USA) -- The Mehra family must contemplate over their way of living and their love lives while on a cruise celebrating their 30th wedding anniversary. Director: Zoya Akhtar Writers:
Dillinger (1973) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 1h 47min | Action, Biography, Crime | 8 November 1973 (Hong Kong) -- John Dillinger and his gang go on a bank robbing spree across the midwest, but one G-Man is determined to bring him down. Director: John Milius Writer: John Milius Stars:
Diner (1982) ::: 7.1/10 -- R | 1h 50min | Comedy, Drama | 21 May 1982 (USA) -- A group of college-age buddies struggle with their imminent passage into adulthood in 1959 Baltimore. Director: Barry Levinson Writer: Barry Levinson
Dinner at Eight (1933) ::: 7.5/10 -- Passed | 1h 51min | Comedy, Drama | 12 January 1934 (USA) -- Affluent Millicent and Oliver Jordan throw a dinner for a handful of wealthy and/or well-born acquaintances, each of whom has much to reveal. Director: George Cukor Writers:
Dinner Rush (2000) ::: 7.3/10 -- R | 1h 39min | Crime, Drama, Romance | 29 March 2002 (UK) -- At a popular NYC Italian restaurant on a dramatic, busy evening, there are 2 gangsters, cop detective, food-critic, ex bookmaker owner, his chef son, indebted gambler sous-chef etc. Director: Bob Giraldi Writers:
Dinosaur (2000) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG | 1h 22min | Animation, Adventure, Family | 19 May 2000 (USA) -- An orphaned dinosaur raised by lemurs joins an arduous trek to a sanctuary after a meteorite shower destroys his family home. Directors: Eric Leighton, Ralph Zondag Writers: Thom Enriquez (story), John Harrison (story) | 10 more credits Stars:
Director: ::: Untitled Alien Prequel -- Ridley Scott -- Writers: Dan O'Bannon (based on characters created by), Ronald Shusett (based on characters created by) [u4ZG4O9Kh-h0yDb.png] View production, box office, & company info [mGkoj7mMfYpKOdk.png] Add to Watchlist Child Stars, Then and Now
Director: ::: Untitled Labyrinth Project -- Scott Derrickson -- Writer: Maggie Levin (screenplay) [u4ZG4O9Kh-h0yDb.png] View production, box office, & company info [mGkoj7mMfYpKOdk.png] Add to Watchlist Child Stars, Then and Now [MV5BNzcyOGU0OWEtYzJiNC00OGY2LWE4MDktYTJjZDI5YmYyY2JhXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMT
Dirty Dancing (1987) ::: 7.0/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 40min | Drama, Music, Romance | 21 August 1987 (USA) -- Spending the summer at a Catskills resort with her family, Frances "Baby" Houseman falls in love with the camp's dance instructor, Johnny Castle. Director: Emile Ardolino Writer:
Dirty Girl (2010) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 30min | Comedy, Drama | 7 July 2011 (Thailand) -- It's 1987 and Danielle, the high school 'Dirty Girl', is running away. With her is chubby, gay Clarke, a bag of flour called Joan and a Walkman full of glorious '80s tunes. Director: Abe Sylvia Writer:
Dirty Harry (1971) ::: 7.7/10 -- R | 1h 42min | Action, Crime, Thriller | 23 December 1971 (USA) -- When a madman calling himself "the Scorpio Killer" menaces the city, tough-as-nails San Francisco Police Inspector "Dirty" Harry Callahan is assigned to track down and ferret out the crazed psychopath. Director: Don Siegel Writers:
Dirty Mary Crazy Larry (1974) ::: 6.7/10 -- PG | 1h 33min | Action, Crime, Thriller | 17 May 1974 (USA) -- Down on their luck racers Larry and Deke steal from a supermarket manager to buy a car that will help them advance their racing chances. Their escape does not go as planned when Larry's one nightstand, Mary, tags along for the ride. Director: John Hough Writers:
Dirty Pretty Things (2002) ::: 7.3/10 -- R | 1h 37min | Crime, Drama, Thriller | 5 September 2003 (USA) -- Illegal immigrants Okwe and Senay work at a posh London hotel and live in constant fear of deportation. One night Okwe stumbles across evidence of a bizarre murder setting off a series of events that could lead to disaster or freedom. Director: Stephen Frears Writer:
Dirty Rotten Scoundrels (1988) ::: 7.4/10 -- PG | 1h 50min | Comedy, Crime | 14 December 1988 (USA) -- Two con men try to settle their rivalry by betting on who can swindle a young American heiress out of fifty thousand dollars first. Director: Frank Oz Writers: Dale Launer, Stanley Shapiro | 1 more credit
Dirty Work (1998) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 22min | Comedy | 12 June 1998 (USA) -- A loser finds success in the revenge-for-hire business. Director: Bob Saget Writers: Frank Sebastiano, Norm MacDonald | 1 more credit Stars: Norm MacDonald, Jack Warden, Artie Lange
Disconnect (2012) ::: 7.5/10 -- R | 1h 55min | Drama, Thriller | 5 July 2013 (USA) -- A drama centered on a group of people searching for human connections in today's wired world. Director: Henry Alex Rubin (as Henry-Alex Rubin) Writer: Andrew Stern
Disco Pigs (2001) ::: 6.7/10 -- TV-MA | 1h 33min | Crime, Drama, Romance | 12 October 2001 (Ireland) -- Pig and Runt - born on the same day, in the same hospital, moments apart. Twins, all but by blood. Inseparable from birth, they are almost telepathic. They are also partners in crime, with ... S Director: Kirsten Sheridan Writers:
Disgrace (2008) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 1h 59min | Drama | 18 June 2009 (Australia) -- After having an affair with a student, a Cape Town professor moves to the Eastern Cape, where he gets caught up in a mess of post-apartheid politics. Director: Steve Jacobs Writers:
Disobedience (2017) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 1h 54min | Drama, Romance | 27 April 2018 (USA) -- A woman returns to her Orthodox Jewish community that shunned her for her attraction to a female childhood friend. Once back, their passions reignite as they explore the boundaries of faith and sexuality. Director: Sebastin Lelio Writers:
Distant Voices, Still Lives (1988) ::: 7.4/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 24min | Drama, Music | 16 November 1988 (France) -- The lives of an English working-class family are told out of order in a free-associative manner. The first part, "Distant Voices", focuses on the father's role in the family. The second part, "Still Lives", focuses on his children. Director: Terence Davies Writer:
District 13: Ultimatum (2009) ::: 6.5/10 -- Banlieue 13: Ultimatum (original title) -- District 13: Ultimatum Poster -- Damien and Leito return to District 13 on a mission to bring peace to the troubled sector that is controlled by five different gang bosses, before the city's secret services take drastic measures to solve the problem. Director: Patrick Alessandrin
District 9 (2009) ::: 7.9/10 -- R | 1h 52min | Action, Sci-Fi, Thriller | 14 August 2009 (USA) -- Violence ensues after an extraterrestrial race forced to live in slum-like conditions on Earth finds a kindred spirit in a government agent exposed to their biotechnology. Director: Neill Blomkamp Writers:
Disturbia (2007) ::: 6.8/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 45min | Crime, Drama, Mystery | 13 April 2007 (USA) -- A teen living under house arrest becomes convinced his neighbor is a serial killer. Director: D.J. Caruso Writers: Christopher Landon (screenplay), Carl Ellsworth (screenplay) | 1 more
Diva (1981) ::: 7.1/10 -- R | 1h 57min | Music, Thriller | 23 April 1982 (USA) -- Two tapes, two Parisian mob killers, one corrupt policeman, an opera fan, a teenage thief, and the coolest philosopher ever filmed all twist their way through an intricate and stylish French-language thriller. Director: Jean-Jacques Beineix Writers:
Divergent (2014) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 19min | Action, Adventure, Mystery | 21 March 2014 (USA) -- In a world divided by factions based on virtues, Tris learns she's Divergent and won't fit in. When she discovers a plot to destroy Divergents, Tris and the mysterious Four must find out what makes Divergents dangerous before it's too late. Director: Neil Burger Writers:
Divine Intervention (2002) ::: 6.6/10 -- Yadon ilaheyya (original title) -- Divine Intervention Poster Separated by a checkpoint, Palestinian lovers from Jerusalem and Ramallah arrange clandestine meetings. Director: Elia Suleiman Writer: Elia Suleiman Stars:
Django Unchained (2012) ::: 8.4/10 -- R | 2h 45min | Drama, Western | 25 December 2012 (USA) -- With the help of a German bounty-hunter, a freed slave sets out to rescue his wife from a brutal plantation-owner in Mississippi. Director: Quentin Tarantino Writer: Quentin Tarantino
D.O.A. (1949) ::: 7.3/10 -- Approved | 1h 23min | Drama, Film-Noir, Mystery | 21 April 1950 (USA) -- Frank Bigelow, told he's been poisoned and has only a few days to live, tries to find out who killed him and why. Director: Rudolph Mat Writers: Russell Rouse (story and screenplay), Clarence Greene (story and
Dobermann (1997) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 1h 43min | Action, Crime, Thriller | 18 June 1997 (France) -- Dobermann is the world's most ruthless bank robber and with his gang rob bank after bank, now in Paris. What can the police do but to let the mad, morally bankrupt police commissioner loose on him? Director: Jan Kounen Writer:
Doctor Sleep (2019) ::: 7.3/10 -- R | 2h 32min | Drama, Fantasy, Horror | 8 November 2019 (USA) -- Years following the events of The Shining (1980), a now-adult Dan Torrance must protect a young girl with similar powers from a cult known as The True Knot, who prey on children with powers to remain immortal. Director: Mike Flanagan Writers:
Doctor Strange (2016) ::: 7.5/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 55min | Action, Adventure, Fantasy | 4 November 2016 (USA) -- While on a journey of physical and spiritual healing, a brilliant neurosurgeon is drawn into the world of the mystic arts. Director: Scott Derrickson Writers: Jon Spaihts, Scott Derrickson | 3 more credits
Doctor Strange (2016) ::: 7.5/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 55min | Action, Adventure, Fantasy | 4 November 2016 (USA) -- While on a journey of physical and spiritual healing, a brilliant neurosurgeon is drawn into the world of the mystic arts. Director: Scott Derrickson Writers: Jon Spaihts, Scott Derrickson | 3 more credits
Doctor Who (1996) ::: 6.4/10 -- 1h 29min | Adventure, Drama, Sci-Fi | TV Movie 14 May 1996 -- The newly-regenerated Doctor takes on the Master on the turn of the millennium, 31 December 1999. Director: Geoffrey Sax Writer: Matthew Jacobs Stars:
Doctor Zhivago (1965) ::: 8.0/10 -- PG-13 | 3h 17min | Drama, Romance, War | 31 December 1965 (USA) -- The life of a Russian physician and poet who, although married to another, falls in love with a political activist's wife and experiences hardship during World War I and then the October Revolution. Director: David Lean Writers:
Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story (2004) ::: 6.7/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 32min | Comedy, Sport | 18 June 2004 (USA) -- A group of misfits enter a Las Vegas dodgeball tournament in order to save their cherished local gym from the onslaught of a corporate health fitness chain. Director: Rawson Marshall Thurber Writer:
Dodge City (1939) ::: 7.1/10 -- Approved | 1h 44min | Action, Drama, Romance | 8 April 1939 (USA) -- A Texas cattle agent witnesses first hand, the brutal lawlessness of Dodge City and takes the job of sheriff to clean the town up. Director: Michael Curtiz Writer: Robert Buckner (original screen play)
Dodsworth (1936) ::: 7.8/10 -- Passed | 1h 41min | Drama, Romance | 23 September 1936 (USA) -- A retired auto manufacturer and his wife take a long-planned European vacation only to find that they want very different things from life. Director: William Wyler Writers: Sinclair Lewis (novel), Sidney Howard (dramatisation) | 1 more credit Stars:
Dog Day Afternoon (1975) ::: 8.0/10 -- R | 2h 5min | Biography, Crime, Drama | 25 December 1975 (USA) -- Three amateur bank robbers plan to hold up a bank. A nice simple robbery: Walk in, take the money, and run. Unfortunately, the supposedly uncomplicated heist suddenly becomes a bizarre nightmare as everything that could go wrong does. Director: Sidney Lumet Writers:
Dogfight (1991) ::: 7.4/10 -- R | 1h 34min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 4 October 1991 (USA) -- Before leaving to fight in Vietnam, a group of teenagers play a game where they try to seduce the ugliest girl they can find. Director: Nancy Savoca Writer: Bob Comfort
Dogma (1999) ::: 7.3/10 -- R | 2h 10min | Adventure, Comedy, Drama | 12 November 1999 (USA) -- An abortion clinic worker with a special heritage is called upon to save the existence of humanity from being negated by two renegade angels trying to exploit a loop-hole and reenter Heaven. Director: Kevin Smith Writer:
Dog Pound (2010) ::: 7.0/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 31min | Crime, Drama | 23 June 2010 (France) -- Three juvenile delinquents are sentenced to a correctional facility where they encounter gang violence, death, and harassment from staff and other inmates. Director: Kim Chapiron Writers:
Dog Soldiers (2002) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 1h 45min | Action, Horror, Thriller | 10 May 2002 (UK) -- A routine military exercise turns into a nightmare in the Scotland wilderness. Director: Neil Marshall Writer: Neil Marshall Stars:
Dogville (2003) ::: 8.0/10 -- R | 2h 58min | Crime, Drama | 23 April 2004 (USA) -- A woman on the run from the mob is reluctantly accepted in a small Colorado community in exchange for labor, but when a search visits the town she finds out that their support has a price. Director: Lars von Trier Writer:
Dolemite Is My Name (2019) ::: 7.3/10 -- R | 1h 58min | Biography, Comedy, Drama | 25 October 2019 (USA) -- Eddie Murphy portrays real-life legend Rudy Ray Moore, a comedy and rap pioneer who proved naysayers wrong when his hilarious, obscene, kung-fu fighting alter ego, Dolemite, became a 1970s Blaxploitation phenomenon. Director: Craig Brewer Writers:
Dolores Claiborne (1995) ::: 7.4/10 -- R | 2h 12min | Crime, Drama, Mystery | 24 March 1995 (USA) -- A big-city reporter travels to the small town where her mother has been arrested for the murder of an elderly woman that she works for as a maid. Director: Taylor Hackford Writers:
Dolphin Tale (2011) ::: 6.9/10 -- PG | 1h 53min | Drama, Family | 23 September 2011 (USA) -- A story centered on the friendship between a boy and a dolphin whose tail was lost in a crab trap. Director: Charles Martin Smith Writers: Karen Janszen, Noam Dromi
Dolphin Tale 2 (2014) ::: 6.4/10 -- PG | 1h 47min | Drama, Family | 12 September 2014 (USA) -- The team of people who saved Winter's life reassemble in the wake of her surrogate mother's passing in order to find her a companion so she can remain at the Clearwater Marine Hospital. Director: Charles Martin Smith Writers:
Don 2 (2011) ::: 7.1/10 -- Not Rated | 2h 28min | Action, Crime, Thriller | 23 December 2011 -- Don 2 Poster -- Don turns himself in and escapes with Vardhaan from prison, following which he recruits a team to steal currency printing plates from a bank in Berlin. Director: Farhan Akhtar Writers:
Donbass (2018) ::: 6.6/10 -- 2h 2min | Drama | 30 August 2018 (Germany) -- In eastern Ukraine, society begins to degrade as the effects of propaganda and manipulation begin to surface in this post-truth era. Director: Sergey Loznitsa Writer: Sergey Loznitsa
Don Jon (2013) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 30min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 27 September 2013 (USA) -- A New Jersey guy dedicated to his family, friends, and church, develops unrealistic expectations from watching porn and works to find happiness and intimacy with his potential true love. Director: Joseph Gordon-Levitt Writer:
Don Juan DeMarco (1994) ::: 6.7/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 37min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 7 April 1995 (USA) -- A psychiatrist must cure a young patient that presents himself as Don Juan, the greatest lover in the world. Director: Jeremy Leven Writers: Lord Byron (character Don Juan), Jeremy Leven
Donnie Brasco (1997) ::: 7.7/10 -- R | 2h 7min | Biography, Crime, Drama | 28 February 1997 (USA) -- An FBI undercover agent infiltrates the mob and finds himself identifying more with the mafia life, at the expense of his regular one. Director: Mike Newell Writers:
Donnie Darko (2001) ::: 8.0/10 -- R | 1h 53min | Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi | 19 January 2001 (Mexico) -- After narrowly escaping a bizarre accident, a troubled teenager is plagued by visions of a man in a large rabbit suit who manipulates him to commit a series of crimes. Director: Richard Kelly Writer:
Donovan's Reef (1963) ::: 6.9/10 -- Approved | 1h 49min | Adventure, Comedy, Romance | 19 July 1963 (Japan) -- Comedy subtly dealing with moral issues such as racial bigotry, corporate greed, American belief of societal superiority and hypocrisy. Director: John Ford Writers: Frank S. Nugent (screenplay) (as Frank Nugent), James Edward Grant
Don't Be Afraid of the Dark (1973) ::: 6.7/10 -- Unrated | 1h 14min | Horror | TV Movie 10 October 1973 -- A young couple inherits an old mansion inhabited by small demon-like creatures who are determined to make the wife one of their own. Director: John Newland Writer: Nigel McKeand Stars:
Don't Be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the ::: 6.6/10 -- Don't Be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood Poster -- A parody of several U.S. films about being in the 'Hood', for instance Boyz n the Hood (1991), South Central (1992), Menace II Society (1993), Higher Learning (1995) and Juice (1992). Director: Paris Barclay
Don't Bother to Knock (1952) ::: 6.9/10 -- Passed | 1h 16min | Drama, Film-Noir, Mystery | August 1952 (USA) -- After being dumped by his girlfriend, an airline pilot pursues a babysitter in his hotel and gradually realizes she's dangerous. Director: Roy Ward Baker (as Roy Baker) Writers: Daniel Taradash (screenplay), Charlotte Armstrong (novel)
Don't Breathe (2016) ::: 7.1/10 -- R | 1h 28min | Crime, Horror, Thriller | 26 August 2016 (USA) -- Hoping to walk away with a massive fortune, a trio of thieves break into the house of a blind man who isn't as helpless as he seems. Director: Fede Alvarez Writers: Fede Alvarez, Rodo Sayagues
Don't Come Knocking (2005) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 2h 2min | Drama, Music | 25 August 2005 (Germany) -- An aging cowboy movie star deserts a film set and tries to reconnect with his mother, whom he hasn't seen in thirty years, only to learn that he has a child he never knew about. Director: Wim Wenders Writers:
Don't Let Go (2019) ::: 6.3/10 -- R | 1h 43min | Drama, Horror, Mystery | 30 August 2019 (USA) -- After a man's family dies in what appears to be a murder, he gets a phone call from one of the dead, his niece. He's not sure if she's a ghost or if he's going mad, but as it turns out, he's not. Director: Jacob Estes Writers:
Don't Look Now (1973) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 1h 50min | Drama, Mystery, Thriller | January 1974 (USA) -- A married couple grieving the recent death of their young daughter are in Venice when they encounter two elderly sisters, one of whom is psychic and brings a warning from beyond. Director: Nicolas Roeg Writers: Daphne Du Maurier (story), Allan Scott (screenplay) (as Alan Scott) | 1 more credit
Don't Think Twice (2016) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 1h 32min | Comedy, Drama | 22 July 2016 (USA) -- When a member of a popular New York City improv troupe gets a huge break, the rest of the group - all best friends - start to realize that not everyone is going to make it after all. Director: Mike Birbiglia Writer:
Don't Worry, He Won't Get Far on Foot (2018) ::: 6.9/10 -- R | 1h 54min | Biography, Comedy, Drama | 4 April 2018 (France) -- On the rocky path to sobriety after a life-changing accident, John Callahan discovers the healing power of art, willing his injured hands into drawing hilarious, often controversial cartoons, which bring him a new lease on life. Director: Gus Van Sant Writers:
Door to Door (2002) ::: 7.8/10 -- PG | 1h 30min | Drama | TV Movie 14 July 2002 -- A man with cerebral palsy is determined to become a salesman. Director: Steven Schachter Writers: William H. Macy, Steven Schachter
Dope (2015) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 1h 43min | Adventure, Comedy, Crime | 19 June 2015 (USA) -- Life changes for Malcolm, a geek who's surviving life in a tough neighborhood, after a chance invitation to an underground party leads him and his friends into a Los Angeles adventure. Director: Rick Famuyiwa Writer:
Do the Right Thing (1989) ::: 8.0/10 -- R | 2h | Comedy, Drama | 21 July 1989 (USA) -- On the hottest day of the year on a street in the Bedford-Stuyvesant section of Brooklyn, everyone's hate and bigotry smolders and builds until it explodes into violence. Director: Spike Lee Writer:
Dot the I (2003) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 1h 32min | Drama, Romance, Thriller | 31 October 2003 (Spain) -- Young lovers in London are wrapped up in a love triangle that may not be exactly what it seems. Director: Matthew Parkhill Writer: Matthew Parkhill
Double Indemnity (1944) ::: 8.3/10 -- Passed | 1h 47min | Crime, Drama, Film-Noir | 6 July 1944 (USA) -- An insurance representative lets himself be talked by a seductive housewife into a murder/insurance fraud scheme that arouses the suspicion of an insurance investigator. Director: Billy Wilder Writers:
Double Jeopardy (1999) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 45min | Crime, Drama, Mystery | 24 September 1999 (USA) -- A woman framed for her husband's murder suspects he is still alive; as she has already been tried for the crime, she can't be re-prosecuted if she finds and kills him. Director: Bruce Beresford Writers:
Double Trouble (1984) ::: 7.2/10 -- Non c' due senza quattro (original title) -- Double Trouble Poster A jazz musician and a stunt man are the spitting image of two millionaire brothers. They take the job to replace them in Rio de Janeiro when someone plans to assassinate them. Director: Enzo Barboni (as E.B. Clucher) Writer: Marco Barboni (as Marcotullio Barboni)
Doubt (2008) ::: 7.5/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 44min | Drama, Mystery | 25 December 2008 (USA) -- A Catholic school principal questions a priest's ambiguous relationship with a troubled young student. Director: John Patrick Shanley Writers: John Patrick Shanley (screenplay), John Patrick Shanley (play)
Down by Law (1986) ::: 7.8/10 -- R | 1h 47min | Comedy, Crime, Drama | 25 September 1986 (Canada) -- Two men are framed and sent to jail, where they meet a murderer who helps them escape and leave the state. Director: Jim Jarmusch Writer: Jim Jarmusch
Downfall (2004) ::: 8.2/10 -- Der Untergang (original title) -- Downfall Poster Traudl Junge, the final secretary for Adolf Hitler, tells of the Nazi dictator's final days in his Berlin bunker at the end of WWII. Director: Oliver Hirschbiegel Writers: Bernd Eichinger, Joachim Fest (based on the book "Der Untergang: Hitler und das Ende des Dritten Reiches" by) | 2 more credits
Downhill Racer (1969) ::: 6.4/10 -- M | 1h 41min | Drama, Sport | 29 October 1969 (USA) -- Quietly cocky Robert Redford joins U.S. ski team as downhill racer and clashes with the team's coach, played by Gene Hackman. Lots of good skiing action leading to an exciting climax. Director: Michael Ritchie Writer:
Down in the Valley (2005) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 54min | Drama, Romance, Thriller | 9 December 2005 (Sweden) -- Set in the present-day San Fernando Valley, the project revolves around a delusional man who believes he's a cowboy and the relationship that he starts with a rebellious young woman. Director: David Jacobson Writer:
Down Terrace (2009) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 29min | Crime, Drama | 15 October 2010 (USA) -- A crime family looks to unmask the police informant in their midst who threatens to take down their business. Director: Ben Wheatley Writers: Ben Wheatley, Robin Hill
Downton Abbey (2019) ::: 7.4/10 -- PG | 2h 2min | Drama, Romance | 20 September 2019 (USA) -- The continuing story of the Crawley family, wealthy owners of a large estate in the English countryside in the early twentieth century. Director: Michael Engler Writers: Julian Fellowes (characters), Julian Fellowes (screenplay by)
Do You Trust This Computer? (2018) ::: 7.4/10 -- 1h 18min | Documentary | 5 April 2018 (USA) -- Artificial Intelligence: Monster or Shangri-La? Director: Chris Paine Writer: Mark Monroe
Dracula (1931) ::: 7.5/10 -- Passed | 1h 15min | Drama, Fantasy, Horror | 14 February 1931 (USA) -- After a naive real estate agent succumbs to the will of Count Dracula, the two head to London where the vampire sleeps in his coffin by day and searches for potential victims by night. Directors: Tod Browning, Karl Freund (uncredited) Writers:
Dracula (1979) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 49min | Drama, Horror, Romance | 20 July 1979 (USA) -- In 1913, the charming, seductive and sinister vampire Count Dracula travels to England in search of an immortal bride. Director: John Badham Writers: W.D. Richter (screenplay), Hamilton Deane (play) | 2 more credits
Dracula Has Risen from the Grave (1968) ::: 6.6/10 -- G | 1h 32min | Drama, Fantasy, Horror | 6 February 1969 (USA) -- When Castle Dracula is exorcised by the Monsignor, it accidentally brings the Count back from the dead. Dracula follows the Monsignor back to his hometown, preying on the holy man's beautiful niece and her friends. Director: Freddie Francis Writers:
Dracula: Prince of Darkness (1966) ::: 6.8/10 -- Unrated | 1h 30min | Horror | 12 January 1966 (USA) -- Dracula is resurrected, preying on four unsuspecting visitors to his castle. Director: Terence Fisher Writers: Jimmy Sangster (screenplay) (as John Sansom), Anthony Hinds (from an
Dracula's Daughter (1936) ::: 6.4/10 -- Passed | 1h 11min | Drama, Fantasy, Horror | 11 May 1936 (USA) -- When Countess Marya Zaleska appears in London, mysterious events occur leading Dr. Von Helsing to believe the Countess must be a vampire. Director: Lambert Hillyer Writers: Garrett Fort (screenplay), Bram Stoker (story) | 1 more credit Stars:
Draft Day (2014) ::: 6.8/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 50min | Drama, Sport | 11 April 2014 (USA) -- At the NFL Draft, General Manager Sonny Weaver has the opportunity to rebuild his team when he trades for the number one pick. He must decide what he's willing to sacrifice on a life-changing day for a few hundred young men with NFL dreams. Director: Ivan Reitman Writers:
Dragged Across Concrete (2018) ::: 6.9/10 -- R | 2h 39min | Action, Crime, Drama | 22 March 2019 (USA) -- Once two overzealous cops get suspended from the force, they must delve into the criminal underworld to get their proper compensation. Director: S. Craig Zahler Writer: S. Craig Zahler
Drag Me to Hell (2009) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 39min | Horror | 29 May 2009 (USA) -- A loan officer who evicts an old woman from her home finds herself the recipient of a supernatural curse. Desperate, she turns to a seer to try and save her soul, while evil forces work to push her to a breaking point. Director: Sam Raimi Writers:
Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods (2013) ::: 7.2/10 -- Dragon Ball Z: Doragon bru Z - Kami to Kami (original title) -- Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods Poster -- The Z-Fighters must contend with Lord Beerus, the God of Destruction, but only a God can fight a God, and none of them are Gods. However with the creation of the Super Saiyan God, will the Z-Fighters be able to defeat Lord Beerus? Director: Masahiro Hosoda
Dragon Ball Z: Cooler's Revenge (1991) ::: 7.2/10 -- Dragon Ball Z: Tobikkiri no Saiky tai Saiky (original title) -- Dragon Ball Z: Cooler's Revenge Poster -- After destroying Frieza on Namek, Goku returns to a peaceful life on Earth. When informed his brother has been killed by a Saiyan, Cooler is hell bent on killing Goku, and making him pay ... S Director: Mitsuo Hashimoto Writers:
Dragon Ball Z: The Return of Cooler (1992) ::: 7.1/10 -- Dragon Ball Z: Gekitotsu!! 100-oku Power no Senshi-tachi (original -- Not Rated | 45min | Animation, Action, Fantasy | 13 August 2002 (USA) Dragon Ball Z: The Return of Cooler Poster -- Cooler has resurrected himself as a robot and is enslaving the people of New Namek. Goku and the gang must help. Director: Daisuke Nishio Writers:
DragonHeart (1996) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 43min | Action, Adventure, Fantasy | 31 May 1996 (USA) -- The last dragon and a disillusioned dragonslaying Knight must cooperate to stop an evil King, who was given partial immortality. Director: Rob Cohen Writers: Patrick Read Johnson (story by), Charles Edward Pogue (story by) | 1
Dragon Lord (1982) ::: 6.5/10 -- Lung siu yeh (original title) -- Dragon Lord Poster -- The adventures of a restless martial arts student called Dragon, who, while constantly pursuing a girl, gets involved in the affairs of a gang of thieves. Director: Jackie Chan Writers:
Dragon's Heaven (1988) ::: 6.8/10 -- 42min | Animation, Short, Sci-Fi | Video 25 February 1988 -- In the year 3195, during a war between robots and humans, a sentient combat armor loses his companion in battle and shuts down until his internal systems spot a new human. Director: Makoto Kobayashi Writer: Ikuyo Kkami Stars:
Dragonslayer (1981) ::: 6.7/10 -- PG | 1h 49min | Action, Adventure, Fantasy | 26 June 1981 (USA) -- A young wizarding apprentice is sent to kill a dragon which has been devouring girls from a nearby kingdom. Director: Matthew Robbins Writers: Hal Barwood, Matthew Robbins Stars:
Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story (1993) ::: 7.0/10 -- PG-13 | 2h | Action, Biography, Drama | 7 May 1993 (USA) -- A fictionalized account of the life of the martial arts superstar. Director: Rob Cohen Writers: Robert Clouse (book), Linda Lee Cadwell (book) | 3 more credits
Dragonwyck (1946) ::: 7.0/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 43min | Drama, Thriller, Mystery | 19 April 1946 (USA) -- A simple Connecticut farm girl is recruited by a distant relative, an aristocratic patroon, to be governess to his young daughter in his Hudson Valley mansion. Director: Joseph L. Mankiewicz Writers: Anya Seton (novel), Joseph L. Mankiewicz (written for the screen by) Stars:
Drake and Josh Go Hollywood (2006) ::: 6.8/10 -- TV-G | 2h | Adventure, Comedy, Family | TV Movie 6 January 2006 -- When Drake and Josh accidentally send their little sister Megan on a plane to L.A., they soon find themselves in the middle of a dangerous situation. Director: Steve Hoefer Writers: Dan Schneider (creator), Steven Molaro (story) | 1 more credit Stars:
Dreamer (2005) ::: 6.8/10 -- Dreamer: Inspired by a True Story (original title) -- Dreamer Poster -- Cale Crane catalyzes the rescue and rehabilitation of Sonador, a race horse with a broken leg. Director: John Gatins Writer:
Dreamgirls (2006) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 10min | Drama, Music, Musical | 25 December 2006 (USA) -- A trio of black female soul singers cross over to the pop charts in the early 1960s, facing their own personal struggles along the way. Director: Bill Condon Writers: Tom Eyen (based on the original broadway production book by), Bill
Dream Home (2010) ::: 6.6/10 -- Wai dor lei ah yat ho (original title) -- Dream Home Poster -- Cheng Li-sheung is a young, upwardly mobile professional finally ready to invest in her first home. But when the deal falls through, she is forced to keep her dream alive - even if it means keeping her would-be neighbors dead. Director: Ho-Cheung Pang (as Pang Ho-cheung)
Dreams (1990) ::: 7.8/10 -- Yume (original title) -- Dreams Poster -- A collection of tales based upon eight of director Akira Kurosawa's recurring dreams. Directors: Akira Kurosawa, Ishir Honda (uncredited) Writer:
Dredd (2012) ::: 7.1/10 -- R | 1h 35min | Action, Crime, Sci-Fi | 21 September 2012 (USA) -- In a violent, futuristic city where the police have the authority to act as judge, jury and executioner, a cop teams with a trainee to take down a gang that deals the reality-altering drug, SLO-MO. Director: Pete Travis Writers:
Dressed to Kill (1946) ::: 6.9/10 -- Passed | 1h 16min | Crime, Mystery | 7 June 1946 (USA) -- Sherlock Holmes sets out to discover why a trio of murderous villains, including a dangerously attractive female, are desperate to obtain three unassuming and inexpensive little music boxes. Director: Roy William Neill Writers: Leonard Lee (screenplay), Frank Gruber (adaptation) | 1 more credit Stars:
Dressed to Kill (1980) ::: 7.1/10 -- R | 1h 44min | Crime, Drama, Mystery | 25 July 1980 (USA) -- A mysterious blonde woman kills one of a psychiatrist's patients, and then goes after the high-class call girl who witnessed the murder. Director: Brian De Palma Writer: Brian De Palma
Drishyam (2015) ::: 8.2/10 -- Not Rated | 2h 43min | Crime, Drama, Mystery | 31 July 2015 (USA) -- Desperate measures are taken by a man who tries to save his family from the dark side of the law, after they commit an unexpected crime. Director: Nishikant Kamat Writers: Jeethu Joseph (original story), Upendra Sidhaye (adapted by) | 1 more
Drive (1997) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 1h 40min | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi | 6 August 1997 (Philippines) -- A prototype enhanced human, on the run from Chinese-hired hit men, hooks up with a dread-locked bystander, and the two of them elude their pursuers narrowly each time. Director: Steve Wang Writer:
Drive (2011) ::: 7.8/10 -- R | 1h 40min | Crime, Drama | 16 September 2011 (USA) -- A mysterious Hollywood stuntman and mechanic moonlights as a getaway driver and finds himself in trouble when he helps out his neighbor. Director: Nicolas Winding Refn Writers: Hossein Amini (screenplay), James Sallis (book)
Driven (2018) ::: 6.3/10 -- R | 1h 53min | Biography, Drama, Thriller | 16 August 2019 (USA) -- Intense thriller where politics, big business and narcotics collide. Director: Nick Hamm Writers: Colin Bateman, Alejandro Carpio (co-writer)
Driveways (2019) ::: 7.4/10 -- 1h 23min | Drama | 7 May 2020 (USA) -- A lonesome boy accompanies his mother on a trip to clean out his late aunt's house, and ends up forming an unexpected friendship with the retiree who lives next door. Director: Andrew Ahn Writers:
Driving Lessons (2006) ::: 6.7/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 38min | Comedy, Drama | 13 October 2006 (USA) -- A coming of age story about a shy teenage boy trying to escape from the influence of his domineering mother. His world changes when he begins to work for a retired actress. Director: Jeremy Brock Writer:
Driving Miss Daisy (1989) ::: 7.3/10 -- PG | 1h 39min | Drama | 26 January 1990 (USA) -- An old Jewish woman and her African-American chauffeur in the American South have a relationship that grows and improves over the years. Director: Bruce Beresford Writers: Alfred Uhry (screenplay), Alfred Uhry (play) Stars:
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1920) ::: 7.0/10 -- Unrated | 1h 9min | Drama, Horror, Sci-Fi | 28 September 1920 (Denmark) -- Dr. Henry Jekyll experiments with scientific means of revealing the hidden, dark side of man and releases a murderer from within himself. Director: John S. Robertson Writers: Robert Louis Stevenson (by), Clara Beranger (scenario) (as Clara S. Beranger) Stars:
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1931) ::: 7.6/10 -- Passed | 1h 38min | Horror, Sci-Fi | 3 January 1932 (USA) -- Dr. Jekyll faces horrible consequences when he lets his dark side run wild with a potion that transforms him into the animalistic Mr. Hyde. Director: Rouben Mamoulian Writers: Samuel Hoffenstein (screen play), Percy Heath (screen play) | 1 more credit Stars:
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1941) ::: 6.8/10 -- Passed | 1h 53min | Drama, Horror, Sci-Fi | September 1941 (USA) -- Dr. Jekyll allows his dark side to run wild when he drinks a potion that turns him into the evil Mr. Hyde. Director: Victor Fleming Writers: John Lee Mahin (screen play), Robert Louis Stevenson (based on the
Dr. No (1962) ::: 7.2/10 -- PG | 1h 50min | Action, Adventure, Thriller | 10 October 1962 (UK) -- A resourceful British government agent seeks answers in a case involving the disappearance of a colleague and the disruption of the American space program. Director: Terence Young Writers:
Drop Dead Gorgeous (1999) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 37min | Comedy, Romance, Thriller | 23 July 1999 (USA) -- A small-town beauty pageant turns deadly as it becomes clear that someone will go to any lengths to win. Director: Michael Patrick Jann Writer: Lona Williams
Drowning by Numbers (1988) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 1h 58min | Comedy, Drama | June 1991 (USA) -- Three generations of women all share the same problem: marriage woes, and they want to put an end to it. Director: Peter Greenaway Writer: Peter Greenaway
Dr. Phibes Rises Again (1972) ::: 6.4/10 -- PG | 1h 29min | Comedy, Horror | July 1972 (USA) -- The vengeful doctor rises again, seeking the Scrolls of Life in an attempt to resurrect his deceased wife. Director: Robert Fuest Writers: Robert Fuest, Robert Blees | 2 more credits
Dr. Strange (1978) ::: 5.3/10 -- TV-PG | 1h 33min | Action, Fantasy | TV Movie 6 September 1978 -- A psychiatrist becomes the new Sorcerer Supreme of the Earth in order to battle an evil Sorceress from the past. Director: Philip DeGuere Jr. (as Philip DeGuere) Writer: Philip DeGuere Jr. (as Philip DeGuere) Stars:
Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (1964) ::: 8.4/10 -- PG | 1h 35min | Comedy | 29 January 1964 (USA) -- Poster -- An insane general triggers a path to nuclear holocaust that a War Room full of politicians and generals frantically tries to stop. Director: Stanley Kubrick Writers:
Dr. Terror's House of Horrors (1965) ::: 6.7/10 -- Unrated | 1h 38min | Horror | 28 February 1965 (USA) -- Aboard a British train, mysterious fortune teller Dr. Schreck uses tarot cards to read the futures of five fellow passengers. Director: Freddie Francis (as Freddy Francis) Writer: Milton Subotsky (screenplay) Stars:
Drugstore Cowboy (1989) ::: 7.3/10 -- R | 1h 41min | Crime, Drama | 20 October 1989 (USA) -- A pharmacy-robbing dope fiend and his crew pop pills and evade the law. Director: Gus Van Sant (as Gus Van Sant Jr.) Writers: James Fogle (novel), Gus Van Sant (screenplay) (as Gus Van Sant Jr.) | 1 more credit
Drums Along the Mohawk (1939) ::: 7.1/10 -- Approved | 1h 44min | Drama, History, Romance | 10 November 1939 (USA) -- Newlyweds Gil and Lana Martin try to establish a farm in the Mohawk Valley but are menaced by Indians and Tories as the Revolutionary War begins. Director: John Ford Writers:
Drunken Angel (1948) ::: 7.7/10 -- Yoidore tenshi (original title) -- Drunken Angel Poster A drunken doctor with a hot temper and a violence-prone gangster with tuberculosis form a quicksilver bond. Director: Akira Kurosawa Writers: Keinosuke Uekusa, Akira Kurosawa Stars:
Duck Soup (1933) ::: 7.8/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 9min | Comedy, Musical, War | 17 November 1933 (USA) -- Rufus T. Firefly is named president/dictator of bankrupt Freedonia and declares war on neighboring Sylvania over the love of wealthy Mrs. Teasdale. Director: Leo McCarey Writers:
DuckTales the Movie: Treasure of the Lost Lamp (1990) ::: 6.9/10 -- G | 1h 14min | Animation, Adventure, Comedy | 3 August 1990 (USA) -- Scrooge McDuck takes Huey, Dewey, and Louie to Egypt to find a pyramid and magic lamp. Director: Bob Hathcock Writer: Alan Burnett (animation screenplay) Stars:
Due Date (2010) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 35min | Comedy, Drama | 5 November 2010 (USA) -- High-strung father-to-be Peter Highman is forced to hitch a ride with aspiring actor Ethan Tremblay on a road trip in order to make it to his child's birth on time. Director: Todd Phillips Writers:
Duel (1971) ::: 7.6/10 -- PG | 1h 30min | Action, Thriller | TV Movie 13 November 1971 -- A business commuter is pursued and terrorized by the malevolent driver of a massive tractor-trailer. Director: Steven Spielberg Writers: Richard Matheson (screenplay), Richard Matheson (story)
Duel at Diablo (1966) ::: 6.6/10 -- Approved | 1h 43min | Drama, Thriller, Western | 18 June 1966 (Japan) -- In Apache territory, a supply Army column heads for the next fort, an ex-scout searches for the killer of his Indian wife, and a housewife abandons her husband in order to rejoin her Apache lover's tribe. Director: Ralph Nelson Writers: Marvin H. Albert (screenplay), Michael M. Grilikhes (screenplay) (as Michel M. Grilikhes) | 1 more credit
Duel in the Sun (1946) ::: 6.8/10 -- Passed | 2h 9min | Drama, Romance, Western | 21 November 1947 (USA) -- Beautiful half-breed Pearl Chavez becomes the ward of her dead father's first love and finds herself torn between her sons, one good and the other bad. Directors: King Vidor, Otto Brower (uncredited) | 5 more credits Writers:
Duma (2005) ::: 7.2/10 -- PG | 1h 40min | Adventure, Drama, Family | 27 May 2005 (UK) -- An orphaned cheetah becomes the best friend and pet of a young boy living in South Africa. Director: Carroll Ballard Writers: Carol Cawthra Hopcraft (book), Xan Hopcraft (book) | 4 more credits
Dumb and Dumber (1994) ::: 7.3/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 47min | Comedy | 16 December 1994 (USA) -- After a woman leaves a briefcase at the airport terminal, a dumb limo driver and his dumber friend set out on a hilarious cross-country road trip to Aspen to return it. Directors: Peter Farrelly, Bobby Farrelly (uncredited) Writers:
Dumbo (1941) ::: 7.2/10 -- G | 1h 4min | Animation, Drama, Family | 31 October 1941 (USA) -- Ridiculed because of his enormous ears, a young circus elephant is assisted by a mouse to achieve his full potential. Directors: Samuel Armstrong (as Sam Armstrong), Norman Ferguson | 5 more credits Writers: Joe Grant (screen story by), Dick Huemer (screen story by) | 6 more
Dumplin' (2018) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 50min | Comedy, Drama | 7 December 2018 (USA) -- Willowdean ('Dumplin'), the plus-size teenage daughter of a former beauty queen, signs up for her mom's Miss Teen Bluebonnet pageant as a protest that escalates when other contestants follow her footsteps, revolutionizing the pageant and their small Texas town. Director: Anne Fletcher Writers:
Dune (1984) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 17min | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi | 14 December 1984 (USA) -- A Duke's son leads desert warriors against the galactic emperor and his father's evil nemesis when they assassinate his father and free their desert world from the emperor's rule. Director: David Lynch Writers:
Dunkirk (2017) ::: 7.8/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 46min | Action, Drama, History | 21 July 2017 (USA) -- Allied soldiers from Belgium, the British Empire, and France are surrounded by the German Army and evacuated during a fierce battle in World War II. Director: Christopher Nolan Writer:
Dutch (1991) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 47min | Comedy, Drama | 19 July 1991 (USA) -- To get to know his girlfriend's son, a working-class good guy volunteers to pick him up from his prep school, only to learn that he isn't the nicest young man. Director: Peter Faiman Writer:
Dying to Survive (2018) ::: 7.9/10 -- Wo bu shi yao shen (original title) -- Dying to Survive Poster -- A story on how a small drug store owner became the exclusive selling agent of a cheap Indian generic drug against Chronic Granulocytic Leukemia in China. Director: Muye Wen Writers:
Eagle Eye (2008) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 58min | Action, Mystery, Thriller | 26 September 2008 (USA) -- Jerry and Rachel are two strangers thrown together by a mysterious phone call from a woman they have never met. Threatening their lives and family, she pushes Jerry and Rachel into a series of increasingly dangerous situations, using the technology of everyday life to track and control their every move. Director: D.J. Caruso
Eagle vs Shark (2007) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 1h 28min | Comedy, Romance | 30 August 2007 (New Zealand) -- The tale of two socially-awkward misfits and the strange ways they try to find love: through revenge on high-school bullies, burgers, and video games. Director: Taika Waititi Writers:
Early Summer (1951) ::: 8.2/10 -- Bakush (original title) -- Early Summer Poster A family chooses a match for their daughter Noriko, but she, surprisingly, has her own plans. Director: Yasujir Ozu Writers: Kgo Noda, Yasujir Ozu Stars:
Earth (1998) ::: 7.7/10 -- Unrated | 1h 50min | Drama, Romance, War | 7 July 1999 (Belgium) -- It's 1947 and the borderlines between India and Pakistan are being drawn. A young girl witnesses tragedy as her ayah (nanny) is caught between the love of two men and the rising tide of political and religious violence. Director: Deepa Mehta Writers:
EarthBound (1994) ::: 8.9/10 -- Mother 2: Ggu no gyakushuu (original title) -- EarthBound Poster -- Ness, a boy from Onett, Eagleland, teams up with new friends to defeat an Evil Destroyer named Giygas. During the epic pursuits, Ness and his allies attempt to find the sacred Eight Melodies. Director: Shigesato Itoi Writers:
Earth vs. the Flying Saucers (1956) ::: 6.4/10 -- Unrated | 1h 23min | Horror, Sci-Fi | July 1956 (USA) -- Extraterrestrials traveling in high-tech flying saucers contact a scientist as part of a plan to enslave the inhabitants of Earth. Director: Fred F. Sears Writers: Bernard Gordon (screenplay), George Worthing Yates (screenplay) | 2
Eastern Boys (2013) ::: 6.9/10 -- Unrated | 2h 8min | Crime, Drama, Romance | 2 April 2014 (France) -- A businessman makes a regular arrangement with a Ukrainian prostitute, despite the youngster's involvement in a controlling street gang. Director: Robin Campillo Writers: Robin Campillo, Gilles Marchand (scenario consultant)
Eastern Promises (2007) ::: 7.6/10 -- R | 1h 40min | Action, Crime, Drama | 21 September 2007 (USA) -- A teenager who dies during childbirth leaves clues in her journal that could tie her child to a rape involving a violent Russian mob family. Director: David Cronenberg Writer: Steven Knight (screenplay) (as Steve Knight)
Easter Parade (1948) ::: 7.4/10 -- Approved | 1h 43min | Musical, Romance | 8 July 1948 (USA) -- A nightclub performer hires a naive chorus girl to become his new dance partner to make his former partner jealous and to prove he can make any partner a star. Director: Charles Walters Writers:
East Is East (1999) ::: 6.9/10 -- R | 1h 36min | Comedy, Drama | 2 June 2000 (USA) -- In early 1970s England, a Pakistani father finds the authority he has previously maintained challenged by his increasingly Anglicized children. Director: Damien O'Donnell Writers:
East of Eden (1955) ::: 7.9/10 -- PG | 1h 58min | Drama | 10 April 1955 (USA) -- Two brothers struggle to maintain their strict, Bible-toting father's favor. Director: Elia Kazan Writers: John Steinbeck (novel), Paul Osborn (screen play)
East Side Sushi (2014) ::: 7.1/10 -- PG | 1h 46min | Drama | 18 September 2015 (USA) -- Single mom Juana can slice and dice anything with great speed and precision. After working at a fruit-vending cart for years, she decides to take a job at a local Japanese restaurant. ... S Director: Anthony Lucero Writer:
Easy A (2010) ::: 7.0/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 32min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 17 September 2010 (USA) -- A clean-cut high school student relies on the school's rumor mill to advance her social and financial standing. Director: Will Gluck Writer: Bert V. Royal
Easy Living (1937) ::: 7.6/10 -- Passed | 1h 28min | Comedy, Romance | 16 July 1937 (USA) -- A wealthy banker throws his wife's expensive fur coat off the roof of a building; it lands on the head of a stenographer, leading to everyone assuming she is his mistress and has access to his millions. Director: Mitchell Leisen Writers: Preston Sturges (screenplay), Vera Caspary (based on a story by) Stars:
Easy Rider (1969) ::: 7.3/10 -- R | 1h 35min | Adventure, Drama | 14 July 1969 (Canada) -- Two bikers head from L.A. to New Orleans through the open country and desert lands, and along the way they meet a man who bridges a counter-culture gap of which they had been unaware. Director: Dennis Hopper Writers:
Easy Virtue (2008) ::: 6.7/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 37min | Comedy, Romance | 19 June 2009 (USA) -- A young Englishman marries a glamorous American. When he brings her home to meet the parents, she arrives like a blast from the future - blowing their entrenched British stuffiness out the window. Director: Stephan Elliott Writers:
Eating Raoul (1982) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 1h 30min | Comedy, Crime | 24 March 1982 (USA) -- A relatively boring Los Angeles couple discovers a bizarre, if not murderous, way to get funding for opening a restaurant. Director: Paul Bartel Writers: Paul Bartel, Richard Blackburn
Ebola Syndrome (1996) ::: 6.5/10 -- Yi boh lai beng duk (original title) -- Ebola Syndrome Poster A restaurant employee wanted for murder contracts Ebola by raping a woman in South Africa and starts an outbreak there and in Hong Kong when he returns home. Director: Herman Yau Writer: Ting Chau
Eddie and the Cruisers (1983) ::: 7.0/10 -- PG | 1h 35min | Drama, Music, Mystery | 23 September 1983 (USA) -- A television newswoman picks up the story of a 1960s rock band whose long-lost leader - Eddie Wilson - may still be alive, while searching for the missing tapes of the band's never-released album. Director: Martin Davidson Writers:
Eddie the Eagle (2015) ::: 7.4/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 46min | Biography, Comedy, Drama | 26 February 2016 (USA) -- The story of Eddie Edwards, the notoriously tenacious British underdog ski jumper who charmed the world at the 1988 Winter Olympics. Director: Dexter Fletcher Writers: Simon Kelton (story), Sean Macaulay (screenplay) | 1 more credit
Eden (2012) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 1h 38min | Crime, Drama | 19 July 2013 (UK) -- A young Korean-American girl, abducted and forced into prostitution by domestic human traffickers, cooperates with her captors in a desperate ploy to survive. Director: Megan Griffiths Writers:
Eden (2014) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 2h 11min | Biography, Drama, Music | 19 June 2015 (USA) -- Paul, a teenager in the underground scene of early-nineties Paris, forms a DJ collective with his friends and together they plunge into the nightlife of sex, drugs, and endless music. Director: Mia Hansen-Lve Writers:
Eden Lake (2008) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 1h 31min | Horror, Thriller | 12 September 2008 (UK) -- Refusing to let anything spoil their romantic weekend break, a young couple confront a gang of loutish youths with terrifyingly brutal consequences. Director: James Watkins Writer:
Edge of Darkness (2010) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 1h 57min | Action, Crime, Drama | 29 January 2010 (USA) -- As homicide detective Thomas Craven investigates the murder of his activist daughter, he uncovers a corporate cover-up and government conspiracy that attracts an agent tasked with cleaning up the evidence. Director: Martin Campbell Writers:
Edge of Seventeen (1998) ::: 6.8/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 39min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 20 April 2000 -- Edge of Seventeen Poster -- A teenager copes with his sexuality on the last day of school in 1984. It shows him coping with being gay and being with friends. Director: David Moreton Writer:
Edge of Tomorrow (2014) ::: 7.9/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 53min | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi | 6 June 2014 (USA) -- A soldier fighting aliens gets to relive the same day over and over again, the day restarting every time he dies. Director: Doug Liman Writers: Christopher McQuarrie (screenplay by), Jez Butterworth (screenplay by)
Edges of the Lord (2001) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 1h 38min | Crime, Drama, Romance | 12 October 2001 (Poland) -- A twelve-year-old Jewish boy hides with a family of Catholic peasant farmers to escape the Nazis. Director: Yurek Bogayevicz Writer: Yurek Bogayevicz Stars:
Educating Rita (1983) ::: 7.2/10 -- PG | 1h 50min | Comedy, Drama | 28 October 1983 (USA) -- An alcoholic professor has been hired by a working-class girl for higher education. Director: Lewis Gilbert Writers: Willy Russell (screenplay), Willy Russell (stage play) Stars:
Edward Scissorhands (1990) ::: 7.9/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 45min | Drama, Fantasy, Romance | 14 December 1990 (USA) -- TV Program 3:13 | TV Program -- An artificial man, who was incompletely constructed and has scissors for hands, leads a solitary life. Then one day, a suburban lady meets him and introduces him to her world. Director: Tim Burton Writers:
Ed Wood (1994) ::: 7.8/10 -- R | 2h 7min | Biography, Comedy, Drama | 7 October 1994 (USA) -- Ambitious but troubled movie director Edward D. Wood Jr. tries his best to fulfill his dreams, despite his lack of talent. Director: Tim Burton Writers: Rudolph Grey (book), Scott Alexander | 1 more credit
Eight Below (2006) ::: 7.3/10 -- PG | 2h | Adventure, Drama, Family | 17 February 2006 (USA) -- Brutal cold forces two Antarctic explorers to leave their team of sled dogs behind as they fend for their survival. Director: Frank Marshall Writers: David DiGilio (screenplay), Toshir Ishid (film Nankyoku Monogatari) |
Eighth Grade (2018) ::: 7.4/10 -- R | 1h 33min | Comedy, Drama | 3 August 2018 (USA) -- An introverted teenage girl tries to survive the last week of her disastrous eighth grade year before leaving to start high school. Director: Bo Burnham Writer: Bo Burnham
Eight Men Out (1988) ::: 7.2/10 -- PG | 1h 59min | Drama, History, Sport | 29 June 1989 (Australia) -- A dramatization of the Black Sox scandal when the underpaid Chicago White Sox accepted bribes to deliberately lose the 1919 World Series. Director: John Sayles Writers: Eliot Asinof (book), John Sayles (screenplay)
Einstein and Eddington (2008) ::: 7.3/10 -- TV-PG | 1h 34min | Biography, Drama, History | TV Movie 23 November -- Einstein and Eddington Poster Drama about the development of Albert Einstein's theory of general relativity, and Einstein's relationship with British scientist Sir Arthur Eddington, the first physicist to experimentally prove his ideas. Director: Philip Martin Writer: Peter Moffat
El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie (2019) ::: 7.3/10 -- TV-MA | 2h 2min | Action, Crime, Drama | 11 October 2019 (USA) -- Fugitive Jesse Pinkman runs from his captors, the law, and his past. Director: Vince Gilligan Writers: Vince Gilligan, Vince Gilligan (based on "Breaking Bad" by)
El Cid (1961) ::: 7.3/10 -- Approved | 3h 2min | Biography, Drama, History | 14 December 1961 (USA) -- The fabled Spanish hero Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar (a.k.a. El Cid) overcomes a family vendetta and court intrigue to defend Christian Spain against the Moors. Director: Anthony Mann Writers:
El Dorado (1966) ::: 7.6/10 -- Passed | 2h 6min | Drama, Romance, Western | 30 June 1967 (USA) -- Cole Thornton, a gunfighter for hire, joins forces with an old friend, Sheriff J.P. Hara. Together with an old Indian fighter and a gambler, they help a rancher and his family fight a rival rancher that is trying to steal their water. Director: Howard Hawks Writers:
Election (1999) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 1h 43min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 7 May 1999 (USA) -- A high school teacher meets his match in an over-achieving student politician. Director: Alexander Payne Writers: Tom Perrotta (novel), Alexander Payne (screenplay) | 1 more credit
Election (2005) ::: 7.1/10 -- Hak se wooi (original title) -- Kong) Election Poster Rival gang leaders are locked in a struggle to become the new chairman of Hong Kong's Triad society. Director: Johnnie To Writers: Nai-Hoi Yau (as Yau Nai Hoi), Tin-Shing Yip (as Yip Tin Shing)
Electra Glide in Blue (1973) ::: 7.1/10 -- PG | 1h 54min | Crime, Drama, Mystery | 4 October 1973 (France) -- Bored with his highway traffic duties, Arizona motorcycle patrolman John Wintergreen is assigned to Homicide where his polite investigative style irks his macho boss. Director: James William Guercio Writers:
Electric Dreams (1984) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG | 1h 35min | Comedy, Drama, Music | 20 July 1984 (USA) -- An artificially intelligent PC and his human owner find themselves in a romantic rivalry over a woman. Director: Steve Barron Writer: Rusty Lemorande Stars:
Electrick Children (2012) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 1h 36min | Drama | 13 July 2012 (UK) -- Rachel, a teenager born and raised in her Mormon community, believes that she has been inpregnated by listening to music and must get to Vegas to find the "father" of her miracle baby. Director: Rebecca Thomas Writer:
Elegy (2008) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 1h 52min | Drama, Romance | 18 April 2008 (Spain) -- Cultural critic David Kepesh finds his life, which he indicates is a state of "emancipated manhood", thrown into tragic disarray by Consuela Castillo, a well-mannered student who awakens a sense of sexual possessiveness in her teacher. Director: Isabel Coixet Writers:
Elephant (2003) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 1h 21min | Crime, Drama, Thriller | 14 November 2003 (USA) -- Several ordinary high school students go through their daily routine as two others prepare for something more malevolent. Director: Gus Van Sant Writer: Gus Van Sant
Elephant Song (2014) ::: 6.6/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 50min | Drama | 26 February 2015 (Netherlands) -- A psychiatrist is drawn into a complex mind game when he questions a disturbed patient about the disappearance of a colleague. Director: Charles Binam Writers: Nicolas Billon, Nicolas Billon (play)
Elf (2003) ::: 7.0/10 -- PG | 1h 37min | Adventure, Comedy, Family | 7 November 2003 (USA) -- Buddy, a human, is raised amongst elves at the North Pole. When he discovers that he is not an elf, he travels to New York to search for his biological father. Director: Jon Favreau Writer:
El Greco (2007) ::: 6.6/10 -- 1h 59min | Biography, Drama | 22 May 2009 (USA) -- The story of the uncompromising artist and fighter for freedom, Domenicos Theotokopoulos, known to the world as "El Greco". Director: Yannis Smaragdis (as Iannis Smaragdis) Writers: Jackie Pavlenko (script), Dimitris Siatopoulos (book) | 1 more credit Stars:
Elite Squad (2007) ::: 8.0/10 -- Tropa de Elite (original title) -- Elite Squad Poster -- In 1997 Rio de Janeiro, Captain Nascimento has to find a substitute for his position while trying to take down drug dealers and criminals before the Pope visits. Director: Jos Padilha Writers:
Elizabeth (1998) ::: 7.4/10 -- R | 2h 4min | Biography, Drama, History | 19 February 1999 (USA) -- The early years of the reign of Elizabeth I of England and her difficult task of learning what is necessary to be a monarch. Director: Shekhar Kapur Writer: Michael Hirst
Elizabeth: The Golden Age (2007) ::: 6.8/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 54min | Biography, Drama, History | 12 October 2007 (USA) -- A mature Queen Elizabeth endures multiple crises late in her reign including court intrigues, an assassination plot, the Spanish Armada, and romantic disappointments. Director: Shekhar Kapur Writers:
Elizabethtown (2005) ::: 6.4/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 3min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 14 October 2005 (USA) -- During a hometown memorial for his Kentucky-born father, a young man begins an unexpected romance with a too-good-to-be-true stewardess. Director: Cameron Crowe Writer: Cameron Crowe
Elle s'appelait Sarah (2010) ::: 7.5/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 51min | Drama, War | 22 July 2011 (USA) -- In modern-day Paris, a journalist finds her life becoming entwined with a young girl whose family was torn apart during the notorious Vel' d'Hiv Roundup in 1942. Director: Gilles Paquet-Brenner Writers:
Elmer Gantry (1960) ::: 7.8/10 -- Approved | 2h 26min | Drama | 26 August 1960 (Canada) -- A fast-talking traveling salesman with a charming, loquacious manner convinces a sincere evangelist that he can be an effective preacher for her cause. Director: Richard Brooks Writers:
El mismo amor, la misma lluvia (1999) ::: 7.3/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 53min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 16 September 1999 -- El mismo amor, la misma lluvia Poster The fascinating love story between Jorge and Laura from 1980 to 1999, within a context in which Argentine politics and history transits between the dictatorship, the Falklands war and the nascent democracy. Director:
El mismo amor, la misma lluvia (1999) ::: 7.3/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 53min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 16 September 1999 -- El mismo amor, la misma lluvia Poster The fascinating love story between Jorge and Laura from 1980 to 1999, within a context in which Argentine politics and history transits between the dictatorship, the Falklands war and the nascent democracy. Director: Juan Jos Campanella Writers: Juan Jos Campanella, Fernando Castets
El nino (2014) ::: 6.4/10 -- El Nio (original title) -- El nino Poster -- A small-time trafficker working in the Gibraltar Straits. Director: Daniel Monzn Writers: Jorge Guerricaechevarra, Daniel Monzn
El Norte (1983) ::: 7.7/10 -- R | 2h 21min | Adventure, Drama | 27 January 1984 (USA) -- After their family is killed in a government massacre, brother and sister Enrique and Rosa flee Guatemala and embark on a perilous journey to "El Norte": the United States. Director: Gregory Nava Writers:
Elsa & Fred (2005) ::: 7.6/10 -- Elsa y Fred (original title) -- Elsa & Fred Poster When the retired seventy-seven years old hypochondriac widower Fred moves to an apartment in Madrid, his temperamental daughter Cuca has an incident with his next door neighbor, the elder ... S Director: Marcos Carnevale Writers: Marcos Carnevale, Marcela Guerty | 1 more credit
Elsa & Fred (2014) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 33min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 7 November 2014 (USA) -- A withdrawn senior experiences life in new ways when he begins spending time with the free-spirited woman who lives across the hall. Director: Michael Radford Writers: Marcos Carnevale (original screenplay), Marcela Guerty (original
El Topo (1970) ::: 7.4/10 -- Not Rated | 2h 5min | Drama, Western | 15 April 1971 (Mexico) -- A mysterious black-clad gunfighter wanders a mystical Western landscape encountering multiple bizarre characters. Director: Alejandro Jodorowsky (as Alexandro Jodorowsky) Writer: Alejandro Jodorowsky (as Alexandro Jodorowsky) Stars:
Elvira: Mistress of the Dark (1988) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 36min | Comedy, Horror | 30 September 1988 (USA) -- Upon arriving in a small town where she has inherited a rundown mansion, a famous horror hostess battles an evil uncle, and townspeople who want her burned at the stake. Director: James Signorelli Writers:
Elvis (1979) ::: 7.0/10 -- 2h 30min | Biography, Drama, Music | TV Movie 11 February 1979 -- Biographical movie about the famous rock singer Elvis Presley. Director: John Carpenter Writer: Anthony Lawrence Stars: Kurt Russell, Shelley Winters, Bing Russell
Elvis and Anabelle (2007) ::: 7.2/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 46min | Drama, Romance | 2008 (Australia) -- Dying after being crowned Miss Texas Rose, Anabelle comes alive just before Elvis embalms her. He does his ailing dad's work. Anabelle later returns to the embalmer's farm to get away from her mom and be happy. Director: Will Geiger Writer:
Elvis & Nixon (2016) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 26min | Comedy, History | 21 April 2016 (Russia) -- The untold true story behind the meeting between Elvis Presley, the King of Rock 'n Roll, and President Richard Nixon, resulting in this revealing, yet humorous moment immortalized in the most requested photograph in the National Archives. Director: Liza Johnson Writers:
Elysium (2013) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 1h 49min | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi | 9 August 2013 (USA) -- In the year 2154, the very wealthy live on a man-made space station while the rest of the population resides on a ruined Earth. A man takes on a mission that could bring equality to the polarized worlds. Director: Neill Blomkamp Writer:
Embrace of the Serpent (2015) ::: 7.9/10 -- El abrazo de la serpiente (original title) -- (Colombia) Embrace of the Serpent Poster -- The story of the relationship between Karamakate, an Amazonian shaman and last survivor of his people, and two scientists who work together over the course of forty years to search the Amazon for a sacred healing plant. Director: Ciro Guerra
Emma (1996) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG | 2h | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 30 August 1996 (USA) -- While matchmaking for friends and neighbours, a young 19th Century Englishwoman nearly misses her own chance at love. Director: Douglas McGrath Writers: Jane Austen (novel), Douglas McGrath (screenplay)
Emma (1996) ::: 7.0/10 -- TV-G | 1h 47min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | TV Movie 16 February 1997 -- Faithful, enchanting adaptation of Jane Austen's nineteenth-century tale of Emma Woodhouse--a clever young woman whose mischievous matchmaking schemes nearly end up jeopardizing her own shot at romance. Director: Diarmuid Lawrence Writers:
Emma. (2020) ::: 6.7/10 -- PG | 2h 4min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 6 March 2020 (USA) -- In 1800s England, a well meaning but selfish young woman meddles in the love lives of her friends. Director: Autumn de Wilde Writers: Eleanor Catton (screenplay by), Jane Austen (based on the novel by)
Emmet Otter's Jug-Band Christmas (1977) ::: 8.1/10 -- Not Rated | 48min | Comedy, Drama, Family | TV Movie 4 December 1977 -- A poor otter family risks everything for the chance to win the cash prize of a talent contest for Christmas. Director: Jim Henson Writers: Lillian Hoban (book), Russell Hoban (book) | 1 more credit
Emperor (2012) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 45min | Drama, History, War | 27 July 2013 (Japan) -- As the Japanese surrender at the end of World War II, General Fellers is tasked with deciding if Emperor Hirohito will be hanged as a war criminal. Influencing his ruling is his quest to find Aya, an exchange student he met years earlier in the U.S. Director: Peter Webber Writers:
Emperor of the North (1973) ::: 7.3/10 -- Emperor of the North Pole (original title) -- Emperor of the North Poster In 1933, during the Depression, Shack the brutal conductor of the number 19 train has a personal vendetta against the best train hopping hobo tramp in the Northwest, A No. 1. Director: Robert Aldrich Writer: Christopher Knopf
Empire of the Sun (1987) ::: 7.7/10 -- PG | 2h 33min | Action, Drama, History | 25 December 1987 (USA) -- A young English boy struggles to survive under Japanese occupation of China during World War II. Director: Steven Spielberg Writers: Tom Stoppard (screenplay), J.G. Ballard (novel)
Empire Records (1995) ::: 6.7/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 30min | Comedy, Drama, Music | 20 October 1995 (USA) -- Twenty-four hours in the lives of the young employees at Empire Records when they all grow up and become young adults thanks to each other and the manager. They all face the store joining a chain store with strict rules. Director: Allan Moyle Writer:
Enchanted (2007) ::: 7.0/10 -- PG | 1h 47min | Animation, Comedy, Family | 21 November 2007 (USA) -- A young maiden in a land called Andalasia, who is prepared to be wed, is sent away to New York City by an evil Queen, where she falls in love with a lawyer. Director: Kevin Lima Writer:
Enchanted April (1991) ::: 7.4/10 -- PG | 1h 35min | Drama | 25 December 1992 (Sweden) -- Four English women, after World War I, who are unhappy with their lives, and their time away on vacation in a beautiful Italian villa. Director: Mike Newell Writers: Elizabeth von Arnim (novel), Peter Barnes
Ender's Game (2013) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 54min | Action, Adventure, Fantasy | 1 November 2013 (USA) -- Young Ender Wiggin is recruited by the International Military to lead the fight against the Formics, an insectoid alien race who had previously tried to invade Earth and had inflicted heavy losses on humankind. Director: Gavin Hood Writers:
Endless Poetry (2016) ::: 7.6/10 -- Poesa Sin Fin (original title) -- Endless Poetry Poster -- Surrealist filmmaker Alejandro Jodorowsky tells the story of himself as a young man becoming a poet in Chile, befriending other artists, and freeing himself from the limits of his youth. Director: Alejandro Jodorowsky Writer:
Endless Poetry (2016) ::: 7.6/10 -- Poesa Sin Fin (original title) -- Endless Poetry Poster -- Surrealist filmmaker Alejandro Jodorowsky tells the story of himself as a young man becoming a poet in Chile, befriending other artists, and freeing himself from the limits of his youth. Director: Alejandro Jodorowsky Writer:
End of the Spear (2005) ::: 6.8/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 48min | Adventure, Biography, Drama | 20 January 2006 (USA) -- Two people come to the end of a spear in order to realize that the divisions between them are not real. Director: Jim Hanon Writers: Bill Ewing, Bart Gavigan | 1 more credit
End of Watch (2012) ::: 7.6/10 -- R | 1h 49min | Action, Crime, Drama | 21 September 2012 (USA) -- Shot documentary-style, this film follows the daily grind of two young police officers in LA who are partners and friends, and what happens when they meet criminal forces greater than themselves. Director: David Ayer Writer:
Enduring Love (2004) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 40min | Drama, Mystery, Romance | 26 November 2004 (UK) -- Two strangers become connected by a tragedy, yet one dangerously feels that the connection goes much deeper than the other is willing to admit. Director: Roger Michell Writers:
Enemy (2013) ::: 6.9/10 -- R | 1h 31min | Drama, Mystery, Thriller | 6 February 2014 (USA) -- A man seeks out his exact look-alike after spotting him in a movie. Director: Denis Villeneuve Writers: Jos Saramago (novel), Javier Gulln
Enemy at the Gates (2001) ::: 7.6/10 -- R | 2h 11min | Drama, History, War | 16 March 2001 (USA) -- A Russian and a German sniper play a game of cat-and-mouse during the Battle of Stalingrad. Director: Jean-Jacques Annaud Writers: Jean-Jacques Annaud, Alain Godard
Enemy Mine (1985) ::: 6.9/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 48min | Action, Adventure, Drama | 20 December 1985 (USA) -- During a long space war, the lives of two wounded enemies become dependent on their ability to forgive and to trust. Director: Wolfgang Petersen Writers: Barry Longyear (story), Edward Khmara (screenplay) (as Ed Khmara)
Enemy of the State (1998) ::: 7.3/10 -- R | 2h 12min | Action, Thriller | 20 November 1998 (USA) -- A lawyer becomes targeted by a corrupt politician and his N.S.A. goons when he accidentally receives key evidence to a politically motivated crime. Director: Tony Scott Writer:
Enola Holmes (2020) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 3min | Action, Adventure, Crime | 23 September 2020 (USA) -- When Enola Holmes-Sherlock's teen sister-discovers her mother missing, she sets off to find her, becoming a super-sleuth in her own right as she outwits her famous brother and unravels a dangerous conspiracy around a mysterious young Lord. Director: Harry Bradbeer Writers:
Enough Said (2013) ::: 7.0/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 33min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 11 October 2013 (USA) -- A divorced woman who decides to pursue the man she's interested in learns he's her new friend's ex-husband. Director: Nicole Holofcener Writer: Nicole Holofcener
Enter Nowhere (2011) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 30min | Mystery, Sci-Fi, Thriller | 2 February 2015 (UK) -- Three strangers arrive one by one at a mysterious cabin in the middle of nowhere only to learn they've been brought together for a reason. Director: Jack Heller Writers: Shawn Christensen, Jason Dolan Stars:
Enter the Dragon (1973) ::: 7.7/10 -- R | 1h 42min | Action, Crime, Drama | 19 August 1973 (USA) -- A secret agent comes to an opium lord's island fortress with other fighters for a martial-arts tournament. Director: Robert Clouse Writer: Michael Allin
Enter the Void (2009) ::: 7.3/10 -- Not Rated | 2h 41min | Drama, Fantasy | 5 May 2010 (France) -- An American drug dealer living in Tokyo is betrayed by his best friend and killed in a drug deal. His soul, observing the repercussions of his death, seeks resurrection. Director: Gaspar No Writers:
Entourage (2015) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 1h 44min | Comedy, Drama | 3 June 2015 (USA) -- Movie star Vincent Chase, together with his boys Eric, Turtle, and Johnny, are back - and back in business with super agent-turned-studio head Ari Gold on a risky project that will serve as Vince's directorial debut. Director: Doug Ellin Writers:
Epic (2013) ::: 6.7/10 -- PG | 1h 42min | Animation, Adventure, Family | 24 May 2013 (USA) -- A teenager finds herself transported to a deep forest setting where a battle between the forces of good and the forces of evil is taking place. She bands together with a rag-tag group of characters in order to save their world -- and ours. Director: Chris Wedge Writers:
Epitaph (2007) ::: 6.4/10 -- Gidam (original title) -- Epitaph Poster A series of horrifying events plague a Korean hospital in the 1940s. Directors: Beom-sik Jeong, Sik Jung Writers: Beom-sik Jeong, Sik Jung Stars:
Equilibrium (2002) ::: 7.4/10 -- R | 1h 47min | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi | 6 December 2002 (USA) -- In an oppressive future where all forms of feeling are illegal, a man in charge of enforcing the law rises to overthrow the system and state. Director: Kurt Wimmer Writer: Kurt Wimmer
Equus (1977) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 2h 17min | Drama, Mystery | 20 October 1977 (UK) -- A psychiatrist attempts to uncover a troubled stable boy's disturbing obsession with horses. Director: Sidney Lumet Writers: Peter Shaffer (play), Peter Shaffer (screenplay) Stars:
Eraserhead (1977) ::: 7.4/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 29min | Fantasy, Horror | 3 February 1978 (USA) -- Henry Spencer tries to survive his industrial environment, his angry girlfriend, and the unbearable screams of his newly born mutant child. Director: David Lynch Writer: David Lynch
Erin Brockovich (2000) ::: 7.4/10 -- R | 2h 11min | Biography, Drama | 17 March 2000 (USA) -- An unemployed single mother becomes a legal assistant and almost single-handedly brings down a California power company accused of polluting a city's water supply. Director: Steven Soderbergh Writer:
Ernest & Celestine (2012) ::: 7.9/10 -- Ernest et Clestine (original title) -- Ernest & Celestine Poster -- The story of an unlikely friendship between a bear, Ernest, and a young mouse named Celestine. Directors: Stphane Aubier, Vincent Patar | 1 more credit Writers:
Escape from Alcatraz (1979) ::: 7.6/10 -- PG | 1h 52min | Action, Biography, Crime | 22 June 1979 (USA) -- Alcatraz is the most secure prison of its time. It is believed that no one can ever escape from it, until three daring men make a possible successful attempt at escaping from one of the most infamous prisons in the world. Director: Don Siegel (as Donald Siegel) Writers:
Escape from New York (1981) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 1h 39min | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi | 10 July 1981 (USA) -- In 1997, when the U.S. president crashes into Manhattan, now a giant maximum security prison, a convicted bank robber is sent in to rescue him. Director: John Carpenter Writers:
Escape from Pretoria (2020) ::: 6.8/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 46min | Thriller | 6 March 2020 (USA) -- Based on the real-life prison break of two political captives, Escape From Pretoria is a race-against-time thriller set in the tumultuous apartheid days of South Africa. Director: Francis Annan Writers:
Escape from Sobibor (1987) ::: 7.4/10 -- Not Rated | 2h 23min | Drama, History, War | TV Movie 12 April 1987 -- German death camp in Sobibor, Poland, killed two hundred fifty thousand Jews. It had the most successful prisoner escape in World War II on October 14, 1943. Director: Jack Gold Writers: Thomas 'Toivi' Blatt (manuscript "From the Ashes of Sobibor") (as Thomas Blatt), Richard Rashke (book) | 2 more credits
Escape Plan (2013) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 1h 55min | Action, Sci-Fi, Thriller | 18 October 2013 (USA) -- When a structural-security authority finds himself set up and incarcerated in the world's most secret and secure prison, he has to use his skills to escape with help from the inside. Director: Mikael Hfstrm Writers:
Escape Room (2019) ::: 6.4/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 39min | Action, Adventure, Horror | 4 January 2019 (USA) -- Six strangers find themselves in a maze of deadly mystery rooms and must use their wits to survive. Director: Adam Robitel Writers: Bragi F. Schut (screenplay by) (as Bragi Schut), Maria Melnik
Escape to Witch Mountain (1975) ::: 6.4/10 -- G | 1h 37min | Adventure, Family, Fantasy | 21 March 1975 (USA) -- Two mysterious orphan children have extraordinary powers and are chased by a scheming millionaire. But where do these kids really call home? Director: John Hough Writers: Robert Malcolm Young (screenplay by), Alexander Key (based on the book
Escobar: Paradise Lost (2014) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 2h | Crime, Drama, History | 26 June 2015 (USA) -- In Colombia, a young surfer meets the woman of his dreams - and then meets her uncle, Pablo Escobar. Director: Andrea Di Stefano Writers: Andrea Di Stefano (as Andrea di Stefano), Andrea Di Stefano
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004) ::: 8.3/10 -- R | 1h 48min | Drama, Romance, Sci-Fi | 19 March 2004 (USA) -- When their relationship turns sour, a couple undergoes a medical procedure to have each other erased from their memories. Director: Michel Gondry Writers: Charlie Kaufman (story), Michel Gondry (story) | 2 more credits
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004) ::: 8.3/10 -- R | 1h 48min | Drama, Romance, Sci-Fi | 19 March 2004 (USA) -- When their relationship turns sour, a couple undergoes a medical procedure to have each other erased from their memories. Director: Michel Gondry Writers: Charlie Kaufman (story), Michel Gondry (story) | 2 more credits
Eternity and a Day (1998) ::: 8.0/10 -- Mia aioniotita kai mia mera (original title) -- Eternity and a Day Poster Famous writer Alexander is very ill and has little time left to live. He meets a little boy on the street, who is an illegal immigrant from Albania, and goes on a journey with him to take the boy home. Director: Theodoros Angelopoulos (as Theo Angelopoulos) Writers: Theodoros Angelopoulos (as Theo Angelopoulos), Tonino Guerra (co-writer) | 2 more credits
E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982) ::: 7.8/10 -- PG | 1h 55min | Family, Sci-Fi | 11 June 1982 (USA) -- A troubled child summons the courage to help a friendly alien escape Earth and return to his home world. Director: Steven Spielberg Writer: Melissa Mathison
Eulogy (2004) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 1h 31min | Comedy, Drama | 26 September 2004 (Greece) -- A black comedy that follows three generations of a family, who come together for the funeral of the patriarch - unveiling a litany of family secrets and covert relationships. Director: Michael Clancy Writer:
Europa (1991) ::: 7.6/10 -- R | 1h 52min | Drama, Thriller | 27 June 1991 (Germany) -- Just after W.W.II, an American takes a railway job in Germany, but finds his position politically sensitive with various people trying to use him. Director: Lars von Trier Writers:
Europa Report (2013) ::: 6.4/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 30min | Action, Drama, Mystery | 27 June 2013 (USA) -- An international crew of astronauts undertakes a privately funded mission to search for life on Jupiter's fourth largest moon. Director: Sebastian Cordero Writer: Philip Gelatt
Europa Report (2013) ::: 6.4/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 30min | Action, Drama, Mystery | 27 June 2013 (USA) -- An international crew of astronauts undertakes a privately funded mission to search for life on Jupiter's fourth largest moon. Director: Sebastin Cordero Writer: Philip Gelatt
EuroTrip (2004) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 1h 32min | Comedy | 20 February 2004 (USA) -- Dumped by his girlfriend, a high school grad decides to embark on an overseas adventure in Europe with his friends. Directors: Jeff Schaffer, Alec Berg (co-director) (uncredited) | 1 more credit Writers: Alec Berg, David Mandel | 1 more credit
Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga (2020) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 3min | Comedy, Music | 26 June 2020 (USA) -- When aspiring musicians Lars and Sigrit are given the opportunity to represent their country at the world's biggest song competition, they finally have a chance to prove that any dream worth having is a dream worth fighting for. Director: David Dobkin Writers:
Evelyn (2002) ::: 7.0/10 -- PG | 1h 34min | Drama | 25 December 2002 (USA) -- Desmond's wife leaves him and their 3 kids after Christmas 1953. Unemployed in Dublin, the authorities place the kids in orphanages. Employed again, Desmond tries to get his kids back. Director: Bruce Beresford Writer: Paul Pender Stars:
Evening (2007) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 57min | Drama, Romance | 29 June 2007 (USA) -- A drama exploring the romantic past and emotional present of Ann Lord (Vanessa Redgrave) and her daughters, Constance Haverford (Natasha Richardson) and Nina Mars (Toni Collette). As Ann lays dying, she remembers, and is moved to convey to her daughters, the defining moments in her life fifty years ago, when she was a young woman. Harris Arden (Patrick Wilson) is the man Ann loves in the 1950s ... S Director:
Even the Rain (2010) ::: 7.4/10 -- Tambin la lluvia (original title) -- Even the Rain Poster -- As a director and his crew shoot a controversial film about Christopher Columbus in Cochabamba, Bolivia, local people rise up against plans to privatize the water supply. Director: Icar Bollan Writer:
Event Horizon (1997) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 1h 36min | Horror, Sci-Fi, Thriller | 15 August 1997 (USA) -- A rescue crew investigates a spaceship that disappeared into a black hole and has now returned...with someone or something new on-board. Director: Paul W.S. Anderson (as Paul Anderson) Writer: Philip Eisner
Ever After: A Cinderella Story (1998) ::: 7.0/10 -- EverAfter (original title) -- Ever After: A Cinderella Story Poster -- The Brothers Grimm arrive at the home of a wealthy Grande Dame who speaks of the many legends surrounding the fable of the cinder girl before telling the "true" story of her ancestor. Director: Andy Tennant Writers:
Everest (2015) ::: 7.1/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 1min | Action, Adventure, Biography | 25 September 2015 -- Everest Poster -- The story of New Zealand's Robert "Rob" Edwin Hall, who on May 10, 1996, together with Scott Fischer, teamed up on a joint expedition to ascend Mount Everest. Director: Baltasar Kormkur Writers:
Everybody Knows (2018) ::: 6.9/10 -- Todos lo saben (original title) -- Everybody Knows Poster -- Laura, a Spanish woman living in Buenos Aires, returns to her hometown outside Madrid with her two children to attend her sister's wedding. However, the trip is upset by unexpected events that bring secrets into the open. Director: Asghar Farhadi
Everybody Loves Somebody (2017) ::: 6.5/10 -- Todos queremos a alguien (original title) -- Everybody Loves Somebody Poster -- A successful and single career woman asks her co-worker to pose as her boyfriend at a family wedding back home in Mexico. Her situation gets complicated when her ex shows up at the ceremony. Director: Catalina Aguilar Mastretta Writer:
Everybody's Famous! (2000) ::: 6.9/10 -- Iedereen beroemd! (original title) -- Everybody's Famous! Poster Jean is a family man and factory worker who dreams of becoming a songwriter. Pinning his hopes on his teenage daughter, Marva, he takes her to singing contests in which the awkward and ... S Director: Dominique Deruddere Writer: Dominique Deruddere
Everybody's Famous! (2000) ::: 6.9/10 -- Iedereen beroemd! (original title) -- Everybody's Famous! Poster Jean is a family man and factory worker who dreams of becoming a songwriter. Pinning his hopes on his teenage daughter, Marva, he takes her to singing contests in which the awkward and ... S Director:
Everybody's Fine (2009) ::: 7.1/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 39min | Adventure, Drama | 4 December 2009 (USA) -- A widower who realized his only connection to his family was through his wife sets off on an impromptu road trip to reunite with each of his grown children. Director: Kirk Jones Writers:
Everybody Wants Some!! (2016) ::: 6.9/10 -- R | 1h 57min | Comedy | 7 April 2016 (Russia) -- In 1980, a group of college baseball players navigate their way through the freedoms and responsibilities of unsupervised adulthood. Director: Richard Linklater Writer: Richard Linklater
Every Day (2018) ::: 6.4/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 37min | Drama, Fantasy, Romance | 23 February 2018 (USA) -- A shy teenager falls for a spirit who wakes up in the body of a different person every morning. Director: Michael Sucsy Writers: Jesse Andrews (screenplay by), David Levithan (based on the novel by)
Everyone Says I Love You (1996) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 1h 41min | Comedy, Musical, Romance | 17 January 1997 (USA) -- A New York girl sets her father up with a beautiful woman in a troubled marriage while her stepsister gets engaged. Director: Woody Allen Writer: Woody Allen
Everything, Everything (2017) ::: 6.4/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 36min | Drama, Romance | 19 May 2017 (USA) -- A teenager who's spent her whole life confined to her home falls for the boy next door. Director: Stella Meghie Writers: J. Mills Goodloe (screenplay by), Nicola Yoon (based on the book by)
Everything Is Illuminated (2005) ::: 7.4/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 46min | Comedy, Drama | 4 November 2005 (Mexico) -- A young Jewish American man endeavors to find the woman who saved his grandfather during World War II in a Ukrainian village, that was ultimately razed by the Nazis, with the help of an eccentric local. Director: Liev Schreiber Writers:
Everything Must Go (2010) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 37min | Drama | 14 October 2011 (UK) -- When an alcoholic relapses, causing him to lose his wife and his job, he holds a yard sale on his front lawn in an attempt to start over. A new neighbor might be the key to his return to form. Director: Dan Rush Writers:
Everything's Eventual (2009) ::: 6.8/10 -- 1h 18min | Crime, Drama, Horror | 23 October 2009 (USA) -- A young man, who has a unique psychic talent, is recruited by a mysterious company. In return, he is given everything he wants, a house, a car, everything. His situation seems ideal, ... S Director: J.P. Scott Writers:
Every Which Way but Loose (1978) ::: 6.4/10 -- PG | 1h 54min | Action, Comedy | 20 December 1978 (USA) -- The San Fernando Valley adventures of trucker turned prize-fighter Philo Beddoe and his pet orangutan Clyde. Director: James Fargo Writer: Jeremy Joe Kronsberg
Eve's Bayou (1997) ::: 7.3/10 -- R | 1h 49min | Drama | 7 November 1997 (USA) -- What did little Eve see--and how will it haunt her? Husband, father and womanizer Louis Batiste is the head of an affluent family, but it's the women who rule this gothic world of secrets, lies and mystic forces. Director: Kasi Lemmons Writer:
Evil Dead (2013) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 31min | Action, Adventure, Fantasy | 5 April 2013 (USA) -- Five friends head to a remote cabin, where the discovery of a Book of the Dead leads them to unwittingly summon up demons living in the nearby woods. Director: Fede Alvarez Writers:
Evil Dead II (1987) ::: 7.8/10 -- R | 1h 24min | Action, Comedy, Fantasy | 13 March 1987 (USA) -- The lone survivor of an onslaught of flesh-possessing spirits holes up in a cabin with a group of strangers while the demons continue their attack. Director: Sam Raimi Writers:
Evil Under the Sun (1982) ::: 7.1/10 -- PG | 1h 57min | Crime, Drama, Mystery | 5 March 1982 (USA) -- Trying to find how a millionaire wound up with a phony diamond brings Hercule Poirot (Sir Peter Ustinov) to an exclusive island resort frequented by the rich and famous. When a murder is committed, everyone has an alibi. Director: Guy Hamilton Writer:
Exam (2009) ::: 6.8/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 41min | Mystery, Thriller | 17 June 2010 (Hong Kong) -- Eight candidates for a highly desirable corporate job are locked together in an exam room and given a final test with just one seemingly simple question. However, it doesn't take long for confusion to ensue and tensions to unravel. Director: Stuart Hazeldine Writers:
Excalibur (1981) ::: 7.4/10 -- PG | 2h 20min | Adventure, Drama, Fantasy | 10 April 1981 (USA) -- Merlin the magician helps Arthur Pendragon unite the Britons around the Round Table of Camelot, even as dark forces conspire to tear it apart. Director: John Boorman Writers: Thomas Malory (book), Rospo Pallenberg (adaptation) | 2 more credits
Executive Decision (1996) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 2h 13min | Action, Adventure, Thriller | 15 March 1996 (USA) -- When terrorists seize control of an airliner, an intelligence analyst accompanies a commando unit for a midair boarding operation. Director: Stuart Baird Writers: Jim Thomas, John Thomas
Executive Protection (2001) ::: 6.4/10 -- Livvakterna (original title) -- (Sweden) Executive Protection Poster After causing a commotion with his last assignment, Falk has been given a desk job, which hardly agrees with his personality, and he ends up accepting an offer from an old friend to buy ... S Director: Anders Nilsson Writers: Anders Nilsson, Joakim Hansson
Executive Suite (1954) ::: 7.4/10 -- Passed | 1h 44min | Drama | 30 April 1954 (USA) -- When the head of a large manufacturing firm dies suddenly from a stroke, his vice presidents vie to see who will replace him. Director: Robert Wise Writers: Ernest Lehman (screen play), Cameron Hawley (based on the novel by)
Exiled (2006) ::: 7.2/10 -- Fong juk (original title) -- Exiled Poster -- A friendship is formed between an ex-gangster, and two groups of hitmen - those who want to protect him and those who were sent to kill him. Director: Johnnie To Writers:
eXistenZ (1999) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 1h 37min | Horror, Sci-Fi, Thriller | 23 April 1999 (USA) -- A game designer on the run from assassins must play her latest virtual reality creation with a marketing trainee to determine if the game has been damaged. Director: David Cronenberg Writer:
Ex Machina (2014) ::: 7.7/10 -- R | 1h 48min | Drama, Sci-Fi, Thriller | 24 April 2015 (USA) -- A young programmer is selected to participate in a ground-breaking experiment in synthetic intelligence by evaluating the human qualities of a highly advanced humanoid A.I. Director: Alex Garland Writer:
Exodus (1960) ::: 6.7/10 -- Approved | 3h 28min | Action, Drama, History | 2 January 1961 (Brazil) -- The state of Israel is created in 1948, resulting in war with its Arab neighbors. Director: Otto Preminger Writers: Dalton Trumbo (screenplay), Leon Uris (novel)
Exotica (1994) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 1h 43min | Drama | 24 March 1995 (USA) -- A man plagued by neuroses frequents the club Exotica in an attempt to find solace, but even there his past is never far away. Director: Atom Egoyan Writer: Atom Egoyan
Experimenter (2015) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 38min | Biography, Drama, History | 16 October 2015 (USA) -- In 1961, famed social psychologist Stanley Milgram conducted a series of radical behavior experiments that tested ordinary humans' willingness to obey authority. Director: Michael Almereyda Writer:
Experiment in Terror (1962) ::: 7.2/10 -- Not Rated | 2h 3min | Crime, Mystery, Thriller | May 1962 (Canada) -- A man with an asthmatic voice telephones and assaults clerk Kelly Sherwood at home and coerces her into helping him steal a large sum from her bank. Director: Blake Edwards Writers:
Explorers (1985) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG | 1h 49min | Adventure, Comedy, Family | 12 July 1985 (USA) -- A boy obsessed with 50s sci-fi movies about aliens has a recurring dream about a blueprint of some kind, which he draws for his inventor friend. With the help of a third kid, they follow it and build themselves a spaceship. Now what? Director: Joe Dante Writer:
Extracted (2012) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 29min | Drama, Sci-Fi | 9 September 2013 (UK) -- A scientist who has invented a technology to construct virtual realities from people's memories finds himself in a perilous situation, after he reluctantly allows it to be used for a purpose he never imagined. Director: Nir Paniry Writers:
Extraction (2020) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 1h 56min | Action, Thriller | 24 April 2020 (USA) -- Tyler Rake, a fearless black market mercenary, embarks on the most deadly extraction of his career when he's enlisted to rescue the kidnapped son of an imprisoned international crime lord. Director: Sam Hargrave Writers:
Extra Ordinary (2019) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 34min | Comedy, Fantasy, Horror | 6 March 2020 (USA) -- Rose, a mostly sweet and lonely Irish driving instructor, must use her supernatural talents to save the daughter of Martin (also mostly sweet and lonely) from a washed-up rock star who is using her in a Satanic pact to reignite his fame. Directors: Mike Ahern, Enda Loughman Writers:
Extraordinary Measures (2010) ::: 6.4/10 -- PG | 1h 46min | Drama | 22 January 2010 (USA) -- A drama centered on the efforts of John and Aileen Crowley to find a researcher who might have a cure for their two children's rare genetic disorder. Director: Tom Vaughan Writers:
Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close (2011) ::: 6.9/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 9min | Adventure, Drama, Mystery | 20 January 2012 (USA) -- A nine-year-old amateur inventor, Francophile, and pacifist searches New York City for the lock that matches a mysterious key left behind by his father, who died in the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. Director: Stephen Daldry Writers:
Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile (2019) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 1h 50min | Biography, Crime, Drama | 3 May 2019 (USA) -- A chronicle of the crimes of Ted Bundy from the perspective of Liz, his longtime girlfriend, who refused to believe the truth about him for years. Director: Joe Berlinger Writers:
Extreme Prejudice (1987) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 1h 44min | Action, Crime, Drama | 24 April 1987 (USA) -- A Texas Ranger and a ruthless narcotics kingpin - they were childhood friends, now they are adversaries... Director: Walter Hill Writers: John Milius (story), Fred Rexer (story) | 2 more credits
Eye in the Sky (2015) ::: 7.3/10 -- R | 1h 42min | Action, Drama, Thriller | 1 April 2016 (USA) -- Col. Katherine Powell, a military officer in command of an operation to capture terrorists in Kenya, sees her mission escalate when a girl enters the kill zone triggering an international dispute over the implications of modern warfare. Director: Gavin Hood Writer:
Eye of the Needle (1981) ::: 7.1/10 -- R | 1h 52min | Romance, Thriller, War | 24 July 1981 (USA) -- A ruthless German spy, trying to get out of Britain with vital information about D-Day, must spend time with a young woman and her crippled husband. Director: Richard Marquand Writers: Ken Follett (based on the novel by), Stanley Mann (screenplay) Stars:
Eyes Wide Open (2009) ::: 7.3/10 -- Einayim Petukhoth (original title) -- Eyes Wide Open Poster -- A married, Orthodox, Jerusalem butcher and Jewish father of four falls in love with his handsome, 22-year-old male apprentice, triggering the suspicions of his wife and the disapproval of his Orthodox community. Director: Haim Tabakman Writer:
Eyes Wide Shut (1999) ::: 7.4/10 -- R | 2h 39min | Drama, Mystery, Thriller | 16 July 1999 (USA) -- A New York City doctor embarks on a harrowing, night-long odyssey of sexual and moral discovery after his wife reveals a painful secret to him. Director: Stanley Kubrick Writers:
Face (1997) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 1h 45min | Crime, Drama, Thriller | 26 September 1997 (UK) -- In the face of demise in his values, a socialist in England decides to form a gang and rob banks for a living. Director: Antonia Bird Writer: Ronan Bennett (screenplay)
Face/Off (1997) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 2h 18min | Action, Crime, Sci-Fi | 27 June 1997 (USA) -- To foil a terrorist plot, an FBI agent undergoes facial transplant surgery to assume the identity of the criminal mastermind who murdered his only son, but the criminal wakes up prematurely and seeks revenge. Director: John Woo Writers:
Faces (1968) ::: 7.6/10 -- R | 2h 10min | Drama | 17 October 1968 (UK) -- A middle-aged man leaves his wife for another woman. Shortly after, his ex-wife also begins a relationship with a younger partner. The film follows their struggles to find love amongst each other. Director: John Cassavetes Writer:
Facing the Giants (2006) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG | 1h 51min | Drama, Fantasy, Sport | 29 September 2006 (USA) -- A losing coach with an underdog football team faces their giants of fear and failure on and off the field to surprising results. Director: Alex Kendrick Writers: Alex Kendrick (story), Stephen Kendrick (story) | 2 more credits
Factory Girl (2006) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 30min | Biography, Drama | 16 February 2007 (USA) -- Based on the rise and fall of socialite Edie Sedgwick, concentrating on her relationships with Andy Warhol and a folk singer. Director: George Hickenlooper Writers: Captain Mauzner (screenplay), Simon Monjack (story) | 2 more credits
Factotum (2005) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 1h 34min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 29 April 2005 (Norway) -- This drama centers on Hank Chinaski, the fictional alter-ego of "Factotum" author Charles Bukowski, who wanders around Los Angeles, CA trying to live off jobs which don't interfere with his primary interest, which is writing. Along the way, he fends off the distractions offered by women, drinking and gambling. Director: Bent Hamer
Fahrenheit 451 (1966) ::: 7.2/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 52min | Drama, Sci-Fi | 14 November 1966 (USA) -- In an oppressive future, a fireman whose duty is to destroy all books begins to question his task. Director: Franois Truffaut Writers: Franois Truffaut (screenplay), Jean-Louis Richard (screenplay) | 1
Fail Safe (1964) ::: 8.0/10 -- Approved | 1h 52min | Drama, Thriller, War | 7 October 1964 (USA) -- A technical malfunction sends American planes to Moscow to deliver a nuclear attack. Can all-out war be averted? Director: Sidney Lumet Writers: Walter Bernstein (screenplay), Eugene Burdick (from the novel by) | 1
Fail Safe (2000) ::: 7.3/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 26min | Drama, Thriller | TV Movie 9 April 2000 -- Cold War tensions climb to a fever pitch when a U.S. bomber is accidentally ordered to drop a nuclear warhead on Moscow. Directors: Stephen Frears, Martin Pasetta (as Martin A. Pasetta Jr.) Writers: Eugene Burdick (novel), Harvey Wheeler (novel) | 1 more credit
Fair Game (2010) ::: 6.8/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 48min | Biography, Drama, Thriller | 3 December 2010 (USA) -- CIA operative Valerie Plame discovers her identity is allegedly leaked by the government as payback for an op-ed article her husband wrote criticizing the Bush administration. Director: Doug Liman Writers:
FairyTale: A True Story (1997) ::: 6.4/10 -- PG | 1h 39min | Drama, Family, Fantasy | 24 October 1997 (USA) -- In 1917, two children take a photograph, which is soon believed by some to be the first scientific evidence of the existence of fairies. Director: Charles Sturridge Writers: Albert Ash (story), Tom McLoughlin (story) | 2 more credits Stars:
Faith Like Potatoes (2006) ::: 6.8/10 -- PG | 1h 56min | Drama | 27 October 2006 (South Africa) -- Frank Rautenbach leads a strong cast as Angus Buchan, a African farmer on steroids of Scottish heritage, who leaves his farm to his loyal subjects in the midst of political unrest and ... S Director: Regardt van den Bergh Writers:
Fallen (1998) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 2h 4min | Action, Crime, Drama | 16 January 1998 (USA) -- Homicide detective John Hobbes witnesses the execution of serial killer Edgar Reese. Soon after the execution, the killings start again, and they are very similar to Reese's style. Director: Gregory Hoblit Writer:
Fallen (2006) ::: 6.6/10 -- 1h 21min | Action, Adventure, Drama | TV Movie 23 July 2006 -- Aaron is a high school jock with a promising future. But on his 18th birthday, his life forever changes when his incredible powers emerge, revealing the terrifying truth of his identity. As... S Director: Mikael Salomon Writers:
Fallen Angel (1945) ::: 7.1/10 -- Approved | 1h 38min | Crime, Film-Noir, Mystery | 20 March 1946 -- Fallen Angel Poster -- A slick con man arrives in a small town looking to make some money, but soon gets more than he bargained for. Director: Otto Preminger Writers:
Fallen Angels (1995) ::: 7.7/10 -- Do lok tin si (original title) -- Fallen Angels Poster This Hong Kong-set crime drama follows the lives of a hitman, hoping to get out of the business, and his elusive female partner. Director: Kar-Wai Wong Writer: Kar-Wai Wong Stars:
Falling Down (1993) ::: 7.6/10 -- R | 1h 53min | Crime, Drama, Thriller | 26 February 1993 (USA) -- An ordinary man frustrated with the various flaws he sees in society begins to psychotically and violently lash out against them. Director: Joel Schumacher Writer: Ebbe Roe Smith
Falling in Love (1984) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 46min | Drama, Romance | 21 November 1984 (USA) -- Although they live married lives, two strangers keep running into each other, starting a friendship that could blossom into so much more. Director: Ulu Grosbard Writer: Michael Cristofer
Fame (1980) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 2h 14min | Drama, Music, Musical | 16 May 1980 (USA) -- A chronicle of the lives of several teenagers who attend a New York high school for students gifted in the performing arts. Director: Alan Parker Writer: Christopher Gore
Family Plot (1976) ::: 6.8/10 -- PG | 2h | Comedy, Crime, Drama | 9 April 1976 (USA) -- A phony psychic/con artist and her taxi driver/private investigator boyfriend encounter a pair of serial kidnappers while trailing a missing heir in California. Director: Alfred Hitchcock Writers:
Family Way (2012) ::: 6.6/10 -- Alles is familie (original title) -- Family Way Poster Finding themselves at a crossroads in their tumultuous lives, the members of a daftly dysfunctional family struggle to sort out their hopes, fears and expectations. Director: Joram Lrsen Writer: Kim van Kooten
Fanboys (2009) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 30min | Adventure, Comedy, Crime | 13 February 2009 -- Fanboys Poster -- Star Wars fanatics take a cross-country trip to George Lucas' Skywalker Ranch so their dying friend can see a screening of Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (1999) before its release. Director: Kyle Newman Writers:
Fandango (1985) ::: 6.8/10 -- PG | 1h 31min | Comedy, Drama | 25 January 1985 (USA) -- Five college buddies from the University of Texas circa 1971 embark on a final road trip odyssey across the Mexican border before facing up to uncertain futures, in Vietnam and otherwise. Director: Kevin Reynolds Writer: Kevin Reynolds Stars:
Fanny and Alexander (1982) ::: 8.1/10 -- Fanny och Alexander (original title) -- Fanny and Alexander Poster Two young Swedish children experience the many comedies and tragedies of their family, the Ekdahls. Director: Ingmar Bergman Writer: Ingmar Bergman Stars:
Fantasia (1940) ::: 7.7/10 -- G | 2h 5min | Animation, Family, Fantasy | 19 September 1941 (USA) -- A collection of animated interpretations of great works of Western classical music. Directors: James Algar (uncredited), Samuel Armstrong (uncredited) | 10 more credits Writers:
Fantasia 2000 (1999) ::: 7.2/10 -- G | 1h 15min | Animation, Comedy, Family | 16 June 2000 (USA) -- An update of the original film with new interpretations of great works of classical music. Directors: James Algar, Gatan Brizzi | 6 more credits Writers: Eric Goldberg (story), Joe Grant (original concept) | 10 more credits
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (2016) ::: 7.3/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 12min | Adventure, Family, Fantasy | 18 November 2016 (USA) -- The adventures of writer Newt Scamander in New York's secret community of witches and wizards seventy years before Harry Potter reads his book in school. Director: David Yates Writer:
Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald (2018) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 14min | Adventure, Family, Fantasy | 16 November 2018 (USA) -- The second installment of the "Fantastic Beasts" series featuring the adventures of Magizoologist Newt Scamander. Director: David Yates Writers: J.K. Rowling, J.K. Rowling (based upon characters created by)
Fantastic Mr. Fox (2009) ::: 7.9/10 -- PG | 1h 27min | Animation, Adventure, Comedy | 25 November 2009 (USA) -- An urbane fox cannot resist returning to his farm raiding ways and then must help his community survive the farmers' retaliation. Director: Wes Anderson Writers: Roald Dahl (novel), Wes Anderson (screenplay) | 1 more credit
Fantastic Mr. Fox (2009) ::: 7.9/10 -- PG | 1h 27min | Animation, Adventure, Comedy | 25 November 2009 (USA) -- An urbane fox cannot resist returning to his farm raiding ways and then must help his community survive the farmers' retaliation. Director: Wes Anderson Writers: Roald Dahl (novel), Wes Anderson (screenplay) | 1 more credit
Fantastic Planet (1973) ::: 7.8/10 -- La plante sauvage (original title) -- Fantastic Planet Poster -- On a faraway planet where blue giants rule, oppressed humanoids rebel against their machine-like leaders. Director: Ren Laloux Writers:
Fantastic Voyage (1966) ::: 6.8/10 -- PG | 1h 40min | Adventure, Family, Sci-Fi | 23 September 1966 (Japan) -- A scientist is nearly assassinated. In order to save him, a submarine is shrunken to microscopic size and injected into his bloodstream with a small crew. Problems arise almost as soon as they enter it. Director: Richard Fleischer Writers:
Far and Away (1992) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 20min | Adventure, Drama, Romance | 22 May 1992 (USA) -- A young Irish couple flee to the States, but subsequently struggle to obtain land and prosper freely. Director: Ron Howard Writers: Bob Dolman (story), Ron Howard (story) | 1 more credit Stars:
Faraway, So Close! (1993) ::: 7.3/10 -- In weiter Ferne, so nah! (original title) -- Faraway, So Close! Poster -- A group of angels in the German capital look longingly upon the life of humans. Director: Wim Wenders Writers:
Farewell (2009) ::: 7.0/10 -- L'affaire Farewell (original title) -- (France) Farewell Poster -- The French intelligence service alerts the U.S. about a Soviet spy operation during the height of the Cold War, which sets off an unfortunate chain of events. Director: Christian Carion
Farewell, My Lovely (1975) ::: 7.1/10 -- R | 1h 35min | Crime, Mystery, Thriller | 8 August 1975 (USA) -- Los Angeles private eye Philip Marlowe is hired by paroled convict Moose Malloy to find his girlfriend Velma, former seedy nightclub dancer. Director: Dick Richards Writers:
Far from Heaven (2002) ::: 7.3/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 47min | Drama, Romance | 10 January 2003 (USA) -- In 1950s Connecticut, a housewife faces a marital crisis and mounting racial tensions in the outside world. Director: Todd Haynes Writer: Todd Haynes
Far from the Madding Crowd (1967) ::: 7.2/10 -- GP | 2h 48min | Drama, History, Romance | 18 October 1967 (USA) -- Bathsheba Everdene, a willful, flirtatious, young woman, unexpectedly inherits a large farm and is romantically pursued by three very different men. Director: John Schlesinger Writers: Thomas Hardy (from the novel by), Frederic Raphael (screenplay) Stars:
Far from the Madding Crowd (2015) ::: 7.1/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 59min | Drama, Romance | 22 May 2015 (USA) -- In Victorian England, the independent and headstrong Bathsheba Everdene attracts three very different suitors: Gabriel Oak, a sheep farmer; Frank Troy, a reckless Sergeant; and William Boldwood, a prosperous and mature bachelor. Director: Thomas Vinterberg Writers:
Fargo (1996) ::: 8.1/10 -- R | 1h 38min | Crime, Drama, Thriller | 5 April 1996 (USA) -- Jerry Lundegaard's inept crime falls apart due to his and his henchmen's bungling and the persistent police work of the quite pregnant Marge Gunderson. Directors: Joel Coen, Ethan Coen (uncredited) Writers:
Faster (2010) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 38min | Action, Crime, Drama | 24 November 2010 (USA) -- An ex-con gets on a series of apparently unrelated killings. He gets tracked by a veteran cop with secrets of his own and an egocentric hit man. Director: George Tillman Jr. Writers:
Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill! (1965) ::: 6.7/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 23min | Action, Comedy | 6 August 1965 (USA) -- Three go-go dancers holding a young girl hostage come across a crippled old man living with his two sons in the desert. After learning he's hiding a sum of cash around, the women start scheming on him. Director: Russ Meyer Writers: Jackie Moran (screenplay) (as Jack Moran), Russ Meyer (original story) Stars:
Fast Five (2011) ::: 7.3/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 10min | Action, Adventure, Crime | 29 April 2011 (USA) -- Dominic Toretto and his crew of street racers plan a massive heist to buy their freedom while in the sights of a powerful Brazilian drug lord and a dangerous federal agent. Director: Justin Lin Writers:
Fast & Furious (2009) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 47min | Action, Thriller | 3 April 2009 (USA) -- Brian O'Conner, back working for the FBI in Los Angeles, teams up with Dominic Toretto to bring down a heroin importer by infiltrating his operation. Director: Justin Lin Writers:
Fast & Furious 6 (2013) ::: 7.0/10 -- Furious 6 (original title) -- Fast & Furious 6 Poster -- Hobbs has Dominic and Brian reassemble their crew to take down a team of mercenaries: Dominic unexpectedly gets sidetracked with facing his presumed deceased girlfriend, Letty. Director: Justin Lin Writers:
Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw (2019) ::: 6.4/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 17min | Action, Adventure, Thriller | 2 August 2019 (USA) -- Lawman Luke Hobbs (Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson) and outcast Deckard Shaw (Jason Statham) form an unlikely alliance when a cyber-genetically enhanced villain threatens the future of humanity. Director: David Leitch Writers:
Fast Times at Ridgemont High (1982) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 1h 30min | Comedy, Drama | 13 August 1982 (USA) -- A group of Southern California high school students are enjoying their most important subjects: sex, drugs, and rock n' roll. Director: Amy Heckerling Writers: Cameron Crowe (screenplay), Cameron Crowe (book)
Fatal Attraction (1987) ::: 6.9/10 -- R | 1h 59min | Drama, Thriller | 18 September 1987 (USA) -- A married man's one-night stand comes back to haunt him when that lover begins to stalk him and his family. Director: Adrian Lyne Writers: James Dearden (screenplay), James Dearden (short film)
Fat City (1972) ::: 7.3/10 -- PG | 1h 36min | Drama, Sport | 26 July 1972 (USA) -- Two men, working as professional boxers, come to blows when their careers each begin to take opposite momentum. Director: John Huston Writers: Leonard Gardner (screenplay), Leonard Gardner (novel) Stars:
Fateless (2005) ::: 6.9/10 -- Sorstalansg (original title) -- Fateless Poster -- 14-year-old Gyrgy's life is torn apart in WWII Hungary, as he is deported first to Auschwitz and then to Buchenwald, where he is forced to become a man in the midst of hatred, and what it really means to be Jewish. Director: Lajos Koltai
Fat Girl (2001) ::: 6.5/10 -- ma soeur! (original title) -- Fat Girl Poster Two sisters confront their sexual attitudes and experiences while on a family holiday. Director: Catherine Breillat Writer: Catherine Breillat Stars:
Father Goose (1964) ::: 7.4/10 -- Approved | 1h 58min | Adventure, Comedy, Romance | 24 December 1964 -- Father Goose Poster During World War II, a man persuaded to live on an isolated island and spot aircraft finds himself responsible for a teacher and several students, all female. Director: Ralph Nelson Writers: Peter Stone (screenplay), Frank Tarloff (screenplay) | 1 more credit
Fatherland (1994) ::: 6.5/10 -- 1h 46min | Drama, Romance, Sci-Fi | TV Movie 26 November 1994 -- In April 1964, more than twenty years after the Nazis won World War II, S.S. officer Xavier March (Rutger Hauer) uncovers a plot to eliminate the attendees of the Wannsee Conference so that Germany can establish better relations with the U.S. Director: Christopher Menaul Writers: Robert Harris (novel), Stanley Weiser (teleplay) | 1 more credit
Father of the Bride (1950) ::: 7.2/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 32min | Comedy, Romance | 16 June 1950 (USA) -- The father of a young woman deals with the emotional pain of her getting married, along with the financial and organizational trouble of arranging the wedding. Director: Vincente Minnelli Writers:
Father of the Bride (1991) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG | 1h 45min | Comedy, Family, Romance | 20 December 1991 (USA) -- With his oldest daughter's wedding approaching, a father finds himself reluctant to let go. Director: Charles Shyer Writers: Frances Goodrich (screenplay), Albert Hackett (screenplay) | 2 more
Fathers & Daughters (2015) ::: 7.1/10 -- R | 1h 56min | Drama | 8 July 2016 (USA) -- A Pulitzer-winning writer grapples with being a widower and father after a mental breakdown, while, 27 years later, his grown daughter struggles to forge connections of her own. Director: Gabriele Muccino Writer:
Father's Little Dividend (1951) ::: 6.6/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 22min | Comedy, Romance | 27 April 1951 (USA) -- Shortly after coming to terms with his daughter's marriage, a father faces the prospect of becoming a grandfather. Director: Vincente Minnelli Writers: Albert Hackett (screenplay), Frances Goodrich (screenplay) | 1 more
Fat Kid Rules the World (2012) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 38min | Comedy, Drama | 9 March 2012 (USA) -- A dropout comes to the aid of a chubby and suicidal high-school kid by recruiting him as the drummer for his upstart punk-rock band. Director: Matthew Lillard Writers: Michael M.B. Galvin (screenplay by), Peter Speakman (screenplay by) | 1
Fat Man and Little Boy (1989) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 7min | Biography, Drama, History | 20 October 1989 (USA) -- This film reenacts the Manhattan Project, the secret wartime project in New Mexico where the first atomic bombs were designed and built. Director: Roland Joff Writers: Bruce Robinson (story), Bruce Robinson (screenplay) | 1 more credit
Faults (2014) ::: 6.7/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 29min | Comedy, Crime, Drama | 6 March 2015 (USA) -- A cult deprogrammer must help a couple whose daughter has recently joined a cult. Director: Riley Stearns Writer: Riley Stearns

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